The Best Jasper Moments in Henry Danger! | Nickelodeon

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If this works, then you too, can control Captain Man and Kid Danger just like you control the bear and hair in the video game. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then they can send us to find Barge, and make him throw in the towel. Ooh, that's good. And remember that when we get there. - Something's happening. - Whoa. - Oh. - Whoa. This is so cool. Whoa. We're one and the same. Let's not get carried away. Is this is a bad time I have to pee? It's a very bad time. Then I will not say it. Hey, watch this. Oh, hey, that's cool. It's crazy. Wait. These battle suits make you super strong, right? Yeah. What are you doing? Whoa. That was awesome. [squealing] Look at me, I'm a superhero. Taste my fist and smell my kicks. You are not a superhero. Raise your hand if you think Jasper's a superhero, Jasper, please put my hand down. Okay. Dang it. Is it bad? [buzzing] [shattering] Uh... [stammering] You know, you're not saying actual words. So... you left the note in my locker? Uh-huh. Cause "I know your secret." Oh, man. Come on. How long did you think you could keep that kind of secret from your best friend? - Oh, Charlotte knows. - I meant me. Oh, r-r-right. No, no, no. I- W-W-wait. Charlotte knows? Hey, look. You can't tell anyone about this, ever. As my friend, you gotta promise never to tell anyone. Uh, if we're such good friends, how come I had to find out the truth about you in the streets? Cause... [stammering] Still not words. Ah. I just need you to understand why- [chiming] Well... I guess I don't need to hide this from you anymore. Hey, it's me. <i> Hey, Kid, we have a little emergency.</i> Yeah, no kidding. <i> Looks like the Malachi brothers broke out of jail</i> <i> and they're headed for the demolition derby.</i> Okay. Meet you in the Man Cave. <i> Nah, I'll hop in the Man Copte,</i> <i> and I'll pick you up on the way to the derby.</i> Copy that. That was Captain Man... as a hologram. Call you. Yeah. I don't really know how it works. Schwoz does. You can ask him. What's a Schwoz? Wait. What's that? I'm gonna blow a bubble. You're gonna blow a bubble? I'm gonna blow your mind. How do I look? Good? Jasper left the note. I know. But- Hi, Jasper. Why is Jasper's mouth hanging open? And why are you dressed like that in front of Jasper? You're Kid Danger! Yeah. You knew that. You're the one- Ooh. Jasper fell asleep. - No, he fainted. - But why? Because he didn't know that you're Kid Danger. He thought that your secret was that you saw Galaxy Wars Ten without him. Well, how did he find that out? Who cares? Whoa, the back room. Now, uh, don't get scared. Dude, this ain't my first elevator ride. Yeah, okay. [screaming] [screaming] [dinging] Oh. What the heck? Hey, I'm trying to study. Quit throwing stuff at me. Hey, hey! Schwoz, get back here! Could you guys keep it down? I'm sleep learning. Slearning. What are you talking about? Learn to fight while you sleep. And also Spanish. Mm-hmm. It's a 100 hour audio book that teaches you to fight while you sleep. Those books don't work. Yeah, they do. And I want to learn to fight so I'm going on a mission with you and Ray before I head off to college. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [music playing] [music playing, clamoring] What? Is he asleep? Save us, Jasper. What is happening? He's fighting in his sleep. Oh. He wasn't learning how to fight while he sleeps, he was learning how to fight while he sleeps. Oh. Get down to the tenth man cave and get those shelgon crystals. - On it. - Daddy Danger will help. I'm Daddy Danger. And this is important. Only pull crystals from the right tube pad. Got it. Ooh. [screaming] This is oddly mesmerizing. Right? I'm back. Now where's Drex? Shh. Jasper's fighting while he sleeps. - Oh. Okay. - While he sleeps. You know how to use a forklift? Uh, I know how to use a fork. Good enough. Get on that forklift and drive it over there by that big sign. All right. Hello, everyone in Swellview and beyond. I wanna say that it doesn't- Okay, I got this. Backing up. [beeping] It's okay. I have an uncle who repairs picnic tables. Please just move the forklift into position. Okay. Cool. And now get ready for the biggest rock box dump of all time. 1524 rocks dropped right on my head. [cheering] Okay, Jasper, get ready to pull that dump lever. If you say so. Drum roll. Okay, everybody. Five... Four, three, two- Stop the dump! Ow. How rude. Now, you, boy move this forklift out of here. These things are dangerous. You got it, Captain Man. Oh. You know what I mean? Hi, Henry. Dude, what the- How did you enter my house? And why would you do that? I waited until your parents were gone, then I crawled through your window and waited until your mouth was full of liquid. Normal guys don't do those things. Ah. True dat. Three, two- Hello Swellview. You're Morgan Maykew. That's me. And I'm here to<i> Maykew a Meal</i> . That's- That's Morgan Maykew. Yeah, he's my favorite celebrity chef. Oh my gosh, I have all Morgan Maykew's cookbooks. - You do? - Yeah, I have<i> Maykew Lunch</i> , <i> Maykew Say Yum</i> ,<i> Maykew Drool</i> ,<i> Maykew Fatter</i> . Okay, today we're here at a store called Junk-N-Stuff and- Love the energy. It's great. We're here at Junk-N-Stuff with- We're here at Junk-N-Stuff with... Morgan Maykew. Right. But what's your name? J.J. Grandmaster Boogie III. Is that really your name? No. It's, uh, it's Jasper. Jasper, [unintelligible] Right and left and up and in, folding napkins for the win. Right and left and up and in, folding napkins for the win. I love you, man. You too. Right and- Yeah, I don't get it. See, you just go like this. Right and left and up and in. No, I know how to fold napkins. I just don't know why we have to fold them. It's for charity, Charlotte. Napkins for the Needy. You can be part of the problem or part of the solution. Up to you. Coming in with corn. So what'd I miss while I was in Iowa? A razor. Oh, you're talking about my mustache. What do you think? I think it's even worse than your chain wallet. My choo-choo chain? I love this thing. Henry, will you please talk some sense into your friend? Jasper, I do not like that mustache. Thank you. - I love it. - What? I said, "I love love it." Dude. When'd you grow that bad, boy? Well, if you mustache. I must. I grew Oz at my cousin's wedding in Iowa. Dude, respect. Hey, are you guys messing with me right now? I don't know what you're talking about. What are you doing? I want that piece. But that's the last piece, and you already had one. So? We need to save that piece for Henry. Unhand me, boy. Jasper, what are you doing? There's a raccoon in that fridge. Well, I know. And if anybody tries to take Henry's final piece of cake, I'm gonna let this raccoon out. Mm. That's a bad idea. I'll do it. You don't have the guts. Get him, boy. Okay. Alright. [screaming] [laughing] You will never get away with this Minyak. You literally always lose. You are an unpleasant person. That's right. What he said. Um... is this yours? No. Okay. Hey. Captain Man? Yes. A question? Can I hit you in the head with a baseball bat? - Dude. - Jasper. No, No, it's okay. But remember, kids, never do this to anyone but Captain Man. Because regular people could be badly- Wow. I wasn't done talking. Did that hurt? Yeah. But I'm okay. Hey, Kid Danger. I was worried about you. Uh... thanks, boss. I was worried about you, too. Well, I know you didn't need me to take down a petty criminal like Jeff. Oh, yeah, I was just about to bust out of those ropes and rain down some paint on that dude. Okay, Kid Danger, go to it. Huh? Go show that criminal who's boss? Yeah, Kid Danger, go bust him up. I love it when boys fight. Okay. This is what you get for breaking into people's cars and for kidnapping us on Halloween. Whoa. That was for you, Monica. Way to go, KD. Yay. Great job, Kid Danger. Hey, can I talk to you for a second? Yeah, sure. My boss needs me. Listen, Captain Man? Yes? I'm not really Kid Danger. I know that. How are you feeling? - Uh, well- - You can tell me. We've been friends for, for so long. So? So, even if you have a secret, I'm the perfect person for you to tell. Oh, God, he's the worst. Well, uh, great... cause... you know how I've been calling in sick to work? Yeah? Well... I was faking. [gasping] I knew it. Why did you tell Ray you were sick? You swear I can totally trust you? Sure. I mean, I never betray a friend. Well... come here. I'm done being Ray's sidekick. But- But why? You don't want to fight crime anymore? No, I do but, I mean, dude, we don't... we don't need Captain Man. But Ray's indestructible. You can't just get rid of Captain Man. Well, see... I've been working secretly with Dr. Minyak. - No. - Yeah, man. We've been developing this weapon that can melt Captain Man. And check this out. Once Ray's out of the picture... Yeah? Come here. Come here. - What? - Yeah, all the way. Come here. I'm gonna take over and make you... my sidekick. - Me? - Yeah. [stammering] Ray's our friend. We can't just- Okay, I'm in. What? You're in? Oh, yes, sir. Whatever you need me to do, I'll do. All right, Henry, how'd you know Jasper was wearing a wire? Cause I'm not an idiot. Ray, I didn't know you also come to this restaurant. Give it up, son. You might want to look where you're lasering. Uh, you better look where your lasering. Ah! - What was that? - Uh, nothing. No, no, no, no. You tiny screamed. Uh, dude, it's nothing. - No. - Hey, Schwoz, random question. Do you have anything that re grows hair? What? Dinner with Bigfoot. Dinner with Bigfoot. Dinner with Bigfoot. Hey, the hair growing cream worked great. - Yeah, it looks good, dude. - Ah, nice. This worries me a little. Don't tough me. You have to wear a glove when you apply it. That's part of the instructions. Well, you didn't tell me any instructions. Okay, step one, don't itch your ears. Henry. [screaming] [screaming] Give me back my friend! Wait, wait, wait. Hey. Beating on it won't help. Then what are we supposed to do? Get me outta this thing! We don't know how! We're freaking out! Okay, okay, okay, okay. We just need to calm down and deal with the fact that Charlotte just got sucked into a black hole thingy, and is in that vacuum. And I don't know what else to do, we'll just beat it. Seriously, [unintelligible] How is this helping me?! Okay, contest winners and guests. Drop your sacks. Welcome to the Man Cave. Wow. I'm Jasper. Remember me? Yeah. Why are you wearing that? Oh. She made me. Nice. Could you step away from me? Oh, sure. Of course, you people all know my sidekick. Kid Danger. That's right. We're really excited to show you the Man Cave. What's wrong with your voice? And your face? - Oh, yeah, he- - I went through puberty. You see, we made your favorite dinner? [gasping] Fish sticks and peas. Yeah. Sit down. Uh, so, we have something that we kind of want to tell you. But first, you have to promise, you've got to swear that you'll never tell anyone this secret. No worries. I can keep a secret. Can you? Yeah. I never told Charlotte you were the one who killed her goldfish. -What?! -You did not just say that! You killed Nemo? We're getting off track here. Now, we want to tell you a big secret, but you've gotta seriously swear that you'll never tell anyone. Ever, ever. I swear on Nemo's grave. Stop mentioning Nemo! I can't believe you killed him. I tickled his back, he had a stroke. It wasn't my fault. Charlotte and I are boyfriend and girlfriend. You... she... You and she... You and him... [sighing] What?! - Dude. - Bro. - Dude. - Bro. - Dude. - Bro. - Dude. - Bro. - Dude. - Bro. - Dude. - Bro. You guys. Use your words. Charlotte, will you please tell Jasper that he can't volunteer Kid Danger for his personal life? Will you please tell Henry that I'm in love? Will you please tell Jasper that we don't have anything in the Man Cave that can help Patina? We actually might have something in the Man Cave that could help Patina Jasper, Jasper, will you please ask Charlotte what she's talking about? Ow! Sorry! [whimpering] [whimpering] Jasper... you were amazing. And I'd hug you but those needles would puncture my suit. I get it. Jasper, you got that bee yet? I got it. [shattering] Are you kidding me?! I really thought that'd worked. Throwing a jar at a bee? Yeah. You got any more jars? No. [buzzing] Oh, no. I think I made it mad. Hey! Let me go! No. It senses my fear. Look at me. Look at me. You are the jar now. We better get in there. How do you like your cavemen cooked, original or extra crispy? Wait, I can do this myself. Um, please take this. I don't need a weapon. I am the weapon. Help me. The only thing you need to call is a caveman ambulance because they're about to go to a caveman hospital. I thought you were gonna send them to the caveman hospital? Yeah. That might not happen. Hey, follow me. Wait, wait, wait. Okay, so, you know how you've always had a crush on Kid Danger? Not the time, dad. Let me go. Jasper, are you okay? No. Thanks for asking. Whew. That was lucky. [screaming] Why do you hate me?! [screaming] Hey. <i> And when I saw the guy riding the motorcycle towards me,</i> <i> I just held up the flag and he crashed into the pole.</i> <i> Well, let's take a look at some cell phone footage</i> <i> from one of your fellow students.</i> [crashing] <i> How amazing was that?</i> <i> I got this, Mary.</i> <i> Jasper, you impress me.</i> <i> I do?</i> <i> Absolutely.</i> <i> I'd wear a t-shirt with your face on it.</i> Aw. I'm so proud of Jasper. It's Henry's dad. Oh, man. He's probably looking for Henry. No worries. I got this. Hey, Mr. Hart. Jasper, we can't find Henry. Do you know where Henry is? Uh... Please hold. Yeah, you got that good. Look at it. <i> I don't care what else is live streaming right now.</i> <i> You want to be right here cause in just a few minutes...</i> <i> We are gonna pop this guy's neck pimple.</i> <i> Yeah, this zit's about to get real.</i> It's a 40 minute drive, so I figured we might want a snack on the way. Ooh, what'd you bring? I brought... a big pot of brown soup. You brought soup on a car trip? Happy birthday. In his text, he said, "I gotta go. Make up excuse." Make up excuse? No, no, no, no, no. No, not, not make up excuse, makeup excuse. Yeah, he said he had to excuse himself so we can go buy some makeup at the makeup store. Henry wears makeup? Have you seen him without it? What was that? Jasper's shovel. Finally. Jasper! Was that your shovel?! Yeah. I'll get you out in a second. [laughing] - Ah, jeez. - What? We're in uniform. We can't let Piper and Jasper see us as Captain Man and Kid Danger. Ah, geez, quick, our gumballs. Okay, get ready to be rescued! [coughing] Ah, man, Thanks, buddy. Yes. Thank you, Jasper. Prancing Pony and I couldn't have done it without you. No problem. [screaming] Oh, hey, Piper. Did you go into my bathroom and take my curling iron? Yeah, but I- Hey, don't you yell at my Jasper. He jacked my Girlie Curly. She yanked on my eyelashes. Piper, you just hurt someone I love. Yeah, and I'm just getting started. Wait, wait, wait. No. Hey! Stop! - You want some more? - Piper. Piper, quit that! No! No! No! No! Henry, are you okay? You okay? Yeah. Yeah, I think so. Oh, Jasper- No more hugging me. Hugging you? Ew. Karaokelelayio? Well, I used to sing in the yodeling competitions there. First place got a trophy made of cheese. You wouldn't think a karaoke club would have high quality trophy cheese. But this place, this place was different. <i> ♪ The best cheese That I've ever, ever had ♪</i> No, thank you. Yeah, yeah. Not the right time again, huh? I am, so sorry. We are fully committed this evening. There are no tables available... Madam President Oh, I'm sorry, didn't see you there because I was just on the phone with... president. - Wow. - Yeah. Uh, okay. Um, we would like to go to the secret underground restaurant. We have a reservation for Charlotte Page. Hmm. One moment. Aha, here it is, and I have a note here that says it's somebody's birthday today. - Not mine. - It's not my birthday either. They give you free dessert if you tell them it's your birthday. Then I guess it's my birthday. Very good, sir. This guy gets it. Right this way, please. Don't do it! Blast them! Blast them now! - Do it! - Blast them! Blast them! [screaming] Come on, get up! Yeah! What hit me? You hit yourself. Classic Jasper.
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 402,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, ytao_hd, Henry Danger, Dangerverse, Swellview, Captain Man, Chopa, Danger Force, Henry Hart, Superheroes, Superhero, Super Hero, Super Heroes, Hero, Heroes, Childrens tv, Nick, Nickelodeon, Schwoz
Id: MVFxlN8A768
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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