Repentance | Killing Kryptonite | John Bevere at Church for All Nations

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I am so fired up about this word I I have not had the chance to read the book this is a word for the body of Christ particularly pastors if pastors will hear this word changed the world and you know when I was growing up Superman was one of my favorite if not the favorite but as I point out it wasn't Christopher Reeves it was back when TV was black and white and you actually had to get up and go change the channel can you imagine doing that today what an inconvenience but when I heard the name of the book I knew where that was going because kryptonite was one thing that would SAP Superman but let me just tell you this is an incredible word John so good to have you back I just can't even tell you how much I love this so let's give John Bevere a warm welcome as he comes [Music] thank you so much and have a great trip all right hey good morning Wow look at you guys hey can everybody stand up I love praying before bringing the Word of God I just want to welcome Southwest it's great to have you I know Pastor David Cowart is there I love you buddy you married one of the great ladies of our country Miss Hannah banana you know oh I shouldn't say that around these guys but anyway I'm like her third dad okay because see Addison my oldest son is married to Giuliana who is at Hannah's sister and so you know you got Hannah's natural dad then you got Mark coyotes number two dad well I'm number three dad so David you better never mess up because you had to go through all three of us but you know I'm so glad he married you because he will never mess up he is one of the greatest men I know anyway it's all because of these two right here amazing amazing leaders and parents I love you guys mark you know seriously this this is one of the greatest men of God I know in the country and I'm not flattering I'm not listen when I get around this man of God I get so fired up my spirit just comes alive why because he is truly spirit led and I thank you for the way you've served our city particularly Colorado Springs as healthy ELISA and I don't come here very often we kind of visit Colorado Springs I mean I leave this week and I won't be back till Thanksgiving but it's because of men like you churches like you churches like new life and many other churches in the city that we have a healthy city that loves Jesus amen and we've got a lot of people to reach so got a lot of people to reach but thank you for your leadership and thank you for going to India and I pray God's protection upon you and Pastor Mike as you guys go and thank you for going amen India is a country I have not yet been to and so my son went last year my son who's turned 23 today went last year flew halfway around the world and the people didn't even pick him up at the airport he had to take a taxi so it's interesting nation it really is but it was such a growing experience for him but anyway you know when I'm when I'm out and about in the city and I'm home and I meet somebody from SI phan I can always tell man you guys are so fired up so hung and so just it's great seeing you out and about I see you a lot and some of you don't know me so let me do this let me introduce my family to you here's a recent snapshot that is my amazing gorgeous wife best friend of 35 years last Monday oh my gosh she just gets more amazing by the day she's in Southern California right or Northern California right now and then there's our four sons Giuliano who is Hannah's sister is of course Addison's wife and our 4G babies you say what in the world is a G baby I'm Way too young to be grandpa so it's G daddy and G for short and so now you see there's four sons one is married one has got a gorgeous girlfriend that I greatly approve about but then two were available so one of those two that are available we'll be back in the bad girls go check him out all right we need more G babies right all right so anyway my son's oh my gosh I wouldn't want to be my son anyway listen I want every moment I can get to bring what God's place on my heart I am I am gonna be speaking out of this new book called and killing kryptonite but what I don't want this morning is I don't want just a message okay I want to see your life change forever I just I can't even imagine being in ministry and just standing up just to give messages to fill people's heads with knowledge I mean we are called to change people's lives to preach to their hearts to change them from the very core of their being so I want to ask you a question you want a message for me or want your life changed forever this morning which one what what that's great but the Bible says we don't have because we don't ask so can we pray and ask God for that Heavenly Father thank you so much so much for being the privilege of being your children you could have made us slaves that would have been so much better off than where we were but you called us sons and daughters and so today Holy Spirit I'm asking that you would invade our sanctuaries that you would reveal Jesus to us in a way like we've never known him before and I'm asking that you do this that you'll be change eternal change not only to our lives our families this church but to this city into this a trick region we ask it in the mighty and the wonderful and the majestic name of Jesus and we do give you all the glory and the honor and the praise in advance for what you're about to do and everybody that agrees shuts come on giving praise for what he's gonna do amen amen you can be seated you know I see so many friends and staff members team members here I just want to say I love you all and it's just a just a real joy to be able to speak in my hometown all right now I am speaking out this book called killing kryptonite hasn't even launched Tuesday is its official launch date all right so it's exploding I mean and you say John Bevere are you reading a book about Superman no but to be honest with you there are so many similarities if you look at Superman he was from another world were from another world right he was supernaturally empowered were supernaturally empowered right he liberated the oppressed we liberate the oppressed he drew strength from the Sun we draw our strength from the SU s ou n right but there was a substance it was called green kryptonite and it was from his home planet it originated from his home planet if he came in contact with it it neutralized his powers literally literally made him weaker than an average human being and there is a real spiritual kryptonite all right now it took 13 chapters in this book it's a 28 chapter book to just really solidify what it is so don't expect to get the whole picture I might get two chapters out this morning all right but I didn't really set out to write a book about kryptonite I was doing what happened was last year I was doing an in-depth study on the church at Corinth and as I started in the midst of this study God was just really opening up my eyes to the key what was causing their struggles and a lot of what I was saying was the struggles were facing today and so I'm turning 60 in a year and a half and I'll just be really honest with you there are questions a lot of us have that we're just afraid to ask why because we're afraid of the answers but what I'm more afraid of right now is staying the saying because here's one of the tough questions I had to ask really honestly are we are we how do we compare it to the early church I mean let's really be honest let's talk about the early church just for a second I mean do you understand that they were impacting entire cities do you know if the Bible says the entire city of litter was one to the Lord every inhabitant in Sharon came to the Lord every inhabitant in Joppa came to the Lord the entire city of Caesarea was impacted I mean one place it says the entire region of Asia heard the word of the Lord in just two years when these guys came to the city called Thessalonica Greece do you know what the unbeliever said these who have turned the world upside down have now come here to our city that's the way they were known they had to convince people constantly they weren't superheroes or gods I mean soldiers government leaders they they'd walk down the streets Peter and just this shadow would touch people and they were raised up I mean that's like walking through a hospital and emptying it just because you walk down the halls that's the kind of power they walked in there their their their ability to handle persecution was uncanny their integrity I mean you look at these these people in the early church they were amazing I mean they pray in buildings would shake right now all of this that I'm speaking of happened most of all of it between 30 and 34 AD Paul's first letter to this church in Corinth was in 56 AD so we're talking 25 years later now Corinth was a totally different story Corinth had the gifts of the Spirit operating in it yet history shows that the Corinthian church did not impact that city like the early believers were 25 years earlier what was going on this church man they had sexual immorality going on they're suing one another they got divisions they got strife they got favorite preachers and the tough question I had asked is are we more like the Corinthian church are we more like the early church that was the really tough one and I really started and the church in America is more like the corn Church so Paul finally right since Corinthian church and he says for this reason this spiritual kryptonite that I described in the book many of you were weak everybody say weak that's exactly what Krypton I did the Superman but let me encourage you because I always love to bring encouragement right that's what Jesus does right Daniel had a vision of the last days Church okay where the last days Church I believe that with all my heart and you know what he said he prophesied about us he said look at the people who know their God should be strong everybody say strong shout strong and carry out great exploits and so I'm seeing the contrast here what is the key to the strength that Daniel is identifying it's the fact that they know their God now the Hebrew word therefore knows the Hebrew word yada Yad a that word is defined as to know someone intimately are you following me it is often used in the Old Testament to represent how God knows our hearts how many of you know he knows our hearts better than even us right it is also used in Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 where it says Adam knew Eve his wife and they can see the most intimate that a couple of two human beings can be on earth the word yada is used to describe it which is so interesting to me because God often uses marriage imagery to define or excuse me to illustrate our relationship with him I mean he said Israel so often I'm gonna give you one example he said your Creator is your husband right if you look at the New Testament Paul said hey for this reason a man's gonna leave his father and mother and he's gonna be joined to his wife right and the two are united as one he said but really this is an illustration everybody say illustration of the way the church and Jesus Christ relate and we integrate are you following me so with that in mind watch this video so they tell you how to fold the napkins yes I actually believe me not I not I sold the Sydney Opera House I can totally show you anything have you done Dinah clothes before yes actually this is our favorite restaurant welcome back no babe I'm pretty sure we've never been here before that's weird just once what would you like to order this is sir so you know what I think I would like to have that salmon that that sounds absolutely wonderful that's one of my favorites oh great and for you man oh I will have the filet mignon and the New York Strip and the 8-ounce sirloin all medium-rare please that is a great choice I will get those right out to you that's it's got a lot of food I'm not just ordering for one you know are you tell me that we're expecting yeah he'll be here soon it's a boy sorry I'm late thank you so well I'm sorry dude he is my boyfriend from high school yeah your boyfriend from high school no I really don't see the problem here Justin yeah I really don't see the problem here okay who are you honey stop you're embarrassing me I just wanted us to have one nice night our favorite restaurant okay first of all I've never been in this restaurant and second what is going up hey babe sorry I'm late did I miss anything okay seriously you take your hand off her at you what is going on Anjali is this some kind of joke are you are you actually seeing these guys Justin I've known these guys longer than I've known you wait what are you seriously jealous right now jealous Angela in case you forgot we're married okay and we spend the majority of our time together and I love you more than any of my other boyfriends that's why your your favorite is desertin where else I need to know about babe is there a problem over here okay really the waiter no Dennis we're seriously no good food we'll be right now okay these guys need to go and we need to talk we're done I cannot believe this you are being so selfish why do you always have to make everything about you you ruined our favorite restaurant excuse me yeah I've still never been in this restaurant okay so hilarious in it almost unrealistic but can I can I talk in Angeles defense she does spend the majority of her time with Justin she does love him more than the other guys and he is her favorite what's the problem I mean I mean let me ask you would you would you want to be married to somebody like that come on in here everybody would you get engaged with somebody like that what juice do would you know how would you enjoy being married to somebody like that it's ridiculous right now we would never want to be married to somebody like that what makes us think that Jesus is coming back for a bride that's the same I mean this is what Paul is dealing with with this Corin charge because he finally says to them many of you have not given up your old boyfriends you have not repented of your impurity your sexual immorality your eagerness for lustful pleasures etc etc and this is what was weakening that core in church chains you know what's interesting is I go right out of Corinthians and I start studying the book of James and I'm realizing he's dealing with all the same things pause dealing with with the people he's addressing they're jealous they're envious they are quarreling they are got murder or unforgiveness in their hearts I mean you can go on and on their tongues are out of control there's divisions and so finally James says something that Paul could have easily said to the Corinthians and he says you and alters so now wait a minute he's speaking to believers here because believers are the only ones that community can commit adultery against God you know I can't commit adultery against Jane Smith because I'm not married to Jane Smith the only person I can commit adultery against is Lisa Bevere and God is saying to his people this 15 times in this book James says my brother and my brother and my brother and my brethren all right he says you're committing adultery and then he says this he says get rid of your sins I know there was repent of them take it serious and quit listening to teachers that are telling you don't worry it's all covered holiness Jesus is your holiness don't worry about anything else he says purify your hearts for your loyalty is divided between God in the world see the problem here is Angela even though she spent the most time with Justin her loyalty was still divided and you're not going to have intimacy with divided loyalties James are saying to this church you're so frustrated you're not having intimacy with God you're not having this yatta that we're talking about because your loyalties divided are you seeing what I'm saying she's trying to feel strong right now because I'm passionate about this because I'm telling you it keeps me awake at night sometimes so with James and Paul are dealing with is they're dealing with God's people who have refused to repent of their former sins are you following me now when you hear the word repentance you go a little you get a little nervous why because many people associate repentance with the Old Testament sackcloth asses tears all that other stuff right but that's not true repentance before true repentance is when I totally changed myself from the way I believe from the inside I mean if you look at the world if you really want to know the truth remember James says your loyalties divide between God in the world there is one major difference between the world in a believer a believer excuse me the world says I choose what is best and good and right for my life the believer the true believer says I choose what God says is good best and right for my life so New Testament repentance if you really want to know the truth it's it's the Greek word Metanoia a which is found over 50 times in the New Testament most people don't even know that because it word just kind of disappears for them and the word means this it means simply a change of mine that's what most dictionaries are gonna how they're gonna defined it but you got to go deeper if you go to the Bakker encyclopedia it defines repentance as this a change in the whole personality from a sinful course of action to God now I love the word whole personality because I can have a change of mine but not yet not necessarily be persuaded so repentance does include the mind but it goes deeper it goes to our will it goes to our emotions it penetrates even to the heart we're persuaded from the very core of our being because Jesus makes the statement he says this look at this from the heart come evil thoughts murder adultery and sexual immorality theft and lying behavior whether it's spontaneous or habitual originates in the heart so if repentance is just a change of mind Jesus would have said from the mind comes evil thoughts murder adultery and sexual immorality are you seeing that what I'm saying so true repentance is when I turn from saying I choose what's right for my life to saying I choose what God says and if you really want to know the truth this is the very core right from the garden what was the core of what Adam and Eve did I mean Adam didn't jump in bed with a prostitute he didn't snort a line of cocaine he didn't cheat on his taxes he simply chose what he felt was good for his life outside of what God commanded he violated what God said and because he felt his choice was better are you tracking with me that's the core of repentance so we have this entire interchange - it's settled whatever God says I embrace it as the best because he's my maker and he knows what is right for me and he really cares about me are you seeing this so here's the situation I know this video seemed ridiculous right but how could something like this actually happen because if you'll notice in the video Angela was just as shocked as Justin she was the one that left the table she couldn't believe he was jealous how could this ever happen I'll tell you how a kid if the people in her life namely her family her parents her teachers her the people she hung around with if they never told her that in order to mentor a marriage covenant you have to leave all your old boyfriends see when a woman puts on a white dress she's making a statement we know this she's saying goodbye to every man on the face of the earth except for the man waiting for but suppose the people involved in Angela's life never told her that then she would enter into that marriage covenant fully believing I can spend most of my time with him but still enjoy my old boyfriends because nobody told her well this is the thing that I'm wondering do we tell people this before we engage them in a relationship with Jesus Christ or do we just say pray this prayer you're away from God come home to him Jesus I give you my life I receive you as my savior thank you for saving me now you're a Christian so we've not said one word to them about repentance and so now they think I can have my Jesus in adultery - I could have my Jesus and cheat on my taxes - God knows I have me he covers it because the blood of Jesus did it this is a good deal see if you look at the first words out of John the Baptist mouth he said repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand if you look at the first words out of Jesus mouth repent for the kingdom of heavens at hand look at this jesus said in Matthew chapter 11 then jesus now I want you to look for a pattern here I'm going to show you something then Jesus began to denounce the towns where he had done so many of his miracles because they had what repented of their sins and turned to God now I want you to notice that statement repent of their sins and turn to God I want you to notice what the disciples preached when Jesus sent him out in the Gospels so the disciples went out telling everyone that they met to repent of their sins and turn to God are you seeing this now what about the man in hell okay he's already in his final state he's burning in hell forever right I think we should listen to what he says he says no the rich man said no father Abraham but if someone to my brother's from the dead then they will repent of their sins and turn to God what's the first words out of Peters mouth when everybody said I want to get Saint Peter said this each of you must not it's a good idea repent of your sins and turn to God and be baptized in the name of the Jesus Christ for the gift forgiveness of sins what about Paul the one who had the revelation of grace right Paul look what he says I preached first to those in Damascus then in Jerusalem and throughout all Judea and then also to the Gentiles that's all of us that all must not it's an option all must repent of their sins and turn to God and prove they've changed by the good things they do how about God the Father God the Father says he overlooked people's ignorance about these things in earlier times but now he commands not suggests everyone everywhere that covers me to repent of our sins and turn to him so here's the truth that we just don't hear talked about in the American Church there is no true faith in Jesus Christ without repentance that's good preaching John thank you so much so the person who is truly repented says this they say I've lived as the one who judges what is best for me no more from this moment forward no matter what God says is best I will believe and embrace it with all my heart and mind Paul finally rights to this Corinthian church and says hey don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God now what are we trying to do wrong we're talking about person who practices doing wrong I'm not talking about the person today that's fighting to get free from sin I'm not talking about that person the Bible says if your brother sins against you seven times in a day and he truly repents forgive them and Jesus just saying forgive the way your father forgives you in other words God the Father his forgiveness is inexhaustible but notice Jesus said and repents you shall forgive him so I'm not talking about the person that's like God I got to get out of this I hate to send you hate it I hate it I'm not I'm talking about the person this goes hey man I got needs my wife's rude to me this girl treats me so nice thank God for His grace God will forgive me sure is quiet in this Methodist Church so Paul says don't fool yourself listen to the words don't fool yourselves those who indulge in sexual sins stop don't go to the next PowerPoint stop right there I'm first on the list so please understand I'm first on the list at 11 years old one of my friends introduced me to pornography it very quickly went to hard-core pornography highschool I would sit in classes and literally undress girls and go through the wildest sexual fantasies I was consumed with lust in 1982 I'm 23 year old man now I marry whom I consider to be in those beautiful girl that walks the planet and I think everything's gonna be fine no it's getting worse you know III was like a magnet and pornography was like metal shavings if there was any pornography anywhere it would be like me and it's affecting Lisa's on my relationship in bed I mean it's it's it's it's it's not good and then in 1983 I could I go into ministry and I'm still eating up with this lust I'm working for my church I'm driving the vehicle picking up the guest speakers we had guest speakers from all over the world come to our church it was one of the best-known churches in America and I remember in 1980 for the fall of 1984 I am alone in the church vehicle with a man named Lester Sumrall okay this man and I know a lot of you young people will not know who he is he had one of the greatest deliverances ministries on the planet in the 20th century I'm alone with him and I open up this is the fall of 1984 I said brother summer I am bound to lust and I share with him and man I'm telling you he rebuked me like a good dad and I listened to every word he said and I said brother summer Oh will you lay your hands on me and get me free from this he said absolutely come here prayed a strong prayer you know what happened nothing nothing not a thing well you better find somebody with a more powerful anointing or gift on their life find anybody more powerful than Lester summer nine months later we're in the spring of 1985 and a man gives me his condominium to use for four days I go on to a four day fast and the fourth day of the fast I got completely set free from pornography and I'm free today [Music] [Applause] so now I'm walking in freedom for a couple years right and I'm like I don't get it so I started asking God I said God you gotta help me understand this I humbled myself with Lester Sumrall I opened up in that van in 1984 the fall of 1940 I wasn't it until May 6 1985 why didn't you set me free when I really humbled myself you know the Lord started doing he start showing me my prayer life so 1982 83 84 I got up every morning this is no joke at 5:00 a.m. and I would go outside and I would pray until at least 6:30 usually seven o'clock one and a half to two hours every single morning and the bulk of my prayers was God use me to win people to Jesus use me to get people free Lord used me to heal people Lord send me to nations and let me preach the gospel to nations that's my prayer that's the passion of my prayer every day for those three years right so the so a little after the time I met with some Earl this is still the fall of 1984 I'm praying one morning right not in the golf course prank cuz it's my favorite place to pray golf courses and beaches and and I'm praying you know and the Holy Spirit interrupts me and he said son your prayers are off target I went what off target I'm praying that you use me to win people to Jesus to get people healed he said son you can win people to Jesus you can get people healed you can get people free and still up it end up in hell forever now I thought that was the devil ah but then the Lord said this he said son Judas left everything he had to follow me Judas healed the sick Judas preached repentance judas got people free judas is in hell I'm trembling I'm a Catholic boy okay they met Jesus in my college fraternity at Purdue University I don't even know what trembling is but I'm trembling and I remember saying then what should I be praying passionately what should be the focus of my prayers he said to know me intimately and that day I started thinking you know Moses that was his greatest desire and he finished well Paul that was his greatest desire he finished well David that was his greatest desire he finished well so I started praying god I want to know you the best of Mankin oh yeah I want to please you the best of man can please you I want to know your heart Lord revealed to me what you love and I want to love what you love I want to hate what you hate God I want to walk as close to you as a man can walk close to you that became the passion of my prayers are you following me now Paul writes to the Corinthian church and he makes a statement I want you to notice something okay Paul says this he says for godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation now that word salvation is Soteria which means healing preservation sound of mind and deliverance for our sake let's make it deliverance let's apply to what I was going through godly sorrow produces repentance leading to deliverance not to be regretted but sorrow of the world produces death to sorrows both sorrow say I've sinned God remember Balaam said I've sinned Judas said I've sinned and threw the money back in the temple so both sorrow say I've said both sorrows have tears matter of fact God leaks our can have no tears worldly sorrow can have tons of Tears I've seen it once sorrow leads to repentance producing deliverance the other one leads to death what's the difference you can see the difference in the life of two King King Saul and King David King Saul disobeys God's command the Prophet comes backs him to the corner first he tries to put the blame on the people prophets do what they do they back them right into the corner finally saw goes I've said but then you know what the next words out of Saul's mouth work please Samuel now honor me in front of my elders in the in other words you've embarrassed me David on the other hand commits adultery murders the woman's husband to cover up his adultery thanks the Prophet comes to him confronts him David said I've sinned against the Lord falls on his face couldn't care less what his leaders thought and the people thought and you know what the cry of his heart was God against you and against you only high of sin Saul the focus of his sorrow was himself you've dishonored me make it right David the focus of his sorrows I've hurt the heart of the one I've loved God's showed me that in 1984 when I opened up with some Lester Sumrall I was scared that sin was gonna disqualify me from the ministry he had called me to I was scared of the judgment I might come under I was scared of maybe losing my marriage the focus of my sorrow was me he said son when you went into that condominium nine months later because you had been praying God I want to know your heart I want to please you because your heart ground to know me yada he said the focus of your sorrow was the fact that you were hurting my heart that sorrow produced the repentance to lead to your deliverance [Applause] it's all about yatta that's the whole reason he created us it's the whole reason he saved us is to be intimate with us yet we avoid the very thing that produces the intimacy and that's the preaching of holiness Paul says to this church let's go through it again don't you realize those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God don't fool yourselves those who indulge in sexual sin or commit adultery or our male prostitutes or practice homosexuality can i address that is it okay three years ago everybody was all upset at the government what are you upset at the government for their their understandings darkened they're alienated from the life of God they're under the influence of the god of this world of course they're gonna make homosexual marriage legalized don't get upset with them the ones I can't figure out are all the believers that support it why do they support it because we didn't tell them you repent now they're still choosing what is good right and best for my life and everybody else's life and staying instead of saying he's our Creator he knows what fixes a human being so I'm first on the list I'm not throwing stones here okay can you understand this I mean a very popular woman Minister last year just ends her marriage and says it was completed not failed it's like a perennial and then she married a woman and she still has almost 300,000 people following her who loved all her pictures of their married life together and she's the New York Times of us so I mean a great leader in our country has just stood up and said I've been with many homosexuals I see that they're devoted to each other as I am to my wife and I'm like oh my gosh do you really love these people I'm so glad nobody looked at me and said hey John you're red-blooded male 70% of the males are into pornography in America 50 percent of ministers are addicted to pornography God understands you're saved by Christ John don't sweat it no I had a loving father who looked at me and rebuked me and set me on a course I am so glad you know are we so stupid that we think no wait a minute that the blood of Jesus is only powerful enough to get us free from the penalty of sin but it's not powerful enough to get us free from the bondage of sin how stupid can we be man he gave us the complete package look what Paul he goes on to say or greedy people or drunkards or abusive or cheap people none of these will inherit the kingdom of God none of them let's look at what Jesus says I'm more inclined to listen to what I love to listen what Jesus says directly from his mouth don't you Jesus says you can identify people no I'm gonna skip this I don't have time sorry you gotta understand you can identify people by their actions you know I had a lady say to me but God she's in adultery right and she said to me God knows my heart John no he knows your works she's didn't say to one Church in Revelations I know your intentions I know your heart he said to every one of them I know your works Jesus is right there you can identify people other actions I mean when you walk up to a fruit tree you have to take a drill in bora-bora hole into the center of the tree the heart to figure out there's a good tree or not just look at its front okay you can identify people by their actions not everyone who calls out to me this is not Buddha Mohammed or the three million Indian gods or Hindu gods excuse me it's talking about himself not everyone who calls out to me Lord Lord the reason lord has written twice is because he's emphasizing it so if you're if you're if you're Matthew and you're on that Sermon on the Mount Jesus would have said it like this not everybody says to me Lord it's gonna enter the kingdom of heaven whoa then I want to know who's gonna enter the kingdom of heaven jesus said only those who actually do the will of my father which is in heaven will enter so you have to understand some the grace of God and only forgives us it's not only a free gift but it empowers us to do the will of God I couldn't do the will of God I could not get set free from pornography but the grace of God got me free why do we create a doctrine that makes people comfortable in their sin instead of saying I have the answer for you to get out of what makes you broken because I care about you I really love you look what he goes on to say on Judgment Day this is Jesus words right here many and this actually means majority 51% at least many will say to me Lord Lord we proclaimed the gospel in your name we preached the gospel our church preached the gospel and we cast out even demons in your name and we perform many miracles in your name but look what Jesus says and then I will declare to them I never knew you depart from me you who didn't give up your old boyfriends you didn't repent of your sins I want you to watch this video and I'll close [Music] wake up what's happening where you Kevin at yeah who are you Kevin go we don't have a lot of time I've been sent here for you your doors are about to close I need to get you out of you you want to get out of here right yeah absolutely right come with me let's go all right so Kevin what we're gonna do is we're just gonna head down here I hope you're gonna be able to climb cuz we're just go Kevin what are you doing does anything I've learned in prison is that orange is definitely my color oh no no no you want to leave everything behind if you bring that with you the dog should be able to find you you'll be right back right right okay bye team I have the package we're headed to the extraction zone right now Kevin what I need you to do is what are you doing this bed is perfect for me okay do you think that we're gonna be able to get that through the contours to my every shape okay I can't sleep without it give it let's go today's Tuesday tomorrow's Wednesday they serve hot dogs on Wednesday are you serious yeah I can't miss that Kevin you can buy whatever food you want whenever we're out there we just go what about Chester okay ways that I hold on oh my gosh what is it oh the cabin what is it now look I haven't seen these up for a long time okay hey Darrell you still want straight cigarettes yeah look I got a cheese with Darrell okay me and Kyle got this like cigarette business I can't just leave him now I don't think you understand this your doors gonna close game Jimmy come out we need to go right now please leave everything with me right now we need to go wait wait wait please don't leave me here please I can let it go I can let it go please wait please some of you may wonder why I'm so passionate why just last week I'm awake at 3:30 in the morning because I had a vision in 19 in the late-1980s the vision I'll never ever forget I saw a sea of people and I mean a sea of people for you older people it was Woodstock crowd that kind of big for those of you're younger it was like a Reinhardt Bonnke crusade you could not see the end of humanity that stood before me all of them had gathered to come through the gates of heaven the gates of heaven were behind me Jesus stood between me and the gates I didn't see Jesus I didn't see the gates God's got me fixed on the people every one of those people called Jesus Christ their Lord every one have fully expected Jesus say enter into the kingdom of God and I heard Jesus say depart from me I never knew you the Greek word know I never knew you it's the Greek word GUID Misco which is the counterpart Yatta and what God let me see is the absolute terror and agony that was on these people's faces the cell had closed they had chosen their destiny forever and I imagine a good number of them were lied to I'll just pray this coin sinner's prayer that's all you got to do and you're in for good none of them have ever had ever repented of their old sins they just thought to be a Christian you pray a prayer you go to church you sing the songs wear the t-shirts listen to the CDs you're good jesus is coming back for a bride that's given herself to him the way he gave himself to her Paul the Apostle makes this statement and I'll close acts 20 I have had one message for Jews and Greeks alike the necessity of repenting from sin and turning to God and having faith in our Lord Jesus if anyone suffers eternal death it's not my fault for I didn't draw back from declaring all that God wants you to know preachers who do not proclaim the entire counsel of God believers who do not believe the entire Council of the New Testament and share with their friends and avoid issues that make people feel uncomfortable may be responsible I made a statement in a pastors conference I said I don't want anybody's blood on my hand at the judgment seat I don't want people screaming to Jesus and say he was a preacher and he didn't tell me I'm in a pastors conference pastor walks up to me he's I rate said don't you put that Old Testament stuff on me so what he had a Bible in this answer would you open your Bible acts 20 and I'm reading Paul's words I'm innocent of the blood of all men because I didn't shrink back from declaring the entire gospel council of God's Word this is this is the first fundamental truth in Christianity number one repentance of dead works old boyfriends we got a bunch of Angelus and I want to get as many of them saved as possible God put a passion in my heart not just for the loss on the seats streets but even more so in the late 1980s he put a passion in my heart for the lost in the church I want every head bowed and every eye closed father I preached which you've commanded me to preach and I thank you so much Holy Spirit of God I'm asking please please please don't let anyone leave this place deceived fooled with your heads bowed your eyes closed it's simple I've preached it you you've heard it I just want you to be honest yeah you can fool the person sitting next to you but why in the world do you want to fool the person sitting next full yourself why would you want to fool yourself some of you sitting there you know you know you say I've not given myself fully to Jesus Christ I still flirt with my old boyfriends my old girlfriends whatever it is my old sins and I just tolerate them I just kind of believe God's looking the other way it's not about God Jesus came to rescue us he didn't come to condemn us we were already condemned he came to rescue us just as that agent came to rescue Kevin in that prison he risked his life to get him out Jesus gave His life to get us out but he couldn't let go of his Mouse and his cigarettes and his jail clothing and his bed some of you this morning you need to make a decision I'm leaving that stuff because that jail cell is gonna close and that's called when a human being leaves this earth and then you can never change your mind I want to give you an opportunity this morning to really get your life right with God if you're in here and you'd say you know what I'm ready to give my life completely fully to Jesus Christ and turn and walk away from what he says no to is that you I want you to raise your hand up with every head bowed put your hands up high high really high if you say I'm ready I'm ready to turn and walk away I've not done it I just I want you to stand up if you honestly mean what you're saying stand your feet southwest and ever if your hands raised I want you to just stand I want you stand right now you know I have a friend I want you just listen to me I have a friend who's ministering one night and three times he was he went over to a young man in the means about 18 years old he said and he and in three times he said son I don't know what it is but I just feel like you're supposed to give your life to Jesus and I you you're holding back I just feel three times he went to that young man that young man thought no I'm not I'm not doing that he got on his ninja after the service and he was he lost control and ran head-on into an 18-wheeler he instantly went to return do you understand God reached out to him three times through my friend that not inconvenience to everybody else that was there what a joke to reach out to him if you're sitting there right now and you're saying I got tomorrow I got news for you you're not promised tomorrow please make the decision now before the prison cell closes if that's you just stand up right now just stand up every head is bowed every eye is closed I want you to make this decision not based on who's standing up around you but if you say you know what I haven't I haven't repented of my old sins if you're standing I want you to come down to the front I want to pray for you I want everyone in this place to give them a hand come on come on down I want to pray with you this morning come on give them a hand come on come on come on come on give them a hand hey hey there hey come on come on I'm not gonna bite I promise I won't bite come on bite I promise hey man hey hey okay okay wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you guys have got like these sad looks on your faces this is like the greatest decision you've ever made in your life right I've never seen a bride walk down an aisle like crying going oh my gosh I can't believe what I'm about to do do you understand your life is about to be changed forever and what's been really weird as some of you been in church and you thought okay I'm a Christian but you just like not seeing the fruit you're not having the intimacy you're like what's going on you're about to experience it because you're making that decision this morning get rid of the shame God's not here to shame you you you should feel no shame for standing down here I realize some of you I mean coming to church for years and you're down here because you've not dealt with something that's okay because you're about to enter in to a relationship with Jesus like you've never had it's gonna be amazing amen so let's see a smile on your face all right and I want you to put your hands up right now it's like an outward sign declaring what you're doing inwardly this is all you're doing by putting your hands up singing Jesus my life is yours say this with me right now say it out loud say God in heaven everybody pray with him God in heaven forgive me for livin life in my way apart from you my Creator I'm so sorry for this but today that's changing forever this day with a greater understanding that I've ever had I give you my life Jesus you are my lord my life is fully yours I say no to all things that offend you and from this day forward I embrace what you love my life is yours fill me with your spirit I want to have intimacy with you I want to know you in Jesus name just lift your hand keep your hands lifted Heavenly Father I'm asking touch them Holy Spirit touched them may the presence of Jesus fill their lives even right now in Jesus name there's this presence thank you there's this presence right there [Music] right there let's all lift our hands and thank him for what he's done just out loud thank him for what he's done and let's give Him praise let's think I want to I want to ask you something night so don't lie don't flatter okay just be honest how many of you could sense the presence of God can I see your hands put your hands up okay what was that what was that there's God saying you're my boy you're my girl so you when you walk out the doors the devil you know what the devil's gonna say he's gonna say nothing really happened tell them to shut up in that tone of voice got it dude got it everyone have you got it all right you got it this is the greatest day of your life amen
Channel: John Bevere
Views: 13,310
Rating: 4.9408283 out of 5
Keywords: Messenger International, John Bevere, Lisa Bevere, Good or God, MessengerTV, Church, Christianity, Faith, Bait of Satan, Killing Kryptonite, K2, Without Rival, Repentance, Religion, Hope
Id: 4nLJQEmbDdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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