The Benefits of Humility By Sam Adeyemi

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just as long as you want first we touch up to five as we continue the discussions we started on a new series last week first Peter chapter 5 verses 5 to 7 now you then let's go likewise new younger people submit yourselves to your elders yes all of you be submissive to one another and be clothed with humility for God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time casting all your care upon him for he cares for you we're discussing the benefits of humility the benefits of humility why would God ask us to discuss a topic like this at this time it must be that there is some promotion that is coming and that that promotion is so huge so big that it will be enough to trip some people up God don't lift some people to what you call dizzying heights where if you're not careful you may not be able to think correctly anymore for some people I think it's money that is coming some amount you've never seen in your life before and if God doesn't prepare we may not even see some in church anymore pride is one of those behavioral traits which should make us as human beings to pray to God for help daily because pride is a product of the sin nature which every human being inherited all of us have capacity for pride we are born with the potential for pride but gratefully says Jesus died on our behalf the sin nature can be dealt with we need to quickly take advantage of the provisions that God has made to help us cultivate his own nature which is humility you cannot be promoted beyond the reach of pride in fact the higher you rise the closer you come in proximity to pride humility is the correct estimation of yourself in the light of your knowledge of Christ or your knowledge of God correct estimation of who you are in the light of your knowledge of God of Christ what do I mean when you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior his death and his resurrection become your reality they change you or redefine your identity if any man be in Christ is a new creature in Christ second Corinthians 5:17 Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet it's no longer I believe it is Christ that lives in me it changes the equation really that is now Christ living through you your identities change so your behavior also changes so humility is correct estimation of yourself in the light of your knowledge of Christ and of God over estimation of yourself is pride example Philippians 4:13 I can do all things full-stop that's right you can do all things I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me that's humility when you say humility sometimes people think it's on the estimation of yourself I mean nobody useless one of this earth rot excuse me on the estimation is not humidity it is stupidity so humidity is correct estimation of yourself in Christ so the benefits of humility because we have a short time number one God finds it easy to interact with you in the passage that we read it said that God resists the proud that's what happens that's the dynamic in the relationship between God and the person who was prior resistance God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble let's check some passages of scripture like Isaiah 66 and verse 2 it reads for all those things my hand has made and all those days exists says the Lord but on this one will I look on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit and who trembles at my word you cannot value a person's worth more than you value the presence the respect that you give a person is the respect you give the person's worth that's why God's word is God same value so God is saying here if someone respects me the person will respect my word if someone believes that I know better than he does it will show in his attitude to my word I'm giving what God's Word is arguing with God and that's one of this basic science of pride contesting what God said so pride shows up in our attitude to the word and it shows up also in our attitude in prayer because prayer is where we communicate with God verse 4 let each of you look not only for his own interest but also for the interests of others listen when there's pride and you hold a higher position than someone else you know what you feel how you feel that's how it's supposed to be they deserve to be there and as long as you believe that they deserve to be there you won't do your best to lift them I'm telling you you keep them there that's the structure we have in most undeveloped countries it's not the fault of leaders that the masses are suffering it's their destiny in verse five he says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus and we'll discuss that some other time you can be powerful without flaunting your power you can be powerful without rubbing it in but rather using that power to lift others off okay to help others and that's what humility is about so people find it easy just ask yourself who would you prefer to hang around the person who's always comparing himself or herself with you who's always threatened by your success threatened by your testimonies okay you can feel it at the person is threatened by the system when you share your dreams your ten by ten dream the person helps you to put it down to two and a half by two 1/2 of course you don't feel comfortable hanging around such a person you prefer to stay around the person who encourages you who inspires you okay and who complements you am i right you're looking good they said tie is fine I like that perfume as smell is nice that the proud person finds it difficult to compliment anybody because they don't want to see anything good in you you know and sometimes they won't think to themselves they don't want you to be proud that's why they don't want you they don't want it to get to your head long and short of it when you look at it promotion helps you to handle sorry humility helps you to handle promotion better people who pray for promotion and even God knows if he answers their prayers there will be problems hey Paul to Timothy in 1st Timothy 3 don't put a new vision office he said lest he be lifted up with pride that's it so you don't want to promote someone beyond their capacity to manage promotion is the last he being lifted up with pride he falls into the condemnation of the devil too many x cos x director X this X dot because the people are being promoted the promotion seems to validate their position and their belief that they are better than others so they hire their eyes the more powerful they become the weather they become they think it is God's validation of their attitude and some people continue to rob people down continue to treat people harshly continue to enjoy the power and they get higher and stronger and stronger until suddenly they folder I'm zero and some people some people can't handle it when they lose that position in 24 hours that depressed all the people who used to crawl for them who used to plead with them who used to everybody disappears then they find their correct level cause people tend to forget that they were not born with that title they were involved with that money the weight came it can go and ultimately it is God who gives it we shall forget humility helps us to manage promotion better like I said as something coming it's our year of supernatural of great and the word I've been hearing since the venerable years change of status change of status I think that someone at yours is just around the corner something is about to happen it will create big shifts in your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ big ships big so I believe that this is God's preparation for what is coming delayed promotion is coming now the days of stagnation are over make yours a world of possibility come today star Kristin Center this Sunday at plot a 3 C equals erode or a goon in Lagos Nigeria join any of our four services at 7 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. and experience possibilities without limits they star raising room models
Channel: Daystar Christian Centre
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Id: Mty57lOIw7s
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Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 24 2014
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