Linus Roasts Ludwig's Setup

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oh yeah we should react to this video so for some context Linus Tech tips the goddamn you know Godfather of tech tips and Luke great man he should be buried in a pyramid decided to write my setup and the way this happened is I got a tweet DM one of the great values of Twitter that still exists before Elon Musk tears it away the fact you can DM people I got a DM from the Linus Tech tips account and it said hey can you send me a pickier setup and I thought to myself oh they're gonna write setups I'll do you one better not only will I send you a picture of my setup I'll also send you a video of my setup Bear In Mind by the way this is right before I moved my setup to the warehouse so I like I literally have moving boxes here because we moved my setup to the warehouse that same week I was like oh this is perfect I'll just take a picture as is I won't I won't do any cleaning and I'll just send it over because I thought he would like my really nice PC in my triple monitor setup I it's a pretty nice setup my section is the longest in the entire video if you've noticed look at this ammunition a minute Hassan a minute s fan a minute gets over to me bro it's like a [ __ ] feature feature-length film director's cut they spent they spent multiple minutes on me just moved maybe okay I thought this was a giant like bong themed thing but I guess it's a key key to what I don't know key to the gamer Hood because I won the State Farm gamer hood Challenge winning 100 000 for Hungry kids sorry maybe that makes you mad I get why that would upset people the fact that I raised so much do so much care so much people get a little perturbed by that the Disposable cups man I mean a lot of them who needs dishes monitor behind the other monitor I don't like okay having a why it's my eyes Luke and I keep the monitor behind the other monitor so that my eye line isn't too different if I'm looking at the left side of my screen or if I'm looking at chat if they're too far away and I'm looking like this then you clearly notice when I'm reading chat which changes chat's Behavior so I like to be able to look at chat and you don't know what I'm looking at cable what is that hanging across your mouse pad like this twice wait is this your keyboard what go behind the desk it's my keyboard what the heck man like it's not even hard to get it Red Bull can on the floor yeah I [ __ ] with Red Bull oh one second Cutie's calling me hello I'm live yep I'm live on on okay okay all right cuties FaceTiming me and I'm not allowed to show you guys whoa my gosh okay all right well oh okay wow rub a dub dub Swift in the tub all right goodbye Swift is in the tub stained ass chair it's not a stained ass chair it's a normal ass chair the normal ass it's a normal ass chair it's not even it's not even that same it's a little Stained It's not that stained what did you do in that chair sir I sat got the pedals I can respect it yeah I wonder what he uses it for how often uses them because there's no wheel hey look maybe he just likes to use petals as he did but I turned with A and D I gassed with my feet who drinks bottled water at home yeah that's lame dude we had to get bottled water okay this is so annoying we had to okay this is so okay it was actually kind of weird so there was we had to fix some drywall in the house because I got swatted okay sorry sorry my bad Linus my bad that I got swatted I should work on the next time we have to get bottled water because people are fixing drywall because also slime poked a hole in the wall with a hammer so we had some drywall people working on the house because we had a bunch of holes xqc stayed over those drywall holes there we had a lot of drywall holes and we're like you know what let's do a drywall day the people who came over the drywall were like hey do you have water bottles and I was like no and then he was like really sad so I ordered like a pack of 12 water bottles I was like here's water he's like oh my God this is so clutch and I'm like I got you and so I got the Watt and then we had extra bottles but look I'm literally drinking out of a this is water from tap absolutely gross like it actually tastes bad yeah you should get something else I actually like the taste of magnesium and salt and water that's not cool get a Brita filter got camera here Stan's kind of broken but [Laughter] quality camera holder it's the job done it gets the job done ew don't floss over your keyboard you don't even care about your dental hygiene if you're not flossing everywhere you are nice Mouse so he says it's a mouse pad it's it says card doesn't it card game card game it's a play mat it's a playmat can double as a mouse pad like they don't even understand like resource efficiency doesn't even have a proper mouse pad yeah like these are billionaires many of the people who set up and this millionaire 1v1 dust two just see me Linus it wouldn't be close they're so mad that I work with so little but I do so much with it they're so mad about that fact they they're upset that I frag they're bot fragging with the works right give me a piece of cardboard and a Logitech mouse to the Dome as we're looking at foot pedals um it's not plugged in but I like touching them because I like touching them with my feet the explanation is even even dumber than what either of us thought I like touching it with my feet because the foot pedals feel good who's who's that Linus anime question of the day I have no idea it is not me for one piece come on tell them Adam this is inside the PC is this just open the tops just open that's where the dust comes in okay so I the reason I have the cables in front is because I actually [ __ ] hate my PC case with a God damn like like Vengeance I hate it so much because the way my PC case currently works is you cannot access any ports unless you open the PC case so like there's these like little click things I'll show you so this is on top of my PC and it has like a like a push to release thing and I have to and then on each side and then lift it up to just use USB cables and then like Port them out the back that's just how it works there's not like an easily accessible back USB hub there's an easily accessible front USB hub so I just use the front USB hub more than I should and that's why I end up wrapping the cables through the front of my desk rather than the back of my desk because the back PC cables are hard to reach I've been meaning to clean up I did a drunk driving stream not illegally though I hate it the person who designed this room later told me this rug was ten thousand dollars and I almost choked I should have just I do I could have used just like freaking styrofoam this was so crazy I don't know why we bought such an expensive rug I said just pick the rug I didn't even want to think about it I just said pick a rug I don't care what rug oh my God what a mistake your hardwood floors and you're ruining your rug yeah quality that's my setup tour uh if you want to see more uh like And subscribe it's not that bad it's a really cool setup I frag on that setup don't ever think you can see me in Counter-Strike nice computer setup let's see dude I would I would torch Linus and I I think any game I don't think there is a it there is a there's a game Linus gaps me in maybe I'm underestimating his Boomer energy and he Giga gaps me and like Civ six or some [ __ ] but
Channel: Ludwin
Views: 491,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, twitch, clips
Id: xlYpug3PuVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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