Peace Through Inner Peace.

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some Indian Indian how long since I set here how long o one Muslim some problem please sit on now their brothers and sisters indeed I'm very very happy having this opportunity made you wait public so I want to thank organizer and Thank You Mooji and also all the concerns the people I want to thank see with your sincere motivation and your effort you see this meeting materialize or took place so I very appreciate tank and then also the audience you today Adam Sunday so suppose your holiday instead of yourself enjoying this Sunday's holiday you come here listen to my talk so I appreciate but at the same time I always make clear when a large number people come to listen by Tom and I always make clear sometimes say among the audience or people who come to see me with great expectation that's wrong I have nothing to offer something very special nothing my talk just sort of say just our common experience that's all then sometimes you see people for coming to see me with believe that they'll have some kind of miracle power and there's some nonsense then some people even believe they'll only have some kind of healing power I think last year I clearly demonstrated my gallbladder after I think 15-20 years some problem there finally last year removed through surgery so that's a very indication I have no power of healing if I have truly healing power then that power must be utilized for myself so therefore you see all these sort of view and I think at a few decades ago you see one water is I think fake names where finger might blow some romba though he his book third eye or he created some impression that Tibetan Lamas have some kind of political power and third eye so like that so anyway quite helpful you see to raise some interest about Tibet but anyway if you truly believe like that is it is disaster so now I am very very happy and great honor meeting with the public that I consider very very important why not for political election or something like that sometimes I jokingly telling people or one day I may start one political party then political election lecture but if I made I see the commitment my main interest for main concern is firstly I'm just another human being one of six billion human being and I believe human human beings are social animal individual human beings life or had been happiness successful life entirely depend on the rest of the community one single human being no matter how brilliant mind or I said a very powerful body cannot survive and just remain alone you cannot get genuine sort of sense of security or sense of versity happy feeling because we are so therefore and then particularly today's world the east west south and north north entire continent heavily interdependent that's now new reality because of environment problems because of they as a global economy and also a to some extent I think they which will help of the mortals of technology now we are very close to each other so there's new reality so according to that reality I think our very concept century-old concept we and day is actually in all over there we must consider entire sick human beings just a part of me truly we are one community one human family so with that conviction I feel we are mentally emotionally physically they are saying and everyone want happy life say everyone have right to achieve happy life say even hundred-person do so therefore I believe and also many my friend believe or sharing Saint view now we really need sense of global responsibility and taking care everybody's interests and consider entire six million being as part of me even from the selfish viewpoint taking care others more you get maximum benefit so that's reality so therefore now in order to bring some sort of sense of global responsibility of some sense of responsibility to look after well-being of other now here key factor is compassion human affection human compassion is actually I think the seed of compassion is the biological factor not come from religious belief but from a biological fact because we need human affection we everybody now here perhaps at a few thousand people here everyone come from wonderful mother and a grown-up mother's milk mothers tremendous affection and within that I think among among audience here including myself those people who had so what's the maximum affection from our mother I think our health better meant main or mental state and ready to show affection to others than those people those broader sisters unfortunately at the time type of mother's affection mother's care and sometimes some paucity as abuse there are such people emotionally in deep inside some kind of was a bad experience as a result some help so as a result their mental state always little dance competitively and physical health also then worse thing those people I can find difficulties to show affection to others so I think of course we need more investigation more study I think those people who creates some suicide perhaps to these people if we investigate I think these people in early period of their life I think something that so therefore we basically have survived our life out of others affection and then very nature of this body more compassionate mind very positive impact on our body in our health that according my own little experience is quite clear it convincing very convincing I think virtually my mental state quite ok they in spite some sort of problems and some bad news heartbreaking news but in little deeper my mind quite still or hopefully so that really very very positive impact on my health so as I mentioned earlier this surgery actually a lot of complication my gallbladder so actually they call better increase enlarged almost three times and then also what whole bus pass collection this collection us first collection so usually you see that surgery it's very simple surgery that they take only 15 20 minutes in my case three hours it takes three hours but then recover within five days and one week completely recovered so the the concerns of doctors also liver surprise and one one doctor described me as a young patient then I told him I am NOT young I'm over 70 years 20 years old he then he he responded to me yes he knows your age but your physical condition like in 60s so he mentioned so this not out of miracles but simply I think the my mental state more compassionate more peace so that I fully convinced and then because my mother he legit just ordinary uneducated farmer but wonderful heart I till sometimes I feel my mother's kindness is I think bigger than some of those great masters as the innocent read uneducated it's just a farmer's wife like that farmer smarter but very kind so we never saw my our mother sad or angry face by that so I always feel a certain amount of sort of my compassion for peace of mind I can really see come from my mother of course later with help of my teachers my gurus and through my own training of meditation of course further strengthening this is naturally there but real seat come from my mother so we everybody everyone who come from one's own mother we all have the seed of that compassion so potential everyone has did that potential now important thing is realize that and pay more attention about that and utilize that potential then your life become more happier more peaceful and I think there's many ways to bring inner peace one way more compassionate attitude she reduce the holiday was a concept of enemy regardless other's attitude from your own site is to consider truly human brothers sisters they also deserve happy life deserved overcome suffering and you develop sense of concern to everybody so according that sort of attitude no enemy so result no fear in any way much less fear of course I'm mad Rock'em Adams Allah they felt of earthquake so some fear about other thing that's I think reasonable that's good but otherwise you see the mental projected fear often because extreme self-centered attitude lack of affection love of compassion then with your own mental projection you find more hostile people hostiles round result much more tense much more fear and that fear transformed unhappiness sometimes and so therefore compassion really brings inner strength compassion brings trust openness that brings more friend more affection from other so result you feel more compassionate heart look this site at front o brother sisters some kind of because in the message read and then look this side so then you feel happy if you keep here suspicion suspicion destroy trust openness then you always feel some kind of distance from other people with that kind of attitude looking forward suspicion in the side so the these are psychological support supposedly nature sometimes in Stockholm I met one great American scientist now I forgot his name when I met him his age / 80s when people get angry and they object which and that object remains I mean appears very negative so here actually in the reality and 90% of negativity negativeness of that object is your own mental projection so this is some Buddhist literature also you see clearly mention like that so I talked viously you see if we examine our own experience when you develop and that person or that object looks very negative but then and little cool down then that object not that bad then eventually develop some attachment then that object alias appears very beautiful similarly when we develop attachment that object looks very beautiful then you do some other factor you hesitant example I think as a human being at the beginning too much attachment of course is feeling then due to something and you developed some distrust some suspicion that positive appearance the same object but little change then originally hatred that I think I think they brand attachment sometimes often turned into hatred then the same object but appears very negative so that's it obviously much of a mental projection yeah so therefore more compassionate mind really get feeling you are surrounding my friend full of affection so that brings in one thing another aspect in compassion compassion brings tranquility the calmness provides the brain which can judge good and bad so when we develop anger hatred that part of brain cannot function normally so to that way decision take at the time of your mind to become anger and often these decisions become wrong because when your mind too much emotions destructive emotion there you can't see the reality as a result no matter what your motivation no matter what goal because of lack of knowledge about reality all your approach become unrealistic approach the result disaster so good thing or bad thing the method should be realistic method then effect really so in order to carry realistic approach you must know the reality very clearly so in order to know the reality clearly your mind must be very calm and with calm mind you can see objectively if your mind was a day dominated by emotion then you can't see the object objectivity so dad also say one I think a positive aspect of compassion so compassion brings inner peace inner strength also compassion brings more neutral mind that open potential of judgment so affection or compassion as a product of all biological factor it is something really precious in order to lead healthy life now I want to make clear what is compassion sometimes is we develop some kind of a feeling some concern and what others are difficulties or suffering or pains but there is some tendency where tendency just look down so sometimes we go I think we call bitchiness peachy compassion there is also element of respect so sense of concern with respect clearly except their right to work on the suffering just like myself so now here also is he it is important to know our users or orcid a feeling of love or compassion towards one's own friend one from close friend that actually biased compassion and much mixed with attachment and that compassion oriented others attitude not being itself but rather attitude so usually we say oh I really love this person because she saw her attitude was meanness very nice for very kind that's biased limited and much mixed with attachment not stable so long they are attitude remain there you develop that I do you feel that kind of closeness feeling as soon as their attitude change that kind of loving-kindness attitude is completely change however that compassion or love take as a seed then further sort of the reasoning the others just like myself one happiness of successful life and everyone deserve to have that kind of happy life now for example one phone case I love myself but not my love challenge a saturation self-generation love myself not oriented my attitude but myself is it there's no feeling I'm very kind to me so I develop love or compel of or concerning for myself not that way irrespective whether my attitude but I'm just a human being so I deserve happy happiness to achieve happiness and deserve to overcome suffering so now that reason human being sentient being they have the freedom of pains and pleasure they have the feeling or desire to overcome suffering to achieve happiness just like myself so on that basis you can develop genuine sense of concern or sense of love that oriented on the being not oriented on the attitude clear so there have a compassion since oriented to being not attitude therefore regardless their attitude so you can maintain you can extend your children so that compassion can extend towards your enemy your enemy as well as the attitude is concerned negative attitude towards you so we consider you call them as an enemy but from the soul of a stray as it being as a human being as a sentient being they also have the right to work on something like myself so through reasoning that and to familiarize isn't that kind of thinking then eventually you can develop compassion towards your enemy oh it was all send me that compassion not oriented on attitude but oriented being itself sentient being itself that unbiased without attachment so for development of that kind of compassion first we detach detach I mean attachment brings narrow narrow minded so in order to open our mind detached detached does not mean withdraw sense of concern or sense of affection sense of affection from the Buddhist viewpoint sense of affection generous this unbiased affection based on reason of valid basis the the other compassion which mixed with because our attachment that's no basis of wealth we relate very reasoning Oh therefore these differences in Mandarin level there are so many sorrow now for example desire desire is very positive with how to desire no movement no progress decides the same but desire mixed with attachment and so negative destructive desire and some desire do things and also the inclusive attitude equal self-centered there's some kind of strong freedom of strong self can be either positive negative for infinite love and compassion and desire to serve adjacent being and human being you need tremendous sorrow as a determination or willpower for that you need self-confidence for that you need sense of strong self that acoustic attitude is positive very necessary then another's equipped ik attitude which lead exploit another believe another feeling one other that kind of self-centered equation is negative so amount emotion there are so many it is a different sort of as the nature we have to make it cliff cliff sort of distinction these things so so anyway now I'm talking here now there are two kinds of compassion one limited biased oriented action another level not oriented because I attitude but the being itself and that unbiased infinite and based on valid like that now since I think everybody according our own experience say we wish I think more compassionate of mind I do obviously everyone in forum from early morning as soon as we wake up I think nobody wishing that day more trouble or good order with other people I don't think anyone you see wishing that anything but rather I wish today my friend and having some nice feed so essentially nobody want problem but problem of course due to nature disaster introduce religions of course different otherwise I think many problem actually in family level or individual level I think of many problem problem yeah of course problem what about the poverty due to poverty or ignorant no education lack of education these are something different everybody making effort to improve these things is very right but a lot of problem mental level mental state when of this problem is actually album creation and of course the global level including economic crisis these problems also essentially man-made problem and all these potatoes with ultimately our emotions synthesis it is economy crisis is it happen global economic crisis does it happen I asked out of my curiosity some my friend what business and also is it have some yes as a businessman so I asked today what is the what is wrong this economy crisis then some of them you told me firstly she greed greed and want more one more one more like that then with that greet speculation without knowing exactly but just create some rumors and like that speculation and with that didn't lie hypocrisy not openness not transparent so these are some some of the causes of this crisis so this shows this also is a man-made problem if those big bank or company or important people right won't be any transparent and speak truthfully honestly this crisis so therefore including economic crisis they say all these problems are essentially man-made but then meantime everyone do not want problem why because of lack of judgment firstly lack of holistic view just short-sighted immediate benefit not knowing they not not taking consideration of holistic sort of Casilla nature like that so so in that respect now the compassion have something important role more compassionate mind can see objectively and the reality everything interdependent interconnected so there is no single absolute point which we can develop and usually and need independent absolute target I think for example angry - anti humanity I think impossible real and need individual this person causing this problem then your anger then your anger find target so you can develop more more and read more and then finally take some action so when we saw things are not that kind of absolute this event happen due to many other factor including your own contribution once you know that reality something this bad event connected with many other factor in who you own behave then you're under failed to find independent target so yeah you see they I think the mental level these are very very kind of the context but like that so therefore they in order to carry realistic approach become mind for that compassion useful and many man-made problem essentially related with our emotion so I'm just wanting also so nobody I'm many problem man-made problem our own creation and yet nobody want a problem then how it happened because our illusions because of our emotion lack of understand about the reality this one thing now oh so now how to promote compassion I usually share with people out of my own sort of observation and also as a result of meeting with many my friend who practices a different traditions or and also many scientist so my conclusion is there three three way of promoting at least this this value number one here's the way God Creator infinite compassion you more breathe in it there's more tendency you won't be more compassionate person because you are fully so diversity appreciate or submit to infinite love that's God so automatically you follow you have you have desire to follow that this is one way another thing non-theistic no non Casa what was a polytheistic non testing no like Jainism and Buddhism according law of causality value then there must be third way of approach this is a little today there are some disagreement some my friend some Muslim some Christian told me or any moral ethics including compassion must based on religious faith but equally some other people including some scientists it is not it is not necessary to based on religious belief now obviously affection among animal also there I think everybody agree and an animal no religious faith can you teach religion to animal I don't think even in church I think they depreciate very nicely you see explaining about religion but some pigeon going here and I think no influence on their mind or some and you see that in here that I don't think any sort of influence on them on their mind even when I give some teaching in India there are many people and including myself sometimes is it too much emotion and tears but some monkeys there is no sign of users that kind of feeling like that so therefore I'd never know religious faith but they will they have the ability to show affection why that affection come from not religious faith as I mentioned earlier by physical product biological product so therefore and then as I mentioned earlier according our common sense according our common experience then ladies the scientific finding one example some scientist is a telling told in our third meeting according some of theirs of the experiment of course all a research according the data those people who often use word I my mind me like that those people have greater risk of heart attack why I think if we research array opener investigators analyze then I think answer is like this our connection is this the more sort of self-centered attitude and naturally as I mentioned before develop some distance from as a result more worried more sense of insecurity more fear more loneliness result depression more compassionate attitude bring all other something like one fun friend that there is no feeling of distance everybody you easily result then that reduce fear that brings joyfulness that brings openness so I think that's the way connection too much self-centered your mind very much neighborhood s isn't even small problem appears once your mind more compassionate attitude means wider you take concern this problem this problem this problem that problem within that kind of sort of perception one's own serious problem not be as sort of unbearable sort of the problem I think that really makes differences so these are scientific sorrow answer and then some scientist is say anger hatred actually eating our immune system compassionate mind peaceful mind strengthening these silly immune system these are the body element which brings have healthy body so utilizes this factor we can educate other people there is no point to negative Ahmad are innervated for your own safety reason reference your own photo has the body and the successful life I think we can educate through that way so this without passion so I usually call circularly secular again the word the secularism secular two opinions one my friend some Muslims as well some Christians they consider the secularism means some kind of rejection about religion but other group of other opinion secularism does not mean rejection of religion but rather respect all religions and no province in this region or desert so equal to origin to India's Constitution based on secularism in that sense so mad monk and himself I think very much sort of promoter of secularism but he himself very much religious minded but that so therefore they they are tool pinion the meaning of secularism so when I talk secularism means respect orange an including non-believer and D so these values are actually whether you call secular values or universal value including animals also appreciate our affection warm heartedness therefore this is universal value and the way open the method promoting distance also non circular way without touching that I think very important I see so that is a third way to promote distance so I fully committed 2/3 way right non-religious secular way to promote make clear to public the importance of our inner values not for next life or not for heaven not for moksha but for happy life this is very life more happy family happy individual happy community so education very important knowledge very important but equally home happiness very very important the knowledge there is no guarantee that a big happiness or doubt of suspicion or worry better education more vision so more disappointment sometimes brilliant brain bring more problems more mental but uneasiness that mental worry add also education now is like September 11th event few foolish people cannot plan that kind of act very very brilliant people well planned I think if not years but at least several month they planned every step calculated so very very smart brain and use modern technology as a bomb all these guided by hatred so their brilliant brain usually used for distance destructions so therefore education good education it alone no guarantee for benefit or to peace of mind or happy mind or oneself Society so there must be another element that's the warm heartedness sense of responsibility sense of community that's very important that come from moral ethics not necessarily from religious belief but simply through common sense common experience and the scientific findings so please pay more attention about our inner value give yourself and according your own experience then tell your thread and particularly they your children here a parent particularly your mother please provide maximum affection to your children I'm monk no children so no responsibility about that but you lay people have additional responsibility to provide maximum affection to your children so that our next generation can be more compassionate generation that really bring people happy community so that should be our target should be our vision so here Danish people small country small population I think you can manage these things but of course but of course whether you implement these things are not entirely up to you I'm leaving tonight to Iceland to tell them importance of this inner value I don't know whether they listen or not I don't know this is the first time my visit to Iceland so so they the Danish people's problem which waiting for you is your business so you have to tackle that so the peace of mind is really very very helpful according my own experience is in spite now last the 50 years of refugee life and constant heartbreaking news from Tibet but compared to day my mind quite okay peace of mind so that's I think through training utilize human potential so you also say all all have same human potential to realize that to utilize that and then real happy life happy mental state in spite thank you that's all now now some questions does His Holiness the Dalai Lama think world peace is possible and if yes what could Scandinavia Denmark do best to reach this goal this is serious question now when we judge that look past century triggered century I think through the century that 100 years I think really demonstrated the basic human nature I feel an early part of 20th century of course war is something familiar rare and take for granted and also war is the opportunity to show for the national rota but yet the tradition like that heroism like that then gradually the later part of 20th century I think majority of the people really fed up about violence one clear example and First World War Second World War declare all this vision of the concerned people happily proudly join war effort now later when war and recently Kosovo war and also the Iraq war days the citizen of the concern to people showing opposition like era crisis about to start about happen from Australia of the United States millions of people express their opposition war at meaning time control dialogue concert of peace non-violence also increasing look South Africa's transformation under the leadership of Nelson Mandela peaceful nonviolent way transformation these are I think clear indication basic human nature don't like bloodshed and then I think peace movement then also I think the environment issue in early part of 20th century no one takes concern about our responsibility additional responsibility to take care of our home planet now the concept of ecology even political party Green Party is based on the concern of ecology this also I think healthy development and recycle these things I think human being given to the century I took early part of 20th century or mid part of 20th century I think we gained much experience as a result humanity become more mature although they began over to the first century last few years not a very happy one but basically I think much happier now terrorism that's a few hundred people sort of activities so all I think will become healthier and out of real desire for peace so I believe and many other my friend really believe if we really make effort from government from Parliament from media people from whatever people through every individual families family members create inner peace eventually create peaceful family peaceful community and most important in education field I think hopefully more sort of a wone broke more program of education for peace education of non-violence so I all I often into telling people or expressing 20th century become like center of bloodshed now to the first century should be center of dialogue and fought for that reason now since we educate and also make effort whenever we face problems we must utilize the spirit of dialogue without bloodshed without violence then this sort of effort is actually in a disarmament movement of inner disarmament through inner disarmament an external government must follow step by step then I think within this century I think there's real possibility to create genuine peaceful world so effort is very necessary I feel smaller country as I mentioned before sometimes smaller nation can make good a contribution to bleed that of that way I feel so so I am basically I'm very very optimistic yes as an educator first is an educator I would like to ask your holiness what you believe is the most important message or tool to pass on to our children because education is teeth can you prove most important Mason's courage and grace that's education I think you know better how to Bing how to educate our young of a student but the essential I think the importance of peace peace through inner peace that means more compassion more I think holistic view brings inner peace so these things I think you can you can use then hopefully I think the more experienced educated people because I efficient I think should discuss and make more research now present existing education system is not adequate to bring healthy people so further investigation not contented existing sort of system and try to find some additions some new things that are important and that way as I mentioned before desire not contented in distance now here contentment two fields external facilities internal quality as far as external material value is concerned better content in any case the material values just limitation you buy one car new car the next year you want another new car go like that never sort of satisfy and in any case once once you have one car and you may feel I want to then trigger like that each family member possess cars like that so you see no sort of limitation of contentment and the material value itself this limitation now for example Asia now already this gap Richard for global level and within the country I like Dhamma maybe I think this gap is that rich and poor maybe less I was told in Austria Austria I think much less bulimia so the middle class people because the number so let's gap I was told whereas in America and also England Morgan Richard poor now unbelievably the China also that socialist country huge India also so for example in America the number of Virginia increasing but for people still living for sometimes increase morally speaking wrong I'm just three and practically also source of problem so we have to think we have to address seriously on these things so therefore so the material field better keep contentment from mental qualities concerned we should not content I think really worthwhile explore exploring the increasing mental knowledge as well as metro quality so each educator I think think more in this life so should not be contended I think that's important so my own I mean for for the ad respect my knowledge very limited and actually no experience teaching in class no experience so you know better so you should research or more research work and then I think you will find some concrete idea then I think this works not just responsibility for few individual but educators what's wrong what and how to feel that working so one thing I have firm belief present education system is not adequate regarding moral ethics as I mentioned earlier circularly and say let's watch a smaller air in an elegant hot Salem I said the interface or 14 or DBK exactly would enter Japan me America I think the furthermore furthermore they when the separate education institution started in the Europe as life I know I took some university I think thousand-year-old so then education I'm a separate education institution started then the model ethics is concerned the church take full responsibility and also family some extent so newly created education in separate education institution the only responsibility is provide education that's all now time passes the influence of church sometimes little decline and family value also the decline so then the education institution alone have the board responsibility responsibility of brain development responsibility of warm-heartedness both responsibilities now in the hand of education institution so according new reality there are more heavier responsibility or the education institution so I think really necessary to think more on this line why do you think more women apparently interested in Buddhism in the West cosa you mean you should find answer for that question I am just outsider know from distance I don't know yeah I think with connection with discussion I really feel biologically female have more sensitive about others being so obviously from to parent from father mother my own case my mother really provide me maximum affection my father not my father very short-tempered so I remember one day I really one day my father feeding lunching punching eating some I think some pork I just sit beside him expecting some piece of box from him just like that see I think I've had I do something I got something then I touch my father's of mistake Goodman stretch and I think a little bit I think so my father lost anger lost amber I remember very clearly so so regarding promotion of human compassion I think women female have greater responsibility make a contribution regarding promotion of compassion so resilience in public sort of talk I often you see telling the expression in human history most war hero war hero means greater butcher murder killing thousand people through the thousand and victory they become hero so most of these heroes are made so maybe most of the leadership because if you should become or take by female maybe less danger maybe a better piece sometimes I feel like that so I I'm male so no problem to be express it that way so so in any way that I really feel as I mentioned it before please you provide maximum affection towards your children and other children sometimes my generation my generation who proms 20th century and also here some of those older gentlemen or ladies bronze to 20th century we people of 20 century center of bloodshed now younger people the coming generation for younger people who really branch this to the first century our real hope on their shoulder our real hope on them so the raising this younger generation through compassionately atmosphere so that their education can be utilized for genuine peace genuine compassionate world so yes I know this is a family in Asia also female looks simple transfer the interest about religion it seems like that the detailed reason we have to find through research I don't know so no clear answer for that reason for their question so I do precise answers I don't know that's precise answer can anger be used in a positive way and if the person have sort of sufficient power of compassion that compassion and wisdom compassion genuine compassion or sense of concern of others the other who are wrongdoing then in order to strut their wrong dream sometimes you need harsh method at that case temporary move temporary moment you need sometimes anger so that kind of anger motivated by compassion is positive and anger brings swift action and effective action so only that reason motivated by compassion then that anger is positive what is the role of religion in society and government society and government I think religion really brings if you are very seriously but otherwise I think many people who attend Sunday prayer but in daily life not that much serious about religion we put this also in temple pray Buddha but outside temple not much concerned so then I think not was the effect but if you once you accept it then if you really be serious about it so Dorsett a teaching of religion seriously sincerely then say in the high office you find opportunity to manipulate or to cheat to take advantage remember God and self-discipline I should not use so discipline come from religious faith self-discipline I think some of the Communist leader language and emotional when I was in China in Beijing 1954 1955 the really really be a great revolutionary leader leader or revolution and really dedicated well-being of other people for people working class people needy people to people and also majority who really suffer in the hands of upper class upper class quality then with 50s 1956-57 eventually I think power his absolute power eventually bring himself so this is due to lack of self-discipline that person he he called all power they see nothing beyond that so brilliant spoiled so many years ago I think three years ago in India one occasion meeting the local politician actually dazzling the west bengal chief minister also there so when he speak and he spoke he expressed we are politician we are not spiritual sort of practitioner she mention like that then after that on my turn speak since I know him so I teasing you mentioned your politician so is he not viscosity experience of not much concern about spirituality and I told him this is wrong you as a public figure publicly generator figure leader but we did you see if your mind goes wrong there really effect to many people those spiritual practice spiritual practitioner who remain hermit their mind goes wrong nothing happened to the society so therefore the religion you need more than us I told him have these DCP so that's like that leader what impulse very politician leader really need self-discipline self-discipline brings honesty truthful transparent that brings trust from the public from the voter then you can lead it if lack of moral ethics then take opportunity then things become more clear then hypocritical attitude then people lost trust I think that is one I think a help diesel or has the side of democracy you open society free media so I often retelling media people yesterday also I mentioned you should have like elephant nose smell front and everybody tried to be a nice in front and you must smell behind what's going on that's very very important including myself I told them like the religious person or politician or businessmen or scientist every field you must investigate what's going on and then I mean investigation honestly objectively unbiased way truthfully tell people must inform public beside independent judiciary the information clear information what's right or wrong exactly one one healthy sign checking our balance it's very good that's a lacking in people's work to China all the information sensor what to do so this is according some information most corrupt corruption take place in the hands of party member their power nobody dare criticize so therefore negative Chevrolet so politicians or leaders religious mind will really benefit but but very important to make a distinction religious belief or religious institution religious institution must be separate from politics it is very important I think like a deranged diction religious institution meantime had of September that up to date so within my lifetime I made every effort separation since 2001 we already have elected political leadership my position is Bala Lama traditionally the leader of both temple and religion since 2001 we already since we already have a little is leadership my position is semi-retired position so so I firmly believe religious institution must be separate from the previous session but politician individual more faith more religious minded may be self anticipated but one my friend advisor of the global business while we are talking or chatting I told I told him Oh God feeling could be very useful then he his response is oh that was agent century's idea now modern time into the century AD to the first century nobody concern about that anyway I believe see the some form of God feeling God fear God fearing God fearing I think that kind of attitude brings effortlessly and without the religion if you have secular moral principle that also equally drink selflessly so that means I'm not saying all the politicians should be religious people no non-believer can be a good politician good leader provided moral principle what do you think do you agree but do you agree thank you good well two days for the meeting in this same hole simple I really enjoy I feel I think hopefully made little contribution for peace of mind for meaningful life so thank you very much song so till our next meeting please take care yourself physically mentally spiritually thank you goodbye on the behalf of Tibet charity and everyone who wish his wellness will accept an imitation some time some years later any time it is suitable for to remind us how to keep the inner peace thank you so much you
Channel: Dalai Lama
Views: 53,207
Rating: 4.8890171 out of 5
Keywords: Dalai, Lama, public, talk, peace, inner, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009, May
Id: vlr671czoSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 12sec (5712 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2010
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