The BEST Nintendo Switch Accessories I Can't Live Without!

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i have made a lot of youtube videos over 700 to be specific but i'm talking about the weird nintendo switch accessory ones today i've reviewed it all from weird neck braces that bungee cord hold your switch up in front of you while you're playing or a more complex durable wooden one that i had to screw together and accidentally screwed into this very table but once i was done you could put it under your pillow and then it kind of you looked up at it and that was a thing but it doesn't stop there switch knives pointless sun visors and about every kind of nintendo switch doc shape you can imagine but a question i get asked a lot okay with two questions one do i actually use any of that stuff still outside of the videos where i laugh at them the answer is no i laugh at all of those for a very good reason the other question is okay then so what nintendo switch accessories do you actually use which accessories can you not live without which ones are the absolute best ones the switch is almost five years old so suffice to say we've probably seen the best accessories come and go well actually maybe not because this released about a week ago i have been looking forward to something like this releasing for the last five years and this right here is the best nintendo switch controller yet actually i'm making this entire video because of this thing i needed a reason to talk about it so we're gonna save it to the end but there's a couple other things i use for my switch and i can't imagine ever not using them this is the best nintendo switch accessories now look this might seem like conflict of interest this might seem a little biased but if you know me at all you'll know that the nintendo switch satisfy grip does not leave my switch ever i cannot imagine playing my nintendo switch without this grip attached to it it's so freaking good without this thing on it i honestly feel instantly like i'm gonna get carpal tunnel my wrists start cramping it's disgusting and i tell this story all the time but when this company first approached me and they wanted to send me their prototype i refused to even put the prototype on my switch something that the creator of the grip and i laugh about a lot now i was like why would i need that like this is perfectly fine it's perfectly fine the way it is but then the finished model came out and satisfy sent that over to and i decided all right fine so i threw it on and i never went back i even have kim hooked on the satisfy grip now she can't play her switch without it but i have to say that this video is sponsored by satisfy which is a good thing trust me because you're about to get a heck of a deal out of it right now satisfy is doing their prime week sale which is 50 off it lasts up until the 27th of the month so usually you can use my code beat em ups to get something off the grips that's always active but right now it's already 50 percent off i mean what do you want it for free i mean yeah probably but that's still really good if you could and you decide to grab one still put in my code beat em ups or and click the link in the description because it still tells them that i sent you they have not given me anything to say there is no script there is no words i'm literally about to review this thing because it is the main switch accessory that i can't live without it would be in this video whether or not it was sponsored by a satisfied thankfully it is works out great for me the reason why i love the grip so much is the giant handles the comfortable rubber handles on the back of it i mean for one you comfortably wrap your hands around it but it jaunts your palms out so that your thumbs end up coming in at this nice like 45 degree angle and you just sit super comfortably while you hold it almost like it's a really long playstation 4 or playstation 5 controller i can't even describe how comfortable it is it's just comfortable like the best of the best game controllers in your hands when you're not using the grip your palms are right up against the butt of this thing but the thumb sticks are right here like right next to where your palms sit if i was actually to hold the switch comfortably it's like this right this is so uncomfortable there is no good way especially with my giant man hands you just kind of have to hover the switch in your hands it's hard to explain because if you're used to it you might be used to it but as soon as you throw this on it's like a whole new world also if you hate the kickstand you never have to use it again the thing i hate most about the kickstand other than it flimsily flying off i'm half worried every time i put it down it's just gonna collapse and you have to like like actually make sure that it's not going to fall over this thing you just have to look at it there it is there's a ton of different colors you can buy i got the see-through one because at the time i had just made this see-through switch but even once i upgraded to the red switch i actually still really liked the way this clear one looks that said you can get it in white this is for the switch light and yes you can even get them for the switch light you can get kits that come in these big boxes and have another switch accessory that i can't live without for when i'm traveling the satisfy grip case this case may as well be bulletproof my friend rgt tested it once even by putting a switch in it and then throwing it off a bridge and it was completely unharmed a lot of switch cases i've reviewed on the channel whether they were weird wacky had a fun design they were always super flimsy this is honestly hard to push in you have to put a lot of weight on this thing for it to buckle and bend there's a lot of padding inside there's apparently another grip inside i have so many of these grips in my house this is actually a switch light grip which would tell me this is actually a case for the switch like mine's downstairs filled with games because you can shove games in all of these pockets there's a zip here i put my charge cord in here for when i'm traveling you put your switch and the grip obviously this one's not gonna fit because i'm an idiot and i grabbed the wrong size the switch could be in there right now and you close it with the grip and all and you're good another reason why it's good to get their case is because a lot of switch cases don't count for this specific grip this will house everything and it's a nice little size this is the ultimate one-two combo if you're not a big traveler i guess you don't really need to grab the case although it's nice to have but this is just necessary i mean you need one of these the switch shouldn't exist without it and i mean that in every sense of the word this is the ultimate nintendo switch accessory if you were to get one this is the one and good news it's the cheapest out of everything in this video did you know i have a podcast i have a podcast there's a whole channel that houses the podcast catch up on all the episodes and we stream sundays at seven o'clock the episodes live we actually record them live for those thinking i don't need another gaming podcast in my life good news it's not a gaming podcast it's actually a relatively short about 40 45 minute podcast where we put on a show essentially and it includes you the audience we bring you on we call you we play games with you we just laugh it's a comedy podcast and we would really appreciate the support so go check it out the next switch accessory i can't live without and i really really mean that is this as weird as it looks it's this this is the m cable i've had it for so long now i lost the original box that it came in so you're gonna have to imagine i've talked about it one time before briefly in my xenoblade chronicles remake remaster whatever review essentially you plug it into your dock you plug it into your tv it's hdmi cord you also need to plug the usb in somewhere to give it power because this bad boy this hdmi bad boy needs some juice it takes your games and it for lack of a better word or term makes them look better no matter what tv or monitor you're playing on but i game on a 4k tv and one of the worst things about the switch is so many of the games don't even hit 1080p even once you dock them they're still like 720 and stretching that up on a 4k tv you get those really rough jagged edges and this just smooths those out so much as well as adding in a ton of contrast a ton of color blacks boosting the look of the games the cable does is it essentially adds anti-aliasing to your games you can use it on any of your consoles but i don't think you'd see much of a difference in any of the other consoles like the playstations and the xbox i'd say this thing is really good for the switch and then even retro consoles too if you are looking to use it on those bigger consoles though it has one millisecond per frame speeds up to 120 fps it up converts hd or 4k game content upscales native rendered resolution up to super hd at 120 fps or 4k at 60fps improves image depth contrast and color rendering analyzes every single pixel and adjusts it for an ultimate image and performs contextual anti-aliasing eliminating jagged edges and shimmering textures without creating blurry artifacts this is so good for switch because if you've ever played a switch game or one of the bigger aaa games or one of the ports that come from other consoles the thing you'll notice is that classic switch look of things looking rough around the edges jaggedy pixelated maybe even muddy and this cable goes a long way to clear up a lot of those issues a lot of games that almost make it to looking good on switch this just boosts it the rest of the way the cable does the work that the switch and the dock doesn't have to so it adds no extra pressure on the consoles and it just does it on its own artificially it's really impressive it's a similar technology that sean and i talked about with the switch pro how the gpu in a possible switch pro would essentially do what this cable does just artificially upscale to 4k rather than actually upscale to 4k which is a huge strain it just artificially does it making it so when you stretch up that image of a 720 game onto a 4k tv this goes to work trying to smooth that out rather than it just being raw on the screen you get what you're given and it looks awful but don't confuse it with the m classic the m classic is a usb hdmi but it's not as good i mean this cable it's 130 it's the most expensive thing in this video by far it's worth it in my opinion but it's definitely a luxury item that's not necessary but the m classic is still a hundred dollars and i don't see the difference that m classic claims that it does fortnite doesn't even look that rough on switch fortnite actually looks pretty good on switch i actually have a sneaking suspicion and it's the same company so maybe i shouldn't say it because it might put a bad image but it honestly looks like they've pixelated the image themselves and then just shown you the better image on the right and they've gone c it doesn't look like there's too much of a difference for 30 dollars more i think you're better off getting the cable but that's just my opinion that said luxury item or not it's so good it's not a gimmick it works it makes the games look so much better they pop out of the screen so much more i love it alright baby if you've ever seen the xbox elite controller this is essentially that but for the switch it's made by power a the same company that's made a ton of really neat switch controllers they've all been really quality a lot of them are on the cheaper end a lot of them on the more expensive end power a does a lot of different stuff the one controller they did before this that would have been in this video if it wasn't for this new thing there was a wired controller that was essentially a pro controller but it had an audio jack on the bottom and it was the only nintendo switch controller that had an audio jack but it was wired it was also pretty cheap it was around like the twenty thirty dollar mark this is a hundred dollars but it's wireless it has an audio jack so it's the first wireless switch controller with an audio jack but on top of that there are so many more features this thing has and it's heavy and it's amazing just like the elite controller it comes in its own carry case this might also be a little overkill we are talking about the switch here right a few hundred dollar portable gaming system that isn't really a pro elite best of the best gaming system and yet here we are with a hundred dollar controller a hundred and thirty dollar chord but hey it is so nice it feels nicer than any other controller i've ever helped maybe other than the actual elite controller which i do really like the xbox elite controller but this is amazing everything about it feels really quality i don't know where to begin these buttons feel the most different they feel more heavy duty like i actually feel weighted to push in they're not flimsy like really every other button on anything switch just like the elite controller there is a way to take out these thumb sticks because you can switch them with these larger thumb sticks not that i know why you would unless you just have really long thumbs i've always found the default size for thumbsticks to be pretty comfortable oh this is interesting so you can actually take off the back pedals if you don't want them and just close it up with a backing pad and then you just have a nice comfortable controller if you have no intention of using those i actually like that again with the elite controller you can take them off as well one at a time but that's pretty neat it's pretty heavy probably about twice the size of an actual pro controller it just looks so nice so there's a really long charge cord who cares also an extra face plate which looks like it's just magnetic so i might be able to just snap this one off and just like that you got a white one i know i just unboxed this thing and a video where i'm saying these are the best nintendo switch accessories but i already know on this one i knew the second i held it it is the one of the nicest feeling controllers i've ever held definitely the best switch controller i've ever held it has an audio point and it's wireless so it does everything and more it feels like it's worth a hundred dollars if it's worth 100 to you that's up to you you know i thought long and hard about what other switch accessories were must-haves but i really feel like this is it you have the grip for when you're playing in handheld portable mode and then for when you're playing dot what do you really need other than an extremely nice controller to play with and then a cable that makes your games look and play better oh and if you're traveling which is another highlight of the switch you have the case this will completely cover you no matter what way you're playing your switch how you're playing your switch this is it i've gone through a lot of accessories in my time and anything else was really just a gimmick sure you can attach a giant magnifying glass to the switch screen so you can see it a little better but why would you i can't think of anything else maybe if the switch had inbuilt bluetooth i could come up with something maybe a cool headset i have always hated having to plug in a bluetooth adapter to get anything bluetooth to work i hate it i hate having something sticking out of my switch for any of those i think we got it right here i think this is everything and it's definitely everything that i couldn't live without that said i'm still gonna buy all the weird wacky wonderful and ridiculous stuff that i buy because i love messing around with it and reacting to it in videos so don't expect those to end but hopefully this puts that question to an end what accessories do i actually use also because the satisfy grip is on my switch in every single video i very often get asked the question even though i've talked about it a bunch what is that thing on his switch and where do i buy one so hopefully this video will help tame those questions too if you want to buy one again links down below this video was sponsored by satisfy but really didn't need to be don't tell them that though please i hope you learned something let me know down below what switch accessories you can't live without and what you think of the ones i picked and i'll see you in the next video i have nothing now i don't have a way to end this i'm just gonna go okay bye
Channel: BeatEmUps
Views: 1,934,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Switch, Switch, Nintendo, nintendo switch accessories, nintendo switch accessories 2021, best nintendo switch accessories, The 10 Nintendo Switch Games I Can't Live Without!, The BEST Nintendo Switch Accessories I Can't Live Without!, power a, nintendo switch power a controller, nintendo switch power a, mcable, nintendo switch mcable, nintendo switch grip, satisfye grip, best nintendo switch games, best switch accessories, best switch accessories 2021
Id: WWDlUfaslLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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