The best English 267#English

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hi friends and welcome to let's talk in English on pts get ready to learn something new with us today friends my name is Gabe and I'm Andrea we are still at the night market it's exciting to learn how to talk about this place in English and we have more to learn so let's start with today's key words our first one in vendor vendor Marcie paid the vendor for the ice cream basketball basketball Chris hurt himself playing basketball foreigner foreigner today I helped a foreigner find the museum he prized surprise Sally surprised her sister with a gift check something out check something out check my new car out hey check it out we've got some keywords to review the first one is vendor vendor basketball basketball foreigner foreigner surprise surprise check something out check something out well let's check out the mission let's check the mission out where is Eddie ah Eddie hi and there you are thank you surprising us a nice thank you do you have the mission yes yes I do it's a great surprise oh those good today's mission what does penny buy a lot of what does patty buy a lot of well friends we'll find out today let's begin our lesson [Music] where is patty I don't know I think she's talking to everyone at the night market that girl wait patty over there yes is she showing the vendor our basketball pictures I think she is it also looks like she's just buying something she is buying a lot of it what is it thank you well Gabe Gabe you are pretty good at basketball well yeah that's right I like playing basketball so you like to shoot some hoops that's right Andrea I do like to shoot some hoops well our friends went to shoot some hoops they took pictures and now patty is showing her basketball pictures to people at the night market well friends let's look at this keyword together it is the sport and basketball basketball now basketball is a very popular sport people like to play basketball or watch basketball and what do you do when you play basketball when you play basketball then you take a basketball and you have to try to get it down into the basket oh well done Guinea did you get it into the basket well I would if there was a basket here okay okay that's great well let's keep learning we have another keyword it is vendor vendor now when you are at the night market and you are shopping the person you buy things from is called a vendor that's right they are called a vendor to vend means to sell so these vendors are selling things you can say there are many many vendors at the night market well Patti is showing pictures to the vendor but we also know that she is buying something from the vendor and Friends I think that's the answer to today's mission the question is what does Patti's buy a lot of what does patty buy a lot of she buys a lot of stinky tofu yes stinky tofu do you think she likes it well I think she likes it but I think it stinks that's true stinky tofu does not smell good but some people think it tastes good that's right oh hi guess what I got we don't have to guess we can smell it I love Thank You tofu really patty most foreigners don't love it patty you always surprise me why did you buy so much I want to share with my family and friends at home patty you can't take it home with you Oh then let's eat it now you can help me okay Gabe here and I have a trail with me Andreea would you take stinky tofu home to Canada with you no Gabe I would not take stinky tofu home with me to Canada okay why not because stinky tofu smells bad it smelled bad and most foreigners don't like it they don't like the smell of stinky tofu but we can learn this word the word is foreigner foreigner a foreigner is someone who does not come from your country they come from another country that a foreigner so when I live here in Taipei I am a foreigner but when I go home to Canada I am NOT a foreigner anymore if you go somewhere and you feel like you don't know the language and you're visiting the country then you can say I am a foreigner here please help me understand your culture that's true or if you see foreigners it's always good to practice English with them that's right practise your English with some foreigners who speak English now friends let's learn another word here the word is surprise surprise when you surprise somebody that means you do something that that person doesn't expect you surprise them in our conversation Brian says Patti you always surprise me paddy like stinky tofu that surprises Brian you know it's good that you can surprise people sometimes that's right it's fun to surprise people uh no thanks you need a t-shirt with I love Jodo poo on the front of it paddy are you okay yes I just spotted t-shirt and I want to show it to you check it out I love Claudian yes and I love all of you thank you for taking me tonight market one lap you're welcome daddy we love you we love you too Patti well grandma is so sweet she tells Patti that she loves her grandma also thinks that Patti needs a special t-shirt now what should be on that t-shirt I love todo for daddy does love Joe tofu but of course she doesn't get that t-shirt but she does get a special t-shirt what does that t-shirt say game it says I love hollien I love quale and well Patti is excited about her new t-shirt she says check it out friends that's the keyword let's learn it check something out check something out now when you check something out that means you want to see what it is or you want to learn more about it Patti wants her friends to look at the t-shirt so she says check it out Hey look at this book check it out hey let's go and check out that new movie you can say I want to check the movie out or I'm going to check out the movie you can go and check the night market out we've been learning a lot about the night market this week maybe you want to go and check it out hey Andrea check this out what Andrea did I surprise you yes Gabe you surprised me well that's good that's a good way to use that key word surprise Thank You gate inspector e hi friends I'm mr. e this week patty shopped at a night market in qualia she really liked the night market let's listen to what she said I want to take this night market home with me I want to take this night market home with me I want to take this night market home with me what patty wants to take the night market home with her does she want to take the night market back to America but she can't can she what does patty mean well let me ask you a question when you find something that you really like what do you usually want to do you probably want to take it home with you so you can enjoy it all the time that's what patty means she really likes the night market she wishes she could take it home she knows she can't but she says this so others know she really enjoys the night market so how do we use this phrase let's look at some examples Terry really likes this P house he wants to take it home with it you have such a nice car I wish I could take it home with me your baby brother is so cute I want to take him home with me so good you like my lesson well maybe you can take it home with you and practice it some more remember use it or lose it this is mr. e signing off conversation replay where is patty I don't know I think he's talking to everyone at the night market that girl wait patty over there yeah is she showing the vendor our basketball pictures I think she is it also looks like she's you're buying something she's buying a lot of it what is it think he's dog food [Music] hi guess what I got we don't have to get we can smell it I love pink you talk to really patty most foreigners don't love it patty you always surprise me why did you buy so much I want to share it with my family and friends at home patty you can't take it home with you oh then let's eat it now you can help me oh no thanks you need a t-shirt with I love Joe go poo on the front of it patty are you okay yes I just spotted t-shirt and I want to show it to you check it out I love audience yes and I love all of you thank you for taking me to night market one last time you're welcome daddy we love you calendar pray damn I just went shopping okay yes and guess what I bought when you're a girl you probably bought some clothes no no guess what I bought oh you bought lots of chocolate okay guess what I bought a grey I'm guessing what you bought did you did you buy a present for your husband yeah maybe but you and I are talking about today's calendar phrase yes what I bought guess what I bought now if you go shopping and you want to share what you bought with someone you can say guess what I bought well guess what we're going to do right now what look at our calendar for a skit all right here we go [Music] guess what I bought guess what I bought I'm back hi Marie how was shopping it was great guess what I bought I don't know guess what I bought um souvenirs no guess what I bought clothes okay I'll tell you I went to the pet store and bought a dog really where is he oh he's so cute [Music] guess what I bought guess what I bought welcome back friends now Eddie we're glad you're here you're not going to surprise us again maybe not okay well can you give us the question of the day oh yes just that question of the day is do you like stinky tofu why or why do you like stinky tofu why or why not do I like stinky tofu no I don't like stinky tofu because it stinks but it does taste better than it smells well that's true you know I like barbecued stinky tofu it's not that bad well friends thank you for joining us here on let's talk in English on pts get ready to join us again tomorrow because learning English can be fun the Bryce
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Keywords: best English, Serlymar, video lessons, video English lessons, the best way to learn English, English conversation, video courses, video English courses, English grammar, English easy way, English lessons on YouTube, English for free, English free, English languages, learn English, best English movies, English speaking, skills, vocabulary, how to, word power
Id: qe8DSyaMgBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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