Happiness and a Stress-free Life

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[Music] [Music] [Music] respected their sisters and brought us indeed you see like I think maybe my friend and like as the former I came to President of Ireland this the name customary for Mary Robinson so one time described me as a feminist Dalai Lama so now today quite so as they're irrelevant the reason according scientist now biologically female have more sort of sense of others pain you say to person one made one female looking one sort of motion picture which shows painful experiences someone know when they to person is seeing that the physical response female much stock then obviously we all come from our mother they say we survived with mothers milk butter scare even animal the father sometimes you see like dog enjoy himself then no longer the sense of responsibility to look after child but some bird had two couple they really take care they are small young young small we human being also basically like that so therefore but it's a miracle father no milk holy mother so biologically the female you see the equipped to feed child and with that triple just love affection so I think in the human history most of warrior actually murder most of them made now even today I think we can see butcher most of them made so therefore now time come we need special effort to promote human compassion human love in that respect female have special role very important so now my stalkers are happiness so happiness I think the ever is the recalled sentient being every civil sanction or being who have experience of pains and pressure including insects or have the desire to be happy now the many different levels of that sort of joyfulness or happiness the animal including in selfish birthdays know this kind of brain human brain so there are life entirely based on sensorial level experiences so because of that I think there are survival very much depend on sensorial level so many animals hearing the power of hearing draw and smell much stronger and then we human being because there are survival depend on these sensory experiences then now we should be this unique special brain with that we human being habit language and acid a quite sophisticated language so meantime this brain also sometimes to sit create more problems more worry to myself thinking too much expectation but then and thinking about past history and thinking long future that also is sometimes is it create more stress more worry more fear more anxiety now biologically this human brain is very marvelous same time warm heartedness homogeneous our mother provided us they how much value of taking care or loving kindness so the now scientists say basic human nature is compassionate because our life start that way and we survived which others love yeah without that we'd no longer survive after birth if mother know pay attention then within few days we die then not only few depression of a few days or few weeks but few years mother take so therefore the biologically vision being base in nature is more compassionate now important is combined brilliant human brain and the warm heartedness these two things combined then see you can say that they're warm hotness brings you inner strength self-confidence warm heartedness also bring honest truthful with honesty tooth for you can carry your work transparency transparently way that brings trust from other we are social element one individual no matter how powerful alone cannot survive in teach each individual survival or successful life entirely depend on the community so now today's world may see individuals future depend on humanity seven billion humanity so therefore now the others is source of your own survivor basis or your own survival and also source of happiness if I smile this flower no response human being smile response isn't it when I smile or teasing then their response very warms of expression I feel very happy isn't it so human being without warm heartedness and taking care of others will be that human being never be happy person then meantime this brilliant of brain wonderful is it different revisions difference of words there the idea is wonderful sometimes this wonderful brain combined with anger jealousy then the bring this brain and the brain sometimes create more problem exactly now today's were many TOEFL maker actually firstly educated secondly that brain is concerned I think they're quite sophisticates they will use substitutes to bring like that so what is lacking more principle on worthless so that's just mere brilliant sort of the mind sometimes creates more suspicion more just trust that brings fear anxiety so this brain home hardness combined then as I already mentioned you see you your life true become something positive with moral principle but that moral principle something like self-discipline so long the hotness there that person never hung other never creates awkward because is it that person just but others right seriously wish their happiness so they such person who have done hundreds of are so warm heartedness then never create problem father too much self-centered attitude me me me me me then too much exploitation no hesitate to create problem to utter these are the lack of moral principle and also intelligence length of long-sighted way like that once our mind too much disturbed by emotion then one of the sort of because the important part of our brain is seeing the reality too much emotion we cannot use the cause of the complete source the energy energy ray or ability of brain to analyze too much hatred then your mental attitude become biased with biased cannot see the reality so in order to utilize human brain proper they see your mind emotion level must be unbiased whether you like it or not your mind remain unbiased then try to see the reality reality from one angle you cannot see the reality we must use our intelligence to see the thing from Posada three dimensions or six dimensions then you get full a picture of the reality with death knowledge or then pursue your effort become realistic too much anger you can't see the reality then all sorts of destructive sort of measure or method I may use a result what disaster anything which is also positive which you want to achieve that must be realistic approach so in order to use realistic approach combined very important okay so now that one level of you see how to develop happiness joyfulness and less stress that just to explore or utilize basic human nature enter seven billion human being have the same potential No so thousand-year-old Indian tradition the secular India according Indian understanding secular means respect or and also respect non-believer now today's world out of seven billion 1 billion non-believer so this secular ethics not based on religion if we pursue that way it cover enter thank you and trans over seven billion beam this is fundamental level than all religion we human creation were created so human as I met earlier this in nature human being a passionate and compassion give us peace happiness satisfaction therefore all religion of human being carry the message of love in religious field theory of religion non test were a tease religion non-theistic religion the all both was the main message is love now according to the religion mainly due to Christian tradition that Islam and some Hindu but basically this judo Christian is from this tradition which developed in Middle East the concept of God Creator God as a creator that also very powerful let it go this is nobody say God as a sort of Emre God nobody say that God infinity love so we all children of such father infinity love so that give us acting so the forceful sort of concept we should be compassionate because our Father God is infinite love and enter seven billion being children of same father same God wonderful then non-theistic religion III I want to have more discussions interaction of so briefly then non-theistic religion such as one part of a son Jason over 3,000 years in in this country I develop Sankhya philosophy and then Jennison then after that Buddhism these three Indian tradition you see consider a life no beginning that we call a soul or self no beginning so therefore concept of rebirth concern of karma now come so no creator or life no beginning so that's non-theistic tradition and within that the Jennison at the sanghas 'm they have the view of independent self you call ARMA Atma so beside this physical and mind there is some independent permanent oneness deaths Atma then only Buddha Dharma I'll say no such independent absolute self the tradition according or said who believed the Atma then Buddhist philosophy is near ISM no creator no God no independent self or Atma but then Buddhism are not maturity at firstly put the taught are not much theory then eventually of course Pali tradition also you see carry the message of an Atma and then Sanskrit tradition particularly Sanskrit tradition you see a lot of argument between the concept of Atma and enormous the purpose or reason of Allah smart theory is try to tackle or emotion one my friend one American as a commentator however back when I first met him his age already 84 now his age I think 100 year a wonderful person not religious but I think scientists and remained a his solo experience come from he'll deal with patient who too much stress due to anger so few decades he did such sort of person proper minded people then he concluded when person too much and and distress worried and then the object which they feel angry the object appears very negative but the reality actually 90% of that negativeness is mental projection now this register as a conclusion as a result of long periods of work this exactly Indian master Nagarjuna exactly mentioned that the very purpose of today no Atma self is mere desolated and then furthermore nothing independently exists nothing exists as appears so that understanding now the direct antidote the very basis of exaggeration mental projection so therefore the ultimate theory just but very relevant to tackle this emotion which actually much cause for exaggeration like that now quantum physics quite similar that of an island slow thought one Cheeta mantra school of thought another multi mega school of thought you see things does not exist as ApS things never suppose they exist objectivity but observer interacted Thibodeau observe also but there are things there also were no longer things no longer there that exactly digital mantras philosophy mentioned that so these things you see in order to tether our emotion destructive emotion because destructive emotion entirely based on appearances they cause the opposite way and the top three and the dog of that not remain as appears but go deeper level then nothing exists by objectively by independently so now here I also have some experience I'm the I repeat student of Nagarjuna so the history nothing independent they exist you see that really very very helpful to reduce this cause of the standing of negative emotion so so that's one way you see to bring inner peace happiness joyfulness so for that now we need a study therefore I usually describe we are the follower of nonlinear tradition mainly like an original area Sangha and so on you see these ancient Indians two thinkers philosopher they really investigate about nature of emotion once they realize vision nature of the emotion destructive emotion which is distorted the reality distorted reality so try to explain the very nature of the reality this is one thing wisdom sight then I think Sanskrit word oh boy the Perga this is Perga sight now the oh boy aside Ravi said that there was both really extent to explain self-centered attitude is the key factor to create a lot of anxiety a lot of negative emotions such as anger all these things so the antidote of that from oh boy aside is the metal sizer oh by all metal site is you see the altruism as I mention earlier the wisdom sight exploit our because our utilize of brain our intelligence then metal site exploit howl madness so the what city altruism others well-being say more important than your own well-being through this practice even you see some practice all you give and take take others pain that are suffering give your own sort of certain sort of the positive things give them mentally practice that meditate or that that very helpful see to strengthening altruism and reduce the self-centered attitude so because of that that we usually usually when we refer other sentient being we usually say mother sentient being and sentient being they say is actually say very basis of your own well-being when we talk about limitless sentient being the other plexus not erect sorrow or connection only this crack see at which and aggressive disorder services a system and within that own in this planet within this planet the limitless insects fish animals no language we cannot communicate only prayer so then finally when we concern we are training the sense of console of well-being of anti-matter sudden being then practice level seven billion human being on this planet so we have the language we have same potential as I mentioned earlier so see in practical level the city try to share one's own experience at these views to human brothers sisters there's now only possibility no other cells being difficult like that so that's Buddhist in general particularly knowledge the tradition how to take a destructive emotion then how to extend the name on hotness that brings receive the invented Leopard emotional level complete peace even though you surround some problems but you have the ability to keep peace okay like that so that's I think few levels first level as a circular cellular ethics then second level religion irrespective whether theistic or non-theistic all carry a message over now then another sort of level Buddhist concept no kata are independent self because selfish very much littered with that and and all these ridges dead so so there's just might report how to sort of bring joy happiness and less stress like that now some questions question the answer [Applause] this is gia turn draw holiness I wanted to ask you that sometimes we take decisions and they feel they are ok because it is for what we believe to be the greater good is that true or is it just a way of easing our conscience I think here firstly the goal which you want you see that is something positive to other something beneficial to other that's important not harming other that's core you should think your thinking is really compassionate thinking or not number one number two method to achieve that as I mentioned earlier we should follow to achieve that good goal but methods should be realistic so think so now for example I always strong the importance of secular ethics I am Buddhist as I already mentioned I practice these things I really you see have the experience transform about my emotion through this Buddhist practice but meantime I never stayed in position is best the different people the different managers position they say judging their own way of thinking their own disposition like medicine you cannot say one medicine this is the best medicine you cannot say judging individual patient he saw her illness and physical condition just judging all this factor then can describe this medicine is best for you so similarly development a disposition so you cannot say one religion is best I never stayed Buddhism is best for me but it is best but different people the phenomenon disposition then according their own method disposition they should choose the suitable sort of religion does much effective much better so like that goal is perfect good you after analyze this very good beneficial to other then you should analyze method more realistic is that like I feel the Iraq war the President Bush his motivation is good goal is good but method wrong like that that I feel yes okay I feel possible on the basis of basic human nature as advanced earlier more compassionate and say not I think basically at of course part one the nature of mind or emotion but basic nature is passionate dad stay for the basis then use human intelligence properly what's the value of anger was the value of jealousy or frustration then you will realize so anger is no good other hand compassion tolerance forgiveness these things really ended all of this destructive emotion use our intelligence then you can change okay I think animal without this brain you cannot do that we human being this intelligence we have the ability to change some emotion those are the lesson or some emotion the emotion that you see the compassion and anger is a contradiction khadija to each other so therefore logically the contradictory serve the emotion another emotion increase than other emotion reduce and then important thing is all destructive emotion very much a little bit short-sighted narrow-minded the positive emotion all have the very sound basis therefore the destructive emotion come spontaneously but not much sound based the positive emotion we can train we the religious word we can meditate on it we cannot meditate on anger we can make we can meditate on compassion so the lava come see familiarize and come not much rosada familiarize where come here but positive emotion firstly actually sharing some knowledge from hearing now this actively Indian tradition in the tradition they the understanding on first level is hearing then that point you already sort of heard now think analyze analyze that we call Vipassana at the in order to carry persona properly you see you also is a single pointed mind they're combined with single pointed mind that schemata and analytical sorrow general as of the analyzation that's wave asana combined that the positive emotion then much of a familiarize bring conviction on the second level of understanding through analyze or even through experiment then your understanding is very deep that brings conviction then that second level then familiarize that a conviction day by day month by month year by all human Casa Mar madrasah or decays indicates you want to long according secular sort of way you're on to something different we Buddhists Casati limitless te on summary so this I think too long too long so therefore now decade by decade familiarize these things then really effect so the change or transformation of our emotion very possible then this method is not just a prayer not just a faith but analyze Oh then the real transformation of our emotion very possible that much I also have some experience now over 50 60 years I see is the sort of thinking firstly learning secondly analyze analyze including scientific sort of of casa da finding combine like canto feces and as I already mentioned this emotions such as anger is a very mature manner based on mental projection like that say I am this is not the I really now notice the knowledge tradition Buddha himself you see told us o my follower monks scholars should not accept my teaching out of faith but rather thorough investigation and because I experiment so some knowledge the master like a Nagarjuna and generality now they actually rejected some Buddhist own teaching and put us all sort of sutra they say if you accept this sutra literally read that goes against reason so we must reach that dance I think so therefore I usually describing buddha shakyamuni 2600 years ago but the Shakyamuni was one aspect of that person is great Tinga greater philosopher he taught quantum physics in his teaching the historical tradition he clearly mentioned about quantum physics that one you see he a versus experiment or research therefore he I also can I consider him one aspect of that person is ancient Indian scientist not that so therefore the reasoning not just faith on quotation no even Buddhist on for the word we must analyze it goes against reason then we have we have the Liberty to reject so like that so therefore you see this Kasota and they give me another so familiarize then gradually change our emotion like that so we change our emotion we must utilize freely about our intelligence that is really important ok next question how to get the strength when your loved one passes away specifically from ulta how to cope up with the loss of a mother firstly as I mention earlier we should be realistic so then any living thing including flowers and our body see this beginning this end quite logical so there's birth that there is death so that is part of our life you see mentally or that is part of our life so now they tell you look dead mental attitude very helpful actually sort of death come then you already sort of accepted this part of our life number one then some of your close friend passed away then instead of worry sadness you see you should develop determination now I have the responsibility to fulfill the late person's wish when my tutor passed away usually I consider my tutor like solid rock I can lean lean on it when my tutor little mature and passed away then now I lost that very sad but I try to translate that sadness to bring the source of my determination now my tutor no longer there now I have the responsibility to fulfil his wish so that sadness translate because of further determination or willpower so that you can do your dear friend or husband wife like that or children or parent you should tip that way just sad worried sad sad if the late person some way to know that then that so later your friend also feel more worried but if you call sadness there but you see that transform the or the addition of your determination your sort was a place I will fulfill my late friends wish then that they a late person if we to know then feel happy I said my friend now really carry also the determination to fulfill my wish ok degree that lie okay now fashion how do you decide which thought to take the easy path with a short success or a part which is very risky and you don't know what's going to be the end that's difficult to say here [Laughter] but again as I mentioned earlier analyzed thoroughly analyze and use our wisdom fully before take decision no hurry if there is time of course if mad draw coming then not much time to analyze you have to protect yourself of course so if there's time analyze analyze that's important then wrong period are quite rosada I mean no matter how long it take analyze analyze and also asks your friend your trusted friend not artificial friend then once you decide then you know hesitation followed that I usually do that particularly like 1959 when seriously sort of situation come I asked including mice Weaver what to do listen their view and of course officials also asked i never sort of took the decision immediately ask us us then I myself is analyzed then we also have one method or say definitions are a divination and also some mysterious things we have Oracle's so as or aha so then finally a certain sort decision I sort of decide then no hesitation go still appointed mind so that's important after sort of decided decision still you has a deep cause over Latini or doubt or then difficult narration why do innocent and good people suffer unfortunately it is true now middle billions of poor people I think completely narrated by those people who have some sort of means to help these people look Middle East laggy Yemen Syria and also some African states even within this country some very very poor people there so this clearly indicate we are lacking moral principle based on compassion and also short-sighted like that so therefore this is right now education now existing education system is brought from West mainly education in this country is introduced by Patricia so in the West I think modern education started perhaps I am NOT expert historian but it seems to me around two hundred years before that monastery or religious group Nunnally they take about education in India also in previously this monastery carried a was the education also so eventually science develop technology develop so then it become clear we need separate education institution so at that time I think moral ethics carried by monastery or nunnery the newly developed education sort of institution then look after science terminology T's and economy these fields so perhaps 200 years ago at that time maybe quite over balance and then gradually the influence of religion reduce we can see in America or in Europe also there's a big monastry now mg no monk no nuns like that so they interest religion I think less and less so now separate education institution and lon nor should take the responsibility about you see the moral ethics moral principle ethics so I always now appealing now the existing so-called modern education should include the education about our inner value that now as I already mentioned modern education only care of our brain not hard not warm hotness now I this is I call I describing the hygiene of physical actually in our education field - of physical their education about now we need hydrogen of emotion because now very healthy body too much emotions not good and even suicide come as it sometimes the teaching to ladies the beautiful face but angry face not any beauty is it so therefore real beauty is in a beauty not some kind of cosmic debris something that's very sort of sort of superficial so the real beauty is in a beauty I have one story usually mentioning sometimes you see in early 61 monk official say very very trusted one of really devoted brain dedicated photo official so after he we reach India then he disrupt and I tease him or your wife not so sort of attractive I teach him the dishes responses external appearance not as of the attractive but internal beauty is very good so then I have no further argument with him so I now hydrogen of emotion bring in a piece the inner peace there loving-kindness there the beauty beautiful face automatically come so therefore now modern education very much oriented about a material value material value related with sensorial experiences as I mentioned before another also is the same experience now we have this intelligence so therefore our education should deal our intelligence or this deeper level of emotion that not based on faith according Indian understand Indian tradition secular way so existing modern education should include education of what our inner value in that respect these days us now ITIL ideal these years I sort of stressing so ancient Indian knowledge about our emotion and how to tackle this emotion which I already mentioned these things are come from Indian tradition even use it before Buddha come this country they practice tradition of schemata a tradition of Vipassana already de Buddha himself product of that Indian tradition Indian tradition I think over 3,000 years so therefore these Indian ancient Indian tradition I think that not only ancient one but where is relevant today's world so now this was no other country difficult but this country simply modern education plus ancient your knowledge about in a world aboard mind about emotion not considered as a part of religion but consider as a part of academic subject the healthy body plus healthy mind so heightened of physical similarly hisin of emotion now you have all this material but what thousand years there now this must now combined with modern education including science or now scientists also now have lot of agreement with ancient Indian thought these days I sort of publicly mentioning the vessel psychology compare ancient Indian psychology then morton's ecology looks like kindergarten level Rama then Indians of psychology highly developed so this and with that thousand-year-old ahimsa ahimsa is act of Karuna at this country over two thousand years the message of ahimsa message of Karuna there with that a secular concept not imposing one's own faith on utter no complete freedom of religious freedom and respect all religion and I think today India is the really example different religious tradition can live together this really wonderful particularly at a time now conflict in the name of religion now they're very sad any conflict share Sony same guru or say Mohammed same Cora but then fighting killing and Christian even the Christian in Northern Ireland I have been some okay a few occasions there Catholic protested see they follow all same Jesus Christ same Bible but you said like that so these things when we saw these things then I really feel oh goodness of India's tradition religious harmony and Sikhism over here some some sick Chatterjee oh yes yeah yeah yeah I really admire Guru Nanak you see he I think Hindu background but took pretty much to Mecca and in Sikhism not much sort of say about what's a day a caste system wonderful so have Johar teaching this SATA G it looks very awful drops but your tradition very liberal so engineers so I think the education in what how to tackle our emotion how to tell you our mind like schemata the person on these things not only ancient one but today's world very much relevant now strictly circular way not contrast of religion so that's important so I think India I feel it can make certain contribute for world peace dating emotion world peace will never be I will never carry by weapon only peace of mind in that matter the Indians tradition dealing with destructive emotion and bring in a piece now that's the ultimate source of world peace so now I think the visual being actually I took generally human being I think factor about violence look II Rock crisis about to start the demonstration against violence or war from Australia Europe and after America millions of people come out express against yeah so I think the I I'm one of the admirer of European Union and century through centuries France and Germany of killing each other fighting war but then after Second World War under the leadership of de Gaulle under decision Edina they develop a European Union through hundred years you see enemy but new circumstances common interest is is more important so then eventually European Union develop look India also this is India South India West India not India see a different language different script even some Tamil people say their language is better than Hindi but doesn't matter you see people different language different script but live Indian Union wonderful really wonderful I feel two years ago in East India because of money pours over a mana pool whenever on meeting with some media people one asked me about the independence of Manipur then I mentioned India or between population the different places different culture different language but a common interest common benefit much better remain Union I mentioned that so with this sort of breathing even is my our own case Tibet was seventh century eighth century ninth century according historian tippet independent country no question three Empire Chinese Empire Tibetan Empire Mughal Empire a very cool but now the treated century enter the first century I think other countries now thinking Union or company interest so we also should common interest so therefore the around mid seventies we decide we decided not a singing separation of independence remain with the people's world with China meantime we should have positive positive right to preserve our own culture our language and particularly also with tradition it's really and now I realize symbolism come from India but the now I think genuine Buddhist sort of tradition we kept non-indian we Tibetan kept all these knowledge of masters or her seed a thought so now um China about four hundred millions Buddhists many Buddhist now really are so they have this sort of recognition Tibetan Buddhism is genuine and endure tradition authentic another tradition so no more Chinese now following or showing interest study twenty position and some of them in order to learn Tibetan Buddhism they are also showing interest to learn the pattern language like that so in a money matter we can ask China since we remain people from China bring more money more money more money this they are responsibilities in economic field you see they are sources a responsibility and they have the potential to have material development constructions all these things the spiritual side we can help them truly in China historically Buddhist country the disciple of Indian tradition truly so therefore therefore you see remain in Union I fit that so therefore now if I always see telling the European Union that kind of a Union eventually should develop in Africa African Union then South American Union if Africa too big whole Africa Union for the time being difficult then you can see northern Africa South Africa also East and West like that somewhere reunion I think very important to develop then this internal conflict and within the country some militant thinking as a through education should develop broad-minded a common interest than these things I think a few states this spend a lot of money for weapon creation weapons responsibilities create getting violence eventually world whole world should be demilitarized war see any problem which do to Shiva beings sort of different views different sort of interest that's the source of violence or war that can resolve by weapon try to try to use some force then out of violence automatic data then that violence control or physical cannot control our mind only dialogue respect their interest and try to solve the solution through mutually a temporal solution that's the only way so therefore I describing this to the first century should be center of dialogue whenever some disagreement potential of violence come dialog so then eventually I think step-by-step firstly active in nuclear weapon should Kasota should should free nuclear weapon some time ago you see in in Italy Nobel laureate meeting I think two years ago a meeting take place I also there then I mentioned the now we should have some kind of timetable within two years or three four years world should be free of nuclear weapon once we set up timetable then worldwide movement to achieve that then we can implement just Express world free nuclear weapon just Express that this is not much sort of effect so I mentioned that but nothing happened so that's the first step then gradually our city offensive weapon should eliminate then so then you see as a human society some mischievous people always there so maybe the mobile small force we have a need can shift and then eventually that also you see can be more as a multi nations force like that it's possible so therefore these are sort of visions I think many of you I think may agree so we need some kind of vision we have this brain have the ability to think or to create visions then step by step with patience with determination can have a can you achieve not immediately this achievement through prayer I don't think achieve we at least act in 3000 years including Buddhist what in two thousand years will pray to children as important mas ANCA but sometimes we do not know what's Dharma government's action motivation so change come through change of emotion change of behavior then we achieve Buddhahood not just the prayer so Buddha Shinigami international by Jami Samuel sandwich I mean without knowing what is Dharma then useless to say Adam Shinigami we should know mainly narada cessation of suffering then they method to achieve that these two things are genuine real Dharma that must develop here not just a prayer so I think the several thousand years we human being pre pre pre pre pre I think I'm not satisfied result so depend on our action this is sometimes he said like shear brothers sisters and Sunni brothers sisters you support pray to Allah Allah Allah Allah but then I think sometimes I jokingly you see telling some sort of people or Allah may confuse the shear side pray to him peace or to win the suicide also pray to Allah how to how to send His blessing to Shia site or the SonoSite difficult so Christian and Muslim some conflict I think God difficult to send his blessing this site order site so so the data to truly I believe you see if but the Jesus Christ Muhammad come and we are bring peace on this planet then I think definitely Buddha and Jesus Christ and the Mohammed certainly will say who craves violence not my god but you human being so now human being have the responsibility to be to bring peace we create a lot of violence meantime pray to God is it logical okay now last question are all my actions coming from selfishness do they have a cell to your purpose can you just wave thank you a trim everything that we do for others don't we do it for ourselves at the very basis better way to achieve happy individual so other more orcid a positive attitude does this Saturday was booked the sixth chapter particular non this this point is it's chapter very detailed argument mentioned here so these days I use edges by nature taking care of yourself so that kind of saucer fish should be wiser fish rather than a foolish selfish take care yourself and only thing to yourself is foolish we are social animal now today's world several in beings interrelated East dependent west us deferred East similarly north and assault like that so this reality just thinking oneself don't care what other is unrealistic individual level a family level also if you take only your own wish your own desire don't care about other then if you married person then eventually you have to face divorce so you see you have to sort of take care about others feeding others views so that sort of bigger bigger bigger firstly individual the best way to take care about individual you should take a more your family your family's best interest is your family should take care about in your community I was told some my new friend the suicide rate in city much higher than a country site the reason very clear and countryside farmers they have stronger sense of community there one family some problem they always feed I can ask this family that family occasionally they work together so sense of community much stronger then big city you may have big salary but your best friend is money not human being so therefore some real sort of problems happened you feel helpless lonely so I myself also use it as a practitioner of bodhichitta or altruism now I I already consider seven billion beings my brothers sisters so with this feeling wherever I go whenever I meet people I always feel the cross if I am versus or stress I'm Buddhist I'm Dalai Lama or she's holy is as a 14th green to 14th Dalai Lama if I emphasis that then out of 7 billion being only one Dalai Lama then I feel lonely when I stress are I am one of the seven billion being then plenty of brothers sisters so no film of loneliness like that so therefore that also one example data you get maximum benefit think oneself selfish narrow minded then lot of stress a lot of fear or a loneliness feeling okay [Applause] thank you thank you those people who have some sort of acid a Quezada genuine interest then try to implement as much as you can and in order to increase the enthusiasm the implementation about these things you should study you should read ancient Indian orcid a text very important so then your experience when you gain some experience try to share with your friend that is way to transform our society the initiative initiative must start from individual than one individual share with ten people each ten people share their friends that means hundred people ten thousand ten thousand hundred thousand there's the way to transform our societies sort of certain way of thinking which in a value then all your professions can be much useful positive way certainly reduce cheating other people bully other people like that so that way I think eventually our long-term aim is we should create compassionate humanity firstly India should read because this knowledge already part of your knowledge now pay more attention so this country I think most populated democratic country in a modern time because of that in the himsa these things India comparatively much sort of stable much peaceful so therefore you can make certain sick Kasota cities are certain Canada a significant contribution for world peace like that so now think you should you should sort of develop also the self-confidence should not develop bright or a look down other not that way but to some kind of so self-confidence or we have rich cultural heritage we have the potential to create inner peace through inner peace world peace so we have the opportunity we have the moral responsibility to serve world peace not just lip service but through action thank you [Applause]
Channel: Dalai Lama
Views: 168,910
Rating: 4.8756685 out of 5
Keywords: dalai, lama, talk, address, question, answer, happy, happiness, stress, free, iit, institute, technology, delhi, india, 2018
Id: mTfQq6sX61U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 17sec (5297 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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