Why Compassion is Essential in our Troubled World

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some point I will in the form of unser so see my mind not house they go spit on times where - my mouth open now the point I think they are a few months ago in Delhi on Buddhist conference mainly monk from Burma Thailand she's longer and I'd be debatable so so the after they sort of talk then in my turn then I told I told them I don't like formality just informal way so then I want to ask one question religion still relevant today's world or not if not then no mother no need water go so just be questioned now this discussion the material life material facility wonderful particularly northern world America and these developed country which is the facility wonderful but there is no guarantee those people who enjoy materials or facility with their mind mental state not peace too much stress too much anxiety and greed greed greed jealousy and extremes our own sense of competition so therefore as I mentioned earlier the existing or education system very much oriented about material value as I mentioned earlier so now we have to pay more attention and what our inner value as I already mentioned basic human nature is more compassionate that's the basis of if basic human nature is more anger than no hope but basic human nature is more compassionate and logically we are social animals even other animal those social animal emotionally something which bring together because each individual's life or survival depend on rest of the community that's nature so nature Kasota provide us we also you see have this or more partners taking care each other so that's fundamentally therefore all measure rich tradition I usually see telling all these major religious religion is the human beings religion therefore all major reservation carries a message of love in order to practice love effectively also need tolerance forgiveness so all these major resolution teach us compassion and tolerance forgiveness self-discipline contentment so now when I think materialistic sorrow education modern education start at that time right in religious group carry the responsibility about our moral ethics or compassion these things now gradually the religious influence sometimes will be so decline so then separate developed developed the separate of education institution alone now should carry the both responsibility responsibility evolved brain development a responsible development of warm-heartedness so therefore the our education field I think we should include as I mentioned earlier simply hydrogen of emotion very important then how to tackle our emotion not faith reasoning know some as I already mentioned scientists also now they say so therefore in our education field from kindergarden of the university level I think the education about inner world emotion how to tackle emotion as a part of academic subject not religious subject I think that's very possible now in India we already you see making effort and some program already India I think of course I respect all religions logically I totally dedicated promotion of religious harmony so therefore I must respect all the religious tradition I always say I never stayed I I say Buddhism is best I'll never steal my medicine one medicine no matter how sorrow powerful how useful we cannot say this best medicine whether best or good or bad judging the patient regarding one particular case on patience certain illness including age and climate also then accordingly your case this medicine is best similarly over thousand years among humanity different abilities was India so according different abilities position you see there's some idea some some some religious tradition more effective more suitable some may not therefore I think or this planet firstly India I think among the Egyptian civilization Chinese civilization centrally in the industry distance Indus Valley Civilisation eventually the Indus Valley Civilisation I think highly developed so as I mentioned earlier in India over two thousand years the interest a what are in a world develop so the practice of schemata practice no Vipassana already developed so Buddha himself project of this tradition so India I think among these ancient civilization I think India I think the most advanced sort of civilized way solarization about the inner world so I'm it is quite easy to tell India say we need education about our inner world then India's case these these knowledge is your own tradition the modern India just measured these things the only question of survival so in India now we already have some sort of program and many one time about 150 vice-chancellor bitching I was there I told them the modern education not adequate to bring happy individual peaceful individual I mentioned so they pay much attention they also you say now carry some sort of preparation how to revival of this ancient in the knowledge now West the also tradition judo Christian background so not important to investigate where is I very self just a faith God God God it is sufficient where's the tradition which have the OCD investigation where itself so sometimes through investigation sometimes to find wrong perceptions from Buddhist viewpoint Buddhist viewpoint the rest of Indian sort of tradition except Atma this independent absolute self not depend on our physical so dad self you see no beginning that's their self no beginning so on that basis the concept of rebirth automatically come and with that the concept of law of causality karma action the future depends on present in your action positive reaction helping someone any action verb reaction physical reaction which brings some pleasant happiness joyful other including animal that action is good good karma any action creates unhappiness fear that action is negative karma so this concept I feel good about the soul the Buddhists say oh there is no independent soul or Atma it's not ma this is a very complicated thing so in any way the india since this is that concept no creator so rather self creation then all the responsibility relying on one's own shoulder so training or mind become very important where is the Christian tradition mainly faith does God does that so so I think therefore I think and today so official level I think Eastern religion Western tradition there are some differences but basically all carries a message as I mentioned earlier loud I think the judeo-christian tradition and also Islam because the concept of creator all very very powerful wonderful the Creator what kind of creator infinite now we all created by that kind of God so we'll all brothers sisters children of one God that got infinite enough so among human being killing each other how can all our children of God then kill each other impossible we are such some children of such father infinite enough so we should be more compassionate us and the aim of human being we should say they wish you to develop sense of brotherhood sisterhood wonderful so the Indian tradition I think seven very human being this is the previously some different dresses so I think here we do I may be different classes he may be another axis so we both stranger on the on this planet so compare that I think the creation of God ray wonderful but that means I'm God one time one my Indian friend very devoted Indian so he very seriously Ossining all human being creation of God and then among his creatures creatures some very mischievous some very bad people their y-bar creates that and for me difficult to answer then I I told him all firstly God create health so there must be someone who go to help otherwise no meaning creation of health so like that so therefore you see there if you go more detail then you see some difficulties yeah so then self creation it's very simple answer like that then I think so they I think I also briefly mentioned the Jainism Buddhism like twin brothers no no creator except they believe Atma Buddhists do not believe Atma so explanation about uh not ma non soul theory no no no independent self there were lot of explanation the written would Buddhism they measure different school of thought they were safe so daunting to the mantra and then Madiba so difference or oversee the school of thought because of another one different interpretation a Madonna thought or not more like that so these are quite complicated so all these divinities tradition very helpful to us to some people Christianity Judaism Islam much more helpful then drew some people did the Jennison and advertising and difference of tradition more suitable so it is up to individuals so the big question whether religion still require or relevant today then answer is yes suddenly if whole world which materially as the old facilities yeah then truly everyone happy then no need religion but I think seven billion human being and including here I think few thousand people I think each of you some problem isn't it so so you see and and also you see the with this physical illness always there the potential or ultimate seat of illness within this body and then mentally emotion emotion is so sophisticated so even this is some small person a event is sometimes create a lot of worry more further investigate then you may say that's all not so serious like that much thing you sedated with o Kesava ignorant mind so here controversies very useful very important some my Chinese friend now actually I think next month or after I think two month we going to have one sort of meeting with quantum physicist so some they already you see mention quantum physics but senility our tendency but she was somebody Nia but touch of arteries vajura or the shoot force some of these Chinese quantum physicist has shared with His Holiness that those who are genuinely convinced by the facts of quantum physics there seems to be for those scientists in some of them less tendon tendency to see things in absolute black-and-white terms that's exactly not original stated that on you more non-dollar tada truly said jeopardy tens increment in supernovae such a doctor the first image you can unde all the territories margaret a casa revenue number said number of the summation emoji shimmies you number the individual Jones attended simple quantum physics our shared or connect the universe sugar to the heart surgeon should be should show kind we do need to induce touch of God so this really resonates quite closely an insight that comes from the second century Buddhist master Nagarjuna who talked about how if you examine carefully the way in which very strong emotions arise in us these emotions are often rooted in some kind of mental projections that we have about the reality that we experience and these projections themselves are rooted in some kind of grasping and objective reality of things being out there so similarly in quantum physics you when you delve deeply into the understanding and insights of quantum physics you get to a point where you cannot really point to anything that has been objectively real so you can only take into account the preceptor receivers point of view and the idea of objective external reality becomes untenable so there's a very similar kind of insights coming from the two sides and the sociability or rather the judge that the Muslim number college or so look at religious check that a with rigidity to the MIT which is a law or damaging the juniors to the me to chill of number one there any Java Childress shuttle so in fact you know delving deeper into this Buddhist understanding of human emotions and psychology in one of Naga juna's texts he also says that the same tears in the same text he says citing the Buddha sighting the Buddha Nagarjuna says that the Buddha has taught that you know humans emotion humans experience emotion primarily in three different modalities one of attraction leading the attachment one of repulsion leading to a versions and so on and then one of more of an indifference and these three more types of emotions arises from our natural tendency towards likes and dislikes so I respect all region I never propagate in the West Buddha Dharma I feel two years ago I took Strasbourg some local Buddhist center they asked me some teaching then I give some teaching explanation in the whole I think about 8,000 people then I felt this is not Buddhist country this is judeo-christian background so I've he little uncomfortable so you see your tradition due to Christian background it is better to keep your own tradition incorrect never thought that you would learn now a about you sometimes if you do need to patch up a little bit then you can take bits and pieces from the Buddhist tradition so therefore I respect all religions but as far as Kasota dope on a Chevy in a pageant know what this solution so from the point of view of purely from the point of view of the lost philosophy and the philosophical insights then Buddhist tradition seems to be quite profound ridiculous nonlinear tradition sounds great tradition not a valley tradition pilot tradition wonderful but not much reasoning based on Buddhist quotation the Sanskrit tradition even Buddha's own would investigate so it is quite remarkable so so therefore now today's world a lot of problem mainly mental problem mentally unhappy to my stress then even small things really you see the creatively water sort of emotions so therefore today's world now I think this emotion fear and then anxiety these bins and and create lot of problem so the medicine of anger is loving-kindness loving-kindness part of human nature so through education through use human intelligence usefulness about these positive emotion and hum fulness about this negative emotion to education then from childhood eventually you see can be person who you see through reasoning more closer towards compassion those little bits of distance from anger that I cannot through education we have this marvelous brain if there is God I think one greatest gods of a gift to the human being is this brain so um haughtiness see the home haughtiness there now the other animal also you see have same at the social animal same but this human brain human intelligence is something unique this intelligence use for further strengthening or warm-heartedness through education not through prayer but through education I believe that can be done as a secular way I must explain the meaning of Sakura in the West some my friend they say secular means disrespect religion distance from religion but according the Indian tradition secular means respect all religions and also respect non-believer that's wonderful so according Indians are on the concept of secular ITIL very fit today's seven billion human being out of seven billion 1 billion non-believer and six billion believers also among them quite mischievous believer also their religion itself dividing people kidding really very sad as a man to dismiss editor so you know when religion turns into another cause for division and killing then this becomes what in the Tibetan tradition we say medicine has become a poison so dope now here in Afghanistan in Syria and some of these Muslim area shear Sunni killing each other impossible both follower of Allah and follow of Quran and five times each day rare so I suggest some Indian Muslim in India we never heard problem between Shia and Sunni so Indian Muslim now should be more active to promote closer relations with shared Sunni then in India I think one one I think wonderful thing of India is religious harmony over three thousand since the over two thousand years the Sankhya philosophy and redesigned philosophy then different branches thoughts on your own also a Sanjay tradition then James revision then Buddhist tradition at the modern time citizen these traditions are India's homegrown religions then from outside Zhora so Dean come from in ancient posse so in Bombay the Parsee people who follow Zahra Soudan very small population less than 100,000 but no fear they carried their own way of worship no fear among the millions of Christian millions of Hindus not millions of Muslims they really live peaceful so that's India all major religious traditions live together respect each other so that gives me conviction our religious harmony can be developed can be promote so I fully committed promotion of religious harmony so therefore the India I think one example all major religious tradition live together so it is quite sad this is religion itself now causing more problem very sad very sad so then now in Burma Buddhist country a wonderful Buddhist country but those Muslim suffer a lot so one time of course I know I'm so Susie since many years so a few occasions I met I told her you should do something then she explained the situation difficult situation there no no there is no more people very critical view about oxygen so so this is very sad now on Buddhist country also now our city create fighting due to different faiths so this I think additional problem we have plenty of other other problem the religion itself you see becoming source of problem very unfortunate if that truly you see become Kasota in its spread rate spurt then I think my big question religion no relevant today's world better without religion so now hmm they has a much problem which we are facing is actually due to differences on differences including nationality and and color and also was his religion so since many problem you see happen due to these these differences so then we have to think more fundamental level then fundamental level we all same human being 7 billion human being our human brother sisters on that level no differences emotionally mentally physically we are saying and most important every 7 billion being want happy life do not run something and everyone have the right be happy person happy family so then understand that realize that how to deliberately cause of the create problem to other know if someone creates problem for you you you do not feel happy so seedez wrong to do dr. knowledge don't know why she said so just as the golden rule says it's taking your own experience as an example you should refrain from harming others so I think very important to read to realize oneness of seven billion human being that we can be written for more we can educate people I think in education field we should pay more attention about these deeper value then vision my lifetime will not will not see as a good result but after 20 years 30 years I think different world can can be seen so therefore some was a reasonable some good work start always not too late we must start now mainly education field then there is a real real person real possibility of this 21st century can be century of peace century of compassion it's possible then our first sort of tasks try to demilitarize this world firstly free nuclear weapons then offensive weapon then gradually all weapon I think should Quezada it should eliminate then all weapon which give us from birth is if we nurse a fight no not much danger isn't it when I was young with my elder brother sometimes I fight so at that time my weapon is my casa name like that so I think we dis human intelligence and also this reality global warming become very serious and human population increasing when I was come when when I was in rota 60s and 70s usually we say six billion human being now seven billion some experts say within end of this century human population will reach ten billion the nature resource not showing limitation so unless we act according this reality I think humanity will face not a problem so now with sense of responsibility here well being of seven billion being then use human intelligence that way I think this will hope otherwise I think this century also will be miserable century really some question oh yes some questions No oh I'll vanish question I think we have microphones in the two aisles if possible folks standing there one male ones here armor over here then those questioners please come please come and ask your question yes oh do we as nations could organize cooperation to reach universal responsibility for better world you go sir I do first day any sort of movement where it start start individual individual person then you should start compassionate atmosphere within your own homes your own family then share your neighbor from one single person ten people one family ten family ten family 100 family goal of death like has a ripple sorry like like ripple effects real effects initial change start from individual government cannot do much you and also cannot do much so therefore each individual should feel I have the opportunity make some better make some contribution better world like that and then then sometimes I think one example in Europe the European Union wonderful German French in the day in the early part of 20th century one my friend not only friend but my teacher the quantum physics von weizsäcker in 1990s his own age also now 90s once he told me when he was young then every French I knew German is the enemy German I similar that when when we talked these things the 1990s then he told me nowadays that kind of sort of attitude completely changed French at their neighbor human brothers similarly Germany so if European Union not start then I think the last few decades I think they're very possible to some fighting some killing because European Union developed then at least the member state peaceful so now this spirit should extend extend sometimes I usually I sort of express the NATO headquarter should shift to Moscow then the Russian mentality some kind of fear I have been Russia few times I noticed the in public mind rest is some kind of you see threat source of threat so that must change so if you see the NATO headquarters shifted there then eventually Russian Federation should become should join the European Union I think very important then Russia Russia terrifically bridge West and East Siberia isn't so I think Russian can make I think certain contribution there are some influence in China I think very important so so then Latin America some kind of reunion must have developed and Africa whole Africa too big but northern Africa Southern Africa East Africa West Africa some kind of Union sooner or later must develop other I suppose one country I had to spend a lot of money for weapon and killing each other terrible ok so you as a member of European Union then a small country I think you can make some significant contribution regarding the promotion of oneness of humanity thank you okay good morning first of all I would like to thank your Majesty for coming here her wholeness just may be a first brief remark because you mentioned the conversion and recently actually I've decided to convert and I would never ask anyone or advice to convert or I think one one of these very few cases which actually I feel it made me feel right and helped me to actually go into feeling detached from very anything so that was a very good experience having said that no single person I will try not single person to convince to try a religion it doesn't make any sense secondly I would like also to thank you very much for your very sorry what did it secondly I would like to thank you very much for your support for ecological movements I'm myself a part of ecological movement so we have very good we have we have I live I live currently in Belgium we have a very big challenge ahead those who came from Belgium they know very well what is coming so I would like to thank you in two or even three languages that we use in Belgium so massive iya finding don't you here soon okay and third thing if I can just take a little bit of time something negative it's a question because we've been discussing about different religions and this is something that I cannot understand like we've got all this cruelty in the world it's the world is very difficult you've been mentioning the situation in Tibet there is a rise of nationalism in Europe thank you for mentioning European Union I work for the European Union and I'm afraid of what is happening I'm very much afraid how it's possible that the karmic law of 'god the allah allows for such world which is so difficult hmm I think overall I think the human being particularly any European Europeans I think because of the past so a lot of suffering as a result of war First World War Second World War acting the people generally as I mentioned earlier more mature so and I I think Africa and some sort of Latin America area and Middle East also I think the European people's way of thinking is more advanced I feel so you should keep your sorrow as a determination and firstly ecology and then religious harmony so so these things not easy not like machine automatic machine but with machine push casada switch the pattern on switch button then work human problem not like that he would by this very sophisticated like that but you should not lose your courage your say the determination very important I'm edgy 84 year old age 16 I lost my freedom age 24 I lost my own country I always keep my inner strength confidence means of base of confidence is truthful honest that's very important okay yes good morning your holiness a few years ago when you were here you stressed the importance of developing awareness and I've kept that that in my heart but I was still wondering how do you make recommend to develop awareness within yourself yes ed West when we say mind or psychology mainly refer sensorial $0.05 Orion for the experience of consciousness so sensory level entirely depend on orcid a sense of organs so this limitation now wisdom and memory even surrender these will come with sister mind not sensory level sensory level consciousness just like in formal or informal array the senses are like those through which you get the information so now the important is I think early morning is that was the best period then think your mind the first first time I can close your eye eventually not necess close I just think about we call six the mind main mind that at the beginning not easy but such practice the time very important factor homework Oh yet you need to cultivate the habit observe in your mind in this way then gradually you get sort of a feeling nothing empty because I consciousness here consciousness they are not inactive so thus if the mind only is the mind something empty then still meditate on it then gradually you get the feeling of something like the mirror itself the truth Amana Sakura Mexican children of the meeting energy looked at children tomorrow taken a shot much so as you cultivate the habit of observing or mind in this way while all the senses are disengaged initially you experience a sense of absence there's nothing really being experienced but as you get more and more used to it at some point you will get a sense there is some kind of reflection type experience where something that is in substantial but at the same time had the ability to reflect the content of experience that will emerge then one Buddhist practice is then they mind itself is always more maturely changing never remain stand still so past future present past future not yet come present the various present day hour minute second we can't find present with our present difficult to item 8 ended identify past and future so there must be present but if you investigate like and offices we can't find so similarly things not exist as appears appearance something there the mind also is just something there but if you investigate you can't find so now Indian tradition company your church in the Indian tradition then we invoke the notion of two levels of reality coos whatever whatever children the relative level every day convention and then the ultimate level or the truth Oh so the because conduct undertaking Saturday signor Medici kokand I you can whenever you do some work on it even in your monkey to do what that did it's all animated with you tiny you want to give us some of the middle son corner the Timmy's you the number yet shoo shoo shoo - then they ordered so the point of doing this kind of deeper reflection is because when you examine the way in which our human emotions work many of the strong emotions that cause us trouble really arises on the basis of some kind of assumption of objective existence outside that somehow we in relate and engage and once you are able to understand that actually that objectivity that we assume is not really the case that when you probe the reality is no longer can withstand such analysis then that intensity of the emotion already will be lost so that's why it is helpful I myself you see I think my age 15-16 I already developed interest about ultimate reality then I much sort of pay attention reading study study and think particularly last now ten years I really seriously thinking that immense happen in situ was a terror the destructive emotion which based on that the cause of human grounds an agenda a lot de l'hotel attending shoot hungry so these kind of reflections are really powerful attitude against those emotions that tend to be so dependent upon some form of strong grasping an assumption of objective reality then altruism mainly gender there was a book really very helpful all our destructive emotion very much little bit self-centered attitude me me me me me and gasping independent existence so understanding what the senior the the antidote or grasping and then altruism is the antidote reduce self-centered attitude monitoring seminar so Dan's in de jeans in UT too damn jealous of the partnership if she get one so by using these kinds of practices when you are able to somehow loosen the grip on our psyche imposed by these two tendency one of grasping and one of self-centeredness then you can actually experience a sense of relief and freedom okay this decide not [Applause] thank you your holiness but allow me to ask this question I am from Ireland and when I think of Tibet I think it's a bit a bit like Palestine and Gaza my question here would be what do you think is can you give me any advice or what do you think what's happening over there between the Israel and Palestine and Gaza it's very sad you know yes very sad and on top of that the United States some sort of our city moochers funding did yet one that has been discontinued research but fortunately like UN some sort of Human Rights rep they really say they raise the serious question about Palestine very sad very sad the other day I met Amanda the hotel cause of the larceny among staff at the hotel oh I asked what was his country then finish time the immature I feel very sore varsity said then ninja means in gold star so I hurt the person No so we also through my through our own experience you say we know very well there how much suffering not only physical level but emotional level so we have full sort of sympathy but nothing happened whole world just yesterday based on their self-centered attitude and power I have many friends of Jewish friend wonderful very capable but the cassava slimming Israel they I think Jewish people I respect I admire really there are very as other able people but sometimes they discriminate Jewish and Palestine it's sad very sad thank you [Applause] before you said it's no individual self does that mean there is we have no different cells or everybody is the same self and how come that in reincarnation you remember other lives and you could pick out the cup in there and the Bell from the before Dalai Lama doesn't that mean that the same self is going on in different lives I'm an individual self there you and me to person so sip seven Billy human being separate human being separate if we accept the soul separate soul but then $13 Rama I mean the the the concept of RIBA nation rebirth rebirth same soul but the Rema nation not necessarily same person among the previous say 13th Dalai Lama you see some Dalai Lama some sort of different manifestation of different the soul you clearly mentioned from first Dalai Lama till the 7th Adama more the same line but then difference our own soul also come so I never feel I was certain that Lama I never said I never healed and so reincarnation you see like the second Allah after he dead his vision he reach certain area and the he received instruction where he should go next then the instructor told him you should go to Tibet and to do more juice in a particular region called tell you oh so he born third column like that so sometimes Susie so nobody deny existence or self altruism very much based on self so it should not mixed the selflessness and they cause an outward level selflessness or the according practice of altruism without self-centered attitude that also we call selflessness but then ultimate reality selflessness so if I think if may I say so you should study more [Applause] okay I think this will probably have to be the last question because it's time is already up okay well thank you for taking my question I stay at home and I take care of two small children and I was wondering if you have any advice for parents what's the most important thing they need to teach children today or any general parenting advice thank you I have a no children so annoying sleep no experience so in in generally I think a parent should provide maximum love to your children that's important one from here thank you this will be the last one yeah especially making Trish the late my question is about being a Buddhist monk you were talking about benefits of religion in this troubled world for seven billion people and you are a Buddhist monk in his life and my question is how does the Buddhist monk apart from you being so great as Dalai Lama but just the Buddhist monk how does a Buddhist monk benefit 7 billion people and other beings firstly monk and nun I think we are the contributor of birth control then then celibate monks nuns I think their life seemed much less problem person with family even you see the individual I mean the father or mother themselves is to try to content or something but because of there are children children's parent ha the wife way oh and then gradually grandchildren so endless problem so in that case I usually see telling Western monks nuns does the Casa consolation that's a consolation for being a member of a monastic well then we see leave people lot of problem that that's the consolation we celibate monk [Applause] no last question yes yes I I think I I think true question from here true question from here two questions then and no yes yes good morning yes I would like to ask what do you think we can expect to experience after our bodies here on earth die cosa Cheniere as I mentioned earlier the subtle level of mind continuously there non-buddhist they call independent self Atma so it continue so they I think a vacant state certain level of mind dream state another deeper level deep sleep another deeper level faint another diver later at the time of dying river level so still the Kasota says some victims beside the court a dog Shira del Sol throughout these different progressively subtler states the basic consciousness continues to remain which is the administration's of the different level of the sixth sixth consciousness there are many different levels so subtle level no beginning no end okay you're yeah thank your holiness I first I wanted to say that I really think that you deserve to receive the Nobel the Nobel Peace Prize for a second time when when announcement come you know today I was they choose cause of nobody when the wind that now an astronaut was made in 89 and some sort of media people you see they ask me what do you feel then I told them I'm just a Buddhist monk no more no less so there this is the Nobel Peace is some kind of recognition about my certain sort of contribution for well-being of all the people like that that's all on that on this television I heard you saying that data Lama or a to ku can appoint his his own reincarnation when so yes that is quite complicated and firstly no Buddhist reincarnation but Buddhist sort of mind still continuously there but no formally recognized as a Buddhist reincarnation I think this although in India also uses some practitioner from childhood they have clear memory about past life but no formal reclamation so in Tibet also is some people have very clear memory about past life I met some people some children very clearly remember about past life and parents name and place everything so on the weather you see formally recognized or not there are cases who remember about past life but the reincarnation lama riga nation i feel in tibet in the past the pet food root system so the llama llama institution becomes something like landlord so then they consult people have some special interest to keep that institution as a landlord so reincarnation come I feel so wrong tsunami surge or social some some Lama and come till twenty year old one student become twenty reach two year old and already show good knowledge through study and good behavior then recognize row initially mother Lama Musa machinist oh the payout of so they seem to be able a particular system of recognizing reincarnation where one waits until the child has become actually mature and demonstrated the qualities and the ability that system seemed to be actually quite good thank you no yeah your holiness I know Tibetan religionists many very much about respecting life especially in Jainism that you mentioned and I was wondering we have these small creatures in the world like mosquitoes sorry for her to ask em and when they are just annoying I think we should ignore them but when they are spreading diseases like Zika and malaria things like that how which how should we treat them are we allowed to kill them or what did the Commission tells us the Condor me so did was possible was some certain true championship over certainty trading at and alia she Germany how could the cause of Saudi the Houthi it kind of just came to us that indeed she covered culture to cover until eternity sometimes Asia so in these kind of difficult questions of ethics that has to do with lives what is very important to is to really take into account the specificity of the context so if they in the case of your question about involvement of human health and human life is generally a form of life that also has the sentence creature being able to think about others make a real difference in other's lives and make a better world and so on so for the sake of protecting human lives may there may be situations where you know some other you know lives may have to be sacrificed for that purpose so I think it's not a absolute black-and-white correction but you need to take into account the sensitivity to the context that the situation okay now this okay hello my young Steve thank you very much for coming here and giving us the opportunity to talk with you and to listen to your great words my question is about a current theme right now it's about immigration and I know you're also immigrant from Tibet so yesterday I was a little bit surprised because I read an article about you saying that Europe is from the European and let the immigrants should go back to their home country and there was not really comparable with the thing with the great works I hear you say about altruism you know love acceptance equality and I my own opinion is that we earn a lot of gain and development in Europe also from other countries so in my opinion they're really welcome here can you maybe further explain yourself yes I think we're having the same line but I would like to hear you say more about that yes did those refugees from other country to Europe I didn't like Germany and some other European countries provide help them wonderful however these refugees from different countries I think they they themselves also should think their home is their own land so in their own home killing bully a lot of suffering they have all day something like escape so while they so European countries must provide shelter their shelter to them and particularly children should provide facility for education and the younger people it should provide source for the training including some mechanic sort of training then the aim is eventually they should return their own land to rebuild their own country that's my view right from the beginning so give shelters for example with Tibetan take shelter in India but most of the baton is eventually when situation change everybody is one to return so each country their own culture their own language their own way of life is better to leave their own country just my view not oh no no last question I think I think one one one one do thank you one girl I prefer you to just do it yeah yes if you have some question don't shy why we are human ah does [Applause] that's evolution through evolution we've become this kind of brain original the origin of human being not like this so evolution gradually okay yes no last question thank you and your holiness and Wingo talk who told me to come I should come to see you and to ask for your blessing in order to heal after experiencing a lot of problems on the effects of doors she should do so I've just come to ask for your blessing and to also ask if you would please bless my three children and my ex-husband we've all been affected by this certainly son I agree thank you thank you the shouldn't problem then previously I also use a worshipper of sugar then gradually I notice there's not proper particularly with name of the dilemma because $50 Amma since the problem started did not love it comes Ubu Dan the dollar charge he has a younger it's the fifth Dalai Lama you know finally came to recognize the kind of you know destructive nature of this particular spirit which has arisen out of a distorted aspiration and it's also in fact counter to the Dharma practice Dharma teachings and then the silliest Cecilia I think the same generation they the shooting worshiper to see prohibited to receive teaching from nuuma tradition could you tradition so it is very very sectarian so I I made public is not good in order to promote religious harmony mm which in Tibetan sort of Buddhist community Oh so too much sectarian that's very bad okay said then don't worry they real refresh is on heartedness so you see instead of fear about children you should sorrow as they develop this empathetic compassionate attitude to assume that that's the best way to protect yourself okay it just and cause lots of burning sensation and lots of problems like that need healing and that's why I mean who took who said I needed your help well certainly I pray and do you know all Matata to the reader I saw at the Tara mantra mantra of Tara Tara mantra can you say that okay then you see don't don't stress fear open open your mind as in several my own case as a result of practice or pujita non-senior initially mother transactions roll shallow so if you're able to open your heart and really to practice bodhichitta then everything will appear as friends rather than hostile forces okay now I can last last question one of the forms of love is romantic love and there has been quite some evolutions in that fields I think there has been more openness to sexual pleasure more gender equality and I think some people don't know now what to do what are your views on the role of romantic love does it have a educational value how would you like to see it evolve what is the mature romantic love or sexual behavior I think Ron person to ask you should you should ask those estimate about that but I don't in any way attachment or loving kindness which because of the idea to test your practice of loving kindness really casada have some experience or not should think towards your enemy troublemaker you have same sort of sense of concern towards your enemy that's the genuine love genuine compulsion otherwise for your towards your own friend or these are not genuine love but attachment that's wrong attachment is the basis of hatred fear thank you [Applause] okay your holiness just one moment please because I'm here simply to say not only from the foundation that's organized this event but from all of us here I think a profound thank you to His Holiness for his insights for new perspectives he has given us for his advice we hope to be able to put it into practice because we've heard that the best present we can give the best gift we can give to our teacher is to put his advice into practice so I hope we will all be able to give our teacher this best of presence thank you very much your holiness [Applause]
Channel: Dalai Lama
Views: 107,432
Rating: 4.9006 out of 5
Keywords: dalai, lama, talk, compassion, world, peace, rotterdam, netherlands, 2018, address, question, answer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 33sec (5193 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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