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welcome to let's talk in English on PTS where you can learn something new today about Max's teeth I'm Gabe and I'm Andrea well friends we are still learning how to talk about your teeth in English this is very important so join us again today today we'll look at keywords and why don't we do that right now the first one is lie lie if you don't feel well go lie down on your bed sofa sofa I'll sit on a chair and you can sit on the sofa Melody has a very pretty face habit habit Jenny always walks very fast it's her habit Electric that electric sign has red and blue lights on it okay friends let's say these words one more time the first one is lie lie sofa sofa face habit habit Electric well done friends let's go see any Eddie I like that word sofa sofa so far yes okay thank you Eddie well it's always nice to see your face here on the show with us thank you can you give us today's Mission yes of course so far okay today's Mission what did Sarah bring for Max what did Sarah bring for Max listen carefully to today's lesson and you will find the answer let's begin [Music] Sarah comes into the house she sees Max lying on the sofa with his back to her she thinks he is sleeping so she is very quiet Sarah puts something on the table then she walks to her room when she comes out Max is still lying on the sofa she looks at him Ben Max makes a noise he sounds like he is in terrible pain oh yes poor Max Max is in terrible pain that's right he does not feel very good at all now what does it mean to be in pain well when you are in means that means that you have pain so you can I am in pain my tooth hurts or I have pain in my tooth and when I am in pain if my arm is hurting or somewhere on my body is hurting I am in pain then I want to go and lie down on a nice soft sofa well that is just what Max is doing and friends let's look at our keywords the first one is lie lie now when you lie on something that means you make your body flat you are not standing you are not sitting you are lying on something and if you are lying on something you can say that you are lying down you can use the word lie with the word down I'm going to go lie down right now for a couple of minutes I need some rest maybe you lie down on your bed or you lie down on the floor well where is Max lying down Max is lying down on the sofa and that is another keyword let's say it together sofa sofa a sofa is a long seat that two or more people can sit on you know when I was a little child my dad used to tell me Gabe don't put your dirty feet on the sofa get your feet off of the sofa and did you listen to him Gabe oh yes I was a good little boy Max what's wrong oh my teeth what look at me I don't want to show you my face Max Look At Me Now okay what's wrong Sarah don't you like my fake teeth I think these teeth look better than my real ones Max you really had me worried sorry sis you must be feeling better I am good oh welcome back everyone uh gave it must be time to start teaching again I think it is time to start teaching again well friends we see that Sarah says to Max here you must be feeling better that means she thinks that he's feeling better you know this is a good way to use the word must if you don't want to ask the question are you feeling better you can say you must be feeling better you can also say You must be learning a lot as you are watching our show today or you must be interested in English hmm you live in small town you must know Sarah well say hi to Sarah for me if you see her friends we do have a key word here in this conversation it is the word faith faith the face is the part of your head with eyes and a nose and a mouth and your ears that is your face when you are talking to someone you look at their face right now you can see our faces if you're watching TV as we're teaching and looking at our conversation in our conversation Max tells Sarah I don't want to show you my face maybe he has something on his face as we can see he had fake teeth and Max is being a real big brother here he tries to scare or surprise his little sister with his fake teeth Max is so silly but I'm not going to the dentist again for another 10 years yes you are I know I know I'm trying to have good habits now here's something to help you an electric toothbrush this is a nice one yes it has two toothbrush heads and you can use it too right then I won't have to go to the dentist for 10 years yes I think Max will be going to the dentist again before 10 years well friends we do learn that Max is trying to have good habits now let's look at this keyword together have it habit a habit is something that you often do we have good habits and bad habits they are things that we can work on or also change if you need to and as we know from these conversations brushing your teeth is a good habit if you can brush your teeth three or four times a day that's an even better habit I know some people who like to eat something just before going to bed every night that is also a habit and a habit is something that we often just do but we don't even really I think about it a lot for example I have a habit of washing my face in the morning and at night I don't even think about it a lot I just do it well now Max is trying to have good habits he will try to brush his teeth more and his sister got an electric toothbrush for him and we have another keyword here it is electric electric if something is electric that means it uses power if you have an electric toothbrush you don't have to use your own power to move it it has electric power if you are watching TV or listening to the radio right now those things use electricity they are electric things we also see this keyword in the answer to today's Mission the question is what did Sarah bring for Max what did Sarah bring for Max she brought an electric toothbrush for Max [Music] friends I'm Mr E it's time to review this week's lessons this week Max had a problem with his teeth Betty came to help him Max wanted to know how she knew about his problem let's listen to that again how do you know about my tooth problems how do you know about my tooth problems how do you know about my tooth problems tooth problem is a compound noun compound nouns are two nouns used together to talk about one thing when we have a compound noun the first noun often acts like an adjective it gives more information about the second noun so here the word tooth tells us what kind of problem Max has here's another example I like apple pie what kind of pie do I like I like apple pie the word Apple acts as an adjective and tells you what kind of pie it is also notice that the first noun is always singular it's not Apple's pie but apple pie and even if Max had problems with many teeth it would not be teeth problem but tooth problem well I hope you enjoyed my English lesson today remember to practice what you've learned use it or lose it this is Mr E signing off [Music] conversation replay Sarah comes into the house she sees Max lying on the sofa with his back to her [Music] she thinks he is sleeping so Max Look At Me Now okay [Music] what's wrong Sarah don't you like my fake teeth I think these teeth look better than my real ones Max you really had me worried sorry sis you must be feeling better I am good but I'm not going to the dentist again for another 10 years yes you are I know I know I'm trying to have good habits now here's something to help you an electric toothbrush this is a nice one yes yes two toothbrush heads then you can use it too right then I won't have to go to the dentist for 10 years calendar calendar phrase oh Andrea ow are you okay no Gabe I'm not okay what's wrong is it your tooth yes I have a toothache oh no Andrea say it again say it again say it again I have eight good that is today's calendar phrase have a toothache I have a toothache well friends if you have pain in your mouth or if one of your teeth hurt you should say I have a toothache well friends we hope you don't have a toothache but it's good to learn how to use this with our calendar free skit [Music] I have a toothache I have a toothache ouch I have a toothache are you okay no I have a toothache I'm sorry did you go to the dentist yes ouch are you okay Marie no I have a toothache here have some ice water thanks ouch I have a toothache I have a toothache welcome back well a good habit is to practice what we learn with our question of the day so let's do it yes okay question of the day what are some of your good habits your bad ones what are some of your good habits your bad ones hmm that's a good question let me think I think one of my good habits is going to work every day that's a good habit that's true and your bad ones Gabe well Andrea I think we're out of time don't you okay think about that game well friends we want you to think about this question too and then join us again tomorrow on let's talk in English that is a good habit right here on PTS where learning English can be fun goodbye
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Keywords: best English, Serlymar, video lessons, video English lessons, the best way to learn English, English conversation, video courses, video English courses, English grammar, English easy way, English lessons on YouTube, English for free, English free, English languages, learn English, best English movies, English speaking, skills, vocabulary, how to, word power
Id: lh84_s1Qni8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2016
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