Jon Hamm & David Tennant Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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my name is Jon Hamm and I'm David Tennant and we're going to be doing the wired autocomplete interview in scottish i will be playing Vanna White and I was laying Carol smiley that's right British version - Vanna White nobody gets that Walt Jon Hamm what Jon Hamm is what is Jon Hamm drama teacher what is Jon Hamm drama teacher I was a drama teacher that's what they're getting at and I also had a drama teacher yeah our teachers name was Wayne Solomon and when I was a drama teacher it was in 1985 at John burrows high school there you go that's a pretty key those are those are answers the question was asking yeah what happened to jon Hamm's voice well that's a very interesting story no I didn't know that I had surgery on my vocal cords in 2013 yes I did I had a polyp on my vocal cord that had to be removed it was removed and that's what is Jon Hamm well interesting enough tomorrow's never it is and I'll be 48 years old he's various to sing songs we're not children a shot up what high school did Jon Hamm get go to it yeah thank you go well cosmic uh Jon Burroughs night school yeah st. Louis Missouri from 1983 to 1989 and then you went back and taught that and then oh my buckets out there and if I yeah pretty cool has been kill oh and I I named a theater after my theater teacher JJ that's nice that's good you are a nice guy make me sick what TV show was John damn and it's a small world I think it must be yeah doctor the unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt aggregate 30 rock Barry Allen I live all so good mmm all right okay is David Tennant is David Tennant is David Tennant Scottish Scottish ish Scotty is David Tennant related to Charlie yes I mean obviously we're brothers who thinks that cuz you kind of look alike do we yeah Charlie Sheen I mean you're like two and a half Charlie David Tennant again why would anyone ask that I'm not vegan leave us but I'm more vegetarian than I used to be I think we all are at your head last night what yoky yeah crazy knows delicious is David Tennant left-handed that off with my left you do but I don't have to principally I'm on this high all righty something David Tennant why Dave oh how old David town doesn't a question mark this is bad grammatically how old and they'll turn white as old as Jon Hamm well you wanna know to tell me what I'm I'm just a month behind you every team hello old David Tennant how old Jon Hamm little boy I don't like you this at all I'm gonna peel as well use up your Kofi how did John how did John Hamm and Paul Rudd meet a good friend of Mines older brother was his roommate in college and so he came back from college for Thanksgiving or something like that and we all played through the particular okay it's before the internet and things like Google so you had to play board games how tall is Jon Hamm 6-1 6-2 is Warner okay Jonah that's what I did I think what is that an extra half-inch in quarter uh where did John Hamm first work my first job was as a dishwasher at Spiros restaurant in seeing those are the dishes in a Greek restaurant harder to clean than the dishes of another where is Jon Hamm in Game of Thrones good question ah finally a question I'd like to know the answer to where is John Hammond where's David Tennant in Game of Thrones excellently they hired everybody in Europe for that show I knew only English actor though innit we're gonna Dingling glitch but I mean foam England I would have liked to the game throws a good route I could have ridden that dragon can John him write a dragon Verity show up and I see oh let's find out no David this is more exciting for me David Tennant does lieutenant reply there man now I wanna take this one Wow come buddy does you know why Time Lords there all the time in the hands yeah you know what I will do though and this is a good fan mail tip I bet you do the same thing yeah if there's not a self-addressed and so there are guys it's over yeah I can't be bothered yeah yeah does lieutenant speak French oui yasuno mids David Tennant speak French carry the Olympic torch only in Doctor Who which of course is the real reality wait but you did it there was a there was a we we did the 2012 Olympics before we did the 2012 Olympics why did David Tennant change his name Oh actors union this is all I yeah it's online I'm David John McDonald from Paisley anymore two two actors unions on different sides of the planet made me change my name twice I'm hired to meet David Tennant oh that's not that's it how do me David Ken how to meet a lieutenant you just walk up yeah and then always this time you have to find me though you'll definitely find him I keep my thing so I will make it difficult for you don't call him Tom Baker though I don't like that is jon Hamm's John ham related to me a ham no it is time ham British absolutely not it's Jon Hamm single it's don't have a feminist sure is Johnny a baseball fan yes look at that great come on come on well hammering through them what is David Tennant doing know I'm sitting you're answering these questions but I'm going fastest we're running out of time what what is David Tennant in Good Omens I was on playing video of what is David Tennant's nationality Scottish man today and what is the lieutenant's phone number over here that's a little personal yeah that's my mom nine one okay what is David Tennant Hamlet I don't know who's David Tennant I would like to ask the Internet to please use better grandma's wellies check your syntax check your graph entering things into the Google search box but we had a lovely time not sure good thank you cheers Internet
Channel: WIRED
Views: 3,189,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: david tennant, jon hamm, jon hamm autocomplete, autocomplete, autocomplete interview, jon hamm autocomplete interview, david tennant autocomplete interview, david tennant autocomplete, david tennant wired autocomplete interview, david tennant wired, jon hamm wired, jon hamm interview, david tennant interview, david tennant jon hamm, jon hamm wired autocomplete, google autocomplete interview, wired autocomplete interview, david tennant good omens, good omens, wired
Id: m97q218djYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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