Banshees of Inisherin - Meaning and Ending Explained

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Martin mcdonough's latest film banshees of inner Sharon has received a very large amount of positive feedback both from critics as well as fans even though it's slow reflective tone does not make for a typical viewing experience in this video I'm going to analyze the possible themes and meanings of the film I'm going to try and answer the question of why did column stop talking to Parrot I'm also going to try and explain who the mysterious odd woman was and gave my interpretation behind the film's ending inner Sharon is a small choir Island and to me it seems as though anyone with any ambition has either left for the mainland or is planning to and the people left behind are miserable resentful and depressed the Island's police officer is a drunk who beats and abuses his son the post office lady constantly gossips and talks about others and opens their mail the Island's priest is angry and self-righteous and the only thing the Island's inhabitants seem to be interested in is going to the local pub they all have one thing in common which is that they are to some degree depressed and unhappy with their lives this is because there is nothing for them to do on the island due to its low population even finding a partner with whom to start a family with is difficult and everyone is just sitting around and waiting for death and this is why a column compares the Island's residence to banshees when he tells parekh about a song he plans on writing banshees of inner Sharon parrick seems to be one of the few exceptions to this he is a simple man and for him having a loving sister and a close friend with who he can go to the pub with has been enough for him not to become miserable and resentful like most of the other people on the island this is something that Dominic the police officer's son has noticed and he tells him that he is the only nice person left on the island so this brings us to the question of why did Colin stop talking to parrick when we first see Colin who lives by himself he's sitting in his house just staring back blankly at the floor during one of the scenes we also see a puppet hanging by the neck from the ceiling in his house and I think it is clear that column is depressed and probably regrets the way his life has turned out someone once told me that being old and lonely is the worst thing in life and this is a position that Colin finds himself in however I do not believe that column stopped talking to Parrot because he blames him for wasting his life or not doing his life what he wanted because throughout the film he shows that he still cares for parrot he does this when he helps him get home after parrick is attacked by the police officer and when he learns of Paris donkey's unfortunate death he is generally saddened and feels sorry for parrot I also don't think that he genuinely believes he can become or generally wants to become a musician nor do I think his attitude to Parrot is a consequence of him going crazy even though cutting off his own fingers seems very extreme I also don't think it is a consequence of him growing to resent and blame parrot for wasting his life or not achieving what he now wishes he did I think column's decision not to speak to Parrot is a completely selfless decision and it is motivated by him wanting the best for his friend column has become completely depressed this is probably mostly due to the fact that he is alone and because of the fact that he regrets never leaving the island and following my dream or starting a family he now sees we're spending every day at the pub on the island will get you as over the years he has drowned out those thoughts telling him you should do more more with his life with the help of alcohol and his friends at the pub and he now regrets it he doesn't want parrot to go through the same pain he is now feeling and he doesn't want him to take the same road in life as he did there is a clear age difference between the two of them and he thinks that parrick still has time to leave the island and make something of his life but why does and you just tell Park the truth why doesn't he just tell him he should leave and start a new life before it's too late maybe he has tried that before maybe he knows that pirate won't listen to him he now sees his evenings of drinking alcohol on the pub for what they are a way of forgetting about reality and shutting it out and he knows that parrot probably deep down senses he should leave and finding better life for himself but as long as he has a reason to stay he will continue to ignore the truth and column is one of the main things keeping Paragon in the Sharon so he attempts to convince Park that he doesn't want anything to do with him in an attempt to make him realize he should leave once parek's sister leaves an insurance he begins to feel more lonely and this loneliness begins to turn to resentment and anger and he finds himself becoming like the other Islanders he mostly aims his anger column who he feels owns it to him to be his friend Colin finally sees some passion and assertiveness in parrot and he thinks this is a good thing because he thinks this is the passion that may lead parrot to leave the island he doesn't say this instead he tells Park that it makes him more interesting this in turn leads Park to think that being rude and angry to column will solve solve this problem which is not the conclusion column will serpenteric would come to Colin realizes that parrot will not give up so easily when he learns that he lied to the out of town musician to get him to leave the island which is largely out of his character to do so column then decides the car of four more fingers to show Parikh that he is serious however there is an unfortunate ton of events when parrots beloved donkey chokes to death on one of the fingers in the final scene of the film parrik says that the two of them won't be even until column dies and they have now become enemies until their death they are two best friends who have now become enemies and this is representative of their life stories because by being each other's best friends throughout their lives they have kept each other from ever leaving the island as their friendship brought their meaning into their lives to not leave an assurance and seek a new life this however has meant that they never followed any of their dreams or started a family which means that they are destined to die lonely and unfulfilled and therefore by being each other's best friends they have also been each other's worst enemies another interesting character in the film is the old lady who is a banshee and predicts when death is coming however I think in this film she represents depression and I think Carl Jung's quote on depression fits her character very well Carl Jung said depression is like a woman in black if she turns up don't shoot her away invite her in offer her a seat treat her like a guest and listen to what she wants to say I believe what Carl Jung was saying is that if you feel you are becoming depressed or you are depressed you shouldn't try to distract yourself or ignore it instead you should acknowledge the fact that you are depressed and try to figure out why that is and what is missing from your life Siobhan parrick's sister invites the old lady to her house and treats her like a guest this represents her coming to terms with the fact that she's not happy with her life and she comes to the conclusion that she needs a change and decides to leave in insurance parrik on the other hand constantly avoids the old woman and doesn't want to talk to her this is because he is avoiding the truth which is that he is not happy with his life and he needs a change he would rather continue to distract himself from his Truth by going to the pub with his friend however by not talking to him Colin has made this true father to ignore just like the old lady who becomes harder to ignore for parrick as the film goes on so that is my interpretation of this film um thank you for watching and let me know what you think in the comments below
Channel: Film for Thought
Views: 204,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vymcVMvHs6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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