Basic Animation | OpenShot Video Editor Tutorial

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[Music] hello again this is Jonathan and in this video we're going to take a look at basic animation I'm going to try my best to keep this very simple I will put more advanced animation videos together soon but we're gonna start off very very simple and kind of talk through some of the most basic animations that anybody can do very very simple so the first thing like most of our projects we will add a few files that we can actually animate so I've picked out a few pictures that'll be easy to kind of visualize so I have some backgrounds and kind of a foreground picture so I'm gonna go ahead and just for interest and I'm going to put these two background pictures on on the bottom layer here and I'm gonna kind of overlap them and that will give us a nice automatic fade between them okay and then I'm going to drag this foreground object and this is where things become very interesting so this foreground object is also just a picture but it it has transparency which allows us to see through the transparent parts to the layer below which this case is kind of a fade between two other pictures but it could be a video or it could be a series of videos I mean really the sky is the limit but what we want to do is kind of animate this mask moving around and so there's a few different ways in open shot to accomplish that but the easiest way by far is to right-click on the clip or click this little icon in the top left corner of the clip that pops up kind of the clip menu there's all sorts of really really interesting and fun presets it's kind of what I call them from fading and kind of run through them real quick fading in and out of the clip animation covers a lot of different things like zooming sliding we can rotate clips we can adjust the layout of the clip like put it in the top-left or put it on the side like picture-in-picture we can affect the time of the clip like fast forward slow motion freeze-frame play it backwards we can adjust the volume and a few other things that I'll cover and probably another video or maybe a little bit later so for this for the first example let's choose the animate option and then our next choice is do we want to animate the start of a clip the end of the clip or the entire clip so let's start with just the begin of the start of the clip and then we get to choose do we want to zoom in to the clip zoom out slide it from one of the edges so let's go ahead and say we want we're gonna choose edge to center left to Center and so what you will notice is on our clip two small green dots have appeared and those basically indicate that something is going to be animated or something is going to be you know some some property of this clip is going to change inside that small range so if we just slide our red line across you will see the mask slides in from left to Center just like we told it so let me go ahead and hit play so you can see it smoothly come in okay so let's right-click again and say animate end of clip Center to bottom and so now you can see two more dots appeared at the end of the clip where we told it to and let me go ahead and hit play and it slides off to the bottom so without much work we've added a animation to the beginning of the clip and to the end of the clip which is pretty simple and we didn't really have to do too much but let me show you another option I'm gonna right click again and choose animate no animation so basically what this does is remove any animation we've done so now we just have a mask again with no animation so another option is we can right click on it again say animate entire clip and this time I'm going to choose random and this will basically instruct open shot to pick just a random animation so it it's not always perfect but it it's kind of fun sometimes especially if you're doing photo slideshows or something like that it can give you some interesting things but basically we've we've animated it two different ways now so let me remove the animation animate no animation okay so now I'm going to show you a slightly more advanced way to do things and it's very important that we put the red line at the beginning of our clip or we're gonna create some really weird things if we don't so once we've selected the beginning of our clip I'm going to right click and I'm going to select transform and I don't know if you can see this but it has placed has placed little blue squares let me move well it's placed little blue squares around our mask I don't know if you can see it on the video but and I can basically grab it on our video preview and I can move it around so let's put it up let's actually make it pretty now let's just make it really small and let's move it up to the top right let's say we wanted the mask to start and the top right and then we wanted to move to the end of our clip or really you could move to any point but we'll we'll jump to the end and then we'll move our clip to where we will say the bottom right and let's make it a little bit bigger or a lot bit bigger so now as if by magic openshot knows where we want to start and where we want to end and it will interpolate all the in-between values for us so you can see it will smoothly animate from where we started it to where we ended it and it's it's pretty simple also now it could get a little complicated when you're using the transform tool because you have to remember you have to remember to place the red line where you want that animation keyframe to be placed so it's kind of a little extra step there but with with a little bit of extra work you can create some really interesting really interesting animations and in fact at any point on that red line I can I can move this and do something else with it move it here and I can drag it back over here and so really quickly you can kind of create a really interesting animation that kind of flies all over your video kind of made it s there so yeah so I think in future videos I will I will go more in depth on setting keyframes adjusting the values going more in depth on the types of things that you can animate and there's a lot of really interesting things you can do that are more advanced but as you can see it's it's relatively simple just to use just to right-click on any clip and say animate and it's just about that easy to add some interesting animations to your videos I hope you found this useful and I will see you in the next video you
Channel: OpenShot Video Editor
Views: 296,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, openshot, open-source, official
Id: P3zIprwr1rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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