I Broke Minecraft Too Many Times...

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I've broken Minecraft in a grand total of about 132 ways, I think. At least, that's what I've shown in the breaking Minecraft videos. So I'm immensely curious what it would look like if I tried all of them at the same time. Oh no, oh my gosh! Oh no! Okay, okay, that doesn't really make for a good video, but what if we took a few of the segments from previous videos and calculated a total score across all the suggestions? Today I'm taking segments from my most popular series to date, breaking Minecraft with your dumb ideas and combining them into one super video competition extravaganza, where we calculate who will win across all the videos. Today, if you crashed my computer or made the game unplayable, then you as the audience will get one point. If my computer survived, then I get a point. And if you end up with more points than me at the end of the video, then I won't post another video for the rest of 2023. The stakes are so high right now. So high. So anyways, with all that being said, get ready for some constant chaos suggested entirely by my wonderful YouTube audience. Who's first? I blue screened my PC by making a really big platform of block with dripstone hanging on it. Then I remove the platform with a command and done. Okay, cool. Let's try that. Position one. Position two. Slash set air. Let's go. Oh, oh my gosh. That's so weird from this perspective. Is it even moving? It's not even going anywhere. Oh, well, I can't move my mouse or anything. So this is just frozen now. Well, guess this isn't moving anymore. So I guess while this is going, let's move on to the next one. The immersive portals mod. When I loaded up the game with immersive portals, it gave me this notification. It says something along the lines of Nvidia video cards have a bug with the driver and it might crash the game, which is good. We want that to happen. So I'm not going to address it. We're just going to play with portals. What could possibly go wrong? So if you don't know what immersive portals is, check it out. This is essentially what it does. It allows you to go between the overworld and the nether seamlessly and just jump in and go through the portal and it works perfectly. Obviously, it's a bit laggy because it is loading two dimensions at once and trying to render them both at the same time. So this could lead to some chaos. Another thing I really want to try is making an infinite loop. I don't entirely know how it works, but I want to be able to see myself through the portal. Let's see if this works. If I can do all. Oh, it worked. It worked. I can't believe it worked. I did not expect that to work. That is really weird. That's so trippy. Here's another question. If we build a big old portal and light this up and then we walk through. Right. So that's that's just the same size portal portal helper. I don't know how you work, but we're going to mess with it and see what happens. Can we make a portal with these? If I'm doing this correctly. Yeah. Oh, right. I need to install the other mod to be able to do that, but that's cool. That's so trippy. Okay. Well, I'm sure there's a cool way to crash your game with this mod and I would have to mess with it further. And it seems like a mod that I could just do a full video on. This is really cool though. I'm I'm a fan of this. This is wild. All right. Next mod. Hammer. Update. It has moved down like six blocks since last time you checked in. So that's pretty cool. On the plus side, it hasn't blue screen. So that's that's kind of nice. Or I guess that's a downside because the goal is to blue screen. So, oh, hey, look at that. We could see overhead now. That's super cool. Side note, by the way, this is over 130,000 dripstone blocks. Anyways, I'll see you back here soon. After we look at a couple more, have you considered using a mallet? Good thing I don't actually own a mallet. Otherwise that would be wait. I definitely thought the Walmart I went to would have a mallet for me but instead I got string cheese. So... Update. My skin has changed to a default skin. I don't know what happened there, but apparently I don't have my skin anymore. But on the plus side, you can see those trees there right in the middle. I think we're almost to the ground. Yep. Tune in next time to see how much further we can get. And if I can get my skin back, I've actually heard of this one before and I'm very excited to try it. Try putting a chest down, fill it with any item and then pick block the chest while holding the control button and then fill a chest with that chest and repeat basically stacking NBT. So here's what we'll do is we could take a chest and we'll put basically just a bunch of purple wool, right? Bam. Take the purple wool, fill up the entire chest with it. And then we take this chest and you use control and you middle click. And now you can see this chest has NBT. Essentially what this means is that if you place this chest down, it'll have the same items in it that the original had pretty useful. But now what we're going to do is we're going to take a chest here and we're going to open this chest. This is just an empty chest. We're going to grab the NBT chest. And now I have a stack of these and we're just going to fill this chest with those chests. Now, when we control middle click on this one, this chest has now a ton of data in it. Place this down. You can see we have all of these chests and all of those chests lead back to the purple wool. So now we're going to do it again. We're going to take these ones and just put a bunch of those in there. And now we've just gotten so much further. We place down another chest. And we open this one up and we fill that with that ooh. Hey, we're getting a little bit of lag. Oh my gosh. Okay. All right. Now this chest is kind of insane. Oh, oh, oh my. I have a feeling if we do this one more time, this is just going to completely. Self destruct. I can't even like place them in effectively. Look how slow it's going. Yeah. That's uh nice and frozen. Well, this is working. I don't think it's going to blue screen the computer, but it's really trying. It just crashed the game. There it is. It just crashed the game. All right. So it didn't blue screen everything, but it did crash the game. So, hey, we got one step there. That was solid. All right. On to the next one. Yo, look, it's actually touching the ground now. I think, wait, those are the, yeah, those are the trees looking at top left there. That's crazy. Look at that. It's actually landing on the ground. Oh my gosh. Guys, it's happening. Things are actually happening now. The drip stone is landing. The eagle has landed, except in this case, the eagle is the drip stone. We're almost there. We're so close, but I guess it's just going to last a little longer. Try cracker's Witherstorm mod. If you haven't already seen this mod, it's kind of awesome. Essentially, as the title suggests, you can summon a Witherstorm. This is based off of Minecraft story mode, and it's a really, really well done mod. The Witherstorm itself will go around sucking up blocks and getting more and more powerful. Here it is in phase two. This is phase three, and this is phase four, where it starts to get even more ridiculous. Phase five, it starts to look like Mega Mind, and phase six, it gets some friends. And phase seven is the top. So this is the craziest it gets, which, not going to lie, it's pretty crazy. So there's a lot to this mod. There's a lot that it does. There's a lot of particles. There's a lot of things happening. So what happens if we get a bunch of them? Okay, we've got, I think, four. That's already doing pretty well. I'm going to go one step further. Here's the idea. I'm going to essentially take a repeating command block and set every Witherstorm that's close to it to the fullest for the stage. There we go. That's that command. And then this other one will summon a Witherstorm way up high. So now if we just press this button, we instantly get a Mega Witherstorm. And then if we set this to repeating, I'm going to keep it on, on the Redstone so that I could just press this button, summon like seven in. Oh yeah, here we go. Here we go, baby. Here we go. This button is still pressed down. I don't know what's going on. Oh, oh, oh, oh, that's, that's a yup. Uh-huh. That's, oh my gosh. I think it's working. I think, I think, I think the idea was working. Yeah, I got a solid like one frame per second now. So that's real fun. Okay, okay. I'll calm down, calm down, Witherstorm. All right, well, now that everything is just a purple mess, I guess we'll just move on to the next mod. Have you tried dousing your computer in orange juice? Good thing I don't actually own some orange juice. Oh no, this is going to do the same thing. (dramatic music) Oh, geez. Okay, update. The trees are poking through the top of the sea of pointed dripstone. Oh, whoa, whoa, that's a big change. That's a, that's huge. It's like almost there. Wait, that's, whoa, that was crazy. It's doing so many calculations right now. We're almost there. We almost made it without blue screening. This is awesome. Oh, oh my gosh. Check it out. Look, all the dripstone's gone and my skin's back. Oh, my skin's gone again. I just, I spoke too soon, I guess. Oh my gosh, the updates are getting quicker. Look, there's particles down there. It's actually functioning. Wait, look, my skin's back? Does this mean we have actually, no, we don't, we still don't have any frames per second. It's all still seconds per frame, but we're almost there. The chat message is disappearing. We've got a couple frames now. Oh my gosh. I'm going to hold shift and we're going to slowly move. Can I zoom in? There's nothing there on top of the trees right now. Oh yeah, there they all are. Oh my gosh. Look at all the dripstone. I can't even like zoom in. Wait, let me try. Zoom. I love how my hand like disappears a frame before I actually get zoomed in. Close the brackets, hit enter. Oh, oh my gosh, I have frames now. That was an experience. And even though this didn't blue screen, I'm pretty sure the next one is guaranteed to. Install a Minecraft mod designed to cause a blue screen with a command. Well, I couldn't find anything like that, but I did find this, the blue screen of death on death mod. I think we're gonna need my B cam for this one This could be-- This could be rough So let's get into it. This could be really interesting because if I do end up dying, my computer will actually blue screen. This could actually be the first official blue screen that I've gotten from Minecraft. Even though it's a mod designed for this, this could be the first one. None of these houses have any chests. Great. Wow, you guys really just don't have anything, huh? Okay. Oh, bread. Great. Wonderful. Armor. There is one more lock there and I'm leaving it. But you know what I really want to do? I really want to find a very like obscure way to die. Or even honestly, like I'm looking around for a witch right now. If the witch was the first way that I could find to die, that would be pretty awesome. I feel like it's an achievement to just die immediately to a witch, you know? Like that does not happen very often. This is such an extensive swamp. Is there really nothing out here? I've got a bit of a better vantage point. Let's see if we can see anything out here. There really is no witch hut. Any desert pyramids out there that want to let me jump in and blow up? We could definitely run over here and see what's around. I think it might be worth it to see if there's a desert temple. Man, I was really hoping for a witch. That's such a bummer. Wait, I have a saddle. I can get a horse. Heck yeah. Let's go. Come on, buddy. Yeah. Best friends forever. Let's go. We're off to find a blue screen. Let's go. Yes. This is what I wanted. Let's go. Before I do jump to my inevitable doom though, let's see what's in here. Oh, iron pickaxe. I didn't even have to make a pickaxe. Let's go. Let's see what things I'm going to be missing out on in these chests. Three diamonds. All right. We got a couple emeralds. We got a couple more. Dime multi-shot. That's so cool. Oh, before we do anything else, I want to put golden horse armor on the horse. Buddy, come here. I'm going to give you horse armor before I disappear and never come back. You enjoy that golden horse armor. You look schnazzy. All right. I'm off to my doom. Have fun out here in the real world. Living the rest of your life is a normal horse. And yeah, it's going to be great. And this should be the blue screen. Let's see it happen. Oh (Laughing) No freakin way. Alright they got me on that. That was pretty funny. That was pretty clever. Alright. It did in fact bluescreen. We did in fact Get a blue screen I have the easiest way to get a blue screen in Minecraft. Step one, build a wall of blue concrete. Okay. Step two, look right at the wall so it covers your whole screen. All right. Step three, press F1. All right. Fine. One point to you. Download a blue screen image and open it. Well, technically, I guess that's a blue screen. So, uh, points to you, I guess. To make the game unplayable, repeat command blocks, one that spawns a dragon, the other kills it. Put then on redstone mode. All right. Let's try it here in the middle of this giant icy lake. One, two, summon ender dragon. Okay. And kill ender dragon. Yep. It's, um, it's not, it's not doing any, hold on. Wait, I have an idea. This could be interesting. Oh, um, yep. Oh boy. It's not, it's not working. Okay. Wait, I got it. I got it. This could be insane. Ready? Oh my gosh. Yup. This is getting there. This is getting laggy. This world is going to be completely fried. Wow. Look at all the experience on the ground. Oh my gosh. It hasn't crashed yet, but it looks like it's definitely going to. Oh my gosh. Look at all the experience points. Wait, I might be able to reach the command blocks. I might be able to destroy it and end our suffering. Come on. We can do it. We can get it. Yes. Oh, it still-- it's removed. The ender dragons are still dying though. So slowly but surely. Look at all that experience. Wow. Never thought I'd see this as an image. What in the world? And that ladies and gentlemen is the last of the ender dragons. The only lag now is all of these experience points. Oh gosh. Look at them all. Oh my gosh. But to be honest, you guys are definitely getting the point on this one because my word was that insane. It definitely made the game unplayable. And in my book, that's enough to warrant a point for you. So well done. You get the point. Hi, Jake. How are you? Good to see you. Make a black hole gun. Well, I couldn't find a black hole gun, but I could find a regular old black hole. This thing is great because I can actually change the parameters of it. So if I said it's a grow at a thousand times the speed. Oh my gosh. It ate through bedrock. It's just pulling mobs from out of the walls. Whoa. What happens if I just go into survival? Quick. Oh my gosh. All right. New black hole. I'm going to let that grow and I'm going to go over here in survival. We'll see what happens. Oh my gosh. Here it comes. It's gets going. I got to run. I got to go. This thing's just going to eat everything up. Oh no. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. It's still going. Oh no. Oh, it's pulling me back into the black hole. Now I can make it. I can get away. This is the actual fastest I can go right now. Oh gosh. I can't jump because I just get pulled back. Oh no. I'm not going to be able to escape it. If I go in the water, will I? No, I can't swim. Oh my gosh. Pull. Oh no. I'm going so fast. All right. Well, no. Oh no. I'm all the way over here. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Let's just see it creep up on the horizon. Oh my gosh. You could already see it. Oh, there goes some blocks. Oh my gosh. Oh, you could already start to feel the pull. Oh geez. Wait, I need to dig in here. No, not the cows. It's so ominous. It's just right there. It's looming on the horizon. Oh my gosh. Oh no. This is it. This is the end. Well, to be fair, it didn't crash my game. So actually, I think I get a point on this one. What if you downloaded life? Well, that seems pretty impossible. But I think I have an idea. I think this counts. I bet you your Minecraft will be unplayable. Summon bats to an arrow. And after that, summon lightning bolts on the bats with a command block repeating of course. All right. Let's see what happens. Oh, oh, no. That's not-- Oh, what the heck? All right. So now-- Oh, yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Oh, wait. We might actually-- this might actually work. No, no. That's not quite-- Oh, no. I'm just killing every bat in this vicinity. Oh, no. Yeah, that kind of-- No, no, no, no, no, no. What is happening? Do that. So now-- That is a lot of fire. But I figured it out. OK, so what this bow does is it essentially summons a ton of bats to the specific arrow. And then each bat gets lightning summoned on. So now if we just shoot an arrow, that all happens. Oh, my gosh. So now what we can do is we can just summon a bunch of these. We can just do a bunch of arrows. And it's wild and crazy. All right. So here's my plan. I'm going to fill all of these dispensers with arrows and then fire them all in quick succession. OK, if this manages to lag me out, then I'll let you have the point. But otherwise, I get the point. Just flip this lever and the redstone blocks start going. Oh, hold on, hold on, hold on. Oh, gosh. Oh, this is horrifying. The game's definitely a little bit laggy-er. What happens if I go in here? Oh, geez. Oh, I'm sure YouTube Compression is loving this right now. Wow, this is weird looking. Oh, my gosh. You know what? It's laggy. It's definitely a lot of entities. It's definitely doing something. And it's pretty cool looking. So I might as well give you the point. How to crash. Step one, make a sword with level 9999999999. Put it in a grind stone crash game. Unfortunately, I couldn't make a sword with that many nines. But I could make a sword with this many nines, even though it only shows up as level 255. How many hits does it take to kill the warden? Four. What about you? Oh, my gosh. Three hits for the wither. That is a pretty good sword. So what happens when we remove all the enchantments? Not much. Unfortunately, with the way that Minecraft works, experience points combine together. You will notice that I'll go up a few experience points, but nothing close to crash the game. But what about a sword with all of the enchantments? Let's find out. Still not quite. So unfortunately for you, I win this point. Subscarbe. I agree. Please subscribe. In fact, if you take a look at this graph of watch time from subscarbers, you'll notice that 79.1% of people are not subscarbed. So if you want to be part of that 20.9% of people that are subscarbed, you should hit that subscarb button down below today. It's completely free, and you can always unsubscarb later. Would you subscarb if I gave you this gremlin? Take the gremlin, please. Please take the gremlin. That's right. subscarb for child. Anyways. Ask your PC to blue screen. Hey, man, would you consider just like a blue screen for me? Thanks. That'd be great. Of course, sir. Initiating malfunction. Hey. I'm kidding. It's not real. We'll get there someday. Break 356 block tall, drip leaf times 64. Hey, I'm stuck down here. What have you done? So this is 64 drip leaf plants, and I need to figure out how to get them all the way up to the top of this hole. Oh, I didn't mean to do that. Oh, boy. This is going to be interesting. OK, so I have the big drip leaf up here. I wonder if I can do this. Go all the way back down into this hole. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Big drip leaf stem. It worked. It's just a big platform of drip leaf up here. This whole thing is very small because this is 8 by 8, which means it's 64. So we're testing the comment directly. But here we go first. Wee. What I'm going to do is I'm going to run this comment, and that is going to destroy all of them. That's a lot of items, and it's just going to keep coming. It's just going. And it's just going to be raining these for a little while. That's a lot of drip leaf. All right, that's the end of the rain. Look at them all. It's not really lagging me out, though. So I think this one is a win for me. That one actually went way better than I thought it would. So great idea, but yeah, the point goes to me. I think the trick is to blue screen your computer to blue screen your computer. Oh of course! Why didn't I think of that? All I gotta do is hit enter Of course! Of course! Of course! I probably shouldn't have done that, but technically that's a blue screen. So fine. Take the point. Just take the point. It's yours. Uh, hi Teri, do you wanna say something? You got something to say, Teri? Uh, Teri? Teri, Teri, calm down, Teri. Teri! Teri, no, Teri, stop! Teri, Teri, take a point, is that enough? Teri, wait, wait, Teri, no, please! (screaming) Prove you're smart. [SOUND] Alright, just gonna leave that there. Close Minecraft. Place way too many enchanting tables. Alright, yep. None of them spawned with books. Oh, oh, some of them did. What if I, boop, do one here and then go there? What if I do this? Yeah, they don't spawn the books. Uh, oh, here we go. Here we go. Alright, this might actually work. First, we gotta set it all to dirt. Where's my dirt? Where's my dirt at? Oh wait, is it all, oh. Here we go. First, we gotta set it all to dirt. This is just over two million blocks that we're going to change here. And now, we set them to enchanting tables, which should, in theory, oh, it froze. In theory, this should spawn them all with books. Um, and oh. Yeah, that's, those are books. Those are certainly books. There's certainly a lot of books. (laughs) That's insane. I'm getting like a solid one frame every three seconds. Oh my gosh. That is a sight right there. The thing is, it's not crashing my game, but it is making it unplayable. In the past, I've definitely given points out for being unplayable, so that's what we'll do today. Good job, points to you. Breaking Minecraft, right? Delete it. (dramatic music) DIA, leak an IP and give everyone creative and operator for an hour. Well, unfortunately, I can't quite meet this request, because if I give everyone OP, they can just run the slash stop command and the server would just die. And that's no fun. But what I can do is give everyone creative mode. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Here we go, here they come. All right, this is going real well. I'm gonna set everybody to creative. We're gonna time how fast people can crash this server. Are you ready? Here we go. Time for chaos. And good luck. I'm hitting start on my timer. Oh boy. The bedrock box is already gone. There's a music disc. There's already a ridiculous explosion. How fast can we crash the server? There's no problems right now, right? Look at all the advancements. How long? We're already past a minute. How are there so many of them? How did you do this? How did... Oh, that was awesome. One minute and 24 seconds. That was awesome. This is exactly what I wanted to happen, guys. So this is fantastic. We're gonna do it again, by the way. I wanna see if you can beat your record. I don't have a lot of Minecraft knowledge, but what if you have 2,048 command blocks that spawn thickens and then set them all off at the same time? Not gonna lie, no idea what a thicken is. So I made one. This is a chicken and this is a thicken. (laughing) Oh no. Clearly one of these guys is not enough. So how about over 2,000 of them? (laughing) Oh no, they're all attacking each other. (laughing) Who's gonna come out on top? Who's gonna be the leader? Wow, this is a battlefield. Looks like that one won and that one won. And all of the rest of them are just feathers. I'll give them a mutual enemy. Go. Final showdown. Who's gonna win? Oh, it's this guy. Yay, well done. But the thicken didn't crash my game. So because of how beautiful he is and because he didn't crash my game, I get the point. If you wanna try the thicken out for yourself, you can become a member today because it's available to my members. Enjoy. Oh, that's our current record to beat. We're gonna keep going until we can't beat our record anymore. Do a sub segment. There's this cool little button called button. The subscribe button. Pretty cool. It's also completely free. This is going to be a great time. I'm gonna stop. All right, round two. Here we go. Welcome to us trying to beat our existing record. Are you ready? Yeah. Slash game mode. Creative. Go. Oh, yeah. Oh boy. How many wardens are we gonna spawn? We're getting there. We're gonna make it. I think we're gonna get it. There's so many ender dragons. Oh, come on. It's so close. Yeah. Guys, we did it by a whole like 20 seconds, one minute and eight seconds. If we can beat it again, then we're gonna keep going. Use crazy TNT mods. All right, fine. But you're coming with me. With. Whoa. This is so good. Stop. Wee. Oh my God. Hey, welcome to my floating island. There is a house dynamite. I believe there's a house dynamite. My home. Yeah. Oh my God. I'm gonna X-ray. Oh, God. (laughing) Rainbow dynamite. Whoa. I know how to break Minecraft. Roulette dynamite. I think sometimes it explodes and sometimes it doesn't. You can play Russian Roulette with dynamite. Wait, wait, wait. All right, ready? That wasn't quite what I was intending, but all right, yeah. That works. I have one roulette dynamite. Will it happen? I survived. No. That's so cool. That's so neat. Hey, I got Stone Age. (screaming) Let's go to an area we've not reached. (laughing) I'm probably smart. What could possibly go wrong? Whoa. Look above you. Oh. Oh. Oh no. What could possibly go wrong? Nothing could go wrong here. Nothing could possibly. What the heck is, what? Whoa. I'm actually pretty fun. Whoa. (screaming) I'm back up top. This is a gunpowder aura. I cannot escape the mobs. Well, have fun with the sinkhole. Oh no. (screaming) Oh hey, there's some diamonds. No, my diamonds. Nothing weird happening at all. (laughing) There's an erupting dynamite. (exploding) Extinction. I have no idea what this is gonna do. It's an extinction TNT. Oh. (laughing) Yeah, that checks out. Oh, I see it. Oh, it's happening. Oh. (screaming) Wow, this is insane. Still not breaking my computer. Oh. (exploding) (screaming) Whoa. (laughing) Oh my gosh. Oh, it's random TNTs. Oh no. Oh, it's like random firework TNTs. Oh. (laughing) Oh, there's even little stars. Oh, that's so cool. It's just, it's all. Oh my God, they're all exploding. I'm frozen. (laughing) Oh, yeah, you do seem to be frozen. I'm okay actually. I got a nice little loading. Oh, yep, my game crashed. Cool. You crashed. My PC beat yours. Does that mean I win? Pull the lever. (dramatic music) (exploding) Didn't crash though. Are you ready? The time to beat. One minute and eight seconds. You're getting squished too much. What is going on there? Boom, go, good luck. I've started my timer. Here we go. (laughing) What? What? What? I don't think that's supposed to happen. This one's going down real fast. Where did they come from? Pretty sure that's a hacked client. Dude, this is insane. Look at all the particles. What? Oh gosh, 54 seconds. I don't think we, yeah, we didn't make it. One minute, 12 seconds. We didn't quite make it. We were super close. We were so close, but you know what that means? We're gonna raise the player cap. Spawn a cat, please, smiley face. Okay, I'll do that. Wow, look at that. It's a cat, he's so cute. Look at him, he's so precious. It's so adorable. Hey there, buddy. How's it going? It's adorable. It's precious, but that wasn't the point of the video. That's not at all what the point of the video was. Hey buddy, thanks for the free point. (laughing) It is very cute though, I'll give you that. And now it's stranded on this island in the middle of nowhere. If not, just turn stone into grass, not the block. Turn stone into this grass. I see what you're saying. Well, I have a gigantic section of this world selected with world edits, and yeah, it goes really far away. So let's see what happens. I'm honestly not even sure if this is gonna work, but we're gonna find out. All right, replace stone with grass. Let's see what happens. This should be pretty wild. Watch this, just like immediately stop my game. Like my game just stops, it just disappears. Oh, yep, uh-huh, yeah, cool. 24 million blocks have been replaced. I guess now we wait. (trumpet music) Okay, I'm not gonna lie, it's been 20 minutes and nothing's happened. I'm kinda thinking we're gonna give it to you for this one. I'm pretty sure it just decided that the grass was too much and didn't function, but I do wanna try it at a smaller scale. Okay, this is considerably less space, but still grabs this little section of stone. I think this'll be better. I just wanna see what it does. Like I just wanna like see how it looks. Oh, I think I see a single seed there. (laughs) Okay, here we go. There's a portion of it that's there. You can see grass there. Wow, this is also taking a very long time. You guys definitely got the point for this one. (trumpet music) Okay, we are actually in a functioning state of the game now. Look at this thing. This is crazy looking. What happens if I try to just like, you know, hold shift and slowly fly down into this hole? Oh, you know what I'm seeing? I'm thinking there's quite a few seeds. That might be why. What happens if I kill all the items? Ah, yes, see, that was the issue. Look at this, this is crazy. It's very similar to what it would happen if you just replaced everything with air, but like the fact that it was grass the whole time and the fact that there's like grass floating every once in a while is kinda cool. Overall, points to you, but this is a pretty cool suggestion. I think our time of a minute and eight seconds is pretty good. Yeah, the lag is gonna happen, but that's the point. That's the idea. That's what we want. Game mode, here we go. Three, two, one, go. Jeez, oh gosh. Can we do it? Is it possible? With 170 people, can we beat it? Did we, oh, oh, oh my gosh, it's so close. It's so close, it's so close. Come on. Oh, I got past the one eight. So even with that many people, there might be a thing I can change in here to make things even more difficult for the server. Not for us, make it easier for us, but more difficult for the server. Spawn one million, one million, What? spawn one million, What was that? spawn one million. What was that you said? I can't-- You gotta speak up! Man, I'm trying. Spawn one million wardens and then walk. I can't hear you over the sound of all these wardens! There's just so many! Okay I wanna see what happens if I throw a snowball. (laughing) Wooooahhh. (Knarfy drowning) Ok. Here's my goal. If I can make it to the other side of all those wardens without dying, then I win this point. But if I die on the way there, then you get the point. Alright, setting to survival. Here we go! I'm gonna just run right through the middle! What could possibly go wrong? (Knarfy Panic Noises) Ope yep they're all seeing me now! I made it! I made it! I made it! I made it across! I made it through! They had no idea! Awesome! Well I guess I get the point for that one GG! Where did you get that? I hate everything about that, wow. Look at you all. Get a bunch of screenshots. All right, that's 100% going on my Twitter. All right friends, are you ready? We're gonna try this one more time. And if we can't break our record, then that's okay. But I think we might be able to. We're gonna do this. I'm gonna set you all to creative. Someone lit the TNT somehow. This is insane. I don't think we're gonna make it. Yeah, we're at 102 already. Oh, wait. Guys, no way. Just as I had said, I don't think we're gonna make it. We actually made it. Dude, that's crazy. I did not expect that. We actually pulled it off. That's awesome. I can't believe we actually did that. Well done. That means by the way, for this next video, you guys get the point for this one. What is the fastest way to crash Minecraft? Yes, you're response will be timed if it is chosen. Install a 4K texture pack with a high resolution shader on full render distance and then reload the chunks as fast as possible. Oh boy, this is. Let's see if I can even open a world. If this world loads, I will be so impressed. Come on, you can do it. Come on, joining world. Oh my gosh. Wow, this is running better than I thought it would. Oh, what? How is this running? Enable Connect Texture. We're gonna ignore the sand for now. Look at these leaves. This is the most high resolution resource pack I have ever seen. It is a 256X version resource pack, which is already just insane. Wow, that's a dead bush. Oh my word. But the goal is to reload all the chunks. So let's do that. Holding F3, press A. I'm gonna start my timer and go. Go. Reload. I'm just reloading it over and over and over and over. I'm still clicking it, but it froze. This could be good. I'm still going. I'm still going. Oh, it's definitely very broken. Oh, yep. There's a, there it is. Stop one minute and 20 seconds. Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first contender for the winning. There it is, baby. Incredible. Who's next? So spawn hundreds of entities, then make them teleported to you and then to a set of coordinates, et cetera. Please do this. Instead of teleporting them all to me, I'm actually just gonna teleport them to two separate places on top of this big old mountain. And this is gonna be wild. There's already a bunch of entities in this regular world. So let's just, oh, oh wow. Yeah, that's working. This just summons a bunch more bats. So I'm just gonna add to the chaos. In fact, let's change this from bats to like enderman. Oh geez. This is weird. Oh my gosh, you can see like minecart chests in there. That's awesome. Everything is just dying. I'm gonna set the max entity cramming to 500 so we can just get a ton of mobs in here. Oh my God. Look at all the enderman. What is happening? This is crazy. I'm sure it sounds wild too. Wait. What happens if I just summon withers? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. All the enderman are dead now. So that was fast. The redstone is just frozen. Yup. This is working incredibly well. You all know what we're gonna do next. Ender dragon, go. Oh geez. Oh my gosh. What a shot. This could be the thumbnail, geez. One thing I will say though is that it's not crashing yet. There was a glow squid. Did you see that? That was amazing. Oh my gosh. Look at the glow squid. It's ascending. Where is it going? Where is it going? What is happening? And this ladies and gentlemen is why you watch my videos. Wow. The glow squid. The all powerful glow squid. The glow squid is just gone. Where is it going? Oh, it's died. No. I don't know if this is gonna crash it. I think it's just gonna perpetually go. At a certain point, things are just gonna entity cram and die. And it's just not gonna, it's not gonna continue. It's also been considerably longer than a minute 20. So I think we're just gonna end it here. Well done, well done. That was absolute chaos. Five minutes and nine seconds. Not quite enough to win, but still a good effort. Sunny is still in the lead. Ask your father if he loves you. You mean in comparison to your brothers? Hmm. Feels like a setup. It does, it does feel like a setup. (laughing) Who's my favorite? No, the betrayal. No. F3 and C for exactly 10 seconds. I'm not gonna lie, I've actually never tried this one and I'm kind of curious what happens. A few people have told me to do this, so let's try it out. I know F3C copies your location, so I'm curious if that's why. So three, two, one, go. This will crash the game unless released. Oh, so it literally just, it literally just crashes the game. It, it, oh. Okay, to be fair, 14 seconds. So I guess you're in the lead. (laughing) Man, if someone can beat that time, I'll be very impressed. Hit a cow named Jeff with a C pickle. Hey Jeff, you don't mind if I just... (growling) (growling) This was years ago, so it might've been fixed, but I remember making a super flat world with only snow carpet, nothing under it. I broke one and bam, game crashed. Well, only one way to find out. Watch it crash immediately upon loading. Started, oh, okay, I'm falling into the world. I set it to survival, why did I do that? Help, oh no, I'm stuck in the snow and blinding you if you're watching this in the middle of the night. All right, so this is all just one layer of snow, as you can see. Let's just see what happens. Whoa, why did all of those break? They're not broken. Is it fine? Is it working okay? I think it's working. Unless something somehow is just not loading in, this is fine. Why did it do that original thing though? That was weird. What if I just blow up some, oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. It is glitching out. What's happening? Look, the TNT doesn't, it just disappears when I right click on it. So it's not crashing it, but it is completely bugging everything out. Oh my gosh. What happens if I set this to noon? Can I change the time? Nope, everything is just... Mm, it has already been like a minute and a half, but it's, this is interesting. Let me just leave this for a little bit and just see if anything happens. (upbeat music) All right, it's been a few minutes. I don't think there's much happening. I am curious though, what happens if we try to leave the world? How long will this take to save? Or will it save it all? Will it just crash? Who knows? All right, so it didn't crash it, but it did successfully break it. So I am going to say that you crashed it with the time of five minutes. So it doesn't mean that you won, but I do think you did a good job. So well done, let's move on. Bon a thousand wardens in a five by five hole and get Sonic boomed by them at the same time. Ooh, here we go. (imitates beeping) Beautiful hole. Here we go. (engine revving) Oh geez, yup, that's yup, that's working. Uh oh, that's a horrible sound. This guy's not even there. Hey guys, how's it going? Oh geez, the sky. Hey guys, uh oh. (laughing) Whoa, boing. (laughing) Wait, I wonder if, hold on. Okay, now I have resistance and I want to see what happens. What happened? What are you doing? Hit me. Oh, one of them hit. Oh, that works. Wait, watch this, bounce. Boing. (laughing) What the heck? Why does it do that? Hey guys. (laughing) Boing. (laughing) Why does it do that? That's so weird. Maybe we need more. (singing) Oh my gosh, they're glitching past me. What is happening? Oh geez, oh, oh, oh no, oh no. Oh geez, oh that was not at all what I meant to do. Oh yeah. All right, here we go. 1000 warden's, here we go. Yeah. Here we go. Launch, wee. Okay, all right, we're up. Boing. There's one bounce. Boing. Two, all right. And three bounces. Four bounces. Five, six bounce. Seven. Two, this is wild. Nine. 10, 11, 13, 14. 16 bounces. Oh my gosh, that is an image right there. Hey warden, don't mind me. I'll just be in here. I'm just in here now. Oh man. Oh boy, I love frames. All things considered, you did a great job, but it didn't manage to crash my game. It was super cool though. But unfortunately I get the point on this one. But GG, replace your PC with a potato and then open Minecraft. (upbeat music) It's not working. Oh. (laughing) That means I get the point. Wait, hold on, do I get the point? Minecraft didn't even run on the potato. So wait, hold on. - You didn't even start the game. - But I couldn't even start the game. They wouldn't point if they crash my game and I would have point if my computer survives the game. - Well, if this is your computer and we're judging based on survival, I don't think that counts as surviving. - I think you're right. I think you're right. Oh no. You know what's funny is that's the first point that the audience has gotten in this video. - Really? - Yeah, that's the first point. And it was a potato. This is what you've come to is you've won with a potato. - This belongs in a lab somewhere. - Have a repeating command block that summons boats to a location and then move the boats. All we gotta do is flip this lever here and the boats will start to spawn in there. Oh, what's that doing there? That's crazy. Anyways, we're already starting to get a lot of boats here. Oh boy. I'll just leave this be for a little bit and we'll just see what happens. And now all we gotta do is, boop. Oh, I guess I'm over here now. Nothing changed. What if I get into one of the boats? What happens if I just, just, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh. That's a lot of boats. Oh wow. One of them made it all the way over here. Jeez. Oh, that was only 940. Oh, we can do better than that. Oh yeah, that's getting better already. Oh jeez, this is very laggy. - Theoretically. - Okay, so, oh, now I'm in this hole. Now comes the incredible task of trying to get into one of these boats. Let's see what happens. Oh, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in a boat. Let's just move around a little bit. Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. That's, yep, that's pretty good. That's pretty good. Okay, so, but like it didn't, it just didn't, it still didn't crash. That was 1300 boats? Oh, that wasn't even that much more than the other one. This could get interesting. Oh yeah, that's nice. Oh my gosh, that's great. Oh, long line of boats. Oh my gosh. Look at all of the, whoa, look at that. How did boats get all the way over there? We're gaining frames back. Oh jeez, look at how far they went. Okay, there's frames. Wow, wow. And that was almost 2000 entities. Awesome, love that. Okay, well, I guess the most recent versions of the game are way better with entities or something. So all things considered, that's a point for me. I really hope you guys get a point on the next comment. Get Minecraft Pocket Edition and put your phone in the microwave. Oh man, that would be so unfortunate. This'll be fine. Use carpet mod tickrate and turn it up as far as possible. Oh, I'll, oh, SystemZee is here, hey. You know how Minecraft tick speed exists? Right, tick speed, it exists. Yeah, Minecraft. It's a cool thing. Well, carpet mod, as this comment said, allows us to do some pretty crazy stuff. The basic default thing is 20, right? But if I set it to like something like, you know, 200, we'll see some weird stuff start to, if you look up at the sun. I don't see, oh there's, oh my God. What is going on? And this is just 10 times speed. I'm gonna set it to 500. This is kind of scaring me actually. This is scaring me. It's getting dark, wow. Oh my gosh, it is. With the power of fire, I will disappear. (explosion) Oh, look at it go. Oh God. You got the redstone. That is a sound. Skrillex has really gotten better since the last time I heard- OH Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I have an idea! You see this forest? What forest? Wait keep it going. Keep it going. (screaming) That was so fast. I didn't stand a chance. I'll get there. I'm on my way. I can't wait to see the forest. Wow. There's a polar bear out in the world. Wow. (laughing) That's one small step for SystemZee. One giant step for SystemSmee . I wonder. (explosion) Oh yeah. Oh. (laughing) Oh yeah. (laughing) I'm trying my hardest to steer it, but I don't know how. (bells) This is a great time. (explosion) (laughing) That's the worst sound I've ever heard in my life. (explosion) Uh-huh. (laughing) Uh-huh. (explosion) (explosion) (sirens) I like that. That's a good noise. Yeah, this is real nice. Whoa, that's cool. Wow. Whoa. Let's see how much of this can happen. I feel like I'm inside of a soda pop. Whoa. That looks so cool. (laughing) It just keeps changing. Man, weird weather we're having, right? Nice. (laughing) That. Then we do it again. (laughing) Oh man. That way 100. Whoa. Oh, I think we maxed it out. Now it's just cherry. Oh. Hey, I think we did it. Because I can't move at all. Oh, wait, you might be right. I think I did it. Did I break it? I think you've pulled it off. I think you might've actually done it. I mean, you're not moving, so I think this might. Neither are you. (laughing) That's. OHHHHH Yeah, yeah. Let's go. (laughing) The match is a point for the commenters. You're welcome. Well done. You're welcome. Command that gives you totems infinitely and die as fast as you can. Starting off with something really interesting. This little system essentially does exactly what the comment says. This command gives me infinite totems. This command deals a ton of damage. And this one kills entities because there's a lot of totems involved in this. If I flip this lever, this is the process. Oh. (laughing) There we go. There we go. This working. Ow, ow, ow, ow. This is a lot of particles, but I think we can do better. It also wasn't crashing me. This video is gonna use a lot of carpet mods, so I installed it for this one too. And that means I can set the tick rate to something ridiculous. Here we go. (buzzing) (laughing) No! (buzzing) (laughing) (buzzing) (buzzing) (buzzing) (buzzing) (buzzing) Oh my gosh! What just happened? (laughing) I just flipped this lever and it just, uh. (buzzing) Oh my gosh! (buzzing) (laughing) Oh. Oh. This one's off to a great start, my word. It didn't crash my game. I do have one more idea for this though. Something I set up with these commands is that they apply to every player in the world. And carpet mod allows you to spawn more players. And as you can see, they can hold things. Just give me one second. (upbeat music) I lied, it wasn't a second. It was way longer. I have so many players in this world that I don't think they all show up on the tab list. But if you see yourself, say hi. There's a lot of you. And now you all have totems. I'm sure you see where this is going. I'm gonna start by just letting all of them go. Let's see what. (laughing) Oh no. Oh no. Oh, the particles. Oh, what is happening? Captain Sparkles, what did they do to you? Okay, this doesn't work quite as well as I thought it would. (laughing) That's insane. I guess there's a limit to particles. Three, two, one, go. (laughing) Oh no. Oh, geez. Oh, the lag. Oh, the lag is real. (laughing) That is a lot of totems. I never understand how I survive these videos. All right, so that didn't work. I've added one more command. That'll probably do something. (exploding) Did it work? Oh, there's players raining from the sky. Oh. (laughing) This clearly worked perfectly both of these times. So now we're gonna try it one more time. (exploding) (laughing) There they go. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, there they are. Hey guys, this is really working. (exploding) Away they go. Into the sun, I guess. All right, well I guess that didn't quite work the way I expected. It's fine, I tried. It could've, oh, hello. It could've worked, but I guess it didn't. So I guess I get the point. The particles though, that was insane. (laughing) Fill a 100 by 100 area of upwards facing pistons put lightning rods on top with channeling tridents thrown into them, repeatedly pulse the pistons and watch the chaos unfold. So 575 people like this comment. And so do I. But it wasn't quite as simple as just throwing channeling tridents onto these, because that's great, but they despawn. So I had to figure out how to set up all of these command blocks. Before we start actually doing anything else with these pistons, we need to summon all the tridents. So let's just see what all of these look like. (exploding) (laughing) The sound, the sound that it made was so insane. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, wait, I wanna stand in the middle of this and just see what happens. Whoop. (exploding) Oh my gosh. All right, so we know that that works. But now we need to figure out how to get these pistons to start firing correctly. Oh, I can set them all to air. All that makes my life so easy. Okay, so now in theory, beep, that pushes all the pistons up, and now beep, that pushes them all down. Okay, awesome, that's easy. But why exactly are we doing this? Well, if you see, we have a lightning rod here on top of this piston, which is replicated 10,000 times over there, and we throw a channeling trident perfectly on top right there. You'll see there's that initial blast, but then if you break this, it's another blast. And if you push the piston back up, it's another blast. So if we just do this repeatedly a few times, it could be really interesting. So let's figure it out. Honestly, that might be all we need, just setting them like that. Here we go, it's gonna be insane. (exploding) (laughing) Oh my gosh. Oh yeah, oh yeah, it's definitely working. Oh yeah. (exploding) (laughing) Look, it totally just like breaks the pistons. Look at, like half of them are up, half of them are down. What is happening? (exploding) Oh my gosh. That's so much lightning. Clearly though, it seems that 10,000 tridents wasn't enough. So there's 10,000 and there's 20,000. I really just want to see what happens if I press one of these buttons. (exploding) (laughing) Oh, this sound every time. This video is just all super excessive. You know, honestly, I'm here for it. I'm down for this. This is what we signed up for. All right, 20,000 was enough. What about 30,000? All right, there's 30,000 tridents out there. What could possibly go wrong? (exploding) (laughing) It's so much. Ah, whatever, 40,000 tridents, let's go. Because what could possibly go wrong, right? (exploding) Yeah! Whoa, whoa, it's a circle. Why is it a circle? I'm ready for it, give it to me. (exploding) (laughing) It comes out of nowhere. This has definitely rendered my game unplayable. I'm adding another 10,000 tridents, we're gonna see what happens. I'm adding even more 60,000 tridents. (exploding) All right, you've officially made it to zero and one frame per second, which I consider a success on your part. That does make this completely unplayable. So in that case, even though the game didn't quite crash, I will say you get the point. (exploding) Yeah, that sound is worthy of the point by itself. (ominous music) (ominous music) (ominous music) (ominous music) - Subscribe. - Subscribe. - Subscribe. - Subscribe. - Subscribe. - Subscribe. - Subscribe. - You should get a looting 255 pickaxe and mine 100 diamonds. Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but looting doesn't do anything on pickaxes. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt and gave you fortune instead. The name looting 255 pickaxe though is very fitting. This year is a 100 diamond ore and, (upbeat music) there's your 100 diamonds, but I do see what you're going for. So let's try something. How about over 3000 diamonds? Also my pickaxe is faster now. Let's see how many diamonds this provides. Just give me a second, second. (upbeat music) Oh yeah, this is already getting better. (laughs) That's a lot of experience points, dang. 30 levels so far and a lot more experience (upbeat music) It's getting to a point now where I just can't see the actual ore, I'm just in a carpet of diamonds. This is definitely better than the 100. So that's a plus. (upbeat music) It's funny, I can't see these breaking necessarily, but I can hear them. I made a couple of tweaks to this prompt, but it might still crash. It's the idea that really counts, not necessarily the wording. Oh man, I feel like I'm just, oh geez. There's still so much more to go. We have this many already. Can I even make it? I don't even know if I'll be able to make it before these start despawning. Oh, oh, I'm out of the thing. Yeah, this is a slideshow now. I'm just still mining as many of these as I can. Where am I going? Where am I going? Just gonna walk away from it real quick. I'm just gonna walk away. (sighs) Freedom. But anytime that chunk is loaded in, it is now unplayable. I definitely deemed this unplayable. I think you did a good job with this one. Even with the wording weirdness, I would say you won this point. So GG, this episode is not looking great for me. Delete the game. Honestly, with this new icon, I'm kind of feeling it. I feel like I've done this before, but I guess this does mean a point for you? Question mark? I mean, I broke it? Did it break it though? Hold on, I gotta review the footage of the previous one. Oh wait, that's right. Deleting the launcher blew up everything. Man, thank goodness it didn't do that this time. Otherwise, I'd have to give you guys the point. (screams) Okay, you need to make more videos with SystemZee. That was amazing bro energy between you guys. Hey, how's it going? (laughs) - How's it going? - Welcome back to the video. - I was recording something, but I guess I'll do this too. - Yeah, welcome. Yeah, I'm just taking over, no big deal. - What am I here for? - Well, you see. Use the slash place command to place pillager outposts in a repeating command block. If that doesn't work, try some other structures, a village maybe. - I broke Minecraft. - Okay, so the plan is, we gotta place a ton of structures. This could be really weird. Do we wanna do it on top of this mountain? This could be weird. - No, no, we need a flat land. Let's go to a desert. - Okay, okay. Oh, there's a mesa, whoa. - What structure should we start with? - Let's do the villages. Okay, so we've got an ancient city, village desert, village plains. Bastion - Oh yeah. - I also wanna see a mansion, man. - I'm gonna do it! Imma flick it! Imma go. - Wait, wait, first let's just do one and see what one looks like. Oh, oh, it's working on it. It's working. - Oh, oh, oh. - What, wait, it's actually kinda cool. - This is kinda sick. Oh my gosh, the city like growing in. - I feel like we just spawned into a Minecraft server. What the heck? (laughs) - Oh man, that's really, I have an idea, hang on. - Oh, oh, oh. - I don't think it likes it. Wait, should I turn it off? Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I wanna, oh no, I can't, I can't. - I'm slowly teleporting towards things. - Oh no, oh no, oh no. I can't turn it off. - What have we done? Oh, what is happening there? It's stacking up farms. - The lever is floating. - Oh, the lag, oh, this might do it. There are so many shulkers. - Why is it, what's up with the grass? - All the pigs, what in the world? - I've got a 4090. And it's, I feel like I'm playing on an old old Toshiba Mitsubishi Yatsubishi Suzuki motorcycle. The cows, there's so many cows. - There's a rave going on in here. - There's so many camels. - The amount of iron golems are crazy. - Honestly, I think since we placed them all in the same spot, it just kind of placed them in the same spot. So I wonder if there's like a way we can place them in other places. - I got an idea, I'm gonna break Minecraft. I'm breaking Minecraft with a dumb idea. I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna do that. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. - No, wait, wait, wait, wait, I have a better idea. More fun, watch this. - Spot a few, you gotta break the game. - What could go wrong? - That's what you're trying to do is break the game. - What could go wrong? Nothing could possibly go wrong. - Everything should go wrong, that's what we want. We want everything to go wrong. - There's so many villagers down there. - Now this is what I call a good time. If my calculations are correct, this is going to spawn structures at every villager, which means when the structures spawn villagers, it'll spawn more and more and more and more. - Three, two, one, go. - The mansion has pathways on it. I'm gonna be honest, I would say we are unable to play Minecraft therefore technically it has broken Minecraft. I'm actually shocked that it's still going. - I am too. - I'll be honest. Hey, wait, wait, I have an idea. They added a new thing where you can stop all commands if you do Alt F4. - Oh, that's a good suggestion. - Did it happen? Did you do it? I can't tell you, you're still on the game. - It's still frozen, so I pressed it and it just didn't change. So I'm telling them. - Okay, okay, if Alt F4 doesn't even break it, nothing will. - Yeah, that definitely counts. Do slash kill Minecraft. Ah, see, I found a loophole in your strategy. That doesn't work. Wait a minute. I don't know what that means. Does it mean that there's no more Minecraft? What is it? It left the game, but the game's still running. I don't understand. As far as I can tell, my game's okay. Even though I killed Minecraft? What does it mean? Having a crisis. All right, everybody calm down, calm down, calm down. Calm. It's all gonna be fine. Everything's okay. I'm taking this point. Don't worry about it. This wasn't just a distraction so that I could take a point. It's fine, don't worry about it. It's no big deal. Get another point for me. Let's go. Hopefully that lasts. summon an armor stand that summons armor stands that duplicates itself seven times and every armor stand summons ender dragons and withers. Okay, so if I get this right, at every armor stand, we're gonna summon an armor stand, but that needs to happen seven times. But apparently that wasn't enough because they also want ender dragons and withers. Great. - Me when I run this command. - Me when I have to buy a 4090. - Me when you're not subscribed. - It's fine. I'm not sad. - All right, buddy, I'm placing this armor stand. Here we go. (dramatic music) - Boy, oh boy, those armor stands probably aren't doing a thing. There's no way I'm coming back from that one. So there you go. That's another point for you, I guess. Oh boy, two points. I gotta catch up, dude. Crash idea, go back to the very first version of Minecraft and press escape. Welcome to the very first version of Minecraft. We're currently in RD-132211. All that this version has is right clicking to destroy some blocks and I can't even, you can't even fly. Also those black bars are because this is the only size the window will let me have. You can see the like building blocks, no pun intended, of Minecraft here. This is like, this is the original version. It's so cool, look at my little house. This is my house. This is where I live now. I need like a door. It's so hard to place because there's no cross hair. Look, tiny house, wow. And then I guess all I have to do now is just hit escape and it, I mean that, that does close it. But I'm not gonna lie, that feels a little bit like cheating. That's just a feature of the game. So I think I should get a point on this. Oh, I didn't even realize my house was still here. Hey, that's awesome. I think I should get this point. I think I should get it. We don't consider the save and quit button a crash and it clearly saved and quit. So I'm taking it, I'm taking this point. It's mine, it's my point. You can't judge me for that though because listen, I have a 4090 that it's on the line right now. So that being said, I'm gonna save and quit and give myself that point. Let's move on. Spawn 10,000 snow golems by placing tons of pumpkins on two layers of snow. It'll crash. Oh shoot, sorry. Didn't mean to blind you in the middle of the night. Except I did because snow golems. This entire world is just a super flat made out of these. It's just two layers of snow and a layer of bedrock. So that means we can do things like this. (laughs) Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun. If I just go way out here in the distance. Boop. Hey guys, how's it going? I am about to spawn 18,000 snow golems at the same time. Boop. Oh boy, here we go. Oh my gosh, look at the particles, what the heck? It's like dealing with it like a chunk at a time. So it's going through just systematically placing them all. Oh, hey. Wow, that's insane. What happens if I summon like a zombie? Oh, some of them have seen it. Let's see what happens. Oh gosh, look at them all turning towards it. (laughs) Yo, look at that. Circles in Minecraft, let's go. (gunshot) (laughs) That sound, oh, look at them all. Ah yes, frames. I'll do this one more time, but like with more space. So starting here. Now way over here. Seems like a good amount of space. This is 40,000 golems at the same time. Here we go. (laughs) Oh jeez. Where they at? Where's the golem? Oh, oh my gosh. My army. The power of the snow golems is unmatched. The game isn't crashing, but it's unplayable. And this is very impressive. And I think if I do this, everything will just kind of implode. So, oh geez, that Iron Golem doesn't know what to do. (laughs) What just happened? Where did I go? What? All right, since we transcended all of time and space, I guess I'll have to give you the point. I don't think even the game knows if it crashed or not. So, GG, you get the point. Let's move on. (laughs) You should make a bunch of dispensers that shoot fire charges and set the tick speed to 10,000. Oh, this poor village. Oh, this poor village indeed. Oh no, oh no, I did it wrong, but it's working. Wait. (laughs) Definitely didn't mean to do that. (laughs) Oh no. Oh my gosh, there's so much fire. This is wild. All right, well, here we go. Setting the tick rate as high as possible. Oh geez, I just unfroze it. Oh my word. (laughs) That is a few fireballs. I don't think this village is gonna survive. I also don't think my computer is going to survive. There's so many stacks of fireballs in those dispensers. I guess this is your point, but I kind of see destruction. Oh, oh no. That's, I was just trying to freeze the game and then the game, the, the, oh, what? Wait, it's back. (laughs) We're back in action, back from the dead. I don't know how it did that, but we're back. This has been just frozen for a while. Oh, oh, come on game. Oh man, dude, this really, you really broke it this time. What is happening? Oh my gosh, the carnage in the background. Do you see that? Nothing is responding. Yeah, you literally can't even see Minecraft in OBS right now. This is very broken. All right, fine. That counts. So good job. This is a good idea. I haven't really seen that before. Well done. Take the point, enjoy. Place water in the nether. Wait, you guys can't place water in the nether? Guys, it's really easy. All you need to do is right click. It's like placing water in the overworld. I don't know what's so difficult about this. You just, you just place it there. I feel like this is something important to figure out too because it makes life in the nether way easier. Have you guys been literally going to the nether this whole time without water? Dude, you're missing out. Traveling across lava lakes has never been easier. Trying to climb up a bastion way simpler. Look at all the goodies. Trying to get out of a bastion, way easier. Killing blazes has also never been easier. Speed runners like, this is a good strat. Check it out, easy. I don't know what's up with you guys, but it sounds like a skill thing. So I think I deserve a point on this one for sheer skill alone. Anyways, we're moving on. Oh, I nailed that. Uh oh, how to break Minecraft. Let your friend try to break the game. I'll do you one better. How about my brother? I don't know what I'm doing. I need something to spawn. Cats? I want to do cats. We're going to spawn a bunch of these. The child has arrived. Da Boi! Da Boi! A, B, C. Oh, cat. Guys, I'm learning. Okay, so there's-- I am still here. Oh, they're dying. Wow, they're so loud. Oh, but they're dying. I don't want to kill the beans. Oh. Yes. The cats. The beans. There's so many. Frame rate is dropping. Who that? That's me. I live with this guy. Oh yeah. It's getting real laggy. We want Cam more than Knarfy. Let's go. All in favor of making this channel mine. Okay, we're going to release the beans. Look at all the beans. There's so many. Oh my God. Oh boy. This may end horribly. Oh. (laughing) I can't even stand in the middle. Oh my gosh. (laughing) Oh. The frame rate definitely dropped, but it's not really doing a lot. One more. Oh. (laughing) Oh, we're getting real laggy very quick. This may work. It's floating. They're floating beans. They, oh, oh, oh. There they go. Wow. (laughing) Wow, that's a lot of beans. That's a lot of beans. Cam is the main character now. It is impossible to move. There are just so many. It's what you asked for. Look at how far away they got. Well, this was my tactic. This might be really inhumane. This could break it actually. Oh jeez. Oh no. Brace for impact on a creeper. Wait, dude, can't attack. Oh. Oh. (laughing) Wow, it is so laggy. Oh jeez. - It's pretty much unplayable. - It kind of is. - 9,000. (laughing) Yeah. - Nice. So much string. Well, that was breaking Minecraft with Cam. Channel being mine soon. Stay tuned for updates. I'm loading the desk back up to my height. Cause he's short. Open a server, invite all your fans and opt them all. If you complete this task successfully, my sub is yours. Well, there's nothing I wouldn't do for a new subscriber. So check out this clip from my recent live stream. Here we go. This is gonna be insane. Join the server. (laughing) Oh yeah. Oh yeah. What we're gonna do is I'm about to op all of you. All right, we're just gonna... All right, well, yep. (laughing) Chat's already frozen. Yeah, good luck. Goodbye to the server. Goodbye. Goodbye server. (laughing) Oh, it's back up. It's back up. I'm banned. I'm banned from the server. Oh, I'm dead now. Apparently too. I'm also just dead. Just, I'm banned again. Yeah, this is really going... Well. (laughing) All right, good times folks. Great point for you. You should use the slash fill command to fill a big area with mob spawners and then you slash fill the space you filled with spawners. Replace air, destroy mob spawners. Oh yeah, that could definitely result in some cool stuff. Let's do it. Oh yeah. Nice big cube of spawners. Just out of curiosity, let's see if it drops experience. It sure does. So now all we gotta do is run this command. Boop. Oh. Oh. Oh dude. Wow, this is good. That's a good suggestion. I didn't even think about this. Like these blocks all drop experience. Like look at this. Yeah, it's just completely frozen. I kinda wanna see if everything falls in the water though. Oh. Well that would do it. Yeah, XP orbs are definitely a bit of a struggle. Yeah, I'm gonna call it, this is a good idea. This is really, really cool. So GG, well done. You get the point on this one. Do you remember that server that we saluted out of existence a few minutes ago? Goodbye server. Well, after that stream, I actually disabled all the op permissions and then left the server up. Then posted the IP publicly to my community tab. Because what better way is there to break Minecraft than to give my audience the freedom to break it themselves? And so now my friends and I are gonna take a look at this server to gauge if really, truly your dumb ideas can break Minecraft. All right, you guys are gonna be deciding my downfall. How do you feel? - Great, I like burning money. - I will revel in this. - This isn't a SystemZee video. - Let's go take a look at what's going on here because good Lord. Sub to Knarfy? - We've done that like twice in this video already. So maybe. - Do you have any last words? - Oh my gosh, there's a castle. I'm going to in-game chat. - Yo, past the goal. - Knarfy, I just invited your entire community over here. - Uh oh. (laughing) - Hey, oh geez. What do you guys think? Do you guys think you managed to break Minecraft at this server? I love the people with just like full netherite and trims and Knarfy heads. - There's a over a thousand block cobblestone line. - Yeah, this is kind of impressive honestly. Okay, so if we just take a look here at spawn, right? Do we feel like these guys kept the game intact? Do we feel like they did a good job of keeping this game alive? Hey, James collected a list of locations and on that list it says Knarfy Jr. in the house of cherry and that piqued my interest. - We have Knarfy Jr. down here. - No way. - No way. It's my son. (laughing) - Yo. - Let's hear the stand up. - It's time for a funny Coolment joke. A moth walks into a pediatric office because the light was on. - All right Crag, all right, Crag, all right. Let's hear it, let's hear it, let's hear it. Have you ever heard like a funny sneeze? Ah. - Okay, okay, okay. - All right guys, you've seen the server. You've seen what they've been able to do. What do you think? Do you think that these players managed to break Minecraft? - Yes. - Right. - Yeah. - So. - At the same time, the server is still running, like so. (laughing) - I think it's broken. - I'm not gonna lie, even though I have no say in this, I do actually think that they've done a good job of completely making this unplayable. Wait, does that mean I have to buy the 4090 now? - Yes, but you're me. - Yes, yes. - Oh, no. Whatever, 10 repeating command blocks at some TNT minecarts and set the tick speed as high as possible, guaranteed freeze. (upbeat music) 10, 10. Tick rate, 500. Oh boy, yeah, this is cool. - What if it's like a walk-in? - Oh, no. I didn't even hear an explosion, what just happened? - What is that guy doing? (laughing) - I gotta respawn, what's going on? Oh, I'm, hmm. (laughing) Why is that one all the way up there? Okay, so the entirety of this edge is just gone. Maybe I shouldn't have put the command block so close to the TNT. Right here we go, I'm just gonna spawn a ton of them. Do, do, do, just walking along in survival. No big deal or anything happening here. Oh, oh, oh. It's just a rumbling sound and then everything just explodes. Here we go, yeah. (laughing) What is even happening right now? (laughing) There's a lot of TNT mine carts in there. The cool part about this one is that it'll never end. How did you get all the way up here, good sir? You're supposed to be down there. All right, well, everything is nice and frozen. Jesus, that sounds, still getting a nice 40 something frames for second here. The only problem now, of course, is that nothing else, nothing else works. Like I can break stuff, but like, hey. Yeah, I can't open this chest. I can't really do anything here. Oh, oh no. Just, yeah, this is, I feel like the flash right now. Can't even ring the bell, that's kind of sad. Wait, if I build up gravel and then I. (laughing) Oh, hey look, the chest open. Oh, the bell rang. Can I just do this? Yeah, oh, there it is. Yep, finally, all right. (laughing) Some sort of nexus event is happening over there. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah, okay. Does this mean I can just go about my day again? Does this mean I can just keep going? Oh yeah, look at, he's fine. Yeah, everything's, everything's fine. Everything is great. (laughing) So yeah, this was a good one, but didn't crash my game. And in fact, I can still play as normal. So, GG, point to me. Oh yeah, and if you don't know how this works, point to me if my computer wins and points to you if you crash my game. If you guys have more points than me by the end of this video, then I'll don the Knarfy maid outfit again. I have that. That exists by the way. This is off to a great start. Get crazy realistic shaders and texture packs and do the next idea. Whoever wins it gets two points. That is a really cool concept, a modifier. All right, I'll take you up on that offer. We'll start with rethinking voxels. This is a very, very intense shader pack. This thing has some incredible lighting. Check it out, check out those shadows. It's one of the coolest shader packs I've ever seen and I'm kind of excited. This should be fun. Yeah, check that out. The shadows are so cool. I placed this in here that it only lights that up. That's so neat. I love cool shaders. It's so cool, but that's only half of it. We also need the resource pack and I need it to be daytime. It looks way nicer right now. Dude, this is a 128X version of the resource pack and it looks so crazy. Oh yeah. Wow, look at the detail. This is, I don't know if I've used the 128 version of Patrix resource pack, but this is really, really nice. Look at how beautiful everything is. It's so high resolution. This is a netherite sword and this is a diamond sword. Oh my gosh. All right, well, I guess we try to crash the game with something else now. Let's see what happens. User command blocks mon thousands of blazes on the same block, trapped so they can't move but can see you. Give yourself fire resistance and go into survival so that they all shoot fireballs at the same time. All right, I guess I gotta find a good place to do this now. How about on this platform of absolutely gorgeous obsidian? Here we go. All right, that's one blaze, but we need to spawn a bunch. Oh geez, oh wait, hold on. Oh no, I didn't mean to, no, no. There we go. That's much better. So much better. We're already losing frames. Okay, all right. Okey doke. Yep, that's great. That's fantastic. So now if I set myself to survival mode. Hey guys, how's it going? Don't hurt me, please. (laughing) Oh no. I didn't really even get to see what happened. Oh, hey guys. Hey, oh, don't worry about me. I'm fine. Oh geez, there's so many more. It's just instant. It's just immediate. Gonna spawn a few more before they fire. I need to right click here then. Oh no, oh no. (laughing) This is, oh, so much fire. They did tell me to give myself fire resistance though, so I'm gonna do that. All right, all right, fire resistance applied. Let's see what happens if I go back into survival mode. Those fireballs are also really detailed. Did you see that? Yeah, they're super detailed. Oh my gosh. Okay, all right, so we're gonna spawn a few more. The game is freaking out. It doesn't know what to do now. Oh man, yeah, this is a good one. This is a good one. I feel like this shader and resource pack is definitely contributing. All right, you know what? This is definitely unplayable. And the simple fact that so many entities spawn when they shoot fireballs, that it lags my game even further like that. I think that's worth the point, which makes it two points. So that's kind of unfortunate for me, but really fortunate for you. So well done, good modifier. And let's move on to the next one. Oh, I was just setting up for the next one and I just realized, oh my gosh, look at the destruction. And fire tick is off in this world. So each one of those fire things is a fireball. Wow. All right, all right, let's move on, let's move on. Go to beta 1.7, press a sticky piston to the same powered redstone line that just powered it. All right, well here we are at beta 1.7. I don't have access to commands or creative mode. So I guess we gotta get our stuff ourselves. What is this, playing regular Minecraft? Who does that? All right, I need redstone, iron, cobblestone, planks. I also don't have a sprint and I don't have any food, but I don't know if I need it. And I don't know anything about this version. I wanna see if there's a cave anywhere. Do caves exist? Caves do exist. Let's go, dude, let's go. So much iron here, this is great. All the iron, yes. You know, I was just gonna say this is really peaceful, but then that cow moved and I'm not so confident about that anymore. No, I'm kidding, this is still really peaceful. Like this is a very good way to play the game. Come here, you, come here. See, very peaceful, very peaceful. Come here, cow, I'm gonna get you. Here we go, I am gonna play on peaceful just so I don't have to worry about any mobs, but I do have a sword just in case it doesn't actually work. Oh, cave sounds. Cave sounds are a thing. What in the world, what is going on over there? I can't zoom in, what is that? That's so weird, they're just numbers, I guess? I think they're slimes from the way that they're bouncing, but I'm gonna find out. Are these just entity numbers? They're totally slime. Hey guys, how's it going? Redstone, let's go, dude. All right, I have all the things I need. If I did all of this for nothing, then the 72.6% of you people that are not subscribed better subscribe, all right? Okay, you better subscribe. Honestly, you should probably just subscribe anyways though, because yeah, that would be cool. I appreciate that. All right, moment of truth. Forget how I make it, is it like this? Oh, I got it. How did I do that first try? That was kind of amazing. So we'll do a piston here, we do this, and then we place this here. Oh, interesting. I did not know that was a thing. All right, well done. All that work wasn't for nothing, but you guys should still subscribe. Raises hand to make Knarfy's brother to own the channel. So like, do I get a point for this one or? Well, since it's my channel, what if I got the point? Oh no. You should slash fill a big area with sniffer eggs and then set the tick speed to max and watch the madness flow. Out of curiosity, am I able to set all of this to sniffer eggs? Ah, interesting. Whoa, that was a weird sound. (humming) I'm ready. I'm ready for them all to hatch. I'm ready for it. Whoa, whoa. (laughing) Oh my gosh, it's happening. The lag. The lag. This wasn't even all that much. Like what? This is insane. (laughing) This is crazy, dude. It sure is lagging. Wow. Oh my gosh, there's so many sniffers. I'm just gonna wade through the sea of green. Oh my gosh. Also, if I look this direction, it's absolutely horrible, but then I look over here and it's like, oh yeah, I can actually play the game. Wow, no way, that's so cool. You can hear them still hatching. That's insane. Oh man. Yeah, that's a lot of sniffers. Wow. All right, well, I just know that this is like kind of the last few points. What's another point? Ah, well, yeah, yup. That's another point for you. It's unplayable, all right? I can't, this is just pain. I would wait for the rest of them to hatch, but no. (laughing) So GG, you got the point. Yay! ♪ Ladies and gentlemen, because you won ♪ ♪ This is Knarfy in the maid outfit ♪ (laughing) One, buy a Minecraft Lego set. Two, build it. Three, smash it. You have now broken Minecraft. Ooh, I like this plan. I've never owned a Minecraft Lego set before and there are a lot of them. So I think I'm gonna pick the-- I'm even gonna have my brother join me. Hi. So now we're both attached. Let's get started though. We don't have all day. You guys will check in with us throughout the process, but let's get the first comment out of the way to get some points on the board. What is he doing? Well, they went with-- On the Legos. (laughing) Make a command block loop that turns dirt into stone and back, particles are my friend here. You know what? I think we should go up there. This is gonna be wild. The first step is to see if we can actually do this. Yeah, that was too many blocks. All right, what about here? Nope, too much still. Okay, I got it, yes. But there was not a lot of blocks. I gotta add more to it. This is the region we're working with. And now we've got a way to turn all of the stone into dirt and all of the dirt back into stone. Oh, there's no particles, that's kinda weird. What if I just remove this parameter and now it just should just destroy? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Honestly, I don't even think particles are gonna happen at all. I think it's just gonna be a bunch of items. Oh, my gosh. We are already lagging and it's been two button presses, let alone repeating back and forth. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh, it's so satisfying though. Oh, my gosh. This is just beautiful. This is amazing. Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. All right, let's actually do this. I'm gonna put this on a clock and we're gonna see what happens. Here we go. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, this is gonna go well. Oh, yeah, this I can't, yep, I just can't move anymore. That's cool. It's just frozen. Yeah, it's just frozen. I've filled super large areas with blocks before, but never really with the destroy parameter and who knew that that's just all it took? Yeah, I'm just sitting here. There's nothing happening. Oh, wow. First comment and we already have a crash. All right, fine. Well done. You get the point. I don't wanna have to destroy my Lego set, man. I don't wanna have to worry about it. Let's move on. We haven't built Legos in so long. We've never touched a Minecraft Lego. I've never built a Lego set with a second person before. This is all we have done so far. Look at this guy. Isn't he neat? Look, we're 19 pages in. There's a little guy on the page. Oh, my gosh. There's a little guy on the page that leads us through. He gives us a little progress bar and then it goes all the way across and that's page 19. Yeah, I'll take Legos with Knarfy and Cam. I love how your name is Knarfy and my name is just Cam. You're just you. There it is, he emerge. Bongo. Bongo boy. So many tiny pieces. Man, thanks for your help. I, okay, well, you just kinda stole it. Appreciate it. I really appreciate all the help that you're giving me right now. Bag two. Yeah. Here, you know what? You take over for a minute. Okay, okay. You take over. Here, take the pieces. I will. Oh, my gosh. This is the thing. That was descriptive. It's completely silent right now. Make a bunch of command blocks spawning endermen while it's raining. Oh, man, this could actually be really funny. I don't necessarily know if this is gonna crash the game. It might with the number of entities, but it will just be hilarious to see them teleporting around regardless. So that's what we're gonna do. Yeah, this is gonna be great. All right, here comes the rain. And now we just flip this on. Oh, no. Oh, they are just gone. They are out of here. They are, they're just done. They don't wanna deal with this at all. Wait, actually, I kinda wanna see. I actually kinda wanna see where they end up because a lot of them are obviously ending up like in here or wherever, but I think some of them, they're probably gonna be over here. Yep, I knew it. Since it doesn't rain in the Savannah, they're just chilling out over here. Oh my gosh, look at them all in here. Oh, man. Oh, no. Oh, look at all the girls just hanging out. Oh, I figured out where they're going. It's just all into the cave system. Well, in that case, let's just keep going. Man, that is wild. So I guess this is just gonna build up in the caves, huh? Oh my gosh, look at them all. I assume this cave is also just full. It's all right. Oh my gosh, they're just under the trees now. Like this is insane. Oh my gosh, look at that from a distance. That's insane. Oh, man, that is so funny. That's just insane numbers of everybody. Oh my gosh. They're just taking refuge. Oh my word. Look at them all in there. They all have blocks too. They like picked something up and then just took refuge. That is mental, dude. That's so funny. They're all just in there. That's so many endermen, dude. This is insane. Let's just see how many we can get down here. Wow, that's a shot. Oh gosh, I tried to take a screenshot and everything's just, everything's just frozen now. Anything I can do? Oh, oh, oh no. Well, ha ha. All right, fine. You get the point, all right. You get the point. You got the point for that one. Well done, whatever. We're moving on to the next one. Side note, by the way, I'm running sodium today and you guys are still crashing everything. That's wild. We're almost halfway there. Yay. ♪ Halfway there ♪ ♪ WOAH ♪ ♪ Take my hand ♪ ♪ We'll make I swear ♪ ♪ WAAAAAAA ♪ We sound like Toad. (laughing) Have you seen that video of the whole caption is Lady Gaga singing and Toad screaming in the background? (screaming) (Toad sounds) It is Toad. It is just a real Toad. It's just Toad. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. Unironically. Crazy. Crazy. No way, I was crazy. No, because I actually, they locked me in a rubber room (laughing) a couple of years ago, called and they want their joke back. Where are you? I'm right here at home. Okay, I knew you were gonna say that. Ooh. Yeah. Ooh. Wait, wait, wait. It's the warden. (screaming) He's facing backwards. You're not even looking at the camera. Hey, are you a candle? Because you're on fire right now. Like actually, just stop burning. Like, oh my gosh. I feel like the camera's gonna overheat and then we're just gonna cut to like five seconds. Load into Minecraft Beta 1.7, load a new world and find a sheep. Then right click said sheep with an open hand. Here I am in the world of Minecraft. It's me, the back of Steve's head. I just need to find a, just need to find a sheep. You guys know where any sheep are, pigs? All I need is a sheep. I can't sprint. It's so sad. Ah, cows. Wow, the other farm animal that I don't need. Wow, a chicken. Cool. I found all of the mobs that I don't need before I found the one that I do. Any other mobs in Minecraft 1.7 that I should find before I find the sheep? Oh, hey, there's two. Okay. The unique one out of the bunch. Hey buddy, how's it going? Boop. Oh, yeah, that. All right, well. I don't know what I expected. Like they told me directly that that's the thing that I should do. Oh gosh, white swish. Just got blinded. Oh my word. Cool, great. I'm just gonna not blind you. Thanks for suggesting it. I guess technically you get a point on that one. Whatever. GG, let's move on. - It's time for bag four. Hooray! Thanks for your help. I feel like you're really a useful asset today. Editor, edit him out of this video. This is just a cam video now. Yeah. My channel takeover begins. Well, it has been in the works for some time now. That's the first time you're in it. Good. Explosives. I love how we've kind of just decayed a little bit over the course of this. This week on Mental Decay. Honestly, we're locking ourselves in a rubber room. Honestly, kind of sounds like a banger podcast. I'm not gonna lie. I wonder what Knarfy and Cam are up to today. Decaying. Okay, what are you up to? So I'm building a cool thing called a Lego set. Okay, well that's not what I meant. Mechanism. That's how we break Minecraft guys. This is it guys. This is the one. This is breaking Minecraft. This is how we do it. Stay tuned to see how we actually break Minecraft. Actually they've been seeing it throughout this entire video so far. So that's true. Keep watching to see more breaking Minecraft. Modifier. Do the next idea twice. Ooh, modifier. All right, let's do it. Go to the build limit and make a platform and put a few command blocks to spawn a bunch of mobs and have a mob waterfall or something like that. You got it. I'm doing this on the lava world because it sounded fun. Now I gotta get to world height. Where is the build limit? Ha. So here's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking we do two of these so that we have double the fun. I'll go ahead and set up one of these now and then I'll just copy and paste it over once this is set. Essentially what I wanted to do is I wanted to funnel mobs out this way so it actually does kind of look like a mob waterfall. Like this. Awesome. Oh yeah, they're all dead. Maybe I shouldn't use zombies. Maybe I should use something else. What if I use witches? That could be great. Oh boy, yeah, these are gonna be great sounds. And then I'm just gonna do this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this. And so all of those blocks are gonna be spawning witches. Here we go. Yeah, that's gonna be great. Oh my gosh, it's already happening. But we need to do this twice. So we're gonna add another one. This one though, we're gonna do a different villager type. The wandering trader. Let's see it. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Cool, we did it twice. Don't worry about the one block offset. It's not important. Don't worry about it. If I just flip both of these letters though. Oh no. Oh no. Oh my gosh. This is insane looking what in the world. I'm so glad I funneled them out the side because if I didn't, it would not look at this crazy at all. It wouldn't be even close to this scale. That's so good. That's so funny. Oh, the sounds are the probably, yeah. Oh boy. Yeah, those sounds are bad. That is so good. That's so funny. How's it looking down here guys? How's it going? Oh my gosh. It is really laggy down here. Oh man, the witches. The witches are just drinking fire resistance. I'm not gonna lie. I didn't really think about that. So they're all fine. Great. Why is it now just wandering traders falling from the sky? Are the witches just like despawning or something? Oh, nope. Here they come. All right. You know what? Let's do this one more time. But this time I'm gonna just double the modifier. We're gonna do this four times. This one will be villagers. And this one will be creepers because why not? And just to test creepers are all set. Oh, I just realized this is a one block too high, but it's fine. And this is the villagers. They are also set. Wandering traders are still set. And the witches are set. Awesome. So these four are gonna be wild. Okay, there we go. I fixed it. All right, let's do this. All right, three, two, one, go. Oh no. Oh no. Oh my word. That is, oh wow. Ladies and gentlemen, that is the mob waterfall. That's a lot of guys. Oh man. Oh man. Oh, the creepers are just hanging out over here, huh? This is great. This is just awesome. And I'm gonna go down now. I just wanna see how many of these witches are still surviving because there's probably gonna be a lot. All the rest of them are just immediately gonna die. Wow, it is so laggy down here. Oh geez. Oh, this might do it. This might actually do it. Oh man. Oh, there's the witches. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh, that's fantastic. Cool story. Look at them all. Yeah, you know what? This probably will end badly. It is so laggy right now. I think I'm just gonna give you the point because inevitably this is just gonna crash. So well done. You get another point. It's not looking good for me. I don't wanna smash the lego set man. I don't wanna do it. - I totally just lost it. - Where did it go? - I dropped it and it's gone. - The whole thing? - You think that I was-- - How did you lose the whole thing? - Okay, well it's not the whole thing. It was square, so I'm pretty sure it rolled. - Yeah, that's how square things work. - Guys, we're almost there. - Oh wait, let me put the board in. - Almost there. - Oh, it just goes next to it. Well, I think we put a box. - Is that with that symbol of the icon thing there? This goes on there somehow. - Because look at that. - Wait, okay, hold on. So this goes-- - Oh, it goes, wait, is this-- - Does it go under? - It goes under. - Boom. - Wait. Cool. - I think we did it. - Get the thing that we set out to do and the camera's gonna overheat. - Yay. - Yay. - Cool, and then this also goes. (blowing air) - Oh. - Pick it up. - Thanks for inviting me to build a Lego set. (laughing) (somber music) (somber music) (bell dings) - Make a repeating command block that summons lots of boats in a single block. Let it run for a minute, then set the tick rate very high and jump in the center. And this, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. - You know, the downside of doing this with VR is that if it's not high frame rate, you get motion sick. So I'm gonna die. I'm gonna put this here and then all the boats can go on that block there. Oh boy, a summon boat. There, there, there. Command, oh no, 65. If I'm in here now, can I paste it? Oh, that's not, oh. - Later. - Paste. Oh, perfect. I copied the wrong one, 65. (laughing) Oh no, boop. Now that's what we like to see. Whoa, oh, dropping those frames. Dropping lots of frames. You're just seeing a lower frame rate, but wow, this is, whoa. It's not too bad though. I can still kinda operate. It's just not easy. - Okay, well, I mean, that's a lot of boats. So what if I just flip that off there? Oh my gosh, they're all settled in. - Oh, I gotta set the tick rate. That's right. - 500. Here we go, gonna hop onto the. What the heck? Survival mode, let's see what happens now. Oh, I'm stuck. Can I get in it? Oh, oh, I'm half dead. Oh, oh, oh, oh. There they-- There they go. That was way wilder in VR. Where am I going? Hey, I caught a chicken. Don't mind me, just going through boats. It didn't crash, but like, man, the motion sickness is real. I also have no doubt that with VR, it's just more taxing. And if I just, if I just key, oh no, oh. Oh, the command line. Wait, this is not good. The motion sickness alone on this one is enough for me to give you the point. You totally earned it. If Knarfy wins this next round, he gets to steal two points from the comments. But if the comments win, we get to steal two points from Knarfy. Oh boy. And what's the comment? Use the tick freeze command to throw lots of XP bottles. Then after a while unfreeze. Okay, this could, this could end badly for me. Because experience bottles are not only entities by themselves when they're thrown, but they also spawn multiple entities when they land. And if I run the tick freeze command, that means any of the bottles that I throw are then stuck in midair and it's not, it's not there. Oh, there it is. Hey, these guys just were, they're just gonna sit here. They're gonna sit there until I unfreeze. Boop, and then they'll throw. I'm gonna make this a little bit easier on myself with the use of an auto clicker, which means things are gonna look like this. Wee, wee. But it's not frozen. Oh gosh, that's a lot of experience. If this is any sort of taste of what's to come, oh boy. So let's go ahead and do this. I'm just gonna hit this button. I'm just gonna stand here for a bit, let things throw. In fact, I'm just gonna up my sensitivity and just spin around a little bit. ♪ Lots of experience bottles ♪ Editor, make something happen right now. (explosion) All right, that seems like probably enough. Let's see if they'll load in if I move around a little bit. Oh, oh, oh, they were there. Oh, there they are. Oh yeah, that's, oh. - The Prophecy. - I wanna watch it from here and I'm gonna keep it zoomed in so you guys can see what's happening too. Slash tick, unfreeze, go. Oh, oh no. The orb. Oh, that's so wild looking, what? Oh geez. Oh wow. Okay. I didn't crash, but I think I was pretty close to it. Can I walk into it and like pick them up? I'm not gonna lie, this is rough. This is definitely, I would 100% consider this unplayable and I've given points for unplayable in the past. The only problem is that this round, remember the modifier, I have to either steal two points from you or you steal two points from me. Do I let you steal two points from me? It does look like I'm getting back to a playable frame rate. I'm not gonna lie. You know what? This does kind of look like I won it. You saw it, you saw the lot of experience bottles. And yet here we are with playable frame rate and not a crash in sight. I guess I'm stealing two points from you. Thank you for the free points. I think that puts me squarely in the lead. I get it squarely because it's a world of square. Do the next idea, but get an army of people in the server. Oh yeah, this always goes well. Always goes well. Make a repeating command block that kills you and turn on immediate respawns. Then set the tick rate to the max. Is this enough players for you? Garrett's here, you've never been in a video. All right guys, are you ready to all die and suddenly respawn all at the same time? Everybody jump up and down if, yeah. Yeah. (laughs) I see a lot of people standing completely still. The server's about to crash. All right, here we go. Ready, three, two, one, go. Yeah. Oh, there they all go. Yeah. Oh my gosh, the sounds. All right, well, yeah, this is going well. It's not breaking yet. It's still okay. Let me see what happens if I turn this off. Oh, oh, they're alive. Maybe they're alive. They're all very broken. Oh yeah, we got players running around again. Yeah, you're all still alive. Crag just flew over my head. That was terrifying. I have an idea. Now everyone has a totem of undying in their main hand. And then now if I do damage @a 1000, excellent. Now enjoy. (laughs) I think it's working. Okay, this is not at all what the comment said, but I think it's hilarious. We're getting some lag now. All right, I did it to myself. I didn't put the parameter in where I did it, where it doesn't apply to me. (laughs) This is what we're here for. If you guys think you deserve the point, spam yes in chat. In game chat. Yeah, that, oh, yeah, that, okay, well, I don't know what else I expected, really. Spawn as many withers as you can in a small enough hole that they can still fit in, but still small. Spawn a sheep, give it max resistance, then set the tick speed to the max. All right, great suggestion, but one small problem with withers, even if they're in a hole, they just fly out of it. I'll figure that out in a second. What's the modifier? Do it while you're in a kitchen sink mod pack, your choice. Oh boy. So the kitchen sink mod pack that I went with was the Lowresbones trailer recreation pack. And before you tell me that it's not a kitchen sink pack, Modrinth says it is, so gotem. Lowresbones is cool. So I wanted to use the pack anyways. So let's do it. This does include some pretty hefty shaders and a lot of cool resource packs and a lot of cool things. And then we're gonna just mess with it and see what happens. Okay, I'm just gonna do this. Boop, okay, that's cool. Now, and now that mob greifing is off, this should allow me to put some, oh, it's dark. Should allow me to put a sheep down here. Give this sheep resistance, infinite 100 true. Yes, so now that sheep is like immortal. And now I just put a bunch of withers in here, but you'll notice that yeah, this guy is gonna be totally fine. I think he's gonna be fine, right? From out here, it sounds insane. I'm just gonna do this and just flip that on. Oh boy. Oh boy. This guy, he's fine. He's not even fazed. They're all just hurting themselves. They're hurting each other. I fixed the entity cramming too. Oh geez, all the motion blur. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. We just reset all their healths really quick by removing them all and re-spotting them. Oh my gosh. I love that this mod pack has like the muffling sounds behind walls thing. Sound physics, it's so cool. But the moment I go in here, that's a sound. Hey look, it's an arrow pointing to the subscribe button. Okay, so I don't know exactly what we were going, we were expecting here. This is just what's happening. It's just not really doing much. To be fair though, this is just gonna keep spawning withers. So ultimately this will probably crash. Okay, hold on now. Hold on. Let me just, oh my gosh. Let's just see, like you're fine. You've got no problem in here. One wither can actually affect the sheep, right? But once you gain any more withers in here, it just becomes a complete mess. Just a good few more withers here. Just a few more. Oh yeah. This motion blur doesn't know what to do. And I assume once again, if I just get a go in here, it's just gonna be a... Yeah, smears everywhere. It just looks like a bad movie. Like I don't know what to do. Well. Do I give it to you though? Yeah, I mean it's just gonna slowly, I mean, you know, ultimately spawning a ton of entities is just gonna make it unplayable, regardless of what I do. So I like the idea of the sheep with the resistance. I just, ah. Editor you decide. I think whatever you decide, yeah, that's the one. Okay, well hopefully that was the right call. I really hope it was correct. it was good it was a phenomenal call. And it means I probably... lost like big time this time. I mean, look at these scores. I lost twice. And I didn't even know that was possible. I beat cam though, and that's what's really important. So I guess that means I won't be posting any more videos in 2023. That's unfortunate. Anyways, I guess my next video will be in 2024. Thanks for watching. I'll see you next year. Goodbye. Thanks for watching. See you later. Get subscribed! Bye-bye. See you later. These videos usually end with explosions right?
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 1,307,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knarfy, Knafy, Minecraft, Mods, Funny, Showcase, family, clean, safe, minecraft, mods, funny, breaking, break, breaking minecraft, minecraft chaos, chaos mods, immersive portals, modded minecraft, minecraft popular mods, showcase, minecraft update, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod showcase, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, funny commentary, best minecraft mods, mod, minecraft fabric, minecraft memes, java, chaos, minecraft custom, no swearing, family friendly, memes, challenge, lowresbones
Id: KYlTuWWx_as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 55sec (6355 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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