Finding my second wind (not literally) (Slay the Spire)

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hey everybody we're back rape hot off the presses from that last loss that still could have been a loss if i didn't make that major mistake at the end but you know probably wouldn't have been i'll take 21 damage for a guaranteed rare i gotta be honest i feel like a judgment early is gonna carry the crap out of us i wanna fight four elites on this floor if we have a judgment most enemies will die uh in a single hit like this this was a noted exception but especially with a thin deck which we're gonna have just by definition here i think a judgment early on means we don't have to rest what do we like i really like i'm not sure about fasting man if we had like surplus energy sure but you know i mean three string three decks is no joke um i think a cut through fate helps us get to judgment faster let's let's look by the way who are we fighting you so aoe is good and like high burst damage is good i don't judgment doesn't really apply there but still this this sucks because i don't think i maybe i could still play the judgment yeah you just do this this this okay very nice explosive potion quite helpful i and making an enemy vulnerable is strong i'm just trying to i'm getting myself working the mine shirt hmm i'm like i i think we're gonna you're so freaking lucky dude 31 hp you know what it's probably not necessary but i figured before it became a genuine problem if you are in wrath apply three vulnerable to all enemies otherwise enter rat i don't really want to like mess with it just to mess with it but i i think it could do something for us here let's make our deck thinner um we'll cut a strike we got some some attack focus cards here what we're really looking to do whenever possible um i think is to get a judgment on turn two i'll take one that's not a big deal just to guarantee that in all likelihood we can make this happen whenever you switch stances gain four block i i kind of like an empty mind honestly okay now this guy you got to be a little careful okay because the turn two he could cause us some serious problems but we do have two things that will [Music] disable and we gotta hit you hard and i hate to do it i think we gotta do it i'm just worried we're gonna draw a judgment with this so i think we gotta hit you here um we got two things that allow us to exit stances right including this so this is just draw two cards exiting 24 damage that takes you to 33. draw two cards exit stance we are taking less damage okay so we'll take 10 and then judgment will kill you next turn by definition i don't know if we could have gotten you there anyway i'm happy with this bottled flame um okay let me think i mean judgment is not a it's a skill not an attack i think right retain enter wrath and what did we take indignation if you're in wrath apply vulnerable i don't i just don't trust the halt necessarily i think i'm going to skip this one but i'm actually gonna bottled flame uh the crush joints and the reason is we can create vulnerability out of it like miracle crush joints means we can always create some vulnerability on turn one let's try a flurry of blows i i had a great time with that earlier um this is gonna be annoying but it is what it is it's okay it was it was the right thing to do to play it so we get it back um this would just be enter wrath you know [Laughter] do i want to wake you up not really what i wanted to do is like enter vigilance here or enter calm i should say and then now we're gonna pop good good and then make sure i was just gonna say oh we need this for next turn dude it's okay we got out of it anyway let's let's hit you uh we should have applied the vulnerability first um then we'll bail out hit you with one of those you're doing 20 damage let's make that 15. i'm hoping we can get to judgment on the next turn i don't know if it's going to be possible i think it's possible i'm like maybe we can just kill you normally but that that's not necessary look at that okay at the start of your turn gain one mantra i wish that i thought that that was good because i think that it could be but i we're not there yet uh i i kind of believe in a wish honestly i think there's a chance that it's good anyway uh am i willing to fight an elite yeah i think so this is kind of like the ideal elite fight because judgement just freaking creams these guys i don't really want to enter wrath right now why don't you just give me a flurry of blows which allows me to kill you with a judgment which is really all we're looking for uh and then not i think you save your miracle knowing that a wish could be around the corner so our judgment is the the non-negotiable play um right okay i forgot this is an important part of the the puzzle here i i still think you choose to oh we don't take any damage because of the plated armor potion that's right okay you know pay attention to what you got going on who would have thought is apparently valuable uh empty mind is just you know energy essentially so you like to see it um i have to be honest here like six-plated armor is like a gimme but if you can also just get 25 gold uh for the price of like on the house that seems like a permanent benefit though it cost us somewhat mightily in terms of uh you know losing some plated armor but i think i think it's okay i think it's probably totally fine this is all we were looking for here was that and then um actually we don't need to draw a vigilance i suppose because we can't play it anyway long way to go until we get into mantra can i kill you nine damage plus 14 damage we definitely cannot kill you i was just gonna say let's try to draw uh into a defense and then we're only taking two damage which is totally fine was the damage we took worth the gold that we got it's a tough question right not really you're saying not really okay well maybe we would have been better off with just the plated armor okay but you don't know what we could get from the shop it's not just is 25 gold worth the you know seven hp we took now it's also does 25 gold help us get to where we need to go to get something even better eventually so i'm kind of just a believer in perseverance here even though we lost with it last time 175 gold to get cursed with doubts i'm gonna say no um despite how it appears from a cowardice standpoint i know we got one more elite the boots i'm not sold but i wish on turn one seems beautiful probably i i would say we actually like uh the plated armor on this one i believe this will create a situation where we take a lot less damage you gotta play that you you could play some other stuff [Laughter] i think we like this um and i'd love to pop here don't get me wrong i guess technically we could with the stance potion it's a little the sequence of returns is kind of bad plus the longer we wait actually like the happier um we get just as a result of the fact that and this is a terrible turn honestly but um and uh it might be on fire over here i'm not sure but we i hate that we didn't do damage to you before you popped but it is what it is this this is how we had to do it i think indignation will put us into wrath are we okay with that i think we are so put me into wrath then you become vulnerable we hit you with the flurry of blows we'll cut through fate i kind of wish we would get eruption on the next term but that's okay um i think we're gonna dump both of those not what we're looking for obviously um but we'll hit you and we'll hit you again and we're just basically waiting for a judgment to come up um we'll drink a stance potion and go back into calm and we're taking seven which is pretty okay and then the judgment kills you i still do believe in like a pressure point but i'm i'm a big stance guy now have you noticed then i'm a big believer in the stances i'm gonna i'm gonna take a little risk here and i'm gonna upgrade and i definitely think that a wish has has made a big difference for us it also has made a big difference in me uh realizing that i really want an energy relic so i always want to see if we could wish on turn one even before we play like crush joints we'll we'll take a flurry of blows and then we'll do uh probably just because we can't play wish now anyway which is kind of like a deal breaker i guess we'll just do you attack next turn or do you just take time off whatever oh flurry blows dude yeah i was gonna i thought he just took time off um i'm still a believer in the eight plated armor we would like to exit stance probably here look i am i'm not a smart man we at least got them to roll over um which is actually okay especially because they're not even attacking here and perseverance is is popping man it's getting crazy we got that eight-plated armor just burning a hole in our pocket i don't believe we uh man we really can't get to a judgment huh it's kind of crazy i guess we could with a with an explosion potion um you know what hold on no we still can't six to 37 you're gonna pop over at 31. so we want to keep you like here [Music] the weakness kind of screwed us on that one one of you is flipping though that that's for certain [Music] you definitely go vigilance first smack ya uh do we want to flip you i think we might want to flip you and then use the potion which means we should have used it on the last turn um but you know it should have done a lot of things probably don't need to play perseverance this has not been a banner performance okay i think you can well we could enter wrath but we also don't really want to uh we don't really want to i mean i guess we'd get flurry of blows which is nice but yeah there we go we got it anyway i'm a little embarrassed but i also do think that this is still working uh just fine oh just do it like this like yeah it doesn't look great but i i think we got the i think we got the tools here i actually i mean mantra is really interesting for sure and brilliance i get that it gets stronger based on the mantra but vault i think is an interesting one for us no longer resting isn't an option three miracles is is really i don't think it's much worse than an energy relic unless the fight goes on super long or you use them poorly which could obviously happen uh i don't really have great aoe so there's some stuff on this floor that scares me but we we really counter these guys pretty hard with like a with a judgment for example um but anyway a wish is is still great and the plated armor is still like doing wonders it's like literally just playing this is a dream come true uh and we could have gotten the cross joints out there i really do want crush joints to get upgraded as soon as possible being able to put two vo too vulnerable on an enemy right away is is pretty nice um you're the most annoying enemy so get hit x's stance get hit get hit still got 20 damage coming out but man that's that's a testament uh to the quality of eight plated armor look at that and we're really just we're stalling until a judgment comes out wipes one of you off the map easily this is good this is a good thing because we can just do that and then saved okay i mean that's that's amazing we are also going to need to make sure that our uh [Music] i mean you know what this just literally gives us mantra and another turn to try to draw judgment i don't know if it's worth it but you know an attempt was made um you're doing 12 damage like 12 damage is so funny because there's like no damage when we have plated armor turns out when you don't have extra strength from uh whatever this stone is called the the the strength stone like life is okay for us here now a double flurry of blows sure i can i can be persuaded i really do like an easy upgrade even if it costs us some hp wow that's just your dream fight i feel like we could stand every stance change i'm not gonna say i guess that we should take every stance change that's available to us but whenever we get the opportunity um to take something that also seems like it could help the deck there's a lot to like there right every fourth question mark is a treasure room 10 attacks gives energy i think elite combats with two strength is is super nice and then apart from that like i'm our decks not too thick but i do i kind of wonder we haven't had really too many times we got stuck in a stance we didn't want to be in i think i'm just gonna i'm gonna buy these out and then try to make sure that we're paying attention to them which can always get you in a little bit of trouble but counterpoint it's fun getting into trouble so i think vault is first just so we can actually make it more usable than just how haha you can't go but then after that like a cross joints has has some sincere appeal this turn we actually have to think about so we can pretty easily like like wish is great right that's that's uh obvious and actually well four strength takes ten damage off the field but eight plated armor off the field long term is like i i think you still need to do it i hate when you attack on turn one um we know we're gonna need some energy we don't need to play a crush joints here i mean wrath cross joints empty mind it does take damage off the field it's not very much um but at least we we preserve a little bit there it's just a nasty first turn it's not that bad i mean especially with eternal feather i'm not sweating this too much yet uh so i think we'll just hit you volts and again we're building mantra turnover turns so i'm not squading it yet we should have stance removal yeah we do indeed so we'll definitely just uh we we did this super wrong we could have added like so much more damage um but that's okay we're interruption you're doing 60 damage that's kind of a lot let's enter calm you're doing 30 damage that's not really that bad um and we do want to we want to exit stance because we get the extra energy we'll hit you um if we re-enter stance we get another attack but i think it's probably better to just take three damage i could believe in that we still got some plated armor backing us up uh i i do think the next turn's gonna suck pretty bad oh no no okay this isn't too too bad at this point you kind of just gotta go for a lethality even if this guy's gonna do 10 damage we don't really care so we flurry of blows that's extra energy very important to note the triggers on this one and look at this there's a great time to actually commit that didn't go too badly my hope is that after enough floundering we don't really scry too much i think this is okay i think i i like what we got after that fight um my hope is that after uh floundering enough perhaps we will reach a point where uh all this uh stance switching just becomes like second nature to me you think it's possible we got to do 29 damage to you let me let me look okay let me look indignation puts us into wrath to energy this does 18 damage you're at 41 but we get describe three and draw one could we find a card that would allow us to do 11 damage and then hit you with a judgment realistically i think the answer is probably yes oh and i forgot about the flurry of blows which actually just put us there um let's let's take the ability to enter calm but i'm realizing ah you know what 24 damage is easy to do and i'm also realizing if i just play this we actually have like double letter opener strats so nothing wrong with that nexus stance of blows flurry of blows enter stance flurry or blows i do like having more abilities to enter wrath actually i think evaluates our card there i think it's just i have a bias against just picking up cards that are good which i think is not smart go ahead and give me a relic oh toy ornithopter i am i i saw its face and i'm a believer not a trace of doubt in my mind i think we don't fight the elite because we get treasure i can live with the decay every fourth question mark room just give me the gold it's a little it's a little late in my world for ritual dagger centennial puzzle whereas 66 we get another smithing out of this again the double vulnerability is is mighty tempting to me but i don't know if that's really worth it but here we are so again what do we want to see really like an early wish and we are going to get there okay that's super important um and i think we do i still think we want eight plated armor out of that you're doing 16 did you pop both of these i know we're not getting any vulnerability out of this but that's pretty great when you consider we you know the resources we had to spend to make that happen [Music] we have 22 block so in my head i'm like what if you definitely just start here okay then eruption you're doing 24 damage nobody cares and thanks for the five extra damage so now you're vulnerable for three turns you are doing 48 damage this turn that's a little nasty [Laughter] on the other hand there's eight damage for you i'm gonna exit stance early just in case we can't play anything for uh besides vault here so you know what let's let's get vault out there there might come a time i guess maybe you'd prefer to say vault for a situation in which you're uh [Music] uh like you have eruption going or something like that but i'm i'm totally content with this flurry of blows empty mine we're hoping to maybe enter a stance seven block is not not that much unfortunately fifteen we're going to take a little hit here um right now we're taking nine damage i hate playing a cut through fate like this man you know what we do five damage just by playing another defend anyway it's probably not a huge difference overall but okay now we're talking flurry of blows always hear me out okay there's there's a way to do this it's like inner peace flurry of blows flurry of blows eruption fleuria blows fleuria blows vigilance blows flurry of blows empty body flurry of blows flurry of blows and then a little extra vulnerability just the kick we should have played our other defend for five extra damage what was i thinking okay this would put us in wrath i don't see us getting the 36 block so i'm kind of just a believer in let's not take damage and hey look at that even got a letter opener going at the end this fight can change quickly though that's the that's the dangerous part [Music] i think we say no to eruption for now i really don't want to get hit for 48 man like that's my thing [Music] we probably could have done this like a lot differently i hate to do this with one energy oh no no no oh whatever we take 10 damage you're doing 18 we should be able to get around that like i'm kind of embarrassed we haven't been able to so far um we'd prefer to get doesn't really matter but let's get drawn it gives us more more opportunities i think gotta remember as well imagine what three extra or four extra strength would have done for us on every single one of these fleuria blows right i gotta own that that would be uh that would be a big thing for me like we're about to get some serious attacks in here 48 damage but we have triple damage this turn okay with triple damage we don't want to erupt yet we have eight energy too let's think you hit hit it's interesting right i do kind of feel like it'd be nice oh we're gonna draw a judgment anyway um with the insight i like i feel like we could get there play an indignation i just wish i could exit my stance did i just did i just screw us yeah i thought you were going to be vulnerable i've made a terrible mistake i think we're going to die i know we're going to die that's 96 damage not my finest move as you so you too shall reap how about that okay run run it back i felt like we were doing uh okay and i got a little distracted to be honest with you i feel like i just that that one sequence of cards royally uh screwed me up okay [Music] we're not gonna get the 12 block but to take a little damage i i could be okay two damage just to make sure we're out in front of you here i'm not worried about it i'm a big believer in the in protect but can i tell you i've been i've been saying i'm a big believer in a lot of things and then uh losing a lot hey uh yeah uh brain like this is it it's not your fault it's my fault and i am you don't play so quickly okay just because you can get the energy payoff from vigilance doesn't mean it's the right thing to do i i still i think pressure points has a place i think there's a place for it again just because you can do it doesn't mean you have to do it but in this situation we pretty much come out smelling like a rose look at that sanctity is like uh it has a trigger that i don't know if i trust myself to do but i think a third eye is a little bit more realistic okay six damage let's just do this um and i'm a believer in the possibility of that as well i don't know i'm getting a little i'm losing some confidence okay if i could take you out i'd be happy because then that would only leave 12 damage 13 damage that is i don't think we can do it nine and then i i don't i don't think we can quite do it so let's just get to let's just get the 16 block i hate not playing the pressure points but [Music] hmm right now there's 24 damage on the field we're not going to get the 24 block we could we could change it so that 20 damage is on the field that's 30 damage because you're vulnerable oh no [Laughter] so we're going to take 13 off the top there but we're gonna we're gonna live which is probably not how you should look at things early on and be like oh at least we're like surviving i think we're gonna make it to this campfire i'm gonna make sure uh everything's good on the home front here i do hear a crying baby okay 12 damage how about one of these than one of these we still got two energy left how about one of those and then give me one of these and call me in the morning i don't mind if you die first these do nine damage each you have 19 hp i mean you're just kind of like annoying huh that's that's your whole thing i guess we'll do it like this then as long as we have this protect i'm not sweating it too much we need to hit you for 17. that can happen followed by a protect okay confidence surging so far all i got to say is that my my stances have done me the best those have helped me more than anything else give me sure no yeah give me give me five scry that seems good anyway i'll be back in uh well i'll be back when i on policy in a second here all right i am back i'm i'm rejuvenated i'm ready to not die i'm ready to not die on this fight let me see what we get out of this okay we do have attacks in hand i guess we'll just draw a single card kind of a bit of a weak uh get out of that we're likely to be able to exit stance so let's do some serious damage you were a little spooky but look at this we can enter calm that's nice let's put i guess 12 damage might have been better than we only have one of those but you're doing 20. definitely we made you stronger i see the problem there because you're also doing 16 on this turn on the other hand did you consider all the amazing energy we just got to pick up so you're you're you're 14 strength up huh that's not great you have 17 hp this would be like a really nice time for this to come through in the clutch nine damage can we live by doing this and this 47 ladies and gentlemen we have lived we got you way to go dummy rip bozo uh that did not go very well [Laughter] full stop i'm i'm floundering here let's figure it out man tell you what you know what enter calm it's always nice if you do not play any attacks you get extra energy next turn sadly that has uh that has some affect for us appears to be working what i want to avoid and actually like this went pretty well um what i want to avoid is if we do things the right way pressure points could be an enabler but i don't want to just build around it because i i worry that that leads to problems but wallop i think is a fantastic card we will proceed here okay we can rebuild the duality whenever you play an attack game decks okay so if you flip from attack to defend to attack to defend to attack to defend okay you can make something happen there exciting i'm almost wondering like check check this out just to prove i can do it i'm like what if you just scry through like almost your whole deck just so you can get to those pressure points faster this deck has no identity right now it's a disaster it's it's up to us to try to rebuild it well this is how we get out of well you know what i'm like maybe this is maybe this is how we get out of it like no no no don't be a fool stay in school let's run the math this is our problem we haven't run the math plate tranquility to energy eruption we go up to three energy and we kill an enemy probably you then we have a wallop and an empty body that's the perfect way to play it okay this don't get yourself lost in the sauce here man you play a wallop might even play it on you honestly and then as a result of that we got two enemies that are very easy to kill on the next turn and we're not in a questionable stance any longer okay wish was not our problem i didn't in my opinion wish was not our problem i i will not do any of this because it'll kill us i hope you understand who's our boss slime lord we don't really have like a top tier aoe right which has got me it's got me scared wish is is nice we can play it later maybe when the enemies are a little easier to deal with you know what i think we actually need to use our colorless potion all these kind of nasty for us i don't even know if we have any debuffs in our deck like oh yeah okay pressure points so pressure points will become like a one-hit ko now and then like uh the the problem is we don't really have like any other attacks right like i can wallop for nine i think we have to wallop you for nine we get some temporary decks if we have temporary decks let's do it like that 18 block actually got us there i don't know what happened man i felt like early in the morning my uh my slave aspire intelligence was like there i felt like i kind of was was picking up what the game was putting down now i'm like i i feel like my brain can't connect two numbers together it happens we're gonna we're gonna pull ourselves out of it first off this is 13 damage it's actually no no 13 is the right number there we're always gonna be stoked to have a wall up here i think and then you're doing 12. sure i guess we could have killed one of you but i actually i i like the idea because i think you're like more likely to attack next turn than anybody else obviously that's not actually how that worked out but empty body is kind of a give me here kill you now i know what you're thinking why not wish for plated armor i'm gonna i'm gonna change the game okay when we have one enemy left and we can fairly consistently i hope just kind of like go off on him lovely um we'll scry that away then we can play our wish get 25 gold and just be happy this is not how this is working have you noticed okay so what i'm gonna do instead is just it actually totally worked okay look at that get owned 25 free gold we win the game easily as a result of that now what about i i do i do believe in a meditate man i do i'm gonna get freaky okay this is probably not conducive to our ability to succeed however and decide are we really gonna go for strength but the eight plated armor is so much better i think and we'll just get one strength per turn anyway [Music] okay this turn is good to attack if possible for example pressure points very nice wallop doesn't do that much damage but a a wallop into a meditate into pressure points like i'm thinking are we gonna roll you over next turn you might laugh at me but i think it could happen because we're in calm because of meditate we then erupt we do get one temporary dex but i'm not sweating that pressure point does 16 you're at 95. we will exit our current stance you're doing 35 this is big time scribes we we really just want to get to eruption as soon as possible we're taking four damage i think that worked out just fine a pressure points will do 24. so we're basically we're as soon as we play those pressure points it's on and you know what [Music] am i willing to do that i don't think i am i'm gonna use our scribe to just uh to plan for having a better turn here 82 another 26 damage another 20 damage you're at 36 now the pressure points are going to be gone i'm sure you're attacking me for 36 damage quite rude on the other hand have you ever considered the fact that you're freaking dead and as a result i don't care uh just as long as we have a wallop in hand like i feel like eruption is i feel like a lot of my problems have essentially just come from uh not respecting eruption as much as i should in fact meditate to grab an eruption is basically like free energy in the bank huh so we know we're going to be calm regardless here so if you meditate and just i mean admittedly you can't always grab something that's going to put us into wrath like that one right there but in in some situations like we definitely have the means and look at how much easier that went do you think we can you think we can pull our way out of this one whenever cards are retained reduce their costs i mean we're basically just rebuilding i'm a believer i'm a believer on this one we're rebuilding the run that we had last time but i i actually uh not last time but but last loss but this time is going to be different for reasons that don't make any sense uh we'll start with a wish and i think that this is an an eight-plated armor setup we have 18 damage coming in well um we can't create uh anything so i guess we'll just put a pressure point on you and then uh lose a lot of plated armor and a little hp but it could be worse so i think with velvet choker like just keep in mind we should still try to just create a good deck right however we lost all of our plated armor oh my god man um we can probably be a little bit more uh focus is not the word i would use we could be a little bit more tilted towards the idea of um we need block anyway uh of more expensive cards in the future we're not taking damage so we're just chilling we got tranquility leaving a light on for us i love uh i mean you're doing damage which is annoying so i kind of want to knock you out i think it's going to be possible anyway long story short we might want to go for some more expensive cards in the future i guess is what i'm trying to say we also cannot knock you out okay um i think we should enter calm then that way maybe we can exit it next turn for energy even though that's not i guess that pressing of a concern so we can definitely kill you can we put up 18 blocks surely right with everything we got going on here please get rid of all of those they suck this didn't go that badly um but it also didn't go that well and we kind of had a dream draw which is the scary part there certainly feels like we should be able to get the 16 block and then just bring it yeah yeah no it's good yeah you bring eruption back into hand so you have extra energy next turn we smack you we smack you we smack you one more time and then pressure points takes you out we probably could have done that earlier but um more means to enter com seems great okay game changing relic game changing relic please ice cream is an interesting i mean i love whenever you add an attack it's upgraded but i i kind of i'm kind of a believer in ice cream protect here do we have a problem with damage dealing yeah that's it's unbelievably fair to say i don't want to get shoehorned into the triple elite path uh and unfortunately nothing there really seems like it fits our our mantra if you'll allow the pun um i think we're just going to make that meditate a little bit better but do we do we have a win condition right now i guess is is what's on my mind and the answer is kind of yes kind of no right you mean these question marks i i need to start valuing regular combat again um we shouldn't always take plated armor but i i do think that it's even when things go wrong it tends to be really good we can't do much to you here in fact we can do very little i think you just meditate essentially just to enter calm and i we have 14 block per turn if we don't do anything which is amazing so you're in calm um we could exit com enter calm um we got to be careful i mean this is where pressure points like we we basically have it around um just to get through enemies that have like a lot of block available so i'm i'm not sweating this in the slightest you're doing 14 damage literally like not playing blocks is our best option because we get to save the energy you know what we need now that we have ice cream is uh yeah i would love to take that um now that we have ice cream what we need is an x card like the the conjurer blade or whatever it's called would just slap right now man 12 block in my world 12 block means you finally take some damage oh wait wait we actually got some out of wallop that's fine no big deal okay so it's very clear essentially if this enemy um if this enemy did any kind of stat gain we would probably die we've done 27 damage in like 15 turns it's not a it's not a particularly good sign but this is also what what meditate and pressure points are for that's why we took the turn off here we can now put pressure points on you you might not quite die can we do 16 damage it's got to be possible right we need some more attacks and we need some good attacks another pressure points okay our deck is i would say thick but not too thick i do feel to some extent like not going for an elite fight is uh is asking for trouble so let's let's go ahead and you know try to get some extra like we have so little that does damage here you know what would be nice let's get establishment popping but then let's search for one of those cards that's like adds a power that adds a smite into your hand every turn i guess we don't need to play uh stuff that is retained if retained stuff gets cheaper and we have ice cream but we're i'm like losing my mind here uh just from the perspective of like there's a lot going on not like you know in my life but just in in this game there's a lot of there's a sequence effect like you got to play things in the right order that's that oftentimes you know has an impact in this game but it definitely it seems like with the watcher maybe just because i'm uh newer with them it feels like uh and you know again you got to play your strike before you defend you get one extra block out of it this this fairly significant let's look at this uh scry here i think we'd be happy to see wish next turn for sure um two cards get retained give me both pressure points please and you'll just be dead so the dream is that you play wish you take gold because you can and then we just kill you like that that was almost an impressive fight i gotta be honest i think we will get a signature move out there in in some circumstances okay this is a tricky time i think we love this now do we want more strength to give us wallop i think we still prefer the plated armor then we have to play a wallop following this i think we pop this play play and it would you look at that we're we're not gonna take damage our plated armor will persevere i'm not saying that was perfect because uh um what do we got going on on this turn 27 and you're doing what 29 okay save some energy i'm telling you man an x card if we can get that that heavy expunger oh man it's all coming up this all comes this will do 40 damage get owned uh 22 damage okay hold on it's important what do we want wanna we wanna see [Music] honestly i think i'm i'm just like a pressure point signature move guy now you're doing 22 damage am i insane did we did we make something happen on this deck that that looked like it was not possible for it to happen recently wish is actually doing some unbelievable work for us enter calm um which also did damage then we get the decks from protect good now you're doing 20 damage we got 21 block why don't you go ahead and put a signature move and a pressure points into my hand which will be retained which would make them cheaper in the future but not yet i choose to destroy you destroy you kind of dude this is i've never found it easier to uh get signature move to pop this is feeling slightly better pocket watch not i don't think it's likely to be too good for us um but it's the thought that counts maybe no signature move wallop is nice an eruption into a wallop is always interesting in fact we can we can eruption into wallop and get the maximum block here into calm so we're not taking double damage anymore and then still hits you with a pressure point we're not quite butting up against the velvet choker yet which you love to see wish is not what you want to see here but it is you know eight plated armor is still eight plated armor we'll get to 14 block so we'll take 13 damage not great obviously signature move is actually like is it's incredible for us and then i'm like well dude who cares then just just put a either a signature move or a pressure point back or both back in our hand that we should be like pretty much fine even with everything we got going on here that's like it's working um gain eight block the next attack you play costs zero and i'm not i'm not fully convinced i'm not fully non-convinced but i'm not fully convinced either basically that's my way of saying i don't know okay so these these protects are gonna get super cheap that's an important part of the puzzle for me we only have one attack which is common i mean actually it's uncommon technically um but you get the idea um we should scry and we really want to see that right there um and then we'll meditate a signature move and and i guess the third eye is pretty good too we'll meditate those back into our hand where they become very cheap now a signature move we do have a number of attacks but but work with me here okay we don't really care about the block we just want to hit you signature move we still need to play fear no evil first we would rather be in calm sure 40 damage i'm just i'm it's overkill but i'm going to hit you with that for 40. i will hit you with the pressure points and we'll still third eye we'd love to see a wish next turn i think we love everything but strike there um and we'll end our turn we still i mean we didn't really want to play anything else so i'm not sweating that now here wish is like maybe the most important right what do you need i still think plated armor because this whole game is about sustain right now more than anything else and we're really like i love that i don't mind this we're not taking damage i don't think you even play you could probably play a strike just get it out there all this other stuff gets retained all i'm trying to do i like i think we kill the enemies with signature moves and i think we kill the boss with the pressure point how much damage you're doing 20 damage we don't need to preserve energy let's get to 23 block it's a little slower it's slowing down a bit signature move has not come out surely there's a way yeah there's a way for us to re-enter the the place we want to be or do we want to get no we don't care about that okay okay i got i got i got i gotta get that eruption wallop for a cheeky 13 block we will uh not take double damage pressure point on the boss still a lot it's still 66 damage coming out right and we can only play two more cards in that case just play both of these i'm a believer right now that this looks worse than it is let's hit you with this that's the exact wrong way to do this signature move you um you're doing 15 [Music] well defend miracle meditate i wish that i wish you didn't have to go down like that but we it's very important that we bring back this signature move 27 damage we're no longer we're no longer vulnerable so this changes everything man i you know what i um it's it's so much better on you this looks so bad but just work with me okay use signature move uh for 40 on an enemy with 8 hp left you're doing 27 we're blocking for 27 would you look at that and then these pressure points are just gonna freaking destroy you do we have ways to exit stance next turn in all likelihood yes in fact with the third eye we could probably guarantee it [Music] i think we like it all except maybe strikes i imagine you're gonna hit pretty hard this turn no you're not gonna do anything well that in my opinion that's a big mistake now here's the question actually do we even have a question i don't think we do i think you just take two pressure points or one pressure point oh no two pressure points uh i think you're you're mathematically dead okay well we've at 57 minutes in we've redeemed this video somewhat it has a reason to exist the uh ex machina deus ex machina doesn't seem like the right thing for us i i honestly am not a believer in devotion either it pains me to skip a rare i don't know i think not discarded and retained are two different things so i could be interested in that pure water is like an energy relic is much better for us than pure water because of velvet choker i think i i still don't know if he got a chance but i i think wish is like i'm i'm becoming uh dare i say a stand for wish hey you know what would really strike my fancy on this run is uh you know like a single um aoe based card you're doing 20 damage well would you look at that we got to we got to 21 block i don't care to hit you this was gonna cost zero next turn so we we kind of preserved some energy [Music] this is very good but it kind of sucks right now [Laughter] i don't mind entering calm but i think it's you know we can do let's get some decks i guess ah but if we do this we can't play meditate you know i actually think it's okay i i don't think meditate [Music] it's gonna you know i actually disagree with myself there no i'm gonna i'm gonna store it's gonna suck a little bit but that's okay i'm i'm just trying to imagine like how i get myself out of this can i kill you we have like no attacks so the odds of me killing the enemy are are quite low even though we could re-enter corruption we obviously want to see wish we don't want to see like any other attacks well you know what we're realizing here is is like how much worse this run is when we draw a wish late versus when we draw it early [Music] we know we still want the plated armor unfortunately i i wish it weren't so we have eight plated armor we'll still play one of those okay yeah if we can make it innate somehow that would that would hit the spot there's a lot of damage coming out here man it's a spooky time [Music] don't worry too much yet like worry a little bit it's justifiable 18 you're doing 29 damage we're gonna have 25 block you can worry a little bit but there we go finally a turn that's not so bad you can take a pressure point 11 damage means we're actually taking no damage already because of uh or a calcum i guess we should fit in another attack okay conjure blade man if we go to a shop and we see a conjurer blade it's all over you're you're gonna regret your words and your deets a single strike gets out there okay this is good we have one more attack somewhere another strike okay just hit here because we want to take out the enemy with the most attack following this we have three cards remaining i will pressure point you i will meditate and bring back a signature move and a pressure point very realistic chance we make it through this um but it's it's a heck of a puzzle you know it's more of a puzzle than i originally set out for i think um i don't know if i'm losing or i'm if i'm getting it all back this is either how stella lost her groove or how stella got it back we don't scry too much i mean i gotta say third eye has been pretty amazing for us i think i could totally justify one of those um we don't really need energy and i have to be honest i'm not maybe we do need draw i'm also like i i think that maybe it's a little too late to try to make this happen but what if what about losing energy but making your strength index higher like with fasting if there was ever a time to make it work i know who the boss is and it's the power boss but still if there was ever a time to make this work this kind of seems like it would be it we can play two more cards um just just to be safe-ish sure let's put a protect in our hands 14 damage i think and this is we're getting very uh uh you you can use whatever word you want to use uh we're being a little bit precious by trying to get extra gold that may or may not actually prove to have any value whatsoever you're in a world of hurt man am i wrong like look it would seem to work out pretty well right there i i'm telling you an x value card man what the heck is this turn i should have taken smoke bomb what the heck is this turn okay um well i think we're gonna get rid of anything that is like not truly incredible uh and i'd say mission somewhat failed i like all these actually this is okay uh this turn is gonna be just terrible 2038 damage [Music] i think i will not fight the elite now i also think i'll definitely just take some plated armor um and you're doing 27 damage we're pretty lucky that we can get there you can't play a meditate but that's i mean i don't want to say it's okay but it's not that bad this again is not uh as as spectacular as i would like [Music] at least we can kill you do i want to kill you here that might be more advantage no we don't care about playing a tranquility so we should totally just kill you 31 and we got to 31 almost like the game was designed that way appreciate it uh and let me tell you an eruption into a signature move is disgusting quick pressure points on you [Music] i'm just gonna exit stance because i'm scared that's the only reason i'm doing it thank you for the 12 block hey we're looking pretty good huh get all this garbage out of here draw a signature move next turn i i go back and forth um on our odds of winning this one i don't like when we have uh when we have velvet choker i don't love cards that make cards unfortunately this tie just get just take your plated armor man um i think we might need to take an energy potion [Music] here yeah we need to take an energy potion here i mean 80 damage is sick don't get me wrong on the bright side hey we're taking zero i forgot about aura calcium we could have one shot this guy but i mean we would have put ourselves in a heck of a situation in the process so wallop such a valuable card what do we want to see protect is good mediates good fasting we don't need vigilance we don't need retain cards they become cheaper next turn obviously we're gonna become frail for five turns which is not great um but that's it you know that's the game man that's the way the game is played i don't really mind if you make me weak i think it's very important we get the pressure point on you for no reason uh let's make sure we get the 22 block so that's going to take us to 17. that's going to take us to 22. we absolutely do want to see more signature move and more pressure points even though it doesn't work quite yet [Music] need to die the easy way to do that is just right here um and then we will do i mean we're not going to take damage this turn and we don't even have to play our protect to make that happen because we have aura calcum when we it's really up to the enemies we go up against i i guess is is what it comes down to so like in my estimation right now we're just fishing for signature moves and uh pressure points but in my estimation right now like uh do i think that i'm well equipped to take on the boss no i think this is one of the bosses that is like you know uniquely pretty bad for me but on the bright side if you want to think about it that way it's not really a problem until you get to the boss which we have not demonstrated yet we have the capability of doing so let's rest up 49 hp is still in the in dream situations for sure i will take a curse even though it's innate um i really wanna we can get to this shop okay okay okay so this is very important a single enemy i think i do a lot better against okay establishment's good pressure points good we don't have attacks anyway so we'll just meditate that pressure points back into hand you're doing 13 damage it's nothing we definitely are gonna pressure points and pressure points remember you can only play six cards right so uh [Music] i mean we'd love to play a signature move but i think the pressure points get us maybe not it's so important to me that we don't take damage but i'm looking i'm like eruption strike signature move we have no way to get back in the calm we actually end up taking more damage as a result so i'm gonna i'm gonna be a little spicy here we don't need to save this much energy so let's get some scries out there a wallop is always nice saving like two energy per turn seems fine fasting is is a good one for us i think for sure and we'll just chill i know we got to do more damage faster uh it's hard for me to think that plated armor is the play here but just i i bet it is honestly i i bet it still is we still want wallop i don't think we want anything else there it's it's all about these pressure points i know they look horrible right now just give it a second okay let me think about it for a second i would like to i mean wallop still works and protect is still nice we have 42 block it's going very slow but that's because we're drawing both pressure points on this turn and signature move like almost literally the only things in our deck that actually do any damage at all so okay this is an eruption all but eruption wallop [Music] move tranquility eruption wallop because you could play tranquility [Music] signature move does so much i i think you play tranquility correct or uh protect then we take no damage i hate to not play signature move but we're seeing the the power here 50 damage you got to get a pressure points out there you're going to protect you're going to evaluate whatever this card third eye we definitely want wallop i think we definitely are okay with the third eye we want pressure points and we want a third eye yeah we could have gone with the protector actually so we're taking seven damage it's not that bad it's not that bad you're gonna play pressure points we're like two pressure points away so we basically just wanna make sure we're drawing that and signature move is fine we're going to try to play wall up last and it seems to have worked out signature move is already playable 49 damage we don't get there oh my god you know what take one of those blood vial well it is what it is um we're gonna we're gonna dodge this other elite for better or for worse i will not lose all gold for a relic because i'm actually like a believer that maybe we can get something from our shop that'll give us value which is probably naive of me but terrible first draw okay 10 extra uh damage per turn is is mighty nasty especially we do not have a wish out there yet we're gonna take uh 15 damage it's considerable we're gonna get eight plated arm i know we're going to a shop but i i need the armor um what do we have in here a signature move is pretty important i think i think we can afford to like protect defend meditate bring back signature move and and whatever else probably another protects because an eruption strike signature move it like it changes the game like that that's that's fast duplication potion seems like potentially unbelievably good i don't know what we use it on maybe like a wish to get 16 plated armor diva form i mean it is nice that this would uh work with uh oh the cost of x cards i guess transmutation would be kind of sick but we don't this is not the kind of payout we're looking for diva form would offset fasting but we don't really care i think like we we don't have the x card payoff we need for it we don't really find ourselves in energy problems carve reality no it's not the power that i'm looking for i don't know what you take man i guess you take a power potion and an artifact potion and then you would remove your innate curse and then just say screw you you do love to see a signature move turn one that's that much is known fasting is okay but i really prefer the idea of getting your uh your wish out there before the fast those are our two most expensive cards unfortunately for me it doesn't seem to matter at all here but we'll hit you with a nice wallop uh and then we will we can enter com here so i think you would just maybe play like a protect we have three more cards i think you would play a pressure point no i think you would play a defend and then a meditate because we're not gonna have the energy to or the card space to play a miracle and then like something a miracle and then you get the idea okay we want signature move um we want wallop back in hand for next turn they get cheaper it's nice i'm starting to think this is possible even though i'm like it's a little messy we always want to play signature move it's it's one of our only damage dealers i consider it a very important piece of the puzzle wish is huge here we don't have a shop i think you still just want the plated armor we we know our strategy we know how to get you we want the plated armor just so we don't find ourselves like getting toasted this seems like a gimme to me i think you're going to do an eruption followed by a wallop followed by a okay never mind strike strike signature move [Music] nope let's do uh pressure point tranquility you're doing 24 and then we're good okay so we could have done this markedly differently but we're taking no damage as long as we're taking no damage i'm not that displeased fasting is big pressure point always nice hey like just as a rule of thumb for myself here i feel like any time we uh find ourselves constantly scrying over a card that's probably a pretty great indication that that card doesn't need to be in our deck just throwing that out there um so 44 damage we can play two more cards which means we cannot play signature move so why don't we just meditate bring back a pressure points and to protect our ability to put up this block has been kind of absurd i'm loving that i think you literally just want pressure points man two pressure points in your dead pressure points in a couple attacks you're dead a couple more than that unfortunately but at least we're learning what you need to play like the muscle memory is coming in hot here um signature move look at that we got you works better with an eruption but we took no damage i'm telling you duplication potion wish is like we're we're in the clear maybe i don't know duplication potion fasting's a little scary oh i mean this is you you'd play it play wish i think we'll take eight-plated armor um and i think we'll still take eight-plated armor because we really don't attack that much so it's two cards we have 16 block that's pretty sick um i i guess we'll take a like water i'm not totally sold on the idea that that's actually worth anything for us but if we're in calm we get five extra block by default so we can get like 27 block by not doing anything um we gotta kill some enemies here okay it has to be done i recognize we're quite likely to take damage here as well well we actually didn't this is not the turn you're looking for we definitely want signature moving fasting we got to try to get you in strike range for next turn 41 block 46 block actually we are still taking six damage but it's not bad okay fasting must be played i think this is gonna suck a little but but work with me okay wallop might as well kill you even oh it only gives a six block but it's not so bad this then allows us to get a signature move out there for 44. we're taking like three damage which is not bad in the slightest now just remember that remember your training okay eruption into wallop out of wallop out of wrath i should say is like where you want to be [Music] so we've already got enough block let's just meditate in that case we get a wallop and an eruption back which is perfect we got tranquility as like a fail safe to get us out it's important to me that we get pressure points out there we can just fear no evil really and you're doing what 32 damage we're saving some energy for the future pressure points are starting to pop signature move is a gimme like you know when it shows up in a situation like this you gotta play it we get pressure points and that's the only card we care about my god he's doing it [Laughter] that's uh stupid but also very hilarious okay 23 damage tell you what we'll just play one of those keep our uh keep our zero cost protects for a potential nightmare scenario in the future how about an eruption strike signature move vigilance and then you're gonna hurt me a little bit so let's just do that this i i don't know how i got out of this one i love all of those cards i i honestly thought this one was a mess i mean it is only ascension three and it took us an hour and 20 minutes to get it done rip my uh productivity for like the rest of the intended day here but uh still one defend by the way even spending on that to keep our other stuff around then a meditate into eruption wallop again oh man [Music] it turns out it all came together now the duplication potion helped us out quite considerably i would never you know turn up my nose at the at the value of the duplication potion here wow you're doing like so little damage to me even though i'm in the wrath statement you're not hitting me or nor on this turn for that matter probably hold on let's not get too ahead of ourselves um that gets us there i mean you know what we want to bring back it's a gimme man we don't quite have you and that that's never mind you're dead uh great great game like look at that i i kind of can't believe it we got 802 points which is like the lowest amount i've ever seen um but we did beat ascension 3 after all that i'm gonna go to the bathroom thanks for watching i'll be enjoying it i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 122,734
Rating: 4.9517565 out of 5
Id: RxgmKLxzIPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 7sec (4927 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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