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[Music] let's say you needed a bunch of sandwiches to take to somebody's house for a special occasion what would you make well you'd make what we're making today [Music] buddy trigger warning I'm going to give you the real name for these and I don't want anybody to get saddened or anything they're called funeral sandwiches and if sadly and unfortunately you've had to go to one for someone you care about recently I'm sorry you know what it's like to lose people close to you and that sucks on the positive side if you brought a pan of these funeral sandwiches the sadness would lift a little bit because they'd be so happy eating them that's okay right Maxi yes it's okay our sandwiches today will be made out of roast beef could be ham could be any kind of deli meats we're making roast beef but what I like is that we're making our own roast beef look you go to the supermarket you buy that beautiful rosy red Deli roast beef it's sliced it's fantastic you are going to pay anywhere from 15 to $18 or $19 a pound and if you want to be my guest or you pick up yourself an eye of round for $359 a pound and you make this into that like that okay it takes a little bit of time but it's going to be fantastic and at $359 a pound you could afford to have a ton of this stuff hanging around the house you just eating roast beef like King hangry the eth all day long don't forget it's protein you can eat a [ __ ] ton of it in fact you're probably lose weight you're saving money losing weight making people happy at the funeral today is a winwin win we're going to get this prepped seasoned up and in the oven now just so you know I'm not kidding there's your pricing right there $359 a pound and we're going to turn this into a $17 a pound Beauty okay okay okay thank you jeez we're working here I see what's going on let me just open this guy up dry him off and we'll continue there you are 4 and 1/2 lb of eye of round now look some stuff you want to clean up right here we're going to get rid of a bunch of this fat we're going to get rid of the silver skin which is this stuff here that is that's not melting fat will melt this stuff will not melt and you'll just hate it if I was going to cook this like a roast and serve it in slices like on a plate I might want some fat I might leave that but for Deli roast beef I'm going to clean this up get rid of all of it I'm going to use the Sam the cooking guy 6in boner because it's the best kn ever some of this stuff you can just pull off and the other we just going to cut away so I'm going to clean this guy up so none of this stuff remains anymore make them super pretty get rid of the fat silver skin and all of it all right we're there this is as much as I'm going to do all these little tiny pieces are going to be fine anymore is going to drive me insane now we want to make a little rub to go on this and here's what the rub will be we begin with 1/4 cup of kosher salt then a tablespoon of ground black pepper tablespoon of granulated garlic tablespoon of smoked paprika the same of cumin and then a teaspoon of onion powder and a teaspoon of red pepper flakes could be optional shouldn't be optional and this we will mix and what you've got is one beautiful all-purpose rub ask me where it came from where did it come from thank you for asking Max it came from Sam the cooking guy and the holy Grill my brand new cookbook that comes out March 12th how exciting look it that's me all stoic on the cover by the way there was a few alternate pictures that we were going to use here but when you get your copy if you get your copy you can shoot the QR code right there and it says here's what the cover almost looked like allow me to show you a couple of my favorite recipes do you like Duck smoked whole duck it's gorgeous we got king crab legs on the grill we've got Kelly's soy and garlic skirt steak one of her faves okay her fave caveman steak Cowboy butter brilliant beef Dino ribs so good chicken suaki with siki key this is for those of you that have looked longingly into your backyard and thought wow I could do some great things out there if only I knew how well now you can because this is the kind of stuff that's in this book smoking grilling all that kind of stuff yes there's some things that don't oh my brother-in-law Bob's curing fire chicken G look how beautiful that is pictures by Lucas Barbieri it comes out March 12th this recipe is in here along with 100 plus other ones so hit the link below you can pre-order it and you can have it in your hot little hands it'll probably come the 12th hot little hands hot little hands you're going to have it in your hot little hands and owning that will warm the cockles of your heart so what do you think about that all right we got our allpurpose rub let's get it on our little uh IV round and get in the oven and we're back you don't need this but I like a little mustard as a binder it helps the seasoning stick and I grew up with my mother using mustard on every roast beef she ever made so I do it my my mom did you won't be disappointed and you also won't be eating like a mustard roast beef because it just doesn't give that flavor back it adds flavor but not in a mustardy sort of way and now that you've got this we season and we can be fairly aggressive because it's a thick hunk of meat don't forget the ends and the sides and when you got this like this we take a baking sheet with a rack on it we put that on top and this kid is ready to go in the oven I love that rub my oven's at 500° I know it's hot it's only going to go in for 15 minutes then I'm going to turn it down to 325° and leave it until this guy comes to between 123 and 125° if I can hit 124 on the nose I'll do it 125 nobody will be mad 123 nobody will be mad and it goes you'll see it when it comes out but don't go away cuz for you it won't take long it's maybe an hour and a half for me though and here's our friend correct me if I'm wrong but does this not look like a log the way the grain goes it actually looks like a log to me so here here's what we have to do we let it cool completely then I'm going to wrap it really well I'm going to put it in my fridge I'm going to leave it overnight no you don't have to wait overnight just in a couple seconds I'll be back but once it's nice and cold then we can slice it super thin for our funeral sandwiches and did I mention that I'm going to make my own little buns for these because I am and that will happen now welcome back to the next day the next day for us not for you guys our eye of round has been in the refrigerator for now close to 24 hours I could use it right now but I want to make my own little rolls for these funeral sandwiches if you saw the four Burgers we did uh just recently four Burgers under five bucks each by the way you saw me make my own Brios rolls I didn't want to go through the whole thing but here's the dough and rather than make this into larger ones I'm going to make this into smaller slider ones never done this so if this is a failure you'll see some store-bought thing show up here in a little bit but I think we're going to be okay I just have to turn this into the little rolls get them in a pan and let them start to rise a little bit so here we go here first up we're going to prep the pan and we're going to do that by spreading some butter nicely across across the bottom and up the sides we don't want nothing sticking do we boys a bio is a buttery delicious roll so a little extra butter it ain't hurt nobody right now to the dough we go like this Little Flower down first I love doing that and then out comes our dough go pretty little bit more on top and this we're just going to need for a couple minutes smooth it out a bit it's very satisfying look I admit I'm not a baker but there's moments when you you're doing something with this that you just feel like maybe it could be a baker and when you've kned is that right kneed Ned when you've Ned for a couple of minutes we want to get this into a shape where we can cut it into 12 even p pieces so this might be my best way to do this I'll try and make it into a log 12 easy pieces that was a movie by the way back in the olden days here's the goal such as it is we cut in half now this needs to be six make this into a ball all right so now we've got this we'll give this guy a half and now this guy will go into thirds and same for this one now that you've got them you take one like this like to fold it over onto itself to make a little ball and then the bottom we'll just mush together kind of knot up sort of like a belly button and then we just do this put off to the side finish them all off right here we go there's our last guy everybody's all generally the same size I got a couple slightly larger this guy's a little bigger this guy's a little smaller but I think we're going to be all right now let's get him in our pan and everybody else in what's guy Fury say Max all the kids in the pool right I'm going to fck you up Hunter Jesus right there we are it's a pretty good job for a guy that doesn't bake or doesn't really like to bake I'll Now cover them the Sam the cooking guy towel stick them in a warm spot 15 minutes we'll be back and after 15 minutes they look like that look at them you chubby little guys you grew perfect this is an egg that's been beaten with a tablespoon of milk I lied tablespoon of cream I like the richness now we'll do our best at brushing every bu take your time try not to poke them like I just did and if you can get all the way around them get all the way around them and if you can't then who's going to cry about it not me and you don't know this but I do more stuff will go on top so don't freak out if it's not perfect the Evans at 400 they're going in for 15 minutes well look who came out pretty darn beautiful love them all right we let these guys cool and when they are we can start to build our funeral sandwiches remember this kid it's 24 hours ago we cooked them we let them him cool I wrapped him I put him in the fridge and now he's ready to be sliced little bit of juice in there that's okay nice nice oh God it smells so good all right dry them off and that's our guy let's just cut right in the middle and see what we've got shall we wow look at that it's beautiful it's exactly everything that I wanted it to be that is Deli roast beef so tell you what let's slice up a bunch shall we and to do that we get to use our slicers that we don't use very often here's what we do I had to take a little piece off this end because it wouldn't fit and now it's fits let's see how thin we want these guys shall we how's that look [ __ ] great I'm having a [ __ ] bite you know what that is it's a you tell me what this is that's roast beef insane Deli roast beef 359 a pound right I like that thickness the best roast beef I've ever had it's insane right 359 a pound all right just slice up a [ __ ] t might as well finish off this little piece and that should be enough beautiful all right look at that stack I like a couple pounds of the roast beef thinly sliced you have a nice medium rare oh I think we can help you with that that's some gorgeousness holy s let's start prepping our buns there they are cooled and looking beautiful I'm quite proud of myself but we don't want them like this we want to cut them so I'm going to take them out gently I need to cut these this way and I'm convinced if I do all 12 at once some are going to be jigged and Jagged and be terrible cut so I'm going to break this into two piles of six and now I'll go like this there's no way if I did all of them at the same time it would come out anywhere even close to being decent so here's what we do we take our Lids these guys now go in like that couple things happen the first is some mayo there's going to be cheese there's going to be stuff it's going to be delicious but for me just a little shmear of mayo is going to make me happy and a little grainy mustard just a little hit just a little bite all righty then it's cheese time and I have white American white American white American he was a white American all night anybody David Bowie his song though was young American everybody gets covered and now guess who now this kid this business I think just like a random setup of all this is going to be good I'm not laying them out I want want a little bit of height so if they're a little bit squirly like this they're going to be good just let me remind you 359 a pound plus my labor of course which makes it now $200 a pound but to buy this in the store for three four times the price it hurts I don't think I would want to do that and I weighed and this is about a pound that I've sliced off here let's hit it with another layer of the cheese you don't have to get quite so crazy on this layer our lids come on like this this is a stick of butter that we're going to add to we're going to put in about a tablespoon of garlic paste we're going to give it a couple tablespoons of horseradish horseradish roast beef are you kidding it's a match made in Food Heaven about a tablespoon of chalula for just a little topside heat tablespoon of soy and I'm using soy paste and about a half a tablespoon of Worster Shire for a little Tang some parsley chopped couple tablespoons tablespoon of olive oil and we mix and this we will now brush very generously over the [Music] top we're not going to use it all we're going to save some for when it gets uncovered in the oven but right now we do this in the funeral sandwich world you would Now cover this put it in your fridge and leave it an hour 2 hours 24 hours but I'm going to be a renegade I'm not going to I'm going to cover them with foil put them in the oven give them 15 to 20 minutes take the foil off brush them again give them another 10 and then you know what we do oh yes then we eat by the way if you subscribed to the channel yet because we're giving away a s the cooking guy 7inch nikiri knife every video between now and the end of the year but you have to be a subscriber watch or listen for your name to be mentioned and if it is reach out to us at infothe cooking we'll verify you and if you are who you say you are you'll get one of these otherwise you get one of these we don't care where you live would we send one to Tim Buck two chance of course where's Tim Buck two from Tim your knife's coming foil 20 minutes you'll see when they come out when we rush again and we're there let's see what we got oh boy oh boy man look how pretty those are and I can smell the horseradish from here and by the way if you think horseradish was unnecessary oh it is not unnecessary it's the best okay one more wipe little bit on top of everybody make them a little yummier then they're going back in maybe another 10 minutes want all the cheese to melt then we feast and Avila look at these guys oh look at the meltin we made that we made the roast beef we built it we put it together you know the only thing that's missing a funeral we need a funeral so let's take one of these kids out shall we oh damn holy snap well I guess I try and take a bite of this guy how am I going to do that oh it's going to be hot okay ow do you see what's happening here this crispy cheese here the meltin the roast beef here I go wish me luck I'm a little scared about the heat cuz look it but I want it now while it's cheesy melty gooey literally one of the best sliders I've ever had if you call it a slider best funeral sandwich I've ever had cuz I've never had them I've had a lot of Sliders it's unbelievable Louis you okay buddy oh my God horse radish key the roast beef yes what have we learned you can buy it but you should make it buns fantastic the Brio is amazing in this it's messy it's gooey it's a hell of a mess to eat but that's the way food should be sometimes right it's a tactile sport is what it is all right thanks for hanging out with us don't forget we're giving away a Sam the cooking guy 7in nikiri knife every video this year so what do you do you have to be a subscriber you have to watch to see or hear your name and when you do reach out to us at infothe cooking we'll figure out you're the right person and get you a knife it's that simple it is that darn [Music] simple
Views: 388,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, sam the cooking guy sandwich, sam the cooking guy sandwiches, sandwiches, best sandwich, best sandwiches, sam the cooking guy best sandwich
Id: vCCmoP0qb-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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