Its Time To Exercise Your Authority // Alex Seeley | The Belonging Co TV

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Hallelujah God we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you for your word we thank you that you're true we thank you God that you're in this place and God I just pray that this word would would would just grab a hold of us through Revelation that it would not be information because your word is alive it's active it's sharper than any double-edged sword God it has the ability to divide between Soul Spirit joint and Marrow and it judges the attitudes of our hearts so God I pray that as the word Goes Forth that there would be an increase of Revelation in this area of understanding and exercising our Authority for you have called us to live as the head and not the tail you have called us to go from glory to glory you have called us to represent the kingdom of God and all that is within it God I pray that your people would understand the timing that they're living in a time for such a time as this to be what you have called us to do and to live in the fullness of what you have purchased for us in your name we pray amen okay why don't you sit and let's get into this I'm excited thanks hen uh I got to get photos sorry got to get my little reading but that you know I love it when God changes things up a little bit hey okay you know we are celebrating 10 years this year can you believe that 10 years woo I can't believe it I I actually kind felt like yesterday we said yes and here we are 10 years later and uh uh just grateful to God for so many things but as I was reflecting I've been reflecting a while now um you know when you look at your life and you go wow what's on the other side of your obedience is always more than you can ever dare dream ask or imagine I think obedience is the key to so much in our walk with God but as I was reflecting on the number 10 as we celebrate 10 I found this uh number because you know B numbers have meaning in the Bible and it says the number 10 in the Bible is used 242 times the designation 10th is used 79 times 10 is also viewed as a complete and perfect numeral as is 3 7 and 12 it's made up of four which represents the physical creation and six which symbolizes man as such the meaning of 10 is one of testimony law authority responsibility and the completeness of order we find in Genesis that God used the word he said 10 times God said 10 times let there be God said 10 times I love that Steph referen the the the power of our words the creative power we were made in the image of therefore our words hold power there is power of life and death in the tongue and those that love it will eat of its fruit whether it's good you will produce good fruit everything that comes out of your mouth if it's bad you'll produce the fruit of that word it is so true our words hold power and it's why we're going to give an account to what we say and yet here God says 10 times he gives us the Ten Commandments oops what happened there and 10 which is a testimony of his creative power and God gave us Ten Commandments 10 therefore represents man's responsibility to keep those Commandments and as I think about this 10 years you know God loves to speak to us individually and that's very necessary because he speaks to all of us all the time but he also speaks to us as a church he speaks corporately he speaks to Pastor Henry and I and we take you on a journey and those that want to go with us are going to go with us and I felt like God just said that 10 represents Authority and responsibility and when God gives us Authority he also gives us a responsibility yeah that's right wherever there is privilege there is responsibility whereever you get something and gain something my mom always said that to me where there is privilege there's responsibility Alex you don't just get privilege and enjoy it for yourself you must Steward it you have a responsibility to make things better because you have and others don't responsibility comes with the authority that has been given to us and as Sons and Daughters of God each of us have authority that was given to us but what are we doing with it yeah some of us don't even believe we have authority some of us are still stuck in does Jesus loves me some of us are still stuck of can I or should I and God says well of course you can Christ in you the hope of glory don't look at yourself as yourself But as God in you and if God is in US therefore we can do all things and yet we struggle with this pece of understanding and exercising our Authority but I believe as a church at the belonging Co that this next 10 years counts you can't just keep coming to church Church going to conferences listening to podcasts reading the books and not do anything with your life there is no point in going to get your spiritual fix every week but they're not applying it to your life it's Madness to me it's Madness that we have the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and we're still questioning whether we do something or not and yet God is saying I'm asking you walk in your Authority exercise your Authority it was given to you in the garden and it took all the while for Jesus to come and do his business to reinstate us back to our original design so let's go to the origin of our Authority it was given to us in the garden it was given to Adam and Eve who were the first and and then it was supposed to literally repeat over humanity and we were called to rule and Reign let's read Genesis 1: 26-28 then God said let us make Mankind in our image in our likeness so that we they may rule over the fish of the sea the birds in the sky over the livestock and over the wild animals over all the creatures that move along the ground so God created Mankind in his own image the image of God he created them male and female he created them God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the Earth and subdue it rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground to rule and subdue is to have dominion over to take care of things that you have full author you were given we were given full authority of a region which was Eden and it was supposed to extend and we were supposed to take care of what God gave us as ours rule Reign have dominion and Authority Pastor Joseph Prince for those of you who know who he is he has this Theory I'm I'm still not totally hip to it but I love it I I I kind of want to ask God if this is true can't wait to find out but he says if we were called to have dominion over and authority over the fish of the Sea and the birds of the air and over every living thing and the plants and all the things that perhaps before the fall Adam was able to fly and then able to swim underwater without trial I love that thought because how can you have dominion over a bird when he flies higher than you why is it that man has an obsession to fly why is it that man do you realize that people do deep sea diving free diving with nothing no apparatus no no breath things and they go down to the depths of Madness to me why would you put yourself through this yet people do this in competition I watched a documentary on it and honestly I had to stop watching it cuz I actually have a fear of drowning it's something God has to work on my heart cuz I nearly drowned three times growing up so I have this spere of deep water I'll save that story for another day cuz I don't want to always throw Henry under the bus with trying to drown me when he was flirting with me but anyway that's another story for another day for those that know that know I love you darling we're going to be celebrating 26 years and I love you so but anyway they go down to the tip there's there's something about man that wants to take dominion over the ocean there's something about Mankind that wants to have dominion over the Airways we want to go live in Mars there's something in us because God created us to take dominion over the Earth he didn't ask us to take dominion over people yet the fall has made mankind want to rule over each other that was never God's plan we were supposed to work together and take control be fruitful increase in number subdue the Earth take Dominion have authority and I have this thought that the enemy heard God say let us make man in our image in our likeness we will make mankind male and female we will make them in our image he says it several times can you imagine just go with me for a minute can you imagine Satan after he'd been thrown out of Heaven because he wanted to be like God he wanted to be above God he wanted to usurp God's Authority no one can be above God Lucifer was a created being God is not he has always been he will always be there was no beginning that used to mess with my mind as a child but I've had to accept if God is God I'm glad I can't figure him out yet Satan was created and he was cast down from heaven because he wanted to be like God and be above God and God's like we can't have two rulers in heaven and yet now God in his genius says you know what on this Earth I'm going to create Mankind in our image in our likeness and they will have dominion and authority over the Earth which means they're going to have dominion and authority over Satan and I don't think he liked this setup I can imagine him going hold on a minute I wanted to be like God yet you banished me different motive now God actually creates Mankind and he understands what dominion and Authority actually means because he lived in a supernatural realm with God so he understands the power that Humanity can have he didn't want it that means humans will rule over me so what does he do he goes right to the origin and he corrupts the orig of humanity so that he corrupts The Narrative of our story do you see it yet we're living under this Perpetual notion that the enemy has more power than us we think he's uglier and scarier and stronger how many people are the enemies is attacking me the enemy is we give the enemy more credit than we give God we give the enemy more power than we give God and yet we are the superior [Music] ones but here what happened at the fall he comes in and he engages in a conversation God will uh the enemy will never come to you as a pitchforked horned devil cuz you would recognize him in a minute and you would ask him to get out of your face he always comes as something familiar they had Adam had just named the animals familiar in relationship on some level yet they were only to take instruction from God they were in relationship with the father they were intimate with the father they walked in the call of the day with the father there was relationship between mankind and God the Father And yet when they engage in a conversation with Satan as the serpent he gets them believing a lie yet this is the first and foremost sin is that when we don't follow God's full instruction we will be subject to disobey it was a full instruction it was very easy if we eat of this tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil we will Sur die and yet the enemy comes in and says you won't die you're going to gain something and right there seed the seed of doubt that God was someone they couldn't be trusted that he may have been holding out on them but the issue is this man was supposed to obey the father and anything contrary to the word of God is Not truth and we compromise Our Lives because we rationalize with the word of God we pick and choose what we like out of the word of God and we wonder why we fail in our Authority that's right I I'll forgive this section of people but I can't forgive that section half obedience Disobedience I'll give when I want how I want it half obedience Disobedience then you don't have authority over your Finance in your relationship you can't you can't actually exercise self-control and then you realize why you're always being subdued we were called to subdue not be subdued and yet we're subdued by our addictions by our thought patterns by our manness in our mind because we have strayed from listening to the instruction of God and obeying it Point Blank we rationalize it we romance it we engage in a conversation and he enemy twists and turns he puts a little bit of Truth he sprinkles a little bit of lies and we fall into it because it touches something in us that says maybe I could be better off with this version and Adam and Eve fell and when they fell there was a breakdown in their Authority they actually gave over their authority to an enemy by believing and engaging in his lie acceptance was replaced with rejection and separation innocence was replaced with guilt and shame Authority was replaced by weakness and insecurity and Dominion was replaced by fear and bondage and right now it saddens me that I see Christians who still struggle with rejection who still struggle with feeling like God is distant who still struggle with shame who still struggle with the guilt from their past who still struggle with their weaknesses and their insecurity and who still struggle with fear and they're completely Bound by it and yet God has given us an authority over the enemy yeah and we have to understand how to exercise this Authority so we see the origin we see the breakdown and we see the Earth God's trying to get his people to understand if you will do this this will be your I I I I I'm baffled CU you know I've been spending a lot of time in the Old Testament recently and I'm baffled how many times God's like if you just follow this recipe you're going to have the you should see the blessings in Deuteronomy if you just obey his word for generations and yet we choose to not obey him we're we're weird humans are weird because why wouldn't you just do what he said cuz we are listening more to a conversation with the Enemy who understands if he can get in and distort our view of God and distort the view of who we are in God then he can manipulate the way we think and the way we manifest our lives he did it in the garden and they had a choice and this is where God is so good he gives us choice and some of you literally Missy came to me at the end and she goes you know this line always grabs me in this area of sin and she said you know the enemy has us deceived to believe that we don't have a choice oh I can't help it I can't help this is just my bent towards I I've tried I just I didn't have a choice no no no no no my friend you have choice in fact your whole life is about choice and I'm about to show you why Jesus walked the Earth fully God yet fully man but had full Authority and power and it was because of obedience obedience I so believe this it increases your Authority and Disobedience decreases your Authority and we've got a western church that's very enamored by influence and popularity but don't ever mistake that for Authority right cuz you can be very charismatic you can be very gifted you can be very popular you can have great influence but when it comes to getting a demon out of a person do you have the authority to see that go when it comes to seeing the sick hillt do you have that Authority When you pray do you see atmosphere shift when you walk in a room do you understand that you are the one there to dictate the atmosphere do we actually understand our Authority because popularity influence and gifting will get you nothing but in a door but it will not dominate the area that we're called to dominate and that is the kingdom of darkness this is why Jesus had to come cuz he realized humanity is failing and failing and failing and so Jesus comes he says you know it's like in Romans 4 it talks about um how one man's Disobedience caused us to become Sinners but it was another man's obedience that caused us to become righteous and that is Jesus see it was Disobedience that caused sin to come into our world and it was obedience that caused us to be able to access righteousness and Jesus is saying let me show you how it's done I'm showing you that I'm fully God yet I am fully man I am made of Flesh and Blood I came in as a seed inside a woman and I humbled myself to grow inside the womb that I actually created and he comes in as a baby dependent think about this on Humanity God now dependent on Mary to feed him and keep him alive think about that for a minute sometimes I just don't think we understand the miracle of J Jesus coming to Earth in the way that he did and we'll get to that in a minute but it blows my mind because he's saying I want to step in your shoes I'm going to feel what you feel I'm going to live how you live but I'm going to show you how to have authority and power to overcome because God sent Jesus and his One mission was to destroy the work of the enemy 1 John 3:8 the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work that's the assignment and so Authority was given by Heaven conceived by Holy Spirit which made him fully God and then fully man as he outworks In the Flesh and now he's walking as a man but he's fully dependent on the Father the father is the one that instructs him and Jesus says I don't do anything apart from what my father tells me to do I'm not about my own business he wasn't about Jesus Christ Ministries and so many of us are so about our own Ministries when I came to America guys this is something that blew my mind every Christian has a Ministry I was like my gosh we should be Revival out but these Ministries are more about you than they are about the people of God and I say that liberally and don't take offense for those of you who have Ministries and now you think I'm like anti- Ministry I'm not I'm just saying are we doing what the father asked us to do are we doing what the father asked us to do because it wasn't about Jesus it was about destroying the work of the enemy and then the salvation of the people that was his two missions it was destroy the enemy so my people can be drawn back to the father it wasn't about him it's why he could lower himself it's why he could submit himself it's why he could deny himself of his own power and show meekness when every time I'm sure there was a temptation to want to just you know and yet he reserved himself because he understood that the power over sin and death was in his death and Resurrection not in his Display of Power in the moment and yet God was was giving him all authority fully obedient and in full submission to the father and holy spirit through his whole life scripture says that he learned obedience through suffering Choice he had a choice every time he was maligned every time he was rejected every time he was abused every whatever you think about this this is the son of the Living God this is God In the Flesh the word made flesh and yet he would have had every opportunity every day to make a choice to either subdue or to submit and he submitted to the father and waited for the appointed time of when he would display his power which was God's and that was through his death fully devoted to God full submission Spiritual Authority is grounded in humility it's not my will it's not about me it's about him sustained through constant surrender and cultivated through intimacy these things that we have with God God God and the father I mean God and Jesus he just submitted and said you know what it's my humility that says I humble myself to become a man and then I'm surrendered on The Daily to do whatever you ask me to do do you realize that Jesus didn't heal everybody have you ever thought about that I always think about the pool of Bethesda everyone came to that pool to get healed yet he only healed one person because he was only on assignment with what the father told him to do he could have had Jesus Christ Ministries and had lines for days and just ch ch ch and he could have looked like the man but there was always a purpose behind his power there was always a purpose behind his obedience meekness strength and control I could heal this whole place but I won't because God hasn't asked me to do that God and Jesus connected as one and then he goes to be baptized obedient through baptism didn't need to be baptized when John the Baptist sees him he says oh Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world I should be being baptized by you he says well you're going to baptized with water I'm baptizing with fire so let's do this but it was at that moment because of the authority that he walked in he had an identity in Christ that was so certain that I am the Son of God and it happened at B ISM where the heavens broke open and God declared this is my son in whom I'm well pleased the heavens ripped open and I can't imagine if that was audible or or what happened what took place in that moment but all of Heaven and Earth knew that Jesus was the son of God and so his identity so connected he's like son I am so well pleased this 30 years you haven't missed a beat you've stayed Tethered to me you've made a choice every single day to stay Meek you've you've had a choice to stay humble you've had a choice to stay surrendered you've learned obedience through every day of your suffering when you have to go through the mundane and the hidden places when you could have confounded the whole temples with the word because you are the word but yet you showed restraint you waited until my instruction in fact you waited and you obeyed me and only me and is there any wonder why there is an authority in God because he was completely obedient to the father yeah we read the word and we mash it up a little bit and we wonder because every time I've grown in my authority church it's doing hard things it's forgiving when I felt Justified to hold unforgiveness it's giving when I didn't have anything in my bank account and I thought I was in control of my finances it's loving when I've been betrayed and moving towards and loving back you see we think it's just Shand Shand Shand Shandra and the authority comes you can someone once said you can speak in tongues all day but what you say in English if it's mean your tongues means [Applause] nothing see the authority is in your obedience your Authority comes from what you do in the secret when nobody watches your Authority comes from your prayer life your Authority comes when no one else is watching and you're reading your word and not instagramming about it because now you're showing people how spiritual you are you're hidden you're grounded you're just getting it because you know you need it it is your daily bread and he went through the waters of baptism and that's when the Holy Spirit came on him now all of Heaven gave him Authority but then the Holy Spirit gave him power and this is where he's showing you I'm about to give you all authority but I'm also going to tell my disciples that they need power with their Authority and so if it was good enough for Jesus how much more do we need it it says the Holy Spirit came upon him in Luke 4 it literally says Jesus full of the Holy Spirit after baptism left the Jordan and then was led by the spirit Into the Wilderness where for 40 days he was tempted by the devil tested mind you not tempted to sin tested to actually overcome and gain Authority I remember Pastor darl Johnson did this whole thing in his book where parmos is the Greek word for Temptation and it's not a sin that seduces you to fail it is a testing to prove and approve and upgrade you to the next level yet we are stuck in oh God tempts me God doesn't tempt you the enemy tempts you but God sometimes will bring a testing to you so that you can grow in your Authority and we fail every time because we're lured in by the enemy and his little words that trying to get us into places where we've got a deficit and this is where wholeness has to come in this is where an understanding of who you are in Christ has to be solidified because when you know who you are you can't be tempted with any other voice and so the enemy comes to him at this one place and he says the devil had him up on a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world and he says to him I will give you all their Authority and Splendor because it's been given to me and it's true it was given to him we gave it to him and I G I can give it to anyone I want to if you worship me it will be yours do you realize that Jesus doesn't even engage in conversation about the authority in the kingdoms because he already understands that he was given full Authority from heaven but he touches a point and says hey I'm just going to obey what God told me to do in the Ten Commandments and that's Thou shalt have no other God and you shall not worship any other God so rather than get in a conversation of like ooh I could actually have authority over all the kingdoms right now which he could have but it would have shortcutted him from destroying the work of the enemy the enemy is so dumb he doesn't realize who he's talking to and Jesus does not get temp or he does get tempted by that because you think oh can I have a moment where I don't have to go to the cross and yet I'll gain the authority that I've come for and that's why he says to Peter later on get behind me Satan because why he overcame him at the first Temptation because Peter's saying you don't have to die and he says well actually I do because that's my assignment is to destroy the work of the enemy do you see how the enemy will try and get you to shortcut your Authority by giving you a h and we take the half and we go well the half is good enough no half obedience Disobedience fractured obedience Disobedience and so he goes through and he overcomes the enemy and then it says in verse 14 Jesus returned to Galilee after that 40-day fast in the power of the spirit so now holy spirit comes on him he's full of the Holy Spirit then he's led by the Holy Spirit to be tempted for 40 days he doesn't disobey he answers every question uh with not a conversation with a statement that only comes from the word of God because he knows the word of God and therefore he can't he's like this sounds different it's one degree off it's one degree off the church needs more discernment by the way because discernment is not just knowing right from wrong it's knowing right from almost right and we've got a lot of people deceived right now in what's almost right and we're playing to that fiddle and God says I need you to know the word so thoroughly that when the enemy comes as a as a sheep in Wolf's clothing you can detect it immediately this is what gives us Authority when we know the word of God and when we know the god of the word and so he overcomes him and now now he walks out in the power of and sees signs wonders miracles that's the beginning of his ministry yeah so many of us get one prophetic word and we think we've got the authority we've not gone through the testing we've not gone through the fire we've not gone through the process and then we wonder why when the disciples there were certain people that they would try and deliver Demons of and the demons were looking at them going we don't know who you are there's no Authority here and Jesus is like dudes this comes through prayer and fasting you think it's just about the name of Jesus no there's an authority that backs up through obedience and discipline and prayer and fasting and things if you want to grow in your Authority there's going to be some things that God is asking you to do so he overcame his temptation for his identity his authority and his loyalty and the enemy couldn't stand a chance and so why Jesus now is grown in authority and now he has the power of the Holy Spirit and he's only doing what the father and the spirit lead him to do and which leads him right to death Philippians 26-10 says he existed in the form of God he did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped but he emptied himself taking the form of a bonder servant and being made in the likeness of men being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself by being obedient to the point of death even death on a cross for this reason also God highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name so that at every name of Jesus every knee will bow and of those who are in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father do you see how it's always pointing back to God it's not even even though Jesus Is God and it's like to the glory of God the father Jesus did all the work and here we see he has great Authority and now he gives this delegated authority to his disciples Matthew 28 18:19 he says all authority has been given to me now go go into all the world Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit teaching them everything that I've taught you to obey and lo I will be with you always but then he also says but you can't see while you've been with me I've been given you I've given you Authority while you're with me oh I sent you out and you did see Miracles but now I'm about to go and see this is the part for me that I really want the church to grasp we're so tethered by being spoonfed by men and women every podcast every preach every Sunday and yet Jesus Jesus spent 3 years with his disciples and then he said hey I'm going but you're not going to be on your own I'm going to send you my spirit so that you don't have to do this on your own and I'm going to give you full Authority backed by Heaven I sit at the right hand of the father when I go back and I'll be interceding for you and I'm with you rested in that place of the finished work of the Cross and now I've given you all authority and access to me but don't you dare leave Jerusalem don't you dare try and do anything without the power so I've given you Authority but now you need to be clothed with power from on high it's Authority and power exercised by faith obedience submission humility surrender and so they wait in the upper room and he says you're going to do greater things than me he says to John the Baptist that he was the greatest Prophet until this time and he says but even the least of these in the Kingdom will be greater than John why because John never partook of being baptized in the Holy Spirit John didn't experience the resurrected Jesus yet he had Authority because it was given by God but even the least in the kingdom do you know what that says to me the child and I've seen it in our kids ministry the least of these full of the power of the Holy Spirit exercising their Authority they pray for the sick and they see them healed they prophesy they believe God at his word they're obedient if God says it they do it God's asking us church WIll you exercise your Authority because it's your [Music] responsibility it's our responsibility as Sons and Daughters of God if you've been a Christian more than a year and you're still struggling with the fundamentals of does God affirm you does he love you is the power like we've missed it because the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you and the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon each and every one of us to give us dunamis power power boldness and courage to do the hard things to overcome every sin to overcome every battle of our mind this is why I don't believe the church should have depression and anxiety I have a wrestle with this guys and I understand it I always because you know why we have authority and power to overcome we can take every thought captive we can make it obedient to Christ oh it may take a minute I'm not saying it's sometimes one day it's a growth but oh if you're still struggling with the same issues over 10 years then you've not understood the authority that lives within you there's a disconnect there's a Disobedience and it's not a disobedience in what you've doing it's maybe what you're thinking it's you've allowed the enemy to say I'll never get over this just like what Steph said oh this is impossible you see her heart was lined up with maybe where her faith and belief system was and God says well I can't do anything with that cuz I don't respond to need I respond to your faith and then I respond to the authority that's within you to make declarations that shift atmospheres and sometimes our actions have to line up and catch up to what our mouth has spoken out there have been many days where I've not felt overcoming like I've overcome but I've declared it there are many times there's been the enemy encroaching at my door over my family and it has felt impossible but if I lent into my feelings I would not actually gain in that Spirit realm and take authority over the family that God has given me dominion and power to subdue over the enemy and some of you in this place there are things that you're stuck in and God says exercise your Authority exercise your Authority with every everyone standing up I just want to pray pray over you as we finish this sermon today I'm not going to do an alter call today but I am going to just get you to respond through just standing and engaging your heart close your eyes right now because I do feel strongly this year guys Henry and I our passion is to raise a mature church that doesn't mean lofty in intellect it means the demonstration of power at work in each individual life so that the world will see that there is a God because we have overcome and I believe God is calling us some of you are lazy some of you actually need to awaken some of you needs to stop going round and round the mountain of the same issue some of you just need to do the last thing that God asked you to do [Music] God wants you to stop Romancing conversations with the Enemy God wants you to be obedient to his word God wants you in his word God Wants You in relationship where you've got enough time to hear his voice and if this has challenged you if this has got a hold of you to say God I need to exercise my authority some of you didn't even realize that this is yours to take I just want you to raise both hands to Heaven we're going to sing we're going to declare through our song Do You Realize worship is Warfare do you realize worship is intercession especially when we're making declarations worship is not just some emotive emotional moment where we feel good in a moment but worship is like Weaponry against the enemy because when you're in your darkest spaces when you're in your most confused spaces when you choose to worship the enemy cowers cuz he wants complaints he wants worry he wants anxiety he want that's the incense and Aroma that makes him come alive but what cripples him is worship what cripples him is declarations that are of Truth what cripples him is when you go back at him with the word of God and he doesn't have a leg to stand on and he has to flee so we're going to sing this song but I want you to keep your hands raised and as you sing this with the team I want you to believe it I want you to believe it from your heart and I want something to shift in your life this morning
Channel: The Belonging Co TV
Views: 3,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the belonging co, the belonging co tv, the belonging co sermons, the belonging co messages, tbco
Id: kL951zuGUVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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