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we can see that if all the glory to God for what he has done or bless His name same and come meeting with bishop you gotta be there same n customer you can be day hallelujah this is the meeting you cannot miss I don't know if you have planned to miss it but I've come to provoke you spend the money and go there because by the time you are coming back your life is totally transformed and you'll be supportive one of the greatest move of God in our well today the healing kisses campaign across Africa very soon I'm sure to the world amen it is the greatest crop pulling ministry now and God is using the presiding bishop dad knows to do amazing things in our world today say Amen and so I want to encourage all to make it to the competing make it all right now your tickets booked a flight below shall they be there and fellowship does if I were in town I will have in there long time amen I know what bishops meetings does the meetings are life changing life transforming revelatory I mean so many many powerful things Amen Alleluia see you there and I know God will bless you hallelujah bless His name this afternoon I'm going to preach one of my most what I consider a very very important message for now say Amen I want to talk about exhortation through humility same an exhortation through humility I think that humility is one of the most important spiritual ingredient that will bless the life of every Christian and I wanted to turn with me to the book of Philippians chapter 2 Philippians 2 and I want to read from verse 1 the Bible says verse 1 of Philippians 2 he says if there be therefore any consolation in Christ if you need comfort of love if any fellowship of the Spirit if any bowels and message fulfill he my joy you be like-minded having the same love being of one Accord and of one mind let nothing be done through strife or vainglory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who be in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of man and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross wherefore what is a wherefore say it again say the tatarin wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and giving him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father hallelujah I consider personally one of the most important most powerful scriptures in the Bible this passage Philippians 2 see God has to open your eyes for you to see it because it summarizes it epitomizes Christ life if you want to see the height of Christ's mission it is kage in Philippians to say man the Bible said he came down and took the form of a servant he was in glory with his father but when he came down on earth listen whatever I said and he made himself of no reputation the reputation he had with his father as the second of the Trinity it strip himself of it and came here and walk when we walk sat where we sat at what we did and everybody who approached him prostitutes came to him thieves children and was available accessible people could just come to him and he will minister teach and mingle himself with the poor the sick and the destitute he was something but made himself nothing we are nothing and we have made ourselves something we have importance ourselves so that nobody will common eyes us say man it was nothing you he came on earth you see sometimes when you look at the way some people behave and they talk and they walk and the way they relate to people you think they don't use the bathroom but who are you you are nothing before a decimal point you are who you are by the grace of God if God's grace is removed from you you realize that you are nothing so who you are today what you do where you work what you end where you sleep and things available to you the car you drive is not because were smart there are smarter people than you who I wouldn't have the kind of privilege job so Paul said I am what I am by the grace of God it is about time you humble yourself the arrogance is too much their pride is too much the haughtiness is too much your see she is not going away it's too much some penny API do you have you are blocking our ears we were PhD I don't know that do you know who I am you know who you are talking to who are you if it wasn't for the law who has been on your side you have been buried long ago you are alive today because of him so when you wake up in the morning humble yourself talk with humility address people with humility knowing that where you are now it is he who made you for without me you can do nothing beauty is beautiful when beauty is clothed in humility when you are a pretty lady and you are humble your prettiness accelerate and exude the glory of God when you are pretty and you are proud look like a frog I would love to hear toad sing down to listen to a proud sing say Amen I'm a teacher here I said the voice of a toad will sound better in my ears than a gifted singer who is arrogant even God could not contain Lucifer when he was proud in heaven he we who can continue God oh well Lucifer exalted himself made himself proud and arrogant and wanted to equalize himself with God thereby was a he was brought down if you become proud you'll be brought down that's somebody watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out whoa arrogance is too much you are gifted but proud when intelligent not very proud a small wire will have to touch in your head and as you're finished go to the psychiatric hospital go to our display you see people more intelligent than you who cannot think straight anymore their minds have been twisted steady you are reading the more you become successful in this life the more humble you should become you must talk with humility you must risen with humility when you are pretty lady and don't put him off as if he's a piece of trash even if you don't love the brother at all that is a humble way by which you can say no don't say I can scratch your face say I hear you person humility is the key but in the midst of your height sticker mustache and beard and your intelligence you are still approachable you are very humble people can talk to you you are very accommodating you have empathy robot empathy is different decibel between empathy and sympathy it's about time you come down from your high horses there's somebody come down come down come down come down to arrogance Jesus humbled himself and his humility took him to the cross and he tied the most despicable most painful most inhuman death about describe to mankind wherefore God now has highly exalted him say men how did his exhortation come his exhortation came as a result of what is humility so if God is going to lift you in these last days you got to humble yourself humble yourself beloved because if you are proud yes we're proud people belong and I will show you from Bible but I wish I have time I will show you some Bible what has happened in history and in scriptures to proud arrogant haughty and people who are puffed up say Amen and I also show you from scripture where humble people have been taken to by God are you listening to me or you're sleeping say men are you dear humility is the key mobility is the key to a successful living on this earth rich people were very simple in their balloon as well there are others who don't have anything [Music] but they run their mouths say man hey then what about horse you are riding come down from the house condescend view of a low estate some of you come from Africa Asia whatever when you go back home to Africa don't be arrogant just because you have Tiger coming from a United States of America now you get there let them know if you had not before the Lord on my side I don't know where I would have been with humility address your colleagues and friends with humility let them know that America is not the world and that God can also bless you as you are here in Africa I'm feeling so hot I'm feeling so hot what is happening here please put your fingers down say man don't go that with all your fingers rubbish when you go there you see your fellow sisters hello brothers I'm not break it be humble and encourage them and if you have some few dollars so a seed into their lives knowing that God is the one who has brought you this far humble yourself gifted by humble the great singer but humble a grip reachable top with humility walk with humility when people of low estate approach you be humble enough to listen to what they have to say otherwise Christ to visit you and you know that though this is Christ because of your arrogance there are some young people today the Koreans come talk to them nobody can advise them nobody can call them and say my son ABCD they are wives today husbands cannot talk to them they are husband's today when the wife wakes him up at 3 a.m. honey can we talk what do we have to talk about I don't want any nonsense yet [Applause] banking phone doing cutting off lines it's arrogance when it Kali don't want to talk to you what is it what is it my friend don't have time for such foolishness the way you talk we are talking on the back of the Father now do I protect the holder like a good job you travel among really all over the place arrogant I said it to only take one finger of God you'll be tend to ashes people have work where you have worked people have what where you are walking they became nothing we know people who once upon a time they were they today they are nothing I used to have an uncle in 1961 Electrical Engineering got a German wife and four German children uncle my uncle was very rich and very arrogant when it comes and sistas going to judge and say we are wasting time come on church are we going spending the whole day in church rubbish by the time he was dying he was a Papa Papa Papa penniless and was dying died in Germany he's left his wife left him the children were nowhere to be found he went he went and died in one of the sisters house he refused to be photographed because he has reduced to nothing you don't fear God and you are arrogant and proud God would reduce you to Iraq when Khan lifts you up yourself beauty is beautiful if beauty is clothed in humility a gift is appreciated if the gift is clothed in humility and you gift that you have money have you been lifted brother humble yourself say I hear you pastor let me give you a few scriptures James chapter 4 verse 10 James 4:10 humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and what and he shall lift you up when you do the grumbling he does they lift him look 1411 Luke 14 11 for whosoever look for today for who's ever exhorted himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall ward P SOT when you make yourself something and you lift yourself up to the ceiling there is no room up with the older woman left is the one coming down you are coming down semen hallelujah first bit of five top the five open to it first Peter 5:5 first Peter 5:5 the Bible says likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder yea all of you be subject one to another and what and be clothed with humility for God resisteth the proud God giveth grace to the humble now when you become proud it is no more the devil that resists you it is God Himself who will come and resist you there are people they were being resisted by God I didn't know it your resistance in life is by God because you are too proud for God resisteth the proud say man which means if haughtiness if pride and test your heart the divorces oh yeah become proud this way Romeo I am going to park myself in which because Jehovah himself is the one coming back to resist you you can contain it if your wife resist you if a friend resist you if God residual product you are going away and there are people the appearance sister by God and if it is demons and witches so they abandon it param maha brahma you are two combined god he is the one resisting you why because you are too arrogant too proud you're talking Mary see the body language Oh speaks proudly when they call you come around nobody can send you nobody can talk to you f way it's coming out of your mouth like water you don't respect nobody you are coming down it is not me we say that scripture has already predicted where you are going with your arrogance I'm just repeating what the Bible has already said do you have what she said if I want to cause for 10 people to bring me $1,000 we run all the time will you be one of the tack no she she would you have $1,000 there are people in Africa richer than you there are people who have never stood in a room before they've never flown in a way before yet they have dollar counting machines in Africa my friend when you meet your parents your brother's your sisters who haven't had the privilege of traveling and you meet with them beyond talk to them with respect because when you have come the way you have come here it was God who made a way for you when you went to the embassy to pick up your visa do you know how many people Waverly food and you were given a visa do you know how many people were refused that day as you are given a visa my daughter was coming to read law in in Washington here and she was telling daddy when I wanted a mess everywhere about I was about one round something those who went ahead of you and refused so I thought when she presented a document three minutes I was gonna pick my passport if we're going on conferences we will steady some hot scholarship somewhere refuses so it was the grace of God that made them put a visa in your passport for you to begin no because you have a long head well you are pretty handsome or because of your father it is cause grace so if you found yourself here humble yourself and self God and always remember that it is to you we give the glory it is to you Lord we give the praise for you have done so much for me and I want to bless your Holy Name say Amen and sometime when you come to church and you feel about one look come for it near town and Pushkin knows worship they want to push canoes it means life flats of the ground in thanking God amen is this what God resisteth the proud but what giveth grace to the humble look at his face I loved in his face humble yourselves therefore under what the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time which means there is a due time for your excitation when that due time has income don't faucet don't try to impress people don't become Jew in bread first see what is no day trying to become what you are not either I said are you that those of you distant destinations you know some of these crab goes to some of the Far Eastern countries yeah seven seven seven seven four seven see men and sometimes what I am sat in the a380 before the a380 is no smaller plane is winged one week 70 cars Compaq under the wing it has four routes Royals engines it can load up to foreign 30 passengers it has double-decker throughout very heavy aircraft is the biggest commercial aircraft asset now and they travel long distances to long distant destinations now when these 380 are loaded and ready to the but you will see the pilot telling the control tower this is flight eight three eight one three four we are ready to depart grants permission to push from the gates and be bound to our destination you see controller come to the cockpit flight 1 3 9 there are 17 aircrafts ahead of you so push from the gate and take it easy on the taxi you want it will give you clearance for takeoff so you see a huge beam push from the kids when they are loaded with passengers and cargo and sever about 40,000 tons of oil or so you see them you see them crawling slowly on the taxi and you see a lot of aircrafts ahead of it some of the aircraft ahead of this big airplane some of them are propellers single-engine ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii 7 76 77 77 80 bowie big but the small propellers in front of it they panic i will say that this small thing is with my time so I want to create off if it attempts to do that the Aviation Authority will come in resisting because you have to take your place in the queue until you will see clearance for takeoff am i talking to somebody here so you see all the aircraft taxiing slowly until they come to the runway the when they come to the ground with that control tower give them clearance they take off and when you are taking off they engage the engine and the engine turn around a special speed and at a certain point on the runway the flight cannot be aborted it has to lift its nose up into the sky as you see this aircraft treaty has itself this are breaking through going forward now it has ten on the runway and then the country Thomas a a one three nine you are now cleared for takeoff it is now ready for his lifting when the engage that engine they run up to eight hundred to a thousand kilometers on the runway and then they take the nose off why because it has received clearance for takeoff I hear heavily control tower come to your cockpit telling you you have a humble yourself all this time 2018 is your year of lifting this year is your year of lifting this year is a year of the humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God and He will lift you up in due time in what do you wait for your due time well for your season but there is a season and a time for your lifting and prophetically I think it is this year that God is going to end the battle prophetically this is your year that Allah will lift you up because we have said God you have humbled yourself all these years say I received a receiving receiving I see say halleloo the Bible said yes to you the Bible said see many people have lost good marriages because of pride many have lost good friendships because of arrogance some people just don't know how to apologize you will apologize to anybody the word and sorry doesn't come out of your mouth there are people who are always right you can argue with them and win but you cannot always be right sometimes you must assert that you are wrong in this very case and you must also have the humility to apologize to a friend a sister a brother to your husband and to your wife are you I wrong there are people who are in the room they are exactly they flew their rights so there is tension in the house there's always tension in the house because you cannot humble yourself we don't want to give it to your other than honey I saw this might occur today my rights and I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you there where am so it doesn't come out of your mouth if you your dead body will know apologize [Music] man but a humble person will be I'm sorry wake up the wife morning yesterday I spoke to mean away our time she's not sure was right shudder in front I'm sure that you in front of the children dance is something I wanted to stop so I just woke you up at 5:00 a.m. to see honey I'm sorry that's humility and when a lady hears such gracious words coming out of it she melts like butter [Music] smells like but when you are wrong why I wrong [Music] [Music] they're trying to you are trying to use all sorts of beer to see you I'm sorry but you don't want to see they in a night in a night we are trying to push air yes are you asleep and she'll order you have to do something the lady knows you want something she - she says it does not go area today you want to use sex to apologize you don't use sex to apologize apologize first then the way would be open for you [Applause] and when you apologize don't generalize your apology don't say look we are sorry no specify I am sorry for the way I spoke to you listen you don't say I'm sorry why to err is human no say honey at the car park will be closed for service the way I shouted at you in front of the people I think it was very bad I I lost it I was I think I was under stress so this morning to say that I am sorry for what I did it is called humility if you don't have it if you don't have it then you are too proud vice versa [Music] I'm not joking here because this is your key to your lifting say men as I say men I have lived long enough to see I've seen the high and mighty brought down in my country they high and mighty brought down and the trend is always the same themselves proudly see when you see a proud person making it don't be food just a matter of time just sink when you see humility you know that this guy will go very far because that will do that when when the guy is walking humble so as for as for John is naturally quiet don't be fooled I have seen quiet people who are the most local favorites your quietness is my sign of humility [Music] black people a dead loss people [Music] they take a seat no problem my wife what did you see problems what those problems so just one or two misunderstanding one or two misunderstanding on whose part see arrogance written all over the place that nonsense the guys book a local non of God this guy academically very good a wire touch in the brain and his mouth touched and he started dragging his left his right hand stroke I was lying in hospital with the same acquaintance be steady very the same wife was wiping his bottom for you the same wife was the one wiping he wanted to go and see us off [Music] this guy very sees and dine with presidents but very arrogance God brought him down he died with his truck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a small stick in this office they refused he to zero you know what was selling before he died you were selling soup from Harvard to shop brother you had certificates he was applying to companies and the tilde the references that he'll be right about him nobody wants to employ him it was actually qualified but nobody wants to have arrogant listen I rather hire a novice than to bring a qualified arrogant personnel into my into my office if the guy doesn't know already by his humble I like it better than solo cameras is show this I'll be talking to you with this left hand what's going on here put your fingers down as our put your fingers down before they are chopped off lose this when we are talking to someone well you know those that you have to put your hands on our bar behind us yes ma'am Thank You Man yes mommy yes thank you daddy says we love them all that camera that was up [Music] people have lost good opportunities because of arrogance he is qualified for the job but God is resisting and Adagio looking for it oh we don't know why they are not hiring you because you're too proud and your pride is registering the spirit of the person in the streets the bus in a plane will meet people very nice be very humble you are very nice facet very intelligent but when you meet people who can be sent to your level you condescend to their level you don't you know your losses should not be in the air look in my churches there was no single pretty heights there are those who are people and they announcing your marriage a service only sometimes they mentioned doctor so-and-so it will be my little sister when I see the sister that the doctor is going to marry I say lord have mercy it is thy Beauty and the Beast but the guy knows what he has done for record there are a lot of girls who can cook and clean they are Fink endures Eliza samosa [Music] we can't cook you can't and to me I let you can cook and currently you are not fit to be a wife [Music] younggu luckily all the environment is dead you can let simple so this medical doctor goes for a very simple humble girl to marry so handsome why did you choose it as a daddy that girl is serviceable respected that at my level I don't want stress some of these short girls walking around Reverend we have gone here there they are empty they just have grown nails they don't have silly [Music] if you give if you buy ingredients and prepare you see size' wonders these see signs and wonders you can pass a Pasha always manicure pedicure manicure pedicure always Astana you address it by you can't lay a simple bed [Applause] [Music] you're saying oh you can lay a bet you don't know where to poop I don't know when either to be on the right or the folks in your no lifts because all your life well yes there fingering listen man you are what a valuable for notebook and to me I love my food [Music] [Applause] William and ask you when I was pleased when I work using my wife the fast you know what I should because I something I can cook very well can be left so I said I'm visiting you and I want to eat right rice and box you because I wanted to know what I should come prepared okay I said did you prepare to your mom so I prepared it myself so I invited her to the house but I said you come to visit you because to me a lady must know and then I was watching her she clean my bedroom leave my bed I'll rearrange my things as a a disease that is it it is not beauty on the face it is I've married my wife for 30 years if I am he died and come again and they actually with you I will marry the same I will marry the sea and Guana rocketeers mo [Music] my wife is pretty she's very intelligent she's very good she can cook she can clean keep my house I have a big house a very big house in Ghana one of the nicest places in my house it must be clean and my wife ensured that my house is kept [Music] she doesn't do the clean yourself ICN shores and the house is clean [Music] see ya man you goes one way when we married away the single shoes one doing all the cleaning but with time God elevated us and we built a bigger house and we have security we are that we have a shelf in the book [Applause] [Music] are you see we came from a very humble background and if you come to my home and you see the way we live with our chefs our house hubs and things you can't tell what my children who are their households because it is a rule in my house everybody eats the same thing they are lost in sauce in my house there are no unnecessary saltines in house you don't look down on anybody here you don't insert security man and chefs there are no no they are looking down upon anybody because once upon a time you were nothing we are who we are today by the grace of God [Applause] [Music] if you come to my house people who wake him out don't want to leave my house because as I travel and I'm going back home I buy things for them t-shirts shorts whatever and when I open my suitcase everybody gets something else from the security to everybody because I know where God took me from and what he has lately today I travel around the world today my passport is it booklet traveled every week you see I was nothing when God picked me and I know that His grace so now that I'm standing I don't look down upon anybody I have taught my children I didn't go insult anybody if I see insulting or look in the house I don't want you to take your present position and look down upon house helps or they cook food for us and then we ask them to wear it rubbish know what I eat with my life at the table is what everybody [Applause] nobody differently and it's a training I'm putting my children and I tell them where I started from well the law pick before be hungry before you have never walked before you have never they started flying when the way babies in the food you can see them see that antibody do be stretching noodles shouldn't play with it to Somalia let them when live there for one week when they return due respect food they don't take public transport to school the driver drives them you don't know suffering so I try to put in there to look at your current position and speak rubbish proverbs 16 five proverbs 16 five everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord there's some stay out of right Leviticus 26 19 let verticals 26:19 I will break the pride of your power and I will make your heaven as IO and your ad as brass when you become proud that I say I will break the pride of your power and I will make your heavens as iron and your earth as brass proverbs 11:2 proverbs 11:2 when pride cometh then cometh shape but with the lowly or with the humble is what wisdom that's always tell you from right proverbs 16:18 proverbs 16:18 pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall beloved people just don't fall so if L didn't just fall pride going when I see pride going I don't have to be a prophet to put it what is following pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before proverbs 29 23 proverbs 20 not in a tree if I was a man sprite shall bring him low but honor shall uphold the humble in the spirit a man's pride Schaben him low but honor shall uphold the humble in the spirit proverbs 22 for to the to fall by humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor life God has intentionally hidden true riches true honor and through life in humility by humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life say I hear you pastor proverbs 6 16 and 17 these six things proverbs 6 16 and 17 these 16 to have the Lord hates yea seven are an abomination to him you can roam on a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devises wicked imagination feet that be swift in running to mischief you see these are the things God hates and the number one on the 17th is a proud look z-man proverbs 12 no Sam 12 3 this one is wild look at it the Lord shall cut off all flattering lips and the tongue that speaketh proud things are you somebody who brags the loss of you think there's somebody instead of a bridle second somewhere 20 to 28 and a half seconds someone 20 to 30 it and the afflicted people that will say that the eyes are upon the hottie that thou may us bring them down are you proud who are coming down as I - 11 as out to 11 their lofty looks of a man shall be humble their lofty looks of a man some 9 12 he forget that not the cry of the humble say men these scriptures and many more talks about where a proud person belongs so teach me the Kratt erases of a proud base teach me what a humble person must know and the Lord delivered to me in one night the 40 characteristics of a humble person one night the 40 characteristics of a passive is humble I will shed tree with you then our clothes say men number one a humble person and a humble person is a thankful person the attitude of turns giving is a sure sign of humility some people just don't know how to say thank you say men either when somebody does something for you go out of your way to see what thank you in our days you know a mother's days they buy things for you you say thank you in the evening early in the morning we're not on the door was let us sleep and carried the team that they have got for you and enter the room carrying the items say thank you sometime if you want the gravity of your trans giving to be strong you can call somebody to lead you to man say thank you this generation doesn't know how to say you it's a sign of pride and arrogance learn how to say thank you I've taught my children how to say thank you if you don't see you know I went to the UK went and bought a whole lot of things for my children and I came anything as soon as I already came and unzipped my suitcases they were looking then I would take a dress would you tell an actress put it in a ticked one which one you put it I don't like this one I said hey have you seen their label on there this thing do you know what to travel about well if you collected they decorated I attend anyway storming on say come back you must see thank you there's no clarity sandstorm out either there was a and tiny skates with what hands giving me when she says kid before the to block Lazarus he said father I thank you that I here happy always she says was full of Thanksgiving how come you don't thank the Lord so everybody come to church and you're singing praises to turn the Lord they are sterilised likes to Jesus don't sing don't lift your hands on your pocket you think humble yourself and sing and dance and she appreciate you to the Lord say I hear you pass them mama to hump the characteristics of a humble person second a humble person a humble person sees sees his or her achievements as nothing that's nothing the Bible said the Bible says in first Corinthians 4:7 what do you have that you did not receive and if thou received them by two you post and see if you don't receive them Philippians 3 4 but the things that will came to me accountant as loss for Christ yes darkness I can't all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ of whom I have suffered all same in Daniel chapter 4 verse 37 the book of Nyssa was walking around this beautiful honking garden and said look at what my might and my strength has gotten me whilst the West we're in his mouth the watches in heaven said carry down drive him from among men and let his dwelling be among the beasts of the field let Klaus grow on his fingers and he'll go on his body let him eat grass as oxen and let seven times pass over him until the book of Meza recognizes that the Kingdom of Heaven do rule in their face of man because he gave God not the glory try stop preaching acts 12 Herod stood and speak proudly and as I was speaking his disciples came around this moment I said your voice is not the voice of a man is the voice of God become God then what Jesse said about the calendar and where's it and whatever says because he gave God not the glory whatever you have achieved in life see it was nothing but rather give glory to God see mama tree [Music] the teca's eyes of a humble person is that a humble person think so badly of himself say men romance we have three and four romance to have three and four look at it for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according to as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith say men a humble person would think so badly of himself or herself hallelujah before that let me do five let me close a humble person never forgets his beginning say men don't forget where the Lord took you from don't forget where we came from determine after age 11 to 19 should I eat 11 tonight remember when the Lord took you from yesteryear what you used to eat very well and where you are now you should not forget your beginning and lastly I'm a fight for today a humble person does not a humble person does not he doesn't mind who takes center stage say man huh sometimes you can be the one shining someone else can come and shine you know somebody come in and the person I'm shine you just flow Oh somebody flow [Music] you [Music] so this is John the Baptist on a mountain baptizing become the most popular man of God he's making headlines strengthen in social media it's all over the place preaching and teaching becoming very powerful and Jesus comes to the baptism a crown to be baptized he sees a long queue this is John the Baptist and John the Baptist all this time has been baptizing in his name so now Jesus himself in whose name Florida has come where do you think you should go and tell John that chalid the reality see they real the raw deal has come so guys just cool it off somewhere let me take over my ministry but Jesus doesn't do that he comes looks at John who's at the queue and goes to join the queue and then this lady goes my passive and then when it was a ton of Jesus and John sees Jesus say I am not worthy for you Jesus attentive of about IRA that John must come to you he says says suffer it to be so now that all righteousness be fulfilled so Jesus humbled himself for John to baptize him and when he came out of the water the Bible said and the heavens open the Lord said is my beloved son the holy qur'an when Jesus was now living the baptismal ground then John pointed his finger and said this is he of whom I said is prefer above me from today all men follow him he didn't say anything it doesn't talk to anybody he just leave the ground and John hands the ministry over - who - Jesus the following day Jesus appears with it's supposed to answer a baptizing and a few loyal friends of document said that guy who you pointed to the world look the whole world is going to beauty he said I told you from the beginning that are not a Christ I'm just a for Allah he said to them in this my confidence that he must increase but I must decrease it is called humility because now Jesus has come to take the center stage and John and the Bible describes that there is none greater than John the Baptist singing ministry your idea and somebody else arrives in the ministry and loosed better than you just give way it is we are just we are just serving God you don't have to be offended you have to be somewhere you have to definitely come late don't be bored to make a face too long so knowing that what about we are doing we are doing it to self-publish I love y'all [Music] you
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Id: iU36Wx7w8tA
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Length: 72min 59sec (4379 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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