I Bought the “$7” Nintendo Switch from TEMU...

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I bought a few of the seven dollar Nintendo switch consoles from temu and in this video we're gonna open them all up and see if it's a scam you've probably seen some of those ads circulating the internet recently that claim you can get a seven dollar switch just for signing up for tmu's app now organize the whole situation and how it works later and how much it paid for everything but let's just go ahead and start opening the consoles up so inside of the first package is of course a box let's go ahead and open this up now all right so this looks like a switch here but it's a little what what language is that let's go ahead and open this up and see if it's even a new console you've got of course our white Joy cons which are very slick those look cool got our tablet here now the pattern on the outside isn't why is it so dusty hold on look at that guys why why is the inside of the box that Dusty doesn't weird I don't know why it would be Dusty instead of a factory sealed box so putting my tinfolk conspiracy head on what if they took this console out of the box installed some spyware let it get Dusty and then shipped it back off to me and man just a weird circumstance and it gets even weirder the further we go in the video let's put that to the side we'll go ahead and keep going here see what else is in here we've got a charger HDMI cable got our little uh joy-con holder I mean like that appears to be a new I don't see any scratching on the glossy part which if this thing was used you would definitely see some scratching on it because it scratches so easily now coming down here to the dock let's take a look at that and the dock looks good as well it's got the you know the factory new kind of smell to it so next up we should obviously probably test the console out see if that works and underneath here the screen looks fine I don't see any scratching there joycon one joycon two let's go ahead and turn this bad boy on Hey There It Is we're starting out with some good news I booted all the way up to the home menu with no issues well it was kind of weird connecting the Wi-Fi for a minute like it just wouldn't not connect which was odd but it is working now and it appears to be like a normal switch and I mean just looking to run this console there's very little indication that this is a Japanese console like you wouldn't wouldn't even really know unless you knew what you're looking for like looking at the back of the Japanese console here at the bottom versus my North American console here at the top like the the writing is a little bit different on here and I'll show some pictures but uh it's you know nothing noticeable except for this says Japan and that one doesn't so a few other things I want to try out here to confirm this is a working console first of all I want to try the power adapter and try to charge it and just by looking at it it looks like it should work fine it's 100 to 240 volts and 60 hertz so should work fine in North America let me just plug it in and make sure though all right got the other end plugged in let's go ahead and plug in this side yep it is indeed charging up cool so that works now of course you need to try out a game that's my main concern here is that for some reason the game might not work we'll test it out of course we get Mario Kart 8 here and sure enough there it is let's try to boot it up and make sure it works so yeah I mean as you guys can see here I'm playing Mario Kart 8 no problem at all next thing I want to try that I is really my main concern is connecting to the eShop and and trying to download a game because this is a Japanese console so I feel like if there's any issue that will probably be the issue but let's go ahead and test that out so here I am scrolling around the eShop appears to be just like a North American eShop and now the only thing here is I am a bit sketched out because this console came from timu and timu seems to be a bit sketchy and of course I logged into this console with my personal Nintendo account and in case you didn't know your Gamertag and your personal info can be leaked all over the Internet and the dark web so that's where Aura comes into play and that's where they're helping me out today as a sponsor so what is Aura well or is an easy to use app that includes everything you need to stay safe online and like I just mentioned they have the whole gamertag system where you put your Gamertag into their system and they notify you when it's linked on the dark web and that's actually coming handy for me because back in 2021 my Xbox gamer tag was leaked on the dark web and I had no idea until I signed up for Aura they notified me and I was able to lock that account down and guys I've been using Aura for six months now they've helped me out on multiple occasions even just back at the beginning of June they notified me to the third party company had verified my identity which was really odd considering I hadn't applied for a credit card or anything of that nature but I called them got on the phone with a real human within two minutes and they help me fix the situation so with all the things that or has helped me out with there's really no reason to not give the two week free trial a go but wait there's more or it gives you near real-time alerts on suspicious credit inquiries they have a VPN that allows you to stay Anonymous on the internet they protect your devices from viruses they help you manage what your kids can do on their devices and they even have a password manager now I'm sure you already have an app that does maybe one of these things but with aura you can do all these things in just one app so that aura do the hard work for you they'll keep you safe online and if you sign up my link on the screen right now you get a free two-week trial and trust me guys you'll be surprised how much personal information Aura finds on the internet during those two weeks so go to aura.com jrob or scan the QR code on the screen and start your two week free trial today now something I haven't mentioned yet because I thought it was a one-time thing is that I keep getting this error message where it says I can't connect to the network device which is very odd because my Wi-Fi is working fine my phone's connecting fine my MacBook is connecting with no problem but the switch keeps doing this every once in a while and actually yeah that's that's this is what happens sometimes when I try to connect to the internet it just immediately says cannot connect so I think we are having issue on this console but let's go ahead and open up the next one and see if we have the same issue this next one here should also be a switch OLED and was also under the seven Dollar Listing let's go ahead and see what's inside all right nice we got the Splatoon one here and actually have my own personal Splatoon console because I just think it looks I think it's the coolest looking uh switch console that they've made so far and again we definitely have a non North American version we also have what is this oh it looks like an adapter okay so looking at the front here we definitely Hong Kong official price we got a Hong Kong console which I've I've heard about I've seen like Rumblings about that on Teemu and maybe even the listing set it and I just didn't see it but it says Hong Kong so again another switch that's like a switch but just uh the non-north American version which is just odd because clearly I'm here in North America all right so flip it open and this one at least is not all dusty inside I still don't know why that last one was so dusty inside of the console but man this thing it looks so sick I love these uh the green and yellow and purple here on the joy-cons we've also got our HDMI cable of course and this console far looks brand new and we've got our charger and of course yeah that's our difference here is we have a completely different charging brick because this is for Hong Kong not for North America all right so here's the doc and whoo baby yeah that thing just it looks so sick like it's just such a such a cool design here and the next thing I want to do is compare my personal Splatoon switch to this one because I have the exact same console so let's go ahead and do that so here they are side by side and the graphics in the front look very similar except for the fact that this one says special edition uh the Hong Kong wants the Splatoon 3 and then I also noticed here in the logo the top left hand corner it's a little bit brighter on the North American one a little bit darker on the Hong Kong version don't know why a little bit odd and then of course I'll live down here and Nintendo switch OLED on this side so let's go ahead and take out the console now see what it looks like on the inside make sure it looks good A little bit of debris inside of there but no scratches so it appears to be brand new and of course got that nice those nice decals in the back which look just look amazing and then flipping to the back the interesting thing is that the Hong Kong and Japanese oleds both have the exact same writing on the back whereas the North American one did not which is a little bit odd but I know it doesn't really matter let's go ahead and turn this bad boy on make sure it works three two one we got the power on there it is nice screen is working so I put it up to the home menu again with no issues except for the well minus the internet issues which we'll try to solve in a little bit let's go ahead and put in a US game cartridge North American game cartridge here and see if that works and sure enough pops right up let's go ahead and open it up and two minutes later we're already into a game which is of course the great thing about a switch right now it's kind of a nice change of pace you don't have to connect to the internet you don't have to download updates all that annoying stuff we're just playing the game now the only thing I want to try here is this this power brick plug it into this adapter and I guess it'll work let's look at these the power rating here uh yeah 100 to 240 volts 60 hertz yeah it should work fine so let's go ahead and plug it in and see if it works and yep it's charging so it works nice uh Hey guys so I just turned on my thermal camera and I got this I guess a secret message from timu yeah not sure what to do about it so I made a couple interesting discoveries about the whole Internet situation here and what I figured out is that the Wi-Fi Channel supported in Japan and Hong Kong are slightly different than the 5 gigahertz Wi-Fi channels in North America so they're literally just locked out on these colleges like you you cannot use those channels that's definitely an issue if you're buying these to use North America unless you actually go into your router and change your Wi-Fi channels which most people don't want to do our third console here is a switch light which honestly has nothing to do with a seven dollar switch it's like a completely different listing but I wanted to buy one just just because in the first glance opening this console up I thought it was a North American switch because it's just I mean it says Nintendo switch light on here no different language but coming on here to the bottom you can see it as a Japan switch light we do have an adapter here which is odd because it's supposed to be Japan so I don't need an adapter let's go ahead and open it up and see what it looks like inside all right let's pull this out of course got our yellow switch light on top here and of course in here we have our power brick which will work fine without the adapter I don't know why we have an adapter and uh that's about it all right I've taken this switch out let's go ahead and see if it turns on all right so here we are booting up and man it is a shocking difference going from an OLED switch to just a normal screen it's just like the OLED is so much better and again here we are with the next console only being able to see the 2.4 gigahertz Wi-Fi we cannot see the 5 gigahertz Wi-Fi which like if you know the limitations there it's not a big deal you can get around them but the fact is that team use team who is marketing these towards like U.S buyers so it's a yes that's an issue all right guys the switch light is working with no issues connected to the internet of course I'm playing a marketing right now and let's go and move on to our final switch which is another switch OLED so I wanted to hop in here and explain how you can get the seven dollar switch and my short answer is you can't it's basically impossible but technically there's two different ways first of all you log in at 10 o'clock every day and if you're one of the first 10 people to buy it you get a seven dollar switch the second way is you play their rewards game Spin A bunch of wheels in the app and refer a ton of people and then you can get you know some money off and get a cheap switch but in my experience both of those are basically impossible I tried both those methods they did not work and so now you're probably wondering how do you have the seven dollar switch though and the answer is I bought the seven dollar switch I just had to pay more than seven dollars I paid like between 320 and 340 for each one I'll throw the screenshots on the screen of what I paid but yeah in my experience this part of it is pretty close to a scam I wouldn't say a scam yet because there are people online that claim to have gotten it for seven bucks but you know I can't verify all right final console here and oh baby we got the sale to switch finally last but not least all right yeah so definitely is Japanese you can see here on the bottom it says jpn for Japanese so I'm not sure again why they included this adapter that's only for the Hong Kong consoles they put this tape all over the box so you got to be very careful taking it off so you don't mess up the box and I mean the box is a bit beat up they only put it in like one layer of bubble wrap in a package there was no box so I don't know if this came from China I would assume so but I honestly am not sure and oh yeah there it is we got our joy cons here got our switch here and of course it's it's not Dusty which is good to see still can't believe that first one was Dusty let's go ahead and pull the joy cons out here these things are nice I have not seen one of these consoles in person yet there's a normal Japanese power cable that works in the US as well yeah looks like it's brand new I don't see any scratching there oh yeah that thing is nice like I said I've not seen this in person yet but that is that is a very nice design I love how elephant Nintendo is still putting out cool special edition consoles um unlike uh hint hint Sony and Xbox we need some cool limited edition series x's and ps5s ain't that hard let's just do it man but this thing is nice but now of course for the true test of does this console work go ahead and snap these Joy cons in turn the hit the on button and there it is let's go and man like like I said earlier just a night and day difference between the OLED screen and the regular screen and again here we are on the internet page and nope no 5G so um it works but that is a bit disappointing and like like I said they're marketing it towards the US so not a huge fan of that for the third time today I'm schooling these CPUs and Mario Kart 8 on a switch OLED and yeah this consult is working no problem and it's just an overall very odd situation like why is why does team have all these OLED switches and why are they all Hong Kong and Japanese I mean my guess is they're getting them really cheap somewhere and selling them there uh I don't know just a weird overall so thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed the video let me know down below if you think the seven dollar switch from tmu is a scam and I'll see you next time
Channel: Jacob R
Views: 1,697,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacob r, jrob gaming, jrob0021, temu, temu scam, is temu a scam, $7 switch, $7 nintendo switch, is $7 switch a scam, $7 temu, temu vs aliexpress, aliexpress vs temu
Id: Qn-XNhTn0ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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