COFFEE MOANING Miriam Margolyes on Israel; Food Chemical Fears; Prostate TRUTHS; Bad Date SUES Women

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two one and we're live welcome to Coffee moaning podcasters and those that are in Vision with us we can see you morning Margaret O'Brien morning Hillary Daly morning Kim Carol morning KR I need to turn this off it's very annoying good morning everybody lovely to see you all lovely to have you all here with us Mark is literally beside himself because one of the things we're going to be talking today about is the Seven health benefits of sex hang on a minute he wanted to keep it with the prostate but I said that's boring if we just talk about the prostate so I've expanded it she's expand my prostate we're going to be talking about food chemical fears now I'm very excited that Mark came to the party with this um article today because this is what I've been talking to him about for years when he's gone why are you B organic um and also bad dates sues women this is we've talked about this before haven't we this platform where you can have a about an ex are we dating the same guy are we dating the same guy we're also going to today we are going to do a separate video on Gaza because we are aware though nobody's actually said it to us no not a single person has said it to us but I suppose tonally we're sensitive to it that that maybe people would like that separate from coffee moaning actually nobody has actually ever said that no and in fact maybe you wouldn't but maybe but but we're going to do that because we want to have a we want to to have things are so worrying there and so we want to have a really separate Chunk on it every day because we think voices must be heard absolutely our government is getting away with far too much but anyway more on that in a separate video and the only thing we are going to talk about here today um about Gaza is the extraordinary and I'm not exaggerating when I say that the extraordinary video that um Miram marges posted on Saturday strangely through the Australian Jewish Council which I've just found out as a new thing right so I thought it was like the council like the Cen Council not no when I first watched it um you know she's an extremely smart educated she likes onions woman she does like onions that's one thing that's that's odd about me but um and she has done something that I think is very brave now I posted the this entire video on my Instagram yester and a couple of people said well you know why is it Brave and or or isn't it awful that it's Brave or why might she get shipped for this um so we're just going to play you the video in full because it is extraordinary and this might be a strange thing that I'm going to say but I've said this tomorrow the very few famous people that have spoken out and said something directly to camera has has mostly left me feeling a little little cold because actors are notoriously bad I think on making appeals directly down the barrel into the camera and I don't know why that is you know it's it's sort a bit mumbly and they're sort of looking at figures this I found was so authentic and Powerful I got goosebumps I've watched it about five times I've got goosebumps every time and I think I just want to chime in and just say I think one of the things that really struck me about this uh Miriam margoles um marges as Mar margoles I always say it wrong margoles M marges um is that she as a number of you are saying she's kind of renowned and well known for being pretty kind of tangential and quite abstract and wild and whacked out and eccentric is the is the best expression she truly isentric she really is she she she she kind of caughts you know if you tell her not to swear she'll swear so you know she's that kind of person so what I think is quite telling in and of all of itself with this is how impassioned calm and to the point of precise Sushi it is yes let's have a listen cuz I said we should pop this up because I know a number of you aren't on Instagram so you may not have seen it here we go I'm Miriam marges marges and I wanted to say something in support of the Jewish Council of Australia I'm an Australian citizen I'm 83 and I have never been so ashamed of Israel as I am at this moment to me it seems as if Hitler has won he's changed us Jews from being compassionate and caring and do unto others as you would have them do unto you into this vicious genocidal nationalist Nation pursuing and killing Women and Children of course I condemn theas action of course I do but what we are doing Jewish people over in Israel is shocking embarrassing and wicked and I cannot understand why all Jewish people particularly members of synagogues do not want immediately to stop what is going on and in the name of humanity I call upon all Jews to shout beg scream for a ceasefire it is not anti-semitic to have a different opinion on the wartime actions now we have to do as my mother used to say the right thing the right thing is a ceasefire to Stop The Killing certainly to beg and insist on the release of hostages but there is an opinion about Israel's actions which it is not anti-semitic to voice what Israel is doing is wrong it is wicked and if you want to say this is very bad for Israel please call on your rabbis on your communities on all the people you know voice your disgust and detestation of the Israeli actions please you are then doing the right thing and behaving in accordance with Jewish tradition thank you oh my God oh my God how beautiful you know what sharing that again with all of you guys made me even more emotional because why are we so emotional why does that because to have what we feel and have felt so strongly validated because you can feel like you're going mad can I just share I'm not going to say who so articulate I'm not going to say who but we were in a situation recently we were filming something and we were with someone who unexpectedly prior to filming we ended up falling into a conversation as everyone does about the crisis in Gaza uh and um I felt so emotional after we finished filming that left the situation that afterwards I turned to you I said oh my God we actually for half an hour and with these other people too we all almost tumbled into each other not to crazily butress Prejudice or it was a really honest open concerned humanistic expression of frustration fear and sadness but all cautiously said in case we were could be called anti-semitic and all members of this conversation felt an enor suddenly felt the realization that what has happened here is and you're right watching that again it makes you realize how much we're they're trying to Gaslight us into thinking we're hate Marchers we're anti-semitic with all these things absolutely not and when she says it is not anti-semitic she has such Authority like and and it's a good point that you made so often we know Miriam as like somebody that waffles on a bit is not what she talking about but because she was so precise and so organic I found that incredibly powerful just just some I thought I think it'd be nice just to get some people's opinions and you know and it's okay if you don't agree yeah you know as long as we're all polite it's okay if you don't agree with that really important that we say that because we do mean that you know if you've got a opposing view to Miriam tell us it uh Val Smith that was so heartfelt and beautifully put very emotional Franchesca bastos great analogy she's saying saying that it is like Hitler one um grania Scarlet the simple message of treat others as you would like to be treated as a uniform message and should never be underestimated a couple of people said yesterday under my Instagram Jewish people said you know that that that so many of us uphor what is happening and the line that a number of people said they love the most was within the Jewish tradition absolutely well but also again it it speaks to within the traditions of Islam within the exactly what I was just about to say um and in ISL and that and let us not forget 75 years ago before all this started the Jews and the Muslims lived in harmony this is not about religion this is about land and whenever people get distracted we are playing into into that just want to read a few more comment beautifully said but unfortunately she will be called a self-hating je there's a there's a phrase and there is a a manner with which to dismiss every conceivable opinion that disagrees with you what I find staggering and we will talk about this in a separate chat about Gaza is the absolute steadfast refusal of those supporting the Israeli atrocities to to to have any self-awareness self-analysis or ability to pause pivot and stop in one's perspective to it so I have a huge amount of time for as we said you know numerous people who immediately after the after month of October the 7th said well of course self-defense is a right du du du and then there was a point at which you had to pause and say hang on this is Way Beyond the cause of Duty well Way Beyond the Call of Duty you know this has to stop and I posted something on my Instagram uh I think it was yesterday which showed the slow incessant rise of illegal settlements in the West Bank over time we're going to talk about this and we're going to talk about this elsewhere but just to prove that when people come back and say there was a ceasefire prior to October the 7th as I said in that post one person's ceasefire is another person's occupation yeah remember that um loving her book says Karen Taylor um Zoe agu just lost your lost your one Zoe sorry CLA cumins I've watched her previous talks about Israel and I was waiting for her to say something always believed she would have always loved her it's strange isn't it I wonder why now why now yeah Miriam is so right what an amazing one yeah okay and as we say we will gamore in a separate video that will go up okay probably quite soon yeah let's talk about forever forever chemicals it sounds like a title of an album doesn't it or or it sounds like My Chemical Romance as a band isn't it I feel like the forever the forever chemicals could be a great band name yeah I want to be in the forever chemicals I want to play cowbell in the forever chemicals okay so what is a forever chemical this story is a story that all all the news all the news outlets are report today uh which is to say that strawberries are well we're going to talk about strawberries yeah the government should ban 25 pesticides which contain so-called forever chemicals campaigners have said as the as the potentially harmful toxins were found in more than half of the tested food and drinks available to Britain as the Daily Mail itself oddly reports are you unknowingly eating forever chemicals shock study reveals that up to 95% n this shock me and I don't normally get pulled in on these stories cuz I just expect everything to be bad but shock study reveals up to 95% of fruit and vegetabl sold in the UK contain toxic substances thought to cause cancer and damage the heart and there was just I'll just finish it there there was one line in this whole story that really struck me because we talk a lot about the idea of choice around smoking and many things that we do that damage our health the choice to drink though admittedly none of this speaks to the addiction and mental health issues around eating and all that kind of stuff but this really is one of those stories where none of us have an ability not to eat yeah this stuff and I was shocked and horrified yeah but you're not now I knew all this yeah you've been saying this for years I mean like the amount of time especially when we first together them you'd go oh who you know why are you getting organic and it was like it because it's always scared the [ __ ] out of me when you see those those sprays just going on and on and on forever but I think it does take a story like this to cut through to really kind of and that's statistic 95% and I hate to say course then the animals are also infected with it so it's like you know and and this messes around with the endocrine system what is the endocrine system it's very important is it sounds it bloody hell um sounds like a not fully formed word doesn't it endocrine first of all Department of environment a spokesperson has said in response we set strict limits on pesticide residue level in both food for consumers and feed for Animals these limits are set to protect the public health and are set below the level considered to be safe for people to eat as applying to both food produced in the UK and those imported from other countries okay well you know we're always given a line aren't we I mean it's like why would there be why would there be you know um organizations like this working so hard to get these reduced and banned it's for it's for a reason genuine concern all of these sorts of stories when people come back officials in Suits come back and they say well we're hitting this criteria we haven't gone past this level we haven't can I just say a little bit like calories all calories aren't the same calories in all bodies they're all arbitrary these limits that they put on things for example I don't want to scare anyone but there was a piece in the guardian two days ago which said that there was such a staggering leap in temperates in Antarctica I think by something like 58% the scientists Global scientists are frantically frenetically rushing around to work out where what has happened and why things are getting worse so quickly and this is with us hitting these arbitrarily set targets my point I'm trying to make is it might sit within some suit sitting there going well we're below this but below this might not be enough of anything but almost two well 1.8% of samples contained a pesticide residue above the legal level so there are that we are having them above what you know the quote there is not the case for all vegetables because and fruits because many that they tested what did were above the legal level right that they are reporting don't worry you're all safe everything's below the legal level but apparently a lot of these um good point Tanya we'll talk about that a lot of these now where is it is said here Mark that some of these chemicals they don't even need it's just like a belt and braces thing I just want to pop up these are some of the thing these are all the things that uh forever chemicals exist in uh you know fast food it's in packaging you know this is the idea that when you have a bottle of of mineral water in a plastic bottle yeah you know micro micro what are they called micro somethings of plastic you know micro bubbles of plastic go into our system it what are they what the micro bubbles called but you know what I mean you get microplastic is it microplastics and apparently when you examine human bodies they're just there is residue of this stuff in all of us now like there is in all in our stomachs and everything like there is in the fish the fish should go inside the fish H but all sorts of things look things like dental floss nail polish all cleaning products paint I mean some of them are not uh pizza boxes um eye makeup I mean when you start to unpack all of the things that have all of these and of course as someone just said there it is runoff you know everything gets washed into the system everything gets rubbed into the system drained into the system and it's just shockingly scary but I just want to pop this up which The Daily Mail has forever chemical and produce look at the strawberry yeah this is the well this is the way to think about it if you're really if you because organic food is more expensive but what I would say is look for the companies that sell knobbly bubbly stuff because if you don't want everything looking like a supermodel vegetable you can get it cheaper but if you think like this the thinner the Skin So something like an avocado I don't buy organic something like a melon I don't buy organic but thin skinned like grap oh my God grapes grap are terrible are terrible you we see that that's why I've always said you get the organic grapes KS because it's like but strawberries are at the top there I mean can I just I want to re askk though I've lost the comment Tanya bartler who asked really earnestly earlier it's so or expensive organic how do I afford to eat healthily I know I mean there are things aren't they that you can use to to wash your fruit and vegetables but it's quite a pava but Pres presumably when they talk about this so like strawberries what they're saying here guys that red on the right is 95% of all the different strawberries they sampled from different sources being sold in this 95% had um you know forever chemicals in excess in them I mean I find that frightening and grapes and cherries as funny as it's all the it's all the fun fruits all the fun fruits I've got it then you get down to spinach and tomatoes and interestingly I'm surprised by this apples why would apples you I don't associate an apple with a potato and lettuce is quite low as well I mean my mom when we were growing up was so strict about oh you've not washed that Apple like washing of fruit and I must admit I do not I don't do that with Organic because I think we need a certain amount of like Stuart G as an ex butcher for 23 years organic isn't as organic as you no there's nothing pure there's nothing totally pure um you're right Daniel it's no wonder cancer is something an epidemic I mean well everybody keeps saying why is there more cancer why is there more cancer you know you look at the amount of chemicals we absorb now not just not just on our fruit and veg but also just pollution but also ultr processed food you know all of that has increased massively since even we were kids how many times a week do your kids eat eat takeaways or like order something late at night I mean we've got to just really put our foot done about foot down about this Nat Nat says I've been trying to get only organ me for our daughter it's impossible cost wise one chicken 7 I've just given it's unbelievable it's unbelievable the price of a chicken Jackie valino so easy to grow strawberries I don't want to scare anyone but I saw something online the other day that scared the B Jesus out of me in terms of what goes on in a strawberry honestly do you know what goes on in a strawberry I don't tell bugs and all sorts of things having a [ __ ] Rave illegal raves in them it worried me I I mean I remember years ago sort of jokingly saying you know strawberries aren't good for you and someone went n that'd be ridiculous I'm on the naturopathic um website here um carrot who gives advice on how to washes your fruits and veg um DDT is an example of a highly toxic um pesticide um strawberries so the first rule is wash your fruits and vegetables even if they are organic that's me the number of people who eat fruit fruits and vegetables straight from packet or fridge without running them under the tap is shocking washing bagged salad is also highly recommended despite the packet saying not to really bad salad breeding ground for ecolite I mean honestly do not go past your sell by date if you're buying bagged salad which I have to say is a very expensive way to buy salad yeah um so so soak in salt water really good sea salt for at least 20 minutes so come back run a big big thing of water and put uh sea salt 10% salt water solution is effective for removing common pesticides including DDT that's great there you go buy your nonorganic um and then rinse with water afterwards uh also to clean your fruits and vegetables add a teaspoon of bicarb to two cups of water and soak for 15 minutes wow you did soak it for quite a long time or vinegar for 20 minutes you use one part vinegar to four parts water so you can go to the naturopathic uh vinegar Society to find that out um crazy it's all crazy it's crazy Madness and it is it does all speak to essentially the fundamentals of again just you know mass production Mass consumption Mass profit all this stuff it's just it you know everything trickles back down to trying to sell more in order to buy more in order to salt B carb or vinegar um organic or non-organic but you know I I get it it's so expensive to buy organic fruit fruit and veg now a number of people said earlier um it's not it's important to talk about the prostate it is important to talk about the prostate this piece was in the is in the times today and it's titled sex diet and genes not not the ones you wear what men need to know about prostate cancer and this is just again another sort of timely reminder that uh they think that by 20 40 the number of prostate cases will have doubled in accordance with how most unfortunately types of cancer seem to be on the increase and just some facts just to remind ourselves prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50 but the most common age is between 70 and 74 if it develops in anyone over 80 men over 80 generally uh they will die of something else it goes back to that thing that you say that cancer in a much older person is slow growing uh the symptoms are you know things like going for we at night going more frequently during the day struggling to start or stop weeing feeling like you can't empty your bladder when you have emptied your bladder and vice versa might suddenly need to go and you might even leak uh on route to the Loo um cited right at the bottom of your bladder oh pardon oh I I was just because it says the prostate is right at the bottom of the bladder so it says it swells that's why you might get the exactly exactly I mean and you know all men and it's quite ordinary and quite normal for men to have sort of fluctu ing prostate and sort of you know things you know it can be a sort of changing a changing thing you know an inflamed what it called a not an inflamed but what was it um Prince Charles went in for it was an enlarged prostate absolutely but here's some of the facts about it um some of the most important contributory factors are hereditary um you know if if there if there's a history of it in your family um then it's a high risk you're high risk also rates of prostate cancer are much higher in Black Men apparently um I think it's three times more likely if you're black smoking and being overweight are two uh contributory factors to Oh look The prostate is a very carogen sensitive organ the prostate yeah carogen sensitive organ all the things we know are bad for you from taking drugs to drinking exx alcohol XS alcohol seem to increase your risk of prostate cancer don't talk to me about drugs and drink because I did too much of that yeah but you've been 20 years like that's so rare ease up on things like bacon and barbecued meat which is great cuz I hate barbecues and I'm not f a fan of bacon but also being sexually active decreases your risk of prostate cancer and this is something that one men often hear as a sort of you think is it an urban myth this but they do say here they say a 2016 study shows that men that were sexually active around 21 times a month sorry babe or more had a 20% reduction in prostate cancer risk wow that's massive so obviously as he says this doesn't mean you have to be having sex also keeping fit um which means you know do doing would you say recommend doing more than the government guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate intensity weekly or 75 minutes of activity a week the fiter you are the less likely you are to have it but do you think that's connected to those that people people that have more sex people that like are fitter and Weller and will have more sex so they're less likely to get brought don't you think it's all like meshed not necessarily no I think I think you can sit in a corner without wishing to paint a picture mastbating and not be at all fit okay no no but I mean I mean though on its own it will it decrease by 20% or is it like I think if you're doing Joe Wick I'm not very good with these things I think if you're doing Joe Wix and having sex 21 times a month you're you're in a a good place and not eating B just keep mation is included of course it is of course it is it's just the expulsion I suppose with masturbation comes a little bit of exercise all right okay stop anyway this this so this is important ejaculating is good for prostate cancer and we get we all get funny about these words but I don't anyway isn't it annoying that sex isn't good for any women's bloody cancer so annoying that is a very very true point I mean it's just unbelievable but we could start we could start a research project couldn't we to see if okay stop okay so Nadia thought it would be very good to then spin off from this and look at seven other healthy reasons you should have sex starting to regret that now yeah no so what what were they well of course now this is the what makes me laugh because it improves your heart health right but because obviously it's cardiovascular but then like lots of people dying how long do you have to be cardiovascular how long do you have to be having sex for it to benefit your cardiovascular system okay I'm ask it's not going to be the length of time that most people are having sex is it I'm I'm going to ask you next time it's not going to be seven and a half minutes is it it's not like a hit workout I'm going to ask you next time let's have a look at both of our F no right stop no don't apple crumble next thing that is good for okay um Seven health reasons uh number two sweet pain relief even from menstrual cramps there you go it's good for women well you don't have menstrual cramps any less stress and lower blood pressure well of course because this is because it releases endorphins don't for get endorphins are what are they free Feelgood legal drugs pul around your body but but that is the same for exercise isn't it so that's just because it's exercise or not because it's not really no it's not you get extra endorphins better so sex is good for better sleep with a bonus increased sexual desire what does this sex can improv sleep by the release of hormones called oxytocin prolactin and endorphins those are all the things that you can get child birth the Sleep connection also works in Reverse according to a study published in the Journal of sexual medicine getting enough shut ey can improve your sexual response and may increase the chance that you'll engage regularly in it well G just like anything else I guess so uh number six happier mood and a stronger relationship yeah I think absolutely I think that's true shush glowing younger looking skin wow you look fantastic Mark you is annoying me now you see we shouldn't have done this take it down we're not doing it take the get back to okay I'm getting back to you guys hello my loves love Miriam hi brender yeah I love the awkwardness yes I know that one about reducing menstrual cramps cramps of muscular tension but that is the same with any exercise it's like when the girls have Peri pains I'm like I know this is the last thing you want to hear but like the best thing for is exercise movement isn't that unfair because everything in your body is going just sit in the fetal position and hold yourself and it and actually bodies are made that guess what we're supposed to get up and do more yesy H he is so annoying says Dana oh Dena Dana Dina doah um okay so let's move on to I want to talk about this and in fact Zoe you said That's my kind of story I thought immediately of you Zoe when I saw this story this is a story in the times about a man in America who is suing get this more than 50 women for calling him a bad date well first of all he's been on 50 dates true all of so straight away if somebody if I met somebody and they been on 50 dates I'd be like what is wrong hang on a minute hang on I've just worked out what the women's defense could be they were all talking about what [ __ ] daty was on a Facebook group called are we dating the same guy clearly they all were if he's suing oh no no he's suing the 50 that talked about him I thought he'd been on dates with all 50 of them so you no there are 50 women on the Facebook page a number of no no they're all calling him a bad so we've talked about this Facebook page in the past haven't we it's called uh what's it called are we dating the same guy a Facebook group in which women can sound the alarm and men who might be liars cheaters abusers abusers or otherwise toxic we did talk at the time about how this could be abused this could be abused um there are 200 apparently there are 200 of these groups Nationwide in America I don't know if there are any in the UK anyway this guy is suing them he's suing number of the women on this because he says that it's it's essentially litigious it's ruined his employment prospects it's it's damaged his character uh the and he put yeah but I mean now that everyone knows it's him but how many people are on this Facebook well interestingly the article says first open the story now with his name on his face well exactly well and it says here that orig the original post about him gained traction immediately at the time when it had about 10,000 members but then it kind of you know interest faded and then of course he brought this lawsuit in which nine of the women are named once again as Jane do is it Jane do um the suit accuses a women uh and he's accused them of conspiring to harm his reputation and discriminating against him as a man because he was unable to join the women only Facebook site and respond to the allegations I kind of get kind of it's a tricky one this it's a tricky one it is a tricky one because just because people have said things on a public forum doesn't necessarily mean that it's true no and we have no idea we don't know whether this man is the most revolting man on the planet or whether he's absolutely lovely we have no idea but everything is open to be look at Trip Advisor look at the way that that you that people can you know you know um hijack a hijack a business or anything for some other reason and give false critique to it and bring a business down so I suppose there does have to be some sort of guidelines because you can't just go anywhere and slag anybody off in any way that you want yeah exactly me Tobe imagine if it's a small town this kind of thing is not a good thing for society exactly and it leans into Vigilant Vigilant I mean I remember before when we were talking about this actually we were saying imagine if somebody who is really bitter about breakup man or woman not just just women man or woman and then they they because I mean if you think about how coercive control right and how somebody can be very jealous after you after you've left Sor I always share my dating EXC and can be very bitter after you've left them doesn't want you to see anyone else doesn't want you to go out with anybody I mean this that is a a place yes where they could maybe have effect on on that so I kind of get it because we don't know the details of the story but I just don't think people should be allowed to just go and say whatever they want to say now I do believe in a place where you can check on somebody's criminal records you know like if somebody done domestic abuse all of that sort so I think that's really important there is actually there is actually a place that you can do that but but sadly there's been very little uptake apparently on yeah yoube says sharing with your friends is one thing but sharing in the Town Square which effectively the social media yeah you're absolutely right I totally agree I complely agree um now finally just this is a bit of a funny final um politician fashion or we should call it politician spelled with an sh sh IO n but a politician fashion has rishy sunak gone and destroyed another staple part of being a cool dude in wearing the Adidas sambers well who is he trying to be horrible little man horrible horrible he's actually in a business meeting and he's trying to be one of the people oh God his TR are a bit longer but this is the idea that can politicians destroy if you know I think he looks stupid looks fake he's trying to be something he's not is is he trying to be a boy is he trying to be the common person just get them off and I don't think he's ruin them I I will never I will never ATT looks like a knob yeah I will never attach Rishi to those those [ __ ] because it's fake that's not him okay well I just thought embarrassing I thought it was quite a good opportunity to look at some other kind of politician choices there he is in his short look I mean I was thinking sitting down with trousers that short quite something I just don't um there he is in his Stanford kind of uh shirt um there he is looking very cool in a kind of uh Uber cool sweater totally sort of unaware of all the choices he's making that destroy the world but then look look at Matt hanock he was going for the open shirt kind of look he too destroying oh I hate to say it I think he's got those trainers on that I've got de the wanker trainers um oh there we go GE a bloke no they've put another body on it no that is that is his head doesn't look like it fits that is him being a geizer cuz he's a gizer here he's a gizer um and there's macron wearing a sort of sweater I think it's the kiss of death macron macron always looks mcon is whatever you think of him he he's not like J Bentley oh [ __ ] I have those trainers Dina call them the wanker trainers the wanker trainers I think she might mean uh rishy maybe oh Richies anyway guys bit of politician fashion so we will see you a non BL
Channel: The Sawalha-Adderleys - Family, Food, Films & Fun
Views: 8,040
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Id: 0LuefSa2EJE
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Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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