Pastor Sam Adeyemi on HUMILTY Pride Check 101

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we have a mission just as long as you want to you reach for the stars sure let your light shine and second Corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 all of us are going to read together are you ready let's go examine yourselves as to whether you are in the fate test yourselves do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you are disqualified pride check 101 that's our topic okay the last time I was sharing about how God taught me from proverbs 25 not to fight for a front seat and in Luke 18 Jesus repeated that and said if you find yourself at a wedding feast he said don't go sit on the front seat he said it's better for them to take you from the back and put you in front then for them to take you from the front and to take you to the back in the presence of everybody okay and then he said anyone who exalts himself will be humbled the one who humbles himself will be exalted that sounds simple enough to understand isn't it but human amandajoy doesn't understand it human nature doesn't understand it because pride is a product of the sin nature which every human being inherited from Adam okay so we began to ask ourselves some questions some questions that we need to ask ourselves so that's why we're doing this it's a check I want to check my pride quotient every human being is born with the signature therefore all of us have capacity for pride and before you get too proud of the fact that there are some sins you have not committed we like to remind you that there are some you have not committed simply because you can't afford them we need to give you a bit more money or some more position or some more power and there we can see whether really as cool as you say you are but second Corinthians 3:5 says examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith and this is what I love about being a believer it's the fact that God expects us through the help of the Holy Spirit to do self diagnosis see if a doctor if I make a wrong diagnosis your prescription is going to be wrong mm-hmm so the good thing here is God has not made any one of us George over other people you know I think it's romans 14:5 that says who are you that judges another man's servant to his servant his pants or for he said to his master he stands or Falls is a done God is able to make him stand so what your big deal so some who don't know that in church God is the ultimate George but God expects each person to deal with his or our issues that's why Jesus said in Matthew 7 George not so that you will not be judged therefore with the same measure that you give out judgment it will be measured back to you and they asked why are you concerned about the speck in your brother's eye when there's a log that is coming out of your own he said remove first the log from your own eye that's how it works in Christianity is that remove the log from your eye then you'll be able to see clearly to help your brother the use of words is very deliberate what's in your brother's eye is a speck what is coming out of yours is an electric pole and Jesus is saying the reason why you think that the other person has such a big problem is because you have a big problem that is distorting your lenses so the more problems you have the bigger you perceive other problems to be hmm si it works in God's economy so if you have the tendency to see a lot of problems in people's lives you need to do is serious self check serious subjects okay in fact when you look at the proportions you will see that if you face your business you have time for other people because what they have is what they have aspects you have an electric pole you have a lot of work to do so in God's economy I love this the only spirit rings this in my spirit all the time it's been been that I came across this passage of Scripture and especially that sentence let me see some 25 years ago by I wrote an article on it in a magazine when I was a youth pastor and since then it rings in my spirit all the time examine yourself examine yourself it's self diagnosis amen good so that's why we want to do the price tag and we need to do it once in a while last time we asked two questions do you like to always be superior to others very important do you like to always because in Todd John was 9 the opposable mention Diotrephes who liked to have the preeminence amongst the bredrin he always liked to be first and above everybody and he had a problem accepting the teachings of the Apostles so John the Apostle said the guy was always opposing our teachings and the messages that we sent to the church okay hmm let me ask a few more questions remember this is pride check 1 1 some people are keeping so quiet it's like I hope this they won't come my way today don't worry everything is under the blood first summer - in verse three you had two women hannah and peninnah in those days they had the same husband Hannah didn't have children she didn't have any child but in I had quite a few I moved back to chapter one so we get a clearer idea of the scenario hmm if you read from verse 1 it says now there was a certain man of rama x of him of the mountains of Ephraim and his name was a Kannada son of Gera ham the son of Allah hood the son of to who the son of Zeus and Ephraim I and he had two wives the name of one was Hannah and the name of the other pnina pnina had children but hannah had no children ok jump to verse 4 and whenever the time came for a Conner to make an offering he would give portions to pnina his wife and to haul her sons and daughters but to hona he would give a double portion for he loved hannah although the Lord had closed her womb that's how they used to describe it in those days but look at the dynamics between verse 6 and her I now also provoked her severely to make her miserable because the Lord had closed her womb that's what he is to believe in those days anything that happened good or bad it was God but that's not our focus verse 7 so it was yeah by year when she went off to the house of the Lord that she provoked her therefore she wept and did not eat question do you have the tendency to deride someone who is experiencing a misfortune do you have the tendency to deride someone who is experiencing a misfortune or setback remember what we just want to check for those tendencies my mind the Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 we'll do not wrestle against flesh and blood so spiritual warfare is described as a wrestler is compared to wrestling and in wrestling because I like to watch wrestling my wife doesn't I like to watch wrestling most ladies don't like to watch wrestling if you do but they are the exception and it is understandable because guys are designed for competition when they are in anything somebody must win when they are driving on the road someone must win you'll be amazed the amount of competition that I see on the road and since I realize someone wants to be champion I'll allow them to be champion easily so I don't brush wash my car and it will cause to me that nobody will get a medal for by taking somebody else on the road right within the city so I allowed them to win and I knew it gives them some adrenaline rush makes them feel very good god bless them women are relational so they just can't understand why two people should be twisting their hands twisting their legs and hitting themselves on the ground and so I like to watch wrestling just like sometimes when I'm driving on the road and the case there and you know one of those days on the bridge that had me land bridge I was racist and she said slow down let's enjoy the ride of course your obedient servant I slow down slow down although I was thinking in my mind how do we enjoy this ride when all the cars whose engine capacities are not anywhere near my and I overtaking my car how do we enjoy the ride and with it let's take a ride so if you live a man all by himself he'll be driving at normal speed on the road the moment a car comes I want to overtake him an anointing comes from what's about it suddenly realizes if you move faster it's the design it's in the design it needs to be managed but it's in the design okay so we have a scenario if we go back to the story in the Bible where someone has kids the other person doesn't have and the ending see okay the tendency just comes up the tendency to gloat you know over the fact that the scenario proves that I am better than ha see when you're humble the Bible says that God will exalt you if you experience promotion or you experience increase one of the simple lessons you have to learn is to not rub it in don't flaunt anything when you are greater than someone it's usually obvious that you have more money is obvious that you have a bigger tire is obvious in fact that you have a car and he or she doesn't have is obvious there is no need to rub it in humble people don't rub it in they don't have to flaunt it Penina made Hannah's life miserable she taunted Hannah okay someone says there's a reason why it was the other way before it was the other way before it was you that way before you know she had I didn't have or he had I didn't have and they thought it would last forever like that if you know what he said if you know what he did it's payback time and all around I see communication messages from people who have been hurt in the past like that and who are trying to get back at those who did something to them you know when you read like I used to read on a lorry or some lorries when I was young many years ago no woman no cry that's from experience oh the rich man is not God that's a message for someone happy method for someone and the one that used to amuse me let my enemy live long and see what I will be gone you know what become whatever you want to become leave the enemy alone but then we know the story finished huh my go-to sod if I should go children seen first somewhere - from verse one Bible says and Hannah prayed and said my heart rejoices in the Lord my horn is exalted in the Lord I smile at my enemies because I rejoice in your salvation no one is holy like the Lord for there is none besides you know is there any rock like a god verse 3 talk no more so very proudly let no arrogance come from your mouth for the Lord is the god of knowledge and by him actions are we so the question again do you have the tendency to deride someone who is experienced in misfortune do you have the tendency to talk down on someone just because things are not working for them at the moment if you go to Obadiah there's only one chapter the book of the Bible very interesting book towards the end of the Old Testament after Amos before Jonah I suspect some people don't know you doubt the tune so ask your neighbor for help Obadiah chapter one from verse 11 in the day that you stood on the other side in the day that strangers carried captive his forces when foreigners and that his gates gets in cast lots for Jerusalem even you were as one of them was 12 but you should not have gazed on the day of your brother in the day of his captivity nor should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction nor should you have spoken proudly in the day of distress you should not have entered the gate of my people in the day of their calamity indeed you should not have gazed on their affliction in the day of their calamity nor laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity see remember what I just said is tendency as I want to do the tendency you know the proofs that we need help from God the key thing is the key thing to the Christian life is absolutely reliance on the Holy Spirit absolute reliance on the Holy Spirit for help sin is a spiritual force it's a nature your determination can't handle say can't you be more determined than Peter who vowed before Jesus no one will touch you without having to do with me changes are we even good at back before the crows you deny me three times he said I'll never die that's determination when when the real thing came and someone said I know this man he's one of the disciples of Jesus but I said me I think you're mistaking me I have absolutely nothing to do with it bad I remember another person came and said no you're one of his disciples he said I said I don't need him I've never met him before you where you came is awake am I then after some time they say one man look I think well surely you are like one of the if I will listen to your asset if you listen to accent you have an accent yeah exactly something you speak like a Galilean then they began to swear to me hey how are the mighty fallen ha ha ha so what we encouraging us to do is not determination I will not forget it people stronger than you have made bigger resolutions than that and they didn't walk Holy Spirit help me that's the solution amen my grace is sufficient for you my strength is made perfect in your witness that's what he said I'm just talking about a tendency a tendency to be happy when you hear that something bad happened to someone who seems to be ahead of you and though there are many people who really loved that soap opera the rich the reach also cry makes us happy when you become rich you say that anymore okay another question do you pick quarrels easily because I was reading proverbs chapter 13 now many years ago I was still a student and this particular one struck me it was death by pride comes nothing but strife but with the well-advised is wisdom so wherever there's strife is this proof that's pride what your pride ometer because somebody is trying to prove something it is a proof I'm better than you or I'm stronger than you or my idea is better than yours you remember what we read from Philippians chapter 2 verse 3 let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit but in lowliness of mind let each do it as team orders what better than so I was grew up in environments where your permission to talk depends on your status the fact that you are present does not give you permission to speak in some instances it's just simply because of your financial status you you have an idea and you want to contribute to the discussion somebody's do you have to say the fact that you don't have money doesn't mean that you don't have wisdom only because we hear in exercises mind about the poor man who by his wisdom deliver the city but you see the result that they said that his wisdom was despised he said he was despised because he was poor that's the way human beings behave human beings Gorge based on the outward not on the inward so when you have such a scenario people find it difficult to believe that others are better than them who don't have what they have I mean you don't have the educational qualification that I have you don't have as much money as I have your position is not anywhere near my in terms of family status you are not anywhere near me so how do I consider you or esteem you better than I had because in my estimation you are not but we belong to a different system and in that system a man's true value is not in the things he processes is that know what Jesus said in Luke 12 beware of covetousness for a man's life does not consist of the abundance of the things that he possesses he said what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world that's the whole material world and loses his own soul in the system to which we belong one human soul is worth more than the whole material world put together see in our system we value human life that's the interpretation of love for us we see everyone through God's eyes every human being is an extension of God everybody came from God God made us in His image now love an illustration that someone give one day you know when he brought out some currency exact same currency two of them one crisp new and the other one detie rumpled and he asked which of these two is more valuable and some people were pointing at the new one and he said you are mistaken you take the two of them to the supermarket they'll buy exactly the same thing he said which means that though one will look more beautiful than the other the real value has not been eroded by the experiences that the other one went through see there is something God put inside you that terrorism cannot take away poverty can't take it failure in examinations cannot take it a physical disability cannot take it see when you live in an environment where true the true value of human life has not been discovered people are measured by the completeness of their bodies and once a finger is missing from someone's body or one small part that automatically causes people to live L such a process and to meet the person to believe that he or she is not complete anymore listen the value the true value of a human being is not in the physical body anybody should know that almost 70% of your body is water if we break down your body analyze everything because your body is made up of chemicals all the chemicals in the soil whatever you can find in the soil is what we find in your body just like almost 70 percent of the earth's surface is covered by water almost 70 percent of your body is water if we take what is left and break it down it will be potassium calcium sodium chlorine phosphorus magnesium and the rest of them if we take them to the market and we sell them how much do you think they'll go for if all of your value is there you're cheap we live in a world today where people worship bodies we believe that we are spirits we have souls we live in bodies that we drop when we leave this world some people believe that they are bodies that have souls so when you see through God's eyes you never judge anyone based on their physical appearance some people have made serious mistakes that way okay so it is true pride that strife comes if you find yourself trying to run somebody down coming into conflict and I'm telling you one of the things that breaks my heart the most is to see two people throw in fisticuffs on the road I'm telling you it okay there's one word that describes this ego someone is trying to prove I'm stronger than you um you know I'm bigger than you sometimes the results are not funny just thank God if the person doesn't have a gun or a knife there's no point proving anything their humility will save your life if a madman slaps you what should you do you know listen how can someone who is not in his right mind slap you and get away with it when you're in your right mind you should prove something to the person isn't it the result the first thing is whoever sees you and the madman slapping each other will not be able to make the difference it so if you are the first to get out of strife you've discovered the secret of humility and a lot of the time when the emotions are high reason takes second place so the truth is you find it difficult to think objectively at the point when you are angry with someone the quality of the person's ideas don't matter anymore if someone doesn't like you they will like your ideas that's why when you sense the temperature going on you sense the tension coming up on the discussion it's better to take a break and then you know what let's discuss this later we'll come back to this thing later and if like the Bible says in Philippians 2:3 us team or does better than yourself then your first assumption is that this person must know what he or she is talking about though I can't see it I need to try to see it there must be something there if you tell someone that you know what I'm sure you're trying to make a point I'm sure you have a point although I can't see it I'm sure you have a point well can we come back to this thing later okay I will come back to this list then when the emotions have come down you can objectively try to look at what the person was saying and sometimes you'll be surprised at the result because there was a man a brother who had this heated argument with his wife and you know he got angry took his cocky vintage car and drove to the office but just driving on the road gave him the opportunity to go over the discussion then he got some insight when he got to the office and and it was right here and it was in the days when we didn't have the gsm phones okay so when he got to the office then he picked his phone dialed his wife and said I'm sorry about the argument but I just wanted to clarify something is this what you were trying to say she said exactly that was what I was trying to say he said that was exactly what I was saying they had a heated argument and they meant the same do you have the tendency to pick quarrels easily over discussions could it be that it's because you don't respect other people which will result in the fact that you don't respect their ideas okay examine yourselves proverbs chapter 14 let me see now let's do second chronicles 32 and and we'll stop with that for tonight second chronicles 32 from verse 26 King Hezekiah and his best second chronicles chapter 32 let's back up to 24 let's start from verse 24 in those days Hezekiah was sick and near dead and he prayed to the Lord and he spoke to him and gave him a sign but as a kind did not repay according to the figures shown him for his heart was what lift Allah therefore wrought was looming over him and over Judah and Jerusalem then Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem so that the rod of the Lord did not come upon them in the days of Hezekiah it's remarkable how just a slight change of heart attitude can change our circumstances they said something was looming see when you choose to walk in humility that's the way something looms but is something positive like I can sense something loo be over members of this church and it's something good I see promotion Latino vibes extraordinary promotion so I love this because see it's like a switch it's just a change of heart attitude the god help this man you know and then they said his heart was lifted up and when he realized it he just switched humbled himself okay and then that must be achieved okay I was 27 Hezekiah had very great riches and Han and he made himself Treasuries for silver for gold for precious stones for spices for shields and for all kinds of desirable items storehouses for the harvest of grain wine and oil and stores for all kinds of livestock and fools for flocks moreover he provided cities for himself and possessions of flocks and herds and abundance for God had given him very much property this theme is a guy also stopped the water outlet of Appa Gihon and brought the water by tunnel to the west side of the City of David Hezekiah prospered in all his works verse 31 however regarding the ambassadors of the princess of Babylon whom they sent to inquire to whom they sent to him to inquire but the wonder that was done in the land God withdrew from him in order to test him that he might know all that was in his something extra ordinary happened and people have to come from other countries to ask as a class war happened beyond explaining what it was as a guy I began to show them his prosperity now I don't think the problem was that it was with the family is a guy a prospect because the Bible deacons it was God who blessed him I think it was the attitude you know there's a way you say and people literally want to worship you a winner you are an achiever we have names for people like that people who make it you have made it you are not an ordinary human being anymore that was a king like that in the Bible was it extra king he rod the man who give mid an oration and they said there were people around who were seeking his favor when he had made the Eurasian Bible says that the people of tyre and sidon said to King Herod sir this is the voice of God not the voice of a man there are anointed sycophancy anointed I've come to think up who say that you say that but sure the voice of a god not the voice of a man and he was enjoying it and the Bible says that and it just slapped it and warmth began to eat his body while he was this Undine on his feet he died that day okay so the point here is do you have the tendency to take the credit for things that God did in your life Moses told Israel what would happen when they go to the land of Canaan when you get there you guys are going to prosper and those were former slaves you guys are going to prosper he told one be careful he said lest you begin to say to yourselves by the power of my own hand I have gotten all these days he said it was 18 what you shall remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you to get well do we have the tendency to take the credit for listen there are standards which people use in our world to measure success when God has really helped you God helped a satire look at him he prospered in whole his what he had much property it was God's blessing but when as a guy I had to show people around there was no mention of God was you see you know what we did you know what we did this this was what we did this was what we did is a Wow I was smart that's right you know would so gotta oh you did haha so they said that was right Eve lubing God's anger Lumi away whole country gratefully he quickly realized what he did ah I'm sorry hey I'm sorry okay alright okay so do you have the tendency to take the credit for God's Daniela do you remember the man there in Luke 12 that Jesus was talking about the man who planted crops and his ground brought forth plentifully brought forth abundantly to the extent that the man was introduced to himself what am I going to do now he said I know what I'm going to do I'm going to pull down my warehouses I've asked I'm gonna build bigger ones he said he said I'm going to store all my crops he said then I will say to my soul relax last setec eat drink and be nominal party all night Jesus said then God spoke from heaven and said you are a fool tonight your soul will be required of you then who will own all those things that you spend your life a massive acquire the human mind is so fickle the human brain is so small but it operates itself but itself it doesn't take much to make a human being three pop doesn't take much just a slight change of perspective that's the time gives you like it did for evil do you have the tendency or do we have the tendency to take the credit for what God is doing of what God has done what's the solution it's simple anything that happens in your life for good give God the glory amen pass the glory to where it really belongs and I will always remember the passage of Scripture in first Corinthians first Corinthians chapter 4 hmm was verses 6 and 7 first Corinthians 4:6 and 7 now these things brethren I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollo's for your sakes that you may learn in all not to think beyond what is written that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other this is sometimes you have church leaders humble their followers are proud of the accomplishment of the man of God who is humble someone is giving God the glory it is it is on here that is trying to prove an assert this is not an ordinary man of God medal don't mess with my man oh God MMS verse 7 for who makes you differ from another and what do you have that you did not receive now if you indeed receive it why do you boast as if you had not so in God's system there are no achievers you only have deceivers so if we use the language Achieva please understand what it means in our system super receive an amen I'm Elizabeth said what do you have that you do receive if you receive what are you behaving as you will do receive it so the moment what the reality is people can't see God can they know people can't see God they can only see you and see what God is doing in your life so the reality is they're going to give you the credit they're going to give you the credit but the moment they do it pass it on that pile shouldn't stop on your table pass it on to where it really belongs when someone said you know what you are crazily smart say we thank God for His wisdom thank you Lord Jesus ha ha ha I pray in the name of Jesus Christ but each one here will walk in perfect alignment with destiny can you say what a prayer for just about a minute Lord make yours a world of possibilities come today star Kristin Center this Sunday at plot a 3 C equal C Road or a goon Lagos Nigeria join any of our four services at 7 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. and experience possibilities without limits Daystar raising room waddles
Channel: Bode Desire
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Length: 50min 33sec (3033 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 20 2014
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