The BEST of David Tennant! | The Graham Norton Show

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is it true the thing that you and your father into adulthood never swore in front of people oh NE never I never swore in front of him and I never never heard him he was a man of the cloth he was a clergyman for goodness sake except I never heard I never heard him swear and I suppose he heard me swear in things you know if I if like but but that was always the script so that was fine so he but no I would I would never swear in front of my dad never and he and and I don't think I swear would ever passed his lips until I he was he came down to he came down to stay with me in London once to go and see Billy connley Billy connley was he we grew up yeah loving Billy connley and we'd have the cassettes of Billy connley in the car and my dad was a big billy connley fan so he came to see came down London to see Billy connley and then he would he came back and started doing bits of the act it was just all very oh that's very F but then I guess because it was the scrap suddenly he's standing in my living room and B there [Laughter] [Applause] going wow this is the moderator of the Church of Scotland I think I think you'll be excommunicated but because it was Billy it was allowed B's a special case yes of course oddly you met your wife on the set of Doctor Who yeah but she is the daughter of a doctor who yes which must drive Doctor Who people into Friendzy I mean it is statistically quite unlikely yeah um but it oh there we all are look there's the three of us yeah oh that's so embarrassing I'm wearing the same suit come on and [Applause] tie doesn't make me look very when swept and celebrity tastic doesn't it I mean it's a very nice one you wouldn't want me to just wear it once right you would think having uh lots of children would keep you kind of young techsavvy you know you'd know what's going on but David Tenant this has not happened for you you recently found out that you got left behind in the world of texting and things well yeah I was I now when you start jobs there's a because of the MEO and lots of you know great strides forward are being made in making sure workplaces are safe and so so now different companies have different ways of coping with that and I was I had to for a show I was doing I had to sit and watch a video and prove that I'd watched this video from start to finish and it very takes you through things that are acceptable and not acceptable in the workplace and then right at the end of this sequence when it's talking about how to communicate uh on your mobile phone and what's appropriate and what isn't appropriate it says and remember the eggplant emoji is not just an eggplant and that's it and I left going what the is an eggplant it's an noine right I mean it's but that's not what they mean there's a whole and it turns out and I I didn't knew nothing about this there's a whole kind of language yes there is usually based around food stuffs where they represent other things yeah asking someone out for a taco could easily be misinterpreted it turns out did you know that be careful did you know about this did you know about this yes you been I mean the eggplant kind of looks like it doesn't even look like an eggplant it's it's you know and then you've got the peach and then if you if you start adding to that the rain drops and all you can do anything it's all don't act innocent don't come here with your 's field clearly but do you text do you have a smartphone I do yes okay then I have no idea how that passed you by that's weird because because I thought the Emojis were just meant to represent what they represented I didn't know it was this whole kind of other language you had to learn can you get explicit em that's what we need yes Apple needs to move forward and just call a vagina a vagina do you exaggerate what a big geeky doctor whoan you were when you were a kid to make it kind of a better story to be honest I probably underplay it yeah no I was a proper full on I had a Tom Baker doll my granny knitted me a scarf the works yeah listen with lots lot of who fans in and uh there's too many in for them all to talk to so one of them right is going to get the opportunity to ask you the one kind of burning question they always had the one thing they've always wanted the opportunity to ask Doctor Who right so will you marry me not that so to to whittle it down to whittle it down because you do know a lot of this so ask them ask them a really really really difficult a really difficult one really it has to be really difficult cuz these people are look at them look at them getting ready they're getting ready okay go with an incredibly difficult one oh I wasn't I wasn't ready for this okay uh a really hard one would be um what was the name oh that's good already of who was the actor who for two weeks took over from Fraser Hines when he was sick that CH oh my God I can't believe somebody knows that no wait a minute wait AE let me just check is he the only one no one else knows oh hang on we have another one over there any advance on him another one at the top should we go with that cuz he was first he was very quick he was very quick we'll go with him but just it's interesting three people okay and he might get it wrong I'm doubting it but he might get okay what's your name sir H David David an excellent Name what was the name of the ACT heish Wilson he's absolutely right whoa okay and that's from 1968 8 okay David stand up stand up David okay okay okay this is very exciting now I'm so sorry I'm so were you right yeah were you right yeah look at the sadness in that face yes I was sorry sorry let me just get into DAV you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine fine all right so now David so there he is Doctor Who have you met Doctor Who before yes I've met David before have you yes where did we meet before we met on delex and Manhattan set oh okay remember the D yeah the Alex Take Manhattan yeah yeah had you won the competition no I didn't win a competition why were you there he's right [Applause] now it David it's not too late there are other people who [Applause] you don't talk to the don't tonight that work for yourself now thank you thank you it's all right leave it leave it it's not worth it honestly it's not worth it you be told now David David this is this yes he's about to be not Doctor Who anymore so the one question you've always want to ask him I well my first memory of Doctor Who was John per in Planet of the spiders okay uh what was your first memory of uh Doctor Who that's it that's a nice gentle question all right what was your first member Dr um it was probably John pet we turning into Tom Baker oh that was mine from the same story yeah yeah yeah you're going to get together right there's a lot of sexual tension I feel do you think a lot you could cut the sexual attention with a knife ladies and gentlemen I hadn't seen that didn't no well you're you're single now and Peter the Jersey the actor who plays the other guy he's going out with someone else now he turned you down so it's obvious I need is it though I don't think that's real can I this isn't just me making this up this is coming from the fans there's fan art we have not made this fan art up there's a there's a lovely picture of the two of you uh look there there there's theather wow there's the beach wedding and I think this they would they would get married on the beach where a hideous murder took place that's what they do well that's how they met to commemorate it it's a special place for you it's our beach and then I think this is maybe uh some steamy time behind the hotel wher everyone stays check that out look at that I know CCTV in the hotel now David Tenant I would trust you with a secret thanks you were Doctor Who you sat on this couch you didn't tell us anything for years every Christmas you'd come here and go no nothing nothing nothing yeah Olivia Coleman half a glass of wine really that's not true you know that's not true not true a whole glass of wine then the producers it's not true how how close to the end of series 1 did you guys twig that Joe was the guy well obviously when you got the script script you must have read it we got the script shut up what did you know and half halfway through series one I was talking to my agent about something and she said so nobody knows I went no absolutely nobody knows so it's just Olivia is the only one who knows and I said no Olivia doesn't know either no I think she does Agent H agent no no no Olivia and I honestly we've spent weeks together we've been talking every day we've been chatting about discussing who it might be taking bets no no no Olivia definitely knows I charged into the van he was so angry yeah so she kept that secret brilliantly for months that's in I take it all back in hat off you apparently you quite relaxed in in the Tardis go on I thought I he told me you sometimes just let rip in the Tardis we get almost competitive about it yeah yeah um well I think farting before performing any of any kind is is is a is a it's an exorcism it you know gets you ready for creativity providing you don't follow through and that's not ideally yes yeah but but I discover that that that John feels the same way and he uh but he can Thunder them out I think it's obviously it's obviously the the glass heretic cuz he's from Glasgow too there's we we there's a kindred spirit there maybe all right but are they smelly or just loud just loud powerful powerful marvelous this is just like being on the culture show they smelly we also discovered the now I feel silly we also discovered that Freema who plays Martha Jones the the new girl um really didn't like it which of course just spurred us on we used to save them up until we could we could wander past her and thunder went out great cuz David you had well not well a kind well you did it to yourself it was you were playing Romeo oh yeah yeah I was playing in Romeo Juliet and one night uh as I went to the Tomb at the end and Juliet's lying out you know in in the Crypt all supposedly dead and I don't spoil it for people and you have a better fight with Paris just before that bit you know dispatch him and then you find Juliet you do a bit of a death ARA take some poison no it's not worth living you die she wakes up yeah you know that that old one yeah uh so one night I was I and I was wearing this beautiful sort of white all in white I think we've got a picture of you do you uh there you there I am yes look at the youth um and uh I I so I was off to the off to the Crypt all in white Paris comes up Dash Dash Dash and I he just caught my finger I just still you can still see the scar he just caught my finger I thought oh that was but at the time you thought nippy but it's fine you know damn foot lights you you keep going so I get into the Crypt he's dead get into the Crypt Juliet's there she's in a long white gone lying out I get down take her in my arms I'm oh it's your and then I realized this is bleeding I mean a lot there's like it's coming down the white suit is quickly going very amable horror it's all and of course it's also dripping onto Juliet as well and then as the Blood starts going I start going oh no I'm going to pass out I'm I'm a bit squeamish for blood anyway and I was losing a relatively large amount and I'm thinking oh I've got what have I got 20 lines left can I do this am I good so I sort of quickly Gallop to the end of this piece just about get through it Swig the poison and merciful death and of course by this time of course Juliet's been asleep through through the whole thing she has no idea that she's now looking like carry spe carry and she wakes up I can't what are the lines what are the lines I know th with the kiss I die that's what you say I do that I'm I'm dead she wakes up shits herself not the most romantic ending there's ever been to R and Julet but the school's parties in that night they remembered it yeah it was really good was very ni did any bit of your mind think I am actually going to die as I'm going to I properly die I'm very much in character Michael so I'm always thinking that stupid [Music] yeah
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 330,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British chat show, British comedy, British entertainment, Celebrity chat, David Tennant Doctor, David Tennant tribute, Doctor Who fan, Doctor Who memories, Graham Norton audience, Must-watch TV, Return, Sci-fi, TV appearances, TV classics, TV recommendations, TV talk show, Talk show, Television host, Time Lord, UK celebrities
Id: gLVmMAFpsnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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