The Path to Peace and Happiness

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good afternoon our dear brothers and sisters indeed I feel very happy and a great honor now speak just be getting the opportunity to share some of my thought hopefully some as a use because we are same human being same being means emotionally mentally physically we are same and more important everyone by nature have a desire to have happy life joyful life and do not want any problem and is suffering saying hundred wasn't the same then everyone so long that kind of desire there everyone have same right to achieve happy life successful life indicate very easily no barrier if I talk faith then sometimes this barrier between religious person or knowledge person this barrier if I talk Buddhism then within deep believer this barrier or nationality basis speak from Tibetan then there's very Tibetan American although nowadays many American Tibetans also now they are so we are talking on fundamental human level that I feel very very important because many problem which we are facing many problem essentially human created problem that's clear so in that many many of these man-made problem or human-made problem the other day I mentioned not only man-made but we will made problem also there so it is the problem which essentially our own creation dad I think much come on secondary level that is different faiths different color different social background different sort of nationality different political system different ideology these are secondary not fundamental I think in the founder hundred eleven I think of much less differences as I mentioned earlier therefore when we facing many problem which essentially our own creation then the the way to tackle that we must find ways and means on the level of human being then I think we can we can reduce this problem some extent so now here I think firstly spirituality I think there are two levels one spirituality based on religion faith just one category then another there must be another level that spirituality simply on the basis of universal value so not necessarily based on religious faith so now here I will talk something about that and also I think I think everybody I think we appreciate am heartless compassionate attitude friendly attitude everybody appreciate that even animal if we show them genuine love honest affection they also appreciate that we - when some bad showing us the affection we feel very happy so that's the universal tell me everybody loves warm heartedness the friendship come from heartless not only sense of closeness feeling but also sense of concern so they are also the sense of respect respect Rogers right so these are the universal value so now question is whether these in a value can produce by machine no can produce by injection drops and then can we buy these values impossible and through government regulation or law can bring these things yes I think some extent but not not adequate so then another question whether we can develop these things all human beings I think answer yes because we all have same potential of that Martinus or affection because I think quite simple we now hear perhaps nearly 10,000 people maybe here we all come from our mother then at the time of our birth and after few years our survival entirely depend on mother's care mother's affection now I always telling people my own case my mother [Music] not sort of educated just a religious illiteracy religious deliberate not very very warm-hearted person oh hey I demonstrated what what is yes insight so my mother is so kind-hearted one occasion my mother you know they approached by some Chinese who come from in mainland China many door city interior interior almost starvation so my mother or aged a couple near the study starvation and then carrying one dead child then my mother give all the sort of food which available in in our house and then also my your dead bodies traditional as a cremation perturbation then that is a couple say state how they're so hurry so they're going to eat not that that what is so are the body feel to them so one incident like that so usually whenever some poor people backing to her she always give everything like that so very kind very very kind almost I never saw my mother's anger always calm even some difficult period my mother still calm my father not like that very short temper very short temper so therefore I believe certain amount of my compassion or sense of concern of others well-being I think firstly I so as far as compassion is concerned my first teacher of that is my mother so sometimes I jokingly is telling people the my mother's so kind so it is in some way spoiled me that means when when I was very young the one year two year three years old my mother used to used to carry me on her shoulders so then I hold hold my mother's ear to hear when I want to go distillation go like that and go this way like that and if my mother you see they not sort of follow my sort of direction direction then I know so my brother so kind so gentle so I become more aggressive I think and bully my mother so that now everybody our survival totally depend depend on who acting like mother that's clear so according scientists material scientists after birth next few weeks simply mother's physical touch is one crucial factor for proper development of child's brain then obviously I think here those I think individual who receive maximum care at that age I think you easily show compassion to other people that those individual who someway lacking affection from our mother at that period I think nowadays you find more difficult to show affection to other do you always remain cool that not only as a attitude but also the mandals mandals steady in the steady state but the state those people who early age very happy life full of affection to their mental state much more stable and to deadly their physical condition further stated condition physical condition also much better physical well-being wasn't much better now it is the scientific sort of scientific research find indications that the peace of mind combined it's very crucial factor for healthier hatred it's very bad for health and hated great jealousy these these emotions there then fear unnecessary fear which lifts up combined more compassionate mind unnecessaries of the fear yeah I think very rare because one's own heart is open and because of one's own attitude more compassionate attitude so that person feel everyone is something your friend other hand if some hated here dad wins suspicion that brings fear that brings tension so the medical scientists say they are sorry hatred strong anger fear these actually eating our immune system the Tom mind more compassionate mind strengthening or sustained or even system like that then also using one some some scientists you see dimension those people who often you see Express what I my we like that such people have greater risk of heart attack so although they didn't sorrow explain why why the connection why and I thought later I also discuss with scientists naturally there those people whose I mean what's in the language in their everyday language oh the DS word III like that just suddenly reflection of their mental state mental attitude so naturally these people I think very much self-centered extreme self-centered sort of attitude so think just one eye I like that then your whole mental sort of attitude then become narrow and also just think oneself and all the answer isn't difficult to reach out easily with other people so the feeling of loneliness also come then also they more narrow-minded sort of attitude there isn't your vision vision narrow so even small problem appears unbearable there's people who think about well-being of other then our mind become wider so with that sort of white hands problem then it appears talked that much significance so much easier to bear to face it so that I think it looked like that Quezada if we look if you look or analyze in then seems like that so therefore self-centered attitude lack of affection to other is very bad for our health and some extent I can tell you my own sort of experience of course I constantly you see experience of and education but generally is in my mental attitude to other more forcefully assignments earlier firstly I always feel we everyone six billion human being just just me I always look importance of that rather there a background or social social services status or color I don't care whether meeting with President or King or royal family or Becca no differences one makes the difference' status so long showing genuine human feel feeling then I feel very happy even Rebecca I think sometimes those dead those people who so-called upper class wreck upper class or more successful people know their word there are physical attitude may not show true feeling more sophisticated still take so therefore yeah that so some people of course although is is showing a smile but but sometimes smile artificial smile or develop matrix life behind the smile there's some some purpose like that so therefore the other day in San Francisco I went as a soup kitchen yeah a soup kitchen homeless very nice I really enjoy because everybody is a very straightforward and very innocent I think very innocent so I also introduced them anyway I also homeless last fifty years now from this but homeless person homeless person found new happy homes and actually here is it Tibet the same they been saying that the place whoever you feel come that is your home and whomever read however you receive kindness or loving kindness care that's your parent so I found everywhere I think the people really showing kindness and not only me but many Tibetan is a vine that wherever they live they live they found many as a day loving-kindness that so so in any way you see they when I meet with these homeless people I really enjoy trying ray Daimler dining dining with them but really I met one on my table of one as the African Onegin American he also show interest about Buddhism and when he loved his sound is very strong very beautiful very beautiful see WeChat I think I think almost one hour but why we are tiny like that so the six billion human being basically same as I mentioned before so they if we go 111 assignments earlier no barrier so I think that kind of my attitude really brings in a kadhai suspension car and that also reflect my body last year I had I gone through some surgery gallbladder removed at that time they concerned the doctor described me this young patient he just got me a young patient then I told him I'm not young I'm over seventy three two years old then he told me yes he knows your age but your physical is something like in 60s so there for him described me as a young patient he told me like that so these things I believe is I have a nothing nothing special or some people you see believed that I love I have miracle power nonsense and also some people you see believe it I love I have healing power if I have healing power my healing balm must use not taking this operation this this very fact this is through surgery you see they removed a casa gold whether that's the clear indication I have no healing power so those some some people you see these seek my blessing we do believe that along I have some healing power that's a mistake then you you get because of this appointment is fine so like that so there I'm just nothing just a human being just like you we are saying but differences I think my calm mind really makes differences my physical health and also peace of mind now age 16 I lost my freedom age changes for I lost my own country now seventh nearly 74 and during their I mean nine years since around 16 to 22 the four there's a constant fear that very difficult situation then last 50 years the constant sad news from Tibet and meantime the problem is so big entire Tibetan population put hope and trust and much expectation so my position is not easy one but I think due to my practice of compassion and also I think I always receive follow more realistic attitude now quite a whole quite quite what I think this is not sufficient now Maya so chickity I came in to do new hobby [Applause] so so through my own experience from my own experience I can tell you peace of mind really has all really get a big benefit not only peace of mind but also physical health and also piece of and also the peace of mind really create peaceful atmosphere so therefore realize these inner quality and pay more attention about these inner quality is really worthwhile really what we're now the promotion I mean the way to promote these inner value I usually describe I believe TVs number one through testing approach the concept of God infinity love all-powerful or mighty like that that also very helpful to stand them to promote these inner value then second non-theistic way that is the law of causality so if you do good for other you get a benefit if you do harm another and you get negative consequences so therefore if possible habita serve other as much as you can if not this team humming at least the same having other so because overall causality for your own interest you must arrest it harm another so that's one way of promoting this inner value then there must be third one because six billion human being over six billion human beings in reality particularly when we facing problem majority not much care about one's own believe so this is us it is saying in Tibet so the Tibetan master once said me said the following with respect to how people tend to relate to their religious faith and he said that people generally will say that the scriptures say such and such but oh but we have to follow realistically if necessary to cheat if they say to bully other if this is to harm others like that so yeah we always see justice truthful but when some money matter involved then telling lie or hypocrisy like that like that isn't it so therefore I think a majority of the six billion human being I don't much serious what also religious faith so therefore these people firstly majority and then also these are human brother sisters so we must find ways and means to reach to these people take clear sort of evidence of inner values so that I call secular way because this Oh so these the basic sort of human value as I've mentioned it before these are come from our mother religious faith of course later religious faith also you see it means help to sustain or to increase these things so basically just a universal value of course animal no religion but they also have the capacity to show affection to other so therefore they these value itself I consider secular values so the way to promote this should be I mean dish should have more secular way now when I say when I use the word secular here does not mean they disrespect or rejection of religion no some people take Thoreau the interpretation or the meaning of secular me circulars is some rejection of religion when I said this according Indian like a madman Gandhi one of the I think modern modern history I think one of the main person who promoting secularism in India and Indians or say they a constitution self based on secular but meantime he himself very much reminded and he recite some kind of him survey him from different traditions and his follower always does he decide that hymns from or quotations from different traditions so Matt McCarthy sort of practice respect all religions no preference this religion or that religion so therefore they when I recorded this version the secularism does not mean recessional religion of course in like I think French Revolution and also the Bolshevik Revolution and then during those periods I think secular means something against religion that also if we go very precise not necessarily religious concept nobody can sort of reject these are the concept of love compassion forgiveness tolerance set for just a minute no base to reject these things this we need so then the rejection is I think aiming for institution at that time you know the ruling class very much sort of backing by the religious organizations institution in the case of French King and also Russians are the religious institution backing and create impression that king or Tsar have some special blessing from God so that manipulate ruling people or suppress like that so therefore in order to build to oh to pull down to to destroy in order to destroy the royal acid a Authority you need willpower even to against God because the ruling class have special blessing from God through church so so logically a certain sort of circumstances say you need I think I mean it is some some relevant but usually particularly when I say secularism no meaning disrespect religion in fact respect origin and also respect non-believer also as a human brother sisters they also have the same right they deserve our affection our concern clear so now third way to promote these inner values or now logically the secular way not touching with religion so usually when I give talk about the importance of inner value and as today compassion these things I approach circularly so now here also I'm speaking these values without religious what are they two concepts without touching religion without touching religion so now here use our common experience as I mentioned before from our mother we receive maximum affection that really makes our life different then common sense we we are social animals social animal means individuals future related with the rest of the community so there must be something to bind together money alone cannot bind human affection and sense of community sense of belonging belonging a sense of community these bring us a happy community each member of this society full of hated each other then how can develop happy community and community full of hatred each other suspicion never bring benefit to individual so that's against our basic structure as a social animal therefore we say they the binding together as a social animal this affection compassion warm-heartedness so if you have one rottenness more compassionate attitude then mentally you feel the Orcas on your front you feel or my friend left you feel that right you feel that if you keep fear hatred constantly here then you feel in front enemy this site also enemy this site also enemy clear imagine therefore the elimination and all enemy is impossible I think in history I think the last but the last Haven few hundred thousand I think nobody succeed to complete even started a one person eliminate another person come another person eliminate another person come when the September eleventh even happened then i express in fact I wrote letter to President Bush there that since I know him very well so therefore I wrote letter I do 12th September I wrote letter and I express my condolence my sadness and meantime I also expressed the the way handle this problem hopefully more nonviolent way so therefore around since then you see many occasion I express if you handle this problem problem of terrorism more wasn't way then today one bin Laden next time ten bin Laden then after that hunted bin Laden possible so so hatred anger violence can defeat others physical but never their mind one person killed his or her relative more grievance resentment more resentment now exactly now happening in Iraq and Afghanistan and also quite similar in to inside Tibet also and Sinjar also more authorities suppression killing torture more resentment like that so therefore they no one can eliminate all those disliked people but there is always possible even today's unfriendly person eventually this possibility to change best friend also possible so therefore they compare so in order to build happy society as a social animal key factor is there then scientific finding as I mentioned before the more and more research about the connection between body or health body health and mental state no more kasoori evidence the close connection peace of mind compassionate mind is very very good for our health so so dance about my talk sorry Vartan Vartan path to happiness and inner peace Oh path path to happiness happiness and inner peace through inner peace genuine happiness come did it happiness true level happiness with the society happiness with individual in both case through inner peace what do you think some sense [Laughter] [Applause] okay thank you thank you thank you it's just I come just before I come here uses some some sort of meeting some families so one young person is asked me what my sort of suggestion to young American and I told I may touch my public talk but one thing I did not touch so far that means I also briefly definition to that person they in modern society all external facilities are marvelous so the people in that kind of society and eventually become habit always is using sensorial thing hi television or some sort of show some kind of play like that add music like that so when a person not my sort of as I use these things then feel lonely uncomfortable so here very important sensory sensor anything important but these are not ultimate source of inner peace ultimate source of inner peace as I mentioned earlier our inner radio in the value not depend on sensorial experience our experiences sensorial experience but mainly analytical or awareness so so therefore pay more attention what are in a value or inner world is can we have now when but not when I passing through sort of day there's a airport or like that when you see the air delayed 30 minutes or one hour and some people - I see so impatient it stated sometimes me too but usually when you see the announced 30 minutes or one hour delay and I immediately you see close my eye and think some in salinity or another word instead of the visit outside but visit in a site go like that then 30 minutes one hour very rapidly go you see no need impatience whether in the plane where they end the waiting house is the same body same brain same opportunity like that so therefore I think there are young people pay more attention about in a world that can be useful then also the other day in in San Francisco at the body Berlin University Valley University you know I mentioned I mentioned we'd bettan last 50 years we have one slogan hope for the best but prepare for the worst so redwood beginning we expect some difficulties then much easier when it will difficulties come if life too much easy then some slight obstacle comes then too much absent hours so therefore the young people should be more realistic and that kind of attitude may have fun so learn some questions how can we balance spirituality with the crazy modern world and world not crazy but ourself crazy I think if we're really crazy then everyone other everybody on this planet I think must be crazy but that's not case so herself is crazy so we can change our world I think the change must then community level then national and in in the global level like that so that's my view the same person asked do you have a pet better or sometimes yes I have one dog that drove our past so every morning I remember that and then some prayer why do a relatively small number of individuals seem to face endless and constant suffering in contrast to others who seem to have less illness less pain and loss how does one stay optimistic in the face of constant sorrow and pain there now yes does it a good question now I think as I briefly mentioned the realistic attitude is very helpful now here when we face some problem some tragedy including physical illness or some your friend was if you are believer and believe God then you must think apparently these are tragedy very bad but creator merciful all-knowing that one way then those person who believed law causality such as Buddhists karna then and such as Buddhists then we think about our past wrong deeds today's event unfortunately even happen because of our past we see wrongdoing so that helpful say they ultimately blame almost oneself on phone mistake so mentally less agitation usually something happened we always blame on other dad on top of suffering also anger that brings more Kasota more suffering then another thing non-believer I think here one Buddhist concept that concept can be easily see bring in circular circulating circularly now the Buddhist concept things are interrelated interconnected things are relative there's no one absolute so here one tragedy happened but firstly you see that tragedy come back another one even worse case this better and this tragedy some compare some other that this is really tragedy tragic so they because of the different sort of appearance if you look from different angle same tragedy now for example we lost our country becomes refugee last fifty years if you look from that angle only more sadness but thinking trying to look from another angle yes this tragedy bring us lot of new opportunity meeting with different people including many the follow of different tradition the religious tradition in good and also scientist and variety of people and also opportunity to talk so thinking this line that that sort of tragedy one way very said read it fidgeting but at the same time some positives of positive things aspect also you see create by that tragedy so that's also one way to look from different angle and then any problem if you look from closely you feel more unbearable unbearable but look from distance then think oh six billion over six billion human being the similar sort of unfortunate things many people may face or is facing so remember that not my own case that also help reduce anxiety our agitation then this tragedy happened because it's all causes and conditions then look causes conditions then vast deleted one tragedy not absolute or independent not independent due to this this happen due to that this happen and not only present condition but also the previous the previous see a week previous month previous year previous century you see they create today's sort of tragedy so that bring us a concept now this tragedy happened due to many manufacture then your anger lost target usually our anger evening one simply one absolute target or independent actor so when we fail to find independent target then our anger soft here what my friend or one scientist when I met him over 84 years or old he well then is he in our conversation is he he told me when we develop hatred and the object which we develop and see that object appears full- actually the negativeness here 90% of negativeness is mental projection he mentioned this exactly Buddhist literature also mentioned that when when they when they explain about destructive emotion develop that is mentioned so the there much some involvement of mental exaggeration so therefore when when look one is some negative things to say negative event happen then think causes and conditions that variety must follow also the causes conditions involved including your own behavior so then intensity of anger will reduce these are realistic approach then finally one sort of advice the one tragedy one tragic situation already happened then think whether there is possibility to overcome that then no need worry make attempt if there is any way no way to overcome that then no use too much worry just think cause of fact is fact what did he happen then better to think some other field some others or varsity find it through other opportunity like that so realistic approach is very very helpful when you are facing some problem usually I do that whenever I've got one bad news immediately is it try to look or this what what positive sight I always looked at then often I found some positive thing also that we yes to two last questions how can we love everybody when there are people who are determined to not not let others live their life in their own way now here love or compassion there are two levels one level mainly biological factor that is limited biased and also oriented to us attitude there's biological factor then another level of compassion that's not oriented attitude but rather being like in case of a human being oriented to the human being humanity now here make distinction action and actor now the first one related or oriented towards action so that as you mentioned this is someone who really a sorta creating take sort of create trouble deliberately then because that their attitude is negative so you can't you can't sort of feel compassion now second one since not oriented the attitude but the person therefore the disregard they are attitude towards you but still they deserve compassion now here to us actor keep compassion towards action opposition opos prepared confirmation that's necessary Murdock will endure this so he says someone who really going through harm on you without losing compassion towards dead take appropriate mission for proprietary that's very necessary in fact that's the battery to help other one because if others wrongdoing let him or let her to continuously eventually more harmful to that source out of sense of concern of that long-term consequences of the other wrongdoing the try then trying to stop is actually helping without losing sense of compassion sense of concern actually such action carried by sense of concern of their future their well-being there will be so that kind of compassion is unbiased although they develop on the seat of biological factors compassion but further increased by reasons by awareness by training so that second level of compassion is genuine compassion we need that compassion combination with wisdom so true education I believe through education we can bring that kind of connection to humanity why must we factor modest there that take as a seat then further Quezada cultivated or cultivate two reasons through examples through stories I think we can we can develop that how can we help Free Tibet thank you oh you're showing your sort of concern about justice Tibet issue is just issue and moral issue so usually I describe those supporters of Tibetan issue not I do not consider as a pro Tibetan but rather prove justice so now here I think people I think everybody knows see we are thinking or committing a solution from broader perspective broader perspective actually ultimately as I mentioned is oneness of humanity and also I always say look they admire European Union spirit so with Tibetan materially backward especially very much advanced so if we get full protection of our spirituality or culture including our language then for as far as material development is concerned it is our own interest remain within the people's rubble China so our struggle is one side to win one site lose not that but however problem is the Chinese government is is simply dismissed there is a problem just a few handful people create this problem the including diorama this is last year is it they describe me as a demon so I also use in acting or now I call demon with form so other some I use a friend is ask me why is the Chinese Chinese government uses so much sort of afraid to you then I then I because my home so sorry really so there you see there hardliner Chinese officials so they don't care long-term consequences so so in anyway I'm not going to detail so the proper so therefore this moment I appealing to international and also I appeal Chinese government from time to time please show to the world the reality reality of Tibet the Chinese government always say all people are very happy last 50 years much happier then the anonymous photo versus rule so now the reality must to show to the world if things like that then Chinese government must proud to show to invite people in certain districts so therefore please try to go to Tibet and study on the spot not only autonomous is not Tibet but also in the area come area what really what what is reality what what is the causes of the trouble last winter I met one um the UM doe with his friend one Chinese businessman came together see me and then under his age I think nearly seventy then he told me grievance now Express by today's younger generation he mention like that he conclude like that so last 60 years parent grandparent suffer lot of grievance that prevents past one pass for their children so these children become parent they are previous passed on passed on they are children so three four generations passed lot of grievance so the Chinese government must realize that so after last year's crisis at the beginning I really hope that now Chinese government may realize the reality otherwise their communist officials very expert is it to show something different than the reality so one story last idea two years ago one Tibetan who visited his own native place near hasa now when he reached there the villagers welcomed him headed by village chief village chief so the village chief you see explained to him now we are very happy everything is very good the party very very helpful to us we have a new building like that then after one or two days see one night he again visited that home of chief village then he asked what is the situation then he just opposite almost the story he says oh now terrible everybody remain constant fear and then new buildings new houses with some common sort of ground money but that money not sufficient not adequate they in order to build according the quality which were decided by the government government so everybody who have new house police reduce so given that there was a certain standard required by the government and the funding was not adequate so everybody who had new homes were full of debts so he mention is very very difficult then he asked why then other day you mentioned everything is very good then he answer I have to say that way so always a hypocritical way so I thought now the Chinese government may realize this the true picture of Tibet so main start realistic approach but then at the beginning some mixture because of it signals but then later is it the hardliners or are they short-sighted sort of blood sort of policy policy blind sort of blind policy now they carry simply crush suppression so therefore it is very very useful go there see must be what that very detailed research just a short visit you can't get the real picture so the Chinese government site also should not put any restriction people must allow their what they want to go as far as safety is concerned they themselves take take care no problem like that so our Chinese embassy visa go there okay it's very excited quite expensive so you can borrow some money from here today huh I go there as particularly media people go there if things are as sad you stated things are really nice very good then my info our information is wrong so I must apologize no problem if things are really good we have nothing to complain then our supporters also take rest if situation is not bad then please please go sorry be active more please continuously yes now last question what is the single thing that we can do today to help the world be more at peace as a single thing what is the single thing that we can do today dad I don't know things are complex so difficult my way I do this unrealistic if some miracle from sky then maybe one single sort of event can change over that's impossible I think one thing we can do about ecology our deadliest life think about ecology save water save electricity do it and also then I think global economic crisis your lifestyle bit contented simpler simpler simpler simpler that good although I noticed in in previous times and now it is smaller car so that also good so some time ago see in Japan I express your growth year by year growth always go like that dad not only autonomous is not too bad but all Sonam the area come area what really what what is reality what what is the causes of the trouble last winter I met one um dough um dough with his friend one Chinese businessman came together see me and then under his age I think nearly seventy then he told me grievance from generally two generations now express by today's younger generation he mention like that he conclude like that so last assist years parent grandparent suffer lot of grievance that prevents passed on pass for their children so these children be compared and they are previous passed on pass on their children so three four generations passed lot of grievance so the Chinese government must have realized that so after last year's crisis at the beginning I really hoped that now Chinese government may realize the reality otherwise their communist officials very expert easy to show something different than the reality so one story lastly I think two years ago one Tibetan who visited his own native place near Haase now when he reached there the villagers welcomed him headed by village chief village chief so the village chief you see explained to him now we are very happy everything is a very good the party very very helpful to us we have a new building like that then after one or two days see one night he again visited that home of chief village then he asked what is the situation then he just opposite almost the story she says oh how terrible everybody remain constant fear and then new buildings new houses with some comments of ground money but that money not sufficient not adequate they in order to build according the quality which were decided by the government so everybody who have new house produced videos so given that there was a certain standards required by the government and the funding was not adequate so everybody who had new homes were full of debts so he mentioned is very very difficult then she asked why then other day you mentioned everything is very good then he answered I have to say that way so always a hypocritically so I thought now the Chinese government may realize this the true picture of Tibet so main start realistic approach but then at the beginning some mixture because of it signals but then later is it the hardliners or are they short-sighted sort of blood sort of policy policy blind sort of blind policy now they can simply crush suppression so therefore it is very very useful go there see must be I wrote a very detailed research just a short visit you can't get the real picture so the Chinese government site also should not put any restriction people must allow their what they want to go as far as safety is concerned they themselves take take care no problem like that so as Chinese embassy visa go there okay it's very excited quite expensive so you can borrow some money from here I go there and particularly media people go there if things are as sad you stated things are really nice very good then my info our information is wrong so I must apologize no problem if things are really good we have nothing to complain then our supporters also take rest if situations not bad then please please go sorry be active more now last question what is the single thing that we can do today to help the world be more at peace su casa single thing what is the single thing that we can do today dad I don't know things are complex so difficult my way I do this unrealistic if some miracle from sky then maybe one single sort of event can change over that's impossible I think one thing we can do about ecology our deadliest life think about ecology save water save electricity and also then I think global economic crisis your lifestyle bit contented simpler car simpler simpler simpler that good although I noticed in in previous time there's an American Street a lot of big car and now it is smaller time so that also good so some time ago see in Japan I express your growth year by growth always go like that that there is no guarantee go like this this is limitation so no later you will find some stagnation or worse so that I predicted many years ago then later is a some my Japanese friend you should told me or appreciate you see my soror say day by thinking my suggestion limitation now here I often see telling people as far as material value is concerned in any case there is limitation then mental value is concerned no limitation so where there's limit limitation better to content better to practice of contentment then this pressure matter mental sort of quality is concerned no limitation so should not content but we usually opposite isn't it material thing will never content we want more one more one more one more and spiritual in a value is concerned we're quite contented I think that's opposite doesn't mistake isn't it so that's all thank you very much [Music] thank you thank you
Channel: Dalai Lama
Views: 71,668
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Dalai, Lama, public, talk, peace, happiness
Id: 6BHg1ALej3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 56sec (5336 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2010
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