Learn Advanced English Words and Expressions from a News Article

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you are truly fluent in English when you're able to understand the Expressions that native speakers use let's learn some very common Expressions to take your English to the final level of fluency for example a non-native speaker might say let's leave or let's start driving but a native speaker might say let's hit the road they would use the Expression hit the road a non-native speaker might say this situation is typical or this situation is expected but a native speaker might say it's par for the course a non-native speaker might say I'm very busy I don't have time to sit down and have breakfast but a native speaker might say I'm always on the run I eat breakfast on the run these are the idiomatic expressions that we will practice using Plus many more and you will have a chance to practice your accent these are the Expressions that are used in a recent news article about the increase of fast food prices the title of the article is fast food chains launch a value menu war after cost complaints will it last and this means that fast food restaurants such as McDonald's or Burger King and others are lowering their prices on some items and they are in a price war and they're launching a value Manu a pricing competition they have reduced some of their prices after cost complaints after customers started complaining about the cost of the food in fast food restaurants before we look at the paragraph I want to make sure that you can pronounce launch correctly let's look at these two words let's learn the pronunciation difference some of my students confuse the pronunciation lunch Launch lunch launch the first one is an a sound the second one is an a sound let's practice some other words with the same vowel sounds but bot cut caught lung long let's say it again launch the rocket was launched they launched a new business the company launched a new product so the fast food restaurants launched a new men menu a value menu okay let's look at the first paragraph I will read and you listen and after I teach you the meanings of the words I will read the paragraph again and I will pause to give you a chance to repeat millions of American families are hitting the road to start summer vacation and ordering food on the Run tends to be par for the course it couldn't come at a better time fast food joints are in the midst of a budget meal War offering promotion to lure customers back to their restaurants despite inflation wos and a minimum wage increase in California and other states let's look at the meaning of to hit the road the article said millions of American families are hitting the road to start summer vacation to hit the road means to leave or to start a journey for example we can say we need to hit the road early to avoid the morning traffic after saying goodbye to our friends we hit the road it's getting late let's hit the road before it gets dark let's listen to the way some other people used it and then I started traveling I hit the road for a little bit before we hit the road and and head on back to the Phoenix area I'm about to hit the road it's the next morning let's look at the meaning of on the run the article said ordering food on the Run tends to be par for the course if you are on the Run you're very busy you're constant L moving for example you can say you're always on the run slow down or she grabbed a quick bite to eat on the Run between meetings I don't have time to eat breakfast I usually eat it on the Run let's listen to how some other people used it why are we eating so many meals on the run or in the car or standing next to the counter namely we eat on the Run even a cucumber is easy to eat on the run and picking up everything on the Run do you know the meaning of this expression par for the course the article said ordering food on the Run tends to be par for the course par for the course means typical what you would normally expect to happen this expression comes from golf this is a golf course and Par is the predetermined number of Strokes that a skilled golfer is expected to take to complete a hole or a course and we can use par for the course this way bad weather in a ail is par for the course in this region it's typical it's to be expected if you want to be a politician criticism is par for the course getting a few rejections is par for the course when you're applying for jobs let's listen to the way some other people used it when you have little kids it's part for the course they wake up all night long rejection is difficult to take but it's par for the course no that's par for the course it's not indication that you failed let's look at the meaning of the word joint joint has a lot of different meanings and this article talks about a fast food joint and that means a casual restaurant or bar a simple place to eat we often say a burger joint or a fast food joint let's have lunch at the new burger joint do you know the meaning of in the midst of let's pronounce it correctly first these words belong together they're part part of a unit so we must say them as one word don't pause repeat after me in the midst of in the midst of and that f is pronounced as a v sound that's the only time in English where the f is not pronounced as a f it's pronounced as a v of of let's say that again in the midst of in the midst of the article says fast food joints are in the midst of a budget meal war in the midst of of means in the middle of something or during something for example we can say I was in the midst of a meeting when you called we are in the midst of a major project at work let's listen to how some other people used it either I'm in the midst of learning that language or it's a language that I learned before your life is a beautiful story no matter what difficulties you're in the midst of no matter what you've been through and cultivate what you want to see grow even in the midst of chrisis do you know the meaning of this word lure lure lure is both a noun and a verb the article said offering promotions to lure customers back to their restaurants to lure is to attract or to tempt someone to do something to persuade someone to do something by making it seem attractive or exciting this is a lore and in this case it's a noun it's a fishing lore but lore is also a verb so we can say the lure lures fish it attracts fish but we can also lure people for example we can say I was lured into the store by the huge sales sign or they lured him to the new company by offering a higher salary the brightly colored flowers lured the bees to the Garden let's listen to how some other people used it you lured me here you used the word lure I mean luring overall is a bad thing that lured me into a career I could have never imagined possible let's look at the meaning of wo woe is a noun the article said offering promotions to lure customers back to their restaurants despite inflation woses if you have woes you have problems or trouble great sorrow or distress for example we can say Financial wo forc them to sell their house she shared her woses with a close friend let's listen to how some other people used it when all your wo is behind you and you have only Bliss to look forward to everybody had their own woses and their own problems finally in 2017 after Decades of financial woe Becker was declared bankrupt and now let's read the paragraph again I will pause to give you a chance to repeat pay attention to how I'm linking words how I'm connecting them and you follow and do the same thing repeat after me millions of American families are hitting the road to start summer vacation and ordering food on the Run tends to be par for the course it couldn't come at a better time fast food joints are in the midst of a budget meal War offering promotions to lure customers back to their restaurants despite inflation woses and a minimum wage increase in California and other states let's look at another paragraph from the article and let's learn three more words and expressions starting June 25th McDonald's will offer a month-long deal featuring a combo meal either a McChicken a McDouble or four-piece chicken nuggets small fries and a small drink for $5 after McDonald's announcement last month other fast food restaurants followed suit Wendy's announced its $3 limited time breakfast combo meal and Burger King trumpeted that it planned to bring back its $5 yourway meal let's look at the expression monthlong the article said McDonald's will offer a monthlong deal monthlong means lasting the entire month throughout the month we can say the store is having a month-long sale or I took a month-long vacation but we can also say yearlong I'm taking a year-long course and that means the course will last for the entire year it was a yearlong wait and that means I had to wait for a whole year and we can also say week long I attended a weeklong conference do you know the meaning of the expression to follow suit the article said after McDonald's announcement last month other fast food restaurants followed suit to follow suit means to do the same thing as someone else so other fast food restaurants followed suit means that other restaurants did the same thing they change their prices also and we can use to follow suit this way the first company raised its prices and others soon followed suit when he decided to start jogging every morning his friends followed suit let's listen to the way some other people used it Nestle followed suit with a tfl formula of its own American Airlines and most other carriers followed suit Adele followed suit in 2015 let's look at the meaning of the verb to trumpet the article said Burger King trumpeted that it planned to bring back its $5 yourway meal this is a trumpet it's a musical instrument but it's also a verb to trumpet and it means to announce something loudly and forcefully to tell someone about something that you are proud of and sometimes in an annoying way for example we can say he trumpeted his achievements to anyone who would listen or the government trumpeted the success of its new policy the company trumpeted its new product with a huge marketing campaign let's look at a grammar rule have you been speaking correctly I hear a lot of mistakes with this one let's make sure that you're using it correctly notice that I said $5 not $5 Burger King trumpeted that it plans to bring back its $5 your value meal also $3 not $33 $3 limited time breakfast combo meal but the earlier part said for $5 four piece chicken nuggets small fries and a small drink for $5 so why do we sometimes have an S and sometimes no s let's look at another example and I think you'll understand which sentence is correct that's a $2 million house or that's a $2 million house the noun house follows the number the amount so dollar must not have an S we can say the house costs $2 million in that case we would add an S to Dollars let's look at some more examples I paid $5 I bought a $5 meal because we have meal we have the noun after the amount we take away the s from dollars a $5 meal and this is a $5 bill I gave him $5 or I gave him a $5 bill this is 25 cents or this is a 25 cent coin no s my house has three bedrooms I have a you finish it I have a three-bedroom house okay let's read the paragraph again so that you can practice your accent pay attention to which words I'm stressing and which words I'm reducing and make sure that you link the words the same way that I'm doing it repeat after me starting June 25th McDonald's will offer a month-long deal featuring a combo meal either a McChicken a McDouble or four piece chicken nuggets small fries and a small drink for $5 after McDonald's announcement last month other fast food restaurants followed suit Wendy's announced it's $3 limited time breakfast combo meal and Burger King trumpeted that it planned to bring back its $5 yourway meal let's look at the next sentence in addition fast food mobile apps continue to offer deep discounts let's learn how to pronounce mobile app with the perfect American accent how do we pronounce this word is it mobile or mobile how do you say it the first one is a British accent and the second one is an American accent so in British English it's mobile but in American English it's mobile I use my mobile phone and here are some other words that follow this pattern how do we pronounce this word in British English it's missile in American English it's missile and how about this word in British English it's versatile in American English it's versatile versatile and now you already know the pronunciation of this word right British English fertile American English fertile fertile and let's look at the word app make sure that the vowel sound is big and open don't say up it's app app repeat after me mobile app mobile app fast food mobile app to keep working on your English fluency I suggest that you read on a wide variety of subjects read about different top topics that way your English will be well rounded and when you see a new word make sure you look it up and keep a list of the new words and from time to time check to see if you remember the meaning and of course it's very important that you create your own sentences using the new words and say the sentences out loud that way you're much more likely to remember them and use them when you speak English thanks for watching and keep practicing take your English to the final level of fluency with my online courses the American accent course the 400 Advanced words you must know for fluent English course and the phrasal verbs for fluent English course go to Accurate english.com
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 35,490
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Keywords: accurate english, advanced english, english vocabulary, ESL, english teacher, Lisa Mojsin, English lesson, English from the news, English from a newspaper article, understand English, fluent English practice, practice English, practise English, professional English, like a native, American accent, pronunciation, how to become fluent, fluency
Id: 2Pvfb0r-PQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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