The Art of Happiness in Troubled Times

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brothers and sisters I am extremely happy having this opportunity talk or interact I think I think a number of people who have pursued a knowledge or different experiences I think very as other significant audience so I'm very happy cuz I seemed Auto happiness casa in trouble child I think now we are in the first century I think it a trouble or problem in the sense they some head of uncomfortable sort of problems or event that I think always there I feel because humanity facing some problem some trouble so therefore different religious tradition you see develop if world very happy there no need religion I think I am Buddhist Buddha CEM the in order to reduce these sort of trouble this suffering so like other Mahavira Jesus Christ Mohammed all this you see they therefore reduce the trouble so now here I want to share with you see there of course you see two levels of what see the pains and the pains and suffering one physical leather one metal ladder usually I describe satisfaction satisfaction out of physical experience that is mainly sensorial consciousness as you create these things another mental level like are also experiences during Dreamtime no longer sort of functioning this sensorial sort of consciousness the experience during sleep time or dream dream time actually experiencing or working the mental mental level so now these two things I feel as far as physical level trouble I think same as I mentioned earlier perhaps in modern time maybe even less I think Buddhists I'm the lot of disease and poverty naturally there with that some violence also there in in these field disease poverty now today I think comparatively much better because of progress series which help of Technology and science but other hand mental level maybe in ancient time smaller population they are life little bit sorrow cause of the color oldest costly ah more relaxed now in modern time lives are very busy at the Truman Show no sense of competition and with these things much more stress in mental level I think I think obviously now here in India or another country I think they is the stress level or mental level stress these things I think more sudden those are the more stronger in those big cities like India as if Delhi or Bombay or Calcutta Indies rhesus may be lost oh so dah gah more intense there's in rural area the farmers of course they may occur physical difficulties more often but mentally much less sort of stress I feel so so I think the trouble in the level mental level maybe today as a more of a stronger way more intensely so now physical levels or pains and difficulties we need sirasa tea there garuda the acid a physical level pains these things should sort of remove remove or reduce by material levels yeah the so like pain physical pain now these last now more than two weeks is some problem here you see meditation not much sorrow helpful only medicine elevating medicine or Tibetan medicine like that but now meta level entirely depend on one's own mental attitude I want to do to say 1 tilde 1 standard the Asaro sort of expression I think in each century till added are sudden dee da Kyoto Danny Boy Clara some decent Equator other son who's your task she she typically needed to join you ha ha the Tiago the cada miserably give us Hawk and Mongoose IRS they die chunky columns tress and Egyptian the data dish on the da da da Vinci Chandra Das Ziggler planted so shanty Davis is that how can one actually get a height or to cover the whole of the land which is covered with thorns and if you are able to cover your own feet your urn you're also possible to cover whole planet by letter no better if you can cover your feet with a letter then it would be like same as covering the whole land with leather and so similarly he says there are many long she knows the unruly beings are infinite like the space and so how can one actually overcome them all at once but if you are able to overcome your own suffering your own anger and then that would be like overcoming the iron enemies or the adversary's either that's very true there the trouble sort of surrounding impossible to remove that some kind of problems always there but if you develop certain sore right kind of attitude I usually say realistic attitude then doesn't matter what's around them you can keep peace of mind so peace of mind is the basis of a orcid a healthy body and healthy mind too much each station in mental level not only suffer on mentally but also physically also very very harmful so peaceful mind calm mind it's very very important for firstly or one individual peace of mind and when the person is in facing some problems difficulties the problem cannot disturb your inner peace but with that we can utilize human intelligence more effectively if your mental state too much disturb too much emotion then very difficult to handle the problem because mind too much emotion your mind become biased you can't see the reality without knowing the reality every your method to become unrealistic method so fail naturally through unrealistic method you won't get a goal so we must for the mirela Roscoe trajo hello Lord rain friend if you look my face much change or not much change okay okay okay so therefore they there is a lot method to keep our mind more peaceful and the part of our brain which develops on was today the car know which develop I think what city I think calm mind they create combined you see amines helpful to carry our human intelligence to judge to investigate to find out the reality too much anger too much fear too much attachment then that part of our brain not functioned properly because too much emotion so through that way one my American friend very old when I met him I think few years ago when I met him I think his age already it for something now he mentioned when person developed anger the object which I mean which was you what I feel very edited that object appears very negative but actually 90% of that negativeness is mental projection exactly Buddhist sorrow psychology also mentioned that so once your mental level too much agitated then you can't see the reality so peaceful mind calm mind that we can do firstly I feel using our common sense and common experience and also the latest of scientific finding through awareness awareness long-term interest we can train our mind when we facing some problem we can keep our mind mock and experience also using quite helpful when we facing some problem auto your past experience also you see helpful to maintain your mind calm so that I usually is it call such as on the secular way secular way to promote our own botanist and through that way you can keep our mind maka the compassionate mind is very very important fierce anger jealousy these based on self-centered attitude develop more sort of sense of because of the caring of others will be your heart automatically open that brings openness so straightforward transparent honest that brings friendship we are social animal for individual survival entirely depend on the rest of the community so usually through my self-centered attitude develop just as a distress suspicion that brings fear there's a more open mind so no matter what they are attitude but do you are side o develop sense or cancel all their being there you can keep inner peace and sense of concern of others well-being bring inner strength self-confidence so any social animal I think like bees or ants those social animal they have no religion no Constitution no law but they work together the nature create act that way so we are also as a social animal but because of our intelligence sometimes and intelligence with short-term interest narrow mindedness and the negative emotion is sometimes forgetting our basic nature so so in any way compassionate attitude is the one key factor to to develop calm mind because combine two very maturity with self-confidence then this is number one then second various religious tradition amounted to religious position there are two two kinds one theistic religion believe God Creator so the total submission to God also see is same effect to reduce self-centered attitude and then they all the miseries tradition carried a message of love compassion forgiveness so on my Muslim friend they say once told me the true practitioner Islam should extend la towards entire creatures like they're all religion to say carry the message of importance of love compassion these things so philosophically you creator we all are from the Creator creation rate creations so we totally submit to God that reduce self-centered attitude and other the gods God is infinite love so more faith does God and I think that like Christianity this very life created by God so you get the sort of intimacy feeling towards God that also powerful sort of method more willingness to follow God sort of guiding guidance way then another religion that's non-theistic Buddhism Jainism no idea of no concept of God creator Buddha or teacher experience the teacher so but the short path according his own sort of experiences but the himself come from ordinary sentient being eventually become Buddha not creator so things are due to law of causality by nature cause I felt cause and effect cause and effect quite similar that of Darwinian theory so that's nonsense you teach sort of viewpoint so now everything depends on action karma means action if you do good you to other you get benefit if you do harm other you get negative consequences knowing that sort of law of causality and reduce harming other and extent as much you can to serve to bring happiness to other so different methods same purpose so that also very powerful I myself say I feel firstly my mother very very kind mother so I always telling people certain amount of my sort of compassion here firstly I received from my mother so I came here in this room you may be few hundred people we everybody come from our mother at the young age we survived by mother's affection and someone else autre other and also some relatives like that so we everyone received at that time there's a maximum affection from our mother that experience really absorbed in our every particle of our body so therefore now now the latest source for a scientific stir metal scientifical finding or and also the brain specialists they say the constant fear and actually eating our immune system then more calm mind more compassionate mind sometimes even increasing this positive element which is body so because this body is he development from also the true way throughout the mother's affection so the person who received maximum affection from mother at early age this person the rest of their life in deep inside more safe those people who added who at that time lack of the fashion from our mother or sometimes bully abuse way then is it these people no matter how subtle smart and deep inside somewhere of the sense of insecurity so their whole life remain a little bit Corps response difficult to response genuine sense of compassion towards other but those before who received maximum affection you say they can much easier to extend the element compassion and physically as I mentioned earlier you see one example one my friend wanted monk I often see telling people what as an example he spent about twenty years I think it about 18 19 years in Chinese clock after 59 an early eighty with some other is a Tibetan also then allowed the new policy led by King shopping so open little easier so that monk also eventually come to India and joined his previous monastry since I know very well that person so one one day we catch at all and then he mentioned during eighteen ninety years in Chinese gras he faces some danger few occasion I thought maybe in danger on his life and I asked what kind of danger and his excessive soda and he mentioned danger of losing compassion towards Chinese so they consider it's very important to keep compassionately attitude towards repetative array a potato so result that person still alive now I think in 95 or 90 95 or 94 it was physical very well on his head I think white hair I think much less than me she always Jovi and sometime today after also was a meeting with scientist I casually mentioned that so after that is some scientists actually want to meet such people then they met they found extraordinarily such people no sign of traumatic photo Cosa traumatic experiences so they are mind very calm very happy very compassionate so there's one example keep here more positive attitude here the maximum benefit goes yourself so like that so so that's one we so conclusion did the religious believer if they sincerely practice immense benefit to reduce the holiday stress or worry mental level and then the non-believer through her Venice through deeper understanding about human the function of emotion with help of scientific finding we can develop more open mind more modern so the warm heartedness like that so that I try to get to her to share with thousands thousands of people everybody want happy life and a healthy body so the ultimate sort of factor for healthy mind healthy body is original self no need money just to utilize this just to utilize our in the sort of these ordered a value through awareness so here I want to to share with you last is if I think 2003 4000 years the people see put all our sort of hope on faith and prayer to God of course individual peace of mind if faith very very useful and prayer also very useful very helpful but in the sense of the well-being of community or world prayer this limitation the the other day in partner this is the presidency Minister is it built one Buddhist sorrow vihara Tambor and he invited me I went there and in his oral speech he mentioned with Buddhist blessing be our state more rapidly prosper then when my turn the speech I know Chief Minister very well so I told him if Buddha's blessing can cause of that develop ray ah state then biasted hostel earlier shoot develop because of buddhist dressing always there but but buddhist blessing need human action without a human action is a buddhist place is not much effective is it so I think all other sort of faith similar but very merciful but for a problem on this planet within his own kind of creates away like that so therefore action is very important action depends on our motivation which negative emotion harmful action positive emotion constructor a more constructive action verbally action as well as physical action so I think well so so so my point is so then last about two centuries science and technology develop so as I mentioned earlier technology brought what we want immediately I did thousand years we pray to God but fail to be realized but technology brought these things our health improve because of the economy prosperous also succumb many things there so logically people this is a life mod more about science technology and forgetting our inner value now later part of 20th century now people say getting some sort of experience some sort of awareness through their own experience there is a limitation about material value so my friend maybe balunia very rich but as a person very unhappy person Troy stress transfer so the the Muslim of sort of money failed to bring in Abby's it's very clear I think among Indian world so I think the same experience so therefore there are now more more people now new awareness o material development very important but material value alone will not solve our problem will not bring real happiness real situation so we need some sort of effort for development of development of inner sort of the values irrespective whether religious person or a non-believer but there's I think some news of the Hazara of a new development like that so I want to share material facility provide us physical comfort the mental level comfort must develop with true training of mind and world peace also receive genuine peace through inner peace so that's very clear so then lastly I want to to share I believe World bronze people not government I feel and real change of the world I think people should carry more active role I think the later part of trend century many positive change happen not my government later of course not by violence but through popular nonviolent movement many positive change happen so in future the distant first century only ten years past 90 years is yet to come so whether this century should be a peaceful century or sensual bloodshed ultimately depend on people so we are part of the people and and you must have recognized and when we say people means combination of individual so their real sort of change or initiative start from individual then in the family in the community like that way there is possibility change of this world more more compassionate world peaceful world whenever face some problems not using by not using force but by through dialogue then I think we can really develop this century beast for century so there's a everybody's interest and also everybody have some potential make some contribution for that so that I want to share with you under the wall [Applause] Thank You Julius for such an inspiring address and thank you for agreeing to take questions we before we go to questions from the audience I just wanted to tell you that we I like people to ask questions and not make many speeches please and also identify yourselves I'll start with the first question your holiness many surveys across the world have shown that today's youth is increasingly disenchanted and and there's a high feeling of loneliness and disaffection with everything around and there's this whole quest for authenticity in a world which many believer is over commercialized India we have about nearly 50 percent of our population is under 25 and this is the future use of India how do you suggest we engage with the youth and address these these issues I think basically as I mentioned all already working or our solo singing said too much rely on material materials although positive value that also I think I usually describe my generation so some I think some of you this is the Brahms and Morris same age me so we bronze to triggered century a century of violence according some history there over 200 mils of people killed in 20th century into the century to violence including Civil War and World War listings Ava DS violence immense violence including using nuclear weapon if achieved some permanent peace some permanence of happiness and then there can be some justification but not fate doesn't not not because of that it not happened so still problems there so so now we generation including myself who belongs to this century I think we create that past century of central bloodshed now it is our responsibility to tell a younger generation no material sorrow their development alone or weapon including nuclear weapons won't solve human problems human problem can solve with cooperation with trust mutual trust and genuine friendship and any conflict potential of conflict must have sought to dialogue so I often study this century in the first century should be century of dialogue so I think our generation the thickness of the share you have a generation there our generations way of thinking is some some way fail to bring happy birth so the invitation now must pay more attention about our innovative design so I think younger generation following our generation sort of way of life more money more power and in order to get power and money corruption almost no normal way so all these if people not taking much sort of serious about our inner value there is no basis of moral moral principle so through that way whatever method bully exploitation telling lie or even religious leader pretend something holy and actually aiming more money or more power sometimes so I think in 20th century I think a lot of artificial things lot of hypocrisy I think that faith bring feelings of rapid happy world so I think we must be suggesting muster asset or failure then tell our younger generation this is our failure now you have the responsibility to build more new healthy world so so all responsibilities remain on their shoulder so not only is it thinking about external values but should be more in inner values as just I mentioned so seems to see that in America in Europe and this country also I see seems as if more young people since more open so of course naturally level so varsity experience so sometimes a little bit impatience they want something ma so that's my room thank you so the media media people lugging your own or Houston innocent I'm I think immediate people have a very important role to educate public and television isn't it so very very important so we are not sort of preacher preaching religion but simply using our common sense and common experience and register scientific finding then educate them the religious faith is individual business some people are filled through believe much more comfortable let them take some religion but other people I think nearly seven billion human being I think large portion of nearly seven baby I think essentially non-believer so we must educate them this is my feet thank you your holiness questions from the audience Indian tradition my name is Rajiv I ever said I am your civil service excuse me I've already I think you said that no I was standing here because on my head I pointed out here okay I come maybe next question maybe it yeah there is forgiveness is Taurus Compassion's you can start thank you thank you for that my question is that in Indian tradition as well as in most of the other languages of the world we come across the word destiny and destiny or we call it Parker in Hindi it figures now and then so when we talk about action in the affairs of human beings how much is this role of destiny and how much of action and whether only actually there and there is nothing about destiny or there is a mix of two if you believe creator that create the create somewhere or destination there's something different but if you AskMe my personal view everything depend on its own causes condition amount of causes and condition main factor for sort of experience of pains and pressure karma karma means action so say from the person from the Buddhist viewpoint certain sort of certain level of destination due to our previous karma karma which we accumulated in in past lives many several past lives but there with new action with new karma we can change so ultimately once on destination is entirely in your own hand so that's what this view okay so generally our destination is the happy life marine I think for Buddhist is telling people from Buddhist viewpoint and particularly some traditions viewpoint our destination is Buddhahood that's too far makes you banana path of compassion for the world what are your views on succession planning because you've left and who have created this amazing legacy do you have any thoughts about who would be the next that I Lama oh that's not for me not serious question oh it looks as the Chinese government there is really seriously looking about [Applause] I made very clear as early as I did Roz coder maybe no ID maybe remember as early 69 I publicly stated officially the weather the century old Dunham institution should continue or not up to 20 people if majority twenty people and also some concerns of the people like a Mongolian and all the Himalayan range so the people who share same trend Buddhist tradition so measured of them field now Dharma institution is no longer much relevant then automatically sees if they want to keep this one and then it very alive so this not much important about a threatened Buddhism or Tibetan Buddhist culture or Tibetan nation last few centuries Dharam institution carries some sort of important role but things are always changing so there it is quite silly you seem to think this old energy is master preserve that's a full let's sit this foolish silly so another and depending on the circumstances if I die next few days then I think most believes if people want to give this institution after twenty thirty years but then may be different situation but as far as Tibetan sort of struggle is concerned since 2001 we already achieved elected political edition so every five years the true election you see new leadership come decay they are responsibilities and since then my position is semi-retired position then spirituality they Hosoda at the better strategy is concerned all different Tibetan Buddhist tradition like yellow itself ratchet said these things they're now a younger generation age between 2030 very healthy spiritual potential spiritual leaders now coming so I have no worry and I think as far as there are institutions concerned I think more concerned Chinese mind communist mind than me I'm afraid we're running out of time I can take one more question Gotham seeker money from Hindustan Times sir I wanted to know that there are more than four thousand religions today if you count all the sects and subsets despite that there is no compassion no peace do you think organized religion has failed society totally oh you can't say total failure well now no I think at least for me Buddhist is not failed and yjg is life very helpful then many sort of I think at this time millions of people still receiving immense of benefit from these for today this is tradition sometimes I think even among Tibetan or flow sometimes you see day we just carry for religion as a ceremonial way or ritual without touching the years or a meaning and then religion also used for exploitation so so therefore whether we accept a region or not after individual once you accept the religion you should be serious and since a and full of knowledge about one's own religious tradition is very important I often tell in my Indian friend this is recite some sands of the show Sanskrit Shalaka fuschia lockers of Sanskrit reciting but without know any meaning and not much other useful isn't it once others you here in Gordon temple you see the read always they the citizens or was it a holy path but I don't know whether they really implement what state in the India in the book holy book so it was also certain knowledge I just returned from Japan Japan traditionally for this country there but they I think I want to just you see the share this is not serious a joke I think of joke even some Japanese here it's okay no problem I've heard this is some Japanese you see at the time of birth they carry ritual according sin reason the needy religion then at the time of marriage they carry a ceremonial according Christian Christianity then at the time of death the ceremony according Buddhism so what is that a lot of you see it is is it not very serious so therefore I think some problems there even those among those believer some naked people there that we can't say failure of religious teaching but failure the person who suppose follow of the religion but not implement sincerely this is my feeling and some miners or a very religion who doesn't even matter I usually call major restoration that means resist faith with certain sort of theology or certain philosophy like many Hinduism there's a lot of loss of witness or reviews and then of course Buddhism a lot of loss of he and I usually is divided Buddhist Arun acid a text of other tests one simply mention about human psychology human emotion and function of the emotion that I consider for the science not what is religion and also a Buddhist literature much explanation about matters particles like that then Buddhist philosophy just some kind of sorrow as the analyzed on the basis of reality and on the basis of science so that's what is philosophy Buddhist concept so like cansado inter debated see there is no absolute existence everything interdependent so that's Buddhist word put it some about Sanskrit word but did some abundant dependent in arising so that's many scientists very fond about that concept and that concept also you see very close sort of uh so the concept about the theory of relativity like that then what is religion so unless we know the foundation of these or Buddhist concept then Buddhism structuralism is just like Richard not much yours not effect in our mind so usually I describe the Buddhist system is you utilize human intelligence maximum way and then transform our emotion so many other region also is the same scene knowing full picture then you get zero condition real conviction brings real enthusiasm since says watch and say enthusiasm to implement so that's I think lacking many Hindu temples just some rituals without my self explanation one time I think more than item two years ago I met some Thai student who studies Chandigarh University is he came to see me they say there are family background Buddhists but they do not know what is Buddhism the high monasteries in Thailand is a not further that not explaining to ordinary people about Buddhism they simply carry some rituals some chanting in the monastery of course some monastery monastic universities also there I think there may be different so like that so then then they say Christians they so explaining they have the concept of that religion so where's Buddhism you see the native religion native order or traditional religion they complain is in not adequate for explanations as you see like that so that's that's my view so I often here now I often describe myself as a messenger of India ancient Indian sort of treasure that means wherever I go I talk about ahimsa non-violence non-violence action that nonviolent action related with compassionate mind their compassionate mind their non-violence action is comes right so I always was telling non-violence time sir number one sort of myzel commitment number two communities religious harmony in this country I think of only country on this planet beside homegrown religion all major world rich tradition lived together occasionally some problem that's of course understandable you know Oh over now building human population some mischievous people always there so some problems to say happen but or picture I think that this is the country only country where all major religious traditions live together miss respect so this is really wonderful so these two things where I go I wanna see telling India as an example so I just got myself as a message of the Indian thought okay so and then also is I further is it this car I'm son of India so one day one Chinese they also they reporter asked me why you say you are son of India then I explained here within discover my brain I think every sort of particle of brain fulfilled non under thought then this physical last the 51 years there's major portion of my life I left him I I escaped from Tibet h casa truly a 24 now at that time over seven seven 73 now simplified so so last 51 years 50 years this body survived by Indian dolls in the rice so therefore I call I just got myself as a son of India what is it then he killed even quite I think he understood my logic why it is like that so so so it anyway so I want to share with our Indian friend you must you see realize your traditional value and meantime within the country some draw that's like caste system or Gaza to be a certainty Gaza actually shoot a dresser or dowries this is some of these things even is sometimes you see it is water in newspaper so this must address very seriously to change these things I had to pull political or so other field also like NASA light or my sort of movement I think you see there at the area where lot of suffering I heard this is some area since this country got independence now much development big cities now develop there but some of the area still no electricity no proper school so that's why you see in this area so some people who have shown interest easily manipulate so sending more Indian police not answer must lift they are sort of living standard and provide education facility and electricity these things then these problems reduce so I think some problem within the country I want to urge you please pay more attention and not just cause of a few nice word but do something some organization really you see carrying some work but this country huge country we need lot of effort more people like that that I want as some of India this is my hip healing and also you see I also always describe with Tibetan we are Buddhists so Buddhism come from India and all the Buddhist master like Nagarjuna Arya Dawa Buddha pilita the this is it these muscles of test is real ah Harada no traces madhavgarh the real test of our study I'm lazy student but I study this root test so therefore we consider Indians our guru so our relation India Indian and Tibetan flag relation between guru and cello so sometimes I jokingly telling people we are quite a reliable chela you know after you see eighth century ninth century many Buddhist literature and also including some in Hindi Hindus all the teacher translating to Tibetan then after 10th century 11th century you see lot of Thoreau our city ups and downs at least Buddhism in this country all these treasure we kept intact up to down so that means we are quite reliable chela social expose up some location when I have so because of that getting among the saddles and what she did it is leaders so I often use retelling I really feel proud as a message of ancient Indian thought but meantime which in the country some still drawbacks of backwardness in the name of tradition this must address seriously change even is a thousand-year-old tradition but some tradition out-of-date it must change we must accept the reality that's I think very important thank you thank you very much [Applause]
Channel: Dalai Lama
Views: 63,268
Rating: 4.8757763 out of 5
Keywords: Dalai, Lama, Hindustan, Times, Leadership, Summit, happiness, art, trouble, address, compassion, calm, mind, New, Delhi, India, November, 2010
Id: KwFy99C_PBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 21sec (3741 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2010
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