The Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic Miniature Paint Review! Is the HyPe Real?

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well the internet's a buzz right now everybody is talking about Army painter fanatic and I'm one of the lucky few that was able to try this paint out I've had it for about a month or so and I want to give you guys my thoughts on it what's going on guys it's Richard here from Crash Course hobbies and today we're talking Army painter fanatic now like a lot of you I think out there I started with army painter as my first paint about 3 years ago when I got into the hobby I started with a little small like 10 paint Army painters starter set and then from there ended up bu the 50 uh paints War paints what is it the mega set box and I use those for like a solid year or so and used the majority of the colors and painted a couple of different armies and so I'm pretty well versed with what the old war paints were like a lot of people give them a lot of flak and when in terms of coverage and kind of having to fight the paint and stuff like that there are you know a certain amount of colors that are not good and a certain amount of colors that are fine but you know there's definitely some issues and I do want to start off this by applauding Army painter for acknowledging that their product had flaws and engaging the community to work with them to make improvements to ultimately put out something better and I think if all the companies out there started to kind of emulate this we're going to be looking really solid moving forward in the hobby space so let's talk about what I did to test this paint so I've got just the basic 11 paint starter set and inside this box you get seven acrylic paints you get two metallics you get the strong tone wash and a brush on primer they also throw in a brush and then a little mini for you so you've got something to kind of get started there and um that's basically what you get so it was a little bit of a limited palette that I'm working with here you know I don't have a purple uh don't have an orange and a lot of this is going to require some mixing to really just use only The Fanatic paints I have been sprinkling it in throughout all my kind of normal projects I've been using the gold a lot the black and then some of the other colors where I can get away away with it just to kind of give them a little bit more testing but for the initial testing and the purposes of this video I gave myself the challenge of using this very limited palette to come up with a cool uh color scheme for this to fire warrior I quickly found out that this kind of exercise and using a limited palette was not only a really fun experience but it also gave me an opportunity to test these paints better than I originally thought I was going to be able to it gave me a chance to see how they perform by requiring me to use a variety of techniques that utilized every single color I recently painted a bunch of towels so I at least have a pretty good understanding of what I wanted to do to make this model look good but I needed to figure out how to make these colors do more interesting things and not just have it end up looking like a clown Fiesta the first thing I noticed in putting it on the wet palette is that the uh paint itself is a little bit thicker than the older War paints and the consistency is very similar to something like Theo if you used those you do need to thin them down a little bit so it's more on the thicker side than something like Pro acryl which is a little bit more thin right out of the bottle I like this though because the medium is very creamy and feels very nice to use I would almost say I know Vallejo gets compared to being very creamy a lot of the time and I would say that this is even more so it feels very nice to use right off the brush and it thins down really well now if you're wondering why this particular model looks a little bit Jank it's because I got it in a trade and I ended up using it as a test model which is why it already has the cloth colored in although this is really good as it lets us test the coverage now I mixed up a nice gray by combining the blue and brown that went over all of the cloth and even using a thin down mix I was able to cover this in a single coat quite nicely after that I went over the armor all over with just straight Blue from here a little yellow and green made a nice pop of bright color to color in the Insignia on the shoulder pad I want to stress that the medium in particular on these Army paints fanatic are a joy to work with I don't feel like I'm fighting the paint at all which makes them so freeing to work with and it's such a ni day difference between the old army painter paints now the real highlight of this challenge for me no pun intended was GL blazing in the highlights on this armor Not only was it gratifying to be able to mix up a really cool turquoise highlight with these limited colors and have it actually work but Army painter fanatic is really good for glazing and that's one thing that as somebody who's primarily been using Pro acry for the last 2 years that's the one gripe I have about their paints is that they're so pigment dense that they're very difficult to kind of thin down into easy to work with glazes whereas the war paint fanatic I feel like is in the perfect spot to be kind of in the middle to where it glazes really nice but it also has good coverage if you don't thin it down too much and much like advertised the coverage on the fanatic paints is really good out of the bottle and as you can see here I tested it on some bases just like they do in their marketing videos just to kind of verify that those are on the level and then out of curiosity I grabbed some Pro acry and put those next to it in as close of colors as I could get to match what I had and I found that the Army painter fanatic paints actually covers slightly better than the proac cry which surprised me now this is with a single coat and I did thin the The Fanatic paints down to match the consistency of the pro acry paints now the metallics I've only got two to test out and there's going to be way more in the full range but from what I'm seeing the coverage is really nice the Finish looks good I've been using the gold on my neck rounds pretty much exclusively since I got it and it's replaced retributor armor for me which I've been using quite a bit as my favorite gold and I feel like it's kind of right on par with that um and it's pretty good what's what else is say it's gold paint it's pretty good so look there's a lot of bigger YouTube hobby channels out there than myself that are going to do way more comprehensive reviews that you know your their opinion of paints is obviously going to be way more for you and have more weight than me who you know I'm a smaller fish out there in the YouTube Pond who knows what I'm talking about but I do have a ton of experience in reviewing products that was my primary channel uh on my tech Channel um you know you know many years back and so I have a lot of experience with that I will say that I think these are very very promising and they're performing better than I anticipated I was cautiously optimistic but you know I was a little bit worried that the hyp machine's a dangerous thing you know it it builds up a lot and we tend to really get our hopes up and things will overpromise and underd deliver but in the case of a war paints fanatic I think that they are very good paints and the best thing about this is that Army painter already has the distribution set up to really make an impact for newer hobbyists and people that are getting into the hobby that you know they're going to be everywhere and so whether you're looking to get new paints fill out a range that you already have or whatever it might be you know I think this is going to be really good because you know younger hobbyists newer people that are getting into it Army painters everywhere so chances are they're going to buy the old war paints they may not perform as good they may not have as much fun painting and so just seeing a company take the time to reinvent themselves come out with a better product and can not be happy with just being mediocre is a great thing I applaud Army painter for that I'm really looking forward to trying more of the fanatic range and I have very high hopes for these paints anyways guys that's it for my quick review of War paints fanatic thanks to Army painter for sending them out to me to try and I definitely look forward to trying out more as well in the future hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on some more of them you should be able to pick these paints up sometime this month I think pre-orders are going up so just keep an eye out for that I'm sure it's going to be all over the internet but as always guys thank you so much for checking this video out and watching my review be sure to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already I've got lots more videos coming for you hit the like button all that good stuff but I will see you in the next one to
Channel: Crash Course Hobbies
Views: 17,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the army painter, new army painter paint, warpaints, warpaints fanatic, army painter fanatic, best miniature paints, pro acryl, speed paint, speed paint 2.0, warpaint, warpaint fanatic, minipainting, miniature painting, mini paints, miniature paints, warpaints fanatic review, worth it, should you upgrade to warpaints fanatic, army painter, warhammer, warhammer 40k, age of sigmar, hobby, vallejo, best mini paints, best mini paints for beginners, best starter paint set, beginner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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