5 Republic Vehicles & Weapons the Empire Should've Kept

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hi generation tech we've talked recently about five weapons and vehicles that the empire correctly retired because they were facing new enemies and new struggles today we'll be taking a look at five weapons and vehicles the empire should have carried over from the republic era on a side now we won't be talking about the venator class star destroyer in this list because we did a video solely dedicated to why emperor palpatine retired this ship during the rise of the empire there's no friendlier sight to a clone infantryman than a low altitude assault transport making its final approach on the way to a sketchy combat landing the laat represents a ride home an evac for wounded friends and allies it could also represent reinforcements in the form of a clone infantry squad or perhaps even an entire all-terrain tactical enforcer with that mass driver gun the la8t also had a healthy amount of offensive armaments on board including a belt-fed missile system and laser turrets and so this one single ship fulfilled many of the different needs that the grand army of the republic had during the clone wars when the empire rose the power of the laat was more or less discarded in its place the empire used two different vessels first we have the l-a-a-t-l-e patrol gunship also formerly known as the republic police gunship this was a smaller civilian version of the li-18 had less firepower ammunitions on board and could only carry a limited amount of soldiers it's made the laatle a pretty good vessel to use in populated urban areas where collateral damage could be a problem the main ship that really does take over most of the alliet's workload was the land the class t4a shuttle although initially designed only to ferry around high-ranking imperial officials the lambda class won't become the shuttle of choice for all imperial forces including the stormtrooper corps and also logistics units in my opinion this is because the liat civilian patrol ship is not capable of space flight it's not sealed against vacuum of course there's no specific information that actually says this so this is all speculation but the liat used by the republican military definitely was space capable and compared to the land the class shuttle the laat was actually smaller but could hold 50 percent more passengers and was much more heavily armed and with the liat's massive side doors entering exiting the ship while under fire was much easier and quicker than the lamda class's single ramp exit otherwise known as a murder funnel for rebels waiting with heavy repeating blasters overall the liat is probably one of the best designed systems coming out of the clone wars in my opinion they should have kept it and upgraded it in our last episode we talked about how the att wasn't exactly the most efficient main battle tank or whatever role it was required to fill one of the major reasons why we dislike the att is its form of locomotion it uses walker legs which are just terribly slow for almost every type of situation especially when you compare it to a vehicle using repulsor lifts the severus armored assault tank was an excellent design idea the actual execution of that design is a whole other issue but did you know that rarathana have been engineering a subject area of quad drive yards and the creator of the att also tried to create their own repulsor left tank meet the tx-130 saber-class fighter tank it's labeled a fighter tank because it actually is immensely fast and often compared to the jedi operated delta 7 ether sprite class starfighter except for it's a tank and so the tx130 isn't exactly a main battle tank it doesn't rely on its armor instead it relies on its speed to avoid enemy shots meanwhile the tx-130 can also dish out a lot of pain with their two ordinance launchers and two heavy lasers the tx130 also has a very low profile especially when compared to the aat tank it's also much smaller in overall tonnage it's essentially a light tank but it could do a lot lot more and it's definitely much more useful than the tx225 ga vw occupier combat assault tank we see during the skirmish on jetta [Music] when badasses like captain rex go into battle they often plunge head first dual wielding the dc-17 handblaster from blastec industries this is because this republic sidearm is considered one of the most reliable intelligence firearms available i mean look at this thing it essentially is a brick no attachments that can snap off no fluency parts it's built for budgeting people in the face when it runs out of ammo dc17 has never failed and they're also extremely lightweight while balance and had a pretty good rate of fire apparently the dc-17 shots were even more powerful than the larger dc-15 blaster carbine a good handgun doesn't require much more than that this is probably also why the 1911 is still used by some american military units if it ain't broke you know and so when the galactic empire replaced the classic dc-17 with the se-14r light repeating blaster i really wasn't amused the sc-14r is actually based off the sr combat pistol used by the separate destroyed army the r in sc14r signifies that this version of the pistol is capable of firing at an extremely high rate there's no real reason to make your sidearm a fully automatic weapon first of all this is a secondary weapon so it needs to be cheap simple and reliable making your secondary fully automatic makes the weapon expensive complicated and unreliable a blaster pistol platform is way too small for fully automatic firing the recoil and firepower is just going to be way too intense it's like firing a fully automatic glock there's also the issue of chewing through ammunition way too quickly and the barrel overheating from excessive use dendrin attempted to use a sc14r while undercover as an imperial soldier and he found out firsthand just how reliable of a weapon this thing is when the republic collapsed the empire more or less cut expensive programs like the income arc 170 but also other fighter programs like the eta active 2 jedi fighter for obvious reasons along with a v19 torrent starfighter the empire instead opted to use the alpha 3 nimbus class v-wing as the main stop-gap measure until senior fleet systems developed their tie fighter line the v-wing was a leader clone wars model built by quad systems engineering and the fuselage that was reminiscent of a delta 7 ether sprite or the later a-wing on its sides you had a pair of foils for cooling this was a very agile and speedy fighter but it costs almost twice as much as the v19 torrent starfighter at the beginning of the war the v19 torrent fighter was a prototype that was rushed into production before the veteran class star destroyer arrived a few months after geonosis the v19 torrent fighter made up the bulk of the republic navy it was essential at the battle of geonosis the v19 was designed specifically to escort laat gunships onto targets and they were made maneuverable enough to go up against the most agile enemy droid fighters as the war went on the v19s were continuously upgraded and given hyperdrives but at the core of these v19 torrent fighters are short-range interceptors just like the tie fighters that would eventually replace them now we've done multiple videos about how terrible the tie fighter design is we've even played star wars squadrons in vr to see what it's like to sit in the cockpit and let's just say those two giant solar panels make terrific blind spots the v19 is superior in many ways not only does it have the same kind of flight characteristics it also has that hyperdrive like we were talking about and also has concussion missile launchers it's really good against capital ships while there were definitely political and economic reasons why the tie fitter program was adopted the v-19 torn starfighter which was just three years old when the empire rose was still very much a viable option [Music] the republic occasionally captured droids intact and reprogrammed them for a variety of purposes including using them for special forces operations we're not exactly sure why the galactic republic didn't adopt the use of battle droids i mean this would have really helped them in the earlier years of the war where they were completely outnumbered by the separate destroyed army i would say that the galactic empire could also benefit from the use of droids what the empire needed quickly was a massive military force that could keep the peace if you take a look at how the imperial army trained the storm trooper corps and how the imperial navy trained their pilots you'll notice that the empire puts a great emphasis on loyalty and shedding one's individual identity this is why droids are almost a perfect fit for the galactic empire they lack purpose other than following orders and they're cheap to manufacture and maintain if the empire were to mass manufacture these droids they could probably provide enough security forces for their entire territory this would have prevented the need for the tarkin doctrine which eventually led to the death star program if you think about the clone wars was only three three and a half years old and all of the vehicles and weapons that were fighting in it were basically designed for it so you have a lot of new designs that aren't exactly that out of date so whenever palpatine wipes out everything and recreates an army from scratch and actually does waste a lot of resources let me know in the comment section below if i've missed any other vehicles that you think should have been carried over from the republic period to the galactic empire also don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content and as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation 10.
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 428,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Id: YT3onZxmumw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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