Bad Can't Stop You From Better - Bishop T.D. Jakes [March 15, 2020]

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[Music] hello I'm Bishop TD jakes and I wanted an opportunity to address our audience personally and share with you in the midst of this turbulence and upheaval that we're experiencing in our country and around the world words of hope and encouragement and a little bit of instruction the Department of Health and Human Services here in Dallas Texas has determined that they are not allowing legally 500 people or more to assemble in the same location needless to say that takes us from being able to provide the services on Sunday morning in the way that we would like to provide them I'd love for you to be in the service to clap your hands and rejoice in the Lord but that is not possible I am so glad that I live in a time that technology affords us a way to stay connected so if you have not taken advantage of the opportunity to download our app or to subscribe to our youtube channel now would be the time to do it because we are still going to preach the gospel we're just going to do it online so I encourage you go to youtube channel check me out subscribe today download the app so that you can be a part we don't know how long this will last but I will be ministering to you from week to week like I always have even if you're watching them from your living room of your car or your house do it right now cuz I got a good one this Sunday you don't want to miss it I've been at this too long to let the devil shake me I've been in it too long to let the devil break me I preach the Word of God hallelujah don't matter where or how I was preaching the Word of God on a radio talking to a microphone no people in the room and I preach the Word of God like that when I was a child so a grown man I'll still be all right reaching the Word of God if you can't preach in a quiet room you can't preach it aloud word come on somebody and help me praise the Lord in here we're going to be in the Book of Numbers chapter 21 verse 2 through 9 and and I'm excited to share the word of the Lord with you and it says an Israel vowed a vow unto the Lord and said if thou will indeed deliver this people into my hand then I will utter ly destroy their cities and the Lord hearkened to the voice of Israel and delivered up the Canaanites and they utterly destroyed them and their cities and he called the name of the place horrible and they journeyed from the Mount hor by the way of the Red Sea to compass' the land of Edom and the soul of the people was much discouraged watches closely the soul of the people was much discouraged not by the war but because of the way sometimes it's not the war that gets you it's the way he takes you or do you hear what I'm saying to you Oh hallelujah strong in the war but weak in the way and the people speak against God and against Moses wherefore have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any and our soul loaders dislike bread good God Almighty and the Lord said fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people and much people of Israel died therefore the people came to Moses and said we have sinned for we have spoken against the Lord and against thee pray unto the Lord that he take away the Serpent's from us and Moses prayed for the people oh yes he did and the Lord said unto Moses make the a fiery Serpent and set it upon a pole and it shall come to pass that every one that is bidden when he looketh upon it shall live you all did hear that it shall come to pass that everyone who is bidden everyone who has contracted it everyone who has it in their system everyone who has it in their body everyone who has tested positive everyone that is bidden when he look up up upon God he shall live oh it's gonna get good it's gonna get good in a minute it's gonna get good so whether you've contracted it don't know whether you've contracted it tested it hadn't tested it not sure of it in the hospital in the waiting room in the nursing hall it doesn't matter where you are or whether you are positive and and being affected or not infected with it it matters which way you look the Bible said everyone that looketh unto him shall live somebody shall live and Moses made a serpent of brass and put it upon a pole and it came to pass that if a serpent had that if a serpent had bitten any man when he beheld the serpent of brass he lived that's a good word right there that's a good word right there oh my god and so I want to talk to you from the subject bad can't stop you from getting better bad can't stop you from better said touch your neighbor say bad can't stop you from better my father in our God as we stand here in your house today we do it for no other purpose but that you might be glorified and that the truth might be edified that the people might be fed and the enemy might be horrified we believe you for miracles in this place because you are God and besides you there is no other and we're not afraid to bless your name no matter where we are no matter what we got or no matter what we do no matter what's going on around us you are still God and we give you the praise right now we pray for the families who are dealing with the Reedman who have lost loved ones not only because of Corona bars but people are dying of all types of things all over the world call for those that are in bereavement right now lift up the head and set about down calm the nerves of people that are nervous and upset Oh God get peace of mind the kind of peace that passes all understanding while we do all in our power to protect ourselves from the times we're living in we leave the rest up to you for you said you would bless what we do so after we've done all that we know how to do we the rest over you have your way in Jesus made somebody give him 30 seconds of praise in this place and blesses her name you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I greet you with Jesus joy and I'm excited and enlightened delighted to share the word of the Lord with you the particular texts that I'm going to share with you today is built upon a premise as the people of God are traveling through a wilderness if there ever were a time that the people of God were traveling through a wilderness it is not only in the ancient rent of the Holy Word of God as the children of Israel passed from Egypt to the promised land and had to spend a time period in the wilderness preceding going to the promised land it is also true today that we find ourselves in a wilderness now the problem with the wilderness is that a wilderness has no highways a wilderness has no street signs a wilderness has no streetlights a wilderness has no direction a wilderness has no path it is a place of uncertainty if you make a wrong turn you could go anywhere there's no street to guide you no guardrails to protect you no police officers to go with you you are in a wilderness if you live long enough in this world you will find yourself in a wilderness I don't care whether you are just born or whether you're 90 euro woman in the nursing home somewhere between the first cry and the last cry you will find yourself in a wilderness you can be in a wilderness sitting beside people who act like they know where they're going you can be in a wilderness even though you are outwardly directed you can be inwardly confused and find yourself in a wilderness there are secret wilderness is all around this room there are times the wilderness produce bewilderment it will affect your emotion in other words it's impossible to be in a wilderness physically and not be affected emotionally if you are in a wilderness physically it will have an effect on your emotions creating a feeling of being bewildered it's high it is hard to hide bewilderment you can dress it up you can paint it up you can put our shadow over it you can put our lids on top of it you can put hair pieces on top of it but when you are bewildered it will appear threw at you some kind of way people who know you will know that you are going through a time of bewilder it's hard to be polite when you bewilder it's hard to be nice when you bewilder it's hard to be politically correct when you bewildered it's hard to be calm when you be wielded it's hard to be happy when you bewilder it's hard to crack jokes with your bewilder it's hard to put on a happy face when you be wielded it's hard to cook dinner when you bewilder it's hard to be normal when you be will the world that will affect your blood pressure bewilder that will affect your stress level bewilder will affect your body fluids your life your sleep your rest you'll accomplish your repose bewilder will show up it rashes on your flesh insomnia in the middle of the night nervousness in your sphere nobody attacks you but because you are be wielded you are still under attack do you hear what I'm saying to you they are in a wilderness a place of uncertainty ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters I have to tell you this morning that America is in a wilderness a place of uncertainty we have never had the variables collide like they have collided right now the political climate that we're in the spiritual decline that we're in we've never had the connection of that and a barbarous that we have yet to define it's already changed names three times we don't even know what to call it America is in a wilderness and normally if you're in a wilderness and everybody around you is stable you can lean on your friend but all of our neighbors are in a wilderness Italy is in a wilderness Europe is in a wilderness Asia is in a wilderness China is in a wilderness Japan is it a wilderness Australia is in a wilderness you can't pick up your phone and call somebody that's not talking about it because it's a wilderness it's not just a Democrat wilderness it's not just a Republican wilderness it's not just a white folks wilderness it's not just a black folks world it's not just a braunfels winner without discrimination we find ourselves walking through with funny how a wilderness will change the narrative of a conversation just a few days ago everybody was into tribalism resorted back into their silos picked the team they were rooting for and thought everybody else argued and demean one of those sit last he tweets out against he said have you noticed how the nasty tweets have slowed down because there's something about a wilderness that will change the tone of a narrative all of a sudden we have began to recognize there's nothing nothing like her enemy to make you recognize that there's more to unite us then there is to divide us when you're in the wilderness you can't be petty with your the wilderness you can't afford to be small when you're in the wilderness you can't afford to be prejudice when you're the wilderness you can't pick who your paramedic is if you have a wrecker that's bad enough you don't care what color your paramedic here you just want somebody that can get you back on the road again the nation of Israel was in a wilderness and when they were in a wilderness they found themselves going through a series of incidents a series that I want to share with you today so that you might extrapolate from their experience of nourishment that will help us in this contemporary society that we find ourselves of utter perplexity all of a sudden in the wilderness that we're in groups of people who didn't normally talk to groups of people are now talking again Republicans are sitting down with Democrats now the haves are talking to the have-nots the elite are talking to the illiterate right now because we are in a wilderness when you get in a wilderness bad enough corporate America starts talking to church people church people start talking to elected officials elected officials start talking to community leaders because all of a sudden we discover what we should have known without this trouble that we need each other that we are better together than we are apart that each of us knows something that the other one needs to hear in order to be safe it will force relationships when you're in the wilderness the children of Israel in the wilderness it does not break down which tribes it doesn't talk about the tribe of Dan or the tribe of left-aligned the tribe of Levi because when you're in the wilderness you got to stay together you can't point at things that would divide us into segways you have to unite and come together and stand together it couldn't be possible I don't know but it couldn't be possible that God is calling us to a place of unity that nothing else has been able to do before it could I don't know it could be possible that God is making us recognize that we have been penny at a time that we need to be powerful I don't know it could be possible that God is a knowing the adversity that we're in right now to make us start talking to people across the waters across the country getting information he could be possible that God has made us dependent upon one another to receive the kind of information that helps us fight a common enemy oh look at somebody I got a devil to fight might be covet 19 might be some other kind of devil but everybody in here has got a devil to fight and the Bible says that while they were in a wilderness they had to fight have you ever had to fight in the middle of a wilderness I want to talk to you about the conquest that's my first bullet you you the conquest doesn't wait till the wilderness is over to come against you it doesn't wait till everything's in place to come against you he doesn't wait till all your bills are paid to come against you even wait till you get elected to come against you it doesn't wait till your children graduate to come against you it doesn't wait till you find the love of your life to come against you the conflict will comment any time and before they could ever get to where they were trying to go here comes the Canaanites I chose the text because the Canaanites come to fight the Israelites while they're in the wilderness I chose this text because I begin to recognize that the coronavirus doesn't wait to the election is over [Applause] it doesn't wait for the stock market to come back up it doesn't wait for us to finish building the house of our dreams it didn't wait for us to get settled into our new position it comes in at a vulnerable moment to attack us and so it was sort well so it was so it was so it was with the children of Israel at a vulnerable moment with backpacks over their shoulders and lunches in their hand and no place to lay their head and no place to place their furniture while they were still nomadic while they were still on the move while they were still pressing their way here comes the Canaanite the Canaanites didn't stop because they hadn't got to the promised land they caught them in a born of a place of transition and still the fight was on many times the conquests will catch you at a time of vulnerability it won't wait till you get situated it won't wait till you're happily married it won't wait till you got peace on your job it won't wait to everybody likes you but while you are feeling vulnerable unrest 'add unstable undefined dealing with uncouth people in a place of compromise still the enemy will come against you but I want you to know that in the middle of the unrest in the middle of the trouble in the middle of the store of God we have a guard then I get right in the mess with you get right in the storm with you get right in the fire with y'all gonna make me preach get right in the trouble with you he'll show he won't wait till everything is straightened out either he'll show up in the middle of the store so as we leap into this text we leap into this text knowing that we we have leaped into turbulence we have leaped into unrest we have leaped into chaos we have leaped into confusion we have leaped into turmoil we have leaped into hypertension we have leaped into nervousness we have leaped into anxiety we have leaped into a moment and time in the wilderness that the children of Israel have no place to lay their head they can't afford to go to Egypt Egypt's door is closed they can't reach the promised land there in that nebulous in the script place of transition and steal the Canaanites rose up to fight them still the Canaanites came to attack them feel the covet virus spread it couldn't wait for you to get the house paid off it did wait for you to get your kids out of college it didn't wait for you to pay off your first car but still in the middle of transition the attack came and the Bible says we we hear the conversation between the people of God and their God and they said to God will you fight for us as we go will you fight for us and I don't know I appreciate the center of Disease Control I appreciate them I appreciate the Surgeon General I appreciate all the Congress that will work together I appreciate them I appreciate all the doctors who've gone with no sleep trying to take care of the patient I appreciate all the nurses who have worked around the clock and left their own children with the babysitter I appreciate all the people who worked in the nursing home and even got sick themselves trying to take care of our grandmother but I'm looking past all the helpers and all the nurses and all the doctors and all of Congress and I'm looking to God and say I forgot a pipe I want you to fight with me and they said if you'll fight with us we will destroy the Canaanites we will utterly annihilate the Canaanites y'all don't hear what I'm saying to you we were utterly evaluate the Canaanites we will wear them out we will beat them down we will get the victory nice to know that they associated victory not with the circumstances but with the presence of God too many of us are waiting on the circumstance to be right before we claim the victory the victory is never in the circumstance it's never in the condition the victory as always is God for me if God is for me he's more than the world against me if God is for me I might be any age I might be basis for noble days that's not vulnerable but that's not the question it's not how old that I am it is God with me if God is with me he'll always protect that which I committed unto him against that day somebody's gonna get this word today somebody's gonna give this word today somebody shout hallelujah and so they found themselves in the middle of conflict point to conflict rose up conflict Rosa everybody's got a different idea of how things ought to be done conflict rises up and in the time of conflict it's hard to determine truth who can I trust what it's true what can I count on who's gonna be there for me see anybody can be there in the time of peace but who's gonna be there in time of conflict when the battle is hot and heavy and they don't know who's gonna come out on top who's gonna stand beside me in the storm in the test in the trial that's the question of the force today yeah I know you got faith on Sunday morning anybody can have faith on Sunday morning nice nice meals we can sing it and praise dancing and stuff anybody can have faith right now I'm looking for somebody who can have faith under fire faith in the conflict faith in the tough times faith when the doctor gives a bad report faith in the middle of trials and tribulations faith with tears running down your face faith in the middle of a storm you gotta have it in the conflict what blew my mind about this text is text almost doesn't make any sense because I would think that if God fought for you and you fought off the Canaanites and you got the victory I would think you would be happy I would think that if you got the victory if he answered your prayer if he brought you through a test if he brought you through a store I would think he'd be praising God and rejoicing and the God of your salary but look through the text there not one dance anywhere there's not one praise anywhere not one hallelujah anywhere not one thank you Jesus anywhere nobody's prop their hand nobody's raise her hand nobody said if it had not been for the Lord we would have lost this battle not water there acknowledge the Lord maybe even acknowledge their God help them get the victory instead they murmured and they complain they murmured against the same God they just got through asking to help them it is funny how you can help people and the same I'm not talking about the next-door neighbor I'm talking about the same people that you do the most for are often the very was that look at you like they got Alzheimer's and they don't even recognize what you did in their life I [Music] don't know if they got some kind of disease or what happened to him but some kind of way they forgot then if God hadn't helped them Mikayla nice want to kill them they forgot if God had me who would have no job they forgot it's God has opened the door he'll develop and who you were they forgot it was God that gave you the car in the past friends but worse still worse worse worse worse worse still they forgot how to be happy they forgot how to be happy God have mercy we live in a country that has forgotten how to be happy we forgotten how I know I sound old school I know I'm old timing but we forgotten how to know that people when you walk down the street we forgotten how to help little old ladies across the street with the groceries we forgot just human kindness and decency we forgotten how to be there we're so busy being important that so busy blinging and so busy showing what we got and showing who we are showing you what we're wearing and show you what we brought we forgot how did you Minh dignity how could you forget that I'm not your brother [Applause] we forgot just to be nice we have forgotten the children stuck at the border we have we have forgotten the parents that go to bed at night wondering where where my baby is we have forgotten y'all it was we have God that we got kids worn up in cages who didn't do anything to anybody we have forgotten we have to God and sometimes God has to send something to shake you to make you remember [Applause] we have forgotten that the people in Puerto Rico don't have the house you only hear what I'm saying we have forgotten that our brothers in but if the Bahamas are still living in tents we have forgotten we have forgotten we have forgotten where for God's we have forgotten we have forgotten we have forgotten be happy we have forgotten number two how to be human you don't need a revelation you don't need a degree you don't need to speak Greek you don't need to speak Hebrew can you speak nice can you speak human decency the Bible says that they murmured in two different categories they murmured against God and they murmured against Moses the murmuring is heaven and they murmured against earth how and they murmured against the terrestrial I guess that which is above at the moment I guess I will just believe it's one thing the murmur against that which is beneath but with your barber against God you messed up now with your barber against God he specially athlete he's bought for you this specially after he bless you especially after he boys especially after he made away especially he took you through things you should've lost your mind oh my god oh my god oh my god when God gets tired see we don't teach enough about when God gets tired we teach all them cities five ways to a blessing three ways to leave a debt-free life five ways to be a millionaire four ways to live on top of the world we don't tell you about this God we tell you about the Santa Claus God the name claim black grass go get what you want we don't tell you that God gets tired when God gets tired of your excuses when God gets tired are you playing game with God gets tired are you ignoring him with God gets tired are you being merciful with God just hard are you shaking your fist in his face and telling them you don't leave it with God just high are you press it in the high places and touching the people of God with God decide of our leaders fighting like they're in a barroom brawl with God when God sitting something to get your attention God has a way I'm making you stop playing Church and playing games are playing like your leaders and playing like you care about people God has a way I'm bringing it down to your knees now you fought off the Canaanites and you think your big stuff you back you fought off the Canaanite you think you're somebody don't [ __ ] running around with a victory bell tolling like you was a big-time wrestler thinking I've whipped everything that came against me I don't need no help I don't need God and while they were bragging about how strong they were God said the snakes crawling o America snakes are crawling snake the crawling snakes of crawling God said the snakes crawler God has a way of attacking you in places you did not expect in ways you could not predict you looking for him to come up high and God will come down low [Applause] glory to God I feel the sufferance came glory to God I'm not talking about one or two because if you're in a wilderness you expect to run against one or two I'm talking about surplice start coming from everywhere like this virus let's come from everywhere they can't even figure out which way they come did it come from over here did it come from over there away getting your attention bringing your mind here bringing you down to your knees you think money is the answer I'll shut down all your corporations I'll shut down all your businesses I'll shut down all your tech parties I'll shut down your institutions you think education is the way I'll shut down your University I've pulled down your school you think religion is answer I'll shut down look I'll shut down everything you got God don't mess with me don't mess with me don't mess with me crash your stock market [Applause] and he starts shutting down stuff everything they had everything the old everything they were planning on everything they were expecting he shut it down faster than they could do anything about it and they come crawling up to Moses and said I'm sorry uh-huh you God knows exactly what it takes to make you say I'm sorry God knows exactly what it takes to bring you down to your knees God knows exactly what you need to go through to Humble you in the presence of God see it's not always about great preacher it's not always about God preacher God can start a revival and never use a preacher God can start a revival with the jawbone of an ass God can start a revival with dry bones in the body God can start a revival speaking to a donkey when God gets ready to start a revival he get started in a mighty Russian where when God gets ready to start a revival he'll use a woman with a history of blood God don't need no preacher all of a sudden he used the snakes and the snake started biting but sometimes you have to go through bad to get better if good don't bring you to your knees then God has got to use bad come on some bad if the goodness of God won't lead you to repentance if the goodness of God won't make you apologize if the goodness of God won't change the way you live God will subscribe up and you're like trouble will make you take time off work climb up will make you come back to church tried out what makes me drop down on your knees try out will make you apologize to people you're mad at tribe out I'll make you forgive your ex-husband oh you're late talking to me you're late God said trouble and the trouble came so strong 23 they begin to confess you start saying I'm wrong we forgot God we're sorry we lost away Europe lost its way China lost its way Japan lost its way South America lost its way Venezuela lost its way Canada lost its way and y'all don't like to admit it but America lost this way got where we think we can just do anything anybody just cuz you ain't got no money don't mean you don't have no power sometimes the people with the least money got the best prayer and if they prayed long enough God a sinner deliver it come on somebody started confessing we're wrong we're wrong we have been using God to win our battles but not serving the God we use we we have been using God to manipulate the people so we could get what we want by invoking his name but now it's just say the old-time way is the got serious now he got serious not it's people dying now people afraid now venues shutting down now sanctuaries closing now in a field shutting down now in b8 shutting down now stock market going down now and all of a sudden God knows how to breathe the powerful down to the knees down on their knees they had an encounter with God except I've got a book you know bolshaya yeah you got to understand what I'm saying it's one thing to get down on your knees but on your knees when you just got snake bit come on somebody it's one thing to get me down on my knee but when I got last time I got down here I got bit and now I gotta go back to the place of my fear to rediscover my faith over these oh excuse me I feel my old time has stopped coming down on my knees I got to get down on my knees where I'm vulnerable to the thing that bit me before I got to get down on my knees and start calling on God in my scary place I got a develop faith in the same place of my fear and down on the knees ahead an encounter with God down on their knees and they were delirious down on their knees and they're about to pass I feel coach I down on the knees and the vision is blurred down on their knees and the pulse was weak down on the knees and they are uncertain whether I'm gonna make it through this or not down on their knees and people are dying all around the knees and the loved ones are expiring down under these means you're stuck hallelujah on a cruise ship now on your knees means you're stuck in a system that is threatening your life not in that bad place God was working on a cure now if you didn't hear anything else I said I want you to understand this next dimension while israel was going down god was stirring up a key and i want you to hear this text right now because wow it looks like everything's shutting down while stores are closing up in malls are shutting up and highways are shutting down entire cities have been st. sanctioned all while the universities are closing down it students aren't coming back to school while churches are trying to figure out how we gonna still provide services to other people while all of that was going down God was stirring up a cure somebody had lit a fire the Shia Yaya Yaya somebody had lit a fire somebody had put a pot on the fire and somebody had beginning a meltdown brass a double-shot and they begin to melt down the brass that would become the breeze at Ultra ever before it could become the brazen altar it had to go through the fire fire will change the way you look I will change the way you want fire will change the way you talk fire what says oh sure [Applause] ha [Applause] fire will change the way you present yourself fire will make you melt melting is humbling yourself fire will make you humble down by your will bring you down to your knees it don't matter who got a big church you say yes to God I will make you surrender yourself fire will make you present your body a living sacrifice by you will stop you from jumping from church to church see you got understand in order to take brass and make it a serpent you got to bring it to nothing before you can make something out of it you got to melt it to nothing you got to burn it so bad that it loses all shape it moves it all from it loses all characteristics it loses all power to stand on its own and as they begin to melt it down the brass started saying now while it's bubbling the people are dying you got to understand the situation on one side I got people dying with blue flu and on the other side the fire is making a cure when I turn on the news I see who's dying [Music] [Applause] [Applause] fire I brought in a fire to turn the brass to liquid and I'm getting ready to reshape it now watch this because this is really the power of the text I thought if God would melt down the brass he would have made something that symbolized healing maybe he should have made it appeal maybe he should have made it a needle maybe he should have made it across but the by that when he melted it all down he turned the brass into a serpent that's what confused me at that Lord the serpent is what caused the trouble in the first place [Applause] this shows you the power of your God the power yo god I'm about to feel like preaching that the power your God is take what they meant for evil and turn around and make it good good God Almighty so on one hand we got them dying on the other hand out of the bubbling it's coming the very thing that killed them only this serpent is made of brass Moses said God I've been looking for a cure and I haven't been able to find a cure the CDC says we haven't been able to find the truth they says gonna take a year and a half give God a praise in this way [Music] now the land on the floor they're about to die and the Lord says to them the most ridiculous thing he says to dying people look up who walks into a place where they turn their feverish heads they turn their feverish heads out there in the desert heat that's one thing to be in the heat it's another thing to be in the heat and have a fever the fever is one thing and the heat is something else and in the middle of the heat and the fever God said turn their weekend the trembling lick their parched breath their squinting eyes and looked up that's when God told Moses the secret he said I want you to lift up the brazen serpent in the wilderness and the Bible says that Moses lifted up the serpent in the middle of the wilderness he lift up the serpent in the middle of the wilderness now you need to understand the correlation between the Cure and the cause they are the same image the same thing that cost is the same thing that QD that's why Jesus had to go to the cross but he couldn't go to the cross as the holy the Bible said he became sin that we might be the righteousness of God as long as he was righteousness he could not redeem me but he had to become the same thing that bit me in order to redeem me he became the righteousness of God and so when they lifted up Jesus on the cross he became sin for us on the cross because had he been lifted up as the Lion of the tribe of Judah he would not have related to my condition he wouldn't have been kin to my cause and if you're not kin to my cause you can't be my kinsman redeemer but because he had to be cared to my sin he became sin for me and one writer saw the correlation between Moses and Matthew between the Old Testament and the New Testament between the Old Testament church and the New Testament church and he wrote these words even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the Son of Man be lifted up got the revelation and wrote these word how to reach the masses mean of every bird for you man Jesus gave the key he said if I be lifted up from the earth unto me and so the story goes and so the story goes that you have to go through bad to get to better I wanna remind America it may look bad right now shut up for three weeks right now but God said [Music] [Music] [Music] the president might be surprised the Supreme Court might be surprised Congress may be surprised the magistrate's in the mayor's surprise the governor's surprise the Pope is surprised the bishops and the elders of the pastor surprised the God is not surprised he told Paul and Corinth there is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which ye are able but will with the temptation also make a way of escape so for every problem god oh god oh god oh god boom boom boom god it's making a way of escape if you got a problem God has an answer watch this if you got a sickness God has a cure while we treat him out trying to figure out what to call the disease I already know what to call the answer the answer is Jes us so my brothers and sisters right here from The Potter's House in the middle of a wilderness we have never seen before we are not dismayed by the wilderness we are not troubled by the restrictions you can stop us from coming but you can't stop us from believing we will find a way to preach the word if we have to borrow a boat and thrust it out a little bit from land and preach it in Joe pool lake how we'll find in China with the church with the church we did start in sanctuary we started preaching on the trees started baptismal services in the wilderness with the church shut us down if you want to you can shut us down but you can never shut us down they've been trying to shut us down for 2,000 years they hung us they beat us they took source and cut our hair so they threw us into snake pits they burned our cities and raped our women and still the gospel walked oh if it is our turn in this generation to go through persecution then so be it because there is a balm in Gilead that healeth the diseases be careful about shutting us down I know we got health constraints I get it I understand the wisdom of what you're trying to do but be careful about shutting us down because sometimes it is our gospel that keeps them alive while the paramedics are trying to be routed to the house the gospel will go right to the heart I want to encourage every preacher out there whose service is shut down whose budget is destruct because your service has shut down I want to encourage every patient out there who's suffering I want to encourage every family who's afraid every time you break a sweat then maybe you have contracted the virus I want to encourage every young adult who's got a mama a big momma or grandmama in a nursing home and you can't even get in to see I want to encourage everyone that has voluntarily shut themselves into what amounts to solitary confinement just because you're loved and you love your family too much to take a risk I want to encourage every CEO who's stock market of some values are going down shareholders are running away from you they're questioning your ability to run a company on encourage everyone who lost half of your 401k add amazed that you needed it the most [Music] God is stirring up a miracle fee and it will not in the way it looks right now sometimes you have to go through bad to get to good America my brothers in Africa my friends in Europe my family in Australia my family in the Hong Kong my friends in Venezuela my followers in South Africa I invite you to come join me in prayer God has leveled the playing for so no country can be too arrogant about the other it used to be we could say that this country had corruption in that country had corruption but God has so exposed to us we all have a little taster corruption we all can get sick and while someone tried to figure out where it came from I'm more concerned about where he's going I cast it into the lake of fire to go back to his demonic influences for every good and perfect gift comes down from above God made you sickness but he doesn't create it and today I invite you to hold onto your faith like never before so that backslider who's been distracted by your own weaknesses and says and you've been tired up in carnality and haven't been thinking about God coz you was just partying naughty shutting down the club's bro strip clubs shutting up man don't you think God is trying to get your attention mr. CEO executive I'm so glad for your success I aspire to be like you in many ways but don't you think that sometimes God shakes the tree to Humble the branches and let you know that success in business it's not the opiate of life God has something for you and if you can just go through this bad time God is stirring up an answer that will take you to better can I pray with you today if you'd open your heart that the Holy Spirit could touch whether you're in a nursing home or have drunk in a mansion because you've lost more than it took you 20 years to me can I just pray with you today God has a way of restoring that which the cankerworm and the Palmer worms and the locust ADA I want to pray with your father right now in the name of Jesus Oh Holy Spirit draw your sons and your daughters your brothers and your sisters and Republicans that the Democrats the haves and the have-nots intellectuals and the illiterate the Latinos and the Chinese draw them all the Australians and the Canadians draw them all Diagnostics the Muslims I don't care what they call themselves draw them all to the bleeding side of Calvary and let them dip their robes in the blood of hope and transformation and have an experience with you that unleashes them from the chains of religion and opens her heart to the possibilities of having an intimate relationship with you forgive the sinner of the sins we're all sinners saved by grace forgive the sinner of his sins reclaim the backslider is my prayer I thank you Lord of all the places they could have logged on streamed in connected with you sent them to the potter's house of Dallas do a miracle in their life in Jesus name we pray amen thank you for watching us thank you for joining us thank you for being what's up I want to invite those that are joining us via stream to give to sow a seed to plant something into our ministry let me be honest with you the enemy is trying to shut us down not just us for churches everywhere your support is the only barrier between his intent and our existence you don't have to be rich it ought to saw me and all but on your level let's send the devil a signal that he meant it for evil but God is going to make it good I want you to get a seed and I want you to saw it the information is on the screen right now you can text T bjm and the amount you feel led to give to 289.50 you can give on behalf of your company your corporation yourself your family your children but in this season of wilderness as we walk by faith it would be easy to just shut down and let the enemy win but I believe that there are millions of you around the world who value this ministry enough if you have to send $20 every one of your ten dollars or hundred dollars thousand or fifty cents I think there's enough of us who valued this kind of word to keep these ministries going I don't believe it'll be long the enemy might try to have us in a chuckhole a chokehold right now but but I don't believe it'll be long until we will cut off the head of the judge and put him under our feet if you have never stood with me before I'm challenging you to stand with me right now yes we complied with their requests to shut down our services for safety reasons but for the Gospels sake I want you to take on the task of keeping our doors from closing while we obey the laws of the land you have heard God speak to Lee I need to hear God speak through you and we shall go rejoicing both of us bringing in the sheaves god bless you may heaven smile upon you until we gather again give God a praise you you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 984,642
Rating: 4.8514895 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, online church service, how to stream church online, bad can't stop you from better
Id: 3kONP_v-MgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 48sec (3948 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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