BATTLE OF THE MIND | with Tom Scarrella

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so praise the lord um this morning if you have your bibles with uh with you just for a few minutes i want you to go with me um over to um the book of matthew if you don't have a bible pull up your phone app or something and and because there's just something about reading the bible it's something about reading it not just hearing it there's something about your eyes see what your ears hear amen so as you're going to matthew 4 i had a funny thing speaking of the peace of the lord you could just feel the peace of the lord in the air had a real funny thing take place this week we had to have some work done on our house we we live not that that far from here and so we had to have some work done on our house so we hired this guy i don't know if it was through angie's list or whatever and just because i'm just so unhandy you all need to pray for me i if i can put in a light bulb i'm thrilled okay so i'm just like wow i i'm just you know like tim allen you know and so um but uh anyways uh so this guy comes out and we don't we didn't think anything of it but we just have literally 24 hours a day worship is playing in our house and uh so we we just forget it and you know we've got scriptures all over we've got the lord's you know the lord's supper on the wall and this guy walks in he goes wow and so i didn't know what that meant you know and so i'm like all right it's right over here is the problem and stuff and so about about two hours later he's done right and so he comes over to talk to susie and and i had to step out for a minute so he's talking to susie and and he he's looking like this at some of the things on her walls and stuff he says you're kind of religious aren't you and she goes well yeah i guess if you explain it in one sense and so she was trying to explain to him difference between religion and relationship and and she started talking to him about the lord and and uh this guy said can i just tell you something and he said and so susie said yeah and she said he said i i'm in hundreds of people's homes and he said but it's so peaceful here he says i just i just feel like i can rest he says but not just rest out here but he says it's like in here he said i wouldn't mind just staying another couple hours that awesome but i was like you could feel the peace of the lord here this morning how many of you feel that in the air isn't that awesome all right so matthew chapter 4 i want to share with you and then we're going to pray for some people so matthew chapter 4 says then jesus was led of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and he when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights afterwards he was hungry well no duh uh and then the tempter came to him and said now watch this this is real key verse 3 if you are the son of god if you are the son of god so the first temptation of the devil was jesus identity so the devil hit him the first battle was in jesus identity but it was in his mind command these stones to be made bread look at uh satan even took you know the scripture thank you brother took the scripture and and twisted it on jesus but he answered and said it is written everyone say it is written he says it's written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god now interesting there's there's different words in the greek language for certain words okay so the greek language god knew what he was doing the greek language is very colorful it's very expressive our english language is very uh limited so we have to add adjectives to expound and bring color but in the greek language it's just it's all there so like the word for the written word you know just ink on paper is the word logos but the word rhema is this word every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god it means the word of god spoken in other words the word of god has come alive and come through the mouth of god but so so jesus says you'll man will not live by bread alone but by every what word that proceeds out of where ah the mouth of god okay so it's not just your mouth but it's also his mouth right then the devil took him up into the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and he said to him if you are the son of god the second time he hits his identity bam he hits jesus in right in his identity in his thoughts throw yourself down for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you and in their hands they'll bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone so deception came through twisting the scriptures right jesus answered and said it is written again you shall not tempt the lord your god and then the devil took him up exceedingly high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world and he said to him all these things i will give you if you fall down and worship me and jesus said to him away with you satan for it it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve and the devil left him and the angels came and ministered to him now before i i went to bible school right out of high school i went my first year to morehead state university and so i went to morehead state university to study computer programming that's what i went for originally and the lord had another plan so i was only there for one year and i was on fire for the lord and in witnessing to all my friends and it was it was great but i i so i have a background a a tiny bit of a background just enough to make me dangerous but i understand computers and kind of how they work and especially more so on the back side more of a computer programming so nowhere near his capability but i i understand a little bit so but one of the things many people don't understand with with computers is they don't understand what a computer virus is and the lord has used this to share with me regarding renewing the mind so many different times and what a computer viru how many of you have a computer anyone have a computer okay some of you aren't going to raise your hands okay how many of you ever heard of a computer you ever heard of one okay well have you heard of one okay all right there are these things called computers no i'm just kidding so uh so in a computer there's there's a language that runs the computer in the background now you don't have to deal with it uh if you have a windows computer uh you know you have windows running in front of it so that it's easier for you if you have a mac it's got a linux is that right brother linux is in the front right and so linux program that's running in the front so it's an easy interface for you but what happens is is this there are people out there that write programs they're probably living in their mother's basement and and have cheetos all over their fingers but they right they write these programs to just send out they're just to be malicious and sometimes it's for a purpose sometimes it's just to just see if what if they can mess your computer up and then they just stay out there on the world wide web and if you don't have a virus protection system come on then what happens it gets into your computer and it bogs your computer down because you have two systems not two systems but you have a system running am i saying this right brother is that right so far okay so you have a system running but this virus this other program is trying to come into your computer okay and so uh in fact way back in 2010 our government went and there was a whole documentary done about it uh was in the cyber warfare it didn't make the news there was no bombs that were thrown but we knew that iran would not you know listen to treaties and stuff and so they were this close in iran to uh the atomic bomb and so what happened was is our government went this it was put together in a documentary i think it was called zero days is what it was called and it's about how the u.s government went and began to scour the internet for photos now listen to this i'm going somewhere with this okay so they scoured the internet for photos of iran and their nuclear system and all they were looking for was a weakness of some way that they could get into their computer systems and it would literally overheat their systems destroying all of the work they had done towards building the bomb you understand so the u.s government worked on this for well over a year and in 2010 they launched a cyber attack on it was a cooling wasn't it like did you hear about this it's called stuck next it's called stuxnet is what the the virus was so we created this virus and we sent it through the world wide web uh uh people in in the fbi and the cia they all worked on this and they sent this virus and what it did was is it overheated their cooling system so that as they were working with plutonium and all this it literally blew up and not one single bullet was fired not one single rocket was fired nothing but it went through the world wide web and it destroyed everything they'd worked on for like 15 20 years isn't that something so guess what so what happens is the exact same thing just like in this story with jesus is the enemy is on an attack with you i said the enemy is on an attack with you and what he does is he looks just like we looked as the government our government did is he looks for a weakness in you and what he does is is he puts a little program together so to speak you understand and he sends it to you in a thought and the more you the scripture says don't take the thought and say remember when jesus said that many times don't take the thought i think it's matthew chapter 6. he said don't take the thought and say how will we clothe ourselves remember when jesus said that in other words don't take that thought in why because it's a virus it's a virus don't take that thought don't take that thought in and then speak it why because you will embed it down inside of you and that's exactly how the enemy attacks every single one of us in this building he attacks you in your identity like we were talking before service he attacks who you are in christ he attacks who god is he attacks healing he attacks come on somebody right provision he attacks protection all of these different things the enemy is always on the attack mode and he is looking in your life for weak areas weak areas of the flesh and all of these different things and he finds a weak area and he begins to say ah that is the way in this is how i'm going to hit this person come on right and and the moment we begin to wake up this is how the enemy works he is working overtime with cheetos on his fingers and he is working overtime to try to find your weaknesses and my weaknesses and he begins to put things out it's almost like it's almost like he serves it up to you right and you know then some people say well you know i fell you know the you know the the devil did this and that well yeah the devil set it up but you took the thought come on right so we have to be careful part of mind renewal is where we begin to stop taking those thoughts sorry no more no more applications on that i'm not going there right and so jesus was being hit again in his thoughts bam bam bam not once not twice three times the enemy hit him just like he hit adam in in genesis chapter three remember and and so god had to come to adam and say adam who told you these things who told you that you were naked who told you these different who told you these things adam you remember that in genesis chapter 3 in other words it had come in a virus into his mindset this spiritual virus came in and he took the thought and he thought on it and once it went out of his own mouth he was in agreement with it this is why when you read the book of ephesians now where i i don't believe i'm going to go there today but if you read ephesians chapter 4 almost the whole chapter is about your thoughts your words your thoughts your words your thoughts your words why because a lot of what you think comes out your mouth is that right so go with me over to romans romans chapter 8. i'm not going to go along today i'm going to get you to beat the baptist to the restaurant hallelujah some of you will get that joke on the way out there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in christ if you're in christ jesus then there's no condemnation to you right he says then he goes on to say to those who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit for the law the spirit of life in jesus christ has made me free from the law of sin and death for what the law could not do and that it was weak through the flesh now here's this interesting thought the word flesh is mentioned in this chapter eight can eight different times more than any other chapter of the bible the flesh the flesh the flesh the flesh the flesh but here the holy spirit is giving us the recipe he's giving us the antivirus come on right that the righteous requirement verse 4 of the law may be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit verse 5 is where i'm trying to get for those who live according to the flesh ah look here set their minds on what things of the flesh ah set their minds in in the greek it's the greek word uh uh for nero for nero means to mind or pay attention or to fixate on those who fixate their minds on the flesh come on they'll do the things of the flesh but those who fix their minds according to the spirit on the things of the spirit they'll what do the things of the spirit for to be carnally minded is death right but to be spiritually minded is life and peace ah so that is a mindset that's a different a different word to be carnally minded or the word minded there it's a mindset it's a it's a frame it's a way that you think how many of you ever met some people that everything you could say they always get offended come on how many of you know somebody like that i mean i think i used to pastor some people like that in new jersey so i mean it just every you could say man the sky is so blue today so what are you trying to say you're trying to say i'm fat it's like what the heck how did you get i was just talking about the sky here how are you good how do you get i'm talking about your weight now all of a sudden you know you know what it is it's a mindset that they have and everything falls in that track is that right sis and no matter what you say you can say man i can't wait for you know uh the super bowl in a couple weeks that's gonna be a great get so what are you trying to say you try and talk about my mother you're like what in the world how do you go from there over here because it's a mindset and you know if they're victim mentality everything you say is a victim victim victim i'm a victim i'm a victim everything i'm i've always been a victim i'll always be a victim come on talk to me right and and you can't break that mindset until they stop talking about it and they jar themselves off of that track come on right it was like when i was a little kid i remember when i was a kid i used to have hot wheels and the tracks anyone remember that okay these are in the dinosaur years so but i remember everywhere i went you know this is before video games and all of that stuff and i would go as a little boy and i would go to my relatives in saint paul and stuff and and i would just bring my track with me and i would just run you know have my track all over the house and my my hot wheel cars and remember that pastor bill he's yeah we're almost the same age and so i'm a little older than him but and so uh so you know i would run these on this track guess what they would stay on it no matter where i was it didn't matter inside outside it didn't matter whose house i was at upstairs downstairs why because i had a track guess what many people have a track they have if they have a sickness mind track they go right back to sickness is that right you start talking about sickness and they're like oh wow i might have that too come on right why because they have that track and that track just keeps them going on that mindset all the time when i started the ministry 30 whatever 35 years ago i i worked with drug addicts and alcoholics and many of them were on that track all the time and we just pound in them the scripture that if any man is in christ he is a new creation so that's who you are you're not a recovering anything you are a new creation the scripture says a new species in the greek it says a new species that never existed before that's how it says it we say new creation but in the greek it says you're a new species of being that never existed before i like that better isn't that awesome you're a new species of being that never existed before so in other words the holy spirit is trying to get us as the church to jump out of that track and get into god's track that's what jesus was doing that's how he dealt with that virus that was trying to come into you now how do you combat that that spiritual virus those thoughts how do you combat it well the number one way you do it is do it the way jesus did it you have to have the word of god in your heart and in your mouth come on right you have to have the word pastor can't do it for you i can't do it we can lay hands on you till you go bald and some of you it's too late oh okay so but uh so it's it's not a laying out of hand thing it's a changing it's a jumping the track thing amen so romans 8 he goes on to say for those who live according to the flesh set their minds they get on that track on the things of the flesh and those who live according to the spirit the things of the spirit for to be cardinally minded as death but he's spiritually minded his his peace because the carnal mind is an enmity against god it's not subject to the law of god nor indeed can be right now as you keep on going down verse 12 says therefore brethren we are debtors not to the flesh to live according to the flesh for if you live according to the flesh he says you will die but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live right verse 14. for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god right so in in now interesting enough in the greek language it's um again this is one of those words it's actually the word huios that means you are a mature believer you're not a child you're not a little infant you're not a little baby you have grown up look at your neighbor say please grow up please okay so so he's saying those who are led by the spirit are the mature sons of god right and then he goes on to say you didn't receive the spirit of bondage again to fear but the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father right the spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of god right and if sons then heirs heirs and joint heirs with him if indeed we suffer with him let us also be glorified together right then he goes on in verse 19 he says for the earnest expectation of all of creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of god there's huios again the mature sons the mature all of rosemount is waiting they're waiting for the church to mature how do we mature we mature by getting out of those tracks by getting out of those mindsets come on somebody right that you get out of that mindset of i never have enough nothing good ever happens to me everything bad always happens to me now your mouth is creating a new track hello now i understand that you know we go we go through temptations and stuff like that i understand that but that's where we have to as believers we have to grab a hold of our thoughts and and sometimes you have to just bite your tongue come on how many of you know what i'm talking about right just because it hits the cranium does it needs to mean needs to come out this okay some people it's like ah tmi please jesus help us all right too much information right why because they're so used to if it hits the head it comes straight out the mouse but the way that we create a new track and renew our mind is we begin to speak the word over our lives we speak god's word it's the antivirus we speak god's word god is going to bless god is going to move for me come on right god is going to use me in 2021. god is going to bless my kids they're fine you know sometimes some parents they think you know they get a merit badge in heaven for worrying about their kids and when there's nothing to worry about then they're worried about not worrying you know it's like i'm worried what are you worried about i haven't been worrying lately so i better start worrying here come on right how about instead of that track why don't you get out of that track and start a new track and say lord i trust you you gave her to me you gave him to me i trust you lord he's on the right track and start to decree it and start to declare it and the miracle begins to come out of your own mouth amen the anointing flows out of your own mouth you believe your own words more than you believe mine right so why don't you begin to start a brand new track by which this is where i'm standing lord in 2021. come on somebody right some of you are have a you know a profession and and god is has blessed you through it and stuff and start to begin to decree and declare over it lord i'm i'm blessed i'm anointed i'm anointed to be there there's an anointing on my life to be there and to bless those people and today is a better day than even yesterday mercies of the new lord are new every morning great is your faithfulness amen so now you're beginning to start a new new track and you're breaking those old patterns you're breaking those old tracks up from getting on them now go back to your left go back to um i should probably should have started back here but go to isaiah 55 two left two scriptures more i want to share with you so isaiah 55 as you go to isaiah 55 i find it very interesting the story of the woman with the issue of blood in the story of the woman with the issue of blood the bible says she spent all she had it was none better but rather grew worse is that right so here she has she's none better she's spent everything she's got and she's none better she's actually gotten worse and the bible says she heard about jesus and immediately says for she said as soon as i touch him i shall be made whole she started a new track come on somebody she didn't say well you know que sera sera whatever will be will be the future's not ours to see come on help me right and so and and it sounds so you know so eloquent and it sounds so spiritual and god is in control i'm not in control god is inc and that sounds so radical but in actuality you have a part to play okay so you have very much a part to play and so this woman the bible says she said for she said as soon as i touch his clothes i shall be made whole and then later in that ver a chapter of of mark chapter 5 the bible says she reached out and touched jesus garment and power went out of him into her and she was healed and jesus stopped and said who did this now here's the son of god he had no idea who placed the demand on his miracle he had to ask seriously who did this who did this he said someone touched me and they're like uh jesus everybody's touching you every everybody's grabbing and pushing and we could you know judas is over there trying to make a nickel off this thing i mean we're just trying to move along here all right he's got the help yourself ministry going and james and john are fist fighting over here and peter's trying to cut someone's ear off it's just a wonderful bunch of guys and so jesus looks around and there she is and she tells him the whole truth now she is the one that determined who would be healed not jesus she started a new track now the lord in my life has given me three sermons in a dream three times the first one he ever gave me was the one with the issue of blood he gave me the five w's of mark five that's what he called it this was in 1987. i had this dream in 1987 saw the whole sermon beginning to end i saw she determined who she determined with what she determined where she'd be healed and she determined why she'd be healed that was the whole sermon okay but i tell you that for this reason is she started a new track though in the past she had been sick all of those years come on somebody right though for 12 long years nothing better actually worse she could have been a pessimist like many of the others and still not been healed is that right but because she started a new track in her mind and in her words we even see in john chapter one um the exact same thing with mary mary went and said whatever jesus says to you just do it and what does jesus say he turns to her and says woman it's not even my time yet you see that you look at it in john chapter 2 he says it's not even the time yet for miracles but because she said it she placed a demand for a new track so that miracle was never supposed to take place but because she said it she placed a new track that jesus turned water into wine you look it up later she did it she instigated that entire thing amen so i want to show you something here in in isaiah 55 and isaiah 55 talks about no weapon for 54 it says no weapon formed against you'll prosper chapter 55 says ho there's santa claus right there ho huh and no i'm just kidding everyone who thirsts come to the water and you have nobody money come by and eat come buy wine and milk without money and without price then as you keep on going it says verse 6 seek the lord while he may be found and call upon him while he is near let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts right and then verse 8 says for my thoughts are not your thoughts he's not talking to you he's talking to the wicked and the unrighteous verse 7. he says to the wicked of the unrighteous my thoughts are not your thoughts my ways are not your way he's not even talking to you and i for as high as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts is that right now we even know this in second corinthians chapter three it says for now we have the mind of christ come on say i have the mind of christ you're not going to get the mind of christ when you go through the pearly gates you have the mind of christ now you think christ's thoughts now come on somebody amen i had a word last night for where's molly i saw her earlier there she is yeah i had a word last night for molly i said trust your thoughts that was the word the lord gave me trust your thoughts your first thought is the right thought amen so you could take that word today someone say i take it okay so your thought you are hearing from god i said you are hearing from god it's your first thought was the right thought amen the first thought was the right thought and then when you thought about it a while then all of a sudden i'm gonna do that other thing right come on talk to me don't look so holy at me i know you've all had the same thing right the second thought was your flesh kicking in but the first thought was your spirit your spirit man was was saying something to you was giving you you witness and stuff and and and i want to encourage you regarding this we we've ministered to so many different people now now we don't pastor now so uh because we're not pastors and it's not my gift at all uh as as a result i'm not you know here to walk with somebody through something but we can initiate somebody in a direction you understand and in in meeting some people with various different uh difficulties trish and i were talking about this whether it's a drug addiction whether it's a a sex addiction whether it's a uh an anger issue whether it's a marriage issue what any of those different things it might be and you need freedom from that thing you have to break those old tracks you have to break those old thoughts because that's the the uh a twisted thinking right twisted is the uh the word uh where we get the word wicker or wicked we get the word wicked so help me ladies what is a wicker chair it's it's again it's it's it's a twisted uh right okay yeah okay but it's it's twisted isn't it right and that's why we call it wicker wicker comes from the word wicked what is wicked it's a thought that's been twisted you see that that's what a wicked thought is a wicked thought is an actual thought god's got a righteous way but it's it's twisted and as it's been twisted it's going in a wrong direction amen but if we have the mind of christ we have to speak those words out just exactly going back to my original illustration with the computer language okay so you cannot combat a computer virus well oh i've got it well i hope it goes come on somebody how many of you know that doesn't help right and i think i shared this here last fall but i had a virus so bad one time i brought my computer in to uh uh best buy to the geek squad and uh so i was waiting i'm walking around looking at other computers and stuff and so as i'm looking at all these other computers the geek squad guy comes you know they're just so level headed right i mean just so not no emotion at all you know the building could be on fire would you please leave the premises you know and so they walk up to me so even keeled sir it's your computer i need to talk to you about i said yeah did you get it fixed no it's on fire i said like like what do you mean like it's on i'm thinking of like a term no no no it's literally on fire in the back right now there's fire and flames coming out of your computer it's gone and i'm like you're joking right no i never joke that's what the guy said to me he said we have extinguishers in the back trying to put your comp he said the virus was so bad it literally destroyed the computer itself and it's like god used that so many times to teach me about renewing the mind how we have to grab those thoughts those depression thoughts come on talk to me here right those thoughts the depression that come to you grab those thoughts you take them captive second corinthians 10 right we take every thought every imagination captive right and bring it into subject to christ into his word is that right now i want to give you one last scripture go over to the book of james jesus half brother james james 1. now james is a pastor okay james is the pastor of the jerusalem church james a bond sermon of god and of the lord jesus christ and the 12 tribes that are scattered abroad greetings my brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience right and then he goes on to say and let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect or mature and complete lacking nothing verse six if any of you lack wisdom let them ask of god who gives to all men liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him now watch this but let him ask in in in what ah you've got to be on the right track he says let him ask but let him ask in faith he says and without doubting everyone's saying no doubting now circle the word doubting there it's the greek word double it literally means two double without doubling that's the literal translation to english you know sometimes i'll ask like christian's been teaching me some stuff with uh keyboard and stuff and so he i'll say how do you say that in spanish well you know and it'll have a total similar meaning but different you understand same thing is true with the greek language here without doubling okay so let him ask in faith without doubling for he that doubles is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and tossed for let not that man think that he'll receive anything from the lord because he is a ah double-minded man and what in stable in oh my goodness you mean it even bleeds into every area you mean it jumps the track into every area in other words he's functioning with two minds it's two thoughts let him not double let him not double jesus even said this in mark 11 mark 11 22 have faith in god for whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed now notice he says says now watch this this is mark 11 23 for whosoever says unto this mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea and does not double in his heart but believes those things that he says he shall have whatever he says now get this i want you to get this in kind of in closing okay so can you help me on the keys okay so he says he shall have whatever he says not whatever god wants he'll have whatever he it doesn't say what god's just you know whatever you're supposed to have you've got it come on talk to me here now okay that's that that's not what it says it says in mark jesus christ the head of the church said contrary okay and and what is that called in theology pastor not arminianism but calvinism thank you it left me like a bird it's it's in theology it's the word calvinism and calvin john calvin god bless him he's in heaven we still got to live with him but he had this stupid teaching that is so prevalent in the church whatever happens to you oh did you get hit by that train praise the lord you're supposed to have that oh do you have a tumor hanging off of your chin oh that's wonderful praise the lord you're supposed to have that see that's calvinism calvinism says everything that happens in your life is of god but that's not what god teaches god's word does not teach that even jesus in mark 11 23 one of the things he says he says he'll have whatever he says in other words he's gonna create a new track come on right and so as we begin to create a new track listen the battle belongs to the lord but the lord is so awesome he gives us a book of his thoughts the bible is a book of god's thoughts and when you take those thoughts and you put them in your mouth and it comes out your computer it produces the very thoughts of god in your life in every area of your life come on somebody amen and you can reprogram your your computer doesn't have to get on fire hallelujah am i making it clear here this morning is that okay to say right so in other words your life doesn't have to be just totally engulfed and destroyed amen but the lord has a plan for your life god has a plan god has a plan and he says my plan is goodness he wants goodness for your life i i was trying to talk to somebody of a more of an evangelical flavor and they're so deep into calvinism teaching and stuff and and and they're like well you know i i got this sickness but god must want me to have it for a reason and i said okay well if do you believe that yes i said did you go to the doctor to get rid of it and she said yeah so wait a minute help me here a minute god gave it to you to teach you something now you're going to the doctor to get rid of the teaching how dumb can you get and still breathe i mean that's the craziest thing i ever heard come on somebody i said listen you don't believe that yourself in your own heart come on you know a doctor only wants good for you is that right in your physical body is that right they're not out to hurt you or anything like that guess what god is even much greater god is good everyone say god is good i mean t.l osborne used to say i'm going to give you a real theological thing he would start off god good devil bad heaven good hell bad come on somebody right healing health wholeness good sickness poverty death disease come on talk to me bad you know sometimes we have to you know dumb it down like that in our own minds you know what i mean and it just kind of helps us listen god is good i said god is really good and he only wants good in your life he only wants good in your relationship he only wants good in your physical body he wants good in your business come on somebody right he wants good in 2021 for you that's all he wants he wants to see his goodness shine forth and that's what bless his people amen amen thank you father today for helping us to reprogram the way we think to change those toxic patterns to change those viruses that try to come in and get us to form bad patterns with our mouths lord if there was a way we could put our tongue on the altar this morning that would be perfect and to put our brain on the altar in our mind but i don't know that there's a way that we can do that for 2021 but but lord this morning we just lift our hearts come on all over the house just lift your hands lord that this day we lift our hands as a sign of surrender surrender to your ways surrender to your thoughts and lord we surrender our mouth we dedicate our mouth to speak life to speak wholeness to speak healing to speak blessing to speak goodness to speak healing to speak deliverance over our lives and over everybody we come across this year in the name of jesus and what we all said amen come on give the lord a handclap of [Applause] [Music] praise [Music] so [Music] so
Channel: Lighthouse Christian Church - Rosemount, MN
Views: 1,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spirit Filled, Jesus, Minneapolis, st paul, south of the river, cross-cultural, diverse, bill Goodwin, Phillip brown, Paul mutebi, Evelyn mutebi, rose mount, Farmington, apple valley, eagan, church, online church, Minnesota, lighthouse, livestream, flags, worship, small, big, best church, preaching, non denominational, imf
Id: d7NoadCA5IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 43sec (2743 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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