Is the NEW Nintendo Switch Lite ACTUALLY a Switch?

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today is the motherfreakin day I was too excited today is the day it's a huge day for switch owners only do we get a brand new Nintendo switcheroo if you don't have one yet you can buy the switch light for like a hundred dollars cheaper and if you do have a switch a bunch of cool games are coming out not just this one but like a like a lot like a lot is happening today and I'm really excited for all of it and I want to bring all of you on this journey with me so whatever go buy the new Nintendo switch and all these games together so let's do that right now Sakurai super smash that like button and head flip on that subscribe button I love all of you thank you all so much for joining me here today I am very very excited let's go buy us a brand new no Christmas a new switch and a new Zelda comes out today if that's not Christmas I don't know what is I'm out of breath before 10 a.m. which for YouTube that typically doesn't exist Oh a madhouse in there it's the switch those Nintendo sir hey hey I'm sure that yet it's a madhouse in there these people invisible here we go into the madhouse into the bullpen into the it's crazy in there [Music] that was in Seine so many freaking people oh my gosh well it's Nintendo so you know what do you expect there was at least one two people I mean it's Friday I mean people are at work they'll pick it up later we were in there for at least two minutes um okay so I that was a moment where I wasn't sure if I was gonna get the blue with the yellow all right whatever let's go home and open this bad boy okay good go upstairs and what gonna oh wait wasn't there one other small thing we got from Gamestop Neil it's just something tiny something just get wait what's that yeah this was it just a little uh little thing nothing too crazy so let's go upstairs and we'll unbox some of this stuff because we have room for this in the house right three isn't really on theme of today but I told that game stuff that I had my eye on that and if no one else wanted it I would take it so let's just settle down uh here's the new switch light I'm really excited for this it kind of feels like getting an old-school game boy color or gameboy advance the bright casing the blue so we're gonna open this in a second I'm gonna pull the the second camera out for all of that but let's keep going with the other stuff the legend of zelda links awakening i forgot that it was gonna come in this big box comes with the game and an art book and i'm really excited to open this too we gonna do that in a second they also gave us this really cool poster not only is it dual sided and this side looks cool but they gave link a little gloss this might be my favorite amiibo period honestly right now i'm loving and hating having a youtube channel because all i want to do is start playing this and trying apparently came out today i've been hyping this up for a while really good games this is a trio triple pack of all of them but honestly i can't even pretend like I'm excited for that right now because there's so much more going on Neal Cooney I'm trying to decide what I'm gonna play on this because I have to play something on this and I'm gonna miss the TV aspect of any game I pick to play on it but I think this was just a really smart move Link's Awakening started as a Game Boy game they released it the same day as a Game Boy like Nintendo switch I feel like this was very intentional and it feels full circle I think I have to play this portable only alright that's my little hole from today very exciting but right now I'm gonna unbox these things oh I'm so hyped up it's so awesome man why I apologize for this terrible jerry-rigged setup yeah I mean I'm sure there's a better way of doing this but this is this is how I'm doing it it's gonna be okay let's do this let's open this bad boy here we go oh my it's so pretty it's so free oh you can't deny that looks liek you can't whether you think this has a purpose or not whether you think the switch light is a stupid idea or not you cannot deny this looks so freakin sleep oh my it's beautiful it looks so much better than I thought it would oh my gosh I actually love it like I'm not even playing this up for the camera I love this yeah I'm really glad I didn't get the yellow this is a really nice shade of blue Wow there really wasn't much to unbox here it was just uh just the system to think that this complaint of the wild it still blows my mind all right enough yammering let's slide this over and take a look at what's in here I'm so excited for this - oh wow I butchered that alright don't look at how bad that was oh my god it's it's so there's so much happening today that I don't know if I've been more excited about a new Zelda game or a new Nintendo switch like there are times where I keep forgetting about one or the other I'm like I snooze outta oh a new switch Wow oh yeah that's really neat that's really cool oh my god this game is so adorable I can't wait anymore guys alright I am gonna go stick this thing on charge I'm gonna spend some time playing the new Zelda and I'm gonna get back to you with my thoughts on the system and the game itself alright guys I'll be right back [Music] so right out of the box it actually has HOF charge which I didn't expect so I can dive into setting this up right away it's so cool okay so I imported my profile over and now all they have to do is open this and throw the game in and then start playing for a while one thing I have noticed while setting this up is the buttons are much softer and much quieter [Applause] all right sir full disclosure I hey don't you go nowhere end up playing Zelda for about two hours on this and then I fell asleep for now and not because the game was boring or anything like that but because of this last night at like 5:00 a.m. my fire alarm started going off I had to change the battery and even once I took the battery out and kept beeping I don't know what to do with these things probably should be up but it's not that kept me up for like an hour took a nap it doesn't matter trying to add some spice into this story I did play for two hours and I came to a lot of conclusions the first one was I'm really happy I got it in this like turquoise blue a green color I think by far is the best color for me and my preferences anyway but playing Zelda on it I don't know just the bluey green aesthetic while I'm walking around a beach front in a green tunic - Zelda that overall kind of has a blurry green theme in most of its games it just felt right it almost felt like I was playing on a Zelda theme switch it was just very fitting I mentioned it as I was down there but these buttons are just so much softer and I actually really like the way they feel it's just not as much of a char popping sharp crisp sound when you press the button down which for a lot of people it's not gonna matter and you might actually like a firm a button but for me as I said it kind of lends itself more to being a stealthy system I mean you're playing it and maybe in bed next to someone or in cars and road trips womp maybe someone's trying to sleep maybe you're stealthily trying to play it in class underneath the table I'll teach it talks either way whatever situation you're playing it in you're not gonna bother the person next to you with loud clanky buttons it is quite quiet and I think that's clever and I like it it feels soft and smooth uh next I wasn't sure how it was gonna feel in my hands because it is quite a bit smaller than the switch and I have had my complaints already about how my thumb start to cramp up and sure enough about an hour and a half into playing this thing because I wanted to play it just how it to begin with my thumbs didn't get a little crampy I mean now it's even smaller I will say it's not as small as I thought it was gonna be the screen still looks honestly comparable in size when you actually throw them next to each other you can see it's really not that much smaller which is what I like about this switch it's cut in half by almost a full joy concise but the screen really hasn't been decreased to that much but it is smaller still so it kind of sits a little differently in your hands and you you kind of have to bring your hands in a little bit more and for me for a kid this probably isn't an issue for a lot of people this might not be an issue it was starting to hurt a little bit but thankfully satisfy said this ahead of time yeah sure enough we have a mini satisfy version a lite version and they even made the front white and it's a heaven-sent yet again but having said that if you have smaller hands you won't have an issue and I just I love how lightweight it is on its own it's so cute it's a neat little package its design is so elegant it's adorable in itself Zelda let's talk about that for a second this game is so much fun I had trouble putting it down apart from the fact I fell asleep but I was having trouble putting it down gorgeous looking game I finished the first dungeon actually I think I finished the first couple of dungeons but it's an absolute blast it's not really like well it does follow a similar structure to a lot of other Zelda games but it's got a quirk and a personality to it that others noted games don't have and you'll see what I mean when you start playing and I'm gonna dive into a full review but I forgot how weird and random it was I mean you can jump in this game and there's platforming parts and a lot of the items you pick up or like dog food and Yoshi dolls and it's a very obscure Zelda in a way it almost feels like a Zelda that wasn't made by Nintendo but having said that it has all the Zelda elements that make us out a game so fun it's actually really refreshing and I'm loving it so much that's some first opinions for you I'm gonna go ahead and finish it and then give you a full review actually Kim and I have something if we if you if we follow through with it we have something very special planned for there were you of this video look if we're tackling the question of is this new switch light worth it the answer is a hundred percent yes of course it depends on your situation if you're someone still sitting there with a actual switch and a bunch of games and you're asking me hey I already have a switch I don't really need a switch light is it worth it no you dingbat of course it's not worth it to you it makes no sense for you to get it it has little too little to no use in your life like yes you could become the person that leaves this switch in the dock and then takes this switch out of the house alright mr. Richie Rich bags hey that's all I could do so I should probably shut up but it doesn't make a whole ton of sense because you can't transfer your safe files I'm going to have to only play Zelda on this now unless I start again over here and there might be other games in the future that I'll think that's a handheld game that's a game that I would like to only play in handheld and then you bet your bottom dollar I may as well play it on this I would say overall in this scenario now it doesn't have much of a use for you however is it worth it itself if you do not have a switch yeah of course yes because it's a $200 buy-in for an adorable handheld system and when you think about it look at this bad boy can you believe what this thing does let's compare this not to this but to any other handheld we've had before I mean I'm a 3ds this has taken a steamy dump all over the 3ds right now with what it's capable of and I would even tip my toe tip my tippy toe across the line and say that right now to buy a 3ds or this which one has a better library I know there's a lot more 3ds games because it's had a longer reign but I would say this has a better library at this point I mean some of the exclusives on this thing oh boy and they're not really handheld games either I mean we're talking astral chain we're talking breath of the wild can the 3ds do that can the 3ds do this no it can I mean I'm not trying to take a stab at the 3ds it's a great system but if we're talking handhelds let's go into the PlayStation Vita great system this is better come on better screen bigger screen more comfortable more gorgeous too got and dare I say it once again out comes the other tote better library of games as far as a handheld goes if you're in the market for a handheld system this is amazing I would still say if you can't walk out that extra hundred bucks yeah if you know you kind of want this more than this but this is cheaper I would save up and try and aim for the stars on this switch but if you really don't care either way if removable joi cons aren't for you if you don't even have a HDTV if your TV is a CRT TV from the 1980s then oh boy this is amazing first price and what it can do that don't be like but what about what it can't do forget that for what it can do for its price and the library of games you have open to you yes is worth it this is a this is amazing this is a very exciting day and it doesn't really even end here that like this is a big day and I have a lot of cool stuff to dive into I still have to download untitled goose game off the eShop to but this is really just the start of all of them it doesn't slow down from here it only picks up from here there's gonna be a lot of things not only for us all to play and enjoy and experience but for me to talk about so if you enjoyed this very chilled out hive top excited video and you want to see me do more things in the future and you haven't subscribed already make sure you hair flip all over that subscribe button I make new videos whenever I want which is pretty often if you enjoyed this if it helped you if you learn a little something I would I would recommend liking the video other than all of that just have a fantastic day if you bought the new switch let me know down below and enjoy it if you're playing the new Zelda let us know down below if you're enjoying it and if you're playing the new bottle in hey did I say you could speak no I didn't say you can say a freaking word this isn't about you how about you how about you bring some Borderlands to the switch and then you can have a pony in this race I Spit on my stinky
Channel: BeatEmUps
Views: 2,556,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch lite, nintendo switch, lite, switch lite, zelda, zelda link's awakening, play, game, gameplay, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, nintendo switch light, yellow nintendo switch, turquoise nintendo switch, Nintendo Switch Lite Yellow, switch lite vs switch, nintendo switch lite review, switch lite review, switch lite unboxing, beatemups, the legend of zelda, zelda switch, new zelda, is the switch lite worth it, Is the NEW Nintendo Switch Lite ACTUALLY a Switch?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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