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what's up guys welcome back to undertale don't forget the fan game which is known for pretty much two separate parts by now there is the story mode which we're gonna take a look at in this video and then there's also the really cool multiplayer mode this game was made by a Ricky frickin Gaea or just Ricky Geum and this is the newest demo and I'm super excited to try it out as always we got some basic instructions and now we have to type in the name for the human and you actually just type it in in the keyboard which is pretty cool hold down enter to confirm we're slowly confirming all the green buttons and that is it oh [Music] this is very different compared to the previous demo that we had and we can play them yeah we can we can't go back we do have an inventory yes level 1 we have no items we are a pacifist right now but there's no reception here and we have to go into the gastro door the grey door but there is no gastro here at least not yet okay I didn't expect that I thought maybe we have to call someone but of course there's no reception here either we're gonna go up there it's like an entire system an entire hidden system of just rooms and corridors and that is one gastro follower hello have you heard of the old Royal scientist doctor WD gastro one day he vanished without a trace they say his soul shattered across time and space how can I say so without fear even though he should be gone he's still here so that was a reference to that a follower it was pretty similar to the dialogue in the original undertale but not completely the same it still kept the rhyming though which I really appreciate and my question is are we gonna get through all of the different followers I think so that's the smaller one did you ever hear about the old royal scientist dr. gastro what an actor follower they say he created the Corps however his life was cut short one day he fell into his own creation and can he be saved I mean that's what we're gonna find out maybe not in this demo but most likely in the full version of the game we're gonna either save gaster or figure out that we can't save gastrin has a creepiest-looking one that head is just disturbing in so many ways dr. gaster his brilliance was irreplaceable it's such a shame what's become of him without his soul his consciousness is trapped here for eternity they say pieces of his soul and scattered across the different timelines if one were to find them and put them all back together then maybe you well I need in gossip after all it's rude to talk about someone who's listening and there we go now can we go up again we can't now I'm kind of spooked because now it means I have to go back and someone might be waiting for us gaster or anyone maybe more guests or followers oh well we have to make a choice I'm gonna go down first maybe it's just a labyrinth where wait is that how is that where we came from [Music] this person is back okay you know what I'm gonna go back I want to know if I skipped anything it's gone orchid okay that's a dead end so it seems like I should go here hello gone orchid I can't imagine what dr. gaster must be going through being forced to watch over a world in which you don't even exist thinking about that terrifies me oh no God our kid I always feel so sad about a goner kid I just want to help somehow but it's impossible and okay so I'm really glad that I went back there now we're gonna be able to talk to the previous gaster follower they returned but all hope is not lost if dr. gaster soul it were to be put back together he would be free too he would have a second chance and goodbye Oh are we gonna talk to all of them yep dr. gaster made mistakes but haven't we all if you were able to come back he could fix them you could finally fulfill the promise he made long ago you have the power to bring him back to do so you must find the pieces of isola then returned here to begin all you have to do is go through the door this is gonna be the same door the gray door yep okay guys are you ready for the real game to begin I assume that was only the introduction yep undertale don't forget by Ricky Gaea the legend oh this is not scary at all warning signs are plastered all over the wall okay I'm even some like vines I think this oh okay is that a remix of the gastro theme or just a lower pitch okay it's definitely a remix and pretty awesome sounding one entry number one well look at the letters you can see windings in the background I love that effect so much work of the core has been officially completed the entire underground is now supplied with unlimited magical energy after working on the same project for so long I'm eager to start anew I wonder what I will be tasked with next enter number two the King has given me my next assignment he wants me to research effective ways to fight against the humans this could be a great opportunity to experiment with something interesting humans possess a substance called determination it fascinates me perhaps we could use this determination to our advantage dude the music is so good and so creepy you okay there's a computer up is the private lab left is the research room right is the power Romer okay anything else No so is this locked or is it open seems like this store isn't being powered perhaps there's a way to activate it somewhere okay one second what did it say again the power room so we have to go right to go into the lab so we're gonna go left first that sounds optional and we have more of these things entry number three my research has proved to be very compelling determination grams its carrier with two abilities save and lowered if we were just somehow harness determination we could use that against the humans I shall find a way to extract determination from a human soul and banner we will be unstoppable entry number four it occurred to me that I can't work on this project alone I've decided to bring two assistants on board to help me with various tasks currently we're designing blueprints for a machine capable of determination extraction and look forward to completing it entry number five we finished constructing the determination extraction machine ax the King provided us with the human souls needed him to test it with the extraction was a success now we will attempt to inject determination into monster cells we have chosen four monsters who have fallen down to conduct the experiments on if it's successful they should all come back to life we will try this tomorrow and I think the most popular theory is that the two assistants are alphas and sands but then some people also say that sands only like happened after gas it's kind of kind of confusing Stella but we're gonna find out what this game believes the drawers are full of documents referencing determination the bottom drawer however has only an aged figuri in place towards the back good timing music it looks strangely cute oh wait we cute could that be Elvis could that be error and random anime figure a figurine maybe most of the books here seem to be about human cells there's a prompt on the screen a power room status lot oh so that's how we actually unlock it successfully unlocked I did not expect that oh wait no it's the power room that one was to the right so okay yeah I yeah right away I went the right order left right and then up now we're gonna actually go into the power room and then we're gonna power up the lab do we have any more yes we do of course entry number six it works they're alive all four of them are awake and walking around as if they never fell down okay now my question is does this cross over with the original undertale with like amalgamates or are those maybe the gastro followers because there are four gasps our followers right if you include the goner kid I think it's so fascinating I'm I have to say I'm loving this right now and to number seven it's been a few days they're all still fine at this point we can consider the experiment a resounding success now that we have access to determination we can overpower the humans using our magic combined with the determination we will truly be unstoppable the only thing I found odd is that the test subjects are very [Music] sweaty or like melting is that it oh that doesn't sound good gasser I'm gonna dalam you flip the switch and now all the switches are flipped now we can go to the lab and the music stops of course the climax of this area it's gonna be creepy yeah the uneasy feeling of wandering these decrepit corridors it fills you with determination somehow forgotten lab the Holloway this is the Forgotten lab entry number eight things have taken a turn for the worse the test subjects have melted together to form one amorphous entity only one don't tell me we're gonna encounter that it's that's kinda creepy yeah it tried to attack us I had no choice but to destroy it at least now we know that monster Souls cannot handle a raw determination so maybe it's not the gastro followers after all but now that we know this where do we go from here entry number nine no progress has been made we're low on options if our bodies aren't capable of handling determination how do we harness its power we would need something else to contain it for us but what it sounds absurd but perhaps we could use a machine empowered by determination hmm is that the machine I almost think it is machine status functional we're gonna check the drawers here huh full of documents detailing the experiments done with this machine huh but if one of the drawers has a crumpled up piece of paper sitting inside written at the top of the paper is entry number 17 no the rest is illegible oh that's creepy that's really creepy the drawers are full of documents detailing spirit oh okay that's the same all right let's interact with it use the machine what if I say no okay fair enough I have to use it please select the timeline what what oh how cool is it's gonna be you have like a world select screen and the true lab or the Forgotten lab in this case is like the hub oh this is cooler okay so this is the timeline you came from there's nothing here this is a timeline where monsters made it to the surface sole pieces we have to find 12 and then there are some puzzle pieces which I guess I like secrets and then not available in the demo alright let's go to the second timeline here no we can steal a cancel but if we're gonna go through with it - druh what the heck did you do this is the most chill like timeline travelling machine in the world look at that now entering the time line number four five three five six six three zero zero - just imagine as for using this machine or anyone else - Stan Singh this is the life of a royal scientist how awesome what an awesome little interlude there how to play find wormholes around the area complete the challenge inside to get a soul pious look for puzzle pieces to trade them for extra unlockables oh it's like a minigame and here we are this is the surface I get it okay and we can just interact here use the Machine and we can go back for this alright I want to explore everything what is that the puzzle piece got one those are some nicely planted golden flowers the door is locked you can hear someone typing away furiously on the inside we will of course check all the doors there's a little monster the door is locked okay anything I missed up here I'm gonna make sure that I debts every like nook and cranny right there so that's the machine and that is oh that's the just a minigame dodge the glitches and get to the end okay level one are you serious dude what is this I can go back no I'm returner what did you do a Ricky Jean is even undertale like this is so cool wow I did not expect something as ambitious as this but I'm liking it a little platforming stage where is it platforming I'm not sure how he would call that it's fun nonetheless but how long is it is that it you've got a Sophie's Oh with very creepy gastro theme it's like a caster Ginga how cool and here we go can we go back past okay that's cool nice save system now we're gonna talk to this fire person oh hey how are you can you believe it's already been a whole year since we made it to the surface it really is great to be out in the sunshine anyway school is about to start soon but my friend hasn't shown up yet they never liked school or underground so they're probably trying to ditch do you think you could get them for Mia I know you're probably busy but it would really help me out in case you don't remember they're a purple monster with a red skateboard thanks for the help I'll be waiting here okay sure thing yes but fire is you feel sorry for the kids that have to walk fast is every day why did every school needs this even in a real life just a gigantic head like that it's probably closed right now law school is for nerds am i right what Gigi Ricky gee Ricky GGA pretty much seeing what the future might hold for humans and monsters if you pull through and it fills you with determination surface the village um this is the arcade but I'm gonna look for puzzle pieces not how easy to for free thank you I can I can't go here that's sad we're gonna enter the arcade there might be even more minigames for can we yeah oh we can what okay I'm sorry do it how much did you do how much is in this game okay let's save here let's go back here splat 2d shoot incurred enemies thunder snail Oh Noah and Rickster crafts what use your mouse use your mouse over to place brown bricks and mine diamonds for points I'm gonna go with splat 2d first Oh a WASD yeah and use your mouse okay this is oh hang on guys this is pretty crazy do I have a coin oh I have to click to insert the coin um play game use scores I'm going to play game how do I play game answer ok WASD to move Mouse to aim all right then I just have to like what do I have to do again I forgot you space to swim in your own ink oh my god shoot ink and octolings ah we're playing the splatoon okay we can swim with spacebar remember that come on you enemies where are you uh oh sweet Noah oh this is kind of difficult isn't it nice okay and swimming makes me invincible I believe I can dodge the enemy projectiles how cool that okay let's go oh that's bad and now I'm greener that's also cool and I'm just gonna check I do have a limit right wait does it regenerate automatically it does okay so I just have to stay far away from the enemies look at that they always double-team me I have to go okay one more time okay you know what I'm just gonna I'm just gonna leave that's too hard for me splat 2dm way too intense hard mode right there now thunder snail I'm kind of afraid if it's gonna be the same thing use WASD to move over okay insert coin click again and play the game Oh what I just have to survive right I don't actually have to race but this is feel so cool Allah how the music man this is so intense Thunder say let's go why am I like going the wrong way those makes no sense my snail is like a rebel Oh [Music] the score all the way I could easily get a good score here I mean the splat to sing it was kind of crazy but this is more more my type of game let's go a little bit of dance well look at that look at the moves that my snail has now a little bit risky whoa no double okay we're gonna do no risk no fun okay that was bad but oh yeah high score one one six did I look at that's 169 for I'm gonna submit that score Oh Oh in multiplayer mode so that's also gonna be for multiplayer that's so cool I really like that that's awesome and now let's check out Rick's tour craft WSC you left-click to break blocks and right click to place brown ones minecraft look at that not oh god oh god this is gonna be crazy play the game please I'm new world generating dirt Oh No and stolen a little bit of stone and diamond what is happening I'm hearing strange sounds are you serious this is a this is a complete I don't even know what to say I'm sorry I don't know what to say this is just memes this is the entire a meme game didn't go what is happening no what is this a thing I'm gonna get one diamond at least and then I'm gonna leave this area forever I have a diamond okay okay ah goodbye just goodbye oh no it not quit you were actually able to frickin like save the world like as a file what is this crazy thing we're gonna leave the arcade the monsters have created something terrible in this world what did they do back into the underground with you [Music] gorilla bees is right down there can we enter it we can and all of our friends are here alone hello we can't talk to them that's a de what can I like go around maybe in them no I can't use the jukebox yes what what this is just me miss isn't it it's just pure memes why hi I'm gone grill B why are you a meme Lord choppier a grill B's what's up may I take your order I don't have anything I'm sorry yeah hi goodbye come again grill disease able to speak most on his own now just ask if you want to buy some through it okay oh it seems very focused and you too dog marriage going well it's always fun to play cards with our friends what about you dog oh not now I'm trying to concentrate here it's still playing against itself and it still appears to be losing the poor thing as always we're gonna check all of them first and then we're gonna look out oh we're gonna look out for puzzles and stuff hello Tori Ella do you just know that I'm first but from a different time line oh hello frisk I never heard you wake up this morning so you surprised me can we talk the frisk frisk and frisk if you are hungry there is food in the fridge try not to stay out too late again today alright okay torial give me all the chocolate okay fair enough we can't steal from other timelines that's rude but we can talk to ourselves so Kolya his locked just locked as well hello hello oh it's you well more specifically an alternate version of you would reality collapse in on itself if they were to wake up and see you standing there well despite your curiosity you decide that it would be best not to find balance no no no I want to find out now no risk no fun okay slow strap clothing Oh what's this at the bottom of the closet there's a silver Kia Oh interesting it might be for something I mean it's obviously for something later but okay just a spicy lamp that's so cool I love I love how this game is made so far Coryell's house right there right next to the blue one I'll oh the door is locked you here spooky tunes coming from the inside and I see another minigame dodge the glitches until the timer runs out all cases always the same game idea so that's the main um warp idea or is that only for the first time lino definitely cool dollar Oh 20 seconds left we have to survive I mean I just have to like stay here and it's gonna be boring and just go up and down we're gonna do a challenge run whoa okay that was a bit too close whoa calm down what am i doing oh and I would go back yeah you've got a soul piece you now have two soul pieces the door is locked for some reason something seems a little off about this house the only thing that I know it is that there's a puzzle piece right there and now the last one is going to be the green house and oh there's a portal again the door is locked you hear someone shout but hey that's just the theory on the other side oh you have the same references as before that's pretty cool but now we're gonna avoid again dodge the glitches wait is this level 4 I'm gonna I'm gonna go in the order I think just because we're gonna look for the warp 3 first a sense what is that a pet rock ah that's awesome what's up dude oh hey kiddo didn't know you were coming over say since you're here would you mind doing me a quick favor you see I just checked the fridge and all we have is spaghetti I mean I love spaghetti as much as the next guy but it's obvious I need to stay home today so do you think you could go get some grub from grill be and particularly craving an order of Berg from grill deism thanks a bunch kiddo come back when you've got the goods but I don't have no money since I need the money no I need money not time there is no time for TV you have things to do is that that joke book no I virus it's locked what about this stop it's also locked of course are it's pure parts hello frog ribbit ribbit nice day isn't it yes it is this way to the fields that way to the beach but first we're going to into the blue door the door is locked ah tralala yeah yeah the river person most likely I mean it's also blue and the doors are Brown that kind of works the door is locked you can hear someone shout from somewhere inside so Undine is right there and that's gonna be Elvis the door is locked you can hear someone watching oh oh the door is locked you can hear someone shout oh yes from somewhere inside everyone's having a great old time stat3 yes it is find the key in the maze with limited visibility a spook yeah okay so we can't go through here it's blocked off um and it's already dead oh god oh god this is gonna take a while I mean I'm just gonna go with my instinct for an hour which is like in the right lower corner if I can somehow get there oh I think I just went into a circle yep I'm gonna completely block nice nice instinct Thank You instinct you're great the point of these mazes is to always go the longest way around you can think of and sometimes it works doesn't really work for me at all right now but we might be getting somewhere yeah this doesn't look bad okay okay we're all the way down the soul is the key gonna be in there like at the end of oh there it is right in the middle of it okay now I just have to find the way back I think that's the right way yeah I can remember that and I went all the way down so I have to go back up and then I think here and then left somehow I need to go left what's the right here yeah yeah we're going there and I think we did it do we have to go here's a little bit and that's it no no oh you got a solo piece that was pretty cool dodged the glitches and get to the end okay so that's gonna be a more straightforward and basic level this time but just have a very open area I like that and it gets harder and harder oh wait that's it oh that bad that was easy [Music] this way to the beach is Undine alphas gonna be here no because they're all in their houses right ever every NPC should be in the house at least the main NPCs so who's gonna be at the beach oh the skateboard ooh order you you have to go to school hey yeah what's up oh my friends looking for me guess I have no choice but to go to school now thanks for letting me know I'll hit there in a bit oh no you're gonna head no you're gonna head there right now school is really boring which is why I don't like going but if I have my friend by my side I guess I don't mind it so much on papyrus what up look can you fling me over there yeah Chris good to see you even though we've lived here for a year now this you never gets old it fills me with such inspiration try going on the beach if you want to closer look I'm sure you're allowed to do that anyway I'll see you goodbye BAPS now say I'm okay goodbye do we have to go left oh no how can I go take a closer look maybe right yeah what it's interesting so there's a wall which goes a little bit inside and then you can go here to that level level 8 take the sole piece [Music] this seems like a trap almost you got a soul piece you now have five soul pieces the kid is gone so maybe we're gonna get a puzzle piece or a soul piece from the school students from the kids now but of course first we can go to the fields and then we have to go left like there's still so much to explore interesting how long how long this demo is this is Pokemon caution and be careful not to bump into other pedestrians in the taller grass okay there is another level 5 destroy all the glitches how do I destroy Oh what oh I can't move anymore now I just have to do it it's like timing base can I just oh I don't have any this is hard are you serious I have to do it like almost perfectly oh I have to do it perfectly you're crazy I need to yes start with the lowest one okay come on I did it it was nice that went a lot better than expected so it's gonna be Pokemon of course if I can characteris you bump into froggy what up okay for its act for defense life is getting better from Sena me with it wha come down ribbit Birgit come down okay you bumped into froggit or we cannot genocide I mean everything is birthing this timeline we can just kill random time my monsters apologize and that the froggit seems to forgive us ribbit-ribbit new attack this one is easier I believe [Music] Roget looks happy hey and we win nothing but to gold oh and we can actually buy the burger eventually yeah that's so cool okay I'm quickly gonna try to go up here though there the puzzle pieces can bamm-bamm hello frog it ribbit ribbit my friend got lost in the field again and we did not kill them that's very important let's save here real quick the fields I'm just gonna check around of course there's a level dodge the glitches and get to the end okay [Music] this doesn't seem too bad so far this might be a bit tricky going into the middle there and then back out no yep I knew it all right oh oh oh my god wait how does this work I know this type of trick but it's yep this is it okay okay we're almost done this has to be the last one right yes nice one that was that portal anything else here I'm just gonna take a quick look around maybe no there's not only one encounter maybe only frog ants we're just gonna apologize again you apologize for bumping into it ribbit ribbit and it's this one okay come on what left bear again no guys I'm not gonna turn to that not even gonna try to turn aside because that's actually terrible like on the surface after everything is perfect oh there so do we get that oh yeah we did okay I'm dumb my memory is as great as always say if you're real quick and then go up there what's gonna be here though are we gonna eventually loop around somehow no this is like all the beer hello this train had to be put to you recently because of some angsty humans they'd sneak into the village and vandalize our property Wow will it keep them out probably not but at least it's something I mean this is probably the way out of the village okay that's sad though I mean I guess it wouldn't be perfect so that makes sense in a way whoops what unlimited something [Music] always limited not unlimited limited vision and we have to find the right path there is a bit cruel Wow okay I'm safe here very slowly dude this is so bad what how unfair now I don't even know where I have to go to is it already starting yeah it's here okay so uh this is straightforward at least but I'm still freaked seriously okay let's do this so uh oh I've died so much this already but now I might have it this is so paranoid I'm so paranoid eeeh come on come on come on okay come on come on where is it please please please just give it to me come on I'm just gonna go flame I actually have to do more No okay maybe it's not that unfair I think it's just a repeat of the previous area oh my I can't dude there's no way I can get up there that's the last thing though Jesus Christ is this hard yes please oh my god whoa that was a difficult despite right there that was an insane spike and now they are together that's so cool thank you so much for finding my friend it isn't much but please accept this gift there's a little bangs you got are you crazy fire person that is so good that is more than enough for a burger for cents hey will we save money yes please buy a burger thank you thank you for the burger what's up buddy hey kiddo you got the goods yep yeah you do thanks a bunch here I'll pay you back plus a little extra I better get to work on some stuff now see you later you got twenty six gee thanks again for the grub eventually yeah okay so it's just a little easter egg for him I guess a few more jeah but just the interaction on its own was enough now we're gonna go down into a destroyed village this is what remains of the old flour village be cautious these houses are not stable it could suddenly collapse what happened here though okay so I'm assuming that's gonna be the same for all of them there is a puzzle piece right there got it so we need to find four more souls or so pieces in case you know the entire area here is finished it might not be the case okay so yeah I'm not gonna check anymore unless it looks different but I think that's always gonna be the same house [Music] and there's a sneaky little portal right there behind the house dodge the glitches until the timer runs out um this is like my nightmare whoa it's my nightmare actually it's my work no this is gonna be yeah wait is there any better way for me to do this oh wait like this okay I got it so this is the easy way guys if you want an easy win just go into a corner and you can easily dodge if you want to be crazy you can go into the middle oh okay that was just dumb okay the game wants me to stay in the middle very well challenge runner is that even possible all the time no wait wait wait wait can you like I don't think that's smart five seconds left this strategy definitely works I just messed up last time and now we have to go back dog Oh quickly true puzzle pieces right there is there anything left that we missed last time I don't think so we went down here we got the secret to portal we got the Fuzzle pieces let's go down and continue the music stopped oh but no birds are singing oh this is so cool you destroy all the glitches so another shooting challenge [Music] anything okay we do we do I are you like I think it's perfect again I need to start with the one at the lowest point okay I didn't get it I got it okay now I have to concentrate seriously yep you need to exactly hit all of them okay this is gonna be another difficulty spike I can feel it especially if I do this come on yo dude that was so good [Music] what's a snail the snail person with the snail house hello there haven't seen you in a while remember me from waterfall yes of course good time say if you're not busy five of my snail friends seem to have wandered off if you could do you think you can go find him it would mean a lot they're probably scattered around the area in different places let me know if you can find them all thanks for your help around this area or which area I'm either let me there snails so that's gonna be really hard to see you I'm just gonna check around here oh it's that one no that was just something that I wanted to see I want to find snails I assume they're all gonna be on the left side hello river person wait what are you doing here oh and never mind are 2lj a3k a real Agyei but you can call me gee I sense you do not belong in the time line you must be a traveler like Mia I traverse time and space in search of artifacts called puzzle pieces I left behind my home timeline seek Kamala but alas I am not much of an explorer and so I struggled to find any of them and that's where we can spend them but you you seem like a good Explorer how about we make a deal if you find the puzzle pieces for me I shall give you rewards I have plenty of things to give you in exchange for the pieces so what do you say yeah okay sure sure yeah come on browse the shop on the surface outfits price for puzzle pieces Mario outfit oh that is so cool dude the surface one the mysterious kiyah oh that's interesting but we didn't get any lockdoor didn't we yeah I mean the kid could be any of the rooh above the like houses in the village I don't know if I want to try all of that our outfits for an hour you don't have any outfits to change into you know what guys we're gonna go with the surface outfit I mean come on oh look how many there are and look how many they are gonna be here we're gonna go to this yeah oh yeah look at that now we're fabulous is that a snail is a snail as a music though that's so beautiful [Music] but it's this entire area this is gonna go back behind to the mountain it fills you with determination we're gonna climb the Mount and I still haven't found a single snail can we actually go back into the underground I don't think that it makes sense it's probably gonna be closed off however at that point isn't that it there might be like one last void portal but then we explored all of the areas I'm pretty sure there is one and we can go up into here hello little dude or big dude I remember you from the underground you're the one who got the puzzle of mine all wrong oh well that's all in the past now I've been trying to have a more positive outlook on things now that we're free I've been taking some anger management classes one of the folks there said that I should take up a job as a miner apparently smashing rocks with a pickaxe is a great way to vent your anger and now here I am a professional miner so normally I'd be quite happy mining away in dawa but guess what there's a rock in the way of the mine I suggested we smash it to pieces but apparently it's a living thing so now I'm standing around here unable to do anything until the rock goes away I refuse to move anywhere until I can get into the mine if you want to use this here ladder get rid of the rock otherwise get out you're so rude well okay I'm not gonna smash it and not am I in the way well too bad I ain't gonna move at least not until someone answers my question first if you can answer it right then maybe I'll move somewhere else for only maybe are you up for it alrighty then here goes how many decrepit houses are there in the old part of the village ah one two three like was it like seven lucky yet Oh luck against nice we actually got it that was not just lucky because seven made the most sense in my am in my mind next time just you wait okay smell you later bye and they learn the snails and all the puzzle pieces that's a broken line card hello snaily yeah we got one and now we can talk to uh to our friend oh hello thanks for getting Rick thank you I know were you snail oh what's up and we're puzzle pieces well we're really doing work but I assume there's nothing here for us yep only to avoid him dodge the glitches level to level 11 is that the last one no that was bad okay don't don't wait there oh my god dude what the heck is happening wow wow whoa this is intense I think I need to stay all the way here oh what the heck is happening oh okay hoho let's continue on the mountain hopefully find more snails now we are like all the way all the way on the top oh no what the mysterious kinara oh that's actually the mysterious key here okay so that's what we need the puzzle pieces for hello again and browse shop and let's by the mysterious Kia it appears the path has been blocked or what wait we don't even have oh now I'm confused [Music] wait what I need a drink you have nothing to offer whoops I skipped through that I need to buy a drink from grill via so it isn't all the same message that last house someone needs a drink someone's in still inside there the heck how about we stay really far away from this one crying oh my god dude what is this area as a snail oh here hello so they respawn or like they spawn I'm as soon as you get that mini quest that side quest what's up grill beer I need a soda thank you replace a can of soda in from the door and knock gently a cloud of darkness seeps out and absorbs the soda the wave fades away in a pile of coins oh yeah okay 50 G yeah thank you okay um that doesn't help me though now my question is did I somehow already get five snails maybe actually we already got a bunch of them have you found all no I think we needed one more or so there's the snail okay I think we got them all now hello I think so no what really enter the house yes was that the Kia play spaghetti clicker Oh Noah was what what what what okay beautiful the closet is emptier it's a bed is that the mystery Kia I didn't miss this house right I'm pretty sure that was the mystery key because the Kia also looked Korean this house is green that's a pretty interesting secret and that's the snail you found all the snail friends thank you so much please accept this gift as a token of my gratitude it you got a hundred cheap that was just a little thing wait how do I get how do I get a key from the village though I did everything else I understand now I understand now that is the silver key that we found before but we weren't able to pick it up yet the one in the closet right that has to be it yes all thank God yeah the chain of the mountain is now is somehow unlocked amazing and okay so I think this is gonna be the ending of the demo if you get all of the soul pieces but hey since we have so many puzzle pieces we can buy him that last one Lamar you outfit and let's just such a skate go oh no no no no no let's go with it for the finale of this video and hey in a way it kind of fits because of the switch release and here we are all level 12 question mark what is this gonna be about oh oh this is creepy just a gigantic portal no this is the end of the demo thank you very much for trying out the new story mode you're more than welcome to continue with any of the side quests and mini-games everything else will have to wait please let us know what you thought of the demo on the game show page as far as I remember we did all the side quests I guess you can fight against the few frog it's maybe try out the genocide sparing and all that but that was a pretty awesome demo for sure and now we're here a back with the awesome undertale don't forget many oh that was so good Toa that was so different compared to the other of demo that we played I also have a video for that and it was cool it was more focus that gets on the gas store story and like Astro encounters it also went a lot faster but this don't forget demo is like a whole different thing like you go through timelines there's different worlds minigame so many secrets and stuff side quests and side missions I love path though all that content super cool so far I'm really excited to see more don't forget the single-player story mode campaign but for now thanks for watching guys I hope you liked the video and until next time take care [Music]
Channel: Merg
Views: 899,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Fangame, Undertale Fangame, Don't Forget, DF, Undertale Don't Forget, Sequel, Fanmade, Demo, Surface, Timelines, AU, Alternate Universe, Gaster, W.D. Gaster, Gaster Followers, Backstory, Secrets, True Lab, Lab, Wingdings, Determination, Minigames, Full Demo, Awesome, Amazing, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Merg, Community, Gaster Mystery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 18sec (3198 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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