Nurse Healed of Cancer - Vonya Currey

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the way my therapy worked is they did a lot of supplements and food to help the body detox cancer cells I had all these pills that I was supposed to take in and I was up to 70 pills a day I said well it's no big deal you made me smart god I'm gonna get out of this on my own as a nurse and nutritionist vaana's faith was in the medical community like the Gospels account of the woman with the issue of blood Vanya would suffer many things for many physicians until she had the faith to reach out to Jesus for her healing this is the story of how the friends and partners of Andrew Wommack ministries helped one woman from McAllen Texas break free of ovarian cancer this is the healing journey of anyakara a lot of my story started when my husband was diagnosed with cancer I helped my husband get enrolled in a program you eat a very simple diet of organic vegetables it involves supplements and and detoxing so I watched him do that and I watched him be successful and a couple years later I just started getting fat but only in one area I thought she looked like she was four months pregnant being a neonatal nurse for all these years I know what pregnant women look like so there was a problem they did a sonogram and she had this large water blister wrapped around one of her ovaries the blood test said it wasn't cancer and so he said let's just do a cystectomy let's take the cyst out we went through that procedure and I just went to the followup alone and he sat next to me because these are my friends and he said you have cancer I mean it goes I'm so sorry on the way home I just said out loud with my car you made me smart god I'm gonna get out of this on my own while the initial diagnosis was an ovarian cyst Tania's pathology report revealed the growth to be a cancerous granulosa cell tumor which indicated that her blood had been contaminated with cancer cells knowing the horrible side effects of chemotherapy Vanya opted to try the same treatment that it healed her husband years prior a holistic method known as the Gerson Therapy in hopes to rid the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system the Gerson Therapy requires a daily routine of drinking 20 pounds of crushed fruits and vegetables spending hours and hours in detox therapy and consuming dozens of vitamins supplements and enzymes she was so regimented about that you know every supplement every you know doing so many detox sessions a day that the therapy the solution just consumed everything that she did this was this one of these was both I would just take handfuls of these every day there's like 70 some supplements and so you can't take them all together you're constantly preparing either food or juices or getting ready for your detoxes my body was like overcome with parasites my doctors like only really sick people have that are you doing everything in the protocol just right and I'm like I am doing everything textbook perfect we talked to this doctor in another country and he was supposed to be having all the latest information and to help her and it was not helping what we were seeing we weren't winning well we wouldn't speak it because we just wouldn't months passed and Valen is condition was only getting worse knowing her days were numbered she was desperate to try anything and in the middle of a detox session researched bentonite clay at the suggestion of a doctor it was in this search that she would find the key to her healing just not in the way she had ever imagined I'm laying on the floor so I sideways I hit the wrong button and nikki oginski pops up on my screen she's you know oh she's so happy and she's so perky and I don't thinking when is she gonna start talking about clay when the doctor finally came out he goes oh Nikki what happened jesus healed me like I told you he was going to I'm like this is too good to be true you know so I type in Nikki or Chomsky's obituary when I type that in I didn't get anything except more testimonies and this guy Andrew Wommack Vanya looked up Andrew Wommack and discovered a ministry full of resources including a daily television program dozens of healing testimonies and a Bible College although she was already a Christian Vanya had never heard the truth that God wanted her Wow and from that moment on was determined to get the same breakthrough as Nikki they had different healing stories and that's when I just started going through story after story right there my mom was like I believe if Nikki Chesky field I believe I can be healed I made this wall to encourage me mikesh he's already done it that was his big emphasis and Hannah that it was a piece of cake for Jesus and then little Andrew I loved him because he had cancer in every bone and she hit the mom would say bones I have good for you I was still seeing things in formulas and I would look at their story and try to figure out exactly what they did the more that I had hope that God could do something things got worse although the healing journeys brought home vanya z' condition worsened when she tried following them step by step like a formula while searching for more answers she stumbled across elizabeth urine a director for Cara's School of Creative Arts and a playwright whose musical got with us spoke directly to her situation [Music] the Lord my redeemer had mercy on me I just saw this love of God raising their time to get to me I just really felt connected to God's story it was mine and so I'm like I wonder if their website has any more about Elizabeth so I typed in Elizabeth's name and she had just been a guest speaker on women's arised jesus said it's good for you that I may go so I can send you the one that will help you lead you guide you comfort you ladies the Holy Spirit is by your side and he wants to be everything you want to let him be okay God has a destiny for you like it has a destiny for Queen Esther and like he has a destiny for me but it's up to you ladies the way she would talk about the Holy Spirit was like he was this person and I just was like man I wanted to know that I want to know God like that bought a notebook and I wrote so what do you think about my diagnosis that's the first time I realized I had never asked him it had been all these months and I had never asked the Lord one thing about I just was like oh you've made me smart you've given me all these great experiences you just built this this great house for me and it wasn't his building at all it was mine and it was on fire the Holy Spirit humbled me and showed me that the medical house that I built isn't the same as Nicki oginski's house and it isn't the same as my Kesha's if I tried to follow their way out I would probably run into a wall because my smoking house on fire has a different floor plan than theirs they didn't get healed the same way it was always different and they always showed the word and the word was always the most important thing I'm like man I really need to get into the word andrew has a teaching of that we had to assure our heart with the word our heart will condemn us and our heart will say well you don't have solid proof that you're anything well I would just get the word out and I would assure my heart this is what the word says this is my proof that really like started in March and by April I was a different person as she renewed her mind with Scripture vanya saw radical improvements and took a blood test in hopes that she would have tangible proof that she was healed while waiting for the results Vanya took her family to Colorado to see the Easter performance of God with us where she met Andrew Jamie and Elizabeth and told them her story and her point-blank tur and said are you healed I just go yes I am and man if I could have like pulled those words back or slapped myself I would have but I knew it was true I'm thinking I had this really great mountaintop experience I'm gonna go home and everything's gonna be perfect the test results came back and they were the worst glass I had ever had if something rose up on the inside of me and it said this isn't you I burned my test results and I had a confidence to stop all my medications I'm a nurse I get it that that's not a good idea but I had peace and it was it was the Holy Spirit that was walking with me and holding my hand in your born-again spirit you have raising from the dead power it could be one inch away from a cancer that is destroying your body but God is already giving you healing you just have to get it out of the spirit and into this physical realm and that's what faith does today Vanya is walking in her complete healing and is continuing in the world her entire family is experiencing God's love like never before including her missionary parents who now share andrew's messages in the country of Mexico we've seen miracles all along since the beginning is 28 years but now it's different we expect it it's a winning difference [Applause] well we're winning with testimonies now with her scheduled no longer filled with detox therapies and doctors appointments Vanya is now the mother she has always wanted to be and with the company of her family spreads the gospel every way she can several times a year the curries do the filming for Julianne Hartman's healing journey conference where Vanya works side by side with her healing journey heroes including Nicky oginski there's a labor Tourette's and then there's a complete rest and we walk through both of those in our healing journeys we've walked through those because he's already done it the curries also hosts healing University at their local library where they see miracles happen on a regular basis as if that weren't enough Vanya helps Elizabeth murren with the God with us performances sewing the hems of the garments as she lives life to the fullest with her family Vanya realizes that none of this would have been possible without the support of our friends and partners those teachings they were all free to me and everything that I watched it was because somebody else believed that God had given Andrew a message that needed to be shared and I am a recipient of that and a grateful grateful grateful recipient and Vanya is just one example of the lives transformed by Andrews free teachings to our partners we say thank you because of you one woman who has suffered many things from many physicians received her healing when she reached out in faith to Jesus had the best is yet to come [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 19,993
Rating: 4.9795136 out of 5
Id: UORspHBuWus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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