The Basics (Part 2) | OpenShot Video Editor Tutorial

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[Music] hello again this is Jonathan and in this video we are going to take a look at some more basic features of open shot this is a continuation of our previous basics tutorial so let's jump right in and add a few clips into open shot which we just drag them from our file explorer in to open shot and i'm gonna start this off by just adding a few pictures these are just just picture files to our timeline just kind of showing you what they look like and let's just move them around a bit and I'm going to right click and give some animation to this so I'm going to say animate entire clip random and what that will do is give it kind of a random zooming panning animation and so let's go ahead and right click and animate each one a little bit differently I'm hoping that the random animate looks different on each one so let's take a look coming from the left coming from the right coming kind of from the bottom left okay so they each have a different animation so let's pretend that you wanted to move these make some copies of these clips maybe you need these this is a logo and you want it to appear with a specific animation so one thing you can do is select the clip and right-click and say copy clip and then basically you can move your mouse anywhere else you would like it to go and right click and say paste you can also move the playhead which is this red line kind of where we're previewing the video and you can say control V and anywhere you put the playhead say control V on your keyboard and it will or command V if you're on a Mac and it will insert the clip and what's cool is these clips come with their animation still intact so I don't need that many minecraft zooming in so I'm going to highlight them and hit the Delete key so another cool thing is we can actually copy all three and say right-click copy and we can come anywhere else and I'm going to say ctrl V and what you will also notice is all three animations have also been copied so copy paste very useful there's there's more nuances in the copy-paste system you can copy specific things like just the animation or just some property but for the basic video just know that you can right-click and copy and you can come over here and you can paste and that's a quick way to to make copies of things all over your timeline so the next thing I'm going to talk about we kind of covered it there multiple selections so just kind of a good tip is that you can drag your mouse across any number of Clips and move them together you notice they snap together you can do all sorts of cool things but that's just kind of a really useful thing is being able to multiple select and move multiple things without messing up the timing of these individual things let's see another interesting kind of thing that might not be obvious is let's say we really wanted to do something specific with this picture well let's go to the moon picture you can right click on that clip and select properties and it's actually off the screen here but if you right-click and at the very bottom there's a button that says properties if you click that you will notice over here on the left side of the screen you will see that we have a properties window and basically you can scroll down you'll notice that certain things are lit up things that are lit up just indicate that there's some animation going on so you can actually see the numbers changing the X&Y coordinates from our animation so anyway not real important right now but basically you can come over here and you can interact and click and drag and enter new values in and so it's sometimes very useful if you want to do something very particular with your animation or with your clip so just know that you have a clip properties window so one more kind of interesting thing is how the actual screen is laid out and one really useful thing is you might not want your properties on the left side of the screen you might want them on the right side of the screen or you might want them right next to the video preview so you can toggle between them or you might want to click this little X and make them disappear so now clip properties are gone and if I right click and say properties again you notice it reappeared in the same spot we left it but sometimes what happens is people close these these viewports which I'm gonna close a whole bunch now and they go oh my gosh what just happened I've destroyed open shot what do I do so easy to fix you just go to your menu under view and this is a little bit off the screen let's see if I can if I can zoom in apparently I cannot but basically go to the View menu at the top of the screen and you'll see a views menu with the options simple view and advanced view there's also a show all so if you click on simple view it will restore the original viewport of open shot to what it's kind of what it comes with when you install it and that's a pretty basic what you see here if I go to advanced views advanced view you'll see it's a slightly different layout with effects over on the right clip properties are visible by default transitions are in the middle so you can kind of see things are all spread out so you can kind of access everything which is pretty cool so so in summary you can grab any of these these rectangles and you can move them around you can stack them by dragging on to each other which creates little tabs you can do all sorts of weird stuff you can even click this little button next to the X and you can detach these and just let them float if you can get it in the right spot yeah so you can actually let these just kind of float the only problem is of course the windows can sometimes cover each other up but again if you can't if you don't want it to be in a specific place on the interface you can just drag it off the screen and have it as its own window so once again maybe you accidentally closed a few things and you go oh no I just broke open shot go to the views menu choose advanced or simple and everything comes right back just the way you left it so one more tip and kind of the basic overview of open shot that's very useful I kind of alluded to it a bit with with the control V for paste but if you go to the Preferences under edit preferences you will see there's a tab called keyboard and if you click that it will show you the keyboard shortcuts of just about everything you can do an open shot and there's a bunch of them and you can even customize them by typing in by by clicking in there and actually changing it and what's really cool is it you know there's a lot of things you can do without without clicking a button at all not just copy/paste but you can you know import files or open up the export dialog you can copy keyframes or insert keyframes all sorts of really interesting things so like a really good one is transform control R so you can select the clip that you're previewing and say ctrl R and you'll notice up here the transform adds little squares around the picture which lets you transform it in any way you want to so learning the keyboard shortcuts is a really good way to kind of become more familiar with open shot and now we've kind of done some crazy thing to our animation it's kind of cool so again to kind of summarize we we talked about copy pasting multiple selection by dragging your mouse keyboard shortcuts clip properties and then just in general how you can kind of move all these panels around your screen and it will remember the way you like it so you know you can leave them however you want maybe you like video preview down here on the right and you think that's just really cool and that works really good for you maybe that's the way you learned video editing and you like the preview down there but when you close open shot and open it up again it will in fact remember all these positions of all these little windows you've moved around and if you don't like it you can just go up to the views menu and you can reset it so I hope you found this video somewhat useful and I will see you in the next video you
Channel: OpenShot Video Editor
Views: 234,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, openshot, open-source, official
Id: 6PA98QL9tkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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