The Best of Dakota Johnson on The Tonight Show

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♪♪ -I'm gonna ask you for some silly words. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, et cetera, and as we do that, they'll be written onto cue cards, and then we're gonna act out a dramatic "Mad Libs" scene. -Okay. -Here we go. Okay. Silly word. -Barf. [ Laughter ] -Sillier. -Barf. -Barf barf? -Barf barf. [ Laughs ] -That's pretty silly. Barf barf. Amount of time. -Amount of time? -Amount of time. -Two weeks. [ Laughter ] -"Two weeks." Holiday. -Um... Independence Day. -Yeah. Independence Day. Adjective. -Psychedelic. -Easy for our cue card guys, right? Psychedelic. Psychedelic. Cool. A verb ending in I-N-G. -[ Clears throat ] Um... Pinching. [ Laughter ] -Plural, type of animal. -[ Laughs ] -Say it. -Penguins. -Penguins. -I was gonna say donkeys. [ Laughter ] -Too obvi. -I got to keep you on your toes. -Body part. -Knee. -Knee. Number. -Um...49. -There you go. Verb. -Um... tickle. -Article of clothing. -Sock. [ Laughs ] -City. -Detroit. I don't know why. -Name of celebrity. -Uh... [ Laughter ] -Any celebrity. Another one. -Beyoncé. -Beyoncé. -Beyoncé. -Of course, Beyoncé. -Song lyric. Doesn't have to be Beyoncé. -♪ Baby, come back ♪ -Oh, nice. -Yeah. -Profession. -Uh... Um... Uh... What's the machine on the on the ice? Zamboni. Zamboni driver. -Oh, wow. Zamboni driver. [ Cheers and applause ] [ Laughs ] This is awesome. Type of event. -Funeral. [ Laughter ] Okay. Keeping it fun here. Adjective. -Hairless. [ Laughter ] -Type of food. -Sausage. [ Laughter ] -Exclamation. -Dang. -Dang. Alright. Very good. Dang. Okay, alright. Now we filled out the words, cue card, we're all ready to go. Now it's time to perform the scene. Let's go. -Let's go. [ Cheers and applause ] -Alright. ♪♪ I'm Christian Grey. [ Laughter ] -I'm Anastasia Barf Barf. [ Laughter ] -Let's make this quick. I only have two weeks. -[ Clears throat ] This interview is for the special Independence Day issue of the student newspaper. -Mm-hmm. -You are very psychedelic to have amassed such an empire. To what do you owe your success? -By following the same routine every morning. Waking up, brushing my teeth, and then... -[ Laughs ] -...pinching at the gym. [ Laughter, applause ] ♪♪ -Your company is involved primarily in agricultural projects, feeding the world's penguins. With -- [ Laughs ] With that kind of passion, I wonder if your knee might be... [ Laughs ] -What's that? [ Laughter ] Did you remember an old joke or something? -I wonder if your knee might be bigger than you let on. ♪♪ -Some -- Some people say I don't have a knee at all. -I did some research on you, and I see that you're unmarried and that you were adopted at age 49. [ Laughter ] -It was a late adoption. You intrigue me, Ms. Barf Barf. [ Laughing ] When someone intrigues me -- [ Laughs ] I tickle excessively. [ Laughter ] ♪♪ -My sock is sweating. [ Laughter ] ♪♪ [ Laughs ] -What are your plans after you graduate? -I was planning on moving to Detroit with Beyoncé. [ Laughter ] -The best part about having success is getting to give students like you my favorite piece of advice. Baby, come back. [ Laughter ] -When I'm around you, I feel like a Zamboni driver at a funeral. You know? -I've heard that before. Well, I hope you got everything you need. -I did. I did. And whenever I have a great interview, I do my favorite dance called the hairless sausage. [ Laughter ] ♪♪ -Dang! And scene. That's it right there. Thank you! That's all for "Mad Lib Theater." My thanks to Dakota Johnson. Alright. Here we go. Here's how it works. So right here is a pile of cards with random sentences on them. -Are you ready? -No, I don't -- Yeah. I know you do that, stretch. Yeah, the sexy stretch is really. Yeah. I'm going to take turns slicing a card. Then you look into your camera and read whatever's written on the card in your sexiest voice possible. Okay, now, here's the -- here's the deal. All of the sentences on these cards are very unsexy. Okay, so it's up to us to make them sound sexy. You ready for this? -Yeah. Okay. -Here, I'll go first. -Okay. -You're a guest. Here we go. -First is the worst, second's the best. [ Chuckles ] [ Laughter ] -That doesn't even rhyme. That doesn't make any sense. First is the worst, second is the best. Oh, it's supposed to not rhyme. -You go. -Okay. Get ready for this, man. I want to go fishing this afternoon. Do you know where I can buy grubs or worms? [ Laughter ] What did you think of that? -That was really good. -Pretty sexy. [ Cheers and applause ] Oh. [ Laughs ] Really? Yeah, Quest, where are you guys? Yeah. Yeah. Good deal. No, you should do the [vocalizes] Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Whatever. -Too late now. -Okay. -We'll fix it in post. -Ready? -Alright. Alright, you ready? -Yeah. -Alright. Here you go. Pick your card and go for it. -Okay. -That's your camera. -[ Clears throat ] [ Sultry music plays ] Excuse me while I go slip into a pair of old sweatpants. [ Laughter ] -That was actually much -- Pretty good, actually. It's pretty good, but let me show you how it's done. -Okay. [ Sultry music plays ] Meesa called Jar Jar Binks. Meesa your humble servant. [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] Steaming up -- I'm steaming up the lens a little bit. Little steam on the lens there. Yeah. -Alright. Alright. [ Clears throat ] [ Sultry music plays ] Okay. -Yeah? -Yeah. -Okay. Yeah, I got you. -Excuse me, sir, but this strawberry-flavored chapstick just fell out of your fanny pack. [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] -That happened to me in real life. That happened to me in real life. -I've been trying to wink at the end, but I keep just blinking. -Yeah, that's pretty good. I like the wink at the end. Yeah, I want to do that, too. -Okay. -Here we go. Ready? -Yeah. -[ Coughs ] [ Sultry music plays ] ♪♪ Sure. I'd love to take off my underwear, but you'll have to excuse the cloud of Gold Bond powder. [ Ding! ] [ Laughter ] Might work for me was. -You got a ding with your wink. -That happens every time I wink. -Oh, my God. -Alright, we're down to the last card. Let's see what you got here. -Okay. [ Clears throat ] I'm gonna do -- I'm gonna do -- If you can go just into, like -- -A hair flip? -Yeah. -That's pretty good. -Okay. -Yeah. [ Sultry music plays ] [ Laughter ] -Let's go to Red Lobster. I'll get the Cheddar Bay biscuits. You can get the popcorn scramps. [ Laughter ] -[ Coughs ] Popcorn scrimps. That's what I'm talking about right there. Very sexy, Dakota Johnson. -You told me about this game that you play with your friends, and it's a new game. -Yeah. You want to teach it to me, and we're always down for a new game that we can all play. -Yeah. -Yeah. And what is the name of this game? -I don't know. -Okay. None of your games have names. -It's not a real name. -What is it? -It's called the acting game. -Okay, acting game. -Basically, the acting game, because, Well, I played it -- I only played it once, just so you know. -Okay. -And -- -Was it fun? -It was over the holidays with my family and some friends. -Oh. Good. Well, it involves a phone. -You basically you get a fake scenario and you have to answer the phone and act out the scenario. Also, this phone matches my dress, so... -Matches perfectly. -So it was supposed to be here tonight. [ Laughter ] -"AT&T made my dress tonight, so I want to thank everyone there." -AT&T also made this phone." -"AT&T, they also make the phone accessory. This is a handbag, so it's just going out with your friends and you're like, 'Oh, what's going on? Well, hold on. Let me get a little lip balm." Alright. Alright, so it is a beautiful dress, by the way. Who makes the dress? -Gucci. [ Laughs ] -I don't know. Alright. Here's the deal. So what are -- -Gucci mad this phone too, by the way. -What is the game? How does it go again? So I'm going to read a scenario. -Okay. -Or a scenario, however you say it at home? That's half the fun of the game tonight. Same scenario/scenario. And then you answer the phone reacting to what happens. -Okay. -Ready? -Yeah. -And I'll say, "Ring, ring" after I read the scenario. -Okay. -It's your fiancé, Darth Vader, calling to tell you he's leaving you for another woman. -Okay. -Brring, ring, ring, ring. -Hello? Hi, babe. Did -- Did you just wake up? [ Laughter ] Oh. You're what? Where are you? Who the [bleep] [ Laughter ] -Hang up the phone. Hang up the phone. [ Laughter ] -This game -- I can see where this game is -- It's a little -- It's an adult game. It's an adult game. Alright, let's switch. Now you read -- you read the scenario, and I will answer the phone. Yeah. -Okay. Okay. I'm going to say "Ring, ring" when I'm done. -Just stick to those words, yeah. [ Laughter ] -Okay. You're a famous chef. Someone from your kitchen calls timidly, asking for your special turkey stuffing recipe, which they've lost again. -A special turkey recipe? Stuff-- What? -Turkey stuffing recipe. -Turkey stuffing recipe. Okay. I'm a famous chef. Okay. Okay. Uh. [ French accent ] The phone has not rung all night. I cannot believe no one is calling me at all. This is a great party. I'm having a great time. But quick, we have to get the table number 53 or else we're going to close the whole place. -[ Singing ringtone ] -Shh. Be quiet, everyone. I think there's something happening. Is someone a video game or something from the -- Oh, hold on. This is my ringtone. It's the "Hustle." Do the hustle. [ Vocalizing ] Hold on. Hello? It is me Jacques speaking. Yeah. Sacrebleu! Sacrebleu! I have to do table 53. [ Speaking indistinctly ] Turkey stuffing? [ Middle Eastern accent ] You take a celery, shove it up the turkey's butt. [ Laughter ] You take -- Now I'm Middle Eastern. I'm Middle Eastern now. You take that, you take the potato, you shove it up the turkey's butt. What you want from me? What do you want from me, my friend? You shove it up the turkey's butt. Whatever you have, you shove it up the turkey's butt. [ French accent ] Sacrebleu! Goodbye! [ Cheers and applause ] Table 53, get on that right now. Table 53! -That was better than mine. -[ Normal voice ] It was lame. Lame -- is that what you said? -Better. -Okay. -You said it was very lame. I was like, "You said it very nicely." Alright. Here we go. Last one here. Ready for this? -Yes. -Dakota? -Yes. You're about to get a call with news that you've been rejected from clown school. This is your one shot to convince them to change their minds. -Okay. Ring, ring. -[ Singing indistinctly ] -Where's my... -Brring! Brring! -Hello? [ High-pitched ] Oh, yes, this is Bubbles. [ Laughter ] Um... Wait, what? No. No. But -- [ Normal voice ] Why? What's the reason? 'Cause I couldn't do the balloon dog? Really? What am I gonna tell my dad? What am I -- What am I gonna tell my dad? No, yes. He's Big Laughs. My dad is Big Laughs. I'm Bubbles. What am I gonna do? -Name is Big Laughs? -Yeah, my dad, his name is -- -Alright, I'm sorry. You got the job now. -Oh. -I'll see you in clown school. -[ High-pitched ] Okay. -Just kidding! I'm a clown. Goodbye! I love you. [ Laughter ] Dakota Johnson, everybody. Yeah. I have to talk to you about something because there have been some headlines about you last couple of days. Do you know what I'm talking about? -Yeah, it's really stressing me out. -Well, your fans are upset because apparently everyone's broken-hearted that the gap in your teeth is not there anymore. And fans are heartbroken. People are upset. No one knows what to say. What is going on? What -- The gap is gone. What's up? -Well, first of all, the fact that this is a newsworthy event in our in our world right now is pretty Chaka Khan to me. But -- -Chaka Khan. -Chaka Khan. -Yeah. Why is everyone upset? -So I had a perm-- I had a permanent retainer since I was like 13, and it was just glued to the back of my teeth and I was having a lot of neck problems recently, so my orthodontist, she decided that it would be a good idea to take it off and see if my jaw sort of expanded and it helped me and my gap closed by itself. And I'm really sad about it, too, so... -No, wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second. First of all, you got to walk me back. Your neck, your neck bothered you? And so that's what made you take the retainer out of your mouth. Is that a thing? Has anyone ever heard of that? -That is a real thing. Yeah. -If your neck bothers you, it might be your teeth. -When you -- As you grow as a human being, your -- [Laughs] your skull expands and your jaw and your teeth move. You know, your teeth don't look like they did when you were a baby. -They do, actually. I was born -- [ Laughter ] I was born with veneers. -Oh. Cool. Cool. -I broke this tooth. This one's fake. -Let me feel it. -It's not gonna feel different. It feels like a tooth. -Not if you go like this. Can you hear that? [ Laughter ] -Sounds like a tooth. -It's like when you knock on a hollow part of a wall. [ Laughter ] -Is that one fake, too? -Are they both fake? [ Laughter ] -All my teeth are fake. Yeah, actually. This one might be fake as well. Yeah, that's weird. So let me tap on your tooth. -Okay. [ Laughs ] [ Laughter ] You don't have any nails. -Yeah. I don't have any nails. I know, I took them off before the show. [ Laughter ] -I want to -- I want to talk to you -- -Anyway, hold on. This is really important. I'm sad about my gap tooth too, so I'd really appreciate some privacy in this time. -Wait, what? First of all, don't demand -- don't demand -- Don't clap for that. Don't demand or clap. You want to demand some privacy. -Yeah. -I think it looks beautiful. You don't need -- -Well, I have to deal with a whole new world of problems. -No. -Getting food stuck in my tooth. -That's your new thing? -Yeah, because before, it would just slide right through. [ Laughter ] -Your whole life has changed and you're you're dealing with it as well. -Yeah. -Just as much as the public and your fans are dealing with it. You're dealing with issues. -It's gonna come back. -The gap will come back. -Yeah. -How? -Other retainers. -You're gonna get a retainer to split your tooth? -The world of dentistry is so advanced. -Wait, are you serious about this? Because what if -- Dude, what if you come back and you get a gap and then your neck hurts? Then what? Then where do we go? Back to the drawing board. -No, 'cause we're gonna do it in a really holistic, sort of like otheo-- -I can't. Don't even talk to me about this. Hey, I do want to -- I have a story I want to bring up, and I don't know if you want to talk about it, but I heard this rumor that you used to make reservations at a dinner -- dinner reservations at a restaurant under a famous person's name. Do you know what I'm talking about? -Yeah. -You used to call up and say, "You have a table for George Clooney." -Yeah. -Why? -Because I wanted to go to the good restaurants when I was growing up, when I was in high school. -Do you know George Clooney? -No, I don't. [ Laughter ] -So wait, you would call up and go, "Hey, table for four, George Clooney." -Yeah, because nobody else is named George Clooney. Also, it works every time. Try it. [ Laughter ] -I should actually try it. -Next time you can't get into a restaurant. -I can't get into any restaurant, yeah. -But I used to do that when I was a teenager. -And you'd call up and say -- and then what would happen when you'd show up? -I'd say, "He's gonna join us later." It'd be like a bunch of kids. [ Laughs ] -And does George know that you do this? -Well, I -- I met him a couple of years ago. We were traveling to the Toronto Film Festival, and we happened to be on the same plane. And I was like, "Hi, I'm Dakota." And he was like, "Oh, I've heard of you. I know what you do. -"I know what you do" is what he said? -Yeah, he was like, "You call and you use my name. It's okay." -He really did that? -Yeah. -So he said it's okay? -Yeah. -Did you continue to do it? -Yeah. -Yeah, why not? I think it's fun.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 1,755,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades of Gray, Fifty Shades, The Social Network, The Lost Daughter, Ben and Kate, Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson, Dakota Johnson interview, best of Dakota Johnson, best of tonight show, Mad Lib Theater, sexy voices
Id: xHf1gVSAkcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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