Did Jimmy Almost Date Nicole Kidman? - Tonight Show Stories

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-So, Rick, our mutual friend, says, "Oh, you know, Jimmy wants to meet you and you can go over to his apartment." And da da da da da. And I'm single. And I'm like, "Okay. Yeah. Cool." -Wait. What? -Yes. [ Cheering and applause ] What?! ♪♪ -I don't know if you remember this, but we've met before. -Oh, I remember. -Do you remember this? It was really embarrassing for me. -Yes. -It was? -Yeah. I have not seen you -Do you want me to tell -- since then, right? -I have not. That is correct. -No. But this is years ago. Do you want me to tell my version of the story? -Yeah. You tell your version. -I'm walking down the street in New York City. My friend Rick calls me, and says, "Dude, what are you doing?" I go, "I'm just walking down the street." He goes, "I have Nicole Kidman with me, and she wants to meet you for -- maybe to be in, 'Bewitched,' or something like that." So, I go, "Okay." He goes, "I can be in your apartment in, like, 10 minutes." I go, "You're gonna bring Nicole Kidman over to my apartment?" I'm like, "Okay, I don't know. What do I do? Do I have something? What do I do?" He goes, "I don't know. Just get some cheese and crackers, or something." And I'm like -- I'm like, "Cheese and crackers?" I don't have any time. I don't have dinner parties. I don't have anyone over my house." I'm like, "I have video games and sneakers." I mean, really... So, I go, and I go -- There's a deli. And I go in the deli. I go, "What do you mean, 'cheese?'" He goes, "Get brie, or something." I go, "Brie?" I don't even know what that is. I'm like, "Uh..." So, I go in. This is like -- I'm on "Saturday Night Live," I guess, or something. I don't remember, really, when it was. -I just remember I liked you. And he was like -- Not now. I'm married, now. But he was like, "Oh, well, you can meet --" [ Audience "oh"s ] ♪♪ -What? -Not that way. -Wait. What? Wait. What? -So, he says -- [ Laughter ] So, Rick, our mutual friend, says, "Oh, you know, Jimmy wants to meet you and you can go over to his apartment." And da da da da da. And I'm single. And I'm like, "Okay. Yeah. Cool." -Wait. What? -Yes. [ Cheers ] -What are you talking about?! -Yes. -Did I date Nicole Kidman? -Sure. -Did we go -- Was that a date? -So, I go over, though, and you're there in a baseball cap, and, like, nothing. Just, like... I had brie cheese. -And you wouldn't talk. You didn't say anything. -You were like, "Hey. Mm. Mm. Mm." -I didn't "Mm. Mm. Mm." I didn't say -- I was very nervous. -And I'm like, "Okay." -I didn't know this was -- that this is a thing. I thought this was a movie. -Well, it's like a hang. It was meant to just -- I don't know. And then, you put a video game on, or something. And I'm like, "This is so bad." [ Laughter ] It was bad. ♪♪ I swear. And you didn't talk at all. And so, after about an hour and a half, I thought, "He has no interest. This is so embarrassing." [ Audience "oh"s ] -I had no clue at all. -And I left, and went, "Okay, no chemistry." And then, I was like, "Maybe he's gay." [ Laughter, cheering, and applause ] -Come on! ♪♪ I'm out of here. Take care. ♪♪ -Okay, now -- ♪♪ Now, I'm going to do the show. ♪♪ [ Cheering and applause ] [ Laughter ] -Well... -So tell me, Jimmy. -Well, Doctor, I remember it like it was yesterday. Nicole Kidman walked in my apartment. Do you remember what the apartment looked like? -Like not much. [ Laughter ] Anyway, we weren't meant to be, right? -Wow, did you make a good decision. [ Laughter ] You made a great -- a fantastic decision. -You didn't. -Oh, my gosh. -Anyway, it was like that. -Oh, my gosh. I am in shock right now. -We're both married, with kids. -Yeah. I can't believe I dated Nicole Kidman. This is fantastic. -You didn't. -This is unbelievable. This is unbelievable. It was one of the most awkward moments ever. -You're red. -I really am. I'm in shock. -So am I. -I can't believe it. You're definitely embarrassed. Yeah. I mean, wow, my gosh. Are you friends with Rick anymore? No. -Yes. I just saw him. -No, we don't talk to him after that. -He's adorable. -Well, yeah, you made a much better decision. Keith Urban is so much cooler than I am. He's a rock star. You live in Nashville now? -I do. Yeah. -He's always on tour, though. Isn't he constantly, like... -No. -Yes. These country guys. Yes. He's always on tour. -Don't now try to be all serious. -Yeah, no, I'm trying to be serious now. Look, here's the deal. -Yeah. -I'm not always on tour. I'm always at home, [ Laughter ] hanging out. Kids. -You're working all the time. Stop. Okay. -Did he not just play a gig New Year's Eve, right? -He did. In Niagara Falls. -Yeah. Yeah. Niagara Falls. -Yeah. -The Canada side, or the New York side? -The Canada side. -That's the side. -Beautiful. -The Canada side is, like, lights, and it's, like, almost like Vegas. It's fun. And the New York side looks like a Lemony Snicket book cover, it's like sad, and, like, trees with no leaves on it. And you go, "What happened? Why is that side so much worse?" Canada's side -- that's the place to do it. -Yeah. -It's amazing. We got to work on that side. -Yeah. I've never been to the New York side. -Oh, please. We'll fix it up. But where does he play? -He played it a big show there for about 60,000 people. -Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? -I had before. Don't. We can't even have a conversation. -You're trying to -- you're feeling a little something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're feeling a little chemistry. -I'm not! [ Cheering and applause ] A little chemistry now. It's too late, baby. Ship has sailed, okay, Nicole? Taken, okay? I am taken, okay? -I'm just kidding. Just kidding. I can't believe this. What a day. -I am never coming on this show again. -No! Come on! Please. No, come on. They're feeling it. This is fantastic. And we love Keith. -I'm teasing you. -We love Keith. -I love Keith. -I know you love Keith more than I do. I'm not saying I have a thing for Keith Urban. I'm saying I enjoy his music, and I like him -- -We're now fighting over Keith. -I like him as a personality. I don't have -- Only one of us here is -This is a disaster. in love with Keith -- No, it's not a disaster. But he's always been on the show, and you've never -- you've never been on the show. Is this why? -Absolutely. [ Laughter ] -It's so odd. -No, we would watch you at home, and I'd be like, "Gosh, will I ever go on that show, and bring that story up? Hmm. Maybe not." -And you did. -And now, I did. Anyway, let's talk about "Paddington." -This is the best day ever, man. This is, like, a great day. Let's talk about "Paddington." "Paddington" -- congrats already. It's a big hit already, internationally, right? -Yes. -Both: Overseas. -They released it overseas first. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -Ooh, boy. -I remember, I got brie cheese... [ Laughter ] -And corn chips. -Corn chips. -Yeah. -I didn't get -- Did I get corn chips? -Yeah. And some old Chinese food. -[ Laughs ] How could I buy old Chinese food? -It was in the fridge. -It was in the fridge. It probably was. Really, there was nothing there. -See? I've got a good memory. -Oh, my God. I remember I got Saltine crackers, and I didn't have -- Oh, it was just really awful. I didn't know. -And what sport do you really like? Was it baseball, or something? -What sport I was into? What hat was I wearing? -Yeah. You were wearing some baseball cap. -I love that you remember I was wearing a baseball hat. -And some sweats. -I was not wearing sweat pants. What are you talking about? It's like you went over to, like, "Duck Dynasty" guys' house or something. I was not wearing camo sweatpants. I was dressed in probably a three-piece suit, or something. -You weren't interested, so you wore sweats and a baseball cap. -That's not true. I don't even know what you're talking about. Now, I'm, like, freaking out. Alright. I'm gonna go back to "Paddington." We're gonna edit this out. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] The bear. The little, adorable bear. -It's a cute bear. It's a cute movie. You play the villain in the movie. -I do. -That's a good, juicy rule. -Yeah. -Do you always want to play -- what? [ Laughter ] -I can't even talk to you now. -You can't even -- you're, like, stuttering, and stuff. Yeah. You're so nervous. -Only because you're making me laugh, now. -I make you laugh, yeah. I always made you laugh. Alright, so, let's talk about it. It's Hugh Bonneville -- my man Hugh Bonneville. -So funny. -Love him. "Downton Abbey." We love him. And it's a CGI bear. And of course, everyone knows the books. -But the bear does have the most beautiful eyes. No, he does. -Yeah. He does. -Why are you laughing? [ Laughter ] -Everyone's feeling the sexual chemistry here, and it's awkward. ♪♪ Want to play "Mario Brothers"? I'm gonna show her my new Nintendo. That's pretty cool. [ Applause ] Hi, pal. [ Laughter ] You look beautiful. Welcome back to the show. -Here we go again. -No, no, no, no, no, no. This is very exciting for me. I'm glad that you're here. And I'm glad you came back because last time -- -Oh, God! I so didn't want to come back. [ Laughter ] -You have to come back forever. Well, it's just -- Last time you were here -- -I'm in a new movie, "Lion," so, that's why I'm here. -I know. That's right, yeah. -I mean -- [ Laughter and applause ] Well, last time we were chitchatting, we were chatting, having a good time and talking, and then you mentioned some story that I'd never heard before. I didn't realize that -- -You'd heard it. -No, I did not hear it, ever. -No. You'd been there, though. -Well, I was there, but I didn't realize that -- -Anyway, we have -We once went on -- -a disagreement on the date. -We once went on a date together -Yes. -and I had no idea that that was true. I didn't realize that. So I -- But, you know. And, wow, it was a shocker. [ Laughter ] Shocker, to say the least. And, well, anyway, the past is the past. Let's leave it that way. -Yeah. It's okay. -Yeah. You moved on. I'd moved on. I'm over it. -Great. [ Laughter ] -I'm over it and so, let's just talk about what's happening with you now. How are things? -I mean, I've been doing some reading and some just -- -♪ Oh, dream ♪ [ Laughter and applause ] ♪ Weaver ♪ ♪ I believe you can get me ♪ ♪ Through the night ♪ -You're so bad. [ Laughter and applause ] Jimmy. -Huh? -Are you listening to me? -Yeah, oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry. No, it all sounds good. -Yeah. -Anyway, let's see what else. Holidays, holidays are coming up. Got any plans for the holidays? Got any plans? -I do, actually, yeah. I've got -- Well, I'm going to cook a turkey. -♪ Oh, dream ♪ [ Laughter and applause ] ♪ Weaver ♪ [ Cheering ] ♪ I believe you can get me ♪ ♪ Through the night ♪ -Anyway. Did you just hear what I said? -What's that? Yeah. -Did you hear what I said? -Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. -What am I going to do? -Yeah, Christmas, turkey, whatever, yeah. [ Laughter ] But, hey. Thanksgiving is coming up. -Yes. -Maybe, if I'm in Nashville, maybe I can just -- I can stop by for dinner or something. -♪ No, no, no ♪ [ Laughter and applause ] ♪ No, no, no, no, no, no ♪ ♪ No, no, no ♪ ♪ No, no, no ♪ ♪ No, no, no, no ♪ I'm just spit balling, here, you know. You know what I mean? -Yeah. -Yeah. -A...nyway. -Anyway. -Sorry to interrupt. -What is it, Higgins? -I just overheard you guys talking about the holidays. -Yeah. -Actually, I have a really fantastic stuffing recipe. It involves bread, butter... -♪ Oh, dream ♪ -...sausage... [ Laughter and applause ] -♪ Weaver ♪ -...sage... -♪ I believe you can get me ♪ ♪ Through the night ♪ [ Laughter ] -And you got it. It's a fantastic recipe. [ Laughter and applause ] -Mmm. -And scene. Nicole Kidman, ladies and gentlemen. [ Cheering and applause ] [ Laughing ] -Well, there's more to the story. -There's more to the story? -Yes, because this "Dream Weaver" crap? Come on. -What are you talking about? What do you mean? -The buffet. -What? -The buffet. -I didn't have a buffet. -No, we were at David Fincher's house. I think it was David's house, and it was when Brad and Jen were still together. So it was a long time ago. -Uh-huh. -And you could have asked for my number then because it was round 2. Well, second chance, and you still didn't ask for it. And you know that's true. -What is going on? What is happening right now? -Do not pretend. -What? At the buffet at David Fincher's house, and I could've asked for your number? -In the kitchen, and that's even more offensive that you don't remember. -No, I know. -Do you remember the kitchen and the buffet? Do you? See? -What do you mean he had a buffet in his kitchen? Wait, I really do remember this. -They had the food laid out in the kitchen. -Yeah. -It was a big dinner party -Who was in the kitchen? -My agent had said, "Jimmy's gonna be there. And you'll see that he can ask for your number because, you know, it may kind of happen this way. And you'll see." And we were lurking in the kitchen. Everyone went out, and I'm, like, waiting and waiting and waiting. And you're at the buffet. And this is so true and you know it. And you still didn't ask for my number. -I can't believe this. -So you were so not interested. -No, it wasn't I wasn't interested. -It's okay. It's okay. -You're out of my -- -Everyone's shocked, but it... -They're shocked for a different reason. They're like, "He wouldn't have a chance in hell with Nicole Kidman." Why would I even ask you -- -He wasn't interested in -- You're pretending. -What are you talking about? -Anyway, let's move off it because we've gone way off track again. -You're the one who brought it up! I didn't even know -- I don't remember going to a buffet at David Fincher's house. -Well, anyway, you had a chance to ask for my number a second time and you didn't. -[ Laughing ] Why? But was that the last time that we saw each other? -You're kidding, aren't you? -I know. Alright, I mean, let's just go around with the interview. Let's just do it. How is everybody? How's your husband? How's Keith Urban? How's... We love Keith. Keith Urban was just here. -He's actually here now. -He's here? -Yeah. -He's in the building. I didn't see him. -And he decided that he wanted to come on. -Keith Urban wants to come on? He can come on. -Hoping he's here. -Is he here? -He wanted to come and take care of me while I'm on the show. -[ Laughing ] -Is he really here, for real? -♪ Ooh, dream weaver ♪ ♪ I believe we can reach the morning light ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it. I get it. I'm gonna sit with Dream Weaver, if that's alright. -How are you, man? -I'm good. -How did you pull this off? I did not see you -- I even visited you quickly backstage to say hi to you, and you didn't bring this up at all. -No. I snuck him in. How are you, Keith? -Tell me about the buffet. -[ Laughing ] -It was -- It was -- It was a -- It was a beautiful a-a-array of food. Yeah. Yeah. I don't remember. I didn't even remember the buffet at all. -Apparently. -Yeah. This is great. Well, this is all fantastic. This is -- and this is what happens... I can't believe that you pulled this off. And I love you sang "Dream Weaver." -How's the family, Jimmy? -We're fantastic. The family is great. Everything's good. I heard that you guys -- I heard that you guys have gone -- I heard that you guys... Would you ever invite me over the house? -He's so red again! -Would you ever invite me over to the house to come by? I can come by the house. I can come hang out, we can jam on some music. -Right. Yeah. -You're in Nashville, so I can come to Nashville. -I totally can, and actually I feel quite sad because you have no problem ignoring my wife in the kitchen apparently. -We're hanging out with Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman. Your new movie, "Lion," we have to talk about this. Congratulations on this. You just won a Hollywood Film Award for it for this film. -Yes, it's a beautiful film. -It is a beautiful film. And can you set it up in any way? Do you want to set it up for the audience? -Have you seen it? -Yeah. -Yeah. M-M-Maybe. -I'd be -- I'd be "lion" if I said I didn't like it. Aren't you happy you don't have those corny jokes at the house? You're so lucky. I want to show a clip of the movie, but people should see and know it. This is Nicole Kidman. Dev Patel, by the way, is fantastic as well. -Yes. -It's called "Lion." It is in theaters next Friday. Check this out. [ Water splashes ] [Rubber duck squeaking ] -Hi. So you've come a long way, haven't you? Hmm... ...little one? I'm sure it hasn't been easy. One day you'll tell me all about it, tell me everything -- who you are, everything. I'll always listen. Always. -You are fantastic. You know that. Fantastic. And I should mention that is not Dev Patel. That is a boy in that... I thought that was a different clip. I'm just a little nervous. Okay. Right now, I want to see -- Now, I'm glad that Keith's here as well. I want to see if we are on the same wavelength right now, if we could be -- we could be friends. Right? Because I have -- I have a game. It's called The Jinx Challenge. Here we go. We're gonna play this. -♪ Jinx ♪ ♪ Jinx Challenge ♪ -Now, here's how it works. We're gonna read the category. -I'll sit on your lap for this. -Really? -Yeah. I like to sit on his lap. -Keith, you can sit -- -Happy wife, happy life, Jimmy. -Yeah. Yeah. If you want to, Keith, you can sit on my lap any time you want as well. Alright. Here's the way. We're gonna pick a category from these cards here. Now, I'm gonna count to three. Yeah, you put your hand in this. -Feels so weird to be doing this with you. -This is -- This is so fun. This is a fun game. -This is a chemistry game. -Keith, everything good? Alright, good. So we can't -- -High five, Jimmy. We're connected. Yeah. -I'm gonna read the category from the card, count to three. Both say something in that category at the same time. When we say the same thing, it's a jinx. So we can do this. -I think Keith should play, too. -Yeah, alright, good. I'll play with Keith, yeah. -Just to show that we have telepathy. Yeah, of course. -Great. -Sure. -Come on, babe. You can do it. -What could possibly go wrong here? -Exactly, what could possibly go wrong? -Let's see who's got the most chemistry. -Ready? Here we go. I'll read the thing, then count to three, then you say it. Ready? Here we go. -It's like the "Match Game." -"Colors." 1, 2, 3. -Blue. -Blue. -Blue. [ Bell dings ] -All three of us? -Oh, Keith. -That's weird. -Keith's balling up his fists right now. Here we go. Oh, my goodness. "Kitchen utensils." 3, 2, 1. -Fork. -Tongs. -Fork. -Uh-oh. Did you say "fork"? -I said, "Fork." Okay, uh...okay. Let's get this game over with. -Baby. -Sorry. I was with the tongs. -What did you say, tongs? -Tongs? -Yeah. -Tongs. -Oh, yeah, tongs. -Speaking in tongs. -Tongs, yeah. Tongs. Yeah. Here we go. -Forgot about the tongs. -"Birds." 3, 2, 1. -Peacock. -Bluejay. -Crow. Oh. -What did you say? -Bluejay. -Bluejay? -I should've said kookaburra. -Kooka-- What did you say? -Isn't that a bird? -I said crow. -Ooh. I don't like crows. -That's pretty cool. -Oh. No, I love crows. -She's superstitious about crows. -Oh, really, yeah? -Not Russell. The other crows. -We love Russell Crowe. -Yeah. "Words that rhyme with 'back.'" 3, 2, 1. -Track. -Slack. -Slack. -What? -Track. Track. That's a real word. -Track is good. Yeah, I know. I didn't say it wasn't a real word. No one jinxed on that one. -I did. I said slack with you. -You did say slack? -Yeah. -Cool, man. -Yeah. High five. -That's not cool. I don't want that. -♪ Ooh, dream weaver ♪ -Alright, here we go. Alright, let's do one more here and then we'll see who's really connected here -- the chemistry. You can feel it right here. You can cut it with a knife. By the way, you don't have a knife, do you? -Baby, come on. "Letters of the alphabet." 3, 2, 1. -"A." -"A." -"B." Man. -Nicole Kidman, everybody!
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 4,065,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, talk, Jimmy Fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Moulin Rouge, The Hours, Cold Mountain, Dogville, Bombshell, Big Little Lies, Aquaman, Dead Calm, Batman Forever, To Die For, Eyes Wide Shut, Paddinton, The Others, Nicole Kidman on Fallon, Nicole Kidman Interview
Id: 6_PI1l5NKL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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