30 Minutes of Dangerverse & Thundermans Best Superhero Moments! | Nickelodeon

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so uh hey what are you doing back at SW you um my dad is graduating from juli art.com no way your dad's a he could have graduated from online harbard yeah dude he's so dumb no I'm actually here to see you ah little birdie flew right back to the nest come get B bird who texting your mom hey she still married what's her deal these days oh I did not miss that I was thinking maybe I could can we can hang out now you're out of the scene she probably kind of bored looking for a way to spice things up you just trying and save these texts of the cloud reading messages out loud you can't run from this thing it will find you that doesn't sound like your mom right uh hey uh totally uh unrelated question but I'm like totally untrackable in the man's Nest right oh yeah dude schwaz install these macro electron scramblers trying to find you here be like trying to find a gray hair on my head there's one right there what hey want out 100 the gray hairs your old what we all have something to say to you yeah chop and tell them we've been taking all of the calls for like 3 or 4 days now yeah we think you guys should take the next call yeah we also think we should be able to vaporize one person a year for no reason at all yeah wait no what sure we'll take the next call it's been a half minute come on man pop one of those dystopian gumballs I want to see that sweat sto H God I didn't I didn't bring any H oh what are these then guess I did bring some thanks buddy come on it's right down the street we'll be back in 5 minutes 5 minutes yeah B lied to you you once told me you're born in 1998 I was I was 98 you're the fist all right let's blow and go Henry har located sending Bounty Hunter okay I got a level with you dude dystopia is really scary and I kind to mess with some things that are so evil that I can't even explain including this bounty hunter named blackout that literally eats people's souls and he's hungry for mine so I I came to swell you because I thought he'd be safe in the man's Nest but he clearly found me and he's going to eat our souls so you didn't come this well you to see me what that's I that's what I'm hearing no no no I no I did I did but I I also don't want my soul to get eaten and I needed to do some laundry what blackout dude yeah looks like someone forgot to pay the power Bell huh no no no no it always goes dark before blackout shows up oh I should have never have come here I'm sorry for putting you in danger dude and relax this loser doesn't even have a weapon okay I'm taking that home after we're done with this guy you're going to die do you wait wait wait I'm trying to think about opening Qui oh okay how about knock knock do I how did you miss the floor AWOL at least we're here we could have been in another country I'm grateful hey why are the lights off it's blackout he's a bounty hunter from D I've already stopped listening wasn't done with my quip I said dead knock knock B no hey blackout what do you get when you cross a duck with a shutzu blackout blackout okay that's your one for the year I'm going to show you all the bad guys that saw your profile and want to fight you let's get to the judging okay if you don't want to meet up with them for a fight you swipe left if you do want to meet up with them for a fight you swipe right and the app will automatic if they set up a meeting you know what funny I feel like 10 minutes ago I told you I wanted to see my matches but you're still talking and I haven't seen any and I'm on a fight oh come on okay so just look at these pcks and tell me if you want to swipe left or swipe right all right this guy says his likes are okay oo the lawn Ranger yeah man guys are 90 7% match for each other and look his dream fight is on top of a blimp at midnight just like yours yeah but I mean it's not like he wants to jump off as it explodes yes that's exactly what his profile says you guys really think that this bad guy can be the one yeah yeah I guess we can swipe right right it's me me the lawn Ranger yeah I didn't recognize you probably because you look absolutely nothing like the pictures you posted I know I should probably update those but don't worry I can still fight oopsie that was my pants yeah I got excuse me gentlemen I'm just going to scooch by you real quick back in a jippy okay uh-huh breath back there this guy's close yeah I agree this is a big mistake where you go heroes and villains put your hands together for the hottest villain and swar [Applause] you everyone give it up for k dude dude that's Kyle that's Kyle that's my match oh he's even better than the pictures I'm ready to go well well well captain man what are you doing here I uh been a little bored lately fighting the same Heroes over and over again right so my younger brother the new B yeah he talked me into making a profile on this app called rumbler I did the same thing that's why I'm here same I don't know it's not for me thank you me rumbler set me up tonight with this hero named Kiki McGee and he didn't look anything like his picture yes who does that I'd like to meet my villains the oldfashioned [Music] way oh oh what a fight that was amazing congrats toddler hey easy Junior I'm off the clock well I guess I should get going anyways I got to swing by SW view airport and not Skyjack a cargo plane full of blankies sure would be a shame if someone tried to stop me well see you around thanks for the drink Todd [Music] todler what are you doing what go after him why what do you mean why he clearly wants you to chase him you really think so I know so now you need to get to that airport and stop him before he gets on that plane H maybe just being nice he left his plans on the bar now do you want to spend the rest of your life wonder what would happen if you'd stop that plane or do you want to stop that [Music] plane I want to stop that plane get off your sad butt and Chase that toddler thank you attention candidates tomorrow you will find out if you've made the zforce Championships superheroes never get days off but today you've earned one so have fun and enjoy yourselves that's an order W Max we finally find out if we get into the Z Force championships tomorrow and we get a day off which leaves you plenty of time to change out of that sleeveless garbage bag BBE what if we don't get chosen for the zforce and we lose our one shot at greatness dad needs to know we're better than him come on Max look at us we're an Unstoppable team now let's go have some fun all right but you heard that hologram we're off duty so that means no saves not even kittens and trees especially kittens and trees you two are just in time to witness a breakfast Miracle behold the thing I'm most proud of in the entire world besides my wonderful children here let me help you uh uhuh leave that kitten in the tree Phoebe sorry guys zforce ordered us to take a day off so is anyone going to save us Thunderman to the rescue let me guess principal Bradford you double book the cafeteria actually I triple booked it isn't that right tambourine teens that's right I'm a bad boy tell your moms wow who knew not saving people could be so entertaining Max um for some reason I'm wearing the same clothes as yesterday and I'm holding this envelope again serious case of deja vu yeah me too maybe this one is telling us if we got into the Championships or not attention candidates tomorrow you will find out if you've made the zforce Championships superheroes never get days off but today you've earned one so have fun and enjoy yourselves that's an order okay this has to be a mistake I mean we got this message yesterday here's a message stop coming down here if this is a zforce test how do we pass it well they said to enjoy your day off maybe they just want us to have the most fun day ever Max it's called the Z Forest not the we [Music] Forest hey repeat clock it's not the zforce making a slip this day over and over it's you Max explain yourself yes I have been making us repeat the day but I have a good reason great let's hear it it's kind of a big deal you might want to sit down for this better be good okay here goes Max get back here Max it's over Max Phi don't please why not why would you let tomorrow happen I want the truth this time because I'm scared okay I'm not ready for tomorrow to be here yet what if we don't make it to the zforce Championships and we'll figure it out it's not that easy for me I've never worked this hard at anything in my life including being evil and if I I fail what then we're not going to fail you don't know that Max look at everything you've already done and how much you've already accomplished you're we're a great team okay we can't let the fear of getting bad news keep us from moving forward I guess you're right I am pretty great do we have to do thanks for yesterday thieves I mean the last one I'm ready for whatever the zforce has to tell us oh yeah the zforce well now I'm freaking out I mean you right this is the biggest day of Our Lives everything we've ever done is writing on this I can't be down here what if president kickb call what if we miss our call we can miss our call all of our hard work gone vanished ver lendon this already feels like the longest day ever trust me I've had longer emergency at junking Stu all right everybody we're live in five 4 3 2 hell you no wait wa you're Morgan make you that's me and I'm here to make you a meal that's that's Morgan make you yeah he my fa celebrity sh oh my gosh I have all Morgan make you's cookbooks you do yeah I make you lunch make you say yum make you Jewel make you fatter why are we standing down here when Morgan makeu is up there making a big delicious meal cuz we're idiots get got guys hey guys I told you I turned off the elevator well turn back on man come on I cannot do that until the system up is [Music] finished guys guys guys I also turned off the tubes hell what hey I'm watching the show but I don't see you and Ray up there yet yeah we're still climbing up the stairs ah so what floor are you guys on now what 117 okay oh you're not even halfway up yet what yes we are we only have like 100 Floors to go no if you guys are on floor 117 then you have 125 more floors to go so you're not halfway yet system update complete Oh yay the elevator and the tubes are working again what for real the elevator and tubs are fixed yeah so I'm just going to head up to J okay bye come on let's go yeah we better get there before the show's over last one there's a rotten finger what are you doing going wait what are you are you stupid I did it I it you L kid oh no no come on come on this is not happening I me no come on come on no man oh there's no way I can run back down 240 flights of stairs before hen hey wait a minute I'm indestructible yeah W hey oh my God right yes yes I'm okay did you just jump all the way can't talk got to be upstairs okay thanks so much for joining me for another fun and fantastic food fill Feast on the planet Earth no on make you a meal on Earth and we're out and that's the wp what this goes over what food is left over yeah is there any food left over oh right right you would have Lov the pizza go Henry spaghetti tacos can you guys do me a favor and watch somewhere else I'm trying to find out who stole my dad's saddle actually I'm going to find it first you're not even trying exactly that's the way of the miles can we please start watching the Jacob's Cy movies yeah quick before an emergency call comes in and you all have to leave that would be awful wait your dad's saddle got stolen that's right and I want to watch all the jcob county movies on an oldtime me TV that's way to watch him that's right but I won't be able to if we have to go out and fight crime every 5 minutes that's the right m not interested how about a little competition with your brother already in one how about a bigger competition I'm [Music] listening you think your way of catching crims is better right make a method hard work pays off and you think your way beats me cu the way of the miles I let the criminals come to me then prove it have a contest to see whose system of catching crims is better yes I'm in when do we start now do we start now do we start now about now or now can someone please answer me so I can stop asking questions and I'm also close on this graffiti case I think it's the wall dogs but it could also be the graffiti girls and I mared it down to three suspects for the fudge Heist it's either the fudge girls the fudge dogs or the fudge cats either way I'll have both of these cases wrapped up by the end of the day maybe even get some info about my dad's saddle miles honey go get the door I'm busy winning now the reason I think it's the fudge dogs is because I found hello ladies you were sorry for what we stole the fudge obviously ah but now we feel guilty and we want to turn ourselves in oh of course you do no oh yes take us to jail my pleasure just one moment someone hit me three times I'm up by 29 crims I've been grinding all nine in the man buggy and now I'm winning 33 to4 and the contest runs out and 5 minutes so it looks like I got a victory bath in my future you want to get the door this time could be a bunch of criminals oh yeah oh I'm sure it's just a bunch of criminals just open that door and show me how many are out there suit yourself excuse me is this the SW Academy for the gifted yes it is told you it wasn't a bunch of criminals we're a bunch of criminals what and someone stole the scoreboard from the field where we play in the SW VI criminal softball Le come on in criminals can I I pay for my pure with this stolen saddle did she just say stolen saddle she did and what are the chances her name is Big Herm that's my dad's name looks like he answered all your problems just walked through that door my friend do not let her leave hey you me yeah don't leave okay hey you I said I wasn't leaving and my name isn't you it's Priscilla why is everyone yelling at me oh do you want me to yell at you oo you're done messed up now Priscilla what I do I I am about to take the best bath of my life wait what are we crying about I found Daddy's saddle no yes he said yes yeah I got that how'd you find the saddle I don't know I was at hip-hop curee I was mad at you and at the world and then I just let it all go and as soon as I did the saddle Thief walked right through the door with the saddle so I got to win too dear brother yes you did thank you by walking the way of the miles no you finally sat back and let the criminal come to you it was just a coincidence I think you learned something from me today ma I've learned nothing from no one you've learned the way of the miles is a superior path you're welcome I am not welcome what is going on over there learning there's no learning changing there's no changing the only mistake I made was that I didn't try hard enough but I won't make that mistake ever again I'm going to go take my victory back now I'm going to be exactly the same as I was before maybe even more exactly the same you hear that neighborhood I wanton oh God she's Ying at the neighborhood again oh let's go let's go and I'm not ching or learning ever good for you m thank you Mrs offprint how long do you think you'll beet yelling this time oh this is going to be a long one okay my [Music] is really messed up this time Colosso relax you'll be fine as long as Phoebe never finds out as long as I never find out what you told her not to follow you again didn't you you got all weird when Anderson super announced Mom and Dad's award tell me why or I'll do this ow my ear even know I have sensitive loes fill it okay fine okay the reason I got weird is because I remember that when I was evil I set a mega stink bomb to go off during this year super Awards what how could you forget that I had a lot of villainous plans going on back then and I couldn't afford an evil assistant okay how bad of a stink bomb are we talking here like rotten eggs or wet dog rotten eggs wrapped in wet dog stuffed with moldy cheesee and dipped in hot sewage everyone in that place will sting for years to come fact the zforce finds out about this we will never get in what are we going to do oh no I built it with a thunder tanium casing the only thing that can disable it is electroplasma blast okay so make one she thinks you can just make one wait can you make one I don't have anything capable of generating that type of energy unless you have some super power weapons lying around like the ones in the Thunderman secret weapons Vault Thunder secret weapons Vault guess we can drop secret from the name [Music] now these are the most dangerous weapons our family's collected over the years heyy remember this it's the booger Blaster I made in junior high yes Max I remember the day the cafeteria served chicken snot pie hey what about this the orb containing all of dark Ma's Powers Yeah we could transfer his powers from the orb into one of us and then use his plasma balls to destroy the stink bomb you out of your mind that's weird I'm usually the one saying that to you dark M's powers are pure evil if we use it we could turn evil huh that sounds like something you would say too how do you live like this Max that orb might be the only way to save our zforce chances it's too dangerous besides I think I can use a few of these weapons to build an electroplasma BL the award start in an hour phoei relax I'm a professional we might need a new microwave I have to come up with a better plan no you don't Phoebe your days of cleaning up my evil messes are over so you admit it yeah sure I admit it I have no problem saying it just not on TV or in front of anyone else all right if it means that much to you then fine we'll do it your way thanks that's a super limo let's go okay oh uh I forgot my phone all right hurry up sorry Max this is another one of your messes I got to clean up with a Little Help from dark Mayhem wait where's the stink bom why is there a toilet in here the toilet is the stink bomb it's an evil metaphor you better open it I'm not touching that thing me neither which is why it's voice activated it's potty [Music] time all right time to charge up my lemon Blaster and get the plasma going come on baby work for Maxi I'm sorry Max but I'm done letting you try to fix this you don't have a choice there's nothing your powers can do to help my Powers won't help but dark mayhems will that wouldn't matter unless you took them oh my gosh you took them you might want to stand back for this Phi what are you doing excuse me I guess those fancy hot dogs I had are barking how could you take dark Man's powers from the orb Max I had to I told you it was dangerous yeah for you I can handle it besides it's not like your portable juice box was going to save us that was surprisingly powerful see could have cleaned up my own mess didn't need your help can we focus on the positives our future of soups is saved and it smells lantastic in here the only thing that could make this moment better is if our twins Max and fee here to share it with us right here Dad where did did you come from doesn't matter just wrap this up we will now that our whole loving family is here you're the worst Phoebe get over it lemon boy
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 321,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, dangerverse, danger force, henry danger, captain man, thundermans, pop up channel, superhero marathon, best superheroes, thundermans compilation, henry danger compilation, ytao_tm, ytao_hd, ytao_df, thundermans return, phoebe thunderman, max thunderman, the thundermans, chloe thunderman
Id: ebMsBmVr3dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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