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friends welcome to the Saturday show of let's talk in English here on PTS get ready to review what we learned together this week I'm Andrea and my name is Gabe and we did learn about part-time jobs now if you did not get to see all of the lessons this week we had a special guest her name was Alice so be sure to watch today that's right she was Sam in our small town story she was a new server at the diner she wants to help at the diner and at the very beginning she said that she could be a good cooker isn't that right well no Gabe she did not say she could be a good cooker oh really what did she say well she said she could be a a good cook the person who cooks is called a cook a cooker is a machine that helps you cook okay that's good I'll remember that so the person is a cook Sam said she is a good cook that's right you got it okay good well we also learned a lot of other keywords this week let's go and review and watch the lessons right now [Music] conversation replay hello hi my name is Sam Hi Sam you are here early are you hungry no well yes great I can cook a big breakfast for you no I don't need any breakfast well maybe I do okay come in wait I'm not here for breakfast oh then why are you here I need a job oh huh well what can you do I can do lots of things I'm a hard worker and I'm a great cook this restaurant has a great cook oh how about servers do you need more service we have one server but maybe we need another one really that's great do you have any experience as a server no but I can learn that's good and I can sing for the customers I'm a good singer too oh really yes well Renee comes to work at seven o'clock she's our server we can all talk then great now how about some breakfast okay [Music] Renee comes into the diner she looks at her watch she is late a few customers are eating someone is singing Renee is surprised to see the singer because she doesn't know her Renee notices something the singer is wearing Renee's uniform now she is really surprised Max brings out some food the singer stops singing and takes the food to a customer okay Max what is going on who is that that's Sam she needed a job and I needed more than silver all gold [Music] thank you good mornings I go to Chicago almost every afternoon and evening really why I sing at different places I don't make very much money so I need another job well we want you to work with us you do really yes when can you start oh wait you already did laughs hey Sam can you take this food Sam do you want me to take this food to table one yes please [Music] [Music] Sam needs to stop talking and get back to work yes can you say something to her please her you're better at talking to people okay tell her something how about you're fired Renee I'm kidding [Music] Sam can I talk to you sure thank you for doing a good job but you're so nice certainly oh thanks so when you're working here can you I really enjoy working here but I have to tell you something what I just got a full-time job in Chicago I need to quit [Music] oh really so today is my last day here what why didn't you tell us right away I was going to but Sam you're leaving yeah but I have an idea for you Sarah what you can take my place and work for time at the diner hey that's perfect and have my brother as my boss no thanks well I want to see I want to see the sun I want to see some planets I want to see the moon and I would like to go and visit some Stars well that sounds very interesting Gabe I hope you find a rocket to take you to space to explore well Andrea that would be very exciting now if I go up into space and I land on the moon what does the moon go around well the moon goes around the Earth so the moon goes round and round the earth that is true round and round and the planets what do they go round and round the planets go round and round the sun that's right and our song talks about things that go round and round the sun let's go and review this time's song time and you can also sing along foreign [Music] [Music] there is so much to see let's get a rocket come go with me [Music] there are many many round and round the sun is so very hot and bright keeps us warm and gives us light move [Music] smiling on me there is so much to see let's get [Music] it word power well Andrea you're hired I'm fired no no Andrea you're hired that means I want you to work with me oh I'm hot I'm not fired no you're not fired oh oh thank you Andrea I saw your resume and it looks very good and when we had the interview I asked you some questions and you had some very good answers well thank you thank you Gabe yeah no problem so anyway there are many words that we have learned this week in word power like resume and interview and hire what else well I I think we should review our word power to find out okay well here we go to word power it's time for word power I'm saving my money but I don't have any money to save I need a job where do you find jobs you can look in the newspaper there is a list of jobs in the newspaper newspaper newspaper a company has many jobs a company is a business many people work for a company you can call or go to the company company when you go to the company bring a resume the resume has your name address and telephone number it also has your experience and skills on it resonant [Music] resume after you give the company your resume you have an interview an interview is between you and someone from the company this person will ask you a lot of questions they want to know if you are right for the job interview if the company thinks you are great for the job then they will hire you that means you get the job you're hired higher higher you can learn a lot from your job remember these words the next time you talk about jobs and you'll have word power [Music] well friends we have had fun today have you had fun I've had a great time reviewing our week together yes and as always there are a lot of words a lot of things that we have learned so be sure to review these and practice saying them again well friends thank you for joining us here today on let's talk in English on PTS where learning English can be fun goodbye everyone
Views: 8,986
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Keywords: best English, Serlymar, video lessons, video English lessons, the best way to learn English, English conversation, video courses, video English courses, English grammar, English easy way, English lessons on YouTube, English for free, English free, English languages, learn English, best English movies, English speaking, skills, vocabulary, how to, word power
Id: PdDRKBqk-l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2016
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