I built the Quietest Keyboard (so I can finally sleep)

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these are two of the quietest keyboards ever if this is what a normal keyboard sounds like these keyboards are nearly 10 times quieter they barely make a sound at all these keyboards are perfect because Jake has been staying up late playing games and all I hear is his keyboard when I just want to go to sleep I need to sleep and you haven't been letting me it's your dang keyboard it's too loud you know it's too loud you're snoring I know it's nowhere ignoring sound test I'll start here I'll fix you up a nice keyboard that's quiet and will let me have a good night's sleep for once what if I can build one quieter than you why would you do that when you get free because I have a keyboard right here me too and it's gonna be so quiet you won't do your thing okay well I'm gonna do a Whoever has a quieter keyboard gets to choose dinner um let's get this started so far I've got I got two supplies I've got switches and I've got keycaps and that's about it and open up the keyboard first and then go and check the supplies and see what we need switches and my special weapon foams choose our keycaps got lots of options maybe hyper fuse let's try these foreign this is actually the Royal plunge h81 and it's got their own pre-lubed guy cyan switches got double shot PVD cups I think this is a poly card plate and it's gasket mounts so it's pretty nice keyboard to start with but I'm not going to use any of these switches they're a little bit loud in fact they are quite loud although less loud than his keyboard yeah all right we're good oh yeah let's get this keyboard taken apart just like that it pops out it's tape modded from last time forgot about that [Applause] so far the switches are off it already has this bungee stuff right here for the space bar so the sound dampening is actually quite nice the stabilizers are pretty nicely looped so there's not much that I need to do to this thing I might have to pry it open and hopefully the screws aren't beneath the feet because that's the worst thing that could possibly happen ever now for the PCB let's get rid of the tape mod that we did a while back so now we need to take out all the switches and take apart the plate so we can install these bad Bowlers got my fancy keycap puller our switch puller sorry got a stuck switch in here that is not what you want to see this is going to require a little bit of effort to get out but I'll figure it out I'm just unscrewing all the stabilizers so these little gold screws here all these need to come out [Music] all right yep that is a screw it's worse than I imagined I saw one screw so I think they all have screws under them probably the worst thing because that means I have to take off the feet and then hopefully put them back on somehow and that's a tough thing to do I'm done with this oops and four thank the Lord so we've got one layer of silicone here and a layer of silicone between the PCB and plate and that looks pretty good glad I don't have to put anything inside this case pretty good I got tape I got some foam adhesive for the space bar I even stole some of this stuff from another keyboard I've got a sheet of PE foam different stuff that I could try and smash into the case [Music] here it works perfect the whole keyboard is taken apart but we're only going to keep the PCB and the stabilizers this is going in the trash this is going in the trash all the switches are going away all the keycaps are going away I have a brand new plate so this one's a lot more flexible which will be great this PE foam is going to be so much better much higher quality material we also have a new PE foam coming in overall this is going to be a huge huge upgrade from all the basic parts that come with the V2 let's go ahead and move all this stuff to the trash we'll get ready with our new build foreign [Music] that's way better this is like actual poor run spongy this one's just like stiff it's only a plate too new plate what it's so fluffy all it took was lots of money hey you never say what food you wanted Ramen I like that too but Thai food did better the base kit is pretty much complete all I did was add some extra foam on the bottom and then I added a single layer of tape down there not much the keyboard is good I'm just ready to replace this which is input in my new keycaps I'm going to be keeping these just because they're sort of nice quiet right yeah switches I picked today are connect Labs Gekko switches that are silent linears and they're actually supposed to feel pretty satisfying thank you that switch is so pretty pretty lubed silent linear and not too mushy feeling [Applause] all right this is the PE phone from keyboard Customs let's go ahead and get this installed a lot to cut off the corner here for the uh the knob so let's go ahead and do that nip nip boom now for the fancy plate foam that's looking really good the new plate it's Palm look how flexible that is so much flexible more flexible than aluminum [Music] these gold standoffs here with a palm plate they go into the foam like so [Music] plate goes on and then I get screwed in like this all right the plate is installed it was very difficult but it is done to get these stabilizer screwed back in now for the switches these are the Ws tactile x60s these are silent so they'll be way quieter than these nasty red switches over here here's a quick comparison the silent switch I can barely hear it so Jake's build is actually pretty cool which means I'm actually really excited to see it but it also means I might lose as long as he ends up with a quiet keyboard and uses it and then I can sleep at night so either way I'm the actual winner here even if I don't get to pick the food [Applause] Charlotte now for these switches because hippos are the most silent creatures that I have ever seen I mean when I go to the zoo they don't make any sounds at all no sounds but that may be because hippos at the zoo are sleeping and just bored tell me do hippos actually make sounds in my mind hippos are quiet so that's why we pick hippo keycaps for this silent yes [Applause] okay that is pretty much everything the spacebar's a little loud so I'm gonna see if I can do something about that other than that sounds pretty good all right the switches are in and I gotta say they look pretty good with this plate I mean that just looks beautiful back in the case we go please it's not going back in the case I think I know why these little nuts that I put on here so let's go ahead and take those off apparently those are not what we need [Music] okay there's just an issue with one of the standoffs here so I think if I just cut the stand off we should be fine these two both have to go so with the Flush Cutters I'm just going to go ahead and trim it now it goes back in and we're finally okay time for the case [Music] I'll be using these little foam adhesives and putting inside here in those little crevices and that will make it better ta-da foam all up inside and you should be able to close as well all right so as a comparison we went from this to this huge difference so when all my curiosity I was comparing this new keyboard that my knees in this new one the factory Prelude actually really really really makes a difference it's so satisfying it's not super mushy either I love it I'm done he's almost done I don't know if I can win to be honest this is a hard one the keyboard that I picked definitely had its ups and downs I really like the way that it types and that it feels but in terms of quiet maybe it might not win last step is the keycaps Betty's gonna help me out because she's been done for a while now so hopefully we'll be done soon you can pair the old keycaps this one right here it's much higher I think you'll make a lot more noise with the older keycaps these newer ones are much shorter and I think it'll just make you sound a lot better and a lot quieter so that's the reasoning behind it here's a side by side this is Keith Brown's profile and then this is dcx which is sort of like Cherry profile so a lot shorter [Music] mine's so quiet mine is quieter I did some pretty intense stuff so I think you'll like it which I didn't and that's the problem you got the hippos it looks more custom though it looks really good if I spray painted the whole case white it would look even better this is nice yeah it is nice it's really quiet too whoa oh that's so quiet quieter than yours that's pretty quiet that's pretty quiet here let's do a side by side they both are quiet but they sound different yeah your stabs are quieter though my space bars in my window yeah mine has like a really sharp plaque to it I would say based off of sound it's a tie yeah it's a tie but based off of looks I think I prefer mine this looks better this one also is really nice too so it's hard because I like it I like hippos I like hippos too because they're silent creatures well I really want Korean food so let's say it'll say I would okay I'll walk her in too it's so good sound test you decide tell us who actually won because we can't decide comment please comment please or sake foreign
Channel: Switch and Click
Views: 421,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2ilzCmA10mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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