Gleanings from the Well - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] I want to turn our conversation to the millions of people in America right now who have filed for unemployment the numbers are going up every day who are in crisis who really don't want to be sitting at home watching TV they want to be in the workforce and want to be back in the game they don't know about the jobs that are available right now [Music] but I think the very first day that we convened as a business leadership group in Dallas we thought about that things that were most actionable to help those who are most vulnerable and who would be this place let me just tell you in my own life I remember viscerally at 13 years old when my father lost his job and the kind of vulnerability that we felt as a family you know still lingers in my mind today will we be okay you know will we come through this can we keep our home can we keep the life that we have become accustomed to we we partnered across our community and we're partnering with your foundation to actually create an exchange so that the companies that still need workers whether it's you know McKesson which is a huge distributor of pharmaceutical goods or Domino's Pizza which may need more delivery drivers because more people are home and need that kind of service that across the spectrum of all of the things available that we can give people a direct line to those companies to find immediate opportunities if they need them you [Music] [Music] I'm excited to share the Word of God with you I want you to open your hearts and open your mind as we prepare to go into the Word of God believing God to speak to us in a special way another thing today the scripture I'm going to use is John 4:20 through 24 very common scripture John 4:20 through 24 we try to grab it real quick that song is still ringing we're down toward the end of the story of the woman at the well and there's just a few fragments of scriptures I want to read our fathers the very beginning at verse 20 our fathers worshiped in this mountain they worshiped in this mountain they ye say that in Jerusalem it's a place where men ought to worship Jesus said that her a woman believe me the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem oh my god worship the father ye worship ye know not what we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeketh such to worship Him God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth can you say man I want to talk to you from the subject gleanings from the whale gleamings from the well let's pray father sanctify your word deep down in our hearts and in our spirits let the word be made flesh while it's being ministered today I thank you because it is your word that gives life today bless your people as only you can in Jesus name somebody shout amen you may be seated I want to talk a little bit to you about this saw this occurrence that happens down at the well and I'm particularly interested in the worship aspect of it but I'm going to start upwards from there with the well itself I'm going to point to the fact that this is a Samaritan woman which we kind of read over and pay particular attention to because depending on what area you're watching this from we have other cultures and other issues and other sociological constructs that consume our understanding of life if I said that that she was a jihadist if I said that she was a member of this group or that group or the other or Muslim or of a Jewish rabbi or this or that with these are more contemporary understandings we have of sociological constructs and the terrorists thereof but when we say this he's a Samaritan woman it doesn't really stand out to us but in Jesus day was a big deal it was a really big deal it was such a big deal when Jesus was teaching and and his teaching was contested by the Pharisees and the Sadducees and the longest came to them and asked him he jesus said love that he said there are two commandments that you love the Lord thy God with all thy heart their mind and soul that's number one number two that you love your neighbor as yourself and then the lawyers designed to trip him up in his own law came to him cross-examine him and said who is my neighbor and Jesus starts this big discussion about a certain man went down from Jericho to Jerusalem from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell amongst thieves who stripped him and wounded Emma left him half dead the Levites came and then the priests came and they all turned away and finally that's the good the good the good the Good Samaritan the Good Samaritan really yeah the Good Samaritan if there's a Good Samaritan then there's a bad Samaritan you know it's it's like it's like saying I don't like white people but freddie's okay okay so there's a little bit of hint in this whole narrative of Good Samaritan that speaks to how the Jews felt about the Samaritans the likelihood that you would end up needing the help of a Samaritan we get caught up in the help that he gave and the service that he gave and putting the man on the beast and carrying him to the end and taking care of him and that's a great story it's a wonderful story but we overlooked that the the discord that exists between the Jews and the Samaritan Jesus has so broadened the definition of labor that he is showing them that God doesn't have to use somebody who shares your faith or your theology or the color of your skin to bless you that sometimes God will use the Good Samaritan he will take somebody out of another people group that you don't normally hang with a run around with and make them your neighbor and Jesus is trying to dispel any attitude that they might have of being elite or special or different or better or set apart from or those other people over there or this group over there he has brought them down to an understanding that everybody is your neighbor that it's not a result of what Aaron codes you live in what area codes you live in none of that matters the color of your skin not even your theology that God can use anybody to bless you and yet we are the most segregated people dr. King says the eleven o'clock hour is the most segregated hour in the country in the United States 50 some years later it still remains true today in most circles and when it is integrating this generally integrated in one direction and there's still a problem azar connected not only racially connecting outside of our theological construct he's there they're not from our denomination they don't believe what we believe they're Calvinists they're there so we got all these kind of names that justify our reason for not being connected there is a reason that Jesus said I must need go through Samaria he said I'm not going to go around something that you go around I'm going into Samaria I'm going across the tracks I'm going into the neighborhood that you maybe wouldn't hang out in I'm going to Samaria and there he finds a woman I don't know the name of the woman but I know look good the ethnicity of the woman isn't it funny that we learn more the Bible thinks it's more important for us to know that she's a Samaritan than it is to know whether her name is Helen or Mary or Rosie nor Shaquanda it doesn't matter about that what matters is that we understand is that Jesus has gone to Samaria and he must need he said I have a need a compelling Drive to go to people you were boy and he goes to her at the well and I want to talk just a minute about the wells of the symbolism of the well there's so much should be saying here the symbolism of the world it's the first preview to the fact that the one thing both the Jews and the Samaritans had in common was thirst it's it's also the meaning place no matter whether you were rich or poor you had to go to the well you must realize that cities were built or not built based on their access to water if there weren't a will or there were no ocean or there were no river nearby to irrigate a city then the whole city would have to move based on where there was a will if the wells dried up the people would have to migrate into different areas so the well really control the lifestyle of the people the shepherds needed it the Sheep needed it the kids needed it the paupers needed it it didn't matter what sociological station of life you were in you always came to the will and it is just like God to meet us at the place that we all have a need to go to something that we have in common rather than to go to something that divides us Jesus comes to something that unites us there's something to be said about that because he could have stayed in Jerusalem and stayed in the sanctuary or went to the temple and stayed in something that divided us no no no no he comes down to the well because everybody gets thirsty men get thirsty women get thirsty children get thirsty intellectuals get thirsty in literacy get thirsty Jesus comes to the well it is the common denominator today we have excuses for not connecting well you know that's not my demo that's not my group they don't seem to respond to me we don't sing like that they stay in church the law they're too short they're too quiet they're too loud into this that who shut up a minute Jesus comes to the well he comes to what we have in common he comes to what connects us he comes to what unites us he comes to the place of our need he comes to the place of our need and in this particular case it is down to the will and there at the well he sits he sits down and waits in the well because sooner or later no matter how much you got and how much your honor what you drive and where you live sooner or later you will have to come down to this whale sooner or later you may be the professor or the student but sooner or later you may be the judge of the criminal but sooner or later you may be the police officer you may be the burglar sooner or later everybody had to come down to the well so Jesus sat down at the will and he waited for humanity to recognize its thirst to recognize the sir because thirst is something they have to recognize you'd always recognize your thirst you have you ever been thirsty and you didn't even realize you were thirsty and all of a sudden you said wait a minute I'm thirsty I need well you have to come into the word so I want to go from the world they're talking about the water because there's something the whole thing starts about water they're sitting on a whale the conversation starts about water and he was worried about it when the conversation starts about water it doesn't start out with the woman talking about being thirsty though she's obviously thirsty or she would have been at the whale it starts out talking about Jesus thirst and he says to her I thirst give me the drink and and and she says she now wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you have nothing to draw with I'm suspicious you come down to the well you have nothing to draw with and he says her if you knew who I was you would ask me for water and all of a sudden we begin to see this galvanizing around water and so I want to take a minute and talk about water because the first thing we see in the creation is water before we see trees or before we see birds or before we see anything else the first thing we see in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep what is indeed the deepest water the first thing we see it's water our body is at least 70% composite of water the first thing we recognize is water we're composed of water we need water we thirst for that which we are we thirst for that which we are if we don't get that which we are we dehydrate for the lack of what we are okay so although I am comprised of water I still need water and I want to talk a little bit about this water because I thirst he says I thirst to start this conversation we will never hear him mention his thirst again until he's hanging from a tree with nails in his hands and nails in his feet stretched high and hung wide there in the lurches of death in life he stands between time and eternity and again we will hear him utter what he whispered to this woman I thirst which makes us wonder what doesn't God thirst for I understand that our thirst for water because I made a water and I need water to irrigate the water to keep the water moving inside of me lest I dehydrate and begin to pass out but since we will later learn that God is a spirit the spirits get thirsty so I want to talk about this water because they're having this conversation that we make an assumption that they both have the same kind of water but they're not talking about the same thing so she says you don't have anything to draw it if you know you come down to this well you must be trying to hit on me you must be trying to flirt with me because you came down to the well you got nothing to draw with I'm suspicious he said if you knew who I was you would ask me for water if I give you the drink of the water that I have you will never thirst again listen to that so he's not talking about the water that's in the will cuz you could breathe the water that's in the world you're gonna thirst again but he said if you drink on the water that I have you will never thirst again and then she begins to long road to humility the road to humility is a long road it starts with compression and she confess give me this water that I thirst not the the humility of asking have you have you ever seen people who needed something wouldn't ask you for it were you me but just just not gonna ask you rather past slap out in the floor than to ask you because they are so proud they never learned how to humble themselves to say give me this water that I first knows but Jesus sits there and waits not just for her to get a revelation of who he is and what water he has but for her to get a revelation that makes her humble enough to put her in the vulnerable honorable position of requesting give me this water there is something listen out of my life give me this water that I thirst not neither come hither to drink I'm I'm tired of coming down here I wondering if there's anybody who's tired I'm making the same trip to the same places to give the same thing that you're gonna need again next week I wonder if there's anybody's retired of the cycle of your life where every morning you got to get up and go through the same thing over and over there over the gear once a week you got to go through the same thing here I wonder if anybody's got a cycle a cycle that's destroying them because you keep coming to get something that's putting a bandaid on something that that doesn't get better in law we all have our wills we have the places that we go to get some temporary relief needing something much deeper to satisfy but this will only pacify the water that existed in Jacob's Well would pacify but the water that existed in Jesus would satisfy and I'm wondering are you drinking the water that pacifiers or the water that satisfies so I'm calling these gleanings of the well because I don't want to really exhaust the text I just want to glean a few principles out of the text to tell you that there are two waters that coexisted that same time a natural water and his spiritual water are both present in this text a natural will and a spiritual will are both present in this text and this woman has come in front of both of them it's almost like a Coke and Pepsi tea it's a taste test okay she's standing in front of a natural well and a spiritual world Jesus is Jacobs whale okay and she can look at Jacobs well and then she can look at Jesus and look at Jacobs well this Jacobs well and Jacobs well and there's water and there's water and she's standing in front of him and to all of this when she comes face-to-face with the water she said the well we talked about the water now she starts making all these excuses you know I don't I don't I don't know this and I don't know about your doctrine and I don't know about your theology and people have all kind of excuses I don't go to his church it's a mega church I don't go to that church it's a storefront I don't go to that church they're holding this people I don't go to that church the Church of God I did we are all kind of religious stuff the same people who got all kind of problems strung out on drugs who thrown all kinds of stuff addicted to pornography Anabel Acosta but but they got all of these religious reasons to stop them from getting something that would quench your thirst and she starts coming with all of that and and finally he gets tired of her and says where is your husband and she said well you know she wants to say which one yeah where is I and she said I had my lord she didn't know how to answer him she didn't know how to answer him cuz she didn't know how much he knew cuz she was in a situation some of y'all are watching right now you in a situation yeah it's complicated as hard to explain is it's not exactly my husband she's not my wife ginger with where you get I want to talk to you about the gods that understands the obvious to do engineer here I want to talk to you about the God that when you come to him and you got some going on in your life that sound like he'd be there either I want you to over there and it doesn't stop him from talking to you that he still wants to talk to you wants to have a conversation with you but he wants to show you something about yourself that you need to see truth woman you do not to have one of the one you got now is not yours so that takes me from the whale and I talked about the wind I talked about the water and that takes me to the words he told her something about herself that was classified information the Word of God doesn't just reveal God the Word of God reveals you the Word of God doesn't just help you to see God the Word of God helps you to see yourself the Word of God helps you to see your Kippur the Word of God helps you to see your pride the Word of God helps you to see your haughtiness so where the God helps you to see yourself Rises it so what a God helps you to see your arrogance or where the God helps you to see your bigotry that's why to understand how you can stay in the church where you are truly getting the Word of God and yet be a bigot because the Word of God will show you yourself I don't believe in prophecy can see everybody see this but there are the Word of God will show you to yourself and Jesus when He said truths woman you you have money you had five husbands and the one you got now is not yours and the thing that got me it wasn't the well that gathered the most it wasn't the water they got her got her the most it was the word because she didn't say come see a whale she didn't say come get some water she dropped her water pots and ran into the streets to say come see a man who gave me a word he told me everything I had ever done the thing that stood out in her was not the well nor the water it was the word so you can't have searched not have word you can have a good time but until you have the word you don't have anything that shines a light on you and you drop your water pods just sing it you gotta go deeper than that and get down to a word that stands up in your face and confront you come see a man who finally gave me the word wait a minute Ignis a woman has been worshipping in the mountain for years how the world can give me worshipping in the mountain for years and you have no word what kind of worship have you been having that never revealed God had never revealed you you've been washerman and about no water jesus said you know not what because you been worshipping in the mountain for years and you never got a word and what good is worship without a word for it it's word that conviction it is the word that transforms it is a word my brothers and sisters that is in fact the very sperm of God it is the semen of God it is how God impregnates the human spirit is by his word his word his word the Bible said that when Peter preached on the day of Pentecost acts 236 they heard Peter preach the Word of God verse 38 they were pricked in their hearts they were penetrated in their heart it's not the word that falls on you it's the word that falls in you when the word gets in you you become impregnated with the Word of God the moment the word got in them and changed their behavior they said now what must we do and he told them repent and be baptized every one of you she wants the word gets here it changes your attitude no wonder the woman dropped her water pots because she didn't need them anymore she got a word from God come see a man [Applause] who told me everything I've ever done he illuminated me he helped me see myself he transformed me he changed my life I'll never be the same again because I came down to the well to get some water and instead he gave me a word this association between water and word will continue yourself throughout scripture so the Bible says here are clean by the washing by the word that it is water word water we're here clean by the washing of water of the word the other bible says there are three that bear record in earth the spirit the water and the word and these three agree in wanting yeah so you can't have spirit and not have word the entrance of my word give up light yeah you said that to the entrance of that word giveth life that's how you know you get work when you get light when you get word you will get light when you get word you will get light that's why the first thing God says is let there be uh and there was light and it was good because there's an association between word and like the entrance of that word give us a light when you get real good piece of light comes on on your healer down in your spirit you start to see everything different because the word illuminates job said I'd rather have it did my necessary food if I don't get anything to eat I gotta get this word I steamed it more important than my food David says thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path way John said the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld the wonder of his glory the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth the soldier said you don't need to come to my house speak the word only and my daughter she'll be here no I don't need you to cover but if you speak a word it has change everything Jesus didn't lay hands on Lazar he didn't pour oil on Lazarus past him he said his word in the grave and said Lazarus come forth and the word rescinded and snatched him out of the grave God's word the word that the Bible said was not returning to be boy but a do that thing we're on to our city to do my word will fail if I send it out it will get you it will reel you it'll pull you back no wonder she said come see a man who gave me a word come see a man that's my whatever and what is it about you if people follow us and nothing nothing special about me just a country Oh hate boy from the hills of West Virginia born on the side of a houses daddy was a janitor mom was a teachers nothing great about me everything great is about the word because if you give the word and you put out the word right if you put out the kind of word it causes people to see themselves or see hope for tomorrow or see healing for themselves then you don't have to beg them to come you never have to big birds to eat bread if you put the bread out the birds gonna come on their own you don't have to drop bread and see and say hey little birdies calm birdies calm come on little birdies come on little buddy come on little boy shut up and just throw the bread out if you throw the bread the word says they'll come the birds will come the Bible said the word increase and the disciples multiplied where the word increases the disciples will multiply and who would have thought that this forgive me this this woman of ill repute this husband snatcher of a woman who would have thought that the word would hit her - that she would be a disciple that she be a disciple a woman that all the other women were whispered about a woman that she didn't even want to encounter other women I don't even want to be around I'm gonna come in an hour that other women are not down in the whale that kind of woman will become a disciple because the word don't care who it infects whoever opens up to receive it the wine will come in and get you you touched her with the power of his word like he's touching somebody right now he's touching you right in that house right in that situation with the Word of God if you would just lower your pride and admit give me that water that I thirst God some of us are so proud and some of us have been hurt so bad and we use that as a camouflage not to come to church but I know people who got beat up in the club but they still went back come on I know people got ripped off we left the dope deal but they still smoking reefer but when it comes to church you so hurt you can't come back to church I know people got ripped off in the spirit curve but they still with my two club but you say Church height has kept you from trick Wow that's what the church is closed now you gotta meet him at the way so the chants hurtness your excuse but not accepted Jesus gets what the churches are closed all over the country but they could not close out Jesus because Jesus doesn't wait to come to the church Jesus will come down to the well have a conversation with you about water and bring the word into your life Oh y'all don't hear me but I feel like preaching to somebody in this place right now I don't need no church building to preach the word I'm preach the word on the back of trucks I preach the word on the front porch of houses I preach the word on basketball courts with legs both in my head I don't need a crowd to pre sweets what God called me to preach I can't reach it by myself somebody said the word yes sure yeah you see Jesus didn't need a pulpit or microphone he sat by well and preached her a word that was the beginning of the transformation of the entire city of Samaria that ultimately would break the hex and the spells of Simon the sorcerer and liberate Samaria from witchcraft is started with a woman at the well who humbled herself enough to say I'm thirsty this woman was the beginning of the Reformation of Allinol of Samaria is started with the woman this woman was a seed she was a scene he sold that Philip would harvest well later in Acts chapter 8 verse 1 the Bible says when persecution arose in Jerusalem Philip went down to Samaria why did God send him to Samaria to harvest on the seed Jesus had planted about ten years before so I talked a little bit about the will and I talked a little bit about the water and I talked a little about the word and my fourth one and I'll be finished if I want to talk about the worship because I really didn't read in my text about the whale and I didn't read in my little text about the water and I didn't use a part of the text about the word I only use a part of the text about the warship because their argument she's having with Jesus is how do we worship her it's argument we still have today we don't wash it with instruments in our church we wash it with us remiss in our church we have a Hammond in our church you can't have Church if you don't have a Hammond b3 we have a pipe organ in our church oh they're always all the metallics of worship that's not this year your people worship in the mountain you know not what how long can the ignorant worship and not because your people have been worshipping in the mountain for years and never knew who he was worshipping ignorance can clap its hands ignorance can dance and sing English can run up and down now just because you're making noise doesn't mean you are a true worshiper then Jesus validates the Jews it says my people know who we worship for salvation is of the Jews he said we we had it right we were worshipping the right God he said but the hour cometh this and now he is look at that phrase the hour cometh and now he is how could it be coming and now is Jesus says the hour cometh and now is he was head it was coming because a new Pentecost powerful experience was coming but he had to say now is because he is my Pentecost he is my feast of unleavened bread he is my feast of weeks he is my sacrificial lamb he is my stay star so he couldn't say he was just coming because he is now that day I feel ago the day they that was of him they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth they must worship Him in spirit because God is a sphere and I told you at the beginning you thirst for what you are and if I have water and yet our thirst for water then God is spirit and yet he thirsts for spirit now how are coming to now he is the day that worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth if I must worship Him in spirit and yet God is a spirit I thirst for what I am your God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth now you can praise him you can praise him out you can praise Him you'll do praise it with your hand you can present with your feet you can praise above the high sounding cymbals in the heart you can praise him with earthly stuff but if you go wash of them worship goes beyond the dimension of the physical worship isn't a sound or a noise or a jump or a clap all of that is how you enter into the gates you enter into the gates with Thanksgiving and the courts with praise but in order to worship you got to go in into the place where no sound is needed into the place where no harps are played into the place where your spirit camille's recall the thing I couldn't understand when I got around homeless people I was used to people shouting but in my church I grew up we shouted cuz somebody saying or somebody preached us happy but in a good old-fashioned Pentecostal service they can start shouting and ain't nobody saying nothing they just go to shouting and in a sweep all the way across the church and ain't nothing going on and I couldn't figure out what is that thing that makes them shout and nobody saying nothing what is that thing that makes them run up and down the aisle and ain't nobody singing method what is that thing gonna sweep over the church and then ask our goal in the corner of a mother all over the church till everybody will win the Cornish Aldus slay by the Holy Ghost and the preacher didn't preach to the choir didn't sing but some swept the place God is a spirit and [Music] wasup him shondo must worship Him in spirit and in truth in spirit and in truth and that's why we can preach in an empty room and not be bothered with a handful of people and not be disturbed because what I got didn't come from the people wha what I got didn't come from the pews didn't come from the crowd didn't come from the noise of the tambourine what I got came from the Holy Ghost God is a spirit and they that worship Him this is an electro-pop people it's not like praise praise invites everybody let everything that hath breath praise the Lord but worship is exclusive the voice of his exclusive they that worship Him means it's not every man must worship has a criteria must deny it's not about breathing now they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit why because God is a spirit and in order to worship Him you gotta give him what he is come on come on come on if you if you don't quit his thirst you gotta give him what here you need water cuz you paying from water and you are water but God is a spirit and if you don't quit his thirst you have to worship Him in spirit and in truth for the father seeketh such what would make God seek [Music] God is omniscient I'm missing I'm not science all science science er knowing all-knowing God knows I'd be paying at the same time and yet he says the father seeks the seeking God why you're quitting your stuff why starting the seeking God the first thing Genesis teaches us about God after he created man they said God is a seeking God I'm looking for you they don't miss it all-knowing all-wise Ancient of Days beginning of wisdom the God who knows the end from the beginning it's found seeking in Genesis he's still seeking in the Gospel of st. John for the father seeketh such to worship Him he's searching from the anals of Calvary laying on Calvary looking up toward heaven with the ground shaking and the son refusing the shine and the veil and the triple rent from the top to the bottom Jesus still says I thirst what does he thirst for that the woman had the world didn't give him he seek her such me and you to worship Him in spirit and in truth he doesn't seek for you to come to church more I'm sorry I'm a pastor he doesn't need you to come to church all week long on Monday night we had this and the honeybees are meeting on Tuesday and the Willing the fried chicken is me know where is he and the earth and heaven bound as we know Friday and then the fried chicken committee is meeting on Thursday outside of the morning yeah he's not seeking more church he's not seeking more church we got churches on every corner every church splitting into fragments everything I've called a style to church I believe in your church so I can start a church that's like I'm leaving the chicken so I can be a chicken so now we got all of these churches but that's not what he's seeking and it's not what he's specially for the father is seeking somebody who in spirit have you ever had the worship experience that had no music have you ever been driving your car and glory just rise up in your soul and tears start running down your face and ain't nobody preaching ain't nobody shed but you just had an encounter with God have you ever been walking around your house and just start shaking your head because all of a sudden the presence of God and come right there in your house it all happened to be a nice house how it can be a one-bedroom apartment you ain't got no furniture yet you just got the mattress laying on the floor in the back you ever had God make a house call he's looking for you all this hoopla and all this noise and all these headlines and shut down all the restaurants closing up the library shut down all the bars send everybody in the house cuz he's looking for you I'm gonna shut everything down til I find you I'm gonna pull out all your hangouts til I find you I'm a close down the gym I know you got a membership you got it I'm closing down the gym till I find you I'm looking for you I'm looking for you I'm gonna shut out all the noise in your life till I find you I'm gonna bring you off your job till I find you I'm gonna make you sit in the house with nothing to do but think about me till I find you cuz I want you back I want your praise Mac I want your attention man I'm a shout out all your investments I'm gonna pull down your 401k I'm gonna shut up your stocks and ball I'm gonna crawl it out now cuz I'm looking for you I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking because I'm thirsty for what your soul would give me if he would come home the kind of praise that would come out of you it's the praise that I want I don't need no more noise I don't need no more workshops I need somebody to worship me in spirit and in truth I need somebody grateful I need somebody who's been a and a and a whoremonger and a dog I need somebody who's been locked up in jail I need a pervert and a freak who'll come in and throw themselves down on an altar and say I'm not even worthy to be here and I'm just grateful that you'd let me lift my hands up he's gonna ask that's what I thirst for I thirst for the broken and the wounded and the hurting and the fragmented and the for lon and the molested and the rape and they abused and the criticized and the hostages because there's something that comes out of a broken vessel that prepares my body there's something when a vessel is shattered that gets my body ready there's something that when a vessel cracks in my presence and I calls this Sunday morning message to tell you he's looking for you the father is searching for you I came to Jez he's thirsty for how you used to love him and how you used to praise him and how you didn't need all the accouterments and all the attention in order to just just justice [Music] I appreciate all the stuff you do with all the people you help it for the nice kind person you are but I I am thirsty for true worshipers and if he forgave me for anything if you brought you out to anything if it washed it and gave you a second chance if he put shoes on your feet or gave you a job you've never thought you'd have open up a door that other people would be envious to be here if he ever did anything for you he'll shower and you really really really really really really really really really really appreciate it if you ever did something for you that you couldn't pay for that you don't deserve that you didn't give there by yourself if you really really really really understand the word sort of coming out of my mouth he told me he thirsts for you [Music] he thirsts for you like you thirst for water he thirsts for you to talk to him in the car on the way home he used to be just you and him riding together he thirst could be company in your house you say you suffering cuz you you you and isolation yeh suffering with your TVs in your air conditioning in your dishwashing machine you know why you suffering you're suffering because you're not fulfilling your purpose God gave you time off to worship Him this yeah and while you seek the attention of people God is trying to get your attention now do with it what you will play me off if you want ignore it if you want to it's not even a real message anyway these are just gleanings just just gleanings residue pieces and parcels fragments lenience from the will if you did what you were supposed to do right now you'd be on your knees or on your face or have your hands raised court you will let him keep looking you don't play hide and go seek until you get lost he's looking for you he's shook up the whole world to get your attention and now you're too important you got too many titles he knows who you really are girl boy he knows who you really are stop it stop it he knows about you he's coming yeah [Music] you are a Washington [Music] is Sunday you ought to just stop being so important and Washington stopped being so frustrated to just worship you stop trying to straighten people out just warship there's a few in a crowd every night and then you run into gleamings and worshipers in rooms of praises and so God is on the hunt and he's looking he's looking for you [Music] that's what he told me to tell you now I may the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strengths my redeemer god bless you this is the potter's house I want to turn our conversation to the millions of people in America right now who have filed for unemployment the numbers are going up every day who are in crisis who really don't want to be sitting around watching TV they want to be in the workforce and want to be back in the cave they don't know about the jobs that are available right now [Music] but I think the very first day that we convened as a business leadership group in Dallas we thought about that things that were most actionable to help those who are most vulnerable and who would be this place let me just tell you in my own life I remember viscerally at 13 years old when my father lost his job and the kind of vulnerability that we felt as a family you know still lingers in my mind today will we be okay you know will we come through this can we keep our home can we keep the life that we have become accustomed to we partnered across our community and we're partnering with your foundation to actually create an exchange so that the companies that still need workers whether it's you know McKesson which is a huge distributor of pharmaceutical goods or Domino's Pizza which may need more delivery drivers because more people are home and need that kind of service that that across the spectrum of all of the things available that we can give people a direct line to those companies to find immediate opportunities if they need them [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 347,864
Rating: 4.8733077 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, Gleanings From The Well
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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