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foreign [Music] for many people Seven Psychopaths is considered a failure yeah relative to the success of In Bruges obviously yeah Seven Psychopaths is probably one of my favorite films it's just so funny but of course all of his films are shot through with an incredibly dark sense of humor yeah and this film I love the way they're all written as well oh I mean and of course he's a playwright he's he's plays and lands so he's a major play right and Phoebe water bridges of course yeah so this Stars Colin Farrell um and Brendan Gleason they were obviously both together in In Bruges where they played the misfit kind of Hitman yeah yeah yeah and in that film uh Brenda Gleason was much more the sort of the weaker one wasn't either and uh Colin Farrell was the kind of the the sort of confident whereas in this so it's a complete reversal yeah so we've got Colin Farrell in there Brendan Gleason there we've got Kerry Condon who plays as a Colin Farrell's sister yeah and we've got Barry keown who oh I love we're big friends of but we don't really understand why Nanny died has an issue with him and so this is set on an island a fictional island off the coast of Island uh the Civil War is Raging on the mainland and really it's the story of a friendship isn't it it's sort of a friendship on an island well or yeah the the demise of a friendship um Colin Farrell is Patrick he's incredibly nice but dints [Music] just for a minute I know automatic it's I think it's the expressive eyebrows it has the most effects really does I love his face so much his face makes it like he makes me laugh at the same time he breaks my heart as well like absolutely absolutely absolutely and this this is infuriating and and just funny and just just funny so so the premise of this which is revealed in the trailer very very useful clearly is that basically played by Brendan Gleason uh Colin Farrell's friend of yours decides he doesn't want to be friends with them anymore because he won't hit but he just says because you're dull he no longer wants dull conversation because he talks for two hours about his ponies right but it wasn't me Pony it was me donkey it was me donkey would show she weren't listening um I mean it's it's brilliantly written it's crisply written it's very funny but essentially this is about a very unusual subject matter really unusual premise and I think for that reason a really bold filmmaking because it's quite a simple premise but delivered so much because I don't know if you remember earlier in the film at the point that we don't know the Brendan Gleason finds Colin Farrell Colin Farrell's sister and she says maybe he's gone off you maybe he just doesn't like maybe he just doesn't like you anymore and that's kind of there's a prophecy in there yeah because she's running yeah but what is going on so it's so essentially really the whole film or the front of I'd say the first half of the film is about Colin Farrell kind of trying to rectify yeah make make it work make it work and push against this yeah um and you kind of you're like it's it's confusing because you're you're unsure as to whether he's being serious about not willing to be friends as well because although he's like making it very clear that he doesn't want to talk to him or anything there's this like which you said when we came up there's a slight warmth that he still seems to have towards him like he's not yeah he was just very strange so he couldn't really you felt like you were kind of in common um Conor's character's position because you just didn't even though he's making it really clear he didn't quite believe that that is the truth or if that was actually how he was feeling absolutely especially confused because there's one particular scene where Colin Farrell just punched and beaten up by the policeman and then that bit really broke my heart that scene and then Brittany Gleason kind of steps in because nothing and helps him yeah and then he's crying okay well so so okay so this is a film about a friendship that's run its course one friend has said enough he doesn't want to do dull conversation Life's Too Short he feels it's all about the pressure of time ticking peace needs peace is clearly he's a fiddler he likes to play his fiddle which needs Fingers um and he's clearly a man who has been a magic leaning over to get each other again do you think he's depressed there's a moment with olive oil that's what I was wondering do you think he's depressed and then lots of the other characters said what's wrong with you have your head around and I call it goes I don't I don't fight around I did look it feels like we've had a route I mean so I think the way in which Connor plays his perplexedness is just brilliantly drawn and you're absolutely right Brennan Gleason sends out these these contrary signals that perhaps there's room for warmth yeah like you can see why um what's Collins character's name Colin uh Patrick yeah um you can tell why he keeps going back like yes because you could see it because yes I mean he has in film he's a bit stupid in terms of how many times he keeps going back when it's made very clear but like not to the extent where you would be like oh my God like this is unbelievable now I'm like why would you keep like I don't know like there was a part of me that understood why he would keep going back and trying to make it work because there did seem to be this hint he didn't quite mean what he was saying or yeah yeah or it could be improved which is kind of what made it so sad because it was just like so sad and you never I never thought that I would find a movie sad about sort of grown men not being friends I mean they did say like infants didn't they I know and I mean there's that bit where Dominic um goes because he said oh why are you guys friends anymore you know he's like oh he doesn't like me anymore because what is he twice what is he twelve yeah now Dominic played by Barry keown is essentially The Village Idiot and what we discover quite early on is that he is the village it is incredibly bright yeah and I thought there was that wonderful scene where they invite him over for dinner and he uses the word touche oh yeah and you see that Colin Farrell doesn't understand what this means and so you discover because there was a scene in his eyes as well as he realizes that maybe I've talked to an interview about how you spend most of your life as an actor worrying what people think of you yeah worrying what people will think of you and I thought he he gave an added sort of depth to that scene where there's a scene where Connor Farrell and his sister are sitting there and they're trying to unpack why the [ __ ] is this guy Brendan Gleason decided not to like is it because I'm dead is it because I'm boring is it because of this and he asks his sister he is the thickest in the in the village isn't he of the Barry Kim yeah is the village idiot because of course he is of course he is now and he goes he says something along the lines of bye Hawaii he's the next Who's The Next Step I'm not gonna measure between the it kind of Dawns on you as the viewer you're put in the position of his sister where she loves him very much she cares for him but we all know he is probably the dimmest on the island donkey donkey yeah but he was nice he but he was incredibly nice he's a good man now of course the whole film raptures it ratchets upper level at the point the Brennan Gleason so wanting desperately for for Colin Farrell to get out of his [ __ ] face threatens to chop his fingers off and he will cut a finger off each time he speaks to him I believe him this is a spoiler review by the way no I thought it was just not to scare him off do you know absolutely and you can I have to shout out has to be given it to the the landlord of the pub yeah and his mate at the bar who are in a sense again what's very clever about this film is a lot of subsidiary characters become us the audience yeah what the [ __ ] is going on but to be honest a lot of the time it felt like we were in the pub as well like I felt like we were also kind of just looking in on it and we and I just couldn't believe it was actually going to take this to this next gruesome level but of course being a Martin McDonough film he is willing to have people fall off buildings yeah they all have Gore in it they all have gone in them um and so consequently this strange development house where Conifer keeps pushing it and pushing it and pushing it and digits start to come they just start to come we certainly do and at this point you said what is wrong with him Brendan Gleason yeah like what is going on for this guy I mean he has talked about and there's that very very powerful scene in the pub where Connor Connor was absolutely wrong and uh radically says you know I mean no one remembers a nice man yeah no one remember we remember music or what I suppose what he's talking about is you know you want to make an impact and niceness isn't an impact and I think for me if I after the film I was trying to think what is this film about it goes a little bit for me to the heart of what your mum says which is we can have objects we can have things we can leave things and objects we can even leave artwork books pieces of music away from but actually all you have got is your relationships with each other and I really felt for comfortable in that scene because he was like saying there was that moment where he broke my heart where he said my mom was a nice woman and my dad was a nice man my sisters and my sisters remember her forever yeah and I'll remember her forever and I thought it was an interesting thing yeah because it is an interesting thing to say because it's like because I haven't really understood I mean I get it but I don't really understand people that say oh like I want to leave things that kind of last forever because it's like well you're gone it's not gonna yeah it's not gonna matter to you I mean I think it's more important to have lived a life yes where you had good relationships you had boring nice chats yeah you had a good man in a pub yeah um and take that with you Jeremy in it but that's why I thought that that whole scene specifically was so clever and Powerful yeah and I think as a film it's a really clever film about time because there was a point where Brendan Gleason said but I don't want to spend two hours talking about this and I could be writing music and if I think back over my life the amount of time I wasted over alcohol and drink talking about [ __ ] I can't remember yeah you know there's a kind of thing yeah no definitely but like you know he's taking it to the extreme let's talk about Siobhan I thought Kerry Condon is his Colin Farrell's sister was so pretty she was a remote oh God no she was yeah she was amazing she was loyal to him she knew his weaknesses but she broke my heart as well everyone kind of broke my heart in this bit to be honest but she was very much the busy busy sort of woman in the film clearing up trying to help something yeah fixing things but at the same time quietly trying to sort out her Escape Plan yeah yeah and I was really pleased that her Escape Plan happened yeah yeah yeah I thought oh no she's gonna she's gonna sort of but it didn't make me sad that she left him oh my God it was so sad it was so sad I loved all of their scenes together as well it's getting really dark yeah it's a bit grainy that's all right okay I really like to look there like quiet little scenes together in the house that we're quite like yeah yeah you know very normal very normal I mean it's very boring living on this island yeah it was very boring and like she just pop and walks and then Pub and and right down to all those details like it was always at two o'clock but he'd go and find Jason and then always be open ly yeah so you know it was obviously it was a life lived to the to the minute and then you had all these subsidiary characters like we talked about the landlord and the French policemen they're literally the police oh my God the policeman Barry Kim's father he's horrible when they walk in and he's naked oh when he says when he stops brown little clock and then there's the suggestion at some point that he's been fiddling with with Barry here as well I think of Barry King's character or did you think he was there for I thought he was quite a I really liked his character yeah very kind of just but a little dreamer everyone in this is dreaming yeah yeah everyone I find it sad that nobody cared or really cared about him or anything though because yeah I mean he was annoying and he was like Troublesome but I found him really sweet like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but that little moment where he tried it on with um with Siobhan and he was kind of like asking do you think you could ever see yourself with a man like when she says no and he just goes that's that dream about under that dream he had a dream uh Brendan Gleason had a dream Siobhan had a dream and in a sense Patrick his dream had come and gone yeah which was his friend oh God I mean I cannot begin to tell you how utterly heartbreaking it really was I thought I was gonna cry so many times now of course what about the old lady well I was just going to say you've got this old lady who was who that wonderful scene where this old lady who's clearly like she's like a witch yeah yeah and she's sort of prophetic and she just says really Barbed horrible things but she just rolls with laughter at everybody yeah and Everyone likes from her oh my God that's so funny I mean I thought it reminded me there's a film called Local Hero I love that sort of rural community all the little rules and regulations of how people avoid people and where people hide yeah all the dogs and all that what about the animals in this film yeah there was a lot of once you pointed out while we were watching it I realized how many kind of just still shots there were of the animals like the donkey or the pony really reflective shots and like obviously there's his there's his uh his miniature donkey we won't talk about why it's from a miniature donkey um just really neat touches where all of the micro roles were just really good you know the the him having a swearing match with the vicar when he goes to confession you know so good you know the idea of and that interesting question that the priest kept asking Vernon Gleason and how's the despair yeah yeah and he'd be like it's coming back a bit yeah I felt this was almost a parable or a fable or a fairy tale about friendship about depression yeah about mental health about um a fear of not knowing what one's mark on life is that might be loud for you guys so yeah so I for me it was all about oppression belonging connection yeah what one's purpose purpose um and and yet I found myself really struggling to try and understand what was really driving Brendan Gleason's character yeah I didn't I couldn't work out what he wanted what I quite liked that you know I mean I quite like that we never like properly knew what the hell is [ __ ] with him literally cutting his nose off to spike his face because he's creating a piece of music and I quite like this idea that he wanted to create this music and he still could with four fingers but then when he's got no fingers he's finished his song he can't he can't do any more songs but he was almost at ease with that yeah it was so strange it was like it did you know depression it was like a good an accurate and extreme way of showing depression and almost the sort of futility of it in the self-harm of it yeah yeah exactly you could hurt yourself to the point where actually the for me the the least convincing part of the whole film in the end for me was the end where I kind of thought and again as this is a spoiler I thought that Brandon Gleason was going to let himself go I personally think I would have preferred it if they had just let him go in that scene and there was like and it would have been sad obviously yeah but I think it would have just been more like how yeah more impactful it was it had the potential to have like a really strong ending and then the ending ended up being a bit Blair I mean it was still like don't you probably didn't like ruin the film no I agree but I just feel like the whole film would have had more of a punch punch if the ending had been him in the house it was just them kind of coming to a conclusion of some sort but not really but also feeling that in the end there was a shift in Colin Farrell's character that I didn't necessarily believe would have happened yeah exactly what I mean so he was too vulnerable for too long yeah I mean you know little details like there's this wonderful moment earlier in the film where he decides to change attack is that we decided to change tacky he needed some tough look don't do tough love with Brendan Gleason he's threatening to cut your fingers off a lot of people have been talking about the fact that the film was a metaphor for the Irish history the idea that you know the the Irish fall out between themselves the Catholics the Protestants why have we fallen out is it an act of self-harm yeah you know there's this kind of division if you like and none of us really understand why it seems emotional yeah I personally saw this film smallest kind of like you say a sort of portrait of very male mental health a mental a male Mental Health crisis yeah loneliness that's really accurate yeah yeah just way of showing it exactly and and but don't get us wrong it's funny literally throughout from start to finish which is why it's so good because you could literally go from laughing and which he does in all of his films to be honest we can go from laughing your head off to being like really really heartbroken from like from a character to then going straight back to laughing again so that's a really fun watch an astonishing and astonishingly active film so in summary in summary what would I say I would say I thought this was a brilliant film about friendship I thought it was also a film about a taboo that we're not allowed to talk about perhaps almost it's it is about the fact that some friendships are on their course yeah you know some relationships run their course I mean in a way the sister's relationship with her brother had run its course um everyone's relationship with everybody yeah and even the animals relationship and Dominic and Dominic's relationships I mean the film's obviously a fictional representation of a fictional world I still think he's still there in that I know I'll listen to him talk about boring stuff so you can talk to me about his [ __ ] your donkey [ __ ] so it is so I think it is about all of these things I think it is his sister goes to ask him like why have you stopped talking to me he's like he's dull Siobhan she goes but he's always been done nothing shaking overnight which is interesting because it means it is a change in brilliant the reason this film happens is because of the changing column uh Brendan Gleason's character yeah he has the midlife crisis yeah and his midlife crisis in a sense I feel at the end of the film Colin Farrell's just beginning yeah exactly it was when he was like this is starting this is starting not ending exactly so I thought it was incredible Barry Kiana is at the fidgety ADHD yeah incredibly sharp and Incredibly observant in a way yeah sort of almost he's almost there like he was seeing three things yeah he could see people for what they were yeah and yeah again it reminds you don't dismiss the the one who apparently appears to be stupid because they're not interested in really stupid so I would I personally thought this was a sensational film um I really enjoyed it I do think weirdly though that I do I thought it was a bit of a bundled ending um and I think it lacked for everything that had gone before it but I would give this a whopping 95 out of 100. nice oh well I I absolutely loved this film I was really excited about it as well just because of how much I love all these other films and the trailer looked you know the trailer carried it just as well as the phone did um honestly I was like I was either laughing or almost crying throughout the whole film like the whole film had you feeling something the whole way through even if it was kind of a filler scene or whatever you were always reacting and the whole audience and Cinema was as well which was really nice everybody was laughing out loud um I think we were in an Irish Pub yeah yeah it really made me want to go tonight the pub they were in looked so nice um and yeah and I loved all the stuff with the animals as well all of their kind of like sincere faces throughout the whole thing but um honestly it was like such an enjoyable watch from start to finish it's hard to sell it to say it's just about two men that kind of don't want to be like full of their friendship falls out but it's like so much more than that in all of it so um the only like the only thing if I had to give it some kind of criticism would be the ending just because I think like I said it would have been more impactful if it ended in a different way um but not enough to affect my opinion on it so I think I'd literally give this like 99 yeah out of 100. it really is and I thought the performances from everyone in it right down to the uh owner of the pub and the other man that would sit there as well and they're both kind of just like react and watch things and the priest and the old woman was great yeah and even the woman that uh opened Siobhan's left like literally everyone in it was like yeah she wanted to know everyone's business yeah free social media what it also reminded me it's a film about Society or a small world Community wanting to know and wanting to like it was like a manifestation of social who likes who yeah how many likes have you got how popular are you yeah what's your news yeah I mean you're boring yeah and that wonderful moment where he was made to feel boring because he had no news and they gave them news now that's rubbish that's not news that's a hierarchy of news and then when he sends the guy who's come back off and says your mother was hit by a bread fan oh yeah is that if it's the same [ __ ] Red fan I'm gonna kill him honestly I would recommend it to pretty much anyone there you go guys for More film and family fun don't forget to click the Subscribe button and make sure to click the Bell to never miss an update [Music]
Channel: The Sawalha-Adderleys - Family, Food, Films & Fun
Views: 7,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CtgFBzVuj2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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