I Melted Every Gum Brand & Flavor Into One Piece

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in this video I'm melting every gum brand and flavor into one piece for context the first commercial gum was made in 1848 by American inventor John bacon Curtis yes John bacon Curtis is his real name and this is Thomas Jefferson it was known as Spruce gum which was basic but still revolutionary now fast forward it's 2034 we live in a world where all kinds of gum exists minty sweet sour with caffeine with literally one of the hottest peppers in the entire world which I tried later on in this video by the way ah at the end my friends and I will taste test the final product to see if it's the most amazing piece of gum ever created and I will give a prize to whoever can blow the biggest bubble with it of course we're starting at HB for this challenge if you've seen my previous videos you probably could have guessed that they got to be getting tired of me at this point yes I've become known in this store as the freak in the white jacket who likes to buy a lot of one specific thing hi hi do you guys have any uh tortilla samples or no there's no samples no there's nothing coming out I know this isn't gum but if you knew how these tasted you would have bought a pack too alas we have found the gum section okay okay we get it that's enough now pulling up to the gum section I realized two things one I didn't have enough self-control to wait to eat the tortillas two a lot of these gums come in bulk packages and I don't need the extras but I still got all the different flavors I also scrummage near the register where they sold a lot more got the mold for my huge gum squares or cubes oh extendo arm did you want a variety of gum how'd you know promise my breath doesn't smell that bad though if you like that joke wait until you hear this one a few of those tortillas were missing oh really did they just disappear now in this moment I was only about 50% sure she was joking so I made sure to get out of there quick and I will speedrun the next door so we can get home and get melting new gum flavors I was indeed finding new flavors and guys remember I ordered a lot of weird ones online that we will also melt together including the world's hottest gun which let's just say I can relate to this video review on Amazon guys I'm kind of mind- blown right now that I thought of getting the Blow Pop cuz there is gum inside there okay I'm going through every hoop that was indeed a big brain move and I'm happy with the progress we're making at finding new gums even these new gums I found at Walmart that happen to be $7 a pack and buying all these gums I'm curious comment down below your favorite gum let's see which one is most like we finally got all the gum we needed but since it's kind of overwhelming I'm organizing it by spelling out a word before I tell it to you try to guess the word that I spelled why did I spell Hang Time with the gum well I couldn't think of anything else and now science time I'm going to use this ice tray to make my hangtime gum into cubes and since I have 132 unique pieces of gum I'm using this food scale to ensure that we're getting an even amount of each Gum as possible for example some of the heavier gumballs are 3 oz while the average stick or piece of gum is1 Oz and this glass bowl is perfect because 132 pieces * .1 o equals 13.2 Oz which gives us enough room in the bowl and it's enough to fill up the ice cube tray that we place in the fridge when we're done and since it's glass we can use the double boiler method on the stove to actually melt the gum together which I'll explain once we get there for now let's enjoy quickly mixing the gums and I use the letters of Hang Time to separate the brands each letter also contains some of the Amazon gum I will only stop to taste test the unique flavors in the interest of time rev gum regular strength one piece is equivalent to a single shot of espresso oh wow very strong minty flavor I'm not feeling that much side effects here we got 11 different Mentos flavors we got five gum I think five gum was super popular not too long ago their marketing team really targeted middle and high schoolers and had these really bizarre commercials like something crazy was going on and also the names of the flavors are so arbitrary and that's on purpose like flood how are you supposed to know what flood tastes like unless you buy it grenades sour gum it's going to be a grenade of sour in my [Music] mouth I'm sorry out the gate we got this Meg military gum that we ordered off Amazon on the back it says chew one piece for 5 minutes if not alert within 15 minutes chew a second piece that's wild do not exceed two pieces in 3 hours for civilians do not exceed 10 pieces in 24 hours for military bro what I can't tell if this is joking or not so that's 600 Mig of caffeine right there what's going on guys thanks for watching this video yeah I spit it out it tasted like minty flavor though there's a lot of trident flavors the top two most interesting probably the sour patch and layers we have way too many cooler G so we're going to speedrun this see how quick that was I mean for you at least watching the video but for me in real life that was like 20 minutes last one in this letter and it's a classic Hubba Bubba Bubble tape now guys this is obviously one of the childhood favorites and with this I've researched that Hubba Bubba is actually the best brand to blow bubbles with so we're going to test that theory comment down below how you're supposed to eat this are you supposed to unroll it or I was trying to blow the biggest bubble I could please let me know how I [Music] did for this one we actually do need to cut the perfect [Music] weight we're going to have this Gourmet one that we ordered off Amazon this is Gourmet gum for reflux relief on the back it's it says alginate therapy gum specifically formulated by reflux Physicians to get you through the day this one was expensive I remember that please subscribe help me pay for this costum wow is this gum or medicine it almost looks like a cracker or something the way it looks what the heck that was really weird it was crumbly and made my mouth water a lot and it kind of had a dull like fruit taste to it double bubble I really hope this all melts together [Music] orbit Juicy Fruit a classic original bazooka this one was a bit harder to find I actually don't know what this tastes like so we're going to give it a gander I think gander is when you look at something while I was editing I looked up what Gander meant to see if I was right and I was even more confused when geese popped up but turns out that's the first definition of the word and the second is indeed to look we're going to give it a taste that's kind of cool I like these colors kind of hard really hard but I can feel myself getting a cavity from this I don't know about you guys but for me for whatever reason this is the most nostalgic one extra extra extra extra get your paper extras here yo you being kind of extra right now it's okay that I dropped that one cuz I have extra they also come in these Blow Pop it takes a lot of licks to get to the inside of this so this might take a while just kidding we're cutting it oh I see it come on [Music] never did I think it would take that long to extract the gum yeah the second time I used hot water in a fresh sponge and that worked a lot better I got all of that one cover [Music] [Applause] [Music] reloading the gum Chan has aive of togy the gum Transit has arrived with a letter G sorry ice breakers if you don't know what the ice breakers look like they're little cubes that are also squishy they're not hard and they have great tastes I love the ice breakers here we got AirHeads prior to this video I never knew that this gum existed it says with micro candies that looks pretty good oh that's fun smiley face opens it up o oh tasting the other mainstream gum brands before this one it really makes it clear this one was not that easy to chew and the flavor dissipated quickly it actually smells better than it tastes more interesting flavors to go and we're getting closer to the world's hottest Gumball which I regret trying delivery boy the letter T is kind of tiny sour sneaky Stardust I don't even know what this is shape-shifting gum that transforms from powder to solid on your tongue [Music] I definitely poured way too much even when pouring less it never turned into gum it just made my mouth really watery and I did not like it at all we got facial Fitness by jawliner pretty expensive off Amazon let me tell you okay it's a lot to work out your face muscles I really didn't know this was a thing I mean I've been working out for a long time if you know my story played college football I grew up working out but I never worked out my face muscles I feel this is going to hurt my teeth that's just like my initial thought they look dirty warning can have a laxative effect if consumed in excess guys working out your face too much you're going to be using the bathroom a lot all right ow ow ow darn right this is harder than gum I might as well just picked up some Pebbles from the front yard bro this is not safe that's it I'm tired of my complaining it's time to get swo let's [Music] go [Music] I thought this was silly at first but after aggressively chewing on that gum for like 15 minutes to get that training montage uh my jaw is actually really sore Big League Chew an American baseball favorite now that I look at it it actually kind of looks like ground beef the woman from the packaging when were you going to tell me you did this commercial in case you didn't know my wife was a three-time All-American so this joke makes sense not only because this packaging looks eerily similar to her but she also played softball so here's one more amazing Play Just For [Music] Fun coincidence I think not comment down below if you think this looks like grace and grace if you're hearing this please share some of that sponsorship money I love you [Music] a guy named Michael once said you miss 100% of the shots you don't [Music] take for letter I I think I might cry neurog gum okay refresh your body and mind that's how it's advertised it's one of these caffeine gums and since I'm a civilian I don't want to try this right now simply gum this was another one that was simply expensive we got some pop rocks that turns into [Music] gum this one I'm kind of scared to try but not nearly as scared as the world's hottest gum okay don't worry that's coming up this was the sourest gum I could possibly find so you can almost see the sour on these [Applause] [Music] guys well these guys should add a fun sour twist [Music] where's my bag Jaws this is another one of those facial workouts I was going to put like Jaws theme music or make it really scary or something but anyway my jaw is really sore so I'm not going to try this one but you get the point this is actually Japanese gum I can't read the flavors cuz I can't read Japanese no way they got Ultra Instinct Goku what that was pretty good it had a berry taste kind of but not as sweet as the other gums that I've tried so far and the Super Saiyan side effects wear off in about 15 minutes [Music] not too dizzy the letter e is home to double bubble perhaps the most iconic and classic bubble gum which comes in multiple flavors this next gum is called quench it's an electrolyte Sports gum and now for the world's hottest gum Big Red just kidding this is not the world's hottest gum this is a warm-up for what's to come it's also pretty iconic so I figured I'd put it last because uh big red I don't know the gum that I'm about to eat made big red tastes like the sweetest thing ever invented caution whatever screen you're watching this on might literally get hot from how hot this Gumball is for this I have the serious jacket on as well as my wife for a witness of uh me eating this I think it's just only appropriate before I eat this that I read a couple reviews first one comes from RJ RJ he also provided a video but he said so hot should be illegal pepper spray hot these are the spiciest anything I've ever had period they had me in tears actually crying foaming at the mouth and I nearly lost all motor functions for a solid 15 minutes I mean I don't know how it gets much more severe than that for a review one more justia said way hotter than you think proceed with Extreme Caution upon opening the bag I started coughing so I knew that caution was in order so dramatic she goes on to say Do not consume if you have hemorrhoids darn it I can't consume this why I'm kidding I was insinuating I have hemorrhoids oh but I don't have hemorrhoids so let's try this okay oh no oh here's a closer look for you at the Trinidad scorpion Gumball 1 million plus Scoville heat units made with real Trinidad Mora scorpion peppers I don't want to snip up close I'm thinking a good challenge would be if I can blow one b bubble before attempting to blow a bubble with this Fireball I figured you guys would want a close up and see what it looks like inside it's a hard it's a oh actually kind of blew I'm assuming all the I kind of you kind of smell it right at this point we were irritated just by the Scorpion dust in the air from cutting it and without further Ado please enjoy my attempt at blowing a bubble with this monstrosity oh ow oh it's St I'm trying to blow bubble it's not to in that's [Music] enough you okay I'm trying to blow bubble I can't [Music] ew mouthwash don't drink it don't swoll that yeah in hindsight I don't know why I grabbed the mouthwash I just saw it sitting there but it actually made it a lot worse thankfully the milk was on deck and I probably should have chose that first no bubble I got a bub I got a mini bubble what are you talking about RJ before I just watched your review but now I can relate to it that was terrible let's just say this will provide the Hang Time gum the extra kick that it needs the moment we've all been waiting for it's time to melt the gum together and see if this works now as this guy's heating up it is beginning to boil just a little so I'll place this on there and that way the gum can start getting warmed up before it gets to the point where it's actually starting to get melted now I did this with chocolate which if you haven't seen that video maybe watch it after this one but it did work I'm curious to see if it works with the gum because I couldn't find any advice online as to how to mix gum together and the only thing I can think of was this or chew it all together which definitely wouldn't be sanitary and we couldn't get other people to taste test it so yes chewing it all together into one piece would have been a horrible idea but right here I was getting nervous because the bowl was getting so hot and yet none of the gum was melting yet now this really is turning into the world's hottest gum I thought that was a good joke I finally saw the gum begin to really melt and latch onto my spatula so I knew there was hope but I was more concerned if the harder pieces would eventually [Music] melt [Music] guys it's getting a lot more melted looking I'm still hoping it gets to the point where it's like liquidy it's right now I don't know or at least like doughy oh yeah it's getting there guys it's melting but I am kind of nervous because the viscosity is so high and the chunks are just too big right now to actually pour into the ice cube tray if I can even get it similar to cake batter or a little bit harder cake batter that would be good it doesn't have to be perfectly [Music] liquid there we go there we go it's getting there [Music] guys oh yes [Music] yes I needed to aggressively stir this I couldn't do it with my camera in the way by aggressive ly stirring it like this while it was so hot I was really able to ensure that all 132 pieces were being mixed together into one single piece of gum I think it actually works this bowl is still hot but the viscosity is just good enough I got to hurry up and put it into the ice cubes but that's good guys that's like a really thick cake batter it actually looked so good I was tempted to eat it right there but I refrained and began filling up the ice cube tray I thought a spoon might be easier the spoon was indeed easier and y'all I was just so happy this was working because we put a lot of effort just to get to this point and check it out we got 10 Ice Cube spots fully filled here's the part where I was really nervous I placed the gum tray into the fridge just to help it solidify for a few hours but if this didn't work then we were in trouble because I needed my contestants to actually be able to chew it and blow a bubble and after a 3-hour nap we were ready for the Moment of Truth oh yeah I also made these custom hangtime gum containers let me know what you guys think of them in the comments [Music] oh yes ooh thankfully the gum solidified into the perfect texture where it was hard enough to stay together but soft enough to be able to chew oh yeah now I felt like I worked at Coldstone creamy trying to get this gum into nice little cubes using these cups it actually worked very well and I decided to make the cube small enough to fit multiple pieces into each container now I just had to do that until each container was filled up so that my friends could try it and complete the miname [Music] what's up guys the gum Transit is here in this bag I have chewing gum that is mixed with every chewing gum ever made ladies first you can pick your canister next next shortest person I'm a person this is uh this is great you can tell they spent a lot of money 1.2 M of caffeine scorpion pepper what is Scorpion pepper give a taste test review and after that is the mini game and here's the rules for the mini game whoever blows the biggest bubble gets $100 and then there's second and third place prizes but they're not as lucrative as the $100 who can give me one by chance and you want spare piece so I can try it too so nice whether you eat or drink whatever you do do it for the glory of [Music] God oh mhm look crunchy man yeah there's something hard in there I don't know how I feel about it ooh there like wait it's kind of spicy there's like fruit and wow that is spicy sweet I haven't gotten no spice yet neither have I it's just sweet oh man BR I don't I don't have any it was definitely a mixture of flavors mostly fruity but also a strong heat kick and my friend Thomas was legitimately struggling I think he may have gotten a bit more of the Turner dead scorpion than the others it's like sweet and tropical you did you did pick the yellow one this really hot you might have gotten a big I I might fig this out Thomas if you're watching this I'm sorry please don't sue me now let's see who can blow the biggest bubble for $100 going to do it oh oh thanks for watching Hang Gang love you guys if you're staying on YouTube check out another video till next time Lord willing Grace love peace and mercy
Channel: Hangtime
Views: 3,952,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VqpQo5B21Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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