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with over 9 billion views and 19 million subscribers my kids have inspired and entertained the world for over 5 Years and we're ready to train the Next Generation we scouted far and wide to find the most impressive and talented kids on [Applause] Earth these 24 kids are competing for $110,000 and the title for the ultimate ninja kids Superstar Champion let's do this yeah you know your judges Brighton Payton Paxton and Ashton are you guys ready to pick your teams yes I'm very ready and a little bit nervous yeah oh I'm really nervous but I'm going to choose the best team though so of the 24 we're going to take the top 12 candidates and they're going to move on to round two Jaden AP here is our first ninja kids competitor you ready yes I out you got this my name is Jay Napier my age is 11 years old my talent is taan and I've been training for 8 years the craziest thing that has ever happened to me is probably this or getting my Taekwondo World titles I'm excited to see what she's got let's do it she's [Applause] [Music] first oh w [Music] [Applause] I see four golden ninja stars in here check this out you get to choose whose team you're going to be on she's a world champion so You' got to be on my team we're going to win be on my team we're going to shoot for the top I mean she's got higher because she is so sling so we're going to win for sure our team is the best starting off round one with girl power next up is Parker Antonino let's see what you've got there we go got it Wes he's so strong he's so strong I need him for my the strength challenges dude you're super strong for the future challenges you could destroy them join my team we're going to make the best team ever and I'd love if you join astion looks too nervous to join his team I think I'm going to pick astion let's go yeah dude here we go as's got his first oh yeah I got my first dude this is going to be awesome we're going to win this right okay only two people have gone so far and I have somebody on my team and Ashton does too I'll get some good good people I'm not worried we've got a lot more people to go my name is Alex I would like to be a ninja kid because it seems like a fun adventure are you ready to show us what you got yes okay let's see it eyes up eyes up yeah come on one tornado cake good job dude I was impressed and you're only 11 so keep up the great work I think you've got a decent chance of moving on we can't wait to see good job nice Alex didn't get a golden ninja star but it looked like Paxton was just about to toss one in I was a was too I was surpris the only reason I did this is cuz I have Jade on my team and she does martial arts and she's amazing so what stopped you guys from throwing in that golden ninja star what can he work on well I think he was good but I think he still definitely has a lot to learn next up is Kyrie and let me guess you're a gymnast right yes I am okay here we go uh is Kyrie available this this is Ashton from ninja kids we selected you for the top 24 we want you to come compete in our ultimate ninja kids challenge my name is Kyrie I'm 12 years old and I'm from Austin Texas um my talent is gymnastics I've actually been training for 6 years I really am hoping for Ashton to pick yeah she's got some dance mov we yeah come on you got this Kyrie let's go yeah woo KY Kyrie really well I got a gold [Music] start next up is Sam another martial artist nice I think I did well I was confident none of the ninja kids picked me to be on their team but I still think I did well our first cheerleader for the day show them what you got my name is P paig I am 11 years old and I'm from Salt Lake City Utah all right let's see your skills let's see it oh okay she's nice all [Music] right what oh you got two ninja stars you got two I'm going to go with bre all right all right breing there you go that's for you a golden ninja star W so he was really awesome the reason I didn't pick him was because I have a martial ARS on my team and she's amazing and she's she's got a world champion yeah I have a world champion so I [Music] comeis andp man this is way harder than I thought I don't want to hurt like their feelings you know all these people are amazing out of thousands and thousands of people that's how they got here this is so hard hi Kenzie this is Payton from Ninja Kid oh hi out of 10,000 applicat we have selected you to move on to our top 24 are you happy yeah a my name is Kenzie Richardson I'm 10 years old all right let's see let's see hey yeah some skills no [Music] bright awesome job yeah nice job awesome what do you guys think her dance moves are mine her sorry oh dang it went really well I think they really liked me I didn't get a star but uh Payton and Brighton really wanted me on their team so my name is reic Jenkins I'm 12 years old and and I'm from Alpine Utah hi reic this is Brighton from ninja kids we have selected you to move on to our top [Music] 24 okay great I'm like speechless thing I'm most nervous for about performing for the ninja kids would probably be dropping my weapon or like messing up a trick and not Landing [Music] it woo [Music] you got two gold ninja stars in there all right you've got a choice between me and Ashton I think I'm have to choose Ashton on this dude let's go yeah here we go dude we're going to win this competition definitely next up is a and I believe she's our youngest competitor today at only 7 years old my name is aay and I'm 7 years old and I live in chinaa Hills California I want to be a ninja kid because I feel like being on camera would be really fun and because I love them so [Music] much oh dang she's only 7 years old what [Music] okay yeah that was awesome good job you're only seven you can do all that wa that was awesome 7 years old and she was flying high that was awesome yeah that was awesome job 10 you did great yeah she's not necessarily the best we've seen today but for her age it's amazing fastic hi my name is kyia Dixon I am 13 years old and I'm from Los Angeles California My ultimate goal in life is to inspire others make people's day and just you know make other people happy that's my main goal right I do have one question though okay do you or do not have a crash on Ashton okay okay we're not going to distract I mess up it's your fault save it for a oh my [Applause] [Music] goodness yeah all right let's go wo if Ash does it I'm going to do it yeah wa she that Ash is that Ash yeah oh and payon and payon kyia please be on my team come on please we going to go with [Music] [Applause] I got a star and I'm literally so excited my next up is Hutch he is priya's older brother who's on Brighton's team you ready to show him what she got oh yeah I'm so [Music] excited yeahoo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so my name is Robert bass and I am from Pennsylvania and I'm 12 years old yeah woo robber yeah oh okay let's go let's [Music] go okay he's got double Bo [Music] now's block where's my ninja stars go I was not expecting that look this W Paxton got blocked first block of the gameon was scared that Robert was going to choose Paxton so he blocked him Paxton couldn't put his gold ninja star in once he got blocked you are super talented with the bow staff and you've got some tumbling moves so I needed you on my team uh do you accept yeah all right let's go after I've got my second person my team is really starting to come together he was amazing at karate so um I'm super happy with that and I'm glad I blocked Paxton because of course he would have it would have been dumb for him not to he was he was insane next up is Maisy she's one of the only two ninja competitors that we have in this competition today that does ninja warrior style obstacles and she's also our second youngest competitor I am Maisy R Kelly and I am 8 years old my talent is ninja I'm really good at Ninja Warrior I started when I was like two I hope I get a ninja star hi my name is Maisy I've been doing Ninja Warrior my whole life I totally forgot I had these on people always say that I'm the strongest person they've met and they also kind of think that I'm a nut job so amazing you know Maisie I think that you would be a great part of my team jaon thank [Music] [Applause] you I know just the way to get those ninja kids perfect here I come and we have just five competitors left for the entire video next up is Anderson come on yes I'm yes here I am are you Anderson uh yes I go by Desi Aster Desi at okay yes sir um I'm 15 years old tell us more about yourself desaster I have been a ninja kids fan for a long long time I invent evil invention I mean I think Paxton and I will get along Fame ly well that's fine let's just see what you got yeah let's you got this desaster okay all right enough with the rules it's me we'll be right back after this quick break next up is Anderson and it looks like he is another expert Karate Kid right yes sir woo [Music] yeah n nice job that was awesome I think that kid was super good I 100% would have had him on my team right away if I didn't just barely get a martial artist there's a good chance I could still get him later uh but I want to see the rest of the uh people go first Paxton does not have a good martial artist well Paxton doesn't have a martial artist on his team yet so I'm so shocked he didn't pick him next up is Jude and I think he's got a musical number for us right [Music] [Applause] yep ninja ninja ninja ninja kid what the ninja kids say to me after my auditions you oh my god woo nice hi I'm Kylie Lawrence I'm 11 years old my talent is dance but I also do some martial arts and tumbling let's see it you got [Applause] [Music] this KY yeah you got it yeah kli and I think you would be really good on my pain so all right what do you think do you want to join Payton's team hey congratulations you're moving on to the next [Music] round that was awesome now it's time for our final our final competitor last number this is it my name is try McAdams terrific Trey I am 12 years old and I'm from Atlanta Georgia hello hey Trey it's me Paxton from the ninja kids I called to let you know out of all 10,000 applicants we've selected you to move on to our top 24 let's go let's go what's up judges my name is Trader McAdams I've been studying martial arts for 7 years and doing gymnastics for 3 years and let's get into it all right let's see it w three already they threw theirs in so I just panicked I was going to block them what are you guys doing you haven't even seen him I don't know I know he's the last person but you guys can use your ninja stars for the bonus round round it was kind of a good strategy for Paxton if he picks him but we'll see all right W can [Music] Dan awesome job Tre Trey so you can pick me H Brion and we would love to have you [Music] and so good Trey we got this we okay respect and love all of you but I'm going to have to go [Music] with that was amazing Brighton's really upset what guys Paxon is in trouble oh dude he has some good people but he has no martial artist and that's super important in the next coming rounds he he still can and he has a block these are your teams Brighton and Paxton have another golden ninja star all right oh pton has an all girl team okay Brighton I'm going to go with lay okay these are the 12 finalists but you guys all get another golden ninja star one more team member it looks like they're deliberating with their team of who they should choose all right my team helped me decide bright sorry dude double block all right hopefully she doesn't pick the person we were going to pick I'm going to block pan wait pxton and Ashton use their final blocks so they both get to choose at the same time no do you know who you're going to choose this is the nicest and meanest thing you've done to us when I say go you got to say who you're going to pick ready three two one go I say all right they pick different people yeah awesome there you go your team is complete yeah taking me yes sir Brighton and Payton get to pick their final team member three two 1 go [Music] my team is complete now bright and all right bri can come up to the front and center all right we're going to say their name on three one 2 3 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] H all right we picked our teams research far and wide to find some of the most impressive kids on Earth which one of these 16 competitors has what it takes to to win $10,000 and become the ultimate ninja kids Champion I think I can win this competition I feel pretty confident I feel like my chances are pretty good I feel like everybody's going down really confident myself my chances of winning this competition is pretty high today we're testing their martial arts skills today's Champion wins this Trophy and the losers get slime and we're the judges oh no you guys misunderstood you're not the judges you're the team coaches if they lose you get slime what what no come on let's do this wait your teams are in their colors yeah I'll take care of that now you're looking good but it's not me you've got to impress it's these guys there so much pressure I'm an 8° black belt I've dedicated my life to martial art arts and I've used my resources to bring in some of the most amazing martial artists in the entire world these guys are going to be judging these 16 kids to help us find the ultimate ninja kid Superstar Champion I mean how does a human do that like they have to be genetically modified or something if you're a martial artist stand up yes sir as you can see only six of our 16 competitors are martial artists so we're going to start with the basics the first technique we're going to show them is the front kick lock out recoil step down from there we're going to the jump front kick oh they have one minute to teach their team how to do a front kick and a jump front kick ready go okay come on want to get as high as you can this is really hard I never did Karate before yeah yeah bring back like bring forward bring back and then bring down yeah good job we got this if you can do head height you get Five Points fingertip height 10 points let's do this all right my team's doing pretty good Payton's team I think like everyone's gotten it but my team's still doing really good brownhouse kick chamber lock out oh recoil and step down and tornado kick my all right if they can do 10 balance kicks without dropping their foot at head high one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 five point if you're hopping like that or if you fall over you're done oh so so close 3 one kick away just lost my balance the most spin kicks in 10 seconds pressing kicks hook kicks tornado kicks they get one point for every time they hit the target in 10 seconds the kids are doing really well only six of them are highly TR in martial arts so the other 10 have a lot of skills that they're learning all at once but they have great attitudes and they're really working [Applause] hard nice job I feel really good that was really tiring and I'm dizzy now 1 2 3 sadly one of my contestants got kicked by another one so she's going to go again [Applause] I'm so sorryy nice job these are the finalists from each team they're going to do a runoff the winner gets a bonus Five [Music] Points no way Robert from the blue team and Trey from the purple team both got 16 Trey did 17 but the last one was after time so they're both going to get Five [Applause] Points next challenge is split kick if I can do this they should be able to do this I don't know if I can do [Applause] [Music] this [Music] Robert is currently in first place with 44 points followed by Trey in second and Anderson is in third in the team event Payton's taking an early lead over her brothers with 129 points these guys are doing so awesome it's time for them to do their first combo they're going to start with a roundhouse kick come down into a spin sweep pressing kick and a cartw spot where you're going first good guys I'm feeling pretty good about my team they're all getting it down really fast so I think we can do it it's time to see your kicking combos here's your judges are you ready yes sir sir sir [Music] she could be Co [Music] of yeah go [Music] [Applause] yeah oh yeah oh oh purple team definitely stood out to me that round I got to give it to the red team I got to give it to the purple team on that round thought the red team was great I loved how each team started with a bow they came out with power of presence and they ended strong that was really [Applause] good reic has jumped to the number one spot after some impressive kicks and tricks but Robert is hot on his Trail these are our six competitors who specialize in martial arts they're going to face off in the open forms event first place gets 50 points are you ready yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] sir oh [Music] [Music] fire loved how The Blue Team kept at it even when there was a moment of struggle really appreciate how athletic the red team is I was able to see the stuff you do other than martial arts in your Martial Arts first place in the open forms competition is Jade second place is Robert third place is [Applause] [Music] Trey a lot of those things are pretty high difficulty and the fact that were're Landing them was kind of blowing my mind so I'm really impressed next up is power breaking they get two points for every round they make it through black is the hardest [Music] for go everyone make it tight fist we're going to bring that hand up nice and high and follow through raise your hand if this is your first time doing a board break most of [Applause] them I hit it with this part of my hand we all couldn't get big fat fail three out of four of Payton's team members are martial artists but yet she was the first team eliminated from the power breaking what happened pton I don't know since Payton's entire team got eliminated and couldn't break the green board pon is going to show him how it's done [Music] maybe Paxton's whole team was eliminated by the time he got to the blue board Paxton said he's going to jump to the Blackboard let's see it okay ready they ask you how you are you you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it my team is going to take power breaking no we're definitely going to win you know what I am feeling confident in this competition and I am ready for anything so if they ask me to do something I will try my best you got this it's the bottom go oh it kind of hurts but I did it I got the last one I haven't done this before man I'm screaming so much I'm going to lose my voice yes I got it got [Music] this I have a nine Pack 1 2 three 4 5 6 7 8 n Hutch and kylea from The Blue Team and the red team are the last two in we've run out of difficulty so they're stacking the boards black plus [Music] [Applause] white that was insane I don't know how she broke both of them ially did it dang I just I don't know what happened it was really fun though I'm going against Brian I'm going to win final round kylea gets to go one more round to see if she can get another two bonus points Brighton's going to go for two blacks and a white I honestly never done board breaking this hard actually don't know if I can make this I've never done this at all so let's do this what our Kate edition of the ultimate ninja kid super challenge fourth place goes to the red [Music] team way red team isn't too happy about that there's going to be a consequence for Ashton coming up soon not cool we got to pick it up in the future challenges third place is action team and first place is payen [Music] I am not happy that I'm getting slimed but I chose an allaround team we're going to do good in all the challenges so that's good for them but I'm probably going to get punishment I'm not getting slime losers get out of here first place [Applause] [Music] Robert Ashton was the coach for the last place team in our Mar SLS challenge his consequence is getting not cool red team do do better next time in the final Robert takes the gold in the martial arts challenge with an impressive 111 points and payon purple team continues to to dominate her brothers in the team event welcome to the ultimate ninja Talent search today we're challenging 16 athletes to learn how to ninja race they competing for $10,000 and the title of the ultimate ninja kid Superstar Champion meet the martial [Music] artist here's the [Applause] dancers mus these are the gymnasts [Music] and these are the ninjas and you guys are the coaches let's bring in your teams trust me you want to see this video it's going to be epic right now we're at impact ninja gym it's the largest gym in the country and we have a special guest for you guys this is Jesse graph Jesse graph is a gymnast martial artist stuntwoman and the most successful female Ninja Warrior on Earth we're so grateful to have you here to help these guys learn how to do ninja the coach on the losing team has to get a pie in the face grip endurance is one of the most important factors the Ninja Warrior you can test your grip Endurance by doing a dead hang you just hang on the bar with both hands you can let go of either hand nothing but your hands touches the bar I can do this all day that is not L Ready set go competitors get one point for every minute they can hang on to the bar everyone's still up is everyone going to make a minute we're over 1 minute nobody has dropped yet I'm really surprised these guys are strong oh 139 142 all right they're starting to drop like flies a minute and a half area is when most people start start to go down all of red is still in I think I gave some pretty good advice we're at 3 minutes seven ninjas left oh reverse grip Maisy broke the rules and did a reverse grip so she's out oh down oh purple is out come on you got this shake shake one out if you need to come on you got [Applause] it you just got to keep going keep what's Lay's record minutes 2 minutes she she's already beat her personal best record by over six times you're at 13 minutes dude you are a beast keep going you got this Parker lay is super human that's why she's on the blue team my hands hurt so bad she got over 13 minutes I'm so proud Parker has won this Challenge and he's still going still going so if he makes it to 15 minutes we're going to stop him there 3 2 1 congrats to the top three Parker Laray and Kyrie here's some bonus points Ashton's team is off to a strong start with 30 points come on Payton you got some catching up to do ninjas have to have epic balance so we're going to test our athletes on the slack line the slack line is deceptively difficult it's like a tight rope only it wobbles like crazy you have to have this amazing combination of core strength and relaxing ctin shoots a lot of our videos and I didn't know you could do that that was crazy full of surprises let's see see how our competitors do you guys get three shots to clear the slack line if you make it on your first shot you get 15 points second time 10 points third time Five [Music] [Applause] [Music] Points oh no no no no really nobody made it all 16 of the competitors fell I think the closest anybody made it was about halfway this is their second shot if they make it they get 10 points dude he was so close oh oh PR is the only one that made it to the box but she didn't show control so she gets a two-point deduction that's still eight points she's the only one with points if anybody makes it in the third round they'll get Five [Music] Points go go go go go go go yeah a yes let's go Blue Team Hutch did almost the same thing as priia which makes sense because they're siblings and it was round three he didn't show control so he gets three points good job pri's eight points move her into the third place position Brighton's blue team is caught up to ashen's red team in a first place tie next challenge is a leche this is an epic skill where you fly through the air from one obstacle to the next woo so a tip for your swing when you hit the back a lot of people want to bring their legs forward really quick and it kills your swing when I swing here I wait back and it pops them up nice good job all the blue team is moving Ono showing [Music] offo my whole team's moving to the second round we're on six feet almost everybody's made it so far these guys are doing [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amazing these guys are on to S ft how do you think they're going to do I'm seeing a lot of power here a lot of people are already good at it and a lot of other people are picking it up really quickly he actually went farther he caught his wrist on It come on Kyrie nice swing KY all of blue team and all of orange team is eliminated let's see how the red and purple team do [Music] so [Music] Parker Parker and Trey are the only two that made it on the 7even foot Le so they're moving on to 8 foot Payton's going to demonstrate it for you [Music] guys my come [Music] on got [Music] it so Trey made the 8 foot but he got a rip that happens all the time in ninja so do you want to try the 9 foot yes okay hurt I mean it burns come on Trey you got [Music] it Trey is the winner of the [Music] L a lot yeah time to clean it up again tre's impressive 9 foot leche launches him into third place can Payton's team catch up or will she get a pie in the face one of the coolest things about Ninja is the races racing side by side but it's for time the top four move on to the finals AA and Maisy are the youngest two competitors in this contest are you ready to race yeah it's rocket girls you're doing awesome go there you go down there are 10 obstacles and they get one point for each one they clear the four kids with the highest scores in the fastest time move on to the finals maisy's experience is so far paying off and she's taking an early lead there go good job one more foot you're allow to [Applause] [Music] your and now and go [Applause] [Applause] your yes you did it Ready Set Go yeah [Music] go dude he's going so [Music] bad doesn't matter who wins it just matters who are going to be the top four we're going for time here [Applause] go yeah let's go that was really hard yeah it really good I so tired tough kid what is up with ninjas losing their shoes what's up with that come on I got really nervous at the beginning and then I lost your shoes it was really hard it was my first time ever doing that I'm actually really impressed with Robert he was super nervous to race a ninja today but I'm impressed he went out there and he actually did pretty good you guys did amazing in that race four of you completed all 10 obstacles and get to move on to the finals Trey [Applause] Parker ready 3 2 1 go here you go red egg you got this this one had a little trouble last time let's see gra the last [Music] one there you go there you go let's go yeah there you go come on do not touch in the middle there [Music] go yeah I'm super proud of Hutch today he is not a ninja but he's very fast if he makes every obstacle he is guaranteed second place he just has to beat Parker come on you get this Parker just make it bro he's just got to make it good you're good [Music] [Music] hey touch the last one touch let's [Music] go [Music] is that a full player Let's see we got to check oh hey who's our bigger we're ninja the first place team is the red team third place goes to Parker J first place goes to team got last place in the Ninja challenge so this is her consequ okay guys you better win on the next one we will Parker gone to first place with an incredible 80 points Ashton's red team destroys his siblings with 164 points here are the combined totals from karate and ninja Reddit moves into first place and bumps Robert into second and ashen's red team moves all the way from last place into first place researched the world and found some of the most impressive young athletes today we're putting their gymnastics skills to the test who win $10,000 and become the ultimate ninja kid Superstar champion it's time to meet the judges this is Haley Hoffman a Stanford gymnast and animag NTI is a YouTube sensation the most flexible person that I've ever seen thank you so much for coming today for this round flipping the box and every time the Box gets smaller 3 2 1 go Ready Set Go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh she stayed in I did it you he stepped his foot out and then took off from there okay then he's out these are our first first boys to make it to box three let's see if any of them can clear so far nobody has successfully done box three no one made box three let's see if the ninja kids can do it go let's see if they can do box four we go oh so close next up is the handstand contest let's see if our competitors can do this man R there we go with $110,000 I will probably buy my mom some new shorts oh some headphones final four for our handstand Challenge three 2 1 [Music] go I'm going to be an indicated to inspire people and if they're feeling down to make them feel more confident about themselves next is a handstand racing contest ready go this takes so much Focus you're more than halfway you got [Music] it there you go yeah good job there you did it it blue team has got two people in the finales we got this you're going down these are our seven finalists for every one of these lines on the map they cross they get one point already there you go oh you got this bar come on get all the way down oh I like always saw Ashton like as me wanting to meet him like he's the main one and I never in a million years would have thought like I would be here today we had a collision Brody went into Kyrie's Lane so Kyrie gets to go [Music] again keep [Music] going ashen's red team is starting off strong with Parker in first place and seven-year-old Lea Just Four Points behind in second place next up is tumbling first round off backand [Applause] Spring [Music] how do I do that dude that was his first time ever doing that dude where'd he go found out [Applause] backpack round three baby for this next challenge we can do a now or a [Applause] flash let's [Applause] [Music] go that was really scary but I got it this experience has been literally amazing who do you have a crush on well um Kyle and Ashton or like kind of you know I have a crush on uh most girls would want to use pain te so pretty interesting well you know what I think you should ask a team Red's coach sort of on these types of questions next up is a layer with a 360 [Music] spin dude come here that was so high you almost hit the slack line up here oh dang that was fun oh that was really bad I do those every day that one was not that [Music] great that was so close that was awesome have you done that before no that was your first time trying even yeah that was so close that was so awesome good job 7even years old Parker and aay remain in first and second but siblings Hutch and priia from The Blue Team have moved into third and fourth after showing some epic flips these six have moved on to our tumbling championships we have two from Blue two from red one from Orange and one from purple who's going to win te purple come on awesome double full that was sweet we give that one in eight because she had perfect form and a great [Music] landing try let jump we score this one as six because he had a really great entry but the landing wasn't perfect okay guys so I think I got this down smash that like button to give me some good luck if I win the $10,000 I will probably donate some to like homeless shelters I will also probably buy me some Power Ranger collection figures like I love to collect and like build different Zords so that that would be really fun it [Music] [Applause] yes I landed it this one scores a nine because it was very difficult with a lot of connecting [Applause] [Music] skills yeah let's go W nice we give this one an 8.5 because it was very impressive but the landing wasn't perf perfect this store is an 8.7 because it was very difficult with lots of connecting skills my skills are different than theirs yeah reic is a martial arts tricker and all of them are tumblers so his are going to be a little bit different but dude this guy's crazy there we go that score is an 8.2 because it was really unique and creative kind of cute and do not put that in video what's that nothing oh crap after a first place T pass Trey has moved into second place but can anyone catch Parker or will he hold on to that first place spot they get three skills to impress the judges on trampoline the top eight move to the semifinals yeah my kids haven't shown anything yet let's see what they [Music] [Applause] got these ain't made it to the semifinals let's see your best four [Music] skills and a that was sick all right who's our top four Parker Pria touch and Tre we're down to the final four on trampoline [Music] [Applause] [Music] there go you got it PRI and Hutch did super awesome I was supposed to throw in the mat for Hutch but then he landed perfectly so uh I'm glad I didn't more points for him it was the first day we were talking and then and he literally told me he said guys I don't think I'm going to make it I don't think I'm making it in the next round look at him now oh yeah Anna and Haley have told me the results in fourth place is Trey third place is priia second place is Hutch oh they sat in the perfect order first place is Parker go our next challenge is the balance be this is all boys get I know boys don't do this in gymnastics but what do you think is it fair if they can stick a cartwheel you get 10 points I could probably even do a cartwheel Five Points let's go Laray actually does some gymnastics so I know she's got this in the [Music] bag oh only one I was so close I almost got it I touched both feet it probably could have stayed on them but I fell [Music] [Applause] off our first boy to stick it on the bean only three people suck the cartwheel which means they're moving on to the championship round one from red team and two from Orange team Anderson started off strong what do you think a can you beat that def she's confident aay she is amazing she's only 7 years old she's an amazing gymnast the beam Queen and she's been awesome oh W woo AA did an epic performance let's see what Kyrie's got you got [Applause] this woo all right we've got third place and we got second place and first place I think I'm probably on the best team seven-year-old aay has retaken second place she still has a shot to win this thing Trey is in third place just one point behind a shay our next Gymnastics Challenge is the pomel horse Wait no that's not fair that's a men's event hey we did balance oh yeah it's definitely fair it's fair before they tackled the Palmer horse they got to show that they can do at least two circles on the [Music] mushroom hey she did one yeah we're down to our last two competitors and so far nobody has done two circles what happens if nobody moves on to palel horse I think one person's going to move on to pom horse Ready Set Go 1 2 3 4 5 28 29 W 29 that was awesome dude good job who Payton almost did it P did two circles and let's see a Parker Parker come Parker he was a little bit more shy at first like I mean I I was terrified during the itions and everything too but he has a good personality he's really fun he's a great gymnast still going yeah let's go yeah yeah D that was awesome I've loved having him on my team let's get the score from the judges this is our score 1.0 no let's let's go dude that was awesome let's go going to bring ninja into gymnastics you ready our final gymnastics event is the bars I have never tried bars before so this is going to be very interesting for this challenge we have to do a half turn a kip a back hip circle and a fly away but if they can't do the kip they don't move on to the next round go like [Music] this [Applause] women's doing great so far we already have two people one more person left let's see if he can make it he's never done gymnastics or ninja so it's a little hard they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine I'm going to try my kid for the very first time today but if not then I'm just going to do the pullover that is all that is all cat let's go k I think you're doing an awesome job these bar skills are very difficult so right I'm a little nervous my only gymnast he well he's back now now he has two big rips and you think you can still do it I think so [Music] hopefully oh let's go yeah fly away for the first time ever that was awesome that was my first day I I think you go wrong and good job you got to believe and you just got to say when you're up there I can do it I can do it and you got to just go for it yeah you were doing awesome though you got all those other awesome skills [Music] yeah yeah you got it come on come on you almost got it try again try again this takes a lot of arm and core strength go now go oh 360 oh here she goes wa you did a floorway wa she's never done that in her life and she just did it perfect her first try ever oh oh nice all right back hip Circle there we go let's see it oh wow the old man is impressive all right fly wa he did a he did a was insane I had to struggle with cat Fliers and he just did it like nothing that's insane yeah these are the four finalists there is two from Orange team and two from Red Team let's see what you got on the [Applause] bar [Applause] 7.5 [Music] [Applause] this was as's first time ever trying to fly away we are so impressed way to go for conquering your fear we give a a [Music] nine we give Kyrie an 8.5 Parker you got this give it 110% you're gonna win this dude you got it here we go Circle baby giant there you go go wo there you go Parker Parker's score is an eight wining team Wass the red [Applause] team first place Parker par Payton's team got last place to this it's her consequence congrats to Parker for another first place victory in overall points Parker's incredible gymnastics skills move him into first place Ashton's red team is loving life with a combined 62 points my brother said if I win $10,000 he wants me to give it all to him so he can buy shoes I would probably use some of it to give to homeless people and then some of it I'd take Ashton shopping to get them some new clothes throughout this competition these competitors have pushed beyond their limits in martial arts ninja and gymnastics after some impressive Feats of Strength Parker is in the lead with 220 points that was sick in this video we test their skills in yoga acting singing dance and fighting this is the final video to discover our champion who will become the ultimate ninja star watch to the end to find out it's time for the yoga challenge oh yeah why do you have suitcase on set it's for the yoga judge why do you have her luggage it's not her luggage it's the yoga judge this is Anna magnoli and she is going to get these guys into some crazy poses this is the first pose it's called a back bend so you can either fall into it or for half points you can push up into a back bend and if they can stand back up they get more points [Music] go oh my go I've never done that before and I just did it let's [Applause] go 2 three done this a million times but it never gets old next up is a scorpion so you have to grab your foot or your ankle with both hands and if you're really bendy you can also straighten your leg for bonus this is an elimination round if they don't get it they're out go oh time's up what the heck there you go there you go look at that grab it grab it come on yeah she was literally put into position I don't know if that counts I think it should count she counted that was a hard pose if you're out sit down that was all the boys except for Trey all of purple team is still in this this one it takes some back flexibility so you just roll into it and put your feet on the ground that's not human that's not possible if she can do it I can do it my back is really flexible so I'm really excited and I'm feeling confident in this challenge let's do this I'll be like at home and just be sitting like this on the sofa watching TV my back's going to [Applause] break they all did it that's crazy I've never done that in my life [Music] impress orange and purple are eliminated apparently you have to keep your chest on the ground and your feet at the same time not just your face to the ground next up is a chair Bridge so you have to put your body into a chair position like this I've done these before your head that doesn't even make sense to me I don't know what they're doing go [Music] yeah they all got it there's a lot of talented kids here I was not expecting this so now we're going to have to make it even more difficult with a floor needle lifting up one leg to your head and then you have to pull it all the way to the ground what nobody's going to get that that that's not humanly possible that's good that's good on your head C come on Candy KY you are so competitive good job now we're going to do a back bend race so you have to go into a back bend and run as fast as you can go go faster faster I'm getting there everybody else either dropped her already cross the finish line but Anderson hasn't given up yet if he crosses the Finish Line he still gets points that's determination right there yeah he's amazing let's win I don't think that counts after an intense yoga challenge Kyrie proved to be a master of flexibility followed closely by Trey Priya and kylea and Payton's team won the challenge taking home 117 points first place [Applause] Kyrie Brion team got last place in yoga so here's his con wait wait I want uh the boys on my team the ninja kids have real life fighting skills but they can also make a movie fight look real without anyone getting hurt and now it's time for the movie combat fighting challenge imagine that there's a string attached to wherever that person kicks it just goes all the way through to your back right so whever that person kicks that is just being pulled that's why it's fight acting they're doing pretty good uh there's a couple things they're working on like reacting too early why are you fighting the character you're fighting is it a surprise attack or have has there been tension building up between you and this character that finally gets released in the form of a fight so when my fist is here then then turn your head so a Shon is an electric dirt bike probably one of the first things I'll do with the 10,000 is BU a yeah so that that's what I what I'm going to do I'm not even joking I'll take probably two grand and then invest it in the summer and then get a lot more money back that is smart you guys know thear Lego yeah that's what I want he he's punching like this he's not going to hit you with those aim for her ear so looks more realistic there we goam [Music] right all right okay we have two votes for six two vot V for seven step aside let's go Dre Robert and next Jade I'm going to let them just uh keep the tie for first good job yeah we did so good we did so good I think we should die good job we did fight acting now this is acting without fighting be yourself be in the moment oh well look it's the Dork version of me ah why do you look like me you as if I'm smarter than you I'm cuter than you you think you're cuter than me prove it let's do it so I did a slide and I was acting a little bit too much and then I actually for real fell that's commitment to the craft right there yeah you might look like me but all you are is just an impostor all I ever wanteded was to be cool and popular like you maybe we should be friends no oh that's so sweet you're actually really good at dance that was weird thanks for being [Music] awesome sometimes actors are super nervous on set we got to give a big hand to Maisy again even if you're nervous still knock it out of the park so good job if I win I'll probably invest it or buy a phone I'm going to buy a mini fridge I'm going to put coconut chocolate in there and I'm going to put pickles in there first place [Applause] ready after dominating the fighting and acting challenge reic takes the top spot with a whopping 90 points and Payton edges out Ashton by only 10 points the overall competition is heating up as Trey is in first place with 303 points can anyone catch up to Trey or will he be our 10,000 winner and after showing some impressive skills Ashton's team is in the lead with 892 points will they take it all watch till the end to find out the ninja kids are also known for their music videos so we're doing a singing competition ninja kids ninja kids ninja kids ninja kids I'm going to turn this over to somebody who's much better than I am Oba this is called on the spot we're all going to write a song together hello my name is ky and okay he's out you got to be all the be and pickles he's out you got to stay on the beat oh she's out out is out he's out no it's eting on the tempo she wasn't singing oh no she's out she's out last one in red I will defend he's out so delicious he they laughed and covered the beat track are elicious alicious and I love you and you cucumbers we have a winner whoever can hold a note the longest I love is the winner okay he's out okay she's out she's [Music] out So when you say let him know and then the person has to say what say that I'm awesome 5 6 seven and know that I'm let know that I'm awesome am let him know not let him [Music] go said let him go [Music] I like Sting I shoes [Music] caret I was so close dang it you got me on carpet I was going to say starry I know you want me I know you care and I know how bad it must hurt to see me like this it get worse this is the ice Club Michelle Piper that white go he found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks everybody pretends you know this song wait I can't remember all the songs a million dreams are keeping me away my name is reic and I will be singing sing baby shark baby shark this is my song Take Back MY in third place was Anderson second place is priia in first place was Kenzie and after some amazing performances prya takes the top spot in the singing competition with 38 points while Kenzie is right on her trail with 34 and patent team wins another challenge with 92 [Applause] points all right guys we have a professional dance choreographer Chaz let's get into our teams we're going to play chisel says leg face okay says stop I can't dance to save my life I don't know how to do that's I don't even know what about it kiick kick kick kick kick [Music] kick no work man I'm the only one from Red Team you're going to learn the Tik Tok really quick I swear I cannot dance got this what three and four heart heart ginja your jumping look good right we got this we're going to nail it I'm great at dancing and synchronizing so I got Chaz just taught them a tick tock dance some new dance choreography to the bean Awesome song and now they're going to compete against the other teams to see who is the dance champion you guys ready yeah we're not we're not up thank you all for sharing the love Fight Win first you got to believe it try to go like the ninja kids ninja kids ninja kids ninja kids go first finalist we have from Team Lou and it's purple purple team R you're in the if I got $10,000 I would probably put it to savings like for like college like cars here's your dance finalist we've got two from purple team one from Blue and one from Red improv dance [Music] battle dance with come on Rock With It come on It come on with it come on Ro with it come on Wile it what up [Applause] third place was blue second place was purple team Kye I know who the winner is team [Applause] [Music] [Applause] red [Music] Dance come on come on dance and after showing some incredible dance moves kyia takes first place with 35 points yet pton team wins another challenge and gains 65 points first place Kye who do you think is going to win the whole thing Trey he's very well-rounded just being able to do everything I think reic has the best chance of winning the whole thing I feel like reic and Trey have a really good shot at winning the whole thing I think Trey M I think even Parker yeah Parker and then I I also think I could have a shot with it MH yeah I'm pretty confident so I was going to say Me overall team champion is the red team [Applause] [Music] this is awesome I'd like to thank all of red team they worked so hard and for a lot of the things they just they just pushed themselves to try new things and I that was just incredible when they were ripping they were still doing the competition which was ripping oh man they still push through it and these guys are awesome they've become my family these guys rock in fourth place is [Applause] Kyrie my there's a lot of money in here you don't get all of this I'm sorry but you do get $3,000 third place is pra [Applause] Pria wins [Applause] $5,000 second place is [Applause] fr [Applause] $7,000 first place is from the purple team drum [Music] [Applause] [Music] roll excuse me my team got four trophies who's the ultimate winner me my team my team after incredible competition of Blood Sweat and Tears Trey has emerged Victorious with 338 points while reic is in second place with 293 and peria has taken the third place spot with 262 congratulations to all of our competitors you are awesome and we are so excited to have you as a part of the ninja kids team as the ultimate ninja coach Ashton LED his team to Victory with a whopping 1,2 points while Paxton's team on the other hand did a fantastic job only gained 743 points P's team got last place so here's his consequence yeah oh no covering your face hey hey wa let [Music] [Applause] [Music] me yeah yeah
Channel: Ninja Kidz TV
Views: 7,508,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5QwhD_O-lDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 25sec (5485 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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