Prophetic Tips - Prophetic Association - Prophetic Activation

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hey everybody from YouTube hey listen we love and appreciate you guys bless you in the name of Jesus we appreciate you we just pray God's grace and God's blessing on you hey listen in today's teaching I'm gonna share some stuff about hearing God's voice I'm gonna share some things about the anointing of the Holy Spirit and a whole bunch of other stuff it's gonna be a blessing to you don't miss it today but listen in the meantime do me a favor right now right below me here is the red button subscribe click click subscribe on our YouTube channel it just a means by which you could hear of upcoming videos and trainings and conferences and all kinds of different stuff that we've done or outdoor ministry or revivals or whatever it might be and so in fact if you right go go right below me and click Subscribe or if you've not you can also click that little bell it looks like a bell and what it does is it just notifies you the moment we come out with a new video and it'll just send you a little email and just reminder to let you know that okay and I know that'll be a great blessing plus right below me is the thumbs up or the thumbs down if you do me a favor if you click like what what will happen is this video will go more not viral but it'll be pushed out more by the algorithms in YouTube so if you could do that that'd be a great blessing I know to many other people that will really be blessed by this teaching today okay so today I want to share some things with you regarding the voice of God so if you have your Bibles you can go to First Samuel with me go to the book of 1st Samuel in 1st Samuel chapter 10 so if you know the story of Sam Oh Samuel so in the first few chapters of Samuel we know the story his mother cried out to the Lord as she cried out to the Lord she wanted to have a child and she was blessed to be able to to have a child so she dedicated him to the Lord when she became pregnant and she named him Samuel because the name Samuel means he will hear the Lord so I want to write some things down today I think that'll really to jog some stuff in your heart and so here obviously as I said Samuel means to hear or hear the Lord right so here the very name Samuel means about hearing God's voice so here's Samuel the Prophet the Bible says none of his words fell to the ground I mean so this guy was accurate in the prophetic right and so I know many of you have inquired about more prophetic ministry more training and things of that nature and so that's why I wanted to share some of this stuff with you well in for Samuel chapter 10 now Samuel the Prophet comes and he's gonna anoint Saul okay now watch this now Saul was not God's first choice to Israel if you know the story of Saul Israel went and cried out give us a king give us a king give us a king and then what happened is is the Lord said I don't want to give you a king I don't want to do things in the natural I want you to grow up and be spiritual and they just would never get it they just they just couldn't get it so finally the Lord said alright I'm gonna give you a king but you're not gonna wish to you know you're not gonna be happy with it in the end at the beginning the honeymoon phase oh it's gonna be great and glorious and stuff like that but in the end Israel was not happy with having a king if you you're familiar with the story but in first Kings chapter 10 now watch this it's as in Samuel took a flask of oil so he took a flask of oil not a horn now this is a horn a prophet friend of ours gave this to us and actually as you can see it's you can actually fill it with oil well in the Old Testament days they they would anoint in a number of different ways number one they would just take a flask and they would fill it with oil and that was like second best and then they would anoint or it means to smear something right or the best way was to fill a horn okay well if you keep reading in 1st Samuel chapter sixteen you can go there if you want to and then we'll come back it says now the Lord said to Samuel how long will you mourn for Saul seeing that I've rejected him from reigning over Israel okay and then he says what fill your horn ah no no I'm not a flask now now it's a horn fill your horn with oil and I'm sending you to Jesse the Bethlem id4 I've provided myself a king among his sons which we know is David which would be the greatest king of Israel okay so but aside from that note I just want to focus back on this thing with this anointing so the the oil or the anointing we see a Samuel took the flask of oil and he what poured it on Saul's head okay so now we're back in first samuel 10 then it says and he kissed him and said is it not because the lord has anointed you to be commander over his inheritance right then he begins to prophesize some things to him verses 2 through 4 verse 5 picks up and it says and after that you shall come now here's the the word of knowledge so the the the prophet Samuel is given this prophetic word to Saul listen this is gonna happen this is gonna happen and he's gonna give them another word and knowledge he says it'll come to pass you'll come to the hill of God where the Philistine garrison is and it will happen that when you have come there to the city that you'll meet a group of prophets a group of what prophets ah so here he says this here he starts off with the anointing the anointing oil right so he talks about listen this anointing there's gonna be an anointing to hear there's gonna be an anointing Saul and so here the Holy Spirit taste speaks to Samuel and says to Samuel take the flask right then he says I want you two to get the fill it with oil anoint anoint - ah I saw right now as he says you now you're gonna anoint Saul and then not not only is that gonna happen but then Saul listen once you've been anointed by the Prophet to hear what's gonna happen is you're gonna find a group I'm gonna use the black again all right the red is kind of dying so he says listen there's gonna be a group whoops group of what prophets so this group of prophets are gonna be coming says you know you're gonna find a group of prophets coming down from the high place with what stringed instruments so in other words there's gonna be an anointed worship with them so these guys what are they gonna carry ah they're gonna carry worship with them right so worship is gonna be at the forefront of their prophetic gift right then he goes on to say this a tambourine and a flute and a heart before them and they'll be what ah prophesied now because of this what's gonna happen is now these group of prophets they're all going to be prophesying okay now then he says then the Spirit of the Lord will come on you why ah Saul because you've been anointed with the oil you've been anointed Saul with that oil of the Holy Spirit you've been anointed and and the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you and you will prophesy here it says this with them so here the Holy Spirit says to salt what does he say listen you're gonna hang around this group of prophets this group of prophets as you get around them these guys are gonna walk and they're gonna flow in worship not only they gonna flow in worship they're gonna be out of that worship they're gonna all be prophesying and then amazing so they're all going to be prophesying out of that worship then from there the Holy Spirit says this when you come with them then what's going to happen is you are gonna prophesy saw with them at the same time oh my goodness now Saul is included in this same exact same thing right and then it says what's gonna happen ah Saul not only is that gonna happen but then you'll be changed into another man you'll be changed into another man so he starts off with an anointing from the know I'm going somewhere with us I want you to get this so he starts off with an anointing he takes a class this is not God's best Saul is not God's best it was not God's original plan but still God anoints him nonetheless right as God anoints um he's anointed by who the one who will hear the Lord right so then out of there he says listen one of the first things that's going to happen to you Saul you are gonna come in contact with prophetic people let's just say like that you're gonna come across this group of prophetic people that hear God and they're gonna embrace worship and out of that worship they're going to be prophesying the moment you come amongst them in other words is you have that interaction with them something's gonna happen inside you what's gonna happen I the spirit of Lord's gonna come on you saw and you're gonna prophesy with them and then you'll be changed he doesn't say you'll be changed and then you'll prophesy no no God does it the opposite he says out of that you'll prophesy then you'll be changed see how often we say the contrary we say Lord changed me change me changed me then I'll do God says don't do it then I'll change you many of you have heard me teach about Street healing and administering the prophetic on the streets and and being activated by the Holy Spirit and doing these different things and stuff and many people are saying well Lord changed me first and then I'll do it God does it the opposite way God says no do it then you'll be changed amen now I'm going to show you in the New Testament a very similar thing so over in the New Testament in first Corinthians chapter 14 okay so 1st Corinthians 14 immediately starts off talking about desiring spiritual gifts right especially what prophesy ah okay so God had aluminum the beginning then as the Holy Spirit takes us through this chapter he takes us through he starts to bring in the subject of tongues he starts to draw this analogy between tongues and interpretation and prophecy and so as he's doing that then all of a sudden the Holy Spirit begins to start to bring into something else now watch this so he starts to talk about signs for the believer the unbeliever all of that stuff but in verse 24 he says this but if an but if all prophesy and an unbeliever an uninformed person comes in he's convinced by all and he's convicted by all Wow so if all what prophesy my goodness that sounds very familiar doesn't it if all prophesy okay he's not talking about in a lifetime he's talking about in if the you know in the same setting if multiple people are giving prophetic words what's going to happen in an informed person or an unbeliever is gonna come in and they're gonna be convinced and convicted by what all they're gonna be convicted by all and what's going to happen and the secrets of his heart are gonna be revealed and falling on his face what's gonna happen he's gonna worship God and report that God is truly among you right so then as you keep on going then in the next verse verse 26 says how is it then brethren when you come together each one of you has a psalm teaching a tongue a revelation and interpretation let all things be done for edification now everyone focuses on they're trying to bring order order we got to have order we got to have order no the Bible says let all things be done in order okay he doesn't say let nothing be done just have order he's no-no-no let everything all these things need to be done right and so I think so much of the church just scares the daylights out of people these preachers they scare everybody don't don't do this you could do this wrong you could get a kundalini spirit or some stupid thing they come up with and and all these wacko wackadoo doctrines they come up with and and many of our evangelical friends are so afraid oh I don't want a tongue from the devil well you know the Bible says if you ask for the Holy Spirit will they give you a snake or a scorpion you know what I mean so I've pretty well just destroyed the whole Kundalini teaching right there if I ask for the Holy Spirit how am I gonna get that we're not asking for something demonic we're not asking for psychic stuff we're acting for the Holy Spirit to use us do you imagine the Holy Spirit say oh no no I don't want to use you I mean come on I mean he's putting the desire in your heart to be used that's why you're watching this video the Holy Spirit is already ahead of you he's already put the desire in your heart that you would pursue it okay so as you keep going to starts to talk about interpreting let all the prophets speak blah blah blah and then he goes on to say verse 31 are you ready this will freak out all of your even tell achill friends for you can all prophesy Wow because many people say well not everybody has that gift well wait a second then Paul must have been Paul must have fallen off a bus or something because Paul by the Holy Spirit says you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and be comforted ah wow so now the prophetic is - what it's for two purposes we can learn and we can all be comforted ah that's the purpose of it see so God wants to bring you and I around prophetic people wide to encourage each other and to say hey let's get activated let's do this stuff let's just step out in faith you know what I mean and the spirit of the Prophet is subject to the Prophet now I'm not going to get into all of that today but I just wanted to open this up to you today and to really just stir your heart that the Lord wants to use you that listen exactly like this same type of pattern you understand here the anointing the anointing of the Holy Spirit came on even the most carnal right the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the same thing is true in the book of Corinthians he said chapter 3 verse 1 you are all carnal right so here even to the to the carnal Corinthians what does the Holy Spirit say your carnal right but he goes on to say desire spiritual gifts he doesn't say I'm gonna give you gifts because your carnal he says no I want you to get gifts I want you to function in the gifts why so that you'll be changed ha look at that the gifts as we begin to function in a group of people that hunger for that's why it's so important the group you hang with you know do you hang around deadheads are you hanging around a dead church that doesn't believe in the power of God my god get out of that thing run from that thing I had someone talked to me about well we're praying for our pastor that he gets it and stuff and I just told this lady I said listen you've got another vision than young but she said yes and I said well listen you know what that's called in the Bible duh vision division means two visions so you're causing division now if you don't like the way it is it's like this if you like McDonald's burgers it's not real meat but it'll you know take care of it and stuff if you like that and you want to live on that then knock yourself out but if you want a real steak then you've got to go to a place that serves the real thing you understand and that's the exact same thing is true because it really matters who your association is your association will lift you or suppress you we meet people all the time they come to our meetings and stuff like that and they come to our meetings and God touches them and set some free and breaks chains and stuff and then they want to go back to that dead religion or that dead church thinking that they are gonna somehow change it and it doesn't happen why because the Lord touched them to separate them why because he's he's he's uh it's the call out once right he's calling people out it's always forming a new group what happened when the Anabaptists you know some of them went for the baptism of the holy spirit in 1901 1904 1906 what do we see during those years ah they were filled with the spirit but they just say well we're gonna just stay with them no they said listen God is calling and forming a brand new group called the Pentecostals right those who wanted to stay in that dead evangelical system then they say they're you understand so IIIi don't want to get off topic here but I want to really emphasize this and I want you to get this revelation that who you who do you affiliate with who do you affiliate with who is in your tight group because that will either elevate or you know whatever the other word it will drag you down it will pull you down it will pull you down spiritually you understand and so it's really important your association because Paul's excuse me the prophet Samuel came and said listen Saul you're gonna go and you're gonna come and I'm gonna by the Holy Spirit I'm prophesying you're gonna connect with like-minded people what's gonna happen you're gonna all prophesy then you're gonna all prophesy you're gonna love worship you're gonna go and you're all gonna begin to prophesy out of that you're gonna prophesy with them Saul and then the moment you start prophesying BAM you're gonna be changed it's gonna change you so there's something about the prophetic and hearing God's voice that as we cultivate relationships with people of like spirit as we connect with those kinds of people that's where you spiritually grow and I know this is a prophetic word for somebody that's watching this right now that that you for years and years and years and years you've been you know praying that your leadership will change and stop hey stop beating your head the head on a post hoping change it you know what I mean that's why Jesus said let the dead what bury the dead in other words let those who want to be in that system of convenient ankle-deep water let them stay there leave them and just turn and begin to step into a new group or form a new group and that's what is happening with many of you right now and so I just want to encourage you with that word today is this is that the Holy Spirit is doing something in you what is he doing through the worship what's he cultivating he's cultivating prophecy why why is he cultivating prophecy not just so you'll get a word it's so that you'll give a word why because when you give the word you're changed you're not changed when you get the word you're changed when you give the word okay so you're changed when you give the word that's what Paul was talking about to these Corinthians you're changed when you give the word yes the unbeliever and those guys they're going to be changed too but the greatest change will happen to you the moment you do it I'll just give you this testimony here I went and when I first was saved I was a young believer and I went off to a secular University in my first year of college and we met every morning for prayer and we would pray for one hour most of the time we would just pray in the spirit and we're in this small tiny little room and so we would all begin to pray in the spirit and so one day as we were praying I had been reading about the gift of prophecy in my private devotional life and so while I'm in there I'm praying in the spirit I said God give me a word God give me a word God use me I want you use me give me a word I want to I want to be used in prophecy and so that particular morning was just a normal day and but I'm praying in the spirit and after about an hour of praying in the spirit it was like my heart started to beat who I thought it was gonna come out of my chest and my heart's beating fast I could feel my heart beating and and I'm like all of the sudden the scripture popped into my head out of the book of Isaiah chapter 1 and I hadn't been memorizing that scripture I don't remember the last time I read it but I felt felt that like come up within me bubbled up that's what the word prophesy means to bubble up and speak out right and Here I am and I'm like oh god this is it and so I didn't know exactly how to do it I just said Lord if you'll make an opening for me I'll give the word to the group so I just waited and as we waited on the Lord at the end of the prayer time we normally didn't do that but that morning we did I believe because I asked the Lord to do that maybe give me an opportunity and when it was quiet I just said listen I've never done this before I said but I feel I have a word from the Lord and then I just quoted the scripture that I remembered that bubbled up within me and the moment I started quoting it it was like it just kept coming like a like a box of Kleenexes the more you keep pulling them out you know you pull the first one out the next ones right there it was like more and more words just kept coming and everybody was weeping and crying and and but something happened to me that day not only were they blessed but I was changed so I want that to be you I want that to be you I know many of you are saying Lord I want that listen the Holy Spirit has anointed you he has anointed you with the Holy Spirit for what he's taken the very Horn of oil and he has taken the Horn of oil because the church was God's plan from the very beginning right and the Holy Spirit has poured in his oil and his wine and he has poured it on your head and his spirit didn't just come upon you his spirit began to fill you so now you have it on you and you have it in you and the Lord has filled you with this spirit to be activated to be used in the gifts of the Spirit in the in the fullness of the Spirit and that's what the Lord wants to do in your life and so I just want to pray for you today father I pray right now for every single person that's watch in the name of Jesus I pray lord I pray an activation right now by faith Lord they already have it I just pray they just step out Lord that just boldness would be theirs and they would just step out and begin to do the supernatural power of God and begin to minister to people like never before in the prophetic in the name of Jesus amen hey listen do us a favor connect with us go to our website share the fire org send us a message there we would love to hear from you if you email us we'll e-mail you if we're coming near you to minister we would love to get connected with you and we love and appreciate you guys and be our friend on Facebook and subscribe to us on YouTube and on Instagram as well so bless you guys know this you've been anointed with the horn of oil of the Holy Spirit he's anointed you and you know what he's anointed you not to hear not to just be taught but he's anointed you to prophesy he's anointed you to hear the Lord and that you could speak that saith the Lord to somebody else so just go for it this week go for it in the grocery store go for it in the gas station go for it at work ask the Lord fer you know on your social media God give me a word for somebody and give them a private message and the more you begin to just do it by faith and you just trust the Holy Spirit has anointed you you know what you'll begin to find out that you're changed into another person amen bless you guys love you tune in next time [Music]
Channel: Tom SCARRELLAministries
Views: 11,604
Rating: 4.9592762 out of 5
Keywords: tom scarrella, scarella, miracles, bill johnson, bethel, jesus culture, revival, rodney howard-browne, prophetic ministry, prophets, prophet william undi, prophet angel, prophet bushiri, how to prophesy details, how to prophesy names, prophesy dates, how to prophesy, what is prophecy, how to be a prophet
Id: yh7AmVKpU_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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