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hey guys how's it going this is jagger with recon serco and uh in today's video we're going to be going over how to build a good cobra hood ghillie suit the the cobra hood is basically just a more small kind of compact version of a full-size ghillie for this video we're just gonna be using a cami top that's basically all you'll need i'll go over the gear list after this but yeah it's favorite pieces of uh of kit just because it's super compact i can put it in any pouch i need to cargo pocket and uh yeah it's perfect for pb ops r s missions anything like that that you kind of just need to quickly apply camouflage or at least be concealed whether you're in hindsight or on patrol or in an lpop or whatever it is cobra ghillie suit is a super essential piece of gear in this video i'm going to be going over a couple kind of tips and tricks on what i do to add to my cobrahood you can buy uh store-bought ones some of them are good some of them are lower quality they still do get the job done but yeah if you're interested in building your own go ahead we'll get into this uh this video here all right guys so in this video i do kind of go pretty fast so i recommend watching the entire video before you get your supplies if you need to go ahead pause this video to kind of copy down some of this stuff all right guys so the first step basically all you have to do just get your cami top lay it out from there get a chalk pencil or a sharpie and you're going to just basically add some guidelines guidelines need to be just a little bit below the elbows and then kind of across the waist sternum area you kind of see right here i did this little kind of guideline and then as you cut them out just like you see right here you have that kind of v shaped up towards the sternum but you're going to keep all this in one piece now this area is super important right here you want to make sure that you cut both sides basically making your blouse into two different pieces you're going to sew in your vents and also kind of resize the arms so right here you can see i saved that sleeve piece and basically i'm going to do i'm just going to cut right down it making kind of uh use of as much of that wasted fabric or that leftover fabric as i possibly can and you're just going to basically lay it down make sure that it's it's an equal kind of size compared to that and you want to match them up to where when you do sew these in you're basically putting camo to camo with the pattern if you do camo to the non-pattern side you're going to kind of get this weird funky line and you're going to try to hide that stitch so again right here you can see i'm lining them up basically putting camo to camo side and i'm going to sew that that right down that line so once you sewed and you kind of increase the size of that sleeve again this is just something that i've always found to work better especially if i'm throwing it over kit or my uniform but once you've done that now we'll talk about adding the shock cord into it so basically all you do you're going to cut a piece of shock cord that will stretch the entire length of that sleeve all the way open you're going to lay it in just on the perimeter of that sleeve the end of that sleeve roll that edge over and from there just sew it in making kind of like a small tunnel or a path for that shock cord to sit in there it's super important that you guys are kind of checking this ever so often if you have a sewing machine it's going to be a little bit easier a little bit quicker than doing it by hand you do not want to glue this you'll have to sew this in to make this a fully functional part of your uh your ghillie suit so once it's complete go ahead kind of do a functions test on it leave i'd say six to eight inches maybe maybe a little less hanging out both ends and just go ahead test and make sure that it's working just how you want it to next thing we're going to do we're going to talk about adding the mesh vent below basically your your armpits on your sides there again just like the sleeves this isn't an absolute necessity but it does kind of open up the the cobra hood itself it's better for wearing you know over a play carrier or something like that and when you do sew on the mesh just like you did with the um sleeve expansion you're going to try to sew this to where you can hide that stitch also you know maybe after the fact add some shoe goo or something like that to kind of reinforce um you know this stitch because the mesh is going to be pretty weak and you know this is along with a couple other things this could be a potential fail point with uh prolonged use of the ghillie suit another thing too to consider if you guys do have a sewing machine you don't need a super fancy one to make this cobra hood but if you do have a sewing machine it's not going to hurt going over these stitches you know two or three times just to kind of reinforce it and you know give it that added strength because these are abused pretty hard another thing too depending on how much mesh you guys did use you'll have a little bit of access you know going up into the actual ghillie suit that's totally fine just roll it over and you can trim it with scissors once you have that done you can kind of see right here how it looks a little hidden i left one side exposed just so you guys can kind of see the difference again it's not going to make or break it it's more of a cosmetic type thing and with your your sleeves you want to again make sure that they're fully functional if you put a stitch in there you accidentally glue it or something it's going to totally ruin the the design but yeah right here you'll be able to see the closest stitch to the center of my chest towards my sternum that is the one that is not rolled over and the one more closer to my back that is the one that i decide to hide the stitch on and stuff you should be able to kind of see it here in a little bit so again right here you can kind of see the fraying on that front stitch shock cord is basically tightening that sleeve and loosening that sleeve i'll get to a way to retain that later but here's kind of a better view of those stitches so now that you've kind of finished all the shock cord insulation around the waist and around both sleeves we'll kind of break down a couple different ways to do this your first method you can just trim them tie simple knots in them but to kind of prolong the use of those knots all you got to do just get a some quarter inch um shrink tubing and you can slip those over there just above your your cord lock tie a knot just like you would and then basically just pull that shrink tubing over that knot burn it and it'll uh it'll definitely prolong the life of those knots so does not seem to take a beating and after a while they'll either wear off um or come undone uh unless you're tying really tight or adding glue or anything like that so that uh shrink tube just kind of adds an extra layer to them if you guys are new to using shrink tube and stuff like that you don't want to use a ton of heat just kind of a quick once over until it shrinks around it if you do it too long it'll start to get kind of like this charred look to it and it'll smoke that's when you know uh it's kind of ruined in a sense become very brittle after you got that all done you can kind of just go in trim up any of those like extra strings and stuff hanging out and uh you know burn the ends and stuff like that of that fabric around there also if you guys are curious on where to get the cord locks or any of the shock tubing or anything like that you can find a lot of it online amazon usually has it for a relatively cheap price they're not super expensive i think you can get like a four pack or a ten pack and they're like a really nice uh little piece of kit you can kind of have on you if you need to you know use it for boonies or for shoelaces or for ghillie suits or anything like that i kind of have it in a little repair kit i usually carry those on me as well all right so now we kind of get into the building of the hood not going to lie the hood's pretty tricky um it is going to kind of take some trial and error on your part for this again if you guys did cut your your cami top the way i showed you you can use that little thin piece of scrap to kind of go around the perimeter where you're what's going to be closest to your face and that kind of reinforces and gives it a little bit more structure and from here basically what you can do kind of as an added modification like you've seen on the boonies you can have some chicken wire in that brim to kind of give it some structure and whatnot just kind of a tip i usually do the last little part you want to add is a small strip again used from that piece of leftover fabric you had from your cami and this is going to kind of rest just along the inside of the hood and kind of support your head all right make sure that you roll over the edge and sew those as well to kind of clean it up and make sure it doesn't fray and stuff like that but this will be sewn tight to the mesh on the inside and let that mesh be on the outside of your uh of your hood all right so now we're going to go over kind of adding netting and uh and the fishnet and stuff like that to your your ghillie so first thing you want to do if you're going to do the 550 paracord you want to cut at least 25 even pieces if you're gonna do like a five by five and i do those squares anywhere from two and a half to three inches you can do them tighter or bigger it just kind of depends on on what your your goal is for that if you have enough fishing that or you can get your hand on enough fishing net that's also a method you can use on the back but uh make sure when you are doing this paracord method on the back you anchor down whether it's shoe goo or spider wire or sewing machine whatever you do you want to anchor down these points as best as you possibly can take the time don't half-ass it because if you do it's just going to fail on you you're going to have you know a bunch of vegetation and stuff like that hanging off you all stupid for the ghillie suits as well guys again it is a time consuming process but the more you put into it the longer they're going to last any of those anchor points add glue to them if you can and now we'll get into kind of the front of the gilly on the front right here i'm probably going to just use this fishnet it's honestly a really easy method to do you can go in and tack it down with a spider wire with by hand or using a sewing machine or a combination of that and gluing it i like to keep the pockets on the front open some guys will completely remove the pockets but again for the cobra hood it's just going to be something that i pull out quickly throw on maybe i have you know strip maps or something and i'm not too real worried about crawling on my stomach while i'm in my cobrahood but again you know depending on what situation you are you might have to here you can see i'm just kind of just anchoring these down it's going to take quite a few spots because the fishnet is kind of flimsy i guess you could say and it is weaker than the paracord for sure but you have a lot more opportunity to tie in jute and 550 and uh you know add in different type stuff like that especially if it fails as opposed to the paracord one it is a lot more durable if you do take the time to do it right but you know if you do have fail points you only have 25 grids you know as opposed to however many are in these sections of the of the fishnet if you guys do end up hand sewing the fishnet on or any of your paracord or anything like that of the ghillie suit and you do decide to add chugu to it make sure that while it's still wet you add you know a little spray of tan spray paint or some sand or something like that and mix it up in there while it's still kind of kind of gooey to break up that shiny texture that will it will have when it dries again to you know this is kind of the final product it doesn't have to be perfect your goal is to just break up those v's under both armpits and then the v's on both sides of your head all right guys the best part of it all stripping jute this is a super time consuming process depending on how you do it whether you have sandbags the super easy kind of method that i found if you go to home depot or lowe's or anything like that you go to the garden section you can get big rolls of this and i just cut it in kind of like foot and a half chunks uh in square chunks and basically all i'm gonna do you can either strip it by hand if it is kind of a weird section of it you might have to use like a fork or something to strip it but other than that your goal is just kind of get a decent sized pile again with my ghillie suit or with my cobra hood or whatever you're using the jute is just kind of like a filler it's not supposed to cover the entire thing you don't want to cover your entire ghillie suit in jute like you see in movies or whatever and it's just not it's not going to be a good time you're going to suffer all right cool next little piece we'll go over is a 550 all right so when i'm doing my 550 this is kind of a fast method that i've you know found over doing this so many times you can get like a little hook or something hook the 550 on to it wrap it a few times just so you can get a bunch of even pieces together slide your scissors in the bottom snip it and then same thing with the top go ahead do that and you can repeat this process a few times and it will just give you a nice kind of clean pile of 550. once you have your two piles of jute and 550 it's time to start placing it in i personally like to do the 550 first just so i can make sure that i cover as much of the of the ghillie suit as possible for the back for the 550 kind of netting type deal i did i'm doing one near every anchor point i don't want to do them in the middle because for the 550 paracord you're going to be using these to tie in heavy vegetation and stuff like that the jute can be tied in the middle because it's not going to be really bearing any type of load for the cobra hood for the 550 as well you want to make sure that those end lengths are you know i'd say six to nine inches at least in length so that means you know your whole piece needs to be at least 12 to 18 inches to to kind of make up for that overlap and after you've added all your 550 in we'll get to the jute just small amounts if you do too much it's going to clump up and make these big balls and you know after the break-in a lot of it's going to be gone anyways so try to do it you know as frequent as you possibly can but in these small little sections it's just going to kind of help the overall look of the ghillie suit especially when you add vegetation and stuff in there it gives it kind of that that depth and that added texture to the entire thing another thing too to think about when it comes to jute i notice a lot of these places have like dyed packs of jute where you can get different dyed packs online and stuff like that it's best to try to keep it as light of a color as possible because you can always go darker rather than you know getting a dark green or a dark gray colored jute and then trying to make it lighter it's just going to be a pain in the ass and it's a really difficult process to do you know so try to stick with that burlap sack or that you can get at home depot or something like that all right guys so that kind of wraps it up here's kind of what the finished cobra hood basically looks like again when you guys are building out your your ghillie suits whether it's a cobra hood or a full gilly or some of the other modifications we'll do in the future you want to be more more worried about adding as much paracord 550 paracord rather than just making it a jute monster right as we like to say if you had a bunch of jute when it gets wet when you're doing the break-in in stuff like that you'll automatically know it's twice as heavy if not more right just because that jute absorbs a lot of the water and on top of that you're going to be more worried about blending in to your immediate surrounding and then maybe the surrounding of what you're uh you know patrolling up to so the tie-ins are going to be really essential when it comes to this piece all right guys so that wraps it up for our cobra hood ghillie suit build um if you guys have any questions about your own build out or you plan on building one and you have questions go ahead hit us in the comments below love to answer questions love to talk to you guys i always appreciate the support um if you guys got something out of this video go ahead hit the like and subscribe button it really means a lot to us and uh stay tuned we got uh evade minis coming to the site soon so that's all i got for you
Views: 17,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ghillie Suit, Sniper, Camoflauge, Military, Scout Sniper, Reconsurco
Id: HqPBIUbjcmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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