I UPGRADED the Most Popular Keyboard on Amazon...

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this is me blissfully unaware of all of the trials that are about to await me in this video how did i get here well it all started with the challenge oh yeah oh no howdy hey i'm hypiotech and this is the ultimate keyboard showdown we were challenged to build the best keyboard possible with only a hundred dollars the winner gets bragging rights and that's about it thinking a hundred dollars was too easy i upped the ante and made it so it was a hundred dollars only on amazon oh and if you like this video there's five other youtubers doing the same challenge but in different ways so check them out down below if you're on a tight budget looking to build your first keyboard or just looking for shenanigans then stick around this one's for you any last words guys no all right so let's start the keyboard showdown in three two one i want you to look down right now youtube might have unsubscribed you and i'm trying to hit 250k by the end of the year click that button if you clicked it you get an extra howdy hey howdy hey for this challenge i'm gonna have to pull out all stops to make the best sounding and looking keyboard possible as we've got some good contenders here and they're probably gonna pull out some stupid spicy stuff from taobao in my case because i limited myself to only amazon i went with basically the cheapest keyboard possible like seriously this thing was 19.99 and i've seen it as cheap as 10 with coupons if you want to follow along at home then check the description for affiliate links to buy all of these products used in this video anyways this is the euso i'm just going to call it the ee for the rest of the video the e is incredibly poorly built but it's really trying its best it's a 10 keyless keyboard meaning that it keeps these arrow keys over here and it's got an interesting surprise in it it's got no real special bells and whistles i mean the cable is connected you can't disconnect it the keycaps are really terrible quality and we're literally only gonna be using this thing for the case and pcb but twenty dollars for a case in pcb is still a decent value depending on the mods that you can deploy to it and we're gonna be deploying a lot of mods in this video like seriously some of them are brand new and i just invented them if i was on a disturbing budget like trying to keep under 25 dollars then i would get this thing with red switches and mod out the red switches however because i have a limit of 100 i'm gonna be doing something even spicier also here's some foreshadowing these feet have holes in them oh no but you know flippy feet hey that's wait rgb this thing has rgb for only 20 bucks yeah this thing is sick honestly like if this was around when i was a kid i would have gotten this instead of a razor keyboard and saved my parents like 150 bucks or whatever okay so the rgb has swooned us but what hasn't swooned us is these switches that i'm about to show you oh no i guess they were taking notes when they saw the kikron q1 because this thing is incredibly pingy so we're going to fix all of that our goal here more importantly than building a cool keyboard is the best sounding keyboard so i removed all the keycaps which was a little bit annoying uh the case was kind of getting in the way there and this reveals these knockoff blue switches these are irredeemably bad and i have no interest in trying to save them like that would be a waste of my time also these plate mount stabilizers are quite quite awful but we're gonna revisit them and make them amazing like seriously so this board is hot swap and i was gonna do some cool hypeotech remove the switch magic but i just had to stop this here to say how annoying it was to remove switches from this keyboard they are stuck in there good so if you buy this thing be very careful removing the switches i wasn't i wasn't careful at all like honestly i never want to see a blue switch again real anyways after removing the switches we get to see what's a little bit unique about this board so for those of you new to keyboards some keyboards require you to solder in the switches and some keyboards don't the ones that don't are called hot swap these are hot swap but with a big asterisk they use a socket that only supports some type of switches they need to have smaller pins like the akko cs switches and we'll talk about the sockets a little bit more later and why they're so frustrating because they are but first let's take care of the case to fix the case we're gonna need to pull this thing out and i got a lot of my inspiration for how to mod this keyboard from keyboard he's a youtuber make sure you check him out he did a great job on this one so the top pops off with the plate and then this reveals the pcb and a very very hollow case now to make this pcb good i have a secret ladies and gentlemen wait is that present seal yeah it's press and seal this is the hippio mod so i've seen a bunch of different variations on the tempest mod which is taping the bottom of your pcb but for this i've decided to create a seal around my pcb using press and seal now i'll let the sound test at the end of this video speak for itself but this definitely is fire this is a fire method my brand new method but let me do a massive asterisk here of you probably shouldn't do this this present seal is very staticky and you have a very high chance of accidentally shocking your pcb so i don't recommend it but i'm gonna do it because i don't care if i zap a 20 pcb anyways i just press and sealed both sides the front and the back and then sealed the corners off this is basically like putting pe foam on the top and tape on the bottom but all at once next i just made a tiny little cutout for the cable to plug into the pcb and then we were good to go this is definitely my silver bullet and why i think i'll win the challenge but we're not getting out of a video without tape right no no no so this case is unapologetic this case is unapologetically hollow and i'm gonna be using some tape on the bottom of it now this is gonna serve two purposes one it's gonna keep the cable safe for the next part that i'm gonna be doing but number two i'm hoping it'll make it a little bit less reverby wait we're outside hippia's allowed to go outside that's a thing yeah so i've sealed up the case with this painters tape which i don't think is a very good seal but we'll find out soon and i'm gonna be doing a silicone pour which i have not done in a while if you want to pick up some silicone i've also put it in the description so the silicone comes in at around 13 bucks the press and seal was about four and the painters tape is also about four i don't think these extras were part of the challenge but i'm counting them just for fun so i just used some basic two-part silicone which you mix together in equal ratios and then you mix for like five minutes i really just eyeballed it and didn't have a precise amount that i was like aiming for here and that was probably my downfall i just vaguely poured and also i'm dumb because i covered my angle that was good for the camera but you know we really tried our best here i haven't filmed outside and it's been like since january oh my gosh i think i need to do some more diy content to get outside so make sure you leave a comment of what you think i should do anyways i tried to get as even of a poor as i could and i tried to make sure i didn't cover any of those standoffs i definitely poured too much though and i'll have to fix that later uh speaking of fixing i attempted to fix this carbon air filter to the plate but there was no way that it was gonna work and allow switches to go through this was hopefully to dampen it a bit more but that yeah no go but then new hippie oh mod time this is a new mod everyone i had the idea of painting my plate with silicone now you're probably going to think this is crazy it's going to ruin the plate the plate's not going to work somehow but hold on just hear me out with a thin layer of silicone all along the plate it'll make it so you don't have any plastic on pcb contact instead the only contact being made is gonna be with the thin layer of silicone which will hopefully dampen or at least absorb some of that shock and loud reverbness i guess we can also call this the hippia mod 2. i don't know this is probably my most ingenious mod here granted in most builds it would just be a better idea to use foam in general but the silicone is good if you don't have a lot of room to work with for example because this plate has those little raised bits there's no way you're gonna fit foam in there which would be a sad time anyways uh we're 24 hours later and the silicone has hardened did it like seep through the bottom somehow or something oh no oh no okay you know what here we go here we go scuffed this is actually it's gonna dampen it it's gonna dampen it it peels right off you know oh yeah oh no it leaked through the vents it leaked through the vents oh wait through the oh ew it's still gooey ew so anyways yeah we had a bit of an oopsie apparently andy did the same case and did a silicone pole and had a similar issue so check out his video basically my tape seal wasn't good enough so it seeped through the vents it seeped through the feet it really got everywhere but i guess that fixed the fact that we poured too much so hey we did it gamers so i'm actually going to leave all of the tape in because of the previous reason that i stated but i'm just going to cut out that wait move your head move your head what are you doing what are you doing um i'm just gonna cut out this cable here that way i can actually plug it in plugging in the cable was also very frustrating so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna jump cut this one because that was a bit of a disaster now you might be thinking this is nothing this is just a blue void but no if you look really closely there's o-rings i don't know if this is gonna do anything but i decided to set o-rings on all of the standoffs but uh gasket mount i guess i got this idea from keyboard but i think he did it a lot better anyways with all of the standoffs gasketized it was time to actually put the whole thing together i was very very worried that it would fit or not fit i guess oh yeah and you're probably wondering about what happened to the plate uh it cured perfectly fine and there's now a nice silicone layer across the whole plate which is pretty dope i think this is gonna work really well if it fits witch come on please give me the give me the money shot is it gonna oh wow yeah no it actually fit together pretty well that's great but the next question is is it still gonna work after all those mods okay trial to see if it sets itself on fire it actually works hold on i don't think lights dad at least yeah the side glow works [Applause] yeah it actually works well hopefully now if i had a subscriber every time you guys asked me to review echo cs switches i'd be at 250k already so make sure you subscribe in this case i saw lavender's and i thought ah this must be like the lavender linears and just bought it without really thinking they were tactile but they were also only 13.99 for 45 and they had one day shipping so for these really good switches it was under 30 i was expecting not to be a big fan of these but the tactile bump isn't actually that overwhelming with how light the spring is so that was good also i lubed these up off camera with crytox 205 g0 but they don't really need it anyways here's where we ran into one of our first big issues is these are incredibly hard to get into these hot swap sockets like it took around an hour and my thumb and wrist now hurt so badly oh also i loop these stabilizers like boom there they go they're lubed now and i was expecting these stabilizers to be really really bad like irredeemably ticky but i just added a little bit of tape under each of them to reduce some of the rattle and i did my standard stabilizer modding this no holy mod or anything weird you'll hear it in the final sound test but these things actually turned out just as good as durock plate mount stabilizers that might not mean anything to some of you but good stabilizers can make or break a keyboard so that was pretty important i literally lost my quietest keyboard challenge because the stabilizers were ticking this is so sad sorry for the keycaps i'm keeping with the budget trend and i've actually used these keycaps before so i knew they'd be decent these are the double shot abs gling ling keycaps basically they only work for 10 keyless or full-sized keyboards so nothing with any weird layouts but they are surprisingly decent for only being 22 us dollars they ain't great but i know most people like the sound of higher profile keycaps and these are pretty high profile now the fact that they're decent quality and double shot and cheap and on amazon that's good enough for me some of them did have broken stems but they worked just as well so let me just go ahead and plop these on the keyboard real fast i was listening to copyrighted music so no sound effects there oopsy doopsy speaking of copyrighted music click that link in the top right to listen to my copyright music hey support me anyways the keyboard was built it came in at around 95 us dollars which is under budget yeehaw and that's including the silicone and everything so it's way cheaper if you don't get that it's got epic rgb gamer time like this is a pretty cool keyboard for the price granted it was incredibly frustrating to build because of those hot swap sockets but yeah but is it good enough to win so we put all the keyboards up on twitter and let you guys vote we had a blind sound test and a blind picture test so let's see who wins each category i hope it's me i hope it's me just based off looks alone we have a clear winner with what 709 votes that's 54 of all the votes though [Applause] but that's just that's just the look okay we didn't win the looks category which is sad lewis did a great job but did we win the sound i think we will sound alone first place with 29 of the votes though but but okay something interesting is for second place we have two people hippie attack and glasses what oh what for 28 of the votes each so you know what second place that's fine against all these good contenders that's pretty great this was a super fun challenge and i had a lot of fun making it if you guys had fun watching it then make sure you go check out the other contenders and follow me on twitter that way you can vote and help me win next time please go i need to beat them finally a special thank you to all my supporters on youtube that make this channel possible if you want to help out then consider clicking that join button down below i hope this proves anybody can build a budget keyboard and money isn't everything you
Channel: Hipyo Tech
Views: 2,715,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, mechanical keyboard, mechanical, switch, switch review, novel keys, keys, gateron, kalih, sound test, switch sound test, keyboard sound test, keyboard asmr, asmr, typing asmr, mech keyboard, aesthetic, wholesome, reddit, id80, panda, alpacas, krytox 205, krytox, type, test, keyboard mod, keyboard asmr mod, TKL keyboard, red, 65%, 60%, RGB 65%, taehatypes, :3ildcat, 3ildcat, tech, MKBHD, Linus tech tips, Taeha Types, Tech Review, Banggood Review
Id: CfojrBXu1kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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