Beyond Religion - Awakening the Self

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh money but may home heal the jewel in the Lotus that a symbolic of wisdom in Buddhism it is our immense privilege to welcome His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama a leader of world peace a visionary humanitarian a great spiritual leader and a beacon of inspiration for all we are indeed overwhelmed by the presence of the ocean of wisdom the Buddha of compassion His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama amidst us today His Holiness first visited our school campus exactly 20 years ago on 16 November 1997 to have His Holiness visit the school again is our dream come true his holiness we are so grateful to you light means knowledge and understanding all our sufferings come from ignorance making an offering of light removes ignorance and confusion and feeds me for clear ideas and good understanding we request this holiness July the ceremonial are a symbol of dispelling all darkness from our lives we request our other esteemed guests on the stage to join in lighting the lamp [Music] we now request dr. Prasad V Midori chairman Salvin public school to present a token of our gratitude to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama [Applause] maybe now request sridhar passing to present the welcome address sridhar Pal Singh is the Honorable trustee Salva Education Trust chairman emeritus Fortis healthcare chairman of the impact group and also the founder and chairman of nanny cha Foundation which passionately promotes the cause of the girl child and the environment so pleased a very good morning to you all and particularly your holiness before I sort of say a few words of welcome to His Holiness the Dalai Lama that we mentioned that all you children of the Salvin schools young citizens of India I can assure you that in future years when you reminisce about the time you are spent in our schools this occasion today you're being present in the presence of His Holiness will be permanently etched in your memories for all time you will recognize that the presence of His Holiness would give you that deep inner strength to deal with life not only for its challenges but also for its good times so on your behalf and on behalf of teachers on behalf of all staff on behalf of the parents and the fraternity of the Salvin schools may i sir welcome you to our school here [Applause] what better way to welcome his holiness then for me to once again request you all children to stand up and give a standing ovation by welcoming his holiness that is I am I thank you and maybe bow in his presence thank you it is difficult for someone like me to actually define or encompass what His Holiness stands for so I am not even going to make an attempt to say what he stands for but share with your children what some of the world says about his holiness what does everybody young all of different nationalities of different faiths of global institutions of school systems of corporate India of the corporate world what do they say about His Holiness he is clearly seen as an apostle of peace he is seen as someone who endangers the symbol of love and compassion he is seen as an embodiment of all that is good in humanity he's seen as a spiritual leader for the world and for mankind he's a passionate advocate a crusader for democracy and for Human Rights he even though belonging to the faith that he is the temp or a leader of he believes fundamentally that notwithstanding the differences in faiths one of mankind's most compelling expectations and aspirations must be that we learn to live in harmony amongst all faiths so in many senses he's all those wonderful qualities and this is what the world says about him so you young children you must feel immensely inspired by the fact that we have him and that we will have him share a few thoughts with us I thought I would also share with you what are his personal aspirations if I may sir with your permission his most I believe three things that he has often said is a fundamental promotion of human values he believes in the harmony and the promotion of it of all faiths and finally he believes that he would like to promote the culture of his faith and that significantly represents a culture of peace of non-violence and of course in a personal sort of sense also the protection of the environment particularly that of his home country Tibet Your Holiness were indeed blessed by our presence we feel blessed that you have taken time out to be with us we feel empowered and inspired and I can tell you this that we feel your aura we certainly do so in that and amongst is therefore all-encompassing if I may say his all-encompassing value is that in spite of being the tallest of human beings that live on the planet today or for that matter that have lived for centuries in spite of the fact that he's a tall human being he is as humble as you get them he represents humility in a way that is touching and inspiring so we are indeed pleased to have you with us and may I once again on behalf of our fraternity of the solvent fraternity welcome you all welcome you to this function [Applause] thank you sir his holiness strongly believes that we can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace within ourselves he says peace must first be developed within an individual love compassion and selflessness are the fundamental basis for peace once these qualities are established within an individual he or she is then able to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony around him this atmosphere can be expanded and extended to his family from the family to his community and eventually to the whole world we now have the school Khoi of presenting before you an interfaith prayer seeking peace for all we begin with the Buddhist chant [Music] now a prayer from Hinduism [Music] [Music] save me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now a play from jealousy [Music] now a prayer from Islam [Music] now affair from Sikhism [Music] imagine by John Lennon our dream for peace [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] now the timothean Buddhist and [Music] this is the paradox of our times we have bigger houses but smaller families more conveniences but less time we have more knowledge but less sense more experts yet more problems more medicines but less wellness we have learned how to make a living but not alive these are the times of fast foods with slow digestion and less nutrition steep profits but shallow relationships fancier houses but broken homes His Holiness will look to you for showing us a way out of this paradox we request you to kindly enlighten us respected elder brothers and sisters and then younger brothers and sisters I extremely happy and feel great honor opportunity meeting with young people students usually when I give talk I stand I prefer stand but now getting older order say I prefer now why talk from share like that because I getting older and also you say now quite oh it's often and I reflect a generation my generation in 40s 50s nineteen forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety many of them energy disappear so I belong to that generation you should live in this car generational 20th century so when I feed know most of my friend including my parent and my beloved my teacher the only name then and I meet this young brother sisters then I also feel I'm now mixing with you I feel I'm bit younger so now you are generation of 21st century 21st century now more than one decade past but remaining City eight decades yet to come so generation of a 21st century now you have the opportunity to create better world and you will enjoy that more peaceful compassionate world we the generation of to the first century to 20th century may not see that so our real hope is on you please think more from wider perspective not just your own circle look firstly now world become much smaller the cause of Technology the cause of global economy and on top of that the global warming now time come we have to think just one world in ancient time more emphasis my nation my country the magenta nation my area then finally my family then ultimately just one self no time come each individual we are part of seven billion human being if seven billion being peaceful harmony each was the cost we are part of the seven bringing being each of us get maximum benefit so even from the selfish viewpoint according to this reality we have to think well beam of other then you get maximum benefit ancient time okay doesn't matter your own area because small population mall is self-sufficient and how today were heavily interdependent so therefore the universal value and I think more seriously about global level that actually thinking that you really get more enthusiasm more optimism just a selfish thinking then because too much self-centered attitude then automatically developed more anxiety more stress that brings some irritation that brings distrust that eventually brings violence we are social animal we need friend even animal they have certain limited altruism because basic nature is more social social animal so we also human being social animal we need very much friendship when you started by friends that you feel happy see when you surrounded by people maybe very rich very powerful about lack of human warm feeling although you may receive some smile but there are different kind of smile you see smile even animal appreciate that's a genuine smile the dog when you show them smile sincere smile they appreciate isn't it artificial smile they don't like so we human being suddenly a hundred facial smile sometimes develop more suspicions so you see people who surround you showing genuine human so smile that come if usually have sincere feeling there are part of you then there are human brothers sisters they say my future depend on them then they take care their well-being that brings change in the friendship so they're there for now now time come we have to think oneness of 7 billion human being I always is it consider myself as a one human being of 17 even me I never consider I'm something firstly when I met people I had to not consider I am Tibetan from something different with something different culture different geography and then furthermore I do not consider I am Buddhist and then particularly I never consider I am His Holiness Dalai Lama if I sort of sort of consider important so Dalai Lama then out of 17 a human being only one Dalai Lama so I feel lonely if is it that a lava not celibate there are lamas Casa mrs. Darrell Amma then I may find another sort of person but celibate then I too much emphasis I am Dalai Lama then really lonely feeling and I think I am one of the seven billion being where I go meet people I always feel I'm one of them that's my own experience see no differences what sort of nationality what color in this country I think unfortunately caste system this outdated we must a versus oneness of a human being and oneness of Indian very important so there is plenty of reason seven billion being mentally emotionally physically we are same and then furthermore if we too much emphasis on secondary level of differences then look today beside natured suffering from nature disaster including earthquake or flood or like that lot of problem actually frickin very sad when we look television news I think easily few thousand people killed killing that dying due to starvation but because it was a young child unthinkable these are same few brothers sisters and particularly these are very very innocent people who carry gun there may be some superficial level some reason to oppose them or to service they destroy them button look now Yemen children and I look picture some of these children very and there are human brothers sisters there are sort of suffering starvation due to concern the people's discrimination Blackhawk one Nestle this the sense of oneness of human human being brothers brothers sisters now these days and I wake up in the morning usually about 3:30 I wake up but I never saw though I've sacrificed my sleep nine hours sleep about six I went to sleep then morning 3:30 wake up how often I feel it oh I enjoy 9r sleep during that - how many people gift homonym children death by starvation that's today's world we are here enjoy peace tranquility but same planet same human being righto suffering created by human themselves what is that now now according some scientists basic human nature is more compassionate there's a sufficient reason more compassionate mind here you are physical better at vertical the young ladies and ladies who have beautiful face but angry face no longer any beauty so usually some ladies who spent a lot of money from I mean from the family is in making Casa thement a beautiful face or something and ornament or something but real beauty is in a beauty not external beauty only external beauty are you married then within few weeks horror start and then eventually divorce sometimes when I received some services a request for blessing for marriage and I also feel oh no preparation for divorce all these you see or the superficial level or more attraction so develop attachment or sexual feeling but without knowing the deeper level of inner beauty then marriage will not be successful long-lasting marriage or many years ago in San Francisco one Christian preacher is he who helping marriage all these things we just casual talk and he told me he uses us couple who want to marry and he advised them no hurry no hurry that you know each other deeper level once you develop full full knowledge about the developer of nature of that person and develop respect then marry he he used it advising to people so he told me like that that's quite true so therefore the inner beauty is very essential now entire seven billion human being from birth we survived with mothers tremendous love affection without that we can't survive that's our common experience then a rest of our life surrounded by people who really show you the loving kindness because of loving kindness then you feel happy physically much healthier so some some scientists a constant and constant fear actually eating our immune system so according our common experience there from our birth and common sense I think you know you see your neighbor or even your orcid a classmate the students usually you see showing you change smile like that then you feel much sort of enthusiasm much happier attend class now I'm going to see that my friend in the case in the classroom is the student each other too much compete competitive feeling we're competitive feeling and a little bit sort of negative attitude then when class start you feel feel more sort of worried like that so even teacher not only teach you the subject but show you genuine human feeling then I say you are very happy to attend that class if teacher maybe knowledgeable but showing you without solo the human feeling then you feel uncomfortable by myself also when I received teaching from my teacher with smile and that that teaching goes deep in my mind occasionally my teacher showing little bit angry face then I feel uncomfortable although when I was young like you I'm quite lazy student I think the laziness among the students I think it not so they unique in my case I think many of you also have that kind of feeling isn't it like that so according our common experience common sense then scientific several sort of finding more compassionate mind is key factor for happiness for joyfulness okay so now that sense of universal sense of concern for universal human being that is the genuine of tracing other animal because lack of intelligence they cannot develop that kind of infinite love we human being because of this brain we have the ability to develop infinite love so now I have some critical view about existing modern education system I think modern education come from West so historically you see the techno science these things start from the west so at that time I think I think maybe I think around 200 years ago the science technologies gradually develop then the existing education sort of center traditionally there's this monastery or nunnery it's the Education Center they carry the responsibility water education now gradually new subject now come so separate education institution started so naturally more electives carried by religious institution the newly developed science this newly developed existing I'm a separate education institution so now modern education very much oriented about material value now today I think all those developed country materially highly developed under education according that also is a highly develop but if we look more deeper level this highly developed materially community a lot of moral crisis or what worried insight level moral crisis moral pencil it only took money money money money power so therefore this is those poor people always suffer really very sad and the even religious faith now using for conflict unthinkable or measure world's tradition carry message of love forgiveness tolerance self-discipline but you see too much emotion here and concept of we entered a ultimately too much self-centered attitude short-sighted then religion also causing more division and more killing very unfortunate so now since the existing modern education is not adequate to bring more happy happy community and happy community happiness very much depend on loving kindness so therefore we really need education including education about high in Aveiro more holistic education not just material value but in a gradual inner peace in this respect I'm fully convinced as a student of knowledge tradition say as I mentor earlier and I study with greater reluctance gradually I realized those things which I learned is now really immense help firstly keep my emotion more destructive emotion more neutral utilize I have the ability to neutralize destructive emotion or constructive emotion can increase because ancient Indian psychology wonderful then the way you see to transform our emotion not through prayer not through faith but through reasoning so ancient Indian / man logically extremely good therefore now I have sort of lost over 30 years I have serious discussion with mortal scientists because the emphasis on reason and experiment not a faith so as a student of these knowledge master I now realize oh these ancient Indian knowledge is really very helpful you see to develop happy individual happy family happy community finally happy humanity so therefore my number one commitment is try to promote peaceful world through inner peace and mainly sense of oneness of human being and sense of concern of well-being of other that's the key factor for peace for happy humanity and then second my commitment is try to promotion of religious harmony now you young sisters you see you recite prayer for different tradition wonderful India is the living example there all major world religions traditions lived together you see beside homegrown religion firstly Sankhya philosophy philosophy I think over more than three thousand years I suggest of the world then I tell not much this country over three thousand years Tsonga philosophy develop wonderful then Jainism then Buddhism the later citizen these are homegrown major religious tradition then later this country received this is refugee from ancient Parsi so the resulting tradition now in Bombay very few community less than hundred thousand but no fear completely safe among millions of Hindus millions of Muslim Christian but handful or say they cuz I remained the Parsis very happy so that's India so then gradually the city parsecity other Christianity and Judaism and Islam all gives a separ this country occasionally some problem that's understandable I usually sit telling all over building human beings not something unusual these also have emotion so some mischievous people possible out of one building human being submissive as people should be there so some problem here there but overall picture of India religious harmony is really unique can be living example to rest of the world differently this tradition can live together harmoniously the mutual respect mutual learning so now since this country I think intellectual level I think among Egyptian civilization Chinese civilization and rasa in just valleys in just very civilization at the finally Indian civilization I think Indian civilization I think produced most fingers on this planet so therefore India traditionally have great potential you see the contribution for humanity through brain intelligence not just a faith so therefore now modern India now one of my commitment is since I realize the ancient Indian knowledge about emotion and how to tackle emotion that something is respected by the believer or non-believer believe it this religion or that religion this Indian tradition is very very relevant today's world in order to make some significant contribution for rest of the world firstly this ancient in the knowledge must survive in within this country so I think modern India not a modern Indian I think too much I'll say they absorbed a Wharton education or technology these things and that bit about in general your knowledge so and a few years ago in Delhi one International Hindu conference took place so I also say they invited me so I I told that meeting I told them India City those spiritual leaders now time come should pay more attention for study not sufficient just to carry some rituals or some poachers must have pay more attention about ancient Indian knowledge including the logic that's very very important so therefore in order to make a significant contribution for seven billion being firstly those ancient Indian knowledge must have survived within the country so I'm not only me about of around 10,000 Hmong students and few thousand non students they study as I study so these I think I feel can make certain contribution regarding survival of ancient in the knowledge so this I want to share you modern education modern technology alone no guarantee to bring in a piece because destroyer of inner peace does not weapon but are destructive emotions such as anger suspicion these things so these will not disappear through prayer only through training of our mind then I think the Sangha philosophy the two groups one belief creator one belief no no no not belief creator then Jainism no conserve believer no concept of creator then Buddhist also say no concern of creator so logically since these major rich tradition emphasis on oneself not God or Buddha so naturally since you say one's own future entirely depend on oneself so automatically relevant training of mind so Indian tradition schemata progress of schemata practice of Vipassana there because you see these religion emphases responsibility on yourself not God so therefore now these are training of mind now today's were already and some non Buddhist country judeo-christian country including scientist now really showing interest about ancient Indian knowledge about mind or emotion how to technically emotion these things and including some some kind of meditation and including some yoga practice like that so these are now when I discuss with modern scientists about sorrow emotion about psychology then sometimes I parted lives of the Express when I discussed the mortal psychology from the West I really I really feel oh there are knowledge about mind about emotion compare ancient Indian sort of knowledge about mind or emotion then as modern psychology looks like kindergarten level Indian psychology highly developed so now these things we should not consider these things are part of religion no these things should consider academic subject so Indian education field now should include more knowledge about emotion mind I usually describe we into the education field we also include - of physical now why not should include high Sanofi emotion that's very important so those tradition emphasis on faith not a relevant the training of emotion not my cell event just a faith in this country the major three religious tradition emphasis self creation then these things become very relevant so now this you see should include in modern education in india's modern education field this is my view so i totally now it's two year old I don't know how long I remain maybe 10-15 years so just for my life I now totally committed to serve for revival of ancient Indian knowledge including few thousand you see scholars not here few years ago you see I suggest to them some of them should study English and Hindi and the Malayalam like that because in South India so I really feel see now time come these knowledge which actually come from India we are China of ancient Indian guru so I is visiting we are not only Gela but also really Brucella over thousand almost thousand year while guru's own land a lot of the things that happen about Indian culture indian from also released in too much absent downs while gurus on land these things happen in Tibet we Sh Ella we kept all this knowledge therefore it is sufficient reason to claim we are reliable channa now in nearly the ancient time you are guru we are chela now modern time it seems to me channa become guru guru become chela so in any way this is very serious existing modern education because of that method restrict life miss district culture through that there is no room of moral ethics so lot of manmade problems now we are facing just a prayed to God to Buddha not answer we must through action we must change these things in order to carry realistic action we need a vision so in the future of India I think great so please now think more seriously this matter so young Indian eventually can make significant contribution for better world compassion of the world so that's my talk now some questions I would like to take some questions thank you His Holiness for sharing your experiences with us and for guiding us his holiness our students have really been looking forward to interact with you with your kind permission we now invite questions from the students yes the first one to come forward is Neha gen2 rajala Oh His Holiness in modern urban life we lead a highly stressful life with short tempers so could you please suggest some ways to control anger and firstly I think anger and attachment is part of our mind part of our life actually for survival and see oppose or expect this or celeriac Azolla the King which causing or for our survival and come expect percent yourself then attachment those things which useful for your survival and be more than together but an attachment go beyond of the realistic way then it creates problem so now anger very much little bit attachment attachment essentially come from self-centered selfish narrow minded so now I think maybe ok you recite buddham sharanam gachami or money pay me home like that so I may refer you see the Buddhist or tradition how do or say day kisara attention or anger and attachment but this concept things are now synthesis in these destructive emotion very much based on appearances things appears something absolute now some firstly modern scientists they say our anger you see when you feel when you develop anger the object you feel angry appears very very negative but actually 90% of that negativeness is mental possession there's no scientist say this exactly Buddhist text Nagarjuna text say that then the mental projection how the law convince as appears something obstructed there now quantum physics say nothing exists objectively no absolute so recently I heard one article wrote by one Chinese quantum physicist in China according history research the person who not just intellectually sort of understanding about quantum physics but fully believed that convinced that you see they are feeling they object something absolutely good absolutely bad that kind of thinking cause of less so this exactly in Allender master they say Nagarjuna and the matimak amalaki Rika this invention that so now that kind of sort of practice that kind of theory now scientists also now confirming that so although the Nagarjuna mentioned the easting for Nirvana there is something different there's for Buddhists or people who believe something life after life these things but that's for tesota beside that debauchee no but did his life in order to reduce or say day this the negative emotion it is useful to think what is the ultimate reality of the object and then that is the more philosophically field philosophically views and then immediate sort of counter force is anger is love and then anger always you see one-sided way focusing one aspect one diminution so you you when you feel angry to someone hmm so when you develop some irritation and anger all these just focusing one anchor when you are anger reduce then look that person more positive if the person is something absolutely a hundred percent negative then whenever see that person should be same same boss but today one day you feel negative when you are anger disappear or reduce you may see nice so these good or bad or ejective li does not exist much depend on our emotion since then is it try to look from wider perspective we are social animal whether you like it or not you have to live side by side to that person so better live happily think this line than the intensity of anger reduce these through training just one day will not change weeks are not do not will not change months yes yes then your emotion will change definitely I my only experience when I was young quite short temper training these things then gradually big change okay yes thank you next next we have known or calls of course so called Tashi Delek I should tell you his holiness my question to you is the way the way in which human beings are exploiting the planet do you think the earth will come to an end and if it does what will happen to all the souls I think present way of life only material profit like that and maximum exploitation nature resources and without taking care about environment I think there is a real danger so we also have the response we have right to use nature's resources at the same time for our own long-term selfish reason we also have the responsibility to protect environment it is quite sad American president you should withdraw from Paris Gaza that is a court it's quite sad America leading nation of free world they should take serious responsibility about well-being or future world so he don't care about environment problem so so if present are short-sighted and only thing we bought money money money materially which is a material value not thinking more holistic or long-run there is acting some danger so and then meantime human population also increasing and our life start also now changing I think that also I think very necessary now there's a huge gap reached the poor not only in global level but also national level now for example India say this quite serious gap Richard poor when we passing through tell me all these there are some street children for very versed and then China sources the country now since the thin shavings of a change the market oriented economy these things so now huge get China rich the poor huge gain and America they was the most of materially highly developed nation but there is gap rich the poor so so these poor people they're living standard must improve or then their nature resources include water crisis I think eventually may increase so we have to think more holistic way and and long-sighted that's very important next question thank you sir coming on next is SV gentie Delhi you speak more Tibetan besides a static few other Tibetan no only one - Italy - Italy like my Hindi I spent an hour here the 58 years now my Hindi very poor Torah Torah I only knows Connaughton company company sometimes I feel shame by broken English since I think in 1947 I started to learn but still my English no proper grammar like that but this broken English very useful must have been men is it just a coincidence all kind of women also become a Dalai Lama in Tibetan tradition some high Lama Regan is Lama actually female it's not well known off site but some high female reincarnated Lama I think we were now 700 yes quite old so it is quite sort of familiar then after all Buddha give us equal right Bisou Bisou nee equal and then also the aspire sort of study is concerned traditionally in Tibet Nunnelly not pay as a do study serious so 40 years ago for adding more than 40 years ago hi appeal now nuns also should carry serious study as this big monastery carry so they start no last year about 20 the nuns become top scholar so I give them per settlement Kashima duty like that so basically is a Buddha give us equal right so therefore I think many years ago one occasion in Paris one was the female in the resin ray o women's magazine yesterday I think editor or some of the other auto writer asked me this question whether female that Islamic impossible or not then I immediately mentioned yes why not if the circumstances is such female Darrell Amma more useful than naturally feel and Allah come then I mentioned I had if he mandir lama come it's more attractive female should automatically come if you Center Amma that is he people do not want to see dead of him in the llamas face so sometimes I teach in some of my sort of friend good scholar had a good practitioner but always look very serious so I listened at a person if you know if me carry your for more serious face I think I will find less friends I always smile joking completely informal way so I found a lot of friends isn't it do you prefer very long this ha never like that this is the day you see I think really I think goodness of human being is all smile some monkey may have ability to show smile otherwise most animal like dog there are sort of the best way expresses their friendship is the nail potato tail or tail do like that and then close the leaky that's only way a human being see we have this small very good very good so on one occasion in 1950 of course 56 I came India but the generous liberation and then the committee which organize international Buddhist conference this is the chairman of that Radha Krishna vice president Radha Krishna so we of course really come very close friend the soul so I think the 59 then I think 59 some occasion you see both looking one a pictorial cousin book so in the Indian in the book in the picture everybody's smiling so then rather Krishna is a express now everybody trying to appetize our teeth like that so either sire very good so sometimes you see this including some police particularly when they with uniform at the where they got a salute oh and I passing through this is some some smiling when I smiled there was a smile returns me and then some police with uniform more serious then I usually do this cuz a diamond tickle and then they be they smiling so I love smile that's much better much better therefore I totally so though also they dislike too much formality no use formality when we born no formality when we die no formality and between there as a too much formality no good not good and basically we are saying same human being yes thank you thank you is holiness there are many more questions but I'm told that you have got another important commitment so we will have to end the interactive session here we request the sooo shielded selves on chairman Salva Education Trust to present the vote of thanks so now finally as I mentioned earlier we generation of 20th century now we experience lot of suffering most of this suffering is our own creation now you 21st century this should change that that not true prayer but through action action with vision though when we develop self-centered attitude our whole mind become narrow when we think about altruistic about well-being of seven million being our mind become wider then you can see the reality narrow-minded way you can't see the reality so without knowing the reality all your action then become unrealistic in order to carry realistic approach you must know the reality in order to know the reality you must look from wider perspective otherwise you can't see any unrealistic sort of effort unrealistic method result disaster okay thank you His Holiness we are blessed you are blessed with your visit today you visited us on 16th November 1997 and I was a young boy 27 years of age we were we have six schools that time your blessings gave us enlightenment and today we are 11 schools your holiness this institution is the only institution in this country which celebrates and believes in all faiths with open mind and open heart in the 75 years offer celebration of the trust we celebrated all faiths we celebrated the Maha yoga we celebrated the Eid we celebrated paurav we celebrated Christianity and today we celebrate with you Buddhism we are blessed your holiness we are blessed we are blessed because today is another milestone in our history His Holiness has come to us to bless us so that from 11:00 we become twenty schools and we spread education on the basis of the same philosophy the same ethos what you are teaching us today open mind open heart His Holiness has taught us a lot of things today may I also confess that I am personally blessed today because it so happens that with your blessings I'm also performing the duties of a good father and that is today is the first day when my daughter starts with her wedding ceremonies program so I am blessed your holiness thank you so much I totally concede and accept the precincts of His Holiness when he says that we young minds should train our minds we young children should train our minds a very beautiful question was articulated about anger and how well His Holiness has expressed anger gives you a narrow mind it stops your vision it makes you myopic anger gives you delusions in life it doesn't give you any happiness His Holiness is telling us today remove negativity remove hatred remove jealousy develop passion for creativity you are born in this world for to create to be a creator yourself His Holiness has told us develop love for Humanity develop love for nature how beautifully our manuscripts tell us about everything about life if I am to ask the pay shouter and the elders out here and all the children out here could you describe hardwood dita in two sentences it's very simple the Kurukshetra is your own body the five Pandavas are your senses the good senses what you have and the hundred gaurav's are the vices in your body in your mind you have the fight between the God and the wise it all depends upon your mind your ability to fight the vices and how you can over the vices and how you can succeed over the evil that is how beautifully His Holiness has told us about life we are blessed your holiness we are blessed you have correctly mentioned your holiness that we must control our anger I make a request with folded hands to the parents and the esteemed faculty outer your anger I shall be reflected in future through these very children who are there before you and if you are going to exhibit anger and intolerance this is precisely what will get in future and then you can think of this world full of anger full of misery I think it's time we seek the blessing of those holiness and change our mind and attitude towards life towards the world that's most important and therefore I say we are blessed how beautiful is holiness said that we are the reliable chalice of gurus I think that's a very profound statement and my dear young students I request all of you you should be the reliable chalice of your gurus your guru should be proud of you as long as they're here and as long as the institution is there the Guru's are your teachers the Guru's are your parents so be the reliable guru stand up for a good cause in this world stand up for your standard for the nation his holiness you did Express about the USS attitude toward environment I say on behalf of all my Indian brothers and sisters out here I say you need not worry India is sufficient to contain the US and also control the US on this particular issue we shall and we have pledged to save the environment and we shall do it this country we shall stand for the cause of environment you lead us and we shall take the path as what you desire so you need not fear the United States of America 160 corrodes population of this country is enough to contain that country your holiness and we shall do it for you we shall do it as a mark of respect and token for you your holiness I am indebted on behalf of the Salma Education Trust all the eleven schools a thousand teachers ten thousand students twenty thousand parents I am we are indebted to His Holiness that you have come here and blessed each one of us you have touched our soul with so much of purity with so much of nicety and with so much of passion I believe I believe on behalf of all of us that we shall be better and greater human beings from today onwards we thank you your holiness for being with us i express my deep gratitude to mr. tempus sharing who's been a great support in organizing his holiness with it to this institution I am also indebted to our honorable chairman emeritus my dear respected father she received that Salman ji that under his umbrella and under his guidance we are able to take this legacy forward with utmost honesty utmost purity and lot of sincerity I express my deep gratitude to Major General Kapur mr. Halpen Singh ji our Honorable trustees I express my gratitude to dr. Midori general Nayak general miss Alden and all the respected members of the salvan education school and all the members of the salon managing committees my deepest gratitude is to the parents as well as as well as the alumni of these Alvin schools I think I must say that you are wonderful parents and the beauty in your parents is that you believe in us and the beauty is that you stand by the cause for which we have created all these institutions and I commit to all the parents on behalf of the trust in all the schools that whatever you do and whatever you say shall be they come on for us and that command should be totally in favor of the child and nothing else but the child so don't look at any other issues but just consider and just be child centric and I'm sure none of us will go wrong I would surely request and thank all the teachers the lovely teachers of the Suwanee Education Trust who have put together this great institution the former teachers who are present here who have worked selflessly for 30 years 40 years they've devoted their life and it is so very nice dear students before we conclude today make a pledge and take a pledge your pledge is to follow the preachings of His Holiness remove negativity from your life remove hatred from your life remove jealousy from your life develop passion for creativity develop love for Humanity and develop love for nature I end with a word of thanks buddham sharanam gachami thank you your holiness thank you so much thank you so much sir for enlightening us we all share planet Earth so His Holiness urges us to live in peace and harmony with each other and with nature this is not just a dream or a choice we have but a necessity maybe all follow the path shown by his holiness may the vision of his holiness for his homeland and its people and his vision for the world be fulfilled soon his holiness we don't have words enough to express our feelings [Music] [Music] I didn't wanna do [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music]
Channel: Dalai Lama
Views: 97,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dalai, lama, talk, student, universal, value, beyond, religion, awake, Salawan, school, delhi, india, 2017
Id: VuWt1eh_fCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 41sec (5801 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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