Practice English Easily in 30 MINUTES | A Day of Scarlet | Speak English Like A Native

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englishspeaking course get up Scarlet we trust you you are the only one who can defeat the monster I will not let you down I will go and fight we will help you from behind be careful Scarlet you can do it Scarlet we believe in you let's go and defeat the monster come here monster I'm I am not afraid of you Scarlet is doing great we are almost winning watch out Scarlet there's a black monster coming ah OMG ouch mean you jumped right into my stomach that [Music] hurt I guess it's time to feed you huh hold on hold on I'm getting your food there you go eat up Scarlet come and get breakfast okay a minute breakfast good morning Linda good morning Scarlet breakfast is ready wow thank you it smells great what did you make I made some eggs toast come sit down and eat thank you this looks delicious so rough night I heard a scream yeah I had a strange dream really what happened I dreamt I was fighting monsters everyone trusted me to win suddenly a giant monster hit me and I woke up wow that's quite a dream did something wake you up yes when I woke up was sitting on my stomach turns up she jumps straight onto me mean is such a playful cat she sure is anyway thank you for breakfast Linda no problem as long as you wash the dishes Scarlet well this is a good start to the day haha I bet so what do you want for breakfast tomorrow H I'm not sure what are our options we have eggs toast cereal and some fruit maybe we can make some scrambled eggs that sounds great how about adding some avocado on the side yum I love avocado let's do that perfect do you want coffeee or tea with breakfast definitely coffee I need my caffeine fix in the morning got it scrambled eggs with toast and avocado and coffee anything else maybe some orange juice too if we have any sure I'll check sounds like a delicious breakfast anyway let's finish eating and get ready for [Music] work go to work all right I'm heading to work now see you later Linda have a good day Scarlet I really need some coffee to wake up properly good morning one coffee please good morning sure thing it will be ready in a moment there's your coffee hello Scarlet where are you you forgot to pick me up oh my I'm so sorry I completely forgot I'll be right there your coffee I can't believe I forgot to pick up my friend she's going to be so mad I can't believe you forgot about me we are going to be late I know I know I'm really sorry I lost track of time my gosh we don't have much time I ran as fast as I can I promise I won't forget again you said that last time Scarlet you really need to get better at this I know I know this is the last time I swear okay just get to the office quickly we have a a meeting to attend okay okay hop in hurry we can't be late I won't let you down again let's [Music] go Morning Report I feel like I'm forgetting something oh no my coffee I left it at the cafe morning Scarlet you look tired morning yeah I didn't get my coffee this morning you can grab one after the meeting it's starting now all right let's go good morning everyone let's start with the Morning Report sales are up by 10% this quarter oh my the speech is so boring it's making me so sleepy Scarlet are you okay no just a bit sleepy please pay attention Scarlet this is important yes boss I'm sorry and these are the projections for next quarter Scarlet do you have the figures for the marketing report Scarlet wake up I'm not sleeping sure you are scarlet I'm so sorry boss I didn't get my coffee this morning and it's been a rough start all right let's take a short break everyone be back in 10 minutes Scarlet you're a real comedian today I need to get my coffee this is not going well yeah go grab a coffee during the break you really need [Music] it make an appointment Tracy what kind of day is this first first I forgot to pick you up then I left my coffee at the cafe and now I fell asleep in the meeting and got caught by the boss well serves you right who told you to forget about me this morning hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to plus the meeting was just so boring well say that to our boss it's not my fault I Scarlet ah yes boss I need you to schedule an interview for this afternoon can you handle that of course I'll take care of it right away thank you make sure it's confirmed and let me know we'll do boss looks like you didn't hear it oh my heart gosh I better get to work now hello this is Scarlet from ABC comp may I speak with Henry please this is Henry speaking hi Henry I'm calling to schedule an interview with you for the position of marketing assistant great I'd love to schedule an interview wonderful how does this Thursday at 300 p.m. sound Thursday at 3 p.m. works for me perfect our office is located at 123 Main Street when you arrive please check in at the front desk got it is there anything I should bring to the interview please bring a copy of your resume and any references you might have we'll do thank you Scarlet you're welcome Henry we look forward to meeting you on Thursday looking forward to it have a great day you too Henry goodbye lunchtime Tracy what should I have for lunch how about a sandwich I'm not really in the mood for a sandwich any other ideas okay how about a salad I had a salad yesterday maybe something else all right how about sushi I'm not sure Sushi sounds good but I'm not craving it all right what do you feel like eating then I don't know that's why I'm asking you Scarlet we've been at this for 10 minutes either we go get burgers together or you eat nothing okay okay Burgers it is let's go finally let's get going before I change my mind I know you love me Tracy no thank you stay away from me let's go enjoy our Burgers sounds good I'm starving hello welcome to Booga joint what can I get for you today hi I'll have the bacon double cheeseburger with fries and a soda would you like a medium or large soda medium please got it and for you I'll have the classic cheeseburger with fries and a lemonade would you like to upgrade to a combo meal with a larger drink and extra fries no just the regular is fine all right your total is $575 here you go thank you your order number is 42 we'll call you when it's ready thanks thanks a lot you're welcome enjoy your meal let's find a table while while we wait new intern good afternoon everyone I'd like to introduce our new intern Chris he will be joining us starting today hello everyone I'm excited to be here Chris why don't you tell everyone a bit about yourself sure my name is Chris and I recently graduated from State University with a degree in marketing I'm passionate about digital marketing and social media strategy in my free time I enjoy hiking and photography welcome Chris Chris you can take that desk over there if you have any questions feel free to ask thank you wow Chris is really cute why don't you go and introduce yourself properly oh I don't know maybe later come on Scarlet stop acting we all know you want to okay okay I'll do it h I'll bring him some coffee as a welcome gesture good idea go get them tiger [Music] hi crit are you okay that looked like a nasty fall I'm fine just a little clumsy today here let me help you I'm Chris by the way thanks Chris I'm Scarlet nice to meet you nice to meet you too Scarlet are you sure you're okay yeah I'm fine just a bit embarrassed no need to be it happens to the best of us thanks for being so kind anyway welcome to the team Chris thanks Scarlet I'm looking forward to working with you well that went better than [Music] expected incident on the bus so Chris how do you get to work I take the bus it's pretty convenient what a coincidence I take the bus too which bus do you take oh really what a surprise bus number 42 perfect that's my bus too that's great we can go together then yeah that sounds nice let's do [Music] that ticket please uh oh yes two tickets please thank you thanks Chris no problem you know the bus can be nice and relaxing yes of course anytime Scarlet I'm glad we could ride together me too this was actually kind of [Music] fun go to the supermarket I had quite a day today by the way oh really what happened first I forgot my coffee in the cafe this morning that's tough no wonder you were so tired exactly and then during the meeting I almost fell asleep and the boss noticed oh no that must have been embarrassing it was but it gets worse later I was talking to Tracy about how terrible my day was and the boss appeared out of nowhere and gave me an Urgent task sounds like a rough morning did it get any better a bit but then we have a new intern named Chris he's really nice that's good did you talk to him yeah I did actually I pretended I also take the bus so I could go home with him you did that's sneaky I know but when we got to the bus I didn't know how to buy a ticket it was so embarrassing who Scarlet only you I know right but Chris was so sweet he bought the ticket for me and didn't even tell on me wow he sounds like a really great guy he is I can't believe how perfect he is well at least something good came out of your day definitely anyway what do we need to get we need some vegetables milk bread cheese and pasta for sure anything else let's grab some snacks too we deserve it after such a long day great idea let's start with the veggies lead the way [Music] Scarlet having dinner yes let's make some pasta for dinner sounds good I'll start boiling the pasta and I'll chop the vegetables for the salad I'll also slice some bread to go with the pasta good idea I'll make a simple vinegret for the salad perfect do you want me to grate some cheese for the pasta yes please that would be great the vegetables are chopped I'll mixx them with the vinegret now okay the salad is ready how's the pasta just about done great I'll set the table this looks delicious great job on the salad Linda but of course the pasta smells amazing too good job let's dig in I can't wait to watch that new movie this weekend oh which one the new horror movie everyone's talking about it oh that sounds scary I don't know if I oh my God Linda Chris just texted me what did he say he asked if I wanted to go out with him this weekend that's awesome Scarlet what are you going to say of course I'll say yes I'm so excited calm down [Music] Scarlet date night Linda I need your help what should I wear for my date with Chris relax Scarlet let's see what you have okay how about this dress that's nice but maybe try something a bit more casual how about this one perfect that looks great on you thanks Linda you're a lifesaver now go and have fun okay I'm ready wish me luck good luck Scarlet you'll be great that must be Chris see you later Linda hey Scarlet you look wonderful thanks Chris you look great too shall we go yes let's [Music] go this place has the best food you'll love it I can't wait to try it hi are you ready to order yes I'll have the grilled salmon and I'll have the chicken alfredo would you like any appetizers we'll have the Bretta please excellent I'll get that started for you this is delicious good choice Chris I'm glad you like it actually do you want to go see a late night movie there's a movie that's been popular recently that sounds like a great idea let's do it awesome let's go find a [Music] Cinema watching movie looks like there's only one movie left tonight it's a horror movie are you okay with that oh um sure why not great let's get the tickets hi we'd like two tickets for the 12:30 a.m. showing of The Exorcist sure thing would you like regular or premium seats let's go with regular please all right that'll be $40 here you go thank you here are your tickets enjoy the movie [Music] thanks Chris I'm scared don't worry I'm here it's just a movie ah it's okay that's it's not real Scarlet OMG I can't do this all right let's get you out of here I'm sorry I didn't realize it was this scary it's okay here take this it might help thanks Chris that's sweet of you no problem now let's get you home I think you need some rest are you feeling better a bit thanks for understanding anytime next time we'll watch something later I'd like that good night Scarlet get some rest good night Chris thanks for [Music] everything skincare routine what a wonderful night I had so much fun with Chris I need to do my skin care routine got to look my best in front of Chris luckily I just bought a bunch of things the other day the day before hello welcome to Beauty Haven how can I help you today hi I'm looking to update my skincare routine do you have any recommendations of course what type of skin do you have I have combination skin it gets oily in the tzone but can be dry on the cheeks got it let's start with a good cleanser have you tried this gentle foaming cleanser it's great for combination skin that sounds perfect what about a toner this balancing toner is excellent it helps to control oil without drying out your skin great I also need a good serum any suggestions yes this honic acid Serum is perfect it hydrates your skin I've heard good things about holonic acid I'll take it what about moisturizers this moisturizer is light and has SPF good for daytime that's exactly what I need and for nighttime this night cream is very hydrating it's great for your skin perfect do you have any masks yes I recommend these these masks are gentle but effective I think that's everything I need great choices is there anything else I can help you with nope that's all for now thank you so much for your help clean skin is Happy skin got to keep my skin hydrated and glowing almost done my skin feels so soft now for the final step I can't wait to see Chris again I have to be really beautiful for tomorrow when I see Chris H I'm a bit hungry go to bed hey Kim how's it going hey Linda not too bad but I've been having trouble sleeping lately that sucks what's up I don't know I just can't seem to fall asleep and when I finally do I keep waking up oh that sounds annoying have you tried anything to help yeah I've tried reading before bed and staying off my phone but nothing seems to work maybe may you could try some relaxation stuff like deep breathing or meditation that's a good idea I haven't tried that yet how about your room is it dark and quiet enough it's pretty dark but I think I could make it darker maybe I should get some blackout curtains that could help sometimes the little things make a big difference true I'll give it a shot thanks for the tips Linda no problem I hope you get some good sleep soon me too thanks for the advice wow it's already this late Scarlet's still not back yet she must be having a great time on her date oh hi are you hungry here you go Maine all right time to get ready for bed what a long day meain go to [Music] bed who's that what was that noise is there someone in the house who's that Scarlet is that you maybe I just imagined it I should go back to bed [Music] Scarlet yes yes it's me scarlet you scared me to death sorry Linda I was just getting a midnight snack in the middle of the night with that face mask on you look like a ghost I didn't mean to scare you I couldn't sleep and got hungry next time maybe W me I thought we had a burglar I'm really sorry Linda I'll be more careful next time it's okay let's both go back to bed before we wake the whole neighborhood agreed good night Linda good night Scarlet try not to scare me again don't forget to practice your English every day to improve your English level watch the video for one week try to think and speak in English every time listen and repeat repeat the lesson out loud to improve your listening and speaking skills fast thanks for watching please give us a like share and comment click here for more useful videos [Music] [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Course
Views: 4,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english speaking course, learn english, english speaking practice, basic english, how to speak english, speak english easily, learn english online, free english online, daily english conversation, speak english like a native, conversation english speaking, english conversation practice, english conversation, english speaking practice conversation, 30 minute english, practice english in 30 minute, learn english free, english
Id: Kft7FCk3ivI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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