Dakota Johnson on Casting for a D**k Pic, Being Jimmy’s Neighbor & She Guesses Who’s High!

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first guest tonight is a movie star who has not one but two western states named after her her new movie alongside Shawn Penn is called Daddo it opens in theaters June 28th please welcome Dakota [Applause] Johnson how are you I'm it's good to see you all dressed up you're my next door neighbor so it's really good to see you I don't see you that much though right I mean no I don't really live there yeah right I yeah I don't yeah we don't hear we you know you're the ideal neighbor in that there's no noise There's No Nonsense nothing well it's actually um I'm glad I was going to see you today because I've been meaning to tell you that I um start this sounds like this is a setup but I actually meant to tell you that I that I started construction on the house today oh you are yeah today today oh okay not my fault though a tree fell on on my house it did yes in those crazy storms this huge eucalyptus tree fell on house hold on a second can I didn't I send you an email telling you you have to be sure to cut down your tree cuz it's going to fall on your house no yes no yes I did no you didn't no you didn't you the Widowmaker tree that can kill people no that's the one that could fall in your house oh yeah well no and look look what happened that's all right you know what there was a tree you want to know my thoughts on construction and it's um people who get mad at their neighbors for doing construction how do you think your house got there right exactly exactly so we can deal with it I'm a heavy sleeper anyway uh how are you doing everything's good otherwise yeah I'm good do you know do you feel like you're good at detecting whether or not people are high I'm I'm well versed in that you are would you like to I'm a skilled detective yes give it a try because we do have GMO is still out there and that's why G is with three people now Dakota I don't know if you saw the monologue but what we have to figure out is which of these three people is high one of them is high now not they those the rules are pretty strict it's not like they were all three High um one is high they're all wearing sunglasses which is problematic but we're going to get rid of those sunglasses and you can question them um well starting with Christina go ahead ask whatever questions that you like hi Christina hi hi Christina hi theota I'm wondering um if you can give me directions to Santa Monica I cannot not I'm not from here where are you from Christina I am from Austin Texas oh that's probably why I was born there oh how great Christina is pretty glassy I'm going to say that let's Zoom all the way in on Christina oh boy I don't think so do you know Willie Nelson there in Austin of course my best friend okay so that's a little Christina and now we have Manuel hello Manuel hello Manuel's got a great look you look like you should be in a commercial a beer commercial or uh you know like uh you selling some kind of rolling papers or uh thank you I could be the third most interesting man in the world yeah I was think it's second but yeah man well would you mind taking your glasses off sure okay all right any questions you'd like to ask tooto of Manuel Manuel hi Dakota hi um who would win in a fight Dakota Johnson or Dakota Fanning both dtas would win that's not the answer I'm seing to all right Manuel very diplomatic and finally we have Carrie hello Carrie hi hi Carrie would you mind taking your glasses off so we can look into your soul hi where are you from Carrie I'm actually from Green Valley Lake between Arrowhead and Big Bear okay right on well no one knows it's a like my friend says it's a pond okay so it's a little Lake but it's very you live in a pond no I don't live in a pond I live in a little red cabin it's very cute that sounds lovely it also sounds like we could easily find it [Applause] now yeah you may have revealed too much Carrie oh my okay so Carrie are you uh you have a family up there or were you by yourself um I have I have a great big family so it's wonderful locks on the doors or they yes and I and I have an adorable dog Snoopy that takes care of me okay all right got a dog name named after Snoop the um Snoopy from Charlie Brown or the or the the hot smoking rapper no actually the dog he looks like Snoopy so it's very cute okay all right you feelings one way or the other Dakota cuz I have a feeling I feel like Carrie might enjoy the weed you feel like Carrie might I feel like it is contestant number one Christina who really looks like she's just barely keeping it together no jimie I am not hi you're not have you been crying no this is just anxiety it drives me [Applause] all right well let's maybe you're right on Carrie Carrie are you high no holy cow Manuel you son of a gun this whole [Applause] time of course he comes out looking like the zigzag guy of course he's not the one that it was too obvious all right well neither one of us are good at this well thank you for playing G you have a gift for them yes give me fun audience here oh okay oh funion all right well we're going to take a break Dakota Johnson is here a movie is called Daddyo we'll be right back what you do for work I'm a programmer computer computers no no like ones and zeros in that like ones and zeros in that you thought I was going to say something more girly didn't you yeah yeah yeah I thought yeah wedding planner no fashion fashion not as many women code I'll give you that yeah and you drew Line in the Sand lifted your leg and left your mark I don't mind squatting that is Dakota Johnson and Sean pen and Daddyo the pH of your dress just came on hook all right my Des just should I get some Scotch fell off it's uh it seems to be hanging in all right oh all right well well I'll just hold it okay all right you just hold it it won't be very long you uh by the way you guys did a great job in this movie for those who haven't seen it which is everybody so far just the two of you in a cab in a cab ride the whole time having a conversation yeah yeah yeah no just yeah just hold the important part and there you go okay the movie is really good the movie is really good and um there's a scene in the movie I want to ask you about if you don't mind because um throughout the film you are texting your characters texting with her boyfriend right yes and then he sends a uh a photograph of his penis yes a a pick as called if you will if you will and I think we will yeah so you get this and we can see it in the movie it's not you know it's not suggested it's right there it's there who where did it come from so so there is this sort of like ominous third character in the movie that is um uh you never see him you never really meet him and your girly my character is texting with him the whole time and he sends this pick and when we were you know casting the pick casting the it there's not really like a backstock of of like penis photos on like that are usable in movies I don't wait a minute I know where you can find a very big backstock of them in your phone yeah well now that you mention it well not but ones that like you can use in a film you know that that you have to have it signed off on really that lawyers would go that far that somebody go wait a minute that's mine totally and sue you totally so our amazing props Master Diana Burton who's like a woman in her 60s had a group of her male friends just anonymously send in photos to her and then we like sat around the four of us me and my producing partner our director Christy just like four women just like this one's nice that one's not great and then it was kind of we just like we really studied them and we how many choices did you get we got like 15 wow that's amazing and it became sorry geez it became um it became uh down between two oh there oh there were two and then did America Vote or how did it work it's could to be a great show I felt like from the character's point of view I felt like it because this guy is such a douchebag in his text he is yeah that like girly is so special so there has to be something impressive about him interesting you know so then did you tell the um the number two guy that his he was too small to be considered or I don't we didn't tell I think we just let the final person no and does this person now get a credit in the film at the end I forgot to ask that question well I'm going to have to go back through and look at it it seems like it might you maybe might be impressive pick yeah yeah yeah be great if his name actually was Dick Dick yeah photograph okay will he get paid for that I think he got paid wow I should I should have I should be a better producer in this department sometimes it's better not to know everyone gets paid for their work well you guys do a great job it's really uh it is uh it uh you know the guy you Sean the penis guy all great than welcome it's we don't know who he is like she doesn't nobody knows who penis guy is oh wow so well if you find him bring him back okay bring him over the house okay Dakota Johnson everybody the movie is called Daddo and opens the theaters June 28th we'll be back with Jack Quade [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 273,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Guest, Celebrity, Actress, Dakota Johnson, Movie star, Sexy, Sean Penn, Daddio, Summer, First Job, Neighbors, Dick Pic, Who’s High, Casting, Guessing Game
Id: D-0FCtheX4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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