Why Clone Force 99's Katarn Armor is So Durable

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hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation tag massive amounts of plot armor make fans and audiences roll their eyes in exasperation it breaks the illusion that the characters on screen are in any real danger and it lowers the stakes and makes us feel less invested in what's going on but there are always other methods of getting your character through very exciting action-oriented sequences where blaster bolts and lightsabers are flying around and that's not by giving them plot armor instead it's by giving them indestructible physical armor i mean that's kind of what dave filoni has done more or less with the mandalorian dingering is probably the first character in star wars history to receive a realistic amount of incoming blaster bolts to his body based on how much time he spends out of cover during a gun battle he basically gets messed up or knocked down several times every episode but thanks to that nearly indestructible mandalorian biscar armor well it always works out the way it should the hard parts protect the soft mushy parts and so dangerous exploit sexes seem a lot more realistic than let's say han solo dodging a million blaster bolts from a bunch of stormtroopers only a few feet away from him it's a nice way to cheat and preserve your main protagonists while they are arguably going through a completely unsurvivable situation these situations of course need to be unsurvivable because content creators keep one-upping each other with their action sequences instead of maybe i don't know thinking up some smart plot points that would allow characters to survive without absorbing a massive amount of blaster bolts or having a bunch of miss well dendroran has probably one of the most powerful suits of armor in star wars lore the bad batch another dave filoni creation also has some pretty awesome armor that makes them extremely hard to kill clone49 wears a modified version of the kataran class commando armor you see although clone force 99 might look a bit different from your average clones at their core they were trained and structured like any other clone commando unit clone commandos usually fought in teams of four and were used in fighting without support behind enemy lines they had a ridiculous amount of firepower with them along with some extremely robust defenses the guitar armor they wore was only second in durability and protection to mandalorian biscar and maybe some more ballistic parasite armor but biscar was extremely rare and expensive and you usually had to pry a dead man delorean out of the armor to get in the first place which is not easy to do an orbis parasite armor well that just wasn't great for your health unlike the phase one and phase two basic clone trooper armor katan class commando armor could take a direct shot from close range from most blaster rifles katara commando armor was made out of a special mixture of composite materials which were layered to create an extremely thick and durable body armor which still was relatively light these composite materials are not as strong as mandalorian armor made out of a scar which is usually made into a thin durable metal alloy and so clone commando armor usually looked much bulkier and it's because of this bulk that guitar and armor generally can take multiple rounds of enemy blaster fire before deforming it won't last as long as biscar under fire but it will get the job done as a matter of fact during one mission a clone commando took a point blank range shot to the face from a verbine shatter gun which is extremely deadly he of course survived the kataran armor would also eventually get a personal deflector shield upgrade and it had a built-in bacta injection site for a rapid first aid on the battlefield now from what we can tell the bad batch guitar armor is heavily modified from a visual standpoint they also don't seem to be equipped with any deflector shield so they're probably some of the earlier versions of the kataran armor probably mark 1 or mark 2. while clone force 99 is running away from the empire in the first episode of the bad batch wrecker takes a direct shot to the shoulder the shot is powerful enough to knock his helmet off and render him unconscious but if you take a closer look at the shot it actually hits wrecker in the shoulder so why did he get knocked out well most clone armor and even stormtrooper armor is actually made out of plating that is worn over a black bodysuit which serves as an insulation protection layer the individual armor panels are sealed magnetically to the suit when a round hits the armor plating the layers of composite materials are designed to stop penetration of the thermal material but also disperse the energy throughout the entire armor and across the black insulation suit the dispersion of the energy from the shots spread across the entire insulation suit this is why clone troopers and stormtroopers usually get knocked out even if they're not being hit center mass or in the head from a blaster bolt wrecker also gets off easy here because if you take a look exactly where the shot goes it kind of glances off the edge of his breastplate had it gone any more to the left it would have missed the plate hit him in the insulation which doesn't offer much direct protection and so that round could have really hurt his arm or even severed it if you actually take a look at standard clone armor compared to wreckers notice how his armor actually flares out a bit and covers more of his chest area but allows him to still maintain a great deal of flexibility wrecker actually gets hit a second time a bit closer to the center of the chest later on by a security droid unlike the first time where crosshair shoots him the round doesn't seem to penetrate the armor it's completely stopped and so there's no need for him to get first aid afterwards but the impact of the shot along with his inhibitor chip headaches at the time were more than enough to put them out it should be noted by the way that crosshair 773 fire puncher sniper rifle will have a lot more armor piercing potential than a security droid wielding an e5 blaster rifle it's also very possible that wrecker's armor is very thick in the center area but then kind of flares out to the sides and gets thinner so you're gonna have more protection in the middle either way it seems to give enough protection to wrecker that he is comfortable with engaging blaster armed enemies and hand-to-hand combat on their wreck in the last episode when hunter runs into the feared campaign they decide to have an old-fashioned western style pistol draw unfortunately for hunter kadbane has some of the quickest hands in the galaxy and in my opinion is far superior to either fets he also is equipped with a pair of ll30s which were pretty high powered blaster pistols cad bane beats hunter to the draw and manages to hit the clone commandos square in the guitar and armor the shot immediately drops hunter and knocks him out the audience is worried that our heroic vietnam veteran has finally drawn his last breath but just like wrecker the dispersion of the weapon's energy is enough to short-circuit his consciousness hunter will be fine just like wrecker and now they'll both be sporting some pretty awesome scars on their armor as of now these are the only times we see the guitar and armor that the bad batch is wearing be exposed to weapons fire there are many different types of guitar and armor used by the republic and the suit of armor would be upgraded throughout the war usually with some advice and feedback from the clone commandos actually wearing them when clunk commando gregor engages an entire dockyard of sepi droids he also manages to take multiple shots to his armor and backpack without getting knocked out it's possible that his version of the guitar and armor is much thicker and more robust than what clone force 99 is wearing there are also individual differences between the armor that each member of clone force 99 is wearing although the one thing that all clone armor seems to have in common is that the helmets don't seem to be latched on very well and can fall off easily the kataran armor also seems to soften some physical blows and kinetic energy as well we see ekko fall several stories from a lookout point and land directly on his head that's almost too much gravity for a person's face they handle that echo seems to be fine shortly afterwards but then again at the same time wrecker gets messed up by fennek shand and all he does is bang his head against some pipes or something the guitar armor is powerful enough to even prevent crosshair from dying when facing the full force of a venator-class star destroyer's ion engine i mean that's pretty intense if only crosshair had properly worn his helmet with the chin straps strapped on maybe his helmet would have stayed on and he wouldn't have suffered severe burns to his exposed face from radiation crosshair also breaks several limbs because of the power of the ion engine it could just be that crosshair is a lot thinner and more nimble than the other clones and so he's less durable or perhaps the guitar armor is not really that well built to resist blunt force trauma by the way i hope the ion inch into the face is a great new method of removing inhibitor chips because if it is now captain rex and the rebels will have a new way to remove these chips from a bunch of clones all at the same time now if you think about it they give chemotherapy to people with brain tumors so maybe crosshairs inhibitor chip is a little damaged and he'll be able to rejoin his buddies although he'll probably like you know lose his sense of smell or something else because those iron engines are pretty deadly anyway let me know in the section comment section down below what you think about crosshairs prognosis after being blasted in the face by an ion engine and also don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 194,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Id: oCp64L3-1W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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