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hi everyone welcome to let's talk in English on PTS get ready to learn something new with us today friends my name is Gabe and I'm Andrea Happy New Year well our friend are selling selling them and learn more how to talk about this holiday so let's look at today's key words the first one is strange strange Tim is a strange person I don't understand him lion s are big cats formal formal Beth wore formal clothes to the wedding wish wish it's your birthday make a wish did you wish for us to say these words one more time because that's what we're going to do the first one is strange strange lion roar lion formal formal wish wish well done everybody now let's go see our friend Eddie I have a wish oh you do yeah I wish that you both will be my friends for life oh Eddie well that wish will come true yeah I'll think about it oh come on Gabe okay I'll be your friend for a life Eddie yes we'll be friends forever okay well then here's today's Mission what is the party about what is the party about listen carefully let's begin conversation a [Music] is everyone here are we ready to go to the party not yet where's Olga she is buying red shoes she'll be here soon red shoes why Dorothy wears red shoes Dorothy The Wizard of Oz Olga watched the movie last night and loved it Olga feels like Dorothy she is in a strange place and wants to go home but she's not going home well it seems like Max is worried that Olga is going home yes he doesn't want Olga to go home so he wants everyone to make sure that Olga is there for the party well where is Olga why are all of her friends waiting for her Olga is out buying new shoes she's buying some red shoes why well in the movie in the story of The Wizard of Oz Dorothy who is well one of the famous characters wears red shoes oh she wears red shoes and Olga wants to have shoes just like Dorothy that's and Gabe that's what Dorothy does in the movie she puts her heels together and she says I want to go home I want to go there's no place like home that's kind of strange to say well friends let's look at this key word it is strange strange if something is strange that means it is different if something is strange maybe you've never seen it before or never done it before you think it's different or strange it's different maybe it makes you feel a little uncomfortable or uneasy you can call that strange you can say many things are strange if you try some new food and you think it tastes bad or tastes different you can say that tastes very strange or if you're not feeling very well if you're a little bit sick but you don't know if you have a cold or the flu you can just say I feel strange hmm Andrea you're acting a little strange are you feeling okay I'm I'm acting strange well I don't think I'm acting strange Gabe you just said you had a cold and and you're moving around and it's strange way Andrea oh yeah I guess so I guess sums were all a little strange aren't we getting strange sometimes she's staying here Olga misses her family well you can be her family sure [Laughter] Bend why are you wearing a lion costume I'm the lion from the movie we are going to a Wizard of Oz party yes but it's formal party uh oh you are all wearing formal clothes you all look nice [Music] what are you doing I'm I'm roaring I'm making the sound that a lion makes Gabe Gabe that is not a lion no no this is how a lion sounds Andrea you can be scary like a lion well I guess I can hey well we need to learn this key word the word is lion friends say it again lion a lion is a kind of animal actually it's a really big and dangerous cat that's right a lion maybe you've heard of the famous movie The Lion King it's the story of a special lion as he grows up most people think of lions as being very strong animals and sometimes very scary animals Andrea would you want to get very close to a lion well no I wouldn't want to get very close to a lion but I would like to see a lion well I guess we did see a lion in our conversation Ben is wearing a lion costume so he looks like a lion so he's dressed like a lion but that's not right for this kind of party it's a formal party friends let's learn this word formal formal this describes a time or something that you have to dress up for you have to put your nicest clothes on for something formal yes you wear your nicest clothes when you go to a formal party or a formal dinner even a formal event and when you go to something formal you're also usually a little more serious aren't you that's right and maybe Ben should wear something a little more serious than a lion's costume Ben you look nice too you're a formal lion thanks so how is the party about The Wizard of Oz the party is about wishes just like the movie I have many wishes for the new year really like what I'd like a girlfriend Olga Olga happy New Year nice red shoes thank you well friends did you make a wish to find the answer to today's Mission well your wish came true the question is what is the party about what is the party about the party is about Wishes the party is about wishes and our key word is about wishes as well let's say it together it is wish wish a wish is something that you hope will happen it's something that you hope will happen so this word can be a verb too you can wish something and that is your wish in our conversation we are talking about New Year's wishes these are things that you hope for or that you wish for for the new year now what is one of Max's wishes Max would like a girlfriend that is what he wishes for I see well this is also a good question to ask someone what do you wish for or what is one of your wishes you know friends there's a famous story about three wishes maybe you've heard this before if you could have three wishes what would they be I wish I may I wish I might have the wish that I wish tonight and that is to learn more English well Gabe your wish is going to come true yes how to five four three two one [Applause] hello everybody and welcome to how to Romeo and I are getting ready for New Year's wait Ashley we're not ready for New Year's yet we have to make New Year's plans that's right let's talk about how to make New Year's plans tell us something you plan to do next year I want to exercise more next year Romeo once to exercise more next year that's good for the body I want to read more books next year that's the first way Romeo do you have any other plans I plan to eat healthy food Romeo plans to eat healthy food that's great I plan to travel more I want to see different places now Romeo do you have any other plants I hope write more letters to my friends Romeo hopes to write more letters to his friends that's very nice of him I hope to study more English now let's review I want to exercise more next year I plan to eat healthy food I hope to write more letters to my friends and that's how to do it Happy New Year [Applause] [Music] conversation replay is everyone here are we ready to go to the party not yet where is Olga she is buying red shoes she'll be here soon red shoes why Dorothy wears red shoes Dorothy The Wizard of Oz Olga watched the movie last night and loved it Olga feels like Dorothy she is in a strange place and wants to go home but she's not going home no Max don't worry she's staying here but Olga misses her family well you can be her family [Laughter] Bend why are you wearing a lion costume I'm the lion from the movie we are going to a Wizard of Oz party yes but it's a formal party uh oh you are all wearing formal clothes you all look nice then you look nice too you're a formal lion thanks so how is the party about The Wizard of Oz the party is about wishes just like the movie I have many wishes for the new year really like what I'd like a girlfriend I am here Olga Olga happy New Year nice red shoes thank you calendar calendar phrase well Gabe soon it will be New Year's right that's right I have a question did you have a good year did I have a good year yes I had a great year did you have a good year well yes I did have a good year of any great things happened this year many great things happened like what well I got married I learned new things and I learned many calendar phrases and today's calendar phrase is did you have a good year did you have a good year Well friends we hope that you all had a great year after ask someone this question today but first let's keep learning more [Music] did you have a good year did you have a good year the year is almost over I can't believe it neither can I did you have a good year yes I did did you have a good year yes I had a lot of fun this year hi friends hi Dan did you have a good year I had a good year next year will be even better did you have a good year did you have a good year welcome back friends now let's practice what we learned with what is it called Eddie a question of the day yeah good job thank you thank you the question of the day what is one of your wishes what is one of your wishes one of my wishes I wish that I wish that Eddie would be my friend for life too oh we have the same wish yeah can you be my friend for life sure okay oh nice beautiful through right here well friends friends again tomorrow English on PTS where learning English can be fun goodbye everyone bye thanks
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Keywords: best English, Serlymar, video lessons, video English lessons, the best way to learn English, English conversation, video courses, video English courses, English grammar, English easy way, English lessons on YouTube, English for free, English free, English languages, learn English, best English movies, English speaking, skills, vocabulary, how to, word power
Id: hCpUgx5MeAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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